diff --git a/docs/version_control_integration.md b/docs/version_control_integration.md index 2d8bc172eba..0e09854a2e5 100644 --- a/docs/version_control_integration.md +++ b/docs/version_control_integration.md @@ -23,6 +23,11 @@ for your project. See _Black_'s own [pyproject.toml](https://github.com/psf/black/blob/master/pyproject.toml) for an example. +When using the `--diff` flag with `pre-commit`, you must also use the `--check` flag. +When you want to run _Black_ only on specific files in pre-commit, either use +pre-commit's own `files` and `exclude` or, when using _Black_'s `--include`, set +`--force-exclude` to the negated regex of `--include`. + If you're already using Python 3.7, switch the `language_version` accordingly. Finally, `stable` is a branch that tracks the latest release on PyPI. If you'd rather run on master, this is also an option.