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cjdelisle committed Feb 28, 2011
1 parent c52fd5f commit 40d9328
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Showing 2 changed files with 302 additions and 0 deletions.
203 changes: 203 additions & 0 deletions rfcs/DHTStore.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
DHT Store

I would like to propose the addition to DHT of 4 primitive functions. These functions will allow for loading
and storing of small pieces of static or mutable data.
get, put, getm, and putm.

A very simple function which sends a hash and receives a value in return. The value must be hashed
and compared to the requested hash.

A node may choose to lookup only some number of bytes of the beginning of the hash rather than the entire
hash. The first 20 bytes are mandatory and must be sent with the "target" key. Additional bytes of the
hash may be added with the optional "k" dictionary key.

If the responding node finds one or more entries which match the hash prefix provided, it may return
whichever one it likes and if the rest of the hash is incorrect then the requesting node shall ask again
with a larger piece of the hash.
Since over time, hash functions are obsoleted and replaced, the get function should exist for any kind of
hash function. I propose that the function name has an underscore and a protocol identifier appended to
it so get an entry from a SHA-1 key would require get_sha1, it is recommended for DHT coherence that all
nodes support the same set of hashes. Clearly entries hashed with one function should be stored in a
separate "namespace" from entries hashed with a different function.
I propose that all nodes shall support SHA-1 and SHA-256 hash functions. I propose 2 functions so that in
the event that SHA-1 is proven unsuitable for collision free storage, an upgrade to SHA-256 will not take
as long as an entire development release and adoption cycle.
These protocols must be identified by:
get_sha1 -- get request with SHA-1
get_sha256 -- put request with SHA-256
put_sha1 -- get request with SHA-1
put_sha256 -- put request with SHA-256

get_sha256 request:
"a": {
"id": <20 byte ID of sending node>,
"k": <Optional number of bytes which follow the first 20, to be used as a discriminator on lookup.>
"target": <160 high bits of the hash represented as a string.>
"q": "get_sha256",
"t": <transaction-id>,
"y": "q"

In response to a get request where a matching entry is found, the responding node shall return a string
which is no longer than 767 bytes. The node also returns it's own Id, a write token and however many ipv4
and/or ipv6 nodes will fit within the maximum packet size.
The write token does not play the role which it does with announce_peer requests where it attempts to
prevent denial of service by signing someone else up for a torrent. In this case it serves 2 purposes,
#1 It prevents abusive nodes from evading IP blacklists by spoofing source address.
#2 It attaches identity to an announcement since one must be in possession of the IP address which they
announce from, thus discouraging those who would abuse an opportunity to anonymously store things on
other people's hard drives.

get_sha256 response:
"r": {
"v": <A string of length less than 768 whose SHA-256 is equal to the requested "token" + "k">,
"id": <20 byte id of sending node>,
"token": <write-token>,
"nodes": <n * compact IPv4-port pair>,
"nodes6": <n * compact IPv6-port pair>
"t": <transaction-id>,
"y": "r"

A put request is used to store a static piece of data in the hash table. It must be less than 768 bytes
in length. This limit is to prevent abuse of the table which is meant only for discovery but also to
limit the feasibility of storing legally problematic or morally troubling content.
Any attempt to store more than this size string should be met with an error message.
The storing node generates a hash and bounces it back as a confirmation that it did actually store the
content and it received it all correctly.

put_sha256 request:
"a": {
"id": <20 byte ID of sending node>,
"v": <A string of length less than 768>
"q": "put_sha256",
"token": <write-token as obtained by previous request>,
"t": <transaction-id>,
"y": "q"

put_sha256 response:
"r": {
"id": <20 byte id of sending node>,
"k": <The entire hash of "v" as computed by the storing node.>
"t": <transaction-id>,
"y": "r"

In order to be able to have syndication feeds, one needs to be able to have entries whose IDs are static
while their content is mutable. Mutable content requires cryptographic public key signature to verify the
changes to the content. I propose that the getm function like the get function has an underscore and a
protocol identifier appended to it. Getting mutable data which is signed with ECDSA using curve nistp256
will be done with: getm_dsap256. If a node who supports ECDSA with nistp256 is issued a getm request for
a protocol which it does not support, it must not return an entry even if it has an entry which matches
the id. If a node supports multiple protocols then it must store entries for each protocol in a separate
namespace lest a broken protocol be used to overwrite entries for an unbroken protocol.

As with get, a requesting node may send a request with only some number of bytes of the beginning of the
key. If the responding node has one or more entries for that key then she shall send whichever one she
likes. If the requesting node cannot validate the signature on the item then he may ask again with a
larger segment of the key.

I propose that every node support ECDSA with NISTp256 and RSA-2048. Whether or not point compression
should be used is a matter for debate but the worst case is RSA-2048 which will contain a 256 bytes for
key and 256 for signature in the putm message, the value itself may be as much as 767 bytes and the
node id will add another 20. The packet size will still only be 1299 and has 175 bytes of space for
miscellaneous entries and bencoding overhead before reaching the common MTU of 1500
(including IP and UDP headers). mget packets will necessarily be smaller than mput packets since the key
is omitted and the requests which comprise the majority of the packets will be even smaller since they
can omit most of the key from the request. In comparison with the gigantic RSA-2048 keys, 64 byte
uncompressed p256 keys seem tiny.
These protocols must be identified by:
getm_dsap256 -- getm request with ECDSA-NISTp256
getm_rsa2048 -- putm request with RSA-2048
putm_dsap256 -- getm request with ECDSA-NISTp256
putm_rsa2048 -- putm request with RSA-2048

getm_dsap256 request:
"a": {
"id": <20 byte ID of sending node>,
"k": <Optional additional bytes of the key to discriminate which entry to get.>
"target": <160 high bits of the key represented as a string>
"q": "getm_dsap256",
"t": <transaction-id>,
"y": "q"

getm_dsap256 response:
"r": {
"v": <A string of length less than 768 whose signature matches the requested key>,
"sig": <A string representation of a signature on the content of the string "v">,
"seq": <An integer which represents the version number of the content>,
"id": <20 byte id of sending node>,
"token": <write-token>,
"nodes": <n * compact IPv4-port pair>,
"nodes6": <n * compact IPv6-port pair>
"t": <transaction-id>,
"y": "r"

A putm request is used to store a mutable piece of data in the hash table. The stored data must be less
than 768 bytes in length as with "put". If the storing node already has a valid entry signed with the
same key and the stored entry's sequence number ("seq") is greater than or equal to the sequence number
in the announced entry then the storing node does not store the entry but instead responds with an
error message. The storing node must do signature verification on the entry before storing it and if
verification fails then it must not store the entry and instead return an error message.

putm_dsap256 request:
"a": {
"id": <20 byte ID of sending node>,
"seq": <An integer which represents the version number of the content>,
"v": <A string of length less than 768>,
"sig": <A signature on the sequence number and value>
"k": <The entire key which is used to sign the value "v" and the sequence number "seq">
"q": "putm_dsap256",
"token": <write-token as obtained by previous request>,
"t": <transaction-id>,
"y": "q"

putm_dsap256 response:
"r": {
"id": <20 byte id of sending node>,
"t": <transaction-id>,
"y": "r"

Signature verification:
In order to make it maximally difficult to attack the bencoding parser, signing and verification of the
value and sequence number should be done as follows:
1. encode value and sequence number separately
2. concatenate "3:seq" and the encoded sequence number and "1:v" and the encoded value.
3. sign or verify the result.
sequence number 1 of value "Hello World!" would be converted to: 3:seqi1e1:v12:Hello World!
In this way it is not possible to convince a node that part of the length is actually part of the
sequence number even if the parser contains certain bugs. Furthermore it is not possible to have a
verification failure if a bencoding serializer alters the order of entries in the dictionary.

Without re-announcement, these entries should expire in twice as long as normal peer announcements.
The logic for making them last longer is that they are more static in nature. It is up to the developer
who designs a protocol based on these primitives to decide whether subscribers will re-announce or whether
the publisher will do all announcing.
99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions rfcs/HonestID.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
Node ID Honesty - Request for Comments

Please direct comments at:
#dns-p2p on efnet
#cjdns on efnet
#bittorrent on freenode
cjd on efnet
calebdelisle [at) lav@bit dot c0m

This proposed protocol attempts to offer DHT nodes the means to prove to each other that they chose their
IDs randomly. Furthermore it attempts to offer mobility and resist IP address spoofing attacks by avoiding
reliance on the integrity of the IP network for confidence. A side effect is that this protocol provides
confidentiality and integrity of DHT communications.

Creating a node ID:
The node will generate a public/private key pair using the curve25519 algorithm.
The low 160 bits of the public key will be used as the node id. The remaining 96 bits will be referred to
as the "key prefix" it is needed in order to authenticate messages from a node and thus must be passed in
find_node and get_peers responses.
TODO: Understand whether curve25519 public keys will be random enough to satisfy requirements for the
DHT protocol.

When Alice asks Bob for directions to Zack, Bob predictably provides the node IDs and IP addresses of 8
nodes who he knows and are closest to Zack. Bob must also provide the key prefixes of those of the nodes who
support Honest ID.

Bob sends Alice a typical "find_node" or "get_peers" response except an extra key is added to the table:
"r": {
"nodes": "<Charlie'sID+IPAddr:port><Dave'sId+IpAddr:port><Elinor'sId+IpAddr:port>..."
"hi": "<bitmask><Charlie'sKeyPrefix><Elinor'sKeyPrefix>"
The "hi" key looks up a string and the first byte in the string is a bitmask. Since no more than 8 nodes are
ever sent, the bitmask will tell Alice which nodes the key prefixes belong to. If Bob sends 3 nodes, where
nodes one and three support Honest ID and number two doesn't, the bitmask would read 10100000 and the
key prefixes would be in the same order as the nodes.

When Alice wants to send a message to one of the nodes who we will call Charlie, Alice
composes her message and enciphers it with a secret generated from her private key, Charlie's public key,
and an 8 byte nounce. Alice derives Charlie's public key from Charlie's key prefix and node id as provided
by Bob, then she prepends her public key and finally prepends a single byte null pad.

[0x00][Alice's Public key][nounce][Alice+Charlie crypto-authed message]

When Charlie receives the message, he determines that it is encrypted by the first byte being null.
He then reads the next 32 bytes as Alice's public key and generates a shared secret using it and his
private key. Then he reads the next 8 bytes as a nounce and using the secret and nounce to decipher the
message. He tags the message with the low 160 bits of Alice's public key as her node id. It is critical
that after the message is fed through the bencoding engine, the message is modified by inserting or
overwriting any node id which Alice may have sent lest Alice encrypt with one ID and insert another in
the message. Since Alice has sent Charlie a valid message, he can be confident that she is honest about
her node id and if she is in his routing table, her entry must be modified to include her key prefix and
the fact that she is known honest.

After handling the message and crafting his reply, Charlie sends his response with the same encoding.

[0x00][Charlie's Public key][nounce][Alice+Charlie crypto-authed message]

After receiving the response, Alice decodes it using the same protocol and now knows that Charlie is
honest because he was able to generate the response.

Packet size overhead:
Although this protocol modification prepends a significant amount of data to each message, packet overhead
is minimal. There is a null byte, a 32 byte public key, and an 8 byte nounce comprising a whopping 41 bytes
but since the receiving party must set the node id in the message to insure integrity, the sending party
may safely omit it. A node id is made of "2id:20" + 20 bytes of id, a total of 27 bytes. Omitting this entry
brings the total overhead down to a measly 14 bytes.
By far the greatest overhead will be in "find_node" and "get_peers" requests which will incur an additional
worst case 96 bytes for the 12 byte key prefixes of the 8 nodes sent plus one byte for the bitmask and
7 bytes for the string key "2hi:97". This overhead is unavoidable without adding a handshake.

Processor overhead:
Curve25519 holds records for Diffie-Hellman key negotiation and in addition, nodes may store the shared
secret for peers whom they talk the most with. Because the public keys are sent with every packet, nodes
need not store anything and can handle all traffic statelessly.

About nounces:
"With an n-bit hash code, there's a roughly 39.3% chance of a collision with 2^n/2 items"
"With one million items and a perfect 64-bit hash function, the chance of getting a collision is 1 in
3.7x107— or roughly half as likely as winning the UK National Lottery jackpot."
Implementations may generate nounces randomly or using a counter. Any implementation which choses to use
a counter must compare the public keys of the 2 nodes as big endian integers and the node possessing the
lesser key shall count odd numbers and the node possessing the greater key shall count even numbers.
Randomly choosing nounces is acceptable and in cases where the nodes are not in the same routing table it
is expected. Clearly there is no additional risk from Alice using a counter and Charlie using random

Enforcing the change:
Rather than simply blacklisting all nodes who do not comply after some arbitrary cutoff date, implementers
should take the more gentle approach of allowing new nodes who implement the protocol to evict old good
nodes from buckets thus promoting the protocol rather than forcing it. It is recommended that nodes rate
limit the eviction of old good nodes lest they have their routing tables flushed by a denial of service
attack while the swarm is in transition. The rate at which old good nodes should be evicted is a topic
in need of research.

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