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Chondro - a library for stability analysis of decision trees


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Chondro - decision tree sensitivity analysis library

This is a library acompying paper: "A framework for sensitivity analysis of decision trees", Central European Journal of Operations Research, March 2018, Volume 26, Issue 1, pp 135–159 by Bogumił Kamiński, Michał Jakubczyk and Przemysław Szufel

Very quick start

from chondro import *
t = load_tree("examples/case1.json")

Library overview

(This is just an overview - the full documentation is available at

Chondro – is an analytical engine that implements the decision tree (DT) sensitivity analysis (SA) algorithms. All the methods support both for separable and non-separable decision trees. Chondro has been developed with the Python3 and has been tested with Anaconda 2.5.1 running Python3 version 3.5.1.

The software can load files stored by the SilverDecisions software (available at or can use an internal JSON format. A DT is presented as a Python dictionary structure with each node described with a type (choice,decision,final), id, value (pay-off), and a list (nodes) containing child nodes. The probability values p (for separable DTs) or identifiers pi (for non-separable DTs) are stored in children nodes of a chance node. Chondro supports non separable DTs through injection of probability values as a dictionary. In order to perform stability and perturbation analysis for non-separable decision trees a function that generates probability dictionary on the base of fundamental probabilities should be provided to a respective algorithm.

It should be noted that Chondro heavily relies on the Python fractions package for numerical computing and hence enables calculation and comparison of the exact values for P-optimal decisions. In this way we managed to avoid numerical problems when expected values at different nodes are equal.

Below you can find a sample separable decision tree and a corresponding JSON representation. The probability and payoff values are given as string rather than number values in order to enable a proper conversion with the fractions module.

A simple decision tree

  "tree": {
    "type":"decision", "id":"d1",
    "nodes": [
        "nodes": [
          {"p":"0.6","type":"final","id":"t1","value": "60" },
          {"p":"0.4","type":"final","id":"t2","value": "30" }        
        "nodes": [
          {"p":"0.7","type":"final","id":"t3","value": "20" },
          {"p":"0.3","type":"final","id":"t4","value": "100" }        
        "nodes": [
          {"p":"0.8","type":"final","id":"t5","value": "40" },
          {"p":"0.2","type":"final","id":"t6","value": "60" }             

A sample non-separable decision tree and a part of the corresponding JSON representation. A simple decision tree

    "tree": {
        "type": "decision", "id": "d1",
        "nodes": [
                "type": "final","label":"sell","id": "t1","value": "800"
                "type": "chance","label":"dig","id": "c1","value": "-300",
                "nodes": [
                        "pi": "gas", "label":"gas",
                        "type": "final", "id": "t2", "value": "2500"
                        "pi": "no_gas", "label":"no_gas",
                        "type": "final", "id": "t3", "value": "0"
                "type": "chance","label":"test","id": "c2","value": "-50",
                "nodes": [
                        "pi": "neg._test", "label":"negative",
                        "type": "decision", "id": "d2",
                        "nodes": [
                                "type": "final", 
                                "id": "t4", 
                                "value": "600"
(... in order to increase readibility only part og tree has been shown ...)

Sensitivity analysis of separable trees

A typical example session with Chondro might consist of the following steps:

  1. create a JSON representation of a DT (either by saving a DT from SilverDecisions or manually creating a JSON file)

  2. Use the function to load a DT to memory

  3. Use the function to calculate optimal decision for the DT. The function supports non-separable trees by accepting a probability dictionary.

  4. perform the sensitivity analysis

The Listing below presents a sample code to solve the decision tree. We first start by loading the module. Next a JSON file is loaded with the function. It should be noted that this function supports JSON files in both internal dictionary format as well as files that can be exported from SilverDecisions software (available at The function solve returns a tuple where the first element is the expected value of DT and the second dictionary of optimal decisions.

from chondro import *

file_name = "example_separable_Fig5.json"
tree = load_tree(file_name)
print ("DT has been solved, the expected value is ev: "+str(ev)+ \
       " reachable decisions: "+str(get_reachable(dec)))


stabi = find_stability(tree,precision=Fraction("1/10000") )
print ("DT stability", stabi)

ress = find_perturbation_mode(tree,precision=Fraction("1/1000"))
print("DT perturbation mode",ress)

ress = find_perturbation_pessopty(tree,precision=Fraction("1/1000"))
for key in ress.keys():
    print ("P_"+key, ress[key])     

Sample output

  *c1:chance (ev=48)
    t1:p=3/5 final [60]
    t2:p=2/5 final [30]
   c2:chance (ev=44)
    t3:p=7/10 final [20]
    t4:p=3/10 final [100]
   c3:chance (ev=44)
    t5:p=4/5 final [40]
    t6:p=1/5 final [60]

Sensitivity analysis of non-separable trees

The Chondro library is capable of processing both separable and non separable trees. Due to much larger computational complexity of non-separable the library has different internal implementation of stability and perturbation algorithms for both tree types. A sample non-separable decision tree has been presented in the first paragraph of this page.

The support for non-separable trees is achieved by providing to the function an additional parameter derived_probs_dict that contains a dictionary of key-probability values that can be injected into pi fields in a decision tree. Hence, there are two differences in processing non-separable DTs compared to separable ones:

  • probabilities in the decision tree are represented as keys rather than values and use pi fields instead of p fields.

  • in order to perform sensitivity analysis a function needs to be provided that transforms fundamental probabilities into dictionary of key-value pairs that can be injected by Chondro into pi fields in a DT

Calculating stability and perturbation requires performing a sweep over a set of fundamental probabilities and providing a function transferring those probabilities into a key-probability dictionary. Hence, the methods , and require providing two additional parameters:

  • derived_probs_lambda - a function that calculates derived probabilities on the base of fundamental ones. The function should return a dictionary where keys are corresponding to pi values in a decision tree.

  • fundamental_probs - a list of initial vales of fundamental probabilities

An example function that calculates probabilities on the base of fundamental ones has been presented below

The initial values for fundamental probabilities is represented as a list of events where each event is described by a list of outcome probabilities. Moreover, if there are $n$ possible outcomes of an event the probabilities of n-1 should be only passed - the last n-th probability will be automatically calculated. For example suppose that we consider two fundamental probabilities result of throwing a coin and a result of throwing a four-sided dice. In that case the fundamental probabilities in Chondro will be presented as: [[0.5],[0.25,0.25,0.25]].

In Listing below an example processing of a non-separable decision tree has been presented. Firstly, fundamental probabilities values need to be defined. Those values can be used to calculate a P-optimal decision. Next, we defined s values representing whether a particular event (for which fundamental probabilities have been given) should be a subject of sensitivity analysis. Finally, we perform the stability analysis - in our computations we limit the maximum considered value of epsilon to 1.

def tree_derived_probs_lambda(probs): 
    p["gas"] = probs[0][0]
    sensitivity = probs[1][0]
    specifity = probs[2][0]
    p["no_gas"] = 1-p["gas"]
    p["pos._test"]=sensitivity*p["gas"]+  \
    p["gas|neg._test"]=(1-sensitivity)*p["gas"]/  \
    return p

from chondro import *

tree = load_tree("exaple_non_separable_fig7.json")
fund_probs = [[Fraction("7/10")],[Fraction("9/10")],[Fraction("7/10")]]
s = [1,0.1,0.1]
stabi = find_stability(tree,tree_derived_probs_lambda, \
          fund_probs,precision=Fraction("1/100"),s=s,max_epsilon=1) )
print ("stability", stabi)
ress = find_perturbation_mode(tree,tree_derived_probs_lambda,\
print("mode perturbation",ress)
ress = find_perturbation_pessopty(tree,tree_derived_probs_lambda,\
         fund_probs,precision=Fraction("1/100"),s=s,max_epsilon=1) )
for key in ress.keys():
    print ("P "+key, ress[key])


Chondro - a library for stability analysis of decision trees







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