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ptaoussanis committed Feb 5, 2013
2 parents e18f3a4 + 4c76cd9 commit de5ab76
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Showing 3 changed files with 102 additions and 70 deletions.
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Current [semantic]( version:

[com.taoensso/timbre "1.3.1"]
[com.taoensso/timbre "1.4.0"]

# Timbre, a (sane) Clojure logging & profiling library
Expand All @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Timbre is an attempt to make **simple logging simple** and more **complex loggin
* Small, uncomplicated **all-Clojure** library.
* **Super-simple map-based config**: no arcane XML or properties files!
* **Decent performance** (low overhead).
* Flexible **fn-centric appender model**.
* Flexible **fn-centric appender model** with **middleware**.
* Sensible built-in appenders including simple **email appender**.
* Tunable **flood control** and **asynchronous** logging support.
* Robust **namespace filtering**.
Expand All @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Timbre is an attempt to make **simple logging simple** and more **complex loggin
Depend on Timbre in your `project.clj`:

[com.taoensso/timbre "1.3.1"]
[com.taoensso/timbre "1.4.0"]

and `use` the library:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ Configuring Timbre couldn't be simpler. Let's check out (some of) the defaults:
:ns-whitelist []
:ns-blacklist []

:middleware [] ; As of 1.4.0, see source code

:timestamp-pattern "yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss ZZ"
:timestamp-locale nil

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion project.clj
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(defproject com.taoensso/timbre "1.3.1"
(defproject com.taoensso/timbre "1.4.0"
:description "Clojure logging & profiling library"
:url ""
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"}
Expand Down
162 changes: 96 additions & 66 deletions src/taoensso/timbre.clj
Expand Up @@ -41,40 +41,36 @@
;;;; Default configuration and appenders

(utils/defonce* config
"This map atom controls everything about the way Timbre operates. In
particular note the flexibility to add arbitrary appenders.
An appender is a map with keys:
:doc, :min-level, :enabled?, :async?, :max-message-per-msecs, :fn?
An appender's fn takes a single map argument with keys:
:level, :message, :more ; From all logging macros (`info`, etc.)
:profiling-stats ; From `profile` macro
:ap-config ; `shared-appender-config`
:prefix ; Output of `prefix-fn`
Other keys include: :instant, :timestamp, :hostname, :ns, :error?
See source code for examples.
See `set-config!`, `merge-config!`, `set-level!` for convenient config
"This map atom controls everything about the way Timbre operates.
An appender is a map with keys:
:doc, :min-level, :enabled?, :async?, :max-message-per-msecs, :fn
An appender's fn takes a single map argument with keys:
:level, :message, :more ; From all logging macros (`info`, etc.)
:profiling-stats ; From `profile` macro
:ap-config ; `shared-appender-config`
:prefix ; Output of `prefix-fn`
And also: :instant, :timestamp, :hostname, :ns, :error?
Middleware are fns (applied right-to-left) that transform the map argument
dispatched to appender fns. If any middleware returns nil, no dispatching
will occur (i.e. the event will be filtered).
See source code for examples. See `set-config!`, `merge-config!`, `set-level!`
for convenient config editing."
(atom {:current-level :debug

;;; Control log filtering by namespace patterns (e.g. ["my-app.*"]).
;;; Useful for turning off logging in noisy libraries, etc.
:ns-whitelist []
:ns-blacklist []

;; TODO Generalized transformation/filtering unary fns to operate on
;; logging requests to either either filter or transform logging
;; messages (e.g. obscure security credentials).
;; Could use a cacheable comp/juxt and include ns white/black list
;; functionality? Possibly even just prepend to the regular appender
;; juxt (assuming we keep ns filtering separate)? Note that this'd
;; also make any additional middlware cost async-able.
;; :middleware []
;; Fns (applied right-to-left) to transform/filter appender fn args.
;; Useful for obfuscating credentials, pattern filtering, etc.
:middleware []

;;; Control :timestamp format
:timestamp-pattern "yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss ZZ" ; SimpleDateFormat pattern
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,44 +129,12 @@

;;;; Appender-fn decoration

(defn- make-timestamp-fn
"Returns a unary fn that formats instants using given pattern string and an
optional Locale."
[^String pattern ^Locale locale]
(let [format (if locale
(SimpleDateFormat. pattern locale)
(SimpleDateFormat. pattern))]
(fn [^Date instant] (.format ^SimpleDateFormat format instant))))

(comment ((make-timestamp-fn "yyyy-MMM-dd" nil) (Date.)))

(def get-hostname
60000 (fn [] (.. getLocalHost getHostName))))

(defn- wrap-appender-fn
"Wraps compile-time appender fn with additional runtime capabilities
controlled by compile-time config."
[{apfn :fn :keys [async? max-message-per-msecs] :as appender}]
;; Wrap to add compile-time stuff to runtime appender arguments
(let [{ap-config :shared-appender-config
:keys [timestamp-pattern timestamp-locale prefix-fn]} @config

timestamp-fn (make-timestamp-fn timestamp-pattern timestamp-locale)]

(fn [{:keys [instant] :as apfn-args}]
(let [apfn-args (merge apfn-args {:ap-config ap-config
:timestamp (timestamp-fn instant)
:hostname (get-hostname)})]
(apfn (assoc apfn-args :prefix (prefix-fn apfn-args))))))

;; Wrap for asynchronicity support
((fn [apfn]
(if-not async?
(let [agent (agent nil :error-mode :continue)]
(fn [apfn-args] (send-off agent (fn [_] (apfn apfn-args))))))))
(->> ; Wrapping applies capabilities bottom-to-top

;; Wrap for runtime flood-safety support
((fn [apfn]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,7 +163,60 @@
(->> (keys timers-snapshot)
(filter #(allow? (timers-snapshot %))))]
(when (seq expired-timers)
(apply swap! flood-timers dissoc expired-timers))))))))))))
(apply swap! flood-timers dissoc expired-timers))))))))))

;; Wrap for async (agent) support
((fn [apfn]
(if-not async?
(let [agent (agent nil :error-mode :continue)]
(fn [apfn-args] (send-off agent (fn [_] (apfn apfn-args))))))))))

(defn- make-timestamp-fn
"Returns a unary fn that formats instants using given pattern string and an
optional Locale."
[^String pattern ^Locale locale]
(let [format (if locale
(SimpleDateFormat. pattern locale)
(SimpleDateFormat. pattern))]
(fn [^Date instant] (.format ^SimpleDateFormat format instant))))

(comment ((make-timestamp-fn "yyyy-MMM-dd" nil) (Date.)))

(def get-hostname
60000 (fn [] (.. getLocalHost getHostName))))

(defn- wrap-appender-juxt
"Wraps compile-time appender juxt with additional runtime capabilities
(incl. middleware) controller by compile-time config. Like `wrap-appender-fn`
but operates on the entire juxt at once."
(->> ; Wrapping applies capabilities bottom-to-top

;; Wrap to add middleware transforms/filters
((fn [juxtfn]
(if-let [middleware (seq (:middleware @config))]
(let [composed-middleware
(apply comp (map (fn [mf] (fn [args] (when args (mf args))))
(fn [juxtfn-args]
(when-let [juxtfn-args (composed-middleware juxtfn-args)]
(juxtfn juxtfn-args))))

;; Wrap to add compile-time stuff to runtime appender arguments
((fn [juxtfn]
(let [{ap-config :shared-appender-config
:keys [timestamp-pattern timestamp-locale prefix-fn]} @config

timestamp-fn (make-timestamp-fn timestamp-pattern timestamp-locale)]
(fn [{:keys [instant] :as juxtfn-args}]
(let [juxtfn-args (merge juxtfn-args {:ap-config ap-config
:timestamp (timestamp-fn instant)
:hostname (get-hostname)})]
(juxtfn (assoc juxtfn-args :prefix (prefix-fn juxtfn-args))))))))))

;;;; Caching

Expand All @@ -208,7 +225,7 @@
(def appenders-juxt-cache
"Per-level, combined relevant appender-fns to allow for fast runtime
appender-fn dispatch:
{:level (juxt wrapped-appender-fn wrapped-appender-fn ...) or nil
{:level (wrapped-juxt wrapped-appender-fn wrapped-appender-fn ...) or nil
(atom {}))

Expand All @@ -233,10 +250,11 @@
(when-let [ap-ids (keys rel-aps)]
(->> ap-ids
(map #(wrap-appender-fn (rel-aps %)))
(apply juxt))))))))
(apply juxt)
(reset! appenders-juxt-cache)))

;;; Namespace filter ; TODO Generalize to arbitrary configurable middleware juxt?
;;; Namespace filter

(def ns-filter-cache "@ns-filter-cache => (fn relevant-ns? [ns] ...)"
(atom (constantly true)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,4 +390,16 @@
(spy (* 6 5 4 3 2 1))
(spy :debug :factorial6 (* 6 5 4 3 2 1))
(info (Exception. "noes!") "bar")
(spy (/ 4 0)))
(spy (/ 4 0))

;; Middleware
(info {:name "Robert Paulson" :password "Super secret"})
[(fn [{:keys [hostname message] :as args}]
(cond (= hostname "filtered-host") nil ; Filter
(map? message)
(if (contains? message :password)
(assoc args :message (assoc message :password "*****"))
:else args))]))

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