From 86f58799975cd338c0a3f7f89ccdf09a049fc4de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Christian Nunciato Date: Tue, 21 May 2024 12:19:29 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] More Deploy button fixes --- alicloud-ts-ecs/ | 4 ++-- aws-apigateway-go-routes/ | 4 ++-- aws-apigateway-py-routes/ | 4 ++-- aws-apigateway-ts-routes/ | 4 ++-- aws-cs-ansible-wordpress/ | 4 ++-- aws-cs-eks/ | 4 ++-- aws-cs-fargate/ | 4 ++-- aws-cs-lambda/ | 4 ++-- aws-cs-s3-folder/ | 4 ++-- aws-cs-secrets-manager/ | 4 ++-- aws-cs-webserver/ | 4 ++-- aws-fs-lambda-webserver/ | 4 ++-- aws-fs-s3-folder/ | 4 ++-- aws-go-ansible-wordpress/ | 4 ++-- aws-go-appsync/ | 4 ++-- aws-go-console-slack-notification/ | 4 ++-- aws-go-eks/ | 4 ++-- aws-go-fargate/ | 4 ++-- aws-go-lambda-gateway/ | 4 ++-- aws-go-lambda/ | 4 ++-- aws-go-resources/ | 4 ++-- aws-go-s3-folder-component/ | 4 ++-- aws-go-s3-folder/ | 4 ++-- aws-go-secrets-manager/ | 4 ++-- aws-go-slackbot/ | 4 ++-- aws-go-webserver/ | 4 ++-- aws-java-ansible-wordpress/ | 4 ++-- aws-java-eks-minimal/ | 4 ++-- aws-java-webserver/ | 4 ++-- aws-js-containers/ | 4 ++-- aws-js-s3-folder-component/ | 4 ++-- aws-js-s3-folder/ | 4 ++-- aws-js-sqs-slack/ | 4 ++-- aws-js-webserver-component/ | 4 ++-- aws-js-webserver/ | 4 ++-- aws-native-java-s3-folder/ | 4 ++-- aws-native-ts-ecs/ | 4 ++-- aws-native-ts-s3-folder/ | 4 ++-- aws-native-ts-stepfunctions/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-ansible-wordpress/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-apigateway-lambda-serverless/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-apigatewayv2-eventbridge/ | 6 +++--- aws-py-apigatewayv2-http-api-quickcreate/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-appsync/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-django-voting-app/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-dynamicresource/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-ec2-provisioners/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-eks/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-fargate/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-hub-and-spoke-network/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-redshift-glue-etl/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-resources/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-s3-folder/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-secrets-manager/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-serverless-raw/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-slackbot/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-static-website/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-stepfunctions/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-voting-app/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-webserver/ | 4 ++-- aws-py-wordpress-fargate-rds/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-airflow/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-ansible-wordpress/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-apigateway-auth0/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-apigateway-eventbridge/ | 6 +++--- aws-ts-apigateway-lambda-serverless/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-apigateway/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-apigatewayv2-eventbridge/ | 6 +++--- aws-ts-apigatewayv2-http-api-quickcreate/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-apigatewayv2-http-api/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-appsync/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-containers-dockerbuildcloud/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-containers/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-ec2-provisioners/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-ecs-anywhere/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-eks-distro/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-eks-hello-world/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-eks-migrate-nodegroups/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-eks/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-hello-fargate/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-k8s-mern-voting-app/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-k8s-voting-app/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-lambda-efs/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-lambda-thumbnailer/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-netlify-cms-and-oauth/cms-oauth/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-netlify-cms-and-oauth/cms/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-nextjs/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-organizations/ | 6 ++---- aws-ts-pern-voting-app/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-pulumi-miniflux/ | 6 ++---- aws-ts-pulumi-webhooks/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-redshift-glue-etl/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-resources/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-ruby-on-rails/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-s3-folder/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-s3-lambda-copyzip/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-scheduled-function/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-secrets-manager/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-serverless-datawarehouse/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-serverless-raw/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-slackbot/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-static-website/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-stepfunctions/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-synthetics-canary/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-thumbnailer/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-twitter-athena/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-url-shortener-cache-http/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-voting-app/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-vpc-with-ecs-fargate-py/ecs-fargate-python/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-vpc-with-ecs-fargate-py/vpc-crosswalk-ts/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-webserver/ | 4 ++-- aws-ts-wordpress-fargate-rds/ | 4 ++-- aws-yaml-ansible-wordpress/ | 4 ++-- aws-yaml-eks/ | 4 ++-- aws-yaml-static-website/ | 4 ++-- azure-cs-aci/ | 4 ++-- azure-cs-aks-cosmos-helm/ | 4 ++-- azure-cs-aks-helm/ | 4 ++-- azure-cs-aks-managed-identity/ | 4 ++-- azure-cs-aks-multicluster/ | 4 ++-- azure-cs-aks/ | 4 ++-- azure-cs-appservice-docker/ | 4 ++-- azure-cs-appservice/ | 4 ++-- azure-cs-call-azure-api/ | 4 ++-- azure-cs-containerapps/ | 4 ++-- azure-cs-cosmosdb-logicapp/ | 4 ++-- azure-cs-credential-rotation-one-set/ | 4 ++-- azure-cs-functions/ | 4 ++-- azure-cs-net5-aks-webapp/ | 4 ++-- azure-cs-sqlserver/ | 4 ++-- azure-cs-static-website/ | 4 ++-- azure-cs-synapse/ | 4 ++-- azure-go-aci/ | 4 ++-- azure-go-aks-helm/ | 4 ++-- azure-go-aks-managed-identity/ | 4 ++-- azure-go-aks-multicluster/ | 4 ++-- azure-go-aks/ | 4 ++-- azure-go-appservice-docker/ | 4 ++-- azure-go-call-azure-sdk/ | 4 ++-- azure-go-containerapps/ | 4 ++-- azure-go-static-website/ | 4 ++-- azure-java-appservice-sql/ | 4 ++-- azure-java-function-graal-spring/ | 4 ++-- azure-java-static-website/ | 4 ++-- azure-py-aci/ | 4 ++-- azure-py-aks-helm/ | 4 ++-- azure-py-aks-managed-identity/ | 4 ++-- azure-py-aks-multicluster/ | 4 ++-- azure-py-aks/ | 4 ++-- azure-py-appservice-docker/ | 4 ++-- azure-py-appservice/ | 4 ++-- azure-py-call-azure-sdk/ | 4 ++-- azure-py-containerapps/ | 4 ++-- azure-py-cosmosdb-logicapp/ | 4 ++-- azure-py-loadbalancer-vm/ | 4 ++-- azure-py-minecraft-server/ | 4 ++-- azure-py-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ | 4 ++-- azure-py-static-website/ | 4 ++-- azure-py-synapse/ | 4 ++-- azure-py-virtual-data-center/ | 4 ++-- azure-py-webserver/ | 4 ++-- azure-ts-aci/ | 4 ++-- azure-ts-aks-helm/ | 4 ++-- azure-ts-aks-managed-identity/ | 4 ++-- azure-ts-aks-multicluster/ | 4 ++-- azure-ts-aks/ | 4 ++-- azure-ts-appservice-docker/ | 4 ++-- azure-ts-appservice/ | 4 ++-- azure-ts-call-azure-sdk/ | 4 ++-- azure-ts-containerapps/ | 4 ++-- azure-ts-cosmosdb-logicapp/ | 4 ++-- azure-ts-functions-many/ | 4 ++-- azure-ts-functions/ | 4 ++-- azure-ts-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ | 4 ++-- azure-ts-static-website/ | 4 ++-- azure-ts-synapse/ | 4 ++-- azure-ts-webapp-privateendpoint-vnet-injection/ | 4 ++-- azure-ts-webserver/ | 4 ++-- azure-yaml-aks-managed-identity/ | 4 ++-- azure-yaml-app-service/ | 4 ++-- azure-yaml-container-apps/ | 4 ++-- azure-yaml-static-website/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-cs-botservice/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-cs-cosmosapp-component/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-cs-msi-keyvault-rbac/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-cs-vm-scaleset/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-cs-webserver/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-fs-aci/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-fs-aks/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-fs-appservice/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-go-aks-multicluster/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-go-webserver-component/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-py-aks-multicluster/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-py-arm-template/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-py-hdinsight-spark/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-py-msi-keyvault-rbac/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-py-vm-scaleset/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-py-webserver-component/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-ts-aks-helm/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-ts-aks-keda/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-ts-aks-mean/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-ts-aks-multicluster/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-ts-aks-with-diagnostics/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-ts-api-management/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-ts-appservice-devops/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-ts-appservice-springboot/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-ts-arm-template/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-ts-cosmosapp-component/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-ts-dynamicresource/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-ts-hdinsight-spark/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-ts-msi-keyvault-rbac/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-ts-serverless-url-shortener-global/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-ts-stream-analytics/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-ts-vm-provisioners/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-ts-vm-scaleset/ | 4 ++-- classic-azure-ts-webserver-component/ | 4 ++-- cloud-js-api/ | 4 ++-- cloud-js-containers/ | 4 ++-- cloud-js-httpserver/ | 4 ++-- cloud-js-thumbnailer-machine-learning/ | 4 ++-- cloud-js-thumbnailer/ | 4 ++-- cloud-js-twitter-athena/ | 4 ++-- cloud-ts-url-shortener-cache-http/ | 4 ++-- cloud-ts-url-shortener-cache/ | 4 ++-- cloud-ts-url-shortener/ | 4 ++-- cloud-ts-voting-app/ | 4 ++-- crd2pulumi-crontabs/ | 4 ++-- digitalocean-py-k8s/ | 4 ++-- digitalocean-py-loadbalanced-droplets/ | 4 ++-- digitalocean-ts-k8s/ | 4 ++-- digitalocean-ts-loadbalanced-droplets/ | 4 ++-- docker-cs-multi-container-app/ | 4 ++-- docker-py-multi-container-app/ | 4 ++-- docker-ts-multi-container-app/ | 4 ++-- dockerbuildcloud-ts/ | 4 ++-- equinix-py-webserver/ | 4 ++-- equinix-ts-webserver/ | 4 ++-- f5bigip-ts-ltm-pool/f5bigip-ec2-instance/ | 4 ++-- f5bigip-ts-ltm-pool/f5bigip-pool/ | 4 ++-- f5bigip-ts-ltm-pool/nginx-ec2-instance/ | 4 ++-- gcp-cs-functions/ | 4 ++-- gcp-cs-gke/ | 4 ++-- gcp-go-functions-raw/ | 4 ++-- gcp-go-functions/ | 4 ++-- gcp-go-gke/ | 4 ++-- gcp-go-instance/ | 4 ++-- gcp-go-webserver/ | 4 ++-- gcp-java-gke-hello-world/ | 4 ++-- gcp-js-webserver/ | 4 ++-- gcp-py-cloudrun-cloudsql/ | 4 ++-- gcp-py-functions/ | 4 ++-- gcp-py-gke/ | 4 ++-- gcp-py-instance-nginx/ | 4 ++-- gcp-py-network-component/ | 4 ++-- gcp-py-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ | 4 ++-- gcp-py-serverless-raw/ | 4 ++-- gcp-py-webserver/ | 4 ++-- gcp-ts-cloudrun/ | 4 ++-- gcp-ts-docker-gcr-cloudrun/ | 3 ++- gcp-ts-functions/ | 4 ++-- gcp-ts-gke-hello-world/ | 4 ++-- gcp-ts-gke-serviceaccount/ | 4 ++-- gcp-ts-gke/ | 4 ++-- gcp-ts-k8s-ruby-on-rails-postgresql/ | 3 ++- gcp-ts-serverless-raw/ | 4 ++-- gcp-ts-slackbot/ | 4 ++-- google-native-ts-functions/ | 4 ++-- google-native-ts-gke-config-connector/ | 4 ++-- google-native-ts-k8s-ruby-on-rails-postgresql/ | 3 ++- kubernetes-cs-guestbook/ | 3 ++- kubernetes-cs-guestbook/components/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-cs-guestbook/simple/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-cs-helm-release-wordpress/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-go-configmap-rollout/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-go-exposed-deployment/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-go-guestbook/ | 3 ++- kubernetes-go-guestbook/components/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-go-guestbook/simple/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-go-helm-release-wordpress/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-go-helm-wordpress/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-py-exposed-deployment/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-py-guestbook/ | 3 ++- kubernetes-py-guestbook/components/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-py-guestbook/simple/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-py-helm-release-wordpress/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-py-jenkins/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-py-nginx/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-ts-configmap-rollout/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-ts-exposed-deployment/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-ts-guestbook/ | 3 ++- kubernetes-ts-guestbook/components/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-ts-guestbook/simple/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-ts-helm-release-wordpress/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-ts-helm-wordpress/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-ts-jenkins/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-ts-multicloud/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-ts-nginx/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-ts-s3-rollout/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-ts-sock-shop/ | 4 ++-- kubernetes-ts-staged-rollout-with-prometheus/ | 4 ++-- libvirt-py-vm/ | 4 ++-- linode-js-webserver/ | 4 ++-- multicloud-ts-buckets/ | 4 ++-- openstack-py-webserver/ | 4 ++-- random-yaml/ | 4 ++-- redis-cloud-aws-ts/ | 4 ++-- stack-readme-cs/ | 4 ++-- stack-readme-go/ | 4 ++-- stack-readme-java/ | 4 ++-- stack-readme-py/ | 4 ++-- stack-readme-ts/ | 4 ++-- stack-readme-yaml/ | 4 ++-- testing-integration-py/ | 4 ++-- testing-pac-ts/ | 4 ++-- testing-unit-cs-mocks/ | 4 ++-- testing-unit-cs/ | 4 ++-- testing-unit-fs-mocks/ | 4 ++-- testing-unit-go/ | 4 ++-- testing-unit-py/ | 4 ++-- testing-unit-ts-mocks-jest/ | 6 ++---- testing-unit-ts/mocha/ | 4 ++-- twilio-ts-component/ | 4 ++-- 323 files changed, 649 insertions(+), 648 deletions(-) diff --git a/alicloud-ts-ecs/ b/alicloud-ts-ecs/ index 5d7c9385f..49db9c546 100644 --- a/alicloud-ts-ecs/ +++ b/alicloud-ts-ecs/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # Instance Using Alicloud ECS -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( This example deploys a simple Alicloud ECS Instance diff --git a/aws-apigateway-go-routes/ b/aws-apigateway-go-routes/ index d8012b8a2..77c51035b 100644 --- a/aws-apigateway-go-routes/ +++ b/aws-apigateway-go-routes/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Routes in API Gateway diff --git a/aws-apigateway-py-routes/ b/aws-apigateway-py-routes/ index 0ac82ff01..1d9b179b4 100644 --- a/aws-apigateway-py-routes/ +++ b/aws-apigateway-py-routes/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Routes in API Gateway diff --git a/aws-apigateway-ts-routes/ b/aws-apigateway-ts-routes/ index 16a4e717d..ad6e03018 100644 --- a/aws-apigateway-ts-routes/ +++ b/aws-apigateway-ts-routes/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Routes in API Gateway diff --git a/aws-cs-ansible-wordpress/ b/aws-cs-ansible-wordpress/ index 530b51a81..ae38f0f90 100644 --- a/aws-cs-ansible-wordpress/ +++ b/aws-cs-ansible-wordpress/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Deploy Wordpress to AWS EC2 using Pulumi and Ansible diff --git a/aws-cs-eks/ b/aws-cs-eks/ index 4a01a9cf5..42951077e 100644 --- a/aws-cs-eks/ +++ b/aws-cs-eks/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS C# EKS Cluster This example creates an AWS EKS Cluster and deploys a sample container application to it diff --git a/aws-cs-fargate/ b/aws-cs-fargate/ index 8970cb853..ca5d37a56 100644 --- a/aws-cs-fargate/ +++ b/aws-cs-fargate/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Dockerized ASP.NET App on AWS ECS Fargate diff --git a/aws-cs-lambda/ b/aws-cs-lambda/ index 0acc9c81c..2882c4fd5 100644 --- a/aws-cs-lambda/ +++ b/aws-cs-lambda/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS C# Lambda This example creates an AWS Lambda function that does a simple `.ToUpper` on the string input and returns it. diff --git a/aws-cs-s3-folder/ b/aws-cs-s3-folder/ index f72f7d5b5..07c4d68fe 100644 --- a/aws-cs-s3-folder/ +++ b/aws-cs-s3-folder/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Host a Static Website on Amazon S3 diff --git a/aws-cs-secrets-manager/ b/aws-cs-secrets-manager/ index cf6a90704..4d4514792 100644 --- a/aws-cs-secrets-manager/ +++ b/aws-cs-secrets-manager/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Setup AWS Secrets manager diff --git a/aws-cs-webserver/ b/aws-cs-webserver/ index dc5d653f5..8196c619d 100644 --- a/aws-cs-webserver/ +++ b/aws-cs-webserver/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Web Server Using Amazon EC2 diff --git a/aws-fs-lambda-webserver/ b/aws-fs-lambda-webserver/ index 7d904797c..a8bfc9eab 100644 --- a/aws-fs-lambda-webserver/ +++ b/aws-fs-lambda-webserver/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS F# Lambda Web Server This example creates a web server in AWS lambda using the Giraffe web server diff --git a/aws-fs-s3-folder/ b/aws-fs-s3-folder/ index 929275783..246ac1cf2 100644 --- a/aws-fs-s3-folder/ +++ b/aws-fs-s3-folder/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Host a Static Website on Amazon S3 diff --git a/aws-go-ansible-wordpress/ b/aws-go-ansible-wordpress/ index 53ded564f..f24ed29c9 100644 --- a/aws-go-ansible-wordpress/ +++ b/aws-go-ansible-wordpress/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Deploy Wordpress to AWS EC2 using Pulumi and Ansible diff --git a/aws-go-appsync/ b/aws-go-appsync/ index 55ec75696..7beba437a 100755 --- a/aws-go-appsync/ +++ b/aws-go-appsync/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # GraphQL Endpoint in AWS AppSync (in Go) diff --git a/aws-go-console-slack-notification/ b/aws-go-console-slack-notification/ index 8f19de606..0f7f622c4 100644 --- a/aws-go-console-slack-notification/ +++ b/aws-go-console-slack-notification/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS Console Change Slack Notifier in Go diff --git a/aws-go-eks/ b/aws-go-eks/ index 48adf964e..75217cc67 100644 --- a/aws-go-eks/ +++ b/aws-go-eks/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS Golang EKS Cluster This example creates an AWS EKS Cluster and deploys a sample container application to it diff --git a/aws-go-fargate/ b/aws-go-fargate/ index 0a29b0ac0..52fd5149b 100644 --- a/aws-go-fargate/ +++ b/aws-go-fargate/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # NGINX on AWS ECS Fargate using Go IaC diff --git a/aws-go-lambda-gateway/ b/aws-go-lambda-gateway/ index 64a490eac..e6e104f22 100644 --- a/aws-go-lambda-gateway/ +++ b/aws-go-lambda-gateway/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS Golang Lambda With API Gateway diff --git a/aws-go-lambda/ b/aws-go-lambda/ index 76e60c1d7..43679e213 100644 --- a/aws-go-lambda/ +++ b/aws-go-lambda/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS Golang Lambda This example creates an AWS Lambda function that does a simple `ToUpper` on the string input and returns it. diff --git a/aws-go-resources/ b/aws-go-resources/ index 38531e987..c073efe96 100755 --- a/aws-go-resources/ +++ b/aws-go-resources/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS Resources (in Go) diff --git a/aws-go-s3-folder-component/ b/aws-go-s3-folder-component/ index 1b7c4de3d..c30311599 100644 --- a/aws-go-s3-folder-component/ +++ b/aws-go-s3-folder-component/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Static Website on Amazon S3 diff --git a/aws-go-s3-folder/ b/aws-go-s3-folder/ index 2b33d8f6f..4bc8f73a8 100644 --- a/aws-go-s3-folder/ +++ b/aws-go-s3-folder/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Host a Static Website on Amazon S3 diff --git a/aws-go-secrets-manager/ b/aws-go-secrets-manager/ index 451ad51be..b24e36bce 100644 --- a/aws-go-secrets-manager/ +++ b/aws-go-secrets-manager/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Setup AWS Secrets manager diff --git a/aws-go-slackbot/ b/aws-go-slackbot/ index 99e91da3a..69e45081c 100644 --- a/aws-go-slackbot/ +++ b/aws-go-slackbot/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Create a Slackbot for Posting Mention Notifications diff --git a/aws-go-webserver/ b/aws-go-webserver/ index 07f62bd54..510636799 100755 --- a/aws-go-webserver/ +++ b/aws-go-webserver/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Web Server Using Amazon EC2 (in Go) diff --git a/aws-java-ansible-wordpress/ b/aws-java-ansible-wordpress/ index 23a4ac6e8..7a47d905e 100644 --- a/aws-java-ansible-wordpress/ +++ b/aws-java-ansible-wordpress/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Deploy Wordpress to AWS EC2 using Pulumi and Ansible diff --git a/aws-java-eks-minimal/ b/aws-java-eks-minimal/ index 02e236ef5..bd387de31 100644 --- a/aws-java-eks-minimal/ +++ b/aws-java-eks-minimal/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # eks-minimal diff --git a/aws-java-webserver/ b/aws-java-webserver/ index b8d291a1a..12a04be30 100644 --- a/aws-java-webserver/ +++ b/aws-java-webserver/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Web Server Using Amazon EC2 diff --git a/aws-js-containers/ b/aws-js-containers/ index 8f5970a67..d958df2b6 100644 --- a/aws-js-containers/ +++ b/aws-js-containers/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # ECS Fargate Containers diff --git a/aws-js-s3-folder-component/ b/aws-js-s3-folder-component/ index 2b0ecc74c..adab70d89 100644 --- a/aws-js-s3-folder-component/ +++ b/aws-js-s3-folder-component/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Static Website Hosted on AWS S3 diff --git a/aws-js-s3-folder/ b/aws-js-s3-folder/ index 284399a15..efa028333 100644 --- a/aws-js-s3-folder/ +++ b/aws-js-s3-folder/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Host a Static Website on Amazon S3 diff --git a/aws-js-sqs-slack/ b/aws-js-sqs-slack/ index ee0ef7cbb..dd388826e 100644 --- a/aws-js-sqs-slack/ +++ b/aws-js-sqs-slack/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Post AWS SQS Messages to Slack using Serverless Lambdas diff --git a/aws-js-webserver-component/ b/aws-js-webserver-component/ index 6b8bf2dcd..dc2eec54b 100644 --- a/aws-js-webserver-component/ +++ b/aws-js-webserver-component/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS Web Server Component diff --git a/aws-js-webserver/ b/aws-js-webserver/ index 49c1ccfbc..91156875f 100755 --- a/aws-js-webserver/ +++ b/aws-js-webserver/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Web Server Using Amazon EC2 diff --git a/aws-native-java-s3-folder/ b/aws-native-java-s3-folder/ index d6eadde14..c56bbda7e 100644 --- a/aws-native-java-s3-folder/ +++ b/aws-native-java-s3-folder/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Host a Static Website on Amazon S3 with the AWS Native Provider diff --git a/aws-native-ts-ecs/ b/aws-native-ts-ecs/ index 308dded4e..a22c4b802 100644 --- a/aws-native-ts-ecs/ +++ b/aws-native-ts-ecs/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Create an ECS cluster on AWS with the AWS Native Provider diff --git a/aws-native-ts-s3-folder/ b/aws-native-ts-s3-folder/ index 26ac4f616..1681ebd37 100644 --- a/aws-native-ts-s3-folder/ +++ b/aws-native-ts-s3-folder/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Host a Static Website on Amazon S3 with the AWS Native Provider diff --git a/aws-native-ts-stepfunctions/ b/aws-native-ts-stepfunctions/ index e92f5c43c..e7faf0c7e 100644 --- a/aws-native-ts-stepfunctions/ +++ b/aws-native-ts-stepfunctions/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS Step Functions with the AWS Native Provider diff --git a/aws-py-ansible-wordpress/ b/aws-py-ansible-wordpress/ index e06361a80..8d9853672 100644 --- a/aws-py-ansible-wordpress/ +++ b/aws-py-ansible-wordpress/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Deploy Wordpress to AWS EC2 using Pulumi and Ansible diff --git a/aws-py-apigateway-lambda-serverless/ b/aws-py-apigateway-lambda-serverless/ index 35ff36ae0..de9d76b01 100644 --- a/aws-py-apigateway-lambda-serverless/ +++ b/aws-py-apigateway-lambda-serverless/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Lambda-backed API Gateway diff --git a/aws-py-apigatewayv2-eventbridge/ b/aws-py-apigatewayv2-eventbridge/ index 358e1ef2c..b830f0dd8 100644 --- a/aws-py-apigatewayv2-eventbridge/ +++ b/aws-py-apigatewayv2-eventbridge/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -# API Gateway V2 to EventBridge +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +# API Gateway V2 to EventBridge This example creates an AWS API Gateway proxy integration with EventBridge and Lambda. It defines a single API Gateway endpoint that publishes events to an EventBridge event bus and an accompanying event rule that matches those events and invokes a Lambda function. diff --git a/aws-py-apigatewayv2-http-api-quickcreate/ b/aws-py-apigatewayv2-http-api-quickcreate/ index 34ca0fc50..2d02540f9 100644 --- a/aws-py-apigatewayv2-http-api-quickcreate/ +++ b/aws-py-apigatewayv2-http-api-quickcreate/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS API Gateway V2 HTTP API Quickstart diff --git a/aws-py-appsync/ b/aws-py-appsync/ index 26134e72f..134cb021c 100644 --- a/aws-py-appsync/ +++ b/aws-py-appsync/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # GraphQL Endpoint in AWS AppSync diff --git a/aws-py-django-voting-app/ b/aws-py-django-voting-app/ index 35d34d3cd..cee30f14b 100644 --- a/aws-py-django-voting-app/ +++ b/aws-py-django-voting-app/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Voting app Using Django and MySQL diff --git a/aws-py-dynamicresource/ b/aws-py-dynamicresource/ index bffbbc00d..40ee9754a 100644 --- a/aws-py-dynamicresource/ +++ b/aws-py-dynamicresource/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Pulumi Python Dynamic Resource demonstration diff --git a/aws-py-ec2-provisioners/ b/aws-py-ec2-provisioners/ index b2f253ac6..be4b4c4fe 100755 --- a/aws-py-ec2-provisioners/ +++ b/aws-py-ec2-provisioners/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS WebServer with Manual Provisioning (in Python) diff --git a/aws-py-eks/ b/aws-py-eks/ index 2e9ebfe80..47422ab8b 100755 --- a/aws-py-eks/ +++ b/aws-py-eks/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Amazon EKS Cluster diff --git a/aws-py-fargate/ b/aws-py-fargate/ index e75d17567..882dbd9c3 100644 --- a/aws-py-fargate/ +++ b/aws-py-fargate/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # NGINX on AWS ECS Fargate using Python diff --git a/aws-py-hub-and-spoke-network/ b/aws-py-hub-and-spoke-network/ index 0fa82c539..035ade9e8 100644 --- a/aws-py-hub-and-spoke-network/ +++ b/aws-py-hub-and-spoke-network/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Hub-and-Spoke Network with Centralized Egress and Traffic Inspection use AWS Transit Gateway and AWS Firewall diff --git a/aws-py-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ b/aws-py-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ index 1789be74a..59409480b 100644 --- a/aws-py-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ +++ b/aws-py-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Provisioning an OIDC Provider in AWS for Pulumi Cloud diff --git a/aws-py-redshift-glue-etl/ b/aws-py-redshift-glue-etl/ index ea9f5ee0a..2e7265b15 100644 --- a/aws-py-redshift-glue-etl/ +++ b/aws-py-redshift-glue-etl/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # ETL pipeline with Amazon Redshift and AWS Glue -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( This example creates an ETL pipeline using Amazon Redshift and AWS Glue. The pipeline extracts data from an S3 bucket with a Glue crawler, transforms it with a Python script wrapped in a Glue job, and loads it into a Redshift database deployed in a VPC. diff --git a/aws-py-resources/ b/aws-py-resources/ index 6674400ce..148552a6f 100644 --- a/aws-py-resources/ +++ b/aws-py-resources/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS Resources diff --git a/aws-py-s3-folder/ b/aws-py-s3-folder/ index ba0ee4b70..81f94808f 100644 --- a/aws-py-s3-folder/ +++ b/aws-py-s3-folder/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Host a Static Website on Amazon S3 diff --git a/aws-py-secrets-manager/ b/aws-py-secrets-manager/ index d37b9b3fa..1e83780b6 100644 --- a/aws-py-secrets-manager/ +++ b/aws-py-secrets-manager/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Setup AWS Secrets manager diff --git a/aws-py-serverless-raw/ b/aws-py-serverless-raw/ index b32b377bf..4948d2034 100644 --- a/aws-py-serverless-raw/ +++ b/aws-py-serverless-raw/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Serverless C# App diff --git a/aws-py-slackbot/ b/aws-py-slackbot/ index fc17836fa..e0a4ede3b 100644 --- a/aws-py-slackbot/ +++ b/aws-py-slackbot/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Create a Slackbot for Posting Mention Notifications diff --git a/aws-py-static-website/ b/aws-py-static-website/ index a11853735..23232359c 100644 --- a/aws-py-static-website/ +++ b/aws-py-static-website/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Secure Static Website Using Amazon S3, CloudFront, Route53, and Certificate Manager diff --git a/aws-py-stepfunctions/ b/aws-py-stepfunctions/ index 6eb54ed02..756aa5e49 100644 --- a/aws-py-stepfunctions/ +++ b/aws-py-stepfunctions/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS Step Functions diff --git a/aws-py-voting-app/ b/aws-py-voting-app/ index bb9af2ced..2e4d688a2 100644 --- a/aws-py-voting-app/ +++ b/aws-py-voting-app/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Voting app Using Redis and Flask diff --git a/aws-py-webserver/ b/aws-py-webserver/ index 70a39d45d..6b741bbe0 100644 --- a/aws-py-webserver/ +++ b/aws-py-webserver/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Web Server Using Amazon EC2 diff --git a/aws-py-wordpress-fargate-rds/ b/aws-py-wordpress-fargate-rds/ index 372e48248..0640ea9a4 100644 --- a/aws-py-wordpress-fargate-rds/ +++ b/aws-py-wordpress-fargate-rds/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # WordPress Site in AWS Fargate with RDS DB Backend diff --git a/aws-ts-airflow/ b/aws-ts-airflow/ index f709deddf..074d66cdb 100644 --- a/aws-ts-airflow/ +++ b/aws-ts-airflow/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # RDS Postgres and Containerized Airflow diff --git a/aws-ts-ansible-wordpress/ b/aws-ts-ansible-wordpress/ index 7b07304b7..ef72e475e 100644 --- a/aws-ts-ansible-wordpress/ +++ b/aws-ts-ansible-wordpress/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Deploy Wordpress to AWS EC2 using Pulumi and Ansible diff --git a/aws-ts-apigateway-auth0/ b/aws-ts-apigateway-auth0/ index e438f7e90..01347fe91 100644 --- a/aws-ts-apigateway-auth0/ +++ b/aws-ts-apigateway-auth0/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Secure Serverless REST API Using Auth0 diff --git a/aws-ts-apigateway-eventbridge/ b/aws-ts-apigateway-eventbridge/ index bbc0da5e9..b34e6cc13 100644 --- a/aws-ts-apigateway-eventbridge/ +++ b/aws-ts-apigateway-eventbridge/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -# API Gateway V1 to EventBridge +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +# API Gateway V1 to EventBridge This example demonstrates an API Gateway V1 integration with EventBridge and Lambda that also validates request bodies (using an API Gateway model) and returns a custom HTTP response. diff --git a/aws-ts-apigateway-lambda-serverless/ b/aws-ts-apigateway-lambda-serverless/ index c77ee4dfd..308c3198b 100644 --- a/aws-ts-apigateway-lambda-serverless/ +++ b/aws-ts-apigateway-lambda-serverless/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Lambda-backed REST API diff --git a/aws-ts-apigateway/ b/aws-ts-apigateway/ index eb858f60a..8059fa776 100644 --- a/aws-ts-apigateway/ +++ b/aws-ts-apigateway/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Serverless REST API diff --git a/aws-ts-apigatewayv2-eventbridge/ b/aws-ts-apigatewayv2-eventbridge/ index edf22d2f3..c8e4c2bc7 100644 --- a/aws-ts-apigatewayv2-eventbridge/ +++ b/aws-ts-apigatewayv2-eventbridge/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -# API Gateway V2 to EventBridge +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +# API Gateway V2 to EventBridge This example creates an API Gateway V2 proxy integration with EventBridge and Lambda. It defines a single API Gateway endpoint that publishes events to an EventBridge event bus, and an accompanying event rule that matches those events and invokes a Lambda function. diff --git a/aws-ts-apigatewayv2-http-api-quickcreate/ b/aws-ts-apigatewayv2-http-api-quickcreate/ index 5f099ac6e..e1e45c26b 100644 --- a/aws-ts-apigatewayv2-http-api-quickcreate/ +++ b/aws-ts-apigatewayv2-http-api-quickcreate/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS API Gateway V2 HTTP API Quickstart diff --git a/aws-ts-apigatewayv2-http-api/ b/aws-ts-apigatewayv2-http-api/ index 7e0091186..59e02ebd2 100644 --- a/aws-ts-apigatewayv2-http-api/ +++ b/aws-ts-apigatewayv2-http-api/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS API Gateway V2 HTTP API diff --git a/aws-ts-appsync/ b/aws-ts-appsync/ index 1998c12da..7a549a749 100644 --- a/aws-ts-appsync/ +++ b/aws-ts-appsync/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # GraphQL Endpoint in AWS AppSync diff --git a/aws-ts-containers-dockerbuildcloud/ b/aws-ts-containers-dockerbuildcloud/ index 2fe8d03a5..82478dc5f 100644 --- a/aws-ts-containers-dockerbuildcloud/ +++ b/aws-ts-containers-dockerbuildcloud/ @@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ Once copied to your machine, feel free to edit as needed. Alternatively, click the button below to use [Pulumi Deployments]( to deploy this app: -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( ## 🎬 How to run diff --git a/aws-ts-containers/ b/aws-ts-containers/ index 5ff3238dc..69b46aa5d 100644 --- a/aws-ts-containers/ +++ b/aws-ts-containers/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Easy container example diff --git a/aws-ts-ec2-provisioners/ b/aws-ts-ec2-provisioners/ index 810dd26ef..f3cba868d 100755 --- a/aws-ts-ec2-provisioners/ +++ b/aws-ts-ec2-provisioners/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS WebServer with Manual Provisioning diff --git a/aws-ts-ecs-anywhere/ b/aws-ts-ecs-anywhere/ index 68cebac61..4a45b0fed 100644 --- a/aws-ts-ecs-anywhere/ +++ b/aws-ts-ecs-anywhere/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # ECS Anywhere diff --git a/aws-ts-eks-distro/ b/aws-ts-eks-distro/ index d583905f6..b7b643f07 100644 --- a/aws-ts-eks-distro/ +++ b/aws-ts-eks-distro/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Amazon EKS Distro Cluster diff --git a/aws-ts-eks-hello-world/ b/aws-ts-eks-hello-world/ index e52bf8954..c3a342d28 100755 --- a/aws-ts-eks-hello-world/ +++ b/aws-ts-eks-hello-world/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Amazon EKS Cluster: Hello World! diff --git a/aws-ts-eks-migrate-nodegroups/ b/aws-ts-eks-migrate-nodegroups/ index 0b2ffe647..b54b0d5dd 100755 --- a/aws-ts-eks-migrate-nodegroups/ +++ b/aws-ts-eks-migrate-nodegroups/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Zero Downtime Migration of EKS Node Groups diff --git a/aws-ts-eks/ b/aws-ts-eks/ index 397557102..fb5f39992 100755 --- a/aws-ts-eks/ +++ b/aws-ts-eks/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Amazon EKS Cluster diff --git a/aws-ts-hello-fargate/ b/aws-ts-hello-fargate/ index 017e77584..b7412588a 100644 --- a/aws-ts-hello-fargate/ +++ b/aws-ts-hello-fargate/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Dockerized App Using ECS, ECR, and Fargate diff --git a/aws-ts-k8s-mern-voting-app/ b/aws-ts-k8s-mern-voting-app/ index 205387ca7..30a06606e 100644 --- a/aws-ts-k8s-mern-voting-app/ +++ b/aws-ts-k8s-mern-voting-app/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Kubernetes MERN Stack Voting App diff --git a/aws-ts-k8s-voting-app/ b/aws-ts-k8s-voting-app/ index 45a198bd0..ab8340aa8 100644 --- a/aws-ts-k8s-voting-app/ +++ b/aws-ts-k8s-voting-app/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Kubernetes Voting App diff --git a/aws-ts-lambda-efs/ b/aws-ts-lambda-efs/ index 35952eb1e..a5cb96c25 100644 --- a/aws-ts-lambda-efs/ +++ b/aws-ts-lambda-efs/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Using Amazon EFS with AWS Lambda diff --git a/aws-ts-lambda-thumbnailer/ b/aws-ts-lambda-thumbnailer/ index 5836c2377..87970d13a 100755 --- a/aws-ts-lambda-thumbnailer/ +++ b/aws-ts-lambda-thumbnailer/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Video Thumbnailer Using AWS Lambda diff --git a/aws-ts-netlify-cms-and-oauth/cms-oauth/ b/aws-ts-netlify-cms-and-oauth/cms-oauth/ index 404c48f19..55268d634 100644 --- a/aws-ts-netlify-cms-and-oauth/cms-oauth/ +++ b/aws-ts-netlify-cms-and-oauth/cms-oauth/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # About the Project diff --git a/aws-ts-netlify-cms-and-oauth/cms/ b/aws-ts-netlify-cms-and-oauth/cms/ index dd6ab07a4..65f6896f3 100644 --- a/aws-ts-netlify-cms-and-oauth/cms/ +++ b/aws-ts-netlify-cms-and-oauth/cms/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( ## Background Knowledges CMS stands for content management system, which facilitate creation and modification of digital content. diff --git a/aws-ts-nextjs/ b/aws-ts-nextjs/ index c3fea2c43..2e539dccd 100755 --- a/aws-ts-nextjs/ +++ b/aws-ts-nextjs/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Next.js on AWS diff --git a/aws-ts-organizations/ b/aws-ts-organizations/ index c9df19f69..a1517c67a 100644 --- a/aws-ts-organizations/ +++ b/aws-ts-organizations/ @@ -1,10 +1,8 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS Organizations -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( - This example shows you how you can automate the creation of member accounts in AWS Organizations with Pulumi. This example is written in TypeScript, however, the concepts used within can be used with any of the supported SDKs in Pulumi. Read the associated [blog post]( to learn more. ## Prerequisites diff --git a/aws-ts-pern-voting-app/ b/aws-ts-pern-voting-app/ index e22782828..ab90606b9 100644 --- a/aws-ts-pern-voting-app/ +++ b/aws-ts-pern-voting-app/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # PERN Stack Voting App diff --git a/aws-ts-pulumi-miniflux/ b/aws-ts-pulumi-miniflux/ index 60dc6c51f..89aa182e3 100644 --- a/aws-ts-pulumi-miniflux/ +++ b/aws-ts-pulumi-miniflux/ @@ -1,11 +1,9 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( - # Run an RSS Service with Miniflux [Miniflux]( is an open-source RSS service written in Go and backed by PostgreSQL. This example demonstrates how to stand up a Miniflux service using AWS Fargate and RDS. -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( ## Prerequisites diff --git a/aws-ts-pulumi-webhooks/ b/aws-ts-pulumi-webhooks/ index 4f2384f97..28a027768 100644 --- a/aws-ts-pulumi-webhooks/ +++ b/aws-ts-pulumi-webhooks/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Pulumi Webhook Handler diff --git a/aws-ts-redshift-glue-etl/ b/aws-ts-redshift-glue-etl/ index ce3989a48..3d60d15e5 100644 --- a/aws-ts-redshift-glue-etl/ +++ b/aws-ts-redshift-glue-etl/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # ETL pipeline with Amazon Redshift and AWS Glue -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( This example creates an ETL pipeline using Amazon Redshift and AWS Glue. The pipeline extracts data from an S3 bucket with a Glue crawler, transforms it with a Python script wrapped in a Glue job, and loads it into a Redshift database deployed in a VPC. diff --git a/aws-ts-resources/ b/aws-ts-resources/ index 0086b7e25..8816d863f 100644 --- a/aws-ts-resources/ +++ b/aws-ts-resources/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS Resources diff --git a/aws-ts-ruby-on-rails/ b/aws-ts-ruby-on-rails/ index 84a3d1a44..6fb62082c 100644 --- a/aws-ts-ruby-on-rails/ +++ b/aws-ts-ruby-on-rails/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Ruby on Rails Server Using Amazon EC2 diff --git a/aws-ts-s3-folder/ b/aws-ts-s3-folder/ index 86ee404bf..ff5ba73d9 100644 --- a/aws-ts-s3-folder/ +++ b/aws-ts-s3-folder/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Host a Static Website on Amazon S3 diff --git a/aws-ts-s3-lambda-copyzip/ b/aws-ts-s3-lambda-copyzip/ index dd1d8b2c9..387bea2cf 100644 --- a/aws-ts-s3-lambda-copyzip/ +++ b/aws-ts-s3-lambda-copyzip/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Serverless App to Copy and Zip Objects Between Amazon S3 Buckets diff --git a/aws-ts-scheduled-function/ b/aws-ts-scheduled-function/ index ad08e6688..6024f5b5a 100644 --- a/aws-ts-scheduled-function/ +++ b/aws-ts-scheduled-function/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Scheduled Function on AWS diff --git a/aws-ts-secrets-manager/ b/aws-ts-secrets-manager/ index da59824fc..55707c1e6 100644 --- a/aws-ts-secrets-manager/ +++ b/aws-ts-secrets-manager/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Setup AWS Secrets manager diff --git a/aws-ts-serverless-datawarehouse/ b/aws-ts-serverless-datawarehouse/ index 7db59b58a..a5d4266c1 100644 --- a/aws-ts-serverless-datawarehouse/ +++ b/aws-ts-serverless-datawarehouse/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Serverless Datawarehouse diff --git a/aws-ts-serverless-raw/ b/aws-ts-serverless-raw/ index a441a9ad9..5cf4c694d 100644 --- a/aws-ts-serverless-raw/ +++ b/aws-ts-serverless-raw/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Serverless C# App diff --git a/aws-ts-slackbot/ b/aws-ts-slackbot/ index c154c543a..748b080bc 100644 --- a/aws-ts-slackbot/ +++ b/aws-ts-slackbot/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Create a Slackbot for Posting Mention Notifications diff --git a/aws-ts-static-website/ b/aws-ts-static-website/ index f41bb1693..b4121ddc7 100644 --- a/aws-ts-static-website/ +++ b/aws-ts-static-website/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Secure Static Website Using Amazon S3, CloudFront, Route53, and Certificate Manager diff --git a/aws-ts-stepfunctions/ b/aws-ts-stepfunctions/ index 8285a0431..4ca278b84 100644 --- a/aws-ts-stepfunctions/ +++ b/aws-ts-stepfunctions/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS Step Functions diff --git a/aws-ts-synthetics-canary/ b/aws-ts-synthetics-canary/ index 43039b35e..805b4b772 100644 --- a/aws-ts-synthetics-canary/ +++ b/aws-ts-synthetics-canary/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Deploy AWS Synthetics Canary Using a Local Script diff --git a/aws-ts-thumbnailer/ b/aws-ts-thumbnailer/ index accd81b17..7bf07bff9 100755 --- a/aws-ts-thumbnailer/ +++ b/aws-ts-thumbnailer/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Video Thumbnailer Using AWS Fargate diff --git a/aws-ts-twitter-athena/ b/aws-ts-twitter-athena/ index 3c55e2c3c..ba383c069 100644 --- a/aws-ts-twitter-athena/ +++ b/aws-ts-twitter-athena/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Twitter Search in Athena diff --git a/aws-ts-url-shortener-cache-http/ b/aws-ts-url-shortener-cache-http/ index 428b38a57..5e9652830 100644 --- a/aws-ts-url-shortener-cache-http/ +++ b/aws-ts-url-shortener-cache-http/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Serverless URL Shortener with Redis Cache and HttpServer diff --git a/aws-ts-voting-app/ b/aws-ts-voting-app/ index 0df7088bb..9d5174b78 100644 --- a/aws-ts-voting-app/ +++ b/aws-ts-voting-app/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Voting app Using Redis and Flask diff --git a/aws-ts-vpc-with-ecs-fargate-py/ecs-fargate-python/ b/aws-ts-vpc-with-ecs-fargate-py/ecs-fargate-python/ index 75e92e2ef..744957b2f 100644 --- a/aws-ts-vpc-with-ecs-fargate-py/ecs-fargate-python/ +++ b/aws-ts-vpc-with-ecs-fargate-py/ecs-fargate-python/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # NGINX on AWS ECS Fargate using Python with a vpc built in Typescript diff --git a/aws-ts-vpc-with-ecs-fargate-py/vpc-crosswalk-ts/ b/aws-ts-vpc-with-ecs-fargate-py/vpc-crosswalk-ts/ index 7efa360b2..7a649aadc 100644 --- a/aws-ts-vpc-with-ecs-fargate-py/vpc-crosswalk-ts/ +++ b/aws-ts-vpc-with-ecs-fargate-py/vpc-crosswalk-ts/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Pulumi: A VPC on AWS built in Typescript. diff --git a/aws-ts-webserver/ b/aws-ts-webserver/ index 4ab37e5cd..3b6bdcdb0 100755 --- a/aws-ts-webserver/ +++ b/aws-ts-webserver/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Web Server Using Amazon EC2 diff --git a/aws-ts-wordpress-fargate-rds/ b/aws-ts-wordpress-fargate-rds/ index 9e4e35efa..e6bcf19a3 100644 --- a/aws-ts-wordpress-fargate-rds/ +++ b/aws-ts-wordpress-fargate-rds/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # WordPress Site in AWS Fargate with RDS DB Backend diff --git a/aws-yaml-ansible-wordpress/ b/aws-yaml-ansible-wordpress/ index 5b9ffd87f..1306e9dc8 100644 --- a/aws-yaml-ansible-wordpress/ +++ b/aws-yaml-ansible-wordpress/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Deploy Wordpress to AWS EC2 using Pulumi and Ansible diff --git a/aws-yaml-eks/ b/aws-yaml-eks/ index 16b784b35..fca524b10 100644 --- a/aws-yaml-eks/ +++ b/aws-yaml-eks/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Amazon EKS Cluster diff --git a/aws-yaml-static-website/ b/aws-yaml-static-website/ index ae10a9e08..beec918d2 100644 --- a/aws-yaml-static-website/ +++ b/aws-yaml-static-website/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Host a Static Website on Amazon S3 with the AWS Native Provider diff --git a/azure-cs-aci/ b/azure-cs-aci/ index a28c34371..0f13ddd56 100644 --- a/azure-cs-aci/ +++ b/azure-cs-aci/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Container Instances on Linux diff --git a/azure-cs-aks-cosmos-helm/ b/azure-cs-aks-cosmos-helm/ index 6b96d9abf..1a0cdadb5 100644 --- a/azure-cs-aks-cosmos-helm/ +++ b/azure-cs-aks-cosmos-helm/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # A Helm chart deployed to AKS that stores TODOs in an Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB API diff --git a/azure-cs-aks-helm/ b/azure-cs-aks-helm/ index d699fe9d4..4f240b693 100644 --- a/azure-cs-aks-helm/ +++ b/azure-cs-aks-helm/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster and Helm Chart diff --git a/azure-cs-aks-managed-identity/ b/azure-cs-aks-managed-identity/ index 750b75c9f..642d6da10 100644 --- a/azure-cs-aks-managed-identity/ +++ b/azure-cs-aks-managed-identity/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster using the native Azure Provider diff --git a/azure-cs-aks-multicluster/ b/azure-cs-aks-multicluster/ index 4aecd516b..9b20eacfa 100644 --- a/azure-cs-aks-multicluster/ +++ b/azure-cs-aks-multicluster/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Multiple Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Clusters diff --git a/azure-cs-aks/ b/azure-cs-aks/ index 742de43c4..9573d63d8 100644 --- a/azure-cs-aks/ +++ b/azure-cs-aks/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster using the native Azure Provider diff --git a/azure-cs-appservice-docker/ b/azure-cs-appservice-docker/ index dd1fa6b96..612452f1c 100644 --- a/azure-cs-appservice-docker/ +++ b/azure-cs-appservice-docker/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure App Service Running Docker Containers on Linux diff --git a/azure-cs-appservice/ b/azure-cs-appservice/ index 9bdab1ddc..9206185e5 100644 --- a/azure-cs-appservice/ +++ b/azure-cs-appservice/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure App Service with SQL Database and Application Insights diff --git a/azure-cs-call-azure-api/ b/azure-cs-call-azure-api/ index 35567bea4..4e55398b9 100644 --- a/azure-cs-call-azure-api/ +++ b/azure-cs-call-azure-api/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Demo of Integrating the native Azure Pulumi provider with the Microsoft Azure SDK diff --git a/azure-cs-containerapps/ b/azure-cs-containerapps/ index 3079a6d59..f2b9d6068 100644 --- a/azure-cs-containerapps/ +++ b/azure-cs-containerapps/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Container Apps diff --git a/azure-cs-cosmosdb-logicapp/ b/azure-cs-cosmosdb-logicapp/ index 58ab28f18..896039291 100644 --- a/azure-cs-cosmosdb-logicapp/ +++ b/azure-cs-cosmosdb-logicapp/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Cosmos DB, an API Connection, and a Logic App diff --git a/azure-cs-credential-rotation-one-set/ b/azure-cs-credential-rotation-one-set/ index bca817d33..d66ec8f6e 100644 --- a/azure-cs-credential-rotation-one-set/ +++ b/azure-cs-credential-rotation-one-set/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Automate the rotation of a secret for resources that use one set of authentication credentials diff --git a/azure-cs-functions/ b/azure-cs-functions/ index 43fbfd3b1..92164610a 100644 --- a/azure-cs-functions/ +++ b/azure-cs-functions/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Functions on a Linux App Service Plan diff --git a/azure-cs-net5-aks-webapp/ b/azure-cs-net5-aks-webapp/ index 7beb0c19b..297594731 100644 --- a/azure-cs-net5-aks-webapp/ +++ b/azure-cs-net5-aks-webapp/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Deploy Containerized Web Applications using the native Azure Provider, .NET 5, and C# 9 diff --git a/azure-cs-sqlserver/ b/azure-cs-sqlserver/ index 7af9d7e8b..953e6cf1e 100644 --- a/azure-cs-sqlserver/ +++ b/azure-cs-sqlserver/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # A SQLServer on Azure PaaS diff --git a/azure-cs-static-website/ b/azure-cs-static-website/ index e08a90456..ca3068d48 100644 --- a/azure-cs-static-website/ +++ b/azure-cs-static-website/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Static Website Using Azure Blob Storage and CDN diff --git a/azure-cs-synapse/ b/azure-cs-synapse/ index 5fa515de8..9b6995549 100644 --- a/azure-cs-synapse/ +++ b/azure-cs-synapse/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Synapse Workspace and Pools diff --git a/azure-go-aci/ b/azure-go-aci/ index c4bc2b68a..ff24b6f4b 100644 --- a/azure-go-aci/ +++ b/azure-go-aci/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Container Instances on Linux diff --git a/azure-go-aks-helm/ b/azure-go-aks-helm/ index 7e5d1a6ce..a083da808 100644 --- a/azure-go-aks-helm/ +++ b/azure-go-aks-helm/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster and Helm Chart diff --git a/azure-go-aks-managed-identity/ b/azure-go-aks-managed-identity/ index 955a114e8..963745eb6 100644 --- a/azure-go-aks-managed-identity/ +++ b/azure-go-aks-managed-identity/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster using the native Azure Provider diff --git a/azure-go-aks-multicluster/ b/azure-go-aks-multicluster/ index 51bf7aeb2..129806933 100644 --- a/azure-go-aks-multicluster/ +++ b/azure-go-aks-multicluster/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Multiple Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Clusters diff --git a/azure-go-aks/ b/azure-go-aks/ index 5672e80e7..d52381a76 100644 --- a/azure-go-aks/ +++ b/azure-go-aks/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster using the native Azure Provider diff --git a/azure-go-appservice-docker/ b/azure-go-appservice-docker/ index 2841eecb6..275b55538 100644 --- a/azure-go-appservice-docker/ +++ b/azure-go-appservice-docker/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure App Service Running Docker Containers on Linux diff --git a/azure-go-call-azure-sdk/ b/azure-go-call-azure-sdk/ index 7d40d771e..1a119e405 100644 --- a/azure-go-call-azure-sdk/ +++ b/azure-go-call-azure-sdk/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Demo of Integrating the native Azure Pulumi provider with the Microsoft Azure SDK diff --git a/azure-go-containerapps/ b/azure-go-containerapps/ index 9126ae54e..f63ce7d7a 100644 --- a/azure-go-containerapps/ +++ b/azure-go-containerapps/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Container Apps diff --git a/azure-go-static-website/ b/azure-go-static-website/ index 0b994abf5..5fca68dc8 100644 --- a/azure-go-static-website/ +++ b/azure-go-static-website/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Static Website Using Azure Blob Storage and CDN diff --git a/azure-java-appservice-sql/ b/azure-java-appservice-sql/ index faf138a2a..9a8a5166e 100644 --- a/azure-java-appservice-sql/ +++ b/azure-java-appservice-sql/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure App Service with SQL Database and Application Insights diff --git a/azure-java-function-graal-spring/ b/azure-java-function-graal-spring/ index 949982447..378b48681 100644 --- a/azure-java-function-graal-spring/ +++ b/azure-java-function-graal-spring/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Function with Spring Boot Native and GraalVM diff --git a/azure-java-static-website/ b/azure-java-static-website/ index 4f5400d2e..e29afdb9c 100644 --- a/azure-java-static-website/ +++ b/azure-java-static-website/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Static Website Using Azure Blob Storage and CDN diff --git a/azure-py-aci/ b/azure-py-aci/ index a6a1a7d59..4d0320e19 100644 --- a/azure-py-aci/ +++ b/azure-py-aci/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Container Instances on Linux diff --git a/azure-py-aks-helm/ b/azure-py-aks-helm/ index deb215041..f7173bb47 100644 --- a/azure-py-aks-helm/ +++ b/azure-py-aks-helm/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster and Helm Chart diff --git a/azure-py-aks-managed-identity/ b/azure-py-aks-managed-identity/ index 3e124cd27..69f633f56 100644 --- a/azure-py-aks-managed-identity/ +++ b/azure-py-aks-managed-identity/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster using the native Azure Provider diff --git a/azure-py-aks-multicluster/ b/azure-py-aks-multicluster/ index 1cf574e01..0fb60a300 100644 --- a/azure-py-aks-multicluster/ +++ b/azure-py-aks-multicluster/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Multiple Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Clusters diff --git a/azure-py-aks/ b/azure-py-aks/ index b050a67c1..facdd5ec0 100644 --- a/azure-py-aks/ +++ b/azure-py-aks/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster using the native Azure Provider diff --git a/azure-py-appservice-docker/ b/azure-py-appservice-docker/ index ad68a2e80..cdc7c3c78 100644 --- a/azure-py-appservice-docker/ +++ b/azure-py-appservice-docker/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure App Service Running Docker Containers on Linux diff --git a/azure-py-appservice/ b/azure-py-appservice/ index 44d205080..30ba341a0 100644 --- a/azure-py-appservice/ +++ b/azure-py-appservice/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure App Service with SQL Database and Application Insights diff --git a/azure-py-call-azure-sdk/ b/azure-py-call-azure-sdk/ index 0f71620fc..53530d2e9 100644 --- a/azure-py-call-azure-sdk/ +++ b/azure-py-call-azure-sdk/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Demo of Integrating the native Azure Pulumi provider with the Microsoft Azure SDK diff --git a/azure-py-containerapps/ b/azure-py-containerapps/ index d5f3cd615..49d282c6a 100644 --- a/azure-py-containerapps/ +++ b/azure-py-containerapps/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Container Apps diff --git a/azure-py-cosmosdb-logicapp/ b/azure-py-cosmosdb-logicapp/ index 2093fba06..173ac6f9b 100644 --- a/azure-py-cosmosdb-logicapp/ +++ b/azure-py-cosmosdb-logicapp/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Cosmos DB, an API Connection, and a Logic App diff --git a/azure-py-loadbalancer-vm/ b/azure-py-loadbalancer-vm/ index 74a8b6291..68f469ae7 100644 --- a/azure-py-loadbalancer-vm/ +++ b/azure-py-loadbalancer-vm/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Load Balancer and Web Server Using Azure Load Balancer and Virtual Machine diff --git a/azure-py-minecraft-server/ b/azure-py-minecraft-server/ index e1bbba851..291789584 100644 --- a/azure-py-minecraft-server/ +++ b/azure-py-minecraft-server/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Minecraft Server Using an Azure Virtual Machine diff --git a/azure-py-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ b/azure-py-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ index b7291416e..b74934573 100644 --- a/azure-py-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ +++ b/azure-py-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Provisioning an OIDC Provider in Azure for Pulumi Cloud diff --git a/azure-py-static-website/ b/azure-py-static-website/ index a211214ac..a4997d13c 100644 --- a/azure-py-static-website/ +++ b/azure-py-static-website/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Static Website Using Azure Blob Storage and CDN Based on diff --git a/azure-py-synapse/ b/azure-py-synapse/ index e7ec5baee..6e9bb9754 100644 --- a/azure-py-synapse/ +++ b/azure-py-synapse/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Synapse Workspace and Pools diff --git a/azure-py-virtual-data-center/ b/azure-py-virtual-data-center/ index ac2baf6d8..40c9e29d8 100644 --- a/azure-py-virtual-data-center/ +++ b/azure-py-virtual-data-center/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Virtual Data Center (VDC) diff --git a/azure-py-webserver/ b/azure-py-webserver/ index 120308542..90e909ff6 100644 --- a/azure-py-webserver/ +++ b/azure-py-webserver/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Web Server Using Azure Virtual Machine diff --git a/azure-ts-aci/ b/azure-ts-aci/ index ad791318c..daa51b61f 100644 --- a/azure-ts-aci/ +++ b/azure-ts-aci/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Container Instances on Linux diff --git a/azure-ts-aks-helm/ b/azure-ts-aks-helm/ index abe31bb1f..36857825f 100644 --- a/azure-ts-aks-helm/ +++ b/azure-ts-aks-helm/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster and Helm Chart diff --git a/azure-ts-aks-managed-identity/ b/azure-ts-aks-managed-identity/ index 0292211cc..4b99436fc 100644 --- a/azure-ts-aks-managed-identity/ +++ b/azure-ts-aks-managed-identity/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster using the native Azure Provider diff --git a/azure-ts-aks-multicluster/ b/azure-ts-aks-multicluster/ index e5aebee9b..c94e10f8a 100644 --- a/azure-ts-aks-multicluster/ +++ b/azure-ts-aks-multicluster/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Multiple Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Clusters diff --git a/azure-ts-aks/ b/azure-ts-aks/ index d1678085d..87089e328 100644 --- a/azure-ts-aks/ +++ b/azure-ts-aks/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster using the native Azure Provider diff --git a/azure-ts-appservice-docker/ b/azure-ts-appservice-docker/ index 6db3297ff..df04e26ea 100644 --- a/azure-ts-appservice-docker/ +++ b/azure-ts-appservice-docker/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure App Service Running Docker Containers on Linux diff --git a/azure-ts-appservice/ b/azure-ts-appservice/ index 1be88b1c3..4df6053da 100644 --- a/azure-ts-appservice/ +++ b/azure-ts-appservice/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure App Service with SQL Database and Application Insights diff --git a/azure-ts-call-azure-sdk/ b/azure-ts-call-azure-sdk/ index 4497178c6..720387851 100644 --- a/azure-ts-call-azure-sdk/ +++ b/azure-ts-call-azure-sdk/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Demo of Integrating the native Azure Pulumi provider with the Microsoft Azure SDK diff --git a/azure-ts-containerapps/ b/azure-ts-containerapps/ index 927cf4a0d..509bf1d32 100644 --- a/azure-ts-containerapps/ +++ b/azure-ts-containerapps/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Container Apps diff --git a/azure-ts-cosmosdb-logicapp/ b/azure-ts-cosmosdb-logicapp/ index b03414d1d..564449983 100644 --- a/azure-ts-cosmosdb-logicapp/ +++ b/azure-ts-cosmosdb-logicapp/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Cosmos DB, an API Connection, and a Logic App diff --git a/azure-ts-functions-many/ b/azure-ts-functions-many/ index 302b50e80..9c2f849d5 100644 --- a/azure-ts-functions-many/ +++ b/azure-ts-functions-many/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Functions in All Supported Languages diff --git a/azure-ts-functions/ b/azure-ts-functions/ index b66b7e9b6..a69d02eea 100644 --- a/azure-ts-functions/ +++ b/azure-ts-functions/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Deploying Azure Functions diff --git a/azure-ts-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ b/azure-ts-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ index 981f3ebe3..c8d6cce18 100644 --- a/azure-ts-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ +++ b/azure-ts-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Provisioning an OIDC Provider in Azure for Pulumi Cloud diff --git a/azure-ts-static-website/ b/azure-ts-static-website/ index 71a30ed61..fec2beeca 100644 --- a/azure-ts-static-website/ +++ b/azure-ts-static-website/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Static Website Using Azure Blob Storage and CDN Based on diff --git a/azure-ts-synapse/ b/azure-ts-synapse/ index 0f94630d7..4dd5e0ba8 100644 --- a/azure-ts-synapse/ +++ b/azure-ts-synapse/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Synapse Workspace and Pools diff --git a/azure-ts-webapp-privateendpoint-vnet-injection/ b/azure-ts-webapp-privateendpoint-vnet-injection/ index f1e787b52..e46e76248 100644 --- a/azure-ts-webapp-privateendpoint-vnet-injection/ +++ b/azure-ts-webapp-privateendpoint-vnet-injection/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Deploy two App Services - Front web app with VNet injection and Back web app with a Private Endpoint diff --git a/azure-ts-webserver/ b/azure-ts-webserver/ index ba8751bf5..a748b0f05 100755 --- a/azure-ts-webserver/ +++ b/azure-ts-webserver/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Web Server Using Azure Virtual Machine diff --git a/azure-yaml-aks-managed-identity/ b/azure-yaml-aks-managed-identity/ index a84c1518a..6a5c0dad4 100644 --- a/azure-yaml-aks-managed-identity/ +++ b/azure-yaml-aks-managed-identity/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster using the native Azure Provider diff --git a/azure-yaml-app-service/ b/azure-yaml-app-service/ index 3e25a5fcb..3a7eec335 100644 --- a/azure-yaml-app-service/ +++ b/azure-yaml-app-service/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure App Service with SQL Database and Application Insights diff --git a/azure-yaml-container-apps/ b/azure-yaml-container-apps/ index 8a46f5429..57d9a8418 100644 --- a/azure-yaml-container-apps/ +++ b/azure-yaml-container-apps/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Container Apps diff --git a/azure-yaml-static-website/ b/azure-yaml-static-website/ index 91dc29a48..873020e70 100644 --- a/azure-yaml-static-website/ +++ b/azure-yaml-static-website/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Static Website Using Azure Blob Storage and CDN diff --git a/classic-azure-cs-botservice/ b/classic-azure-cs-botservice/ index 0e4e3b712..690ea1e5c 100644 --- a/classic-azure-cs-botservice/ +++ b/classic-azure-cs-botservice/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Bot Service with Application Insights diff --git a/classic-azure-cs-cosmosapp-component/ b/classic-azure-cs-cosmosapp-component/ index b33f66fea..e97f09a5e 100644 --- a/classic-azure-cs-cosmosapp-component/ +++ b/classic-azure-cs-cosmosapp-component/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Reusable Component to Create Globally-distributed Applications with Azure Cosmos DB diff --git a/classic-azure-cs-msi-keyvault-rbac/ b/classic-azure-cs-msi-keyvault-rbac/ index da78f6c65..3af7b0c05 100644 --- a/classic-azure-cs-msi-keyvault-rbac/ +++ b/classic-azure-cs-msi-keyvault-rbac/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Managing Secrets and Secure Access in Azure Applications diff --git a/classic-azure-cs-vm-scaleset/ b/classic-azure-cs-vm-scaleset/ index 2e81f3b6f..bcf6fe165 100644 --- a/classic-azure-cs-vm-scaleset/ +++ b/classic-azure-cs-vm-scaleset/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure VM Scale Sets diff --git a/classic-azure-cs-webserver/ b/classic-azure-cs-webserver/ index d7a1d456b..292e09c64 100644 --- a/classic-azure-cs-webserver/ +++ b/classic-azure-cs-webserver/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Web Server Using Azure Virtual Machine diff --git a/classic-azure-fs-aci/ b/classic-azure-fs-aci/ index 5d5754b02..45f5d8412 100644 --- a/classic-azure-fs-aci/ +++ b/classic-azure-fs-aci/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Custom Docker Image running in Azure Container Instances diff --git a/classic-azure-fs-aks/ b/classic-azure-fs-aks/ index 7c09378b0..16e522cf3 100644 --- a/classic-azure-fs-aks/ +++ b/classic-azure-fs-aks/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster diff --git a/classic-azure-fs-appservice/ b/classic-azure-fs-appservice/ index c32f22250..3504f465d 100644 --- a/classic-azure-fs-appservice/ +++ b/classic-azure-fs-appservice/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure App Service with SQL Database and Application Insights diff --git a/classic-azure-go-aks-multicluster/ b/classic-azure-go-aks-multicluster/ index a5a266a53..c343dce48 100644 --- a/classic-azure-go-aks-multicluster/ +++ b/classic-azure-go-aks-multicluster/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Multiple Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Clusters diff --git a/classic-azure-go-webserver-component/ b/classic-azure-go-webserver-component/ index 61cf44753..cbe153c55 100755 --- a/classic-azure-go-webserver-component/ +++ b/classic-azure-go-webserver-component/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Web Server Component Using Azure Virtual Machine diff --git a/classic-azure-py-aks-multicluster/ b/classic-azure-py-aks-multicluster/ index 905c08218..a3940da58 100644 --- a/classic-azure-py-aks-multicluster/ +++ b/classic-azure-py-aks-multicluster/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Multiple Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Clusters diff --git a/classic-azure-py-arm-template/ b/classic-azure-py-arm-template/ index 472127ea6..08887353e 100644 --- a/classic-azure-py-arm-template/ +++ b/classic-azure-py-arm-template/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template diff --git a/classic-azure-py-hdinsight-spark/ b/classic-azure-py-hdinsight-spark/ index 9f4246225..5bebe1f71 100644 --- a/classic-azure-py-hdinsight-spark/ +++ b/classic-azure-py-hdinsight-spark/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Spark on Azure HDInsight diff --git a/classic-azure-py-msi-keyvault-rbac/ b/classic-azure-py-msi-keyvault-rbac/ index 46d24cd92..f5e801066 100644 --- a/classic-azure-py-msi-keyvault-rbac/ +++ b/classic-azure-py-msi-keyvault-rbac/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Managing Secrets and Secure Access in Azure Applications diff --git a/classic-azure-py-vm-scaleset/ b/classic-azure-py-vm-scaleset/ index 81938b52d..b26a1bce6 100644 --- a/classic-azure-py-vm-scaleset/ +++ b/classic-azure-py-vm-scaleset/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure VM Scale Sets diff --git a/classic-azure-py-webserver-component/ b/classic-azure-py-webserver-component/ index 0a752178e..dd901c7f4 100644 --- a/classic-azure-py-webserver-component/ +++ b/classic-azure-py-webserver-component/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Web Server Using Azure Virtual Machine with ComponentResource diff --git a/classic-azure-ts-aks-helm/ b/classic-azure-ts-aks-helm/ index 1cff1c1b3..637d44b59 100644 --- a/classic-azure-ts-aks-helm/ +++ b/classic-azure-ts-aks-helm/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster and Helm Chart diff --git a/classic-azure-ts-aks-keda/ b/classic-azure-ts-aks-keda/ index 316717f93..d4cd524ce 100644 --- a/classic-azure-ts-aks-keda/ +++ b/classic-azure-ts-aks-keda/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster and Azure Functions with KEDA diff --git a/classic-azure-ts-aks-mean/ b/classic-azure-ts-aks-mean/ index b99643afb..949f84aeb 100644 --- a/classic-azure-ts-aks-mean/ +++ b/classic-azure-ts-aks-mean/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) App Using CosmosDB diff --git a/classic-azure-ts-aks-multicluster/ b/classic-azure-ts-aks-multicluster/ index c6b2173e8..1bfacd0d9 100644 --- a/classic-azure-ts-aks-multicluster/ +++ b/classic-azure-ts-aks-multicluster/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Multiple Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Clusters diff --git a/classic-azure-ts-aks-with-diagnostics/ b/classic-azure-ts-aks-with-diagnostics/ index 2c3cceab8..f00090291 100644 --- a/classic-azure-ts-aks-with-diagnostics/ +++ b/classic-azure-ts-aks-with-diagnostics/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster with Diagnostics diff --git a/classic-azure-ts-api-management/ b/classic-azure-ts-api-management/ index d6d1b8537..729302ee0 100644 --- a/classic-azure-ts-api-management/ +++ b/classic-azure-ts-api-management/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure API Management diff --git a/classic-azure-ts-appservice-devops/ b/classic-azure-ts-appservice-devops/ index dee8af477..fafe1d335 100644 --- a/classic-azure-ts-appservice-devops/ +++ b/classic-azure-ts-appservice-devops/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Todo App Using Azure App Service with SQL Database and Integrated with Azure DevOps diff --git a/classic-azure-ts-appservice-springboot/ b/classic-azure-ts-appservice-springboot/ index ab67887b3..6c838005b 100644 --- a/classic-azure-ts-appservice-springboot/ +++ b/classic-azure-ts-appservice-springboot/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Spring Boot App on Azure App Service Using Jenkins diff --git a/classic-azure-ts-arm-template/ b/classic-azure-ts-arm-template/ index 64ff6a534..536cdeec4 100644 --- a/classic-azure-ts-arm-template/ +++ b/classic-azure-ts-arm-template/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template diff --git a/classic-azure-ts-cosmosapp-component/ b/classic-azure-ts-cosmosapp-component/ index 55fcaee35..b664bfb6b 100644 --- a/classic-azure-ts-cosmosapp-component/ +++ b/classic-azure-ts-cosmosapp-component/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Reusable Component to Create Globally-distributed Applications with Azure Cosmos DB diff --git a/classic-azure-ts-dynamicresource/ b/classic-azure-ts-dynamicresource/ index ad7bdb020..e9e28a404 100644 --- a/classic-azure-ts-dynamicresource/ +++ b/classic-azure-ts-dynamicresource/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure CDN Custom Domain Dynamic Provider diff --git a/classic-azure-ts-hdinsight-spark/ b/classic-azure-ts-hdinsight-spark/ index 08585f0f3..48323c5e3 100644 --- a/classic-azure-ts-hdinsight-spark/ +++ b/classic-azure-ts-hdinsight-spark/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Spark on Azure HDInsight diff --git a/classic-azure-ts-msi-keyvault-rbac/ b/classic-azure-ts-msi-keyvault-rbac/ index e40960321..7544d20b9 100644 --- a/classic-azure-ts-msi-keyvault-rbac/ +++ b/classic-azure-ts-msi-keyvault-rbac/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Managing Secrets and Secure Access in Azure Applications diff --git a/classic-azure-ts-serverless-url-shortener-global/ b/classic-azure-ts-serverless-url-shortener-global/ index 44e3a822c..469c7460f 100644 --- a/classic-azure-ts-serverless-url-shortener-global/ +++ b/classic-azure-ts-serverless-url-shortener-global/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Globally Distributed Serverless URL Shortener Using Azure Functions and Cosmos DB diff --git a/classic-azure-ts-stream-analytics/ b/classic-azure-ts-stream-analytics/ index e3a2cb282..54e59c430 100644 --- a/classic-azure-ts-stream-analytics/ +++ b/classic-azure-ts-stream-analytics/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure Stream Analytics diff --git a/classic-azure-ts-vm-provisioners/ b/classic-azure-ts-vm-provisioners/ index 4f5a291fe..c44dc5271 100755 --- a/classic-azure-ts-vm-provisioners/ +++ b/classic-azure-ts-vm-provisioners/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure WebServer with Manual Provisioning diff --git a/classic-azure-ts-vm-scaleset/ b/classic-azure-ts-vm-scaleset/ index 7531b25f2..440793363 100644 --- a/classic-azure-ts-vm-scaleset/ +++ b/classic-azure-ts-vm-scaleset/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Azure VM Scale Sets diff --git a/classic-azure-ts-webserver-component/ b/classic-azure-ts-webserver-component/ index 3315f015f..8a95d8f6e 100755 --- a/classic-azure-ts-webserver-component/ +++ b/classic-azure-ts-webserver-component/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Web Server Component Using Azure Virtual Machine diff --git a/cloud-js-api/ b/cloud-js-api/ index 2acddbc53..6c3faa656 100644 --- a/cloud-js-api/ +++ b/cloud-js-api/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Serverless REST API on AWS diff --git a/cloud-js-containers/ b/cloud-js-containers/ index c99be9252..59ebbbe21 100644 --- a/cloud-js-containers/ +++ b/cloud-js-containers/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Containerized App diff --git a/cloud-js-httpserver/ b/cloud-js-httpserver/ index 3e603937c..c30381105 100644 --- a/cloud-js-httpserver/ +++ b/cloud-js-httpserver/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Serverless REST API on AWS diff --git a/cloud-js-thumbnailer-machine-learning/ b/cloud-js-thumbnailer-machine-learning/ index 2be6bb31d..9cc37504d 100755 --- a/cloud-js-thumbnailer-machine-learning/ +++ b/cloud-js-thumbnailer-machine-learning/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Video Thumbnailer with AWS Rekognition diff --git a/cloud-js-thumbnailer/ b/cloud-js-thumbnailer/ index 8f8d5f104..c4efce6eb 100755 --- a/cloud-js-thumbnailer/ +++ b/cloud-js-thumbnailer/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Video Thumbnailer diff --git a/cloud-js-twitter-athena/ b/cloud-js-twitter-athena/ index cd09df53e..5545ee784 100644 --- a/cloud-js-twitter-athena/ +++ b/cloud-js-twitter-athena/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Twitter Search in Athena diff --git a/cloud-ts-url-shortener-cache-http/ b/cloud-ts-url-shortener-cache-http/ index 99c722954..250b6662b 100644 --- a/cloud-ts-url-shortener-cache-http/ +++ b/cloud-ts-url-shortener-cache-http/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Serverless URL Shortener with Redis Cache and HttpServer diff --git a/cloud-ts-url-shortener-cache/ b/cloud-ts-url-shortener-cache/ index 5e9113465..10be348d5 100644 --- a/cloud-ts-url-shortener-cache/ +++ b/cloud-ts-url-shortener-cache/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Serverless URL Shortener with Redis Cache diff --git a/cloud-ts-url-shortener/ b/cloud-ts-url-shortener/ index 99afb5c29..6570586f3 100644 --- a/cloud-ts-url-shortener/ +++ b/cloud-ts-url-shortener/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Serverless URL Shortener diff --git a/cloud-ts-voting-app/ b/cloud-ts-voting-app/ index 3c38c4ad5..44620aad8 100644 --- a/cloud-ts-voting-app/ +++ b/cloud-ts-voting-app/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Voting App Using Redis and Flask diff --git a/crd2pulumi-crontabs/ b/crd2pulumi-crontabs/ index 47ad9df66..462f58d62 100644 --- a/crd2pulumi-crontabs/ +++ b/crd2pulumi-crontabs/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Generating CronTab CustomResources with `crd2pulumi` diff --git a/digitalocean-py-k8s/ b/digitalocean-py-k8s/ index 8e7296505..6d82790a1 100644 --- a/digitalocean-py-k8s/ +++ b/digitalocean-py-k8s/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # DigitalOcean Kubernetes Cluster and Application diff --git a/digitalocean-py-loadbalanced-droplets/ b/digitalocean-py-loadbalanced-droplets/ index 9488c28fb..7bafa6b22 100644 --- a/digitalocean-py-loadbalanced-droplets/ +++ b/digitalocean-py-loadbalanced-droplets/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Pulumi DigitalOcean Droplets diff --git a/digitalocean-ts-k8s/ b/digitalocean-ts-k8s/ index cf7b08e10..5f4bd15b8 100644 --- a/digitalocean-ts-k8s/ +++ b/digitalocean-ts-k8s/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # DigitalOcean Kubernetes Cluster and Application diff --git a/digitalocean-ts-loadbalanced-droplets/ b/digitalocean-ts-loadbalanced-droplets/ index fe1059628..e38d5db6d 100644 --- a/digitalocean-ts-loadbalanced-droplets/ +++ b/digitalocean-ts-loadbalanced-droplets/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Pulumi DigitalOcean Droplets diff --git a/docker-cs-multi-container-app/ b/docker-cs-multi-container-app/ index 37bd2fb4d..881443e4b 100644 --- a/docker-cs-multi-container-app/ +++ b/docker-cs-multi-container-app/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Docker multi-container example diff --git a/docker-py-multi-container-app/ b/docker-py-multi-container-app/ index e1b4f664c..9f4d76d8c 100644 --- a/docker-py-multi-container-app/ +++ b/docker-py-multi-container-app/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Docker multi-container example diff --git a/docker-ts-multi-container-app/ b/docker-ts-multi-container-app/ index 7e48263aa..314d21438 100644 --- a/docker-ts-multi-container-app/ +++ b/docker-ts-multi-container-app/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Docker multi-container example diff --git a/dockerbuildcloud-ts/ b/dockerbuildcloud-ts/ index 292ab0d64..865b846b3 100644 --- a/dockerbuildcloud-ts/ +++ b/dockerbuildcloud-ts/ @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ Once copied to your machine, feel free to edit as needed. Alternatively, click the button below to use [Pulumi Deployments]( to deploy this app: -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( ## 🎬 How to run diff --git a/equinix-py-webserver/ b/equinix-py-webserver/ index 23a7250d6..91f8b3c8a 100644 --- a/equinix-py-webserver/ +++ b/equinix-py-webserver/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Equinix Webserver diff --git a/equinix-ts-webserver/ b/equinix-ts-webserver/ index 6d7eaca3a..7a54cde43 100644 --- a/equinix-ts-webserver/ +++ b/equinix-ts-webserver/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Equinix Webserver diff --git a/f5bigip-ts-ltm-pool/f5bigip-ec2-instance/ b/f5bigip-ts-ltm-pool/f5bigip-ec2-instance/ index 450975c9a..1f2151127 100644 --- a/f5bigip-ts-ltm-pool/f5bigip-ec2-instance/ +++ b/f5bigip-ts-ltm-pool/f5bigip-ec2-instance/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Provision an F5 BigIP appliance on AWS diff --git a/f5bigip-ts-ltm-pool/f5bigip-pool/ b/f5bigip-ts-ltm-pool/f5bigip-pool/ index 44b853daa..64646a680 100644 --- a/f5bigip-ts-ltm-pool/f5bigip-pool/ +++ b/f5bigip-ts-ltm-pool/f5bigip-pool/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Provision F5 BigIP Application Pool Resources diff --git a/f5bigip-ts-ltm-pool/nginx-ec2-instance/ b/f5bigip-ts-ltm-pool/nginx-ec2-instance/ index c9f08459c..a45c1b3f6 100644 --- a/f5bigip-ts-ltm-pool/nginx-ec2-instance/ +++ b/f5bigip-ts-ltm-pool/nginx-ec2-instance/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Provision Backend NGINX Instances diff --git a/gcp-cs-functions/ b/gcp-cs-functions/ index 0a50bd7b5..46d40cb19 100644 --- a/gcp-cs-functions/ +++ b/gcp-cs-functions/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Google Cloud Functions in Python deployed with C# diff --git a/gcp-cs-gke/ b/gcp-cs-gke/ index 064086f7f..1b45770df 100644 --- a/gcp-cs-gke/ +++ b/gcp-cs-gke/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Cluster diff --git a/gcp-go-functions-raw/ b/gcp-go-functions-raw/ index 78acc6a52..e896d5155 100644 --- a/gcp-go-functions-raw/ +++ b/gcp-go-functions-raw/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Google Cloud Functions in Python deployed with Go diff --git a/gcp-go-functions/ b/gcp-go-functions/ index f3da33f95..0c66067ce 100644 --- a/gcp-go-functions/ +++ b/gcp-go-functions/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Google Cloud Functions in Go deployed with Go diff --git a/gcp-go-gke/ b/gcp-go-gke/ index 8ba2d798c..3afc9c1db 100644 --- a/gcp-go-gke/ +++ b/gcp-go-gke/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Cluster diff --git a/gcp-go-instance/ b/gcp-go-instance/ index da499bca3..ea8855b56 100644 --- a/gcp-go-instance/ +++ b/gcp-go-instance/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # GCP Instance diff --git a/gcp-go-webserver/ b/gcp-go-webserver/ index 54a7a7193..c95d5213e 100644 --- a/gcp-go-webserver/ +++ b/gcp-go-webserver/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Web Server Using Compute Engine diff --git a/gcp-java-gke-hello-world/ b/gcp-java-gke-hello-world/ index 28df70ac8..ce623c078 100644 --- a/gcp-java-gke-hello-world/ +++ b/gcp-java-gke-hello-world/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Cluster diff --git a/gcp-js-webserver/ b/gcp-js-webserver/ index 751fa99a3..79cf77a4f 100644 --- a/gcp-js-webserver/ +++ b/gcp-js-webserver/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Web Server Using Compute Engine diff --git a/gcp-py-cloudrun-cloudsql/ b/gcp-py-cloudrun-cloudsql/ index 6f09842e6..b447dd191 100644 --- a/gcp-py-cloudrun-cloudsql/ +++ b/gcp-py-cloudrun-cloudsql/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Deploy Cloud Run instance connected to Cloud SQL diff --git a/gcp-py-functions/ b/gcp-py-functions/ index 9c99e38ef..b7d684c42 100644 --- a/gcp-py-functions/ +++ b/gcp-py-functions/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Google Cloud Functions in Python diff --git a/gcp-py-gke/ b/gcp-py-gke/ index 59c1a843d..72e8d414d 100644 --- a/gcp-py-gke/ +++ b/gcp-py-gke/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) with a Canary Deployment diff --git a/gcp-py-instance-nginx/ b/gcp-py-instance-nginx/ index 41956cf46..92d68158f 100644 --- a/gcp-py-instance-nginx/ +++ b/gcp-py-instance-nginx/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Nginx Server Using Compute Engine diff --git a/gcp-py-network-component/ b/gcp-py-network-component/ index 73cebec3f..f62a73312 100644 --- a/gcp-py-network-component/ +++ b/gcp-py-network-component/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Google Cloud Network and Instance with ComponentResource diff --git a/gcp-py-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ b/gcp-py-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ index 8ac180438..b1eea7edc 100644 --- a/gcp-py-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ +++ b/gcp-py-oidc-provider-pulumi-cloud/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Provisioning an OIDC Provider in Google Cloud for Pulumi Cloud diff --git a/gcp-py-serverless-raw/ b/gcp-py-serverless-raw/ index 1fcffbb6f..dc5503489 100644 --- a/gcp-py-serverless-raw/ +++ b/gcp-py-serverless-raw/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Google Cloud Functions in Python and Go deployed diff --git a/gcp-py-webserver/ b/gcp-py-webserver/ index 0d6158dee..78f9d0df7 100644 --- a/gcp-py-webserver/ +++ b/gcp-py-webserver/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Web Server Using Compute Engine diff --git a/gcp-ts-cloudrun/ b/gcp-ts-cloudrun/ index a5b5c9c62..ae80611c4 100644 --- a/gcp-ts-cloudrun/ +++ b/gcp-ts-cloudrun/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Google Cloud Run diff --git a/gcp-ts-docker-gcr-cloudrun/ b/gcp-ts-docker-gcr-cloudrun/ index d2ea4262d..2f63255fe 100644 --- a/gcp-ts-docker-gcr-cloudrun/ +++ b/gcp-ts-docker-gcr-cloudrun/ @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Docker Build and Push to GCR and Deploy to Google Cloud Run using separate projects diff --git a/gcp-ts-functions/ b/gcp-ts-functions/ index 8becf2851..5eb228b5a 100644 --- a/gcp-ts-functions/ +++ b/gcp-ts-functions/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Google Cloud Functions diff --git a/gcp-ts-gke-hello-world/ b/gcp-ts-gke-hello-world/ index 3ffa919c7..46b1ddea3 100644 --- a/gcp-ts-gke-hello-world/ +++ b/gcp-ts-gke-hello-world/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Cluster diff --git a/gcp-ts-gke-serviceaccount/ b/gcp-ts-gke-serviceaccount/ index 9dfb4adfc..8808eb45f 100644 --- a/gcp-ts-gke-serviceaccount/ +++ b/gcp-ts-gke-serviceaccount/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Cluster with Service Account diff --git a/gcp-ts-gke/ b/gcp-ts-gke/ index fa72cca0c..b3ff86bc7 100644 --- a/gcp-ts-gke/ +++ b/gcp-ts-gke/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) with a Canary Deployment diff --git a/gcp-ts-k8s-ruby-on-rails-postgresql/ b/gcp-ts-k8s-ruby-on-rails-postgresql/ index ddb991ced..8aa3ffc43 100644 --- a/gcp-ts-k8s-ruby-on-rails-postgresql/ +++ b/gcp-ts-k8s-ruby-on-rails-postgresql/ @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Containerized Ruby on Rails App Delivery on GCP diff --git a/gcp-ts-serverless-raw/ b/gcp-ts-serverless-raw/ index 7a2c9e493..6e38f2f0e 100644 --- a/gcp-ts-serverless-raw/ +++ b/gcp-ts-serverless-raw/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Google Cloud Functions in Python, Go, and TypeScript Deployed with TypeScript diff --git a/gcp-ts-slackbot/ b/gcp-ts-slackbot/ index cabf8efed..fede983ba 100644 --- a/gcp-ts-slackbot/ +++ b/gcp-ts-slackbot/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Slackbot for Posting Slack Mention Notifications diff --git a/google-native-ts-functions/ b/google-native-ts-functions/ index f511d31dd..a100d8004 100644 --- a/google-native-ts-functions/ +++ b/google-native-ts-functions/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Google Cloud Functions diff --git a/google-native-ts-gke-config-connector/ b/google-native-ts-gke-config-connector/ index 58d17bbfe..1a0d9028f 100644 --- a/google-native-ts-gke-config-connector/ +++ b/google-native-ts-gke-config-connector/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Google GKE Config Connector diff --git a/google-native-ts-k8s-ruby-on-rails-postgresql/ b/google-native-ts-k8s-ruby-on-rails-postgresql/ index 2272d32d3..7ae7c716f 100644 --- a/google-native-ts-k8s-ruby-on-rails-postgresql/ +++ b/google-native-ts-k8s-ruby-on-rails-postgresql/ @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Containerized Ruby on Rails App Delivery using the Google Native Pulumi Provider diff --git a/kubernetes-cs-guestbook/ b/kubernetes-cs-guestbook/ index 5ac821c31..170051707 100644 --- a/kubernetes-cs-guestbook/ +++ b/kubernetes-cs-guestbook/ @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Simple and Component-based Kubernetes Guestbook Apps diff --git a/kubernetes-cs-guestbook/components/ b/kubernetes-cs-guestbook/components/ index b3f3950a9..be0276811 100644 --- a/kubernetes-cs-guestbook/components/ +++ b/kubernetes-cs-guestbook/components/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Kubernetes Guestbook (Components Variant) diff --git a/kubernetes-cs-guestbook/simple/ b/kubernetes-cs-guestbook/simple/ index dd6c4e54b..dbf5d39ac 100644 --- a/kubernetes-cs-guestbook/simple/ +++ b/kubernetes-cs-guestbook/simple/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Kubernetes Guestbook (Simple Variant) diff --git a/kubernetes-cs-helm-release-wordpress/ b/kubernetes-cs-helm-release-wordpress/ index 3ccce8f4e..4030ae562 100644 --- a/kubernetes-cs-helm-release-wordpress/ +++ b/kubernetes-cs-helm-release-wordpress/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Wordpress Helm Chart Deployed Using Helm Release Resource diff --git a/kubernetes-go-configmap-rollout/ b/kubernetes-go-configmap-rollout/ index 0df00db94..485e0da55 100644 --- a/kubernetes-go-configmap-rollout/ +++ b/kubernetes-go-configmap-rollout/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # App Rollout via ConfigMap Data Change diff --git a/kubernetes-go-exposed-deployment/ b/kubernetes-go-exposed-deployment/ index 64b2dd8e0..9c6731e90 100644 --- a/kubernetes-go-exposed-deployment/ +++ b/kubernetes-go-exposed-deployment/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Exposing a Deployment with a Public IP Address diff --git a/kubernetes-go-guestbook/ b/kubernetes-go-guestbook/ index 7be444c19..bea1af246 100644 --- a/kubernetes-go-guestbook/ +++ b/kubernetes-go-guestbook/ @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Simple and Component-based Kubernetes Guestbook Apps diff --git a/kubernetes-go-guestbook/components/ b/kubernetes-go-guestbook/components/ index 7d063785f..670560485 100644 --- a/kubernetes-go-guestbook/components/ +++ b/kubernetes-go-guestbook/components/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Kubernetes Guestbook (with Components) diff --git a/kubernetes-go-guestbook/simple/ b/kubernetes-go-guestbook/simple/ index 11efe597f..4f1c9fd66 100644 --- a/kubernetes-go-guestbook/simple/ +++ b/kubernetes-go-guestbook/simple/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Kubernetes Guestbook (Simple Variant) diff --git a/kubernetes-go-helm-release-wordpress/ b/kubernetes-go-helm-release-wordpress/ index 9473c1e5f..245efd059 100644 --- a/kubernetes-go-helm-release-wordpress/ +++ b/kubernetes-go-helm-release-wordpress/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Wordpress Helm Chart Deployed Using Helm Release Resource diff --git a/kubernetes-go-helm-wordpress/ b/kubernetes-go-helm-wordpress/ index 86e3a37f9..d16193db9 100644 --- a/kubernetes-go-helm-wordpress/ +++ b/kubernetes-go-helm-wordpress/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Wordpress Helm Chart diff --git a/kubernetes-py-exposed-deployment/ b/kubernetes-py-exposed-deployment/ index 507946af8..03761557a 100644 --- a/kubernetes-py-exposed-deployment/ +++ b/kubernetes-py-exposed-deployment/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Exposing a Deployment with a Public IP Address diff --git a/kubernetes-py-guestbook/ b/kubernetes-py-guestbook/ index 3e2dc80bc..f446768b7 100644 --- a/kubernetes-py-guestbook/ +++ b/kubernetes-py-guestbook/ @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Simple and Component-based Kubernetes Guestbook Apps diff --git a/kubernetes-py-guestbook/components/ b/kubernetes-py-guestbook/components/ index 5984112db..8b90b56a7 100644 --- a/kubernetes-py-guestbook/components/ +++ b/kubernetes-py-guestbook/components/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Kubernetes Guestbook (with Components) diff --git a/kubernetes-py-guestbook/simple/ b/kubernetes-py-guestbook/simple/ index b631be481..bb1a48640 100644 --- a/kubernetes-py-guestbook/simple/ +++ b/kubernetes-py-guestbook/simple/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Kubernetes Guestbook (Simple Variant) diff --git a/kubernetes-py-helm-release-wordpress/ b/kubernetes-py-helm-release-wordpress/ index a5d64ab2c..cab1fae3f 100644 --- a/kubernetes-py-helm-release-wordpress/ +++ b/kubernetes-py-helm-release-wordpress/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # WordPress Helm Chart Deployed Using Helm Release Resource diff --git a/kubernetes-py-jenkins/ b/kubernetes-py-jenkins/ index 2346efe50..bf4129854 100644 --- a/kubernetes-py-jenkins/ +++ b/kubernetes-py-jenkins/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Continuous Integration with Jenkins diff --git a/kubernetes-py-nginx/ b/kubernetes-py-nginx/ index 1377d6953..b95c36085 100644 --- a/kubernetes-py-nginx/ +++ b/kubernetes-py-nginx/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Stateless Application Using a Deployment diff --git a/kubernetes-ts-configmap-rollout/ b/kubernetes-ts-configmap-rollout/ index 697c5ebc3..85aee979e 100644 --- a/kubernetes-ts-configmap-rollout/ +++ b/kubernetes-ts-configmap-rollout/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # App Rollout via ConfigMap Data Change diff --git a/kubernetes-ts-exposed-deployment/ b/kubernetes-ts-exposed-deployment/ index 828e7db96..7875e7c77 100644 --- a/kubernetes-ts-exposed-deployment/ +++ b/kubernetes-ts-exposed-deployment/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Exposing a Deployment with a Public IP Address diff --git a/kubernetes-ts-guestbook/ b/kubernetes-ts-guestbook/ index 14007c719..e453e2003 100644 --- a/kubernetes-ts-guestbook/ +++ b/kubernetes-ts-guestbook/ @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Simple and Component-based Kubernetes Guestbook Apps diff --git a/kubernetes-ts-guestbook/components/ b/kubernetes-ts-guestbook/components/ index ccb1d8795..90a12ffea 100644 --- a/kubernetes-ts-guestbook/components/ +++ b/kubernetes-ts-guestbook/components/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Kubernetes Guestbook (with Components) diff --git a/kubernetes-ts-guestbook/simple/ b/kubernetes-ts-guestbook/simple/ index babce2b51..cddc341b7 100644 --- a/kubernetes-ts-guestbook/simple/ +++ b/kubernetes-ts-guestbook/simple/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Kubernetes Guestbook (Simple Variant) diff --git a/kubernetes-ts-helm-release-wordpress/ b/kubernetes-ts-helm-release-wordpress/ index 5edaf99b7..a3671642c 100644 --- a/kubernetes-ts-helm-release-wordpress/ +++ b/kubernetes-ts-helm-release-wordpress/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Wordpress Helm Chart Deployed Using Helm Release Resource diff --git a/kubernetes-ts-helm-wordpress/ b/kubernetes-ts-helm-wordpress/ index 80449c893..f257d8ae6 100644 --- a/kubernetes-ts-helm-wordpress/ +++ b/kubernetes-ts-helm-wordpress/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # WordPress Helm Chart diff --git a/kubernetes-ts-jenkins/ b/kubernetes-ts-jenkins/ index 45dfa2e14..1c7ec3745 100644 --- a/kubernetes-ts-jenkins/ +++ b/kubernetes-ts-jenkins/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Continuous Integration with Jenkins diff --git a/kubernetes-ts-multicloud/ b/kubernetes-ts-multicloud/ index ca93a366e..c605484e2 100755 --- a/kubernetes-ts-multicloud/ +++ b/kubernetes-ts-multicloud/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Kubernetes Application Deployed To Multiple Clusters diff --git a/kubernetes-ts-nginx/ b/kubernetes-ts-nginx/ index 0174b5a86..b0598bb32 100644 --- a/kubernetes-ts-nginx/ +++ b/kubernetes-ts-nginx/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Stateless Application Using a Deployment diff --git a/kubernetes-ts-s3-rollout/ b/kubernetes-ts-s3-rollout/ index 630d98b26..1bd75733c 100644 --- a/kubernetes-ts-s3-rollout/ +++ b/kubernetes-ts-s3-rollout/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # App Rollout via Data Change in Amazon S3 diff --git a/kubernetes-ts-sock-shop/ b/kubernetes-ts-sock-shop/ index 9f9f906a6..178b9263e 100644 --- a/kubernetes-ts-sock-shop/ +++ b/kubernetes-ts-sock-shop/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Sock Shop Pulumi Demo diff --git a/kubernetes-ts-staged-rollout-with-prometheus/ b/kubernetes-ts-staged-rollout-with-prometheus/ index 11cb03358..d3aa1001b 100644 --- a/kubernetes-ts-staged-rollout-with-prometheus/ +++ b/kubernetes-ts-staged-rollout-with-prometheus/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Staged App Rollout Gated by Prometheus Checks diff --git a/libvirt-py-vm/ b/libvirt-py-vm/ index ff7f89358..43bfcfb18 100644 --- a/libvirt-py-vm/ +++ b/libvirt-py-vm/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Using the Pulumi Libvirt Provider to Deploy a VM on a KVM Server diff --git a/linode-js-webserver/ b/linode-js-webserver/ index 639099ca0..860f5382c 100644 --- a/linode-js-webserver/ +++ b/linode-js-webserver/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Web Server on Linode diff --git a/multicloud-ts-buckets/ b/multicloud-ts-buckets/ index 863af128c..c069a9154 100644 --- a/multicloud-ts-buckets/ +++ b/multicloud-ts-buckets/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # AWS and GCP Resources diff --git a/openstack-py-webserver/ b/openstack-py-webserver/ index b24a8add9..11e7c67ea 100644 --- a/openstack-py-webserver/ +++ b/openstack-py-webserver/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Web Server Using Openstack diff --git a/random-yaml/ b/random-yaml/ index bcaaef6a1..b9bdd8395 100644 --- a/random-yaml/ +++ b/random-yaml/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Generate secure random passwords to use in deployments diff --git a/redis-cloud-aws-ts/ b/redis-cloud-aws-ts/ index c2b66c86e..0469f15f9 100644 --- a/redis-cloud-aws-ts/ +++ b/redis-cloud-aws-ts/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Redis Enterprise Cloud AWS Example diff --git a/stack-readme-cs/ b/stack-readme-cs/ index 0038b91eb..f40530b41 100644 --- a/stack-readme-cs/ +++ b/stack-readme-cs/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Example Stack README in Pulumi Cloud diff --git a/stack-readme-go/ b/stack-readme-go/ index 876720c24..ea8c430da 100644 --- a/stack-readme-go/ +++ b/stack-readme-go/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Example Stack README in Pulumi Cloud diff --git a/stack-readme-java/ b/stack-readme-java/ index 97f6f2d83..b40c87197 100644 --- a/stack-readme-java/ +++ b/stack-readme-java/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Example Stack README in Pulumi Cloud diff --git a/stack-readme-py/ b/stack-readme-py/ index 391021289..9592f6057 100644 --- a/stack-readme-py/ +++ b/stack-readme-py/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Example Stack README in Pulumi Cloud diff --git a/stack-readme-ts/ b/stack-readme-ts/ index 2c9314f6c..704a89c47 100644 --- a/stack-readme-ts/ +++ b/stack-readme-ts/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Example Stack README in Pulumi Cloud diff --git a/stack-readme-yaml/ b/stack-readme-yaml/ index 7c521f9db..f9beb0f62 100644 --- a/stack-readme-yaml/ +++ b/stack-readme-yaml/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Example Stack README in Pulumi Cloud diff --git a/testing-integration-py/ b/testing-integration-py/ index 72d567310..9aa3f9ec1 100644 --- a/testing-integration-py/ +++ b/testing-integration-py/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Integration Testing of Pulumi programs in Python diff --git a/testing-pac-ts/ b/testing-pac-ts/ index 3a580e17b..df87bf315 100644 --- a/testing-pac-ts/ +++ b/testing-pac-ts/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Writing Policies for Testing Pulumi Programs diff --git a/testing-unit-cs-mocks/ b/testing-unit-cs-mocks/ index 7a01eac6f..d07babeb2 100644 --- a/testing-unit-cs-mocks/ +++ b/testing-unit-cs-mocks/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Unit Testing Pulumi programs in C# diff --git a/testing-unit-cs/ b/testing-unit-cs/ index b4e471f50..581ac8b11 100644 --- a/testing-unit-cs/ +++ b/testing-unit-cs/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Unit Testing Pulumi programs in C# diff --git a/testing-unit-fs-mocks/ b/testing-unit-fs-mocks/ index a4a3fd333..a07140892 100644 --- a/testing-unit-fs-mocks/ +++ b/testing-unit-fs-mocks/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Unit Testing Pulumi programs in F# diff --git a/testing-unit-go/ b/testing-unit-go/ index 1019cd4cb..3cacccba1 100644 --- a/testing-unit-go/ +++ b/testing-unit-go/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Unit Testing Pulumi programs in Go diff --git a/testing-unit-py/ b/testing-unit-py/ index 67b0e6d96..7c1951cb7 100644 --- a/testing-unit-py/ +++ b/testing-unit-py/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Unit Testing Pulumi programs in Python diff --git a/testing-unit-ts-mocks-jest/ b/testing-unit-ts-mocks-jest/ index 94d179233..571c3b327 100644 --- a/testing-unit-ts-mocks-jest/ +++ b/testing-unit-ts-mocks-jest/ @@ -1,12 +1,10 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Unit Testing AWS Infrastructure with Jest An example of using [Pulumi]( with [Jest](, the JavaScript testing framework, to write in-memory unit tests that mock AWS infrastructure. The program under test deploys a single [AWS Lambda function]( and an associated [Lambda Function URL]( -[![Deploy with Pulumi](]( - ## Prerequisites 1. [Install Pulumi]( diff --git a/testing-unit-ts/mocha/ b/testing-unit-ts/mocha/ index ee51ffeb8..b31ad3cb9 100644 --- a/testing-unit-ts/mocha/ +++ b/testing-unit-ts/mocha/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Unit Testing Pulumi programs in TypeScript diff --git a/twilio-ts-component/ b/twilio-ts-component/ index d4c4f61ce..320627a37 100644 --- a/twilio-ts-component/ +++ b/twilio-ts-component/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( -[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( +[![Deploy this example with Pulumi](]( # Twilio SMS Handler