diff --git a/examples/go.mod b/examples/go.mod index fe25dbd2..b4c15366 100644 --- a/examples/go.mod +++ b/examples/go.mod @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ go 1.21 require ( github.com/docker/docker v24.0.7+incompatible - github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3 v3.104.2 + github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3 v3.105.0 github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.4 ) @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ require ( github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 // indirect github.com/pulumi/appdash v0.0.0-20231130102222-75f619a67231 // indirect github.com/pulumi/esc v0.6.2 // indirect - github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.104.2 // indirect + github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.105.0 // indirect github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.4.4 // indirect github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal v1.11.0 // indirect github.com/ryanuber/go-glob v1.0.0 // indirect diff --git a/examples/go.sum b/examples/go.sum index 3e455042..8c73d94d 100644 --- a/examples/go.sum +++ b/examples/go.sum @@ -1831,10 +1831,10 @@ github.com/pulumi/appdash v0.0.0-20231130102222-75f619a67231 h1:vkHw5I/plNdTr435 github.com/pulumi/appdash v0.0.0-20231130102222-75f619a67231/go.mod h1:murToZ2N9hNJzewjHBgfFdXhZKjY3z5cYC1VXk+lbFE= github.com/pulumi/esc v0.6.2 h1:+z+l8cuwIauLSwXQS0uoI3rqB+YG4SzsZYtHfNoXBvw= github.com/pulumi/esc v0.6.2/go.mod h1:jNnYNjzsOgVTjCp0LL24NsCk8ZJxq4IoLQdCT0X7l8k= -github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3 v3.104.2 h1:pxioQCKuTrGyeCmdxkR2M03nFBrPMhPnuHMaaTfxY1Y= -github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3 v3.104.2/go.mod h1:AvF18k2O6rZIV27fF9i0UueP/PjiqSJeRMiOi3cVgEM= -github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.104.2 h1:aOwUkrlsyEWrL1jlHqn2/36zMSPQrVUYUyZPqstrmjc= -github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.104.2/go.mod h1:Ml3rpGfyZlI4zQCG7LN2XDSmH4XUNYdyBwJ3yEr/OpI= +github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3 v3.105.0 h1:bJG1vUiYH2gDF1pfBKlIABDNoJD2LvU1LmjjL+EbvuM= +github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3 v3.105.0/go.mod h1:eZAFEFOwE/skElTfwetfyTxPebmWr5vOS5NSU9XwlVw= +github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.105.0 h1:OKEeubZigWyQVnZS6udnFnZHZ/8OWXuUYv9ir3OY+vs= +github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.105.0/go.mod h1:Ml3rpGfyZlI4zQCG7LN2XDSmH4XUNYdyBwJ3yEr/OpI= github.com/rakyll/embedmd v0.0.0-20171029212350-c8060a0752a2/go.mod h1:7jOTMgqac46PZcF54q6l2hkLEG8op93fZu61KmxWDV4= github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics v0.0.0-20181016184325-3113b8401b8a/go.mod h1:bCqnVzQkZxMG4s8nGwiZ5l3QUCyqpo9Y+/ZMZ9VjZe4= github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.1.0/go.mod h1:J6wj4VEh+S6ZtnVlnTBMWIodfgj8LQOQFoIToxlJtxc= diff --git a/provider/cmd/pulumi-resource-docker/schema.json b/provider/cmd/pulumi-resource-docker/schema.json index bddb4727..1780bac2 100644 --- a/provider/cmd/pulumi-resource-docker/schema.json +++ b/provider/cmd/pulumi-resource-docker/schema.json @@ -2070,7 +2070,7 @@ }, "resources": { "docker:index/container:Container": { - "description": "\u003c!-- Bug: Type and Name are switched --\u003e\nManages the lifecycle of a Docker container.\n\n{{% examples %}}\n## Example Usage\n{{% example %}}\n\n```typescript\nimport * as pulumi from \"@pulumi/pulumi\";\nimport * as docker from \"@pulumi/docker\";\n\n// Find the latest Ubuntu precise image.\nconst ubuntuRemoteImage = new docker.RemoteImage(\"ubuntuRemoteImage\", {name: \"ubuntu:precise\"});\n// Start a container\nconst ubuntuContainer = new docker.Container(\"ubuntuContainer\", {image: ubuntuRemoteImage.imageId});\n```\n```python\nimport pulumi\nimport pulumi_docker as docker\n\n# Find the latest Ubuntu precise image.\nubuntu_remote_image = docker.RemoteImage(\"ubuntuRemoteImage\", name=\"ubuntu:precise\")\n# Start a container\nubuntu_container = docker.Container(\"ubuntuContainer\", image=ubuntu_remote_image.image_id)\n```\n```csharp\nusing System.Collections.Generic;\nusing System.Linq;\nusing Pulumi;\nusing Docker = Pulumi.Docker;\n\nreturn await Deployment.RunAsync(() =\u003e \n{\n // Find the latest Ubuntu precise image.\n var ubuntuRemoteImage = new Docker.RemoteImage(\"ubuntuRemoteImage\", new()\n {\n Name = \"ubuntu:precise\",\n });\n\n // Start a container\n var ubuntuContainer = new Docker.Container(\"ubuntuContainer\", new()\n {\n Image = ubuntuRemoteImage.ImageId,\n });\n\n});\n```\n```go\npackage main\n\nimport (\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi-docker/sdk/v4/go/docker\"\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi\"\n)\n\nfunc main() {\n\tpulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {\n\t\tubuntuRemoteImage, err := docker.NewRemoteImage(ctx, \"ubuntuRemoteImage\", \u0026docker.RemoteImageArgs{\n\t\t\tName: pulumi.String(\"ubuntu:precise\"),\n\t\t})\n\t\tif err != nil {\n\t\t\treturn err\n\t\t}\n\t\t_, err = docker.NewContainer(ctx, \"ubuntuContainer\", \u0026docker.ContainerArgs{\n\t\t\tImage: ubuntuRemoteImage.ImageId,\n\t\t})\n\t\tif err != nil {\n\t\t\treturn err\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn nil\n\t})\n}\n```\n```java\npackage generated_program;\n\nimport com.pulumi.Context;\nimport com.pulumi.Pulumi;\nimport com.pulumi.core.Output;\nimport com.pulumi.docker.RemoteImage;\nimport com.pulumi.docker.RemoteImageArgs;\nimport com.pulumi.docker.Container;\nimport com.pulumi.docker.ContainerArgs;\nimport java.util.List;\nimport java.util.ArrayList;\nimport java.util.Map;\nimport java.io.File;\nimport java.nio.file.Files;\nimport java.nio.file.Paths;\n\npublic class App {\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n Pulumi.run(App::stack);\n }\n\n public static void stack(Context ctx) {\n var ubuntuRemoteImage = new RemoteImage(\"ubuntuRemoteImage\", RemoteImageArgs.builder() \n .name(\"ubuntu:precise\")\n .build());\n\n var ubuntuContainer = new Container(\"ubuntuContainer\", ContainerArgs.builder() \n .image(ubuntuRemoteImage.imageId())\n .build());\n\n }\n}\n```\n```yaml\nresources:\n # Start a container\n ubuntuContainer:\n type: docker:Container\n properties:\n image: ${ubuntuRemoteImage.imageId}\n # Find the latest Ubuntu precise image.\n ubuntuRemoteImage:\n type: docker:RemoteImage\n properties:\n name: ubuntu:precise\n```\n{{% /example %}}\n{{% /examples %}}\n\n## Import\n\n### Example Assuming you created a `container` as follows #!/bin/bash docker run --name foo -p8080:80 -d nginx\n\nprints the container ID\n\n9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource \"docker_container\" \"foo\" {\n\n name\n\n= \"foo\"\n\n image = \"nginx\"\n\n ports {\n\n\n\n internal = \"80\"\n\n\n\n external = \"8080\"\n\n } } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash\n\n```sh\n $ pulumi import docker:index/container:Container foo 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd\n```\n\n ", + "description": "\u003c!-- Bug: Type and Name are switched --\u003e\nManages the lifecycle of a Docker container.\n\n{{% examples %}}\n## Example Usage\n{{% example %}}\n\n```typescript\nimport * as pulumi from \"@pulumi/pulumi\";\nimport * as docker from \"@pulumi/docker\";\n\n// Find the latest Ubuntu precise image.\nconst ubuntuRemoteImage = new docker.RemoteImage(\"ubuntuRemoteImage\", {name: \"ubuntu:precise\"});\n// Start a container\nconst ubuntuContainer = new docker.Container(\"ubuntuContainer\", {image: ubuntuRemoteImage.imageId});\n```\n```python\nimport pulumi\nimport pulumi_docker as docker\n\n# Find the latest Ubuntu precise image.\nubuntu_remote_image = docker.RemoteImage(\"ubuntuRemoteImage\", name=\"ubuntu:precise\")\n# Start a container\nubuntu_container = docker.Container(\"ubuntuContainer\", image=ubuntu_remote_image.image_id)\n```\n```csharp\nusing System.Collections.Generic;\nusing System.Linq;\nusing Pulumi;\nusing Docker = Pulumi.Docker;\n\nreturn await Deployment.RunAsync(() =\u003e \n{\n // Find the latest Ubuntu precise image.\n var ubuntuRemoteImage = new Docker.RemoteImage(\"ubuntuRemoteImage\", new()\n {\n Name = \"ubuntu:precise\",\n });\n\n // Start a container\n var ubuntuContainer = new Docker.Container(\"ubuntuContainer\", new()\n {\n Image = ubuntuRemoteImage.ImageId,\n });\n\n});\n```\n```go\npackage main\n\nimport (\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi-docker/sdk/v4/go/docker\"\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi\"\n)\n\nfunc main() {\n\tpulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {\n\t\tubuntuRemoteImage, err := docker.NewRemoteImage(ctx, \"ubuntuRemoteImage\", \u0026docker.RemoteImageArgs{\n\t\t\tName: pulumi.String(\"ubuntu:precise\"),\n\t\t})\n\t\tif err != nil {\n\t\t\treturn err\n\t\t}\n\t\t_, err = docker.NewContainer(ctx, \"ubuntuContainer\", \u0026docker.ContainerArgs{\n\t\t\tImage: ubuntuRemoteImage.ImageId,\n\t\t})\n\t\tif err != nil {\n\t\t\treturn err\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn nil\n\t})\n}\n```\n```java\npackage generated_program;\n\nimport com.pulumi.Context;\nimport com.pulumi.Pulumi;\nimport com.pulumi.core.Output;\nimport com.pulumi.docker.RemoteImage;\nimport com.pulumi.docker.RemoteImageArgs;\nimport com.pulumi.docker.Container;\nimport com.pulumi.docker.ContainerArgs;\nimport java.util.List;\nimport java.util.ArrayList;\nimport java.util.Map;\nimport java.io.File;\nimport java.nio.file.Files;\nimport java.nio.file.Paths;\n\npublic class App {\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n Pulumi.run(App::stack);\n }\n\n public static void stack(Context ctx) {\n var ubuntuRemoteImage = new RemoteImage(\"ubuntuRemoteImage\", RemoteImageArgs.builder() \n .name(\"ubuntu:precise\")\n .build());\n\n var ubuntuContainer = new Container(\"ubuntuContainer\", ContainerArgs.builder() \n .image(ubuntuRemoteImage.imageId())\n .build());\n\n }\n}\n```\n```yaml\nresources:\n # Start a container\n ubuntuContainer:\n type: docker:Container\n properties:\n image: ${ubuntuRemoteImage.imageId}\n # Find the latest Ubuntu precise image.\n ubuntuRemoteImage:\n type: docker:RemoteImage\n properties:\n name: ubuntu:precise\n```\n{{% /example %}}\n{{% /examples %}}\n\n## Import\n\n### Example\n\n Assuming you created a `container` as follows\n\n #!/bin/bash\n\n docker run --name foo -p8080:80 -d nginx\n\n prints the container ID\n\n 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd\n\n you provide the definition for the resource as follows\n\n terraform\n\n resource \"docker_container\" \"foo\" {\n\n\n\n name\n\n= \"foo\"\n\n\n\n image = \"nginx\"\n\n\n\n ports {\n\n\n\n\n\n internal = \"80\"\n\n\n\n\n\n external = \"8080\"\n\n\n\n }\n\n }\n\n then the import command is as follows\n\n #!/bin/bash\n\n ```sh\n $ pulumi import docker:index/container:Container foo 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd\n```\n\n ", "properties": { "attach": { "type": "boolean", @@ -3239,7 +3239,7 @@ ] }, "docker:index/network:Network": { - "description": "\u003c!-- Bug: Type and Name are switched --\u003e\n`docker.Network` provides a docker network resource.\n\n{{% examples %}}\n## Example Usage\n{{% example %}}\n\n```typescript\nimport * as pulumi from \"@pulumi/pulumi\";\nimport * as docker from \"@pulumi/docker\";\n\nconst privateNetwork = new docker.Network(\"privateNetwork\", {});\n```\n```python\nimport pulumi\nimport pulumi_docker as docker\n\nprivate_network = docker.Network(\"privateNetwork\")\n```\n```csharp\nusing System.Collections.Generic;\nusing System.Linq;\nusing Pulumi;\nusing Docker = Pulumi.Docker;\n\nreturn await Deployment.RunAsync(() =\u003e \n{\n var privateNetwork = new Docker.Network(\"privateNetwork\");\n\n});\n```\n```go\npackage main\n\nimport (\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi-docker/sdk/v4/go/docker\"\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi\"\n)\n\nfunc main() {\n\tpulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {\n\t\t_, err := docker.NewNetwork(ctx, \"privateNetwork\", nil)\n\t\tif err != nil {\n\t\t\treturn err\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn nil\n\t})\n}\n```\n```java\npackage generated_program;\n\nimport com.pulumi.Context;\nimport com.pulumi.Pulumi;\nimport com.pulumi.core.Output;\nimport com.pulumi.docker.Network;\nimport java.util.List;\nimport java.util.ArrayList;\nimport java.util.Map;\nimport java.io.File;\nimport java.nio.file.Files;\nimport java.nio.file.Paths;\n\npublic class App {\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n Pulumi.run(App::stack);\n }\n\n public static void stack(Context ctx) {\n var privateNetwork = new Network(\"privateNetwork\");\n\n }\n}\n```\n```yaml\nresources:\n privateNetwork:\n type: docker:Network\n```\n{{% /example %}}\n{{% /examples %}}\n\n## Import\n\n### Example Assuming you created a `network` as follows #!/bin/bash docker network create foo prints the long ID 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource \"docker_network\" \"foo\" {\n\n name = \"foo\" } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash\n\n```sh\n $ pulumi import docker:index/network:Network foo 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73\n```\n\n ", + "description": "\u003c!-- Bug: Type and Name are switched --\u003e\n`docker.Network` provides a docker network resource.\n\n{{% examples %}}\n## Example Usage\n{{% example %}}\n\n```typescript\nimport * as pulumi from \"@pulumi/pulumi\";\nimport * as docker from \"@pulumi/docker\";\n\nconst privateNetwork = new docker.Network(\"privateNetwork\", {});\n```\n```python\nimport pulumi\nimport pulumi_docker as docker\n\nprivate_network = docker.Network(\"privateNetwork\")\n```\n```csharp\nusing System.Collections.Generic;\nusing System.Linq;\nusing Pulumi;\nusing Docker = Pulumi.Docker;\n\nreturn await Deployment.RunAsync(() =\u003e \n{\n var privateNetwork = new Docker.Network(\"privateNetwork\");\n\n});\n```\n```go\npackage main\n\nimport (\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi-docker/sdk/v4/go/docker\"\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi\"\n)\n\nfunc main() {\n\tpulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {\n\t\t_, err := docker.NewNetwork(ctx, \"privateNetwork\", nil)\n\t\tif err != nil {\n\t\t\treturn err\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn nil\n\t})\n}\n```\n```java\npackage generated_program;\n\nimport com.pulumi.Context;\nimport com.pulumi.Pulumi;\nimport com.pulumi.core.Output;\nimport com.pulumi.docker.Network;\nimport java.util.List;\nimport java.util.ArrayList;\nimport java.util.Map;\nimport java.io.File;\nimport java.nio.file.Files;\nimport java.nio.file.Paths;\n\npublic class App {\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n Pulumi.run(App::stack);\n }\n\n public static void stack(Context ctx) {\n var privateNetwork = new Network(\"privateNetwork\");\n\n }\n}\n```\n```yaml\nresources:\n privateNetwork:\n type: docker:Network\n```\n{{% /example %}}\n{{% /examples %}}\n\n## Import\n\n### Example\n\n Assuming you created a `network` as follows\n\n #!/bin/bash\n\n docker network create foo\n\n prints the long ID\n\n 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73\n\n you provide the definition for the resource as follows\n\n terraform\n\n resource \"docker_network\" \"foo\" {\n\n\n\n name = \"foo\"\n\n }\n\n then the import command is as follows\n\n #!/bin/bash\n\n ```sh\n $ pulumi import docker:index/network:Network foo 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73\n```\n\n ", "properties": { "attachable": { "type": "boolean", @@ -3472,7 +3472,7 @@ } }, "docker:index/plugin:Plugin": { - "description": "\u003c!-- Bug: Type and Name are switched --\u003e\nManages the lifecycle of a Docker plugin.\n\n{{% examples %}}\n## Example Usage\n{{% example %}}\n\n```typescript\nimport * as pulumi from \"@pulumi/pulumi\";\nimport * as docker from \"@pulumi/docker\";\n\nconst sample_volume_plugin = new docker.Plugin(\"sample-volume-plugin\", {\n alias: \"sample-volume-plugin\",\n enableTimeout: 60,\n enabled: false,\n envs: [\"DEBUG=1\"],\n forceDestroy: true,\n forceDisable: true,\n grantAllPermissions: true,\n});\n```\n```python\nimport pulumi\nimport pulumi_docker as docker\n\nsample_volume_plugin = docker.Plugin(\"sample-volume-plugin\",\n alias=\"sample-volume-plugin\",\n enable_timeout=60,\n enabled=False,\n envs=[\"DEBUG=1\"],\n force_destroy=True,\n force_disable=True,\n grant_all_permissions=True)\n```\n```csharp\nusing System.Collections.Generic;\nusing System.Linq;\nusing Pulumi;\nusing Docker = Pulumi.Docker;\n\nreturn await Deployment.RunAsync(() =\u003e \n{\n var sample_volume_plugin = new Docker.Plugin(\"sample-volume-plugin\", new()\n {\n Alias = \"sample-volume-plugin\",\n EnableTimeout = 60,\n Enabled = false,\n Envs = new[]\n {\n \"DEBUG=1\",\n },\n ForceDestroy = true,\n ForceDisable = true,\n GrantAllPermissions = true,\n });\n\n});\n```\n```go\npackage main\n\nimport (\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi-docker/sdk/v4/go/docker\"\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi\"\n)\n\nfunc main() {\n\tpulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {\n\t\t_, err := docker.NewPlugin(ctx, \"sample-volume-plugin\", \u0026docker.PluginArgs{\n\t\t\tAlias: pulumi.String(\"sample-volume-plugin\"),\n\t\t\tEnableTimeout: pulumi.Int(60),\n\t\t\tEnabled: pulumi.Bool(false),\n\t\t\tEnvs: pulumi.StringArray{\n\t\t\t\tpulumi.String(\"DEBUG=1\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tForceDestroy: pulumi.Bool(true),\n\t\t\tForceDisable: pulumi.Bool(true),\n\t\t\tGrantAllPermissions: pulumi.Bool(true),\n\t\t})\n\t\tif err != nil {\n\t\t\treturn err\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn nil\n\t})\n}\n```\n```java\npackage generated_program;\n\nimport com.pulumi.Context;\nimport com.pulumi.Pulumi;\nimport com.pulumi.core.Output;\nimport com.pulumi.docker.Plugin;\nimport com.pulumi.docker.PluginArgs;\nimport java.util.List;\nimport java.util.ArrayList;\nimport java.util.Map;\nimport java.io.File;\nimport java.nio.file.Files;\nimport java.nio.file.Paths;\n\npublic class App {\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n Pulumi.run(App::stack);\n }\n\n public static void stack(Context ctx) {\n var sample_volume_plugin = new Plugin(\"sample-volume-plugin\", PluginArgs.builder() \n .alias(\"sample-volume-plugin\")\n .enableTimeout(60)\n .enabled(false)\n .envs(\"DEBUG=1\")\n .forceDestroy(true)\n .forceDisable(true)\n .grantAllPermissions(true)\n .build());\n\n }\n}\n```\n```yaml\nresources:\n sample-volume-plugin:\n type: docker:Plugin\n properties:\n alias: sample-volume-plugin\n enableTimeout: 60\n enabled: false\n envs:\n - DEBUG=1\n forceDestroy: true\n forceDisable: true\n grantAllPermissions: true\n```\n{{% /example %}}\n{{% /examples %}}\n\n## Import\n\n#!/bin/bash\n\n```sh\n $ pulumi import docker:index/plugin:Plugin sample-volume-plugin \"$(docker plugin inspect -f {{.ID}} tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest)\"\n```\n\n ", + "description": "\u003c!-- Bug: Type and Name are switched --\u003e\nManages the lifecycle of a Docker plugin.\n\n{{% examples %}}\n## Example Usage\n{{% example %}}\n\n```typescript\nimport * as pulumi from \"@pulumi/pulumi\";\nimport * as docker from \"@pulumi/docker\";\n\nconst sample_volume_plugin = new docker.Plugin(\"sample-volume-plugin\", {\n alias: \"sample-volume-plugin\",\n enableTimeout: 60,\n enabled: false,\n envs: [\"DEBUG=1\"],\n forceDestroy: true,\n forceDisable: true,\n grantAllPermissions: true,\n});\n```\n```python\nimport pulumi\nimport pulumi_docker as docker\n\nsample_volume_plugin = docker.Plugin(\"sample-volume-plugin\",\n alias=\"sample-volume-plugin\",\n enable_timeout=60,\n enabled=False,\n envs=[\"DEBUG=1\"],\n force_destroy=True,\n force_disable=True,\n grant_all_permissions=True)\n```\n```csharp\nusing System.Collections.Generic;\nusing System.Linq;\nusing Pulumi;\nusing Docker = Pulumi.Docker;\n\nreturn await Deployment.RunAsync(() =\u003e \n{\n var sample_volume_plugin = new Docker.Plugin(\"sample-volume-plugin\", new()\n {\n Alias = \"sample-volume-plugin\",\n EnableTimeout = 60,\n Enabled = false,\n Envs = new[]\n {\n \"DEBUG=1\",\n },\n ForceDestroy = true,\n ForceDisable = true,\n GrantAllPermissions = true,\n });\n\n});\n```\n```go\npackage main\n\nimport (\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi-docker/sdk/v4/go/docker\"\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi\"\n)\n\nfunc main() {\n\tpulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {\n\t\t_, err := docker.NewPlugin(ctx, \"sample-volume-plugin\", \u0026docker.PluginArgs{\n\t\t\tAlias: pulumi.String(\"sample-volume-plugin\"),\n\t\t\tEnableTimeout: pulumi.Int(60),\n\t\t\tEnabled: pulumi.Bool(false),\n\t\t\tEnvs: pulumi.StringArray{\n\t\t\t\tpulumi.String(\"DEBUG=1\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tForceDestroy: pulumi.Bool(true),\n\t\t\tForceDisable: pulumi.Bool(true),\n\t\t\tGrantAllPermissions: pulumi.Bool(true),\n\t\t})\n\t\tif err != nil {\n\t\t\treturn err\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn nil\n\t})\n}\n```\n```java\npackage generated_program;\n\nimport com.pulumi.Context;\nimport com.pulumi.Pulumi;\nimport com.pulumi.core.Output;\nimport com.pulumi.docker.Plugin;\nimport com.pulumi.docker.PluginArgs;\nimport java.util.List;\nimport java.util.ArrayList;\nimport java.util.Map;\nimport java.io.File;\nimport java.nio.file.Files;\nimport java.nio.file.Paths;\n\npublic class App {\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n Pulumi.run(App::stack);\n }\n\n public static void stack(Context ctx) {\n var sample_volume_plugin = new Plugin(\"sample-volume-plugin\", PluginArgs.builder() \n .alias(\"sample-volume-plugin\")\n .enableTimeout(60)\n .enabled(false)\n .envs(\"DEBUG=1\")\n .forceDestroy(true)\n .forceDisable(true)\n .grantAllPermissions(true)\n .build());\n\n }\n}\n```\n```yaml\nresources:\n sample-volume-plugin:\n type: docker:Plugin\n properties:\n alias: sample-volume-plugin\n enableTimeout: 60\n enabled: false\n envs:\n - DEBUG=1\n forceDestroy: true\n forceDisable: true\n grantAllPermissions: true\n```\n{{% /example %}}\n{{% /examples %}}\n\n## Import\n\n#!/bin/bash\n\n ```sh\n $ pulumi import docker:index/plugin:Plugin sample-volume-plugin \"$(docker plugin inspect -f {{.ID}} tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest)\"\n```\n\n ", "properties": { "alias": { "type": "string", @@ -3862,7 +3862,7 @@ } }, "docker:index/secret:Secret": { - "description": "\n\n\n## Import\n\n#!/bin/bash Docker secret cannot be imported as the secret data, once set, is never exposed again. ", + "description": "\n\n\n## Import\n\n#!/bin/bash\n\n Docker secret cannot be imported as the secret data, once set, is never exposed again.\n\n ", "properties": { "data": { "type": "string", @@ -3936,7 +3936,7 @@ } }, "docker:index/service:Service": { - "description": "\u003c!-- Bug: Type and Name are switched --\u003e\nThis resource manages the lifecycle of a Docker service. By default, the creation, update and delete of services are detached.\n With the Converge Config Name of the service\n- `task_spec` (Block List, Min: 1, Max: 1) User modifiable task configuration (see below for nested schema)\n\n\n## Import\n\n### Example Assuming you created a `service` as follows #!/bin/bash docker service create --name foo -p 8080:80 nginx prints th ID 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource \"docker_service\" \"foo\" {\n\n name = \"foo\"\n\n task_spec {\n\n\n\n container_spec {\n\n\n\n\n\n image = \"nginx\"\n\n\n\n }\n\n }\n\n endpoint_spec {\n\n\n\n ports {\n\n\n\n\n\n target_port\n\n\n\n= \"80\"\n\n\n\n\n\n published_port = \"8080\"\n\n\n\n }\n\n } } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash\n\n```sh\n $ pulumi import docker:index/service:Service foo 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi\n```\n\n ", + "description": "\u003c!-- Bug: Type and Name are switched --\u003e\nThis resource manages the lifecycle of a Docker service. By default, the creation, update and delete of services are detached.\n With the Converge Config Name of the service\n- `task_spec` (Block List, Min: 1, Max: 1) User modifiable task configuration (see below for nested schema)\n\n\n## Import\n\n### Example\n\n Assuming you created a `service` as follows\n\n #!/bin/bash\n\n docker service create --name foo -p 8080:80 nginx\n\n prints th ID\n\n 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi\n\n you provide the definition for the resource as follows\n\n terraform\n\n resource \"docker_service\" \"foo\" {\n\n\n\n name = \"foo\"\n\n\n\n task_spec {\n\n\n\n\n\n container_spec {\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n image = \"nginx\"\n\n\n\n\n\n }\n\n\n\n }\n\n\n\n endpoint_spec {\n\n\n\n\n\n ports {\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n target_port\n\n\n\n= \"80\"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n published_port = \"8080\"\n\n\n\n\n\n }\n\n\n\n }\n\n }\n\n then the import command is as follows\n\n #!/bin/bash\n\n ```sh\n $ pulumi import docker:index/service:Service foo 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi\n```\n\n ", "properties": { "auth": { "$ref": "#/types/docker:index/ServiceAuth:ServiceAuth", @@ -4082,7 +4082,7 @@ } }, "docker:index/serviceConfig:ServiceConfig": { - "description": "\n\n\n## Import\n\n### Example Assuming you created a `config` as follows #!/bin/bash printf '{\"a\":\"b\"}' | docker config create foo - prints the id\n\n08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource \"docker_config\" \"foo\" {\n\n name = \"foo\"\n\n data = base64encode(\"{\\\"a\\\"\\\"b\\\"}\") } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash\n\n```sh\n $ pulumi import docker:index/serviceConfig:ServiceConfig foo 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d\n```\n\n ", + "description": "\n\n\n## Import\n\n### Example\n\n Assuming you created a `config` as follows\n\n #!/bin/bash\n\n printf '{\"a\":\"b\"}' | docker config create foo -\n\n prints the id\n\n 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d\n\n you provide the definition for the resource as follows\n\n terraform\n\n resource \"docker_config\" \"foo\" {\n\n\n\n name = \"foo\"\n\n\n\n data = base64encode(\"{\\\"a\\\": \\\"b\\\"}\")\n\n }\n\n then the import command is as follows\n\n #!/bin/bash\n\n ```sh\n $ pulumi import docker:index/serviceConfig:ServiceConfig foo 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d\n```\n\n ", "properties": { "data": { "type": "string", @@ -4188,7 +4188,7 @@ } }, "docker:index/volume:Volume": { - "description": "\u003c!-- Bug: Type and Name are switched --\u003e\nCreates and destroys a volume in Docker. This can be used alongside docker.Container to prepare volumes that can be shared across containers.\n\n{{% examples %}}\n## Example Usage\n{{% example %}}\n\n```typescript\nimport * as pulumi from \"@pulumi/pulumi\";\nimport * as docker from \"@pulumi/docker\";\n\nconst sharedVolume = new docker.Volume(\"sharedVolume\", {});\n```\n```python\nimport pulumi\nimport pulumi_docker as docker\n\nshared_volume = docker.Volume(\"sharedVolume\")\n```\n```csharp\nusing System.Collections.Generic;\nusing System.Linq;\nusing Pulumi;\nusing Docker = Pulumi.Docker;\n\nreturn await Deployment.RunAsync(() =\u003e \n{\n var sharedVolume = new Docker.Volume(\"sharedVolume\");\n\n});\n```\n```go\npackage main\n\nimport (\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi-docker/sdk/v4/go/docker\"\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi\"\n)\n\nfunc main() {\n\tpulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {\n\t\t_, err := docker.NewVolume(ctx, \"sharedVolume\", nil)\n\t\tif err != nil {\n\t\t\treturn err\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn nil\n\t})\n}\n```\n```java\npackage generated_program;\n\nimport com.pulumi.Context;\nimport com.pulumi.Pulumi;\nimport com.pulumi.core.Output;\nimport com.pulumi.docker.Volume;\nimport java.util.List;\nimport java.util.ArrayList;\nimport java.util.Map;\nimport java.io.File;\nimport java.nio.file.Files;\nimport java.nio.file.Paths;\n\npublic class App {\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n Pulumi.run(App::stack);\n }\n\n public static void stack(Context ctx) {\n var sharedVolume = new Volume(\"sharedVolume\");\n\n }\n}\n```\n```yaml\nresources:\n sharedVolume:\n type: docker:Volume\n```\n{{% /example %}}\n{{% /examples %}}\n\n## Import\n\n### Example Assuming you created a `volume` as follows #!/bin/bash docker volume create prints the long ID 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource \"docker_volume\" \"foo\" {\n\n name = \"524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d\" } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash\n\n```sh\n $ pulumi import docker:index/volume:Volume foo 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d\n```\n\n ", + "description": "\u003c!-- Bug: Type and Name are switched --\u003e\nCreates and destroys a volume in Docker. This can be used alongside docker.Container to prepare volumes that can be shared across containers.\n\n{{% examples %}}\n## Example Usage\n{{% example %}}\n\n```typescript\nimport * as pulumi from \"@pulumi/pulumi\";\nimport * as docker from \"@pulumi/docker\";\n\nconst sharedVolume = new docker.Volume(\"sharedVolume\", {});\n```\n```python\nimport pulumi\nimport pulumi_docker as docker\n\nshared_volume = docker.Volume(\"sharedVolume\")\n```\n```csharp\nusing System.Collections.Generic;\nusing System.Linq;\nusing Pulumi;\nusing Docker = Pulumi.Docker;\n\nreturn await Deployment.RunAsync(() =\u003e \n{\n var sharedVolume = new Docker.Volume(\"sharedVolume\");\n\n});\n```\n```go\npackage main\n\nimport (\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi-docker/sdk/v4/go/docker\"\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi\"\n)\n\nfunc main() {\n\tpulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {\n\t\t_, err := docker.NewVolume(ctx, \"sharedVolume\", nil)\n\t\tif err != nil {\n\t\t\treturn err\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn nil\n\t})\n}\n```\n```java\npackage generated_program;\n\nimport com.pulumi.Context;\nimport com.pulumi.Pulumi;\nimport com.pulumi.core.Output;\nimport com.pulumi.docker.Volume;\nimport java.util.List;\nimport java.util.ArrayList;\nimport java.util.Map;\nimport java.io.File;\nimport java.nio.file.Files;\nimport java.nio.file.Paths;\n\npublic class App {\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n Pulumi.run(App::stack);\n }\n\n public static void stack(Context ctx) {\n var sharedVolume = new Volume(\"sharedVolume\");\n\n }\n}\n```\n```yaml\nresources:\n sharedVolume:\n type: docker:Volume\n```\n{{% /example %}}\n{{% /examples %}}\n\n## Import\n\n### Example\n\n Assuming you created a `volume` as follows\n\n #!/bin/bash\n\n docker volume create\n\n prints the long ID\n\n 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d\n\n you provide the definition for the resource as follows\n\n terraform\n\n resource \"docker_volume\" \"foo\" {\n\n\n\n name = \"524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d\"\n\n }\n\n then the import command is as follows\n\n #!/bin/bash\n\n ```sh\n $ pulumi import docker:index/volume:Volume foo 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d\n```\n\n ", "properties": { "driver": { "type": "string", diff --git a/provider/go.mod b/provider/go.mod index 482b4888..7904b2a1 100644 --- a/provider/go.mod +++ b/provider/go.mod @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ require ( github.com/moby/moby v23.0.7+incompatible github.com/opencontainers/go-digest v1.0.0 github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 - github.com/pulumi/pulumi-terraform-bridge/v3 v3.73.0 - github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3 v3.104.2 - github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.104.2 + github.com/pulumi/pulumi-terraform-bridge/v3 v3.74.0 + github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3 v3.105.0 + github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.105.0 github.com/spf13/afero v1.9.5 github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.4 github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-docker v0.0.0 @@ -26,7 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a/sdk/dotnet/Container.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Container.cs @@ -40,11 +40,23 @@ namespace Pulumi.Docker /// /// ## Import /// - /// ### Example Assuming you created a `container` as follows #!/bin/bash docker run --name foo -p8080:80 -d nginx + /// ### Example /// - /// prints the container ID + /// Assuming you created a `container` as follows /// - /// 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_container" "foo" { + /// #!/bin/bash + /// + /// docker run --name foo -p8080:80 -d nginx + /// + /// prints the container ID + /// + /// 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd + /// + /// you provide the definition for the resource as follows + /// + /// terraform + /// + /// resource "docker_container" "foo" { /// /// name /// @@ -58,10 +70,16 @@ namespace Pulumi.Docker /// /// external = "8080" /// - /// } } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + /// } + /// + /// } + /// + /// then the import command is as follows + /// + /// #!/bin/bash /// /// ```sh - /// $ pulumi import docker:index/container:Container foo 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd + /// $ pulumi import docker:index/container:Container foo 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd /// ``` /// [DockerResourceType("docker:index/container:Container")] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Network.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Network.cs index de25406b..9588e4fc 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Network.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Network.cs @@ -30,12 +30,34 @@ namespace Pulumi.Docker /// /// ## Import /// - /// ### Example Assuming you created a `network` as follows #!/bin/bash docker network create foo prints the long ID 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_network" "foo" { + /// ### Example /// - /// name = "foo" } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + /// Assuming you created a `network` as follows + /// + /// #!/bin/bash + /// + /// docker network create foo + /// + /// prints the long ID + /// + /// 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 + /// + /// you provide the definition for the resource as follows + /// + /// terraform + /// + /// resource "docker_network" "foo" { + /// + /// name = "foo" + /// + /// } + /// + /// then the import command is as follows + /// + /// #!/bin/bash /// /// ```sh - /// $ pulumi import docker:index/network:Network foo 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 + /// $ pulumi import docker:index/network:Network foo 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 /// ``` /// [DockerResourceType("docker:index/network:Network")] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Plugin.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Plugin.cs index dcacd2ba..04b1295d 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Plugin.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Plugin.cs @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ namespace Pulumi.Docker /// #!/bin/bash /// /// ```sh - /// $ pulumi import docker:index/plugin:Plugin sample-volume-plugin "$(docker plugin inspect -f {{.ID}} tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest)" + /// $ pulumi import docker:index/plugin:Plugin sample-volume-plugin "$(docker plugin inspect -f {{.ID}} tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest)" /// ``` /// [DockerResourceType("docker:index/plugin:Plugin")] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Secret.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Secret.cs index 091eadea..a3ca1958 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Secret.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Secret.cs @@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ namespace Pulumi.Docker /// /// ## Import /// - /// #!/bin/bash Docker secret cannot be imported as the secret data, once set, is never exposed again. + /// #!/bin/bash + /// + /// Docker secret cannot be imported as the secret data, once set, is never exposed again. /// [DockerResourceType("docker:index/secret:Secret")] public partial class Secret : global::Pulumi.CustomResource diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Service.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Service.cs index ac877718..f92df3cd 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Service.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Service.cs @@ -17,7 +17,23 @@ namespace Pulumi.Docker /// /// ## Import /// - /// ### Example Assuming you created a `service` as follows #!/bin/bash docker service create --name foo -p 8080:80 nginx prints th ID 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_service" "foo" { + /// ### Example + /// + /// Assuming you created a `service` as follows + /// + /// #!/bin/bash + /// + /// docker service create --name foo -p 8080:80 nginx + /// + /// prints th ID + /// + /// 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi + /// + /// you provide the definition for the resource as follows + /// + /// terraform + /// + /// resource "docker_service" "foo" { /// /// name = "foo" /// @@ -43,10 +59,16 @@ namespace Pulumi.Docker /// /// } /// - /// } } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + /// } + /// + /// } + /// + /// then the import command is as follows + /// + /// #!/bin/bash /// /// ```sh - /// $ pulumi import docker:index/service:Service foo 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi + /// $ pulumi import docker:index/service:Service foo 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi /// ``` /// [DockerResourceType("docker:index/service:Service")] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/ServiceConfig.cs b/sdk/dotnet/ServiceConfig.cs index c257a639..213c23ab 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/ServiceConfig.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/ServiceConfig.cs @@ -12,16 +12,36 @@ namespace Pulumi.Docker /// /// ## Import /// - /// ### Example Assuming you created a `config` as follows #!/bin/bash printf '{"a":"b"}' | docker config create foo - prints the id + /// ### Example /// - /// 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_config" "foo" { + /// Assuming you created a `config` as follows + /// + /// #!/bin/bash + /// + /// printf '{"a":"b"}' | docker config create foo - + /// + /// prints the id + /// + /// 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d + /// + /// you provide the definition for the resource as follows + /// + /// terraform + /// + /// resource "docker_config" "foo" { /// /// name = "foo" /// - /// data = base64encode("{\"a\"\"b\"}") } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + /// data = base64encode("{\"a\": \"b\"}") + /// + /// } + /// + /// then the import command is as follows + /// + /// #!/bin/bash /// /// ```sh - /// $ pulumi import docker:index/serviceConfig:ServiceConfig foo 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d + /// $ pulumi import docker:index/serviceConfig:ServiceConfig foo 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d /// ``` /// [DockerResourceType("docker:index/serviceConfig:ServiceConfig")] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Volume.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Volume.cs index 3b9caf24..08bb60dd 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Volume.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Volume.cs @@ -30,12 +30,34 @@ namespace Pulumi.Docker /// /// ## Import /// - /// ### Example Assuming you created a `volume` as follows #!/bin/bash docker volume create prints the long ID 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_volume" "foo" { + /// ### Example /// - /// name = "524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d" } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + /// Assuming you created a `volume` as follows + /// + /// #!/bin/bash + /// + /// docker volume create + /// + /// prints the long ID + /// + /// 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d + /// + /// you provide the definition for the resource as follows + /// + /// terraform + /// + /// resource "docker_volume" "foo" { + /// + /// name = "524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d" + /// + /// } + /// + /// then the import command is as follows + /// + /// #!/bin/bash /// /// ```sh - /// $ pulumi import docker:index/volume:Volume foo 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d + /// $ pulumi import docker:index/volume:Volume foo 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d /// ``` /// [DockerResourceType("docker:index/volume:Volume")] diff --git a/sdk/go.mod b/sdk/go.mod index 8366bd6a..1776e40f 100644 --- a/sdk/go.mod +++ b/sdk/go.mod @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ go 1.21 require ( github.com/blang/semver v3.5.1+incompatible - github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.104.2 + github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.105.0 ) require ( diff --git a/sdk/go.sum b/sdk/go.sum index 3a58d3c1..f9d2d647 100644 --- a/sdk/go.sum +++ b/sdk/go.sum @@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ github.com/pulumi/appdash v0.0.0-20231130102222-75f619a67231 h1:vkHw5I/plNdTr435 github.com/pulumi/appdash v0.0.0-20231130102222-75f619a67231/go.mod h1:murToZ2N9hNJzewjHBgfFdXhZKjY3z5cYC1VXk+lbFE= github.com/pulumi/esc v0.6.2 h1:+z+l8cuwIauLSwXQS0uoI3rqB+YG4SzsZYtHfNoXBvw= github.com/pulumi/esc v0.6.2/go.mod h1:jNnYNjzsOgVTjCp0LL24NsCk8ZJxq4IoLQdCT0X7l8k= -github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.104.2 h1:aOwUkrlsyEWrL1jlHqn2/36zMSPQrVUYUyZPqstrmjc= -github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.104.2/go.mod h1:Ml3rpGfyZlI4zQCG7LN2XDSmH4XUNYdyBwJ3yEr/OpI= +github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.105.0 h1:OKEeubZigWyQVnZS6udnFnZHZ/8OWXuUYv9ir3OY+vs= +github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.105.0/go.mod h1:Ml3rpGfyZlI4zQCG7LN2XDSmH4XUNYdyBwJ3yEr/OpI= github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.1.0/go.mod h1:J6wj4VEh+S6ZtnVlnTBMWIodfgj8LQOQFoIToxlJtxc= github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.2.0/go.mod h1:J6wj4VEh+S6ZtnVlnTBMWIodfgj8LQOQFoIToxlJtxc= github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.4.4 h1:8TfxU8dW6PdqD27gjM8MVNuicgxIjxpm4K7x4jp8sis= diff --git a/sdk/go/docker/container.go b/sdk/go/docker/container.go index 50e12faa..e75613cd 100644 --- a/sdk/go/docker/container.go +++ b/sdk/go/docker/container.go @@ -49,11 +49,23 @@ import ( // // ## Import // -// ### Example Assuming you created a `container` as follows #!/bin/bash docker run --name foo -p8080:80 -d nginx +// ### Example // -// prints the container ID +// Assuming you created a `container` as follows // -// 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_container" "foo" { +// #!/bin/bash +// +// docker run --name foo -p8080:80 -d nginx +// +// prints the container ID +// +// 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd +// +// you provide the definition for the resource as follows +// +// terraform +// +// resource "docker_container" "foo" { // // name // @@ -67,12 +79,16 @@ import ( // // external = "8080" // -// } } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash +// } // -// ```sh +// } // -// $ pulumi import docker:index/container:Container foo 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd +// then the import command is as follows // +// #!/bin/bash +// +// ```sh +// $ pulumi import docker:index/container:Container foo 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd // ``` type Container struct { pulumi.CustomResourceState diff --git a/sdk/go/docker/network.go b/sdk/go/docker/network.go index f9b3216c..86978a45 100644 --- a/sdk/go/docker/network.go +++ b/sdk/go/docker/network.go @@ -40,14 +40,34 @@ import ( // // ## Import // -// ### Example Assuming you created a `network` as follows #!/bin/bash docker network create foo prints the long ID 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_network" "foo" { +// ### Example // -// name = "foo" } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash +// Assuming you created a `network` as follows // -// ```sh +// #!/bin/bash +// +// docker network create foo +// +// prints the long ID +// +// 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 +// +// you provide the definition for the resource as follows +// +// terraform // -// $ pulumi import docker:index/network:Network foo 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 +// resource "docker_network" "foo" { // +// name = "foo" +// +// } +// +// then the import command is as follows +// +// #!/bin/bash +// +// ```sh +// $ pulumi import docker:index/network:Network foo 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 // ``` type Network struct { pulumi.CustomResourceState diff --git a/sdk/go/docker/plugin.go b/sdk/go/docker/plugin.go index 7182ae82..3aae7e82 100644 --- a/sdk/go/docker/plugin.go +++ b/sdk/go/docker/plugin.go @@ -53,9 +53,7 @@ import ( // #!/bin/bash // // ```sh -// -// $ pulumi import docker:index/plugin:Plugin sample-volume-plugin "$(docker plugin inspect -f {{.ID}} tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest)" -// +// $ pulumi import docker:index/plugin:Plugin sample-volume-plugin "$(docker plugin inspect -f {{.ID}} tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest)" // ``` type Plugin struct { pulumi.CustomResourceState diff --git a/sdk/go/docker/secret.go b/sdk/go/docker/secret.go index 07a0134a..5c9dedcd 100644 --- a/sdk/go/docker/secret.go +++ b/sdk/go/docker/secret.go @@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ import ( // ## Import // -// #!/bin/bash Docker secret cannot be imported as the secret data, once set, is never exposed again. +// #!/bin/bash +// +// Docker secret cannot be imported as the secret data, once set, is never exposed again. type Secret struct { pulumi.CustomResourceState diff --git a/sdk/go/docker/service.go b/sdk/go/docker/service.go index c74c603c..7309e5ca 100644 --- a/sdk/go/docker/service.go +++ b/sdk/go/docker/service.go @@ -21,7 +21,23 @@ import ( // // ## Import // -// ### Example Assuming you created a `service` as follows #!/bin/bash docker service create --name foo -p 8080:80 nginx prints th ID 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_service" "foo" { +// ### Example +// +// Assuming you created a `service` as follows +// +// #!/bin/bash +// +// docker service create --name foo -p 8080:80 nginx +// +// prints th ID +// +// 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi +// +// you provide the definition for the resource as follows +// +// terraform +// +// resource "docker_service" "foo" { // // name = "foo" // @@ -47,12 +63,16 @@ import ( // // } // -// } } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash +// } // -// ```sh +// } +// +// then the import command is as follows // -// $ pulumi import docker:index/service:Service foo 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi +// #!/bin/bash // +// ```sh +// $ pulumi import docker:index/service:Service foo 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi // ``` type Service struct { pulumi.CustomResourceState diff --git a/sdk/go/docker/serviceConfig.go b/sdk/go/docker/serviceConfig.go index b597aac2..40089c3d 100644 --- a/sdk/go/docker/serviceConfig.go +++ b/sdk/go/docker/serviceConfig.go @@ -14,18 +14,36 @@ import ( // ## Import // -// ### Example Assuming you created a `config` as follows #!/bin/bash printf '{"a":"b"}' | docker config create foo - prints the id +// ### Example // -// 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_config" "foo" { +// Assuming you created a `config` as follows +// +// #!/bin/bash +// +// printf '{"a":"b"}' | docker config create foo - +// +// prints the id +// +// 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d +// +// you provide the definition for the resource as follows +// +// terraform +// +// resource "docker_config" "foo" { // // name = "foo" // -// data = base64encode("{\"a\"\"b\"}") } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash +// data = base64encode("{\"a\": \"b\"}") // -// ```sh +// } // -// $ pulumi import docker:index/serviceConfig:ServiceConfig foo 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d +// then the import command is as follows // +// #!/bin/bash +// +// ```sh +// $ pulumi import docker:index/serviceConfig:ServiceConfig foo 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d // ``` type ServiceConfig struct { pulumi.CustomResourceState diff --git a/sdk/go/docker/volume.go b/sdk/go/docker/volume.go index 520edcb0..74ce4baa 100644 --- a/sdk/go/docker/volume.go +++ b/sdk/go/docker/volume.go @@ -40,14 +40,34 @@ import ( // // ## Import // -// ### Example Assuming you created a `volume` as follows #!/bin/bash docker volume create prints the long ID 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_volume" "foo" { +// ### Example // -// name = "524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d" } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash +// Assuming you created a `volume` as follows // -// ```sh +// #!/bin/bash +// +// docker volume create +// +// prints the long ID +// +// 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d +// +// you provide the definition for the resource as follows +// +// terraform // -// $ pulumi import docker:index/volume:Volume foo 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d +// resource "docker_volume" "foo" { // +// name = "524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d" +// +// } +// +// then the import command is as follows +// +// #!/bin/bash +// +// ```sh +// $ pulumi import docker:index/volume:Volume foo 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d // ``` type Volume struct { pulumi.CustomResourceState diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Container.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Container.java index a3bc2f0e..e29777ed 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Container.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Container.java @@ -73,11 +73,23 @@ * * ## Import * - * ### Example Assuming you created a `container` as follows #!/bin/bash docker run --name foo -p8080:80 -d nginx + * ### Example * - * prints the container ID + * Assuming you created a `container` as follows * - * 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_container" "foo" { + * #!/bin/bash + * + * docker run --name foo -p8080:80 -d nginx + * + * prints the container ID + * + * 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd + * + * you provide the definition for the resource as follows + * + * terraform + * + * resource "docker_container" "foo" { * * name * @@ -91,10 +103,16 @@ * * external = "8080" * - * } } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + * } + * + * } + * + * then the import command is as follows + * + * #!/bin/bash * * ```sh - * $ pulumi import docker:index/container:Container foo 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd + * $ pulumi import docker:index/container:Container foo 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd * ``` * */ diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Network.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Network.java index 96a82cfc..15262ffa 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Network.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Network.java @@ -53,12 +53,34 @@ * * ## Import * - * ### Example Assuming you created a `network` as follows #!/bin/bash docker network create foo prints the long ID 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_network" "foo" { + * ### Example * - * name = "foo" } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + * Assuming you created a `network` as follows + * + * #!/bin/bash + * + * docker network create foo + * + * prints the long ID + * + * 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 + * + * you provide the definition for the resource as follows + * + * terraform + * + * resource "docker_network" "foo" { + * + * name = "foo" + * + * } + * + * then the import command is as follows + * + * #!/bin/bash * * ```sh - * $ pulumi import docker:index/network:Network foo 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 + * $ pulumi import docker:index/network:Network foo 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 * ``` * */ diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Plugin.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Plugin.java index bd8c14c2..25dbb60b 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Plugin.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Plugin.java @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ * #!/bin/bash * * ```sh - * $ pulumi import docker:index/plugin:Plugin sample-volume-plugin "$(docker plugin inspect -f {{.ID}} tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest)" + * $ pulumi import docker:index/plugin:Plugin sample-volume-plugin "$(docker plugin inspect -f {{.ID}} tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest)" * ``` * */ diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Secret.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Secret.java index 4f5e2dd4..f725e5a6 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Secret.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Secret.java @@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ /** * ## Import * - * #!/bin/bash Docker secret cannot be imported as the secret data, once set, is never exposed again. + * #!/bin/bash + * + * Docker secret cannot be imported as the secret data, once set, is never exposed again. * */ @ResourceType(type="docker:index/secret:Secret") diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Service.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Service.java index c23ff2ab..536ff920 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Service.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Service.java @@ -31,7 +31,23 @@ * * ## Import * - * ### Example Assuming you created a `service` as follows #!/bin/bash docker service create --name foo -p 8080:80 nginx prints th ID 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_service" "foo" { + * ### Example + * + * Assuming you created a `service` as follows + * + * #!/bin/bash + * + * docker service create --name foo -p 8080:80 nginx + * + * prints th ID + * + * 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi + * + * you provide the definition for the resource as follows + * + * terraform + * + * resource "docker_service" "foo" { * * name = "foo" * @@ -57,10 +73,16 @@ * * } * - * } } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + * } + * + * } + * + * then the import command is as follows + * + * #!/bin/bash * * ```sh - * $ pulumi import docker:index/service:Service foo 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi + * $ pulumi import docker:index/service:Service foo 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi * ``` * */ diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/ServiceConfig.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/ServiceConfig.java index c8520eb9..306eeee7 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/ServiceConfig.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/ServiceConfig.java @@ -16,16 +16,36 @@ /** * ## Import * - * ### Example Assuming you created a `config` as follows #!/bin/bash printf '{"a":"b"}' | docker config create foo - prints the id + * ### Example * - * 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_config" "foo" { + * Assuming you created a `config` as follows + * + * #!/bin/bash + * + * printf '{"a":"b"}' | docker config create foo - + * + * prints the id + * + * 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d + * + * you provide the definition for the resource as follows + * + * terraform + * + * resource "docker_config" "foo" { * * name = "foo" * - * data = base64encode("{\"a\"\"b\"}") } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + * data = base64encode("{\"a\": \"b\"}") + * + * } + * + * then the import command is as follows + * + * #!/bin/bash * * ```sh - * $ pulumi import docker:index/serviceConfig:ServiceConfig foo 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d + * $ pulumi import docker:index/serviceConfig:ServiceConfig foo 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d * ``` * */ diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Volume.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Volume.java index 197b73d2..93789e6d 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Volume.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/docker/Volume.java @@ -51,12 +51,34 @@ * * ## Import * - * ### Example Assuming you created a `volume` as follows #!/bin/bash docker volume create prints the long ID 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_volume" "foo" { + * ### Example * - * name = "524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d" } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + * Assuming you created a `volume` as follows + * + * #!/bin/bash + * + * docker volume create + * + * prints the long ID + * + * 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d + * + * you provide the definition for the resource as follows + * + * terraform + * + * resource "docker_volume" "foo" { + * + * name = "524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d" + * + * } + * + * then the import command is as follows + * + * #!/bin/bash * * ```sh - * $ pulumi import docker:index/volume:Volume foo 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d + * $ pulumi import docker:index/volume:Volume foo 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d * ``` * */ diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/container.ts b/sdk/nodejs/container.ts index fdee1dd7..fcb0dbdc 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/container.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/container.ts @@ -25,11 +25,23 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Import * - * ### Example Assuming you created a `container` as follows #!/bin/bash docker run --name foo -p8080:80 -d nginx + * ### Example * - * prints the container ID + * Assuming you created a `container` as follows * - * 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_container" "foo" { + * #!/bin/bash + * + * docker run --name foo -p8080:80 -d nginx + * + * prints the container ID + * + * 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd + * + * you provide the definition for the resource as follows + * + * terraform + * + * resource "docker_container" "foo" { * * name * @@ -43,10 +55,16 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * external = "8080" * - * } } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + * } + * + * } + * + * then the import command is as follows + * + * #!/bin/bash * * ```sh - * $ pulumi import docker:index/container:Container foo 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd + * $ pulumi import docker:index/container:Container foo 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd * ``` */ export class Container extends pulumi.CustomResource { diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/network.ts b/sdk/nodejs/network.ts index 8944fe7a..a8e933ba 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/network.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/network.ts @@ -22,12 +22,34 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Import * - * ### Example Assuming you created a `network` as follows #!/bin/bash docker network create foo prints the long ID 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_network" "foo" { + * ### Example * - * name = "foo" } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + * Assuming you created a `network` as follows + * + * #!/bin/bash + * + * docker network create foo + * + * prints the long ID + * + * 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 + * + * you provide the definition for the resource as follows + * + * terraform + * + * resource "docker_network" "foo" { + * + * name = "foo" + * + * } + * + * then the import command is as follows + * + * #!/bin/bash * * ```sh - * $ pulumi import docker:index/network:Network foo 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 + * $ pulumi import docker:index/network:Network foo 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 * ``` */ export class Network extends pulumi.CustomResource { diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/plugin.ts b/sdk/nodejs/plugin.ts index 76ac13fd..a7f76816 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/plugin.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/plugin.ts @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * #!/bin/bash * * ```sh - * $ pulumi import docker:index/plugin:Plugin sample-volume-plugin "$(docker plugin inspect -f {{.ID}} tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest)" + * $ pulumi import docker:index/plugin:Plugin sample-volume-plugin "$(docker plugin inspect -f {{.ID}} tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest)" * ``` */ export class Plugin extends pulumi.CustomResource { diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/secret.ts b/sdk/nodejs/secret.ts index 4e10fca9..7b5dbc5c 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/secret.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/secret.ts @@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * ## Import * - * #!/bin/bash Docker secret cannot be imported as the secret data, once set, is never exposed again. + * #!/bin/bash + * + * Docker secret cannot be imported as the secret data, once set, is never exposed again. */ export class Secret extends pulumi.CustomResource { /** diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/service.ts b/sdk/nodejs/service.ts index 0f57dcb6..8e7aa694 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/service.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/service.ts @@ -15,7 +15,23 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Import * - * ### Example Assuming you created a `service` as follows #!/bin/bash docker service create --name foo -p 8080:80 nginx prints th ID 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_service" "foo" { + * ### Example + * + * Assuming you created a `service` as follows + * + * #!/bin/bash + * + * docker service create --name foo -p 8080:80 nginx + * + * prints th ID + * + * 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi + * + * you provide the definition for the resource as follows + * + * terraform + * + * resource "docker_service" "foo" { * * name = "foo" * @@ -41,10 +57,16 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * } * - * } } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + * } + * + * } + * + * then the import command is as follows + * + * #!/bin/bash * * ```sh - * $ pulumi import docker:index/service:Service foo 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi + * $ pulumi import docker:index/service:Service foo 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi * ``` */ export class Service extends pulumi.CustomResource { diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/serviceConfig.ts b/sdk/nodejs/serviceConfig.ts index f3917e28..7cfec1c2 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/serviceConfig.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/serviceConfig.ts @@ -7,16 +7,36 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * ## Import * - * ### Example Assuming you created a `config` as follows #!/bin/bash printf '{"a":"b"}' | docker config create foo - prints the id + * ### Example * - * 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_config" "foo" { + * Assuming you created a `config` as follows + * + * #!/bin/bash + * + * printf '{"a":"b"}' | docker config create foo - + * + * prints the id + * + * 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d + * + * you provide the definition for the resource as follows + * + * terraform + * + * resource "docker_config" "foo" { * * name = "foo" * - * data = base64encode("{\"a\"\"b\"}") } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + * data = base64encode("{\"a\": \"b\"}") + * + * } + * + * then the import command is as follows + * + * #!/bin/bash * * ```sh - * $ pulumi import docker:index/serviceConfig:ServiceConfig foo 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d + * $ pulumi import docker:index/serviceConfig:ServiceConfig foo 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d * ``` */ export class ServiceConfig extends pulumi.CustomResource { diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/volume.ts b/sdk/nodejs/volume.ts index 33076e31..beb233a1 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/volume.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/volume.ts @@ -22,12 +22,34 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Import * - * ### Example Assuming you created a `volume` as follows #!/bin/bash docker volume create prints the long ID 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_volume" "foo" { + * ### Example * - * name = "524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d" } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + * Assuming you created a `volume` as follows + * + * #!/bin/bash + * + * docker volume create + * + * prints the long ID + * + * 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d + * + * you provide the definition for the resource as follows + * + * terraform + * + * resource "docker_volume" "foo" { + * + * name = "524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d" + * + * } + * + * then the import command is as follows + * + * #!/bin/bash * * ```sh - * $ pulumi import docker:index/volume:Volume foo 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d + * $ pulumi import docker:index/volume:Volume foo 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d * ``` */ export class Volume extends pulumi.CustomResource { diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/_utilities.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/_utilities.py index 8219769c..e3b8564d 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/_utilities.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/_utilities.py @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import asyncio +import importlib.metadata import importlib.util import inspect import json @@ -18,11 +19,6 @@ from semver import VersionInfo as SemverVersion from parver import Version as PEP440Version -if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): - from importlib import metadata -else: - import importlib_metadata as metadata - def get_env(*args): for v in args: @@ -76,7 +72,7 @@ def _get_semver_version(): # to receive a valid semver string when receiving requests from the language host, so it's our # responsibility as the library to convert our own PEP440 version into a valid semver string. - pep440_version_string = metadata.version(root_package) + pep440_version_string = importlib.metadata.version(root_package) pep440_version = PEP440Version.parse(pep440_version_string) (major, minor, patch) = pep440_version.release prerelease = None diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/container.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/container.py index a1f77d6f..8c52305f 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/container.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/container.py @@ -2166,11 +2166,23 @@ def __init__(__self__, ## Import - ### Example Assuming you created a `container` as follows #!/bin/bash docker run --name foo -p8080:80 -d nginx + ### Example - prints the container ID + Assuming you created a `container` as follows - 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_container" "foo" { + #!/bin/bash + + docker run --name foo -p8080:80 -d nginx + + prints the container ID + + 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd + + you provide the definition for the resource as follows + + terraform + + resource "docker_container" "foo" { name @@ -2184,10 +2196,16 @@ def __init__(__self__, external = "8080" - } } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + } + + } + + then the import command is as follows + + #!/bin/bash ```sh - $ pulumi import docker:index/container:Container foo 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd + $ pulumi import docker:index/container:Container foo 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd ``` :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. @@ -2280,11 +2298,23 @@ def __init__(__self__, ## Import - ### Example Assuming you created a `container` as follows #!/bin/bash docker run --name foo -p8080:80 -d nginx + ### Example - prints the container ID + Assuming you created a `container` as follows - 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_container" "foo" { + #!/bin/bash + + docker run --name foo -p8080:80 -d nginx + + prints the container ID + + 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd + + you provide the definition for the resource as follows + + terraform + + resource "docker_container" "foo" { name @@ -2298,10 +2328,16 @@ def __init__(__self__, external = "8080" - } } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + } + + } + + then the import command is as follows + + #!/bin/bash ```sh - $ pulumi import docker:index/container:Container foo 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd + $ pulumi import docker:index/container:Container foo 9a550c0f0163d39d77222d3efd58701b625d47676c25c686c95b5b92d1cba6fd ``` :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/network.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/network.py index 8c3c01ad..408567a5 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/network.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/network.py @@ -462,12 +462,34 @@ def __init__(__self__, ## Import - ### Example Assuming you created a `network` as follows #!/bin/bash docker network create foo prints the long ID 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_network" "foo" { + ### Example - name = "foo" } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + Assuming you created a `network` as follows + + #!/bin/bash + + docker network create foo + + prints the long ID + + 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 + + you provide the definition for the resource as follows + + terraform + + resource "docker_network" "foo" { + + name = "foo" + + } + + then the import command is as follows + + #!/bin/bash ```sh - $ pulumi import docker:index/network:Network foo 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 + $ pulumi import docker:index/network:Network foo 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 ``` :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. @@ -506,12 +528,34 @@ def __init__(__self__, ## Import - ### Example Assuming you created a `network` as follows #!/bin/bash docker network create foo prints the long ID 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_network" "foo" { + ### Example + + Assuming you created a `network` as follows + + #!/bin/bash + + docker network create foo + + prints the long ID + + 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 + + you provide the definition for the resource as follows + + terraform + + resource "docker_network" "foo" { + + name = "foo" + + } + + then the import command is as follows - name = "foo" } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + #!/bin/bash ```sh - $ pulumi import docker:index/network:Network foo 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 + $ pulumi import docker:index/network:Network foo 87b57a9b91ecab2db2a6dbf38df74c67d7c7108cbe479d6576574ec2cd8c2d73 ``` :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/plugin.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/plugin.py index 02880d68..88a083c2 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/plugin.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/plugin.py @@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, #!/bin/bash ```sh - $ pulumi import docker:index/plugin:Plugin sample-volume-plugin "$(docker plugin inspect -f {{.ID}} tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest)" + $ pulumi import docker:index/plugin:Plugin sample-volume-plugin "$(docker plugin inspect -f {{.ID}} tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest)" ``` :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. @@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, #!/bin/bash ```sh - $ pulumi import docker:index/plugin:Plugin sample-volume-plugin "$(docker plugin inspect -f {{.ID}} tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest)" + $ pulumi import docker:index/plugin:Plugin sample-volume-plugin "$(docker plugin inspect -f {{.ID}} tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest)" ``` :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/secret.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/secret.py index eb709fae..329ad52d 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/secret.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/secret.py @@ -136,7 +136,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ ## Import - #!/bin/bash Docker secret cannot be imported as the secret data, once set, is never exposed again. + #!/bin/bash + + Docker secret cannot be imported as the secret data, once set, is never exposed again. :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. @@ -153,7 +155,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ ## Import - #!/bin/bash Docker secret cannot be imported as the secret data, once set, is never exposed again. + #!/bin/bash + + Docker secret cannot be imported as the secret data, once set, is never exposed again. :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param SecretArgs args: The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/service.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/service.py index 99734f24..f4f8f427 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/service.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/service.py @@ -339,7 +339,23 @@ def __init__(__self__, ## Import - ### Example Assuming you created a `service` as follows #!/bin/bash docker service create --name foo -p 8080:80 nginx prints th ID 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_service" "foo" { + ### Example + + Assuming you created a `service` as follows + + #!/bin/bash + + docker service create --name foo -p 8080:80 nginx + + prints th ID + + 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi + + you provide the definition for the resource as follows + + terraform + + resource "docker_service" "foo" { name = "foo" @@ -365,10 +381,16 @@ def __init__(__self__, } - } } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + } + + } + + then the import command is as follows + + #!/bin/bash ```sh - $ pulumi import docker:index/service:Service foo 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi + $ pulumi import docker:index/service:Service foo 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi ``` :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. @@ -397,7 +419,23 @@ def __init__(__self__, ## Import - ### Example Assuming you created a `service` as follows #!/bin/bash docker service create --name foo -p 8080:80 nginx prints th ID 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_service" "foo" { + ### Example + + Assuming you created a `service` as follows + + #!/bin/bash + + docker service create --name foo -p 8080:80 nginx + + prints th ID + + 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi + + you provide the definition for the resource as follows + + terraform + + resource "docker_service" "foo" { name = "foo" @@ -423,10 +461,16 @@ def __init__(__self__, } - } } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + } + + } + + then the import command is as follows + + #!/bin/bash ```sh - $ pulumi import docker:index/service:Service foo 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi + $ pulumi import docker:index/service:Service foo 4pcphbxkfn2rffhbhe6czytgi ``` :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/service_config.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/service_config.py index 6e86e37e..8ddc85ce 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/service_config.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/service_config.py @@ -101,16 +101,36 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ ## Import - ### Example Assuming you created a `config` as follows #!/bin/bash printf '{"a":"b"}' | docker config create foo - prints the id + ### Example - 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_config" "foo" { + Assuming you created a `config` as follows + + #!/bin/bash + + printf '{"a":"b"}' | docker config create foo - + + prints the id + + 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d + + you provide the definition for the resource as follows + + terraform + + resource "docker_config" "foo" { name = "foo" - data = base64encode("{\\"a\\"\\"b\\"}") } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + data = base64encode("{\\"a\\": \\"b\\"}") + + } + + then the import command is as follows + + #!/bin/bash ```sh - $ pulumi import docker:index/serviceConfig:ServiceConfig foo 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d + $ pulumi import docker:index/serviceConfig:ServiceConfig foo 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d ``` :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. @@ -127,16 +147,36 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ ## Import - ### Example Assuming you created a `config` as follows #!/bin/bash printf '{"a":"b"}' | docker config create foo - prints the id + ### Example - 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_config" "foo" { + Assuming you created a `config` as follows + + #!/bin/bash + + printf '{"a":"b"}' | docker config create foo - + + prints the id + + 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d + + you provide the definition for the resource as follows + + terraform + + resource "docker_config" "foo" { name = "foo" - data = base64encode("{\\"a\\"\\"b\\"}") } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + data = base64encode("{\\"a\\": \\"b\\"}") + + } + + then the import command is as follows + + #!/bin/bash ```sh - $ pulumi import docker:index/serviceConfig:ServiceConfig foo 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d + $ pulumi import docker:index/serviceConfig:ServiceConfig foo 08c26c477474478d971139f750984775a7f019dbe8a2e7f09d66a187c009e66d ``` :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/volume.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/volume.py index 0fd28db7..bcc2846d 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/volume.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_docker/volume.py @@ -198,12 +198,34 @@ def __init__(__self__, ## Import - ### Example Assuming you created a `volume` as follows #!/bin/bash docker volume create prints the long ID 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_volume" "foo" { + ### Example - name = "524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d" } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + Assuming you created a `volume` as follows + + #!/bin/bash + + docker volume create + + prints the long ID + + 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d + + you provide the definition for the resource as follows + + terraform + + resource "docker_volume" "foo" { + + name = "524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d" + + } + + then the import command is as follows + + #!/bin/bash ```sh - $ pulumi import docker:index/volume:Volume foo 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d + $ pulumi import docker:index/volume:Volume foo 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d ``` :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. @@ -234,12 +256,34 @@ def __init__(__self__, ## Import - ### Example Assuming you created a `volume` as follows #!/bin/bash docker volume create prints the long ID 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d you provide the definition for the resource as follows terraform resource "docker_volume" "foo" { + ### Example + + Assuming you created a `volume` as follows + + #!/bin/bash + + docker volume create + + prints the long ID + + 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d + + you provide the definition for the resource as follows + + terraform + + resource "docker_volume" "foo" { + + name = "524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d" + + } + + then the import command is as follows - name = "524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d" } then the import command is as follows #!/bin/bash + #!/bin/bash ```sh - $ pulumi import docker:index/volume:Volume foo 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d + $ pulumi import docker:index/volume:Volume foo 524b0457aa2a87dd2b75c74c3e4e53f406974249e63ab3ed9bf21e5644f9dc7d ``` :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pyproject.toml b/sdk/python/pyproject.toml index 0d6fa473..35c5f600 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pyproject.toml +++ b/sdk/python/pyproject.toml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ [project] name = "pulumi_docker" description = "A Pulumi package for interacting with Docker in Pulumi programs" - dependencies = ["importlib-metadata>=6.0.0,<7.0.0; python_version < \"3.8\"", "parver>=0.2.1", "pulumi>=3.0.0,<4.0.0", "semver>=2.8.1"] + dependencies = ["parver>=0.2.1", "pulumi>=3.0.0,<4.0.0", "semver>=2.8.1"] keywords = ["pulumi", "docker"] readme = "README.md" - requires-python = ">=3.7" + requires-python = ">=3.8" version = "0.0.0" [project.license] text = "Apache-2.0"