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File metadata and controls

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Represents an environment instance

azure_environment {
  api_version => "api_version",
  environment => "environment",
  environment_setting_name => "environment_setting_name",
  lab_account_name => "lab_account_name",
  lab_name => "lab_name",
  location => "location (optional)",
  properties => $azure_environment_properties
  resource_group_name => "resource_group_name",
  subscription_id => "subscription_id",
  tags => "tags (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
api_version String true Client API version.
environment Hash true Represents an environment instance
environment_setting_name String true The name of the environment Setting.
lab_account_name String true The name of the lab Account.
lab_name String true The name of the lab.
location String false The location of the resource.
properties EnvironmentProperties false The properties of the Environment resource
resource_group_name String true The name of the resource group.
subscription_id String true The subscription ID.
tags Hash false The tags of the resource.


Properties of an environment

$azure_environment_properties = {
  latestOperationResult => $azure_latest_operation_result
  networkInterface => $azure_network_interface
  provisioningState => "provisioningState (optional)",
  resourceSets => $azure_resource_set
  uniqueIdentifier => "uniqueIdentifier (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
latestOperationResult LatestOperationResult false The details of the latest operation. ex: status, error
networkInterface NetworkInterface false Network details of the environment
provisioningState String false The provisioning status of the resource.
resourceSets ResourceSet false The set of a VM and the setting id it was created for
uniqueIdentifier String false The unique immutable identifier of a resource (Guid).


Details of the status of an operation.

$azure_latest_operation_result = {
Name Type Required Description


Network details of the environment

$azure_network_interface = {
Name Type Required Description


Represents a VM and the setting Id it was created for.

$azure_resource_set = {
  resourceSettingId => "resourceSettingId (optional)",
  vmResourceId => "vmResourceId (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
resourceSettingId String false resourceSettingId for the environment
vmResourceId String false VM resource Id for the environment

CRUD operations

Here is a list of endpoints that we use to create, read, update and delete the Environment

Operation Path Verb Description OperationID
Create /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.LabServices/labaccounts/%{lab_account_name}/labs/%{lab_name}/environmentsettings/%{environment_setting_name}/environments/%{environment_name} Put Create or replace an existing Environment. Environments_CreateOrUpdate
List - list all ``
List - get one /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.LabServices/labaccounts/%{lab_account_name}/labs/%{lab_name}/environmentsettings/%{environment_setting_name}/environments/%{environment_name} Get Get environment Environments_Get
List - get list using params ``
Update /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.LabServices/labaccounts/%{lab_account_name}/labs/%{lab_name}/environmentsettings/%{environment_setting_name}/environments/%{environment_name} Put Create or replace an existing Environment. Environments_CreateOrUpdate
Delete /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.LabServices/labaccounts/%{lab_account_name}/labs/%{lab_name}/environmentsettings/%{environment_setting_name}/environments/%{environment_name} Delete Delete environment. This operation can take a while to complete Environments_Delete