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edjubuh committed Dec 16, 2016
1 parent 11c285c commit a3afeca
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Showing 20 changed files with 985 additions and 137 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion coffeelint.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"max_line_length": {
"value": "100",
"value": "110",
"level": "warn"
53 changes: 52 additions & 1 deletion lib/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
path = require 'path'
utils = require './terminal-utilities'
semver = require 'semver'

execute: utils.execute
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -29,11 +30,17 @@ module.exports=
terminal: (args...) ->
return @baseCommand().concat(['terminal'].concat(args...))

infoProject: (args...) ->
return @baseCommand().concat(['conduct', 'info-project']).concat(args...)

addLib: (args...) ->
return @baseCommand().concat(['conduct', 'new-lib']).concat(args...)

executeParsed: (cb, command, params) ->
if '--machine-output' not in command
command.push '--machine-output'
callback = (c, o) ->
cb c, JSON.parse e for e in o.split(/\r?\n/).filter(Boolean)
cb c, JSON.parse e for e in o?.split(/\r?\n/).filter(Boolean)
return utils.execute callback, command, params

executeParsedSync: (command) ->
Expand All @@ -48,6 +55,14 @@ module.exports=
getTemplatesSync: (args...) ->

projectInfo: (cb, args...) ->
@executeParsed cb, @infoProject(args...), {}

projectInfoSync: (cb, args...) ->
@executeParsedSync @infoProject args...

addLibraryExecute: (cb, args...) ->
utils.execute cb, @addLib args...

createNewExecute: (cb, args...) ->
utils.execute cb, @createNew args...
Expand All @@ -72,3 +87,39 @@ module.exports=
# wrapper function for scoping reasons
runInTerminal: (command) ->
return utils.executeInTerminal command.split ' '

checkCli: (minVersion, cb) ->
# wait... maybe environment not yet properly loaded yet
process.nextTick ->
utils.execute(((c, o) ->
if c != 0
console.log o
cb 2, 'PROS CLI was not found on your PATH.'
utils.execute(((c, o) ->
if c != 0
console.log o
cb 3, 'PROS CLI is improperly configured.'
version = /pros, version (.*)/g.exec(o)?[1]
if not version or, minVersion)
if version is undefined
# it's posssible that it failed by chance... try again
utils.execute(((c, o) ->
if c != 0
console.log o
cb 3, 'PROS CLI is improperly configured.'
version = /pros, version (.*)/g.exec(o)?[1]
if not version or, minVersion)
console.log o
cb 1, "PROS CLI is out of date. (#{version} does not meet #{minVersion})"
cb 0, version
), ['pros', '--version'])
console.log o
cb 1, "PROS CLI is out of date. (#{version} does not meet #{minVersion})"
cb 0, version
), ['pros', '--version'])
), ['where', 'pros'])
72 changes: 48 additions & 24 deletions lib/
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
# {`TerminalView`} = require './views/terminal/terminal-view'
{Disposable} = require 'atom'
fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
cli = require './cli'
terminal = require './terminal-utilities'
GA = require './ga'
Expand All @@ -15,19 +16,21 @@ universalConfig = require './universal-config'
autocomplete = require './autocomplete/autocomplete-clang'
buttons = require './buttons'
StatusBar = require './views/statusbar'
utils = require './utils'

WelcomeView = null
ConductorView = null
AddLibraryModal = null

createWelcomeView = (state) ->
WelcomeView = require './views/welcome/welcome-view'
new WelcomeView(state)
welcomeUri = 'pros://welcome'
conductorUri = 'pros://conductor'
conductorRegex = /conductor\/(.+)/i
addLibraryUri = 'pros://addlib'
addLibraryRegex = /addlib\/(.+)/i

module.exports =
provideBuilder: provideBuilder

showWelcome: -> 'pros://welcome'

activate: ->
@subscriptions = new CompositeDisposable
require('atom-package-deps').install('pros').then () =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,31 +68,51 @@ module.exports =
name: 'ProsWelcomeView'
deserialize: (state) -> createWelcomeView state

atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace', 'PROS:New-Project': -> new (require './views/new-project')
atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace', 'PROS:Upgrade-Project': => @upgradeProject()
atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace', 'PROS:Register-Project': => @registerProject()
atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace', 'PROS:Upload-Project': => @uploadProject()
atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace', 'PROS:Toggle-Terminal': => @toggleTerminal()
atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace', 'PROS:Show-Welcome': -> welcomeUri
atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace', 'PROS:Toggle-PROS': => @togglePROS()
atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace', 'PROS:Open-Conductor': ->
currentProject = atom.project.relativizePath atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()?.getPath()
if currentProject[0] "#{conductorUri}/#{currentProject[0]}"
else conductorUri
atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace',
'PROS:New-Project': => @newProject()
atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace',
'PROS:Upgrade-Project': => @upgradeProject()
atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace',
'PROS:Register-Project': => @registerProject()
atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace',
'PROS:Upload-Project': => @uploadProject()
atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace',
'PROS:Toggle-Terminal': => @toggleTerminal()
atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace',
'PROS:Show-Welcome': => @showWelcome()
atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace',
'PROS:Toggle-PROS': => @togglePROS()
'PROS:Add-Library': ->
new (require './views/add-library') path: atom.project.getPaths()?[0]

@subscriptions.add atom.workspace.addOpener (uri) ->
if uri is 'pros://welcome'
createWelcomeView uri: 'pros://welcome'
if uri is welcomeUri
WelcomeView ?= new (require './views/welcome') {welcomeUri}

@subscriptions.add atom.workspace.addOpener (uri) ->
if uri.startsWith conductorUri
ConductorView ?= new (require('./views/conductor')) {conductorUri}
if match = conductorRegex.exec uri
ConductorView.updateSelectedPath match[1]

if atom.config.get 'pros.welcome.enabled'
@showWelcome() welcomeUri

cli.execute(((c, o) -> console.log o if o),
cli.baseCommand().concat ['conduct', 'first-run', '--no-force', '--use-defaults'])
@PROSstatus = true

grammarSubscription = atom.grammars.onDidAddGrammar (grammar) ->
if grammar.scopeName is 'source.json'
grammar.fileTypes.push 'pros'
process.nextTick ->
for e in atom.workspace.getTextEditors()
if path.extname(e.getPath()) == '.pros'
e.setGrammar grammar

deactivate: ->
# End client session
if atom.config.get('pros.googleAnalytics.enabled') and \
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,9 +155,7 @@ module.exports =

consumeToolbar: (getToolBar) =>
@toolBar = getToolBar('pros')

buttons.addButtons @toolBar

@toolBar.onDidDestroy => @toolBar = null

autocompleteProvider: ->
Expand All @@ -143,4 +164,7 @@ module.exports =
consumeStatusBar: (statusbar) ->
@statusBarTile = new StatusBar(statusbar)

deserializeConductorView: (data) ->
ConductorView ?= new (require('./views/conductor')) data

config: universalConfig.filterConfig config.config, 'atom'
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module.exports =
outBuf += data
proc.on 'exit', (c, o, e) ->
cb c, outBuf
cb c, outBuf or o
return proc

executeSync: (command) ->
Expand Down
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions lib/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
fs = require 'fs-plus'
path = require 'path'
cp = require 'child_process'
async = require 'async'
@cliVersion = ''
@pkgVersion = ''

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,3 +49,15 @@ module.exports =
@cliVersion = stdout.replace 'pros, version ', ''

# cb0 @cliVersion

findOpenPROSProjectsSync: ->
results = []
traversal = (dir) ->
fs.traverseTreeSync dir,
((file) ->
if path.basename(file) == 'project.pros'
results.push path.dirname file
((d) ->)
traversal project for project in atom.project.getPaths()
return results
123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions lib/views/
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
{CompositeDisposable, Disposable} = require 'atom'
{$, View, TextEditorView} = require 'atom-space-pen-views'
fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
cli = require '../cli'

module.exports =
class AddLibraryModal extends View
@content: ->
@div class: 'pros-add-library', tabindex: -1, =>
@h1 'Add Library to PROS Project'
@h4 'Choose a project:'
@div class: 'select-list', id: 'projectPathPicker', outlet: 'projectPathPicker', =>
@div style: 'display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse;', =>
@button class: 'btn btn-default', outlet: 'openDir', =>
@span class: 'icon icon-ellipsis'
@button class: 'btn btn-default', outlet: 'toggleListButton', =>
@span class: 'icon icon-three-bars'
@subview 'projectPathEditor', new TextEditorView mini: true
@ol class: 'list-group', =>
for p in atom.project.getPaths()
if fs.existsSync path.join p, 'project.pros'
@li p
@h4 'Choose a library:'
@div class: 'library-picker select-list', =>
@ol class: 'list-group', outlet: 'libraryList', =>
@li 'Loading...'
@div class: 'actions', =>
@div class: 'btn-group', =>
@button outlet: 'cancelButton', class: 'btn', 'Cancel'
@button outlet: 'addButton', class: 'btn btn-primary icon icon-rocket', 'Add Library'
@span class: 'loading loading-spinner-tiny'

initialize: ({_path, @cb}={}) ->
atom.keymaps.add 'add-library-keymap',
'escape': 'core:cancel'
atom.commands.add @element, 'core:cancel', => @cancel()
@panel ?= atom.workspace.addModalPanel item: this, visible: false => @cancel() => atom.pickFolder (paths) =>
if paths?[0]
@projectPathEditor.setText paths[0]
$('#projectPathPicker ol').removeClass 'enabled' -> $('#projectPathPicker ol').toggleClass 'enabled'

$('#projectPathPicker ol li').on 'click', (e) =>
$('#projectPathPicker ol').removeClass 'enabled'

updateDisable = =>
if !!!@projectPathEditor.getText()
@addButton.prop 'disabled', true
else if !fs.existsSync path.join @projectPathEditor.getText(), 'project.pros'
@addButton.prop 'disabled', true
else if not @selected
@addButton.prop 'disabled', true
@addButton.prop 'disabled', false

@projectPathEditor.getModel().onDidChange =>
if fs.existsSync path.join @projectPathEditor.getText(), 'project.pros'
cli.projectInfo(((c, info) =>
if Object.keys(info.libraries).some((k) -> info.libraries.hasOwnProperty k)
for n, v of info.libraries
@libraryList.children('.primary-line.icon-check').removeClass 'icon icon-check'
for child in @libraryList.children()
value = $(child).data 'value'
if value?.library == n and value?.version == v.version
$(child).children('.primary-line').addClass 'icon icon-check'
), @projectPathEditor.getText()) =>
if dir = @projectPathEditor.getText()
if template = 'value'
$(@element).find('.actions').addClass 'working'
cli.addLibraryExecute(((c, o) =>
@cancel(true) # destroy the modal
if c is 0
atom.notifications.addSuccess "Added #{template.library} to #{path.basename dir}", detail: o
atom.project.addPath dir
atom.notifications.addError "Failed to add #{template.library} to #{path.basename dir}",
detail: o
dismissable: true
), "\"#{dir}\"", template.library, template.version, template.depot)

if !!_path then @projectPathEditor.setText _path

cli.getTemplates(((c, o) =>
for {library, version, depot} in o
li = document.createElement 'li'
li.className = 'two-lines library-option'
li.setAttribute 'data-value', JSON.stringify {library, version, depot}
li.innerHTML = "
<div class='primary-line'>#{library}</div>
<div class='secondary-line'><em>version</em> #{version} <em>from</em>
@libraryList.append li

$('li.library-option').on 'click', (e) =>
@selected?.removeClass 'selected'
@selected?.children('.primary-line').removeClass 'icon icon-chevron-right'
@selected = $( 'li.library-option'
@selected.addClass 'selected'
@selected.children('.primary-line').addClass 'icon icon-chevron-right'
), '--offline-only --libraries')

cancel: (complete=false)->
@panel = null
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions lib/views/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module.exports =
# coffeelint: disable=max_line_length
tuxFullColor: "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 89 89.6'><style>.a{fill:#D2AB67;}.b{fill:#E7BC70;}.c{fill:#060500;}.d{fill:#2F2D29;}.e{fill:#7E868C;}</style><polygon points='73.4 37.6 88.6 50.7 44.4 89.2 44.4 89.1 44.4 89.2 0.4 50.9 15.7 37.7 44.5 79.9 ' class='a'/><polygon points='44.5 89.1 88.6 50.7 73.4 37.6 44.5 79.9 ' class='b'/><polygon points='81.9 21.6 44.5 76.5 7.1 21.6 44.5 0.4 ' class='a'/><path d='M44.5 76.4l37.3-54.8 -6 8.6H44.5V76.4zM56.5 52.9l-0.3-19.6 19.4-2.8L56.5 52.9z' class='b'/><polygon points='44.5 0.4 44.5 10.7 47.4 12.1 47.4 15 44.5 16.5 44.5 21.6 81.9 21.6 ' class='b'/><polygon points='81.9 21.6 44.5 67.7 7.1 21.6 44.5 4.8 ' class='c'/><polygon points='44.5 4.8 44.5 4.8 44.5 67.6 44.5 67.7 81.9 21.6 ' class='d'/><polygon points='13.1 30.3 75.8 30.3 81.9 21.6 7.1 21.6 ' class='a'/><polygon points='44.5 21.6 44.5 30.3 75.8 30.3 81.9 21.6 ' class='b'/><polygon points='65.6 25.9 23.4 25.9 20.4 21.5 68.5 21.5 ' class='c'/><polygon points='44.5 21.5 44.5 25.9 65.6 25.9 68.6 21.5 ' class='d'/><polygon points='22.5 24.4 23.4 25.9 65.6 25.9 66.5 24.4 ' class='e'/><circle cx='44.5' cy='33.7' r='1.2' class='e'/><circle cx='44.5' cy='38.8' r='1.2' class='e'/><circle cx='44.5' cy='43.8' r='1.2' class='e'/><polygon points='32.5 52.7 32.7 33.2 13.3 30.3 ' class='a'/><polygon points='32.5 52.7 27.5 38.2 13.3 30.3 ' class='c'/><polygon points='56.5 52.9 56.2 33.2 75.6 30.4 ' class='a'/><polygon points='56.2 33.2 56.5 52.9 75.6 30.4 ' class='b'/><polygon points='56.5 52.9 61.6 38.2 75.6 30.4 ' class='d'/><polygon points='47.4 15 44.5 16.5 41.5 15 41.5 12.1 44.5 10.7 47.4 12.1 ' class='a'/><polygon points='44.5 10.7 44.5 16.5 47.4 15 47.4 12.1 ' class='b'/><path d='M45.2 70.8c0 0.3-0.3 0.6-0.6 0.6h-0.3c-0.3 0-0.6-0.3-0.6-0.6v-22.3c0-0.3 0.3-0.6 0.6-0.6h0.3c0.3 0 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.6V70.8z' class='e'/></svg>"

tuxSingleColor: "<svg xmlns='' width='89' height='90' viewBox='0 0 89 89.6'><polygon points='73.4 35.4 88.6 48.5 44.4 87 44.4 86.9 44.4 87 0.4 48.7 15.7 35.5 44.5 77.7 ' class='a'/><polygon points='22.5 22.2 23.4 23.7 65.6 23.7 66.5 22.2 ' class='a'/><polygon points='32.5 50.5 27.5 36 13.3 28.1 ' class='a'/><polygon points='56.5 50.7 61.6 36 75.6 28.2 ' class='a'/><path d='M44.5 2.6L7.1 19.4h13.4l2.8 4.3h42.2l2.8-4.3h13.4L44.5 2.6zM47.4 12.9l-2.9 1.5 -2.9-1.5V9.9l2.9-1.5 2.9 1.5V12.9z' class='a'/><path d='M74.8 28.1H14.1l0.1 0.1 18.5 2.8 -0.3 19.5 -2.4-2.8 13.7 16.8v-18.3c0-0.3 0.3-0.6 0.6-0.6h0.3c0.3 0 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.6v18.3l11.4-14 -0.1 0.1 -0.3-19.6L74.6 28.4 74.8 28.1zM44.5 42.8c-0.6 0-1.2-0.5-1.2-1.2 0-0.6 0.5-1.2 1.2-1.2 0.6 0 1.2 0.5 1.2 1.2C45.6 42.2 45.1 42.8 44.5 42.8zM44.5 37.8c-0.6 0-1.2-0.5-1.2-1.2 0-0.6 0.5-1.2 1.2-1.2 0.6 0 1.2 0.5 1.2 1.2C45.6 37.2 45.1 37.8 44.5 37.8zM44.5 32.6c-0.6 0-1.2-0.5-1.2-1.2s0.5-1.2 1.2-1.2c0.6 0 1.2 0.5 1.2 1.2S45.1 32.6 44.5 32.6z' class='a'/></svg>"

text: "<svg xmlns='' width='160' height='35' viewBox='0 0 160 35'><path d='M29.9 12.6c0 7.8-4.9 12.4-13.4 12.4h-5.9v9.2H1.9V0.9h14.6C25 0.9 29.9 5.2 29.9 12.6zM21.6 12.8c0-3.3-2-5-5.5-5h-5.5v10.2h5.5C19.6 18 21.6 16.2 21.6 12.8z'/><path d='M62.5 34.1l-4.8-9.2h-0.2 -6.3v9.2h-8.7V0.9h14.9c8.8 0 13.8 4.3 13.8 11.7 0 5-2.1 8.7-5.9 10.7l6.9 10.8H62.5zM51.3 18h6.3c3.5 0 5.5-1.8 5.5-5.2 0-3.3-2-5-5.5-5h-6.3V18z'/><path d='M119.1 17.5c0 9.7-7.7 17-18 17 -10.3 0-17.9-7.3-17.9-17 0-9.7 7.7-16.8 18-16.8C111.4 0.7 119.1 7.9 119.1 17.5zM92.1 17.5c0 5.4 4.2 9.6 9.1 9.6 5 0 9-4.2 9-9.6s-4-9.5-9-9.5C96.3 8.1 92.1 12.1 92.1 17.5z'/><path d='M144 7.6c-2.1 0-3.5 0.8-3.5 2.3 0 5.5 17.5 2.4 17.5 14.3 0 6.8-6 10.2-13.4 10.2 -5.5 0-11.3-2-15.3-5.3l3.4-6.8c3.4 2.9 8.6 5 12 5 2.6 0 4.2-0.9 4.2-2.7 0-5.6-17.5-2.2-17.5-14 0-6.2 5.3-10.1 13.3-10.1 4.9 0 9.8 1.5 13.3 3.7l-3.3 6.9C151.2 9.1 146.8 7.6 144 7.6z'/></svg>"
# coffeelint: enabled=max_line_length

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