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Setup guide

The quick-start guide showed how to quickly launch a temporary instance of Apollo, but deploying the application to production normally involves some extra steps.

The general idea behind your deployment is to create a apollo-config.groovy file from some existing sample files which have sample settings for various database engines.

Production pre-requisites

You will minimally need to have Java 7 or greater, Grails, git, ant, a servlet container e.g. tomcat7+, jetty, or resin. An external database such as PostgreSQL or MySQL is generally used for production, but instructions for the H2 database is also provided.

Important note: The default memory for Tomcat and Jetty is insufficient to run Apollo (and most other web apps).
You should increase the memory according to these instructions.

Database configuration

Apollo supports several database backends, and you can choose sample configurations from using H2, Postgres, or MySQL by default.

Each has a file called sample-h2-apollo-config.groovy or sample-postgres-apollo-config.groovy that is designed to be renamed to apollo-config.groovy before running apollo deploy. Additionally there is a sample-docker-apollo-config.groovy which allows control of the configuration via environment variables.

Furthermore, the apollo-config.groovy has different groovy environments for test, development, and production modes. The environment will be selected automatically selected depending on how it is run, e.g:

  • apollo deploy or apollo release use the production environment (i.e. when you copy the war file to your production server apollo run-local or apollo debug use the development environment (i.e. when you are running it locally)
  • apollo test uses the test environment (i.e. only when running unit tests)

Configure for H2:

  • H2 is an embedded database engine, so no external setups are needed. Simply copy sample-h2-apollo-config.groovy to apollo-config.groovy.

Configure for PostgreSQL:

  • Create a new database with postgres and add a user for production mode. Here are a few ways to do this in PostgreSQL.
  • Copy the sample-postgres-apollo-config.groovy to apollo-config.groovy.

Configure for MySQL:

  • Create a new MySQL database for production mode (i.e. run ``create database `apollo-production``` in the mysql console) and copy the sample-postgres-apollo-config.groovy to apollo-config.groovy.

Configure for Docker:

  • Set up and export all of the environment variables you wish to configure. At bare minimum you will likely wish to set WEBAPOLLO_DB_USERNAME, WEBAPOLLO_DB_PASSWORD, WEBAPOLLO_DB_DRIVER, WEBAPOLLO_DB_DIALECT, and WEBAPOLLO_DB_URI
  • Create a new database in your chosen database backend and copy the sample-docker-apollo-config.groovy to apollo-config.groovy.

Database schema

After you startup the application, the database schema (tables, etc.) is automatically setup. You don't have to initialize any database schemas yourself.

Deploy the application

The apollo run-local command only launches a temporary server and should really not be used in production, so to deploy to production, we build a new WAR file with the apollo deploy command. After you have setup your apollo-config.groovy file, and it has the appropriate username, password, and JDBC URL in it, then we can run the command:

./apollo deploy

This command will package the application and it will download any missing pre-requisites (jbrowse) into a WAR file in the "target/" subfolder. After it completes, you can then copy the WAR file (e.g. apollo-2.0.1.war) from the target folder to the webapps folder of your web container installation. If you name the file apollo.war in your webapps folder, then you can access your app at "http://localhost:8080/apollo"

We test primarly on Apache Tomcat (7.0.62+ and 8). Make sure to set your Tomcat memory to an appropriate size or Apollo will run slow / crash.

Alternatively, as we alluded to previously, you can also launch a temporary instance of the server which is useful for testing

./apollo run-local 8085

This temporary server will be accessible at "http://localhost:8085/apollo"

Note on database settings

If you use the apollo run-local command, then the "development" section of the apollo-config.groovy is used (or an temporary in-memory H2 database is used if no apollo-config.groovy exists).

If you use the WAR file generated by the apollo deploy command on your own webserver, then the "production" section of the apollo-config.groovy is used.

Detailed build instructions

While the shortcut apollo deploy takes care of basic application deployment, understanding the full build process of Apollo can help you to optimize and improve your deployed instances.

To learn more about the architecture of webapollo, view the architecture guide but the main idea here is to learn how to use apollo release to construct a build that includes javascript minimization

Pre-requisites for Javascript minimization

In addition to the system pre-requisites, the javascript compilation will use nodejs, which can be installed from a package manager on many platforms. Recommended setup for different platforms:

sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo yum install epel-release npm
brew install node

Install extra perl modules

Building apollo in release mode also requires some extra Perl modules, namely Text::Markdown and DateTime. One way to install them:

bin/cpanm -l extlib DateTime Text::Markdown

Performing the javascript minimization

To build a Apollo release with Javascript minimization, you can use the command

./apollo release

This will compile JBrowse and Apollo javascript code into minimized files so that the number of HTTP requests that the client needs to make are reduced.

In all other respects, apollo release is exactly the same as apollo deploy though.

Performing active development

To perform active development of the codebase, use

./apollo debug

This will launch a temporary instance of Apollo by running grails run-app and ant devmode at the same time, which means that any changes to the Java files will be picked up, allowing fast iteration.

If you modify the javascript files (i.e. the client directory), you can run scripts/ and these will be picked up on-the-fly too.