diff --git a/pyppl/__init__.py b/pyppl/__init__.py
index 209fcb59..4d72757d 100644
--- a/pyppl/__init__.py
+++ b/pyppl/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
from pyppl import pyppl
from pyppl import proc
+from pyppl import job
from pyppl import aggr
from pyppl import channel
from pyppl import utils
diff --git a/pyppl/helpers/__init__.py b/pyppl/helpers/__init__.py
index fddf7303..8e188783 100644
--- a/pyppl/helpers/__init__.py
+++ b/pyppl/helpers/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from channel import channel
from proc import proc
from aggr import aggr
+from job import job
import utils
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pyppl/helpers/channel.py b/pyppl/helpers/channel.py
index 5cf624f1..a2452b48 100644
--- a/pyppl/helpers/channel.py
+++ b/pyppl/helpers/channel.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from copy import copy as pycopy
+import utils
class channel (list):
@@ -13,8 +14,6 @@ def create (l = []):
def fromChannels (*args):
ret = channel.create()
- if not args:
- return ret
ret.merge (*args)
return ret
@@ -43,33 +42,30 @@ def fromPairs (pattern):
return c
- def fromArgv (width = 1):
+ def fromArgv ():
from sys import argv
+ ret = channel.create()
args = argv[1:]
alen = len (args)
- if alen == 0: return channel()
- if width == None: width = alen
- if alen % width != 0:
- raise Exception('Length (%s) of argv[1:] must be exactly divided by width (%s)' % (alen, width))
+ if alen == 0: return ret
- ret = channel()
- for i in xrange(0, alen, width):
- tmp = ()
- for j in range(width):
- tmp += (args[i+j], )
- ret.append (tmp)
+ width = None
+ for arg in args:
+ items = channel._tuplize(utils.split(arg, ','))
+ if width is not None and width != len(items):
+ raise ValueError('Width %s (%s) is not consistent with previous %s' % (len(items), arg, width))
+ width = len(items)
+ ret.append (items)
return ret
def _tuplize (tu):
- if isinstance(tu, str) or isinstance(tu, unicode):
+ if isinstance(tu, (str, unicode)):
tu = (tu, )
- try:
- iter(tu)
- except:
- tu = (tu, )
- return tu
+ try: iter(tu)
+ except: tu = (tu, )
+ return tuple(tu)
# expand the channel according to the files in
, other cols will keep the same
# [(dir1/dir2, 1)].expand (0, "*") will expand to
@@ -106,11 +102,9 @@ def copy (self):
return pycopy(self)
def width (self):
- if not self:
- return 0
+ if not self: return 0
ele = self[0]
- if not isinstance(ele, tuple):
- return 1
+ if not isinstance(ele, tuple): return 1
return len(ele)
def length (self):
@@ -124,69 +118,76 @@ def filter (self, func):
def reduce (self, func):
return channel.create(reduce(func, self))
- def merge (self, *args):
- if not args: return
- maxlen = max(map(len, args))
- minlen = min(map(len, args))
- if maxlen != minlen:
- raise Exception('Cannot merge channels with different length (%s, %s).' % (maxlen, minlen))
- clen = len (self)
- if clen != 0 and clen != maxlen:
- raise Exception('Cannot merge channels with different length (%s, %s).' % (maxlen, clen))
- for i in range(maxlen):
- tu = () if clen==0 else channel._tuplize(self[i])
- for arg in args:
- tu += channel._tuplize (arg[i])
- if clen == 0:
- self.append(tu)
- else:
- self[i] = tu
+ def rbind (self, row):
+ row = channel._tuplize(row)
+ if self.length() != 0 and self.width() != len(row):
+ raise ValueError ('Cannot bind row (len: %s) to channel (width: %s): width is different.' % (len(row), self.width()))
+ self.append (row)
return self
- def insert (self, idx, val):
- idx = self.width() if idx is None else idx
- if not isinstance(val, list):
- val = [val]
- if len (val) == 1:
- val = val * len (self)
- elif len(val) != len(self):
- raise Exception('Cannot merge channels with different length (%s, %s).' % (len(self), len(val)))
- for i in range(len(self)):
- ele = list (self[i])
- newele = ele[:idx] + list(channel._tuplize(val[i])) + ele[idx:]
- self[i] = tuple (newele)
+ def rbindMany (self, *rows):
+ for row in rows: self.rbind(row)
return self
- def split (self):
- ret = []
- for i, tu in enumerate(self):
- if isinstance(tu, str):
- tu = (tu, )
- try:
- iter(tu)
- except:
- tu = (tu, )
- if i == 0:
- for t in tu: ret.append(channel())
- for j, t in enumerate(tu):
- ret[j].append(channel._tuplize(t))
+ def cbind (self, col):
+ if not isinstance(col, list): col = [col]
+ if len (col) == 1: col = col * max(1, self.length())
+ if self.length() == 0 :
+ for ele in col: self.append (channel._tuplize(ele))
+ elif self.length() == len (col):
+ for i in range (self.length()):
+ self[i] += channel._tuplize(col[i])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ('Cannot bind column (len: %s) to channel (length: %s): length is different.' % (len(col), self.length()))
+ return self
+ def cbindMany (self, *cols):
+ for col in cols:
+ self.cbind(col)
+ return self
+ def merge (self, *chans):
+ for chan in chans:
+ if not isinstance(chan, channel): chan = channel.create(chan)
+ cols = [x.toList() for x in chan.split()]
+ self.cbindMany (*cols)
+ return self
+ def colAt (self, index):
+ return self.slice (index, 1)
+ def slice (self, start, length = None):
+ if start is None: start = self.width()
+ if length is None: length = self.width()
+ if start < 0: start = start + self.width()
+ if start >= self.width(): return channel.create()
+ ret = channel.create()
+ if length == 0: return ret
+ for ele in self:
+ row = tuple (ele[start:start+length])
+ ret.rbind (row)
return ret
+ def insert (self, index, col):
+ if not isinstance(col, list): col = [col]
+ if len (col) == 1: col = col * max(1, self.length())
+ part1 = self.slice (0, index)
+ part2 = self.slice (index)
+ del self[:]
+ self.merge (part1)
+ self.cbind (col)
+ self.merge (part2)
+ return self
+ def split (self):
+ return [ self.colAt(i) for i in range(self.width()) ]
def toList (self): # [(a,), (b,)] to [a, b], only applicable when width =1
if self.width() != 1:
- raise Exception ('Width = %s, but expect width = 1.' % self.width())
+ raise ValueError ('Width = %s, but expect width = 1.' % self.width())
- ret = []
- for e in self:
- if isinstance(e, list):
- v = e # support list elements
- else:
- (v, ) = e
- ret.append(v)
- return ret
+ return [ e[0] if isinstance(e, tuple) else e for e in self ]
diff --git a/pyppl/helpers/job.py b/pyppl/helpers/job.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be4a4043
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyppl/helpers/job.py
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+from hashlib import md5
+from glob import glob
+from os import path, remove, symlink, makedirs
+from shutil import rmtree, copytree, copyfile, move
+import gzip
+import utils
+class job (object):
+ def __init__(self, index, workdir, input = None, output = None):
+ self.script = path.join (workdir, "scripts", "script.%s" % index)
+ self.rcfile = path.join (workdir, "scripts", "script.%s.rc" % index)
+ self.outfile = path.join (workdir, "scripts", "script.%s.stdout" % index)
+ self.errfile = path.join (workdir, "scripts", "script.%s.stderr" % index)
+ self.input = {'var':[], 'file':[], 'files':[]} if input is None else input
+ self.output = {'var':[], 'file':[]} if output is None else input
+ self.index = index
+ def signature (self):
+ sSig = utils.fileSig(self.script)
+ iSig = ''
+ oSig = ''
+ for val in self.input['var']:
+ val = str(val)
+ iSig += "|var:" + md5(val).hexdigest()
+ for val in self.input['file']:
+ iSig += "|file:" + utils.fileSig(val)
+ iSig += "|files"
+ for val in self.input['files']:
+ for v in val: iSig += ':' + utils.fileSig(v)
+ for val in self.output['var']:
+ val = str(val)
+ oSig += "|var:" + md5(val).hexdigest()
+ for val in self.output['file']:
+ oSig += "|file:" + utils.fileSig(val)
+ return md5(sSig + ';' + iSig + ';' + oSig).hexdigest()
+ def rc (self):
+ if not path.exists (self.rcfile): return -99
+ rccodestr = open (self.rcfile).read().strip()
+ return int(rccodestr) if rccodestr else -99
+ # whether output files are generated
+ def outfileGenerated (self):
+ for outfile in self.output['file']:
+ if not path.exists (outfile):
+ raise Exception ('[Job#%s]: Output file not generated: %s' % (self.index, outfile))
+ # use export as cache
+ def exportCached (self, exdir, how, log):
+ if how == 'symlink':
+ raise ValueError ('Unable to use export cache when you export using symlink.')
+ if not exdir:
+ raise ValueError ('Output files not exported, cannot use them for caching.')
+ exfiles = [path.join (exdir, path.basename(outfile)) for outfile in self.output['file']]
+ for i, exfile in enumerate(exfiles):
+ outfile = self.output['file'][i]
+ if how == 'gzip':
+ gzfile = exfile + '.gz'
+ tgzfile = exfile + '.tgz'
+ if not path.exists(gzfile) and not path.exists(tgzfile): return False
+ if path.exists(outfile):
+ log ('Overwrite file/dir to use export for caching: %s' % outfile, 'warning')
+ if path.isdir (outfile): rmtree (outfile)
+ else: remove (outfile)
+ if path.exists(gzfile):
+ utils.ungz (gzfile, outfile)
+ elif path.exists(tgzfile):
+ makedirs(outfile)
+ utils.untargz (tgzfile, outfile)
+ else:
+ if not path.exists (exfile): return False
+ if path.exists(outfile):
+ log ('Overwrite file/dir to use export for caching: %s' % outfile, 'warning')
+ if path.isdir (outfile): rmtree (outfile)
+ else: remove (outfile)
+ symlink (exfile, outfile)
+ return True
+ def export (self, exdir, how, ow, log):
+ for outfile in self.output['file']:
+ bn = path.basename (outfile)
+ target = path.join (exdir, bn)
+ if path.exists (target):
+ if ow:
+ if path.isdir (target):rmtree (target)
+ else: remove (target)
+ else:
+ log('%s (target exists, skipped)' % target, 'warning')
+ if not path.exists (target):
+ log ('%s (%s)' % (target, how), 'info', 'EXPORT')
+ if how == 'copy':
+ if path.isdir (outfile): copytree (outfile, target)
+ else: copyfile (outfile, target)
+ elif how == 'move':
+ move (outfile, target)
+ symlink(target, outfile) # make sure dependent proc can run
+ elif how == 'symlink':
+ symlink (outfile, target)
+ elif how == 'gzip':
+ if path.isdir (outfile):
+ utils.targz (target + '.tgz', outfile)
+ else:
+ utils.gz (target + '.gz', outfile)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pyppl/helpers/proc.py b/pyppl/helpers/proc.py
index 91d207fe..018b8e06 100644
--- a/pyppl/helpers/proc.py
+++ b/pyppl/helpers/proc.py
@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
-import logging, os, pickle, shlex, shutil, threading, sys
+import os, pickle, shlex, shutil, threading, sys
import copy as pycopy
-from random import randint
-from glob import glob
from time import sleep
-from traceback import extract_stack
+from random import randint
from channel import channel
from aggr import aggr
+from job import job as pjob
import utils
-from md5 import md5
-from re import split
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from Queue import Queue
@@ -22,8 +19,18 @@ class proc (object):
runners = {}
ids = {}
+ alias = {
+ 'exdir': 'exportdir',
+ 'exhow': 'exporthow',
+ 'exow': 'exportow',
+ 'errhow': 'errorhow',
+ 'errntry': 'errorntry',
+ 'lang': 'defaultSh',
+ 'rc': 'retcodes',
+ }
def __init__ (self, tag = 'notag'):
# computed props
self.__dict__['props'] = {}
# configs
@@ -36,7 +43,7 @@ def __init__ (self, tag = 'notag'):
# where cache file and wdir located
self.config['tmpdir'] = os.path.abspath("./workdir")
self.config['forks'] = 1
- self.config['cache'] = True
+ self.config['cache'] = True # False or 'export' or 'export+' (do True if failed do export)
self.config['retcodes'] = [0]
self.config['echo'] = False
self.config['runner'] = 'local'
@@ -53,16 +60,13 @@ def __init__ (self, tag = 'notag'):
self.config['afterCmd'] = ""
self.config['workdir'] = ''
self.config['args'] = {}
- self.config['channel'] = channel()
- self.config['callback'] = None
- self.config['callfront'] = None
+ self.config['channel'] = channel.create()
self.config['aggr'] = None
+ self.config['callback'] = None
# init props
# id of the process, actually it's the variable name of the process
self.props['id'] = pid
- # whether the process is cached or not
- #self.props['cached'] = True
# the tag
self.props['tag'] = tag
@@ -72,10 +76,6 @@ def __init__ (self, tag = 'notag'):
self.props['depends'] = []
# the script
self.props['script'] = ""
- # the script prepend to the script
- self.props['preScript'] = ""
- # the script append to the script
- self.props['postScript'] = ""
self.props['input'] = {}
self.props['output'] = {}
@@ -95,37 +95,36 @@ def __init__ (self, tag = 'notag'):
self.props['errorhow'] = self.config['errorhow']
self.props['errorntry'] = self.config['errorntry']
self.props['jobs'] = []
+ self.props['ncjobids'] = [] # non-cached job ids
self.props['defaultSh'] = self.config['defaultSh']
- self.props['isValid'] = True
- self.props['channel'] = channel()
+ self.props['channel'] = channel.create()
self.props['length'] = 0
self.props['sets'] = []
- self.props['infiletime'] = 0
- self.props['outfiles'] = []
- self.props['infiles'] = []
self.props['procvars'] = {}
self.props['workdir'] = ''
- self.props['logger'] = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ self.props['logger'] = utils.getLogger('debug', self.__class__.__name__ + utils.randstr())
self.props['args'] = self.config['args']
- self.props['callback'] = self.config['callback']
- self.props['callfront'] = self.config['callfront']
self.props['indir'] = ''
self.props['outdir'] = ''
- self.props['cached'] = False
self.props['aggr'] = self.config['aggr']
+ self.props['callback'] = self.config['callback']
def __getattr__ (self, name):
- if not self.props.has_key(name) and not name.endswith ('Runner'):
- raise AttributeError('Property %s not found in ' % name)
+ if not self.props.has_key(name) and not proc.alias.has_key(name) and not name.endswith ('Runner'):
+ raise ValueError('Property %s not found in pyppl.proc' % name)
+ if proc.alias.has_key(name): name = proc.alias[name]
return self.props[name]
def __setattr__ (self, name, value):
- if not self.config.has_key(name) and not name.endswith ('Runner'):
- raise AttributeError('Cannot set %s for ' % name)
+ if not self.config.has_key(name) and not proc.alias.has_key(name) and not name.endswith ('Runner'):
+ raise ValueError('Cannot set property "%s" for ' % name)
+ if proc.alias.has_key(name): name = proc.alias[name]
self.config[name] = value
self.props [name] = value
- self.props['sets'].append(name)
+ self.sets.append(name)
if (name == 'output' or name == 'input') and isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(value[0], tuple):
self.config[name] = OrderedDict(value)
self.props [name] = OrderedDict(value)
@@ -135,33 +134,34 @@ def __setattr__ (self, name, value):
self.props['depends'] = [self.depends]
elif isinstance(self.depends, aggr):
self.props['depends'] = self.depends.ends
- for depend in self.props['depends']:
- depend.props['nexts'].append (self)
+ for depend in self.depends:
+ depend.nexts.append (self)
def setLogger (self, logger):
self.props['logger'] = logger
def log (self, msg, level="info", flag=None):
- flag = level.upper().rjust(7) if flag is None else flag
+ if flag is None: flag = level
+ flag = flag.upper().rjust(7)
flag = "[%s]" % flag
title = "%s%s.%s:" % (("%s -> " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag)
func = getattr(self.logger, level)
func ("%s %s %s" % (flag, title, msg))
def copy (self, tag=None, newid=None):
- newproc = pycopy.deepcopy (self)
- if tag is not None:
- newproc.tag = tag
+ newproc = pycopy.copy (self)
+ if tag is not None: newproc.tag = tag
pid = utils.varname('\w+\.' + self.copy.__name__, 3)
newproc.props['pid'] = pid if newid is None else newid
return newproc
def _suffix (self):
- config = pycopy.copy(self.config)
- if config.has_key('workdir'):
- del config['workdir']
+ config = { key:val for key, val in self.config.iteritems() if key not in ['workdir'] }
+ if config.has_key ('callback'):
+ config['callback'] = utils.funcSig(config['callback'])
+ # proc is not picklable
if config.has_key('depends'):
depends = config['depends']
pickable_depends = []
@@ -172,116 +172,119 @@ def _suffix (self):
for depend in depends:
pickable_depends.append(depend.id + '.' + depend.tag)
config['depends'] = pickable_depends
- if config.has_key('nexts'):
- nexts = config['nexts']
- pickable_nexts = []
- if isinstance(nexts, proc):
- nexts = [nexts]
- for n in nexts:
- pickable_nexts.append(ndepend.id + '.' + n.tag)
- config['nexts'] = pickable_nexts
- if config.has_key ('callback'):
- config['callback'] = utils.funcSig(config['callback'])
- if config.has_key ('callfront'):
- config['callfront'] = utils.funcSig(config['callfront'])
+ # lambda not pickable
if config.has_key ('input') and isinstance(config['input'], dict):
config['input'] = pycopy.deepcopy(config['input'])
for key, val in config['input'].iteritems():
config['input'][key] = utils.funcSig(val) if callable(val) else val
- signature = pickle.dumps(config) + '@' + pickle.dumps(sorted(sys.argv))
+ signature = pickle.dumps(config)
return utils.uid(signature)
def _tidyBeforeRun (self):
self._buildProps ()
- self.log (self.workdir, 'info', 'RUNNING')
self._buildInput ()
self._buildOutput ()
self._buildScript ()
def _tidyAfterRun (self):
- if self._checkStatus ():
- self._export ()
+ sucJids = self._checkStatus ()
+ if sucJids == False: return
+ self._doCache (sucJids)
+ if len (sucJids) != self.length:
+ log ('Export and callback will not be performed until all jobs run successfully.', 'warning')
+ else:
+ self._export ()
if callable (self.callback):
- self.log ('Calling callback ...', 'debug')
- #self.logger.info ('[ DEBUG] %s%s.%s: Calling callback ...' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag))
- self.callback (self)
- self._doCache ()
+ self.log('Calling callback ...', 'debug')
+ self.callback (self)
- def _init (self, config):
+ def run (self, config = {}):
+ self.logger.info ('[ START] ' + utils.padBoth(' ' + self.id + '.' + self.tag + ' ', 70, '>', '<'))
self._readConfig (config)
- self.props['cached'] = self._isCached()
- if self.cached: return False
- if callable (self.callfront):
- self.log ('Calling callfront ...', 'debug')
- #self.logger.info ('[ DEBUG] %s%s.%s: Calling callfront ...' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag))
- self.callfront (self)
- self.props['infiles'] = []
- self.props['outfiles'] = []
- self.props['jobs'] = []
- '''
- for n in self.nexts: # if i am not cached, then none of depends
- self.logger.debug ('[ DEBUG] %s%s.%s: I`m not cached, so my dependent %s have to rerun.' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag, n.id))
- n.cache = False
- '''
self._tidyBeforeRun ()
- return True
- def run (self, config = {}):
- if not self._init(config):
- self.log ('Calling callfront ...', 'debug')
- #self.logger.info ('[ CACHED] %s%s.%s: %s' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag, self.workdir))
- #self._tidyAfterRun ()
- return
if self._runCmd('beforeCmd') != 0:
- raise Exception ('Failed to run ')
- self._runJobs()
- self._runCmd('afterCmd')
+ raise Exception ('Failed to run beforeCmd: %s' % self.beforeCmd)
+ if not self._isCached():
+ self.log (self.workdir, 'info', 'RUNNING')
+ self._runJobs()
if self._runCmd('afterCmd') != 0:
- raise Exception ('Failed to run ')
+ raise Exception ('Failed to run afterCmd: %s' % self.afterCmd)
self._tidyAfterRun ()
- def _checkStatus (self): # whether return values allowed or outfiles generated
- for i in range(self.length):
- rcfile = os.path.join (self.workdir, 'scripts', 'script.%s.rc' % i)
- rc = 0
- with open (rcfile, 'r') as f:
- rc = f.read().strip()
- rc = -1 if rc == '' else int(rc)
- if rc not in self.retcodes:
- if not self.echo:
- errfile = os.path.join (self.workdir, 'scripts', 'script.%s.stderr' % i)
- errmsgs = ['[ ERROR] ! ' + line.strip() for line in open(errfile)]
- if not errmsgs: errmsgs = ['[ ERROR] ! ']
- self.log('See STDERR below', 'error')
- #self.logger.info ('[ ERROR] %s%s.%s: See STDERR below.' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag))
- for errmsg in errmsgs:
- self.logger.error (errmsg)
- raise Exception ('[#%s]: Return code is %s, but %s expected.' % (i, rc, self.retcodes))
- for of in self.outfiles:
- if not os.path.exists (of):
- raise Exception ('Output file %s not generated.' % (of))
- return True
+ # False: totally failed
+ # [1,2,3,...]: successful, successful job indices
+ def _checkStatus (self):
+ ret = []
+ for i in self.input['#']:
+ job = self.jobs[i]
+ job.outfileGenerated()
+ rc = job.rc ()
+ if rc in self.retcodes:
+ ret.append (i)
+ continue
+ if not self.echo: # if echo is on, errors are already printed
+ self.log('See STDERR below for job#%s' % i, 'error')
+ errmsgs = []
+ if os.path.exists (job.errfile):
+ errmsgs = ['[ ERROR] ! ' + line.strip() for line in open(job.errfile)]
+ if not errmsgs: errmsgs = ['[ ERROR] ! ']
+ for errmsg in errmsgs: self.logger.error(errmsg)
+ raise Exception ('[Job#%s]: Return code is %s, but %s expected.' % (i, rc, self.retcodes))
+ if not ret: return False
+ return ret
+ # create link in indir and set input
+ def _prepInfile (self, infile, key, index, multi=False):
+ if not self.input.has_key(key): self.input[key] = [''] * self.length
+ if not self.input.has_key(key + '.bn'): self.input[key + '.bn'] = [''] * self.length
+ if not self.input.has_key(key + '.fn'): self.input[key + '.fn'] = [''] * self.length
+ if not self.input.has_key(key + '.ext'): self.input[key + '.ext'] = [''] * self.length
+ job = self.jobs[index]
+ srcfile = os.path.abspath(infile)
+ bn = os.path.basename(srcfile)
+ infile = os.path.join (self.indir, bn)
+ fn, ext = os.path.splitext (os.path.basename(infile))
+ if not os.path.exists (infile):
+ os.symlink (srcfile, infile)
+ else:
+ log ('Input file already exists: %s' % infile, 'warning')
+ if multi:
+ if not isinstance(self.input[key][index], list):
+ self.input[key][index] = [infile]
+ self.input[key + '.bn'][index] = [bn]
+ self.input[key + '.fn'][index] = [fn]
+ self.input[key + '.ext'][index] = [ext]
+ else:
+ self.input[key][index].append(infile)
+ self.input[key + '.bn'][index].append(bn)
+ self.input[key + '.fn'][index].append(fn)
+ self.input[key + '.ext'][index].append(ext)
+ job.input['files'].append(infile)
+ else:
+ self.input[key][index] = infile
+ self.input[key + '.bn'][index] = bn
+ self.input[key + '.fn'][index] = fn
+ self.input[key + '.ext'][index] = ext
+ job.input['file'].append(infile)
def _buildProps (self):
#print getsource(self.input.values()[0])
if isinstance (self.retcodes, int):
self.props['retcodes'] = [self.retcodes]
if isinstance (self.retcodes, str):
- self.props['retcodes'] = [int(i) for i in split(r'\s*,\s*', self.retcodes)]
+ self.props['retcodes'] = [int(i) for i in utils.split(self.retcodes, ',')]
key = self.id + '.' + self.tag
if key in proc.ids and proc.ids[key] != self:
raise Exception ('A proc with id %s and tag %s already exists.' % (self.id, self.tag))
- else:
- proc.ids[key] = self
+ proc.ids[key] = self
if not 'workdir' in self.sets and not self.workdir:
self.props['workdir'] = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "PyPPL.%s.%s.%s" % (self.id, self.tag, self._suffix()))
@@ -306,117 +309,94 @@ def _buildProps (self):
def _buildInput (self):
# if config.input is list, build channel from depends
# else read from config.input
- input0 = self.config['input']
- if isinstance(input0, list):
- input0 = ', '.join(input0)
- if isinstance(input0, str):
- cs = channel.fromChannels(*[d.channel for d in self.depends]) if self.depends else channel.fromArgv(None)
- input0 = {input0: cs}
+ input = self.config['input']
- if not isinstance(input0, dict):
- raise Exception('Expect , or as input.')
- self.props['input'] = {}
- for key, val in input0.iteritems():
- if callable (val):
- #print getsource(val)
- val = val (*[d.channel.copy() for d in self.depends]) if self.depends else val (channel.fromArgv(None))
- if not isinstance (val, channel):
- val = channel.create(val)
- keys = split(r'\s*,\s*', key)
- if self.length == 0:
- self.props['length'] = val.length()
- elif self.length != val.length():
- raise Exception ('Expect same lengths for input channels, but got %s and %s (keys: %s).' % (self.length, val.length(), keys))
- vals = val.split()
- if len(keys) > len(vals):
- raise Exception('%s%s.%s: Not enough data for input variables.\nVarialbes: %s\nData: %s' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag, keys, vals))
+ argvchan = channel.fromArgv()
+ depdchan = channel.fromChannels (*[d.channel for d in self.depends])
+ if not isinstance (input, dict):
+ input = ','.join(utils.alwaysList (input))
+ input = {input: depdchan if self.depends else argvchan}
+ # expand to one key-channel pairs
+ inputs = {}
+ for keys, vals in input.iteritems():
+ keys = utils.split(keys, ',')
+ if callable (vals):
+ vals = vals (depdchan if self.depends else argv)
+ vals = vals.split()
+ elif isinstance (vals, (str, unicode)): # only for files: "/a/b/*.txt, /a/c/*.txt"
+ vals = utils.split(vals, ',')
+ elif isinstance (vals, channel):
+ vals = vals.split()
+ elif isinstance (vals, list):
+ vals = channel.create(vals)
+ vals = vals.split()
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ("%s%s.%s: Unexpected values for input. Expect dict, list, str, channel, callable." % (
+ ("%s -> " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""),
+ self.id, self.tag))
+ width = len (vals)
+ if len (keys) > width:
+ raise ValueError ('%s%s.%s: Not enough data for input variables.\nVarialbes: %s\nData: %s' % (
+ ("%s -> " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""),
+ self.id, self.tag,
+ keys, vals))
+ for i in range(width):
+ key = keys[i]
+ toExpand = (key.endswith(':files') or key.endswith(':paths')) and isinstance(vals[i], (str, unicode))
+ chan = channel.fromPath(vals[i]) if toExpand else vals[i]
+ if self.length == 0: self.props['length'] = chan.length()
+ if self.length != chan.length():
+ raise ValueError ('%s%s.%s: Expect same lengths for input channels, but got %s and %s (keys: %s).' % (
+ ("%s -> " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""),
+ self.id, self.tag,
+ self.length, chan.length(), key))
+ inputs[key] = chan
- self.props['input']['#'] = range(self.length)
- for i, k in enumerate(keys):
- vv = vals[i].toList()
- if k.endswith (':files') or k.endswith (':paths'):
- k = k[:-6]
- for j, vs in enumerate(vv):
- if not isinstance(vs, list):
- vv[j] = glob(vs) # allow wildcard
- for m, v in enumerate(vv[j]):
- if not os.path.exists (v):
- raise Exception('Input file %s does not exist.' % v)
- v = os.path.abspath(v)
- vv[j][m] = os.path.join(self.indir, os.path.basename(v))
- if v not in self.infiles: # doesn't need to do repeatedly
- self.props['infiles'].append (v)
- self.props['infiletime'] = max (self.infiletime, os.path.getmtime(v))
- if os.path.islink(vv[j][m]):
- self.log('Overwriting existing input file (link) %s' % vv[j][m], 'warning')
- #self.logger.info ('[WARNING] %s%s.%s: Overwriting existing input file (link) %s' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag, vv[j][m]))
- os.remove (vv[j][m])
- if os.path.exists (vv[j][m]):
- self.log('Overwriting existing file/dir %s' % vv[j][m], 'warning')
- #self.logger.info ('[WARNING] %s%s.%s: Overwriting existing file/dir %s' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag, vv[j][m]))
- if os.path.isfile(vv[j][m]):
- os.remove (vv[j][m])
- else:
- shutil.rmtree(vv[j][m])
- os.symlink (v, vv[j][m])
- self.props['input'][k] = vv
- self.props['input'][k + '.bn'] = [map (lambda x: os.path.basename(x), x) for x in vv]
- self.props['input'][k + '.fn'] = [map (lambda x: os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(x)[0]), x) for x in vv]
- self.props['input'][k + '.ext'] = [map (lambda x: os.path.splitext(x)[1], x) for x in vv]
- elif k.endswith (':file') or k.endswith(':path'):
- k = k[:-5]
- for j, v in enumerate(vv):
- #(v, ) = v
- if not os.path.exists (v):
- raise Exception('Input file %s does not exist.' % v)
- v = os.path.abspath(v)
- vv[j] = os.path.join(self.indir, os.path.basename(v))
- if v not in self.infiles: # doesn't need to do repeatedly
- self.props['infiles'].append (v)
- self.props['infiletime'] = max (self.infiletime, os.path.getmtime(v))
- if os.path.islink(vv[j]):
- self.log('Overwriting existing input file (link) %s' % vv[j], 'warning')
- #self.logger.info ('[WARNING] %s%s.%s: Overwriting existing input file (link) %s' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag, vv[j]))
- os.remove (vv[j])
- if os.path.exists (vv[j]):
- self.log('Overwriting existing file/dir %s' % vv[j], 'warning')
- #self.logger.info ('[WARNING] %s%s.%s: Overwriting existing file/dir %s' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag, vv[j]))
- if os.path.isfile(vv[j]):
- os.remove (vv[j])
- else:
- shutil.rmtree(vv[j])
- os.symlink (v, vv[j])
- self.props['input'][k] = vv
- self.props['input'][k + '.bn'] = map (lambda x: os.path.basename(x), vv)
- self.props['input'][k + '.fn'] = map (lambda x: os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(x)[0]), vv)
- self.props['input'][k + '.ext'] = map (lambda x: os.path.splitext(x)[1], vv)
- else:
- if k.endswith(":var"): k = k[:-4]
- self.props['input'][k] = vv
+ self.input = {'#': []}
+ for i in range (self.length):
+ self.jobs.append (pjob (i, self.workdir))
+ self.input['#'].append(i)
+ self.ncjobids.append (i)
+ for keyinfo, chan in inputs.iteritems():
+ if keyinfo.endswith (':files') or keyinfo.endswith (':paths'):
+ key = keyinfo[:-6]
+ # [([f1,f2],), ([f3,f4],)] => [[f1,f2], [f3,f4]]
+ for i, ch in enumerate(chan.toList()):
+ for infile in ch: self._prepInfile (infile, key, i, True)
+ elif keyinfo.endswith (':file') or keyinfo.endswith (':path'):
+ key = keyinfo[:-5]
+ for i, ch in enumerate(chan.toList()):
+ self._prepInfile (ch, key, i)
+ else: # var
+ if not keyinfo.endswith(':var'): keyinfo = keyinfo + ':var'
+ key = keyinfo[:-4]
+ self.input[key] = []
+ for i, ch in enumerate(chan.toList()):
+ job = self.jobs[i]
+ job.input['var'].append (ch)
+ self.input[key].append (ch)
ridx = randint(0, self.length-1)
for key, val in self.input.iteritems():
self.log ('INPUT [%s/%s]: %s => %s' % (ridx, self.length-1, key, val[ridx]), 'debug')
- #self.logger.debug ('[ DEBUG] %s%s.%s INPUT [%s/%s]: %s => %s' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag, ridx, self.length-1, key, val[ridx]))
# also add proc.props, mostly scalar values
+ alias = {val:key for key, val in proc.alias.iteritems()}
for prop, val in self.props.iteritems():
if not prop in ['id', 'tag', 'tmpdir', 'forks', 'cache', 'workdir', 'echo', 'runner', 'errorhow', 'errorntry', 'defaultSh', 'exportdir', 'exporthow', 'exportow', 'args', 'indir', 'outdir', 'length']: continue
if prop == 'args':
for k, v in val.iteritems():
self.props['procvars']['proc.args.' + k] = v
self.log('PROC_ARGS: %s => %s' % (k, v), 'debug')
- #self.logger.debug ('[ DEBUG] %s%s.%s PROC_ARGS: %s => %s' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag, k, v))
+ if alias.has_key (prop): prop = alias[prop]
+ else: self.log ('PROC_VARS: %s => %s' % (prop, val), 'debug')
self.props['procvars']['proc.' + prop] = val
- self.log ('PROC_VARS: %s => %s' % (prop, val), 'debug')
- #self.logger.debug ('[ DEBUG] %s%s.%s PROC_VARS: %s => %s' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag, prop, val))
Output could be:
1. list: ['output:var:{input}', 'outfile:file:{infile.bn}.txt']
@@ -433,139 +413,66 @@ def _buildOutput (self):
output = self.config['output']
- if isinstance(output, list):
- output = ', '.join(output)
- if isinstance(output, str):
- output = {output: self.props['channel']}
- if not isinstance(output, dict):
- raise Exception('Expect , or as output.')
- def sanitizeKey (key):
- its = [it.strip() for it in utils.split(key, ':')]
+ if not isinstance (output, dict):
+ output = ','.join(utils.alwaysList (output))
+ else:
+ output = ','.join([key + ':' + val for key, val in output.iteritems()])
- if len(its) == 1:
- its = ['__out%s__' % sanitizeKey.out_idx, 'var', its[0]]
- sanitizeKey.out_idx += 1
- elif len(its) == 2:
- if its[0] in ['var', 'file', 'path']:
- its = ['__out%s__' % sanitizeKey.out_idx, its[0], its[1]]
- sanitizeKey.out_idx += 1
- else:
- its = [its[0], 'var', its[1]]
- elif its[1] not in ['var', 'file', 'path']:
- raise Exception ('Expect type: var, file or path instead of %s' % items[1])
- return tuple (its)
- sanitizeKey.out_idx = 1
self.props['output'] = {}
- for key, val in output.iteritems():
- keys = utils.split(key, ',')
+ for key in utils.split(output, ','):
+ (oname, otype, oexp) = utils.sanitizeOutKey(key)
+ if otype in ['file', 'path', 'dir']: oexp = os.path.join (self.outdir, oexp)
+ self.props['output'][oname] = []
- for k in keys:
- (oname, otype, oexp) = sanitizeKey(k)
- if self.input.has_key(oname):
- raise Exception ('Ouput variable name %s is already taken by input' % oname)
- if otype in ['file', 'path']:
- oexp = os.path.join (self.outdir, oexp)
- # build channels
- chv = []
- for i in range(self.length):
- data = {}
- for ink, inv in self.input.iteritems():
- data[ink] = inv[i]
- data.update (self.procvars)
- chv.append (utils.format (oexp, data))
- if otype in ['file', 'path']:
- self.props['outfiles'] += chv
- chv = channel.create (chv)
- try:
- val.merge(chv)
- except Exception as e:
- raise Exception('%s.%s: %s\nChannel 1: %s\nChannel 2: %s' % (self.id, self.tag, e, val[:3], chv[:3]))
- if val != self.channel:
- self.props['channel'].merge (chv)
- self.props['output'][oname] = chv.toList()
+ for i in self.input['#']:
+ data = {key:val[i] for key, val in self.input.iteritems()}
+ data.update (self.procvars)
+ val = utils.format(oexp, data)
+ if otype == 'dir' and not os.path.exists (val):
+ os.makedirs (val)
+ self.props['output'][oname].append (val)
+ self.props['jobs'][i].output['var' if otype == 'var' else 'file'].append(val)
+ self.props['channel'].merge(self.props['output'][oname])
+ utils.sanitizeOutKey.index = 0
ridx = randint(0, self.length-1)
for key, val in self.output.iteritems():
self.log ('OUTPUT [%s/%s]: %s => %s' % (ridx, self.length-1, key, val[ridx]), 'debug')
- #self.logger.debug ('[ DEBUG] %s%s.%s OUTPUT [%s/%s]: %s => %s' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag, ridx, self.length-1, key, val[ridx]))
def _buildScript (self): # make self.jobs
- if not self.script:
- #raise Exception ('Please specify script to run')
- self.log ('No script specified', 'warning')
- #self.logger.warning ('[WARNING] %s%s.%s No script specified' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag))
+ if not self.script: self.log ('No script specified', 'warning')
scriptdir = os.path.join (self.workdir, 'scripts')
+ script = self.script.strip()
- script = self.script.strip()
if script.startswith ('template:'):
tplfile = script[9:].strip()
if not os.path.exists (tplfile):
- raise Exception ('Script template file %s does not exist.' % tplfile)
- with open (tplfile, 'r') as f:
- script = f.read().strip()
+ raise ValueError ('Script template file "%s" does not exist.' % tplfile)
+ script = open(tplfile).read().strip()
if not script.startswith ("#!"):
script = "#!/usr/bin/env " + self.defaultSh + "\n\n" + script
- for i in range(self.length):
- data = {}
- idx = self.input['#'][i]
- for k,v in self.input.iteritems():
- data[k] = v[idx]
- for k,v in self.output.iteritems():
- data[k] = v[idx]
+ for index in self.input['#']:
+ data = {key:val[index] for key, val in self.input.iteritems()}
+ data.update({key:val[index] for key, val in self.output.iteritems()})
- script1 = utils.format (script, data)
+ jscript = utils.format (script, data)
- scriptfile = os.path.join (scriptdir, 'script.%s' % idx)
- with open(scriptfile, 'w') as f:
- f.write (script1)
- self.jobs.append (scriptfile)
+ scriptfile = os.path.join (scriptdir, 'script.%s' % index)
+ open (scriptfile, 'w').write (jscript)
def _export (self):
if not self.exportdir: return
if not os.path.exists(self.exportdir):
os.makedirs (self.exportdir)
- for outfile in self.outfiles:
- bn = os.path.basename (outfile)
- target = os.path.join (self.exportdir, bn)
- if os.path.exists (target):
- if self.exportow == True:
- if os.path.isdir (target):
- shutil.rmtree (target)
- else:
- os.remove (target)
- else:
- self.log('%s (target exists, skipped)' % target, 'warning')
- #self.logger.info ('[ EXPORT] %s%s.%s: %s (target exists, skipped)' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag, target))
- if not os.path.exists (target):
- self.log ('%s (%s)' % (target, self.exporthow), 'info')
- #self.logger.info ('[ EXPORT] %s%s.%s: %s (%s)' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag, target, self.exporthow))
- if self.exporthow == 'copy':
- if os.path.isdir (outfile):
- shutil.copytree (outfile, target)
- else:
- shutil.copyfile (outfile, target)
- elif self.exporthow == 'move':
- shutil.move (outfile, target)
- os.symlink(target, outfile) # make sure dependent proc can run
- elif self.exporthow == 'symlink':
- os.symlink (outfile, target)
+ for job in self.jobs:
+ job.export (self.exportdir, self.exporthow, self.exportow, self.log)
def _readConfig (self, config):
- conf = pycopy.copy (config)
- for s in self.sets:
- if conf.has_key(s): del conf[s]
+ conf = { key:val for key, val in config.iteritems() if key not in self.sets }
self.config.update (conf)
for key, val in conf.iteritems():
@@ -577,80 +484,61 @@ def _readConfig (self, config):
- def _doCache (self):
+ def _doCache (self, jids):
cachefile = os.path.join (self.tmpdir, self.cachefile)
- with open (cachefile, 'w') as f:
- props = pycopy.copy(self.props)
- if props.has_key('logger'):
- del props['logger']
- if props.has_key('depends'):
- del props['depends']
- if props.has_key('nexts'):
- del props['nexts']
- if props.has_key ('callback'):
- del props['callback']
- if props.has_key ('callfront'):
- del props['callfront']
- if props.has_key ('input'):
- del props['input']
- pickle.dump(props, f)
+ jobsigs = [None] * self.length
+ for i in jids:
+ jobsigs[i] = self.jobs[i].signature()
+ with open(cachefile, 'w') as f:
+ pickle.dump(jobsigs, f)
def _isCached (self):
- if not self.cache:
+ if self.cache == False:
self.log ('Not cached, because proc.cache = False', 'debug')
- #self.logger.debug ('[ DEBUG] %s%s.%s: Not cached, because proc.cache = False.' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag))
- return False
- cachefile = os.path.join (self.tmpdir, self.cachefile)
- if not os.path.exists(cachefile):
- self.log ('Not cached, cache file %s not exists.' % cachefile, 'debug')
- #self.logger.debug ('[ DEBUG] %s%s.%s: Not cached, cache file %s not exists.' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag, cachefile))
return False
- with open(cachefile, 'r') as f:
- props = pickle.load(f)
- self.props.update(props)
- # check input files, outputfiles
- for infile in self.infiles:
- if not os.path.exists(infile):
- self.log ('Not cached, input file %s not exists.' % infile, 'debug')
- #self.logger.debug ('[ DEBUG] %s%s.%s: Not cached, input file %s not exists.' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag, infile))
- return False
- if os.path.getmtime(infile) > self.infiletime and self.infiletime != 0:
- self.log ('Not cached, input file %s is newer.' % infile, 'debug')
- #self.logger.debug ('[ DEBUG] %s%s.%s: Not cached, input file %s is newer.' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag, infile))
- return False
- inlink = os.path.join(self.indir, os.path.basename (infile))
- if not os.path.islink (inlink):
- self.log ('Not cached, input file link %s not exists.' % inlink, 'debug')
- #self.logger.debug ('[ DEBUG] %s%s.%s: Not cached, input file link %s not exists.' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag, inlink))
+ sigCachedJids = []
+ exCachedJids = []
+ if self.cache in [True, 'export+']:
+ cachefile = os.path.join (self.tmpdir, self.cachefile)
+ if not os.path.exists(cachefile):
+ self.log ('Not cached, cache file %s not exists.' % cachefile, 'debug')
return False
+ jobsigs = pickle.load(open(cachefile))
+ sigCachedJids = [i for i in self.input['#'] if jobsigs[i] == self.jobs[i].signature()]
+ elif self.cache in ['export', 'export+']:
+ exCachedJids = [i for i in self.input['#'] if self.jobs[i].exportCached(self.exportdir, self.exporthow, self.log)]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ('Cache option expects True/False/"export"/"export+"')
- for outfile in self.outfiles:
- if not os.path.exists(outfile):
- self.log ('Not cached, output file %s not exists.' % outfile, 'debug')
- #self.logger.debug ('[ DEBUG] %s%s.%s: Not cached, output file %s not exists' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag, outfile))
- return False
+ cachedJids = [i for i in sigCachedJids if i not in exCachedJids] + exCachedJids
+ if not cachedJids:
+ self.log ('Not cached, none of the jobs are cached.', 'debug')
+ return False
- for d in self.depends:
- if not d.cached:
- self.log ('Not cached, because my dependent %s.%s is not cached.' % (d.id, d.tag), 'debug')
- #self.logger.debug ('[ DEBUG] %s%s.%s: Not cached, because my dependent %s is not cached.' % (("[AGGR: %s] " % self.aggr if self.aggr else ""), self.id, self.tag, d.id))
- return False
+ if len (cachedJids) < self.length:
+ self.log ('Partly cached, only run non-cached jobs.', 'debug')
+ self.props['ncjobids'] = [i for i in self.input['#'] if i not in cachedJids]
+ self.log ('Truely cached jobs: %s' % sigCachedJids, 'debug')
+ self.log ('Export cached jobs: %s' % exCachedJids, 'debug')
+ self.log ('Jobs to be running: %s' % self.ncjobids, 'debug')
+ return False
+ self.log ('Skip running jobs.', 'info', 'CACHED')
return True
def _runCmd (self, key):
- if not self.props[key]:
- return 0
- p = Popen (shlex.split(utils.format(self.props[key], self.procvars)), stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
+ if not self.props[key]: return 0
+ cmd = utils.format(self.props[key], self.procvars)
+ self.log ('Running <%s>: %s' % (key, cmd), 'info')
+ p = Popen (shlex.split(cmd), stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
if self.echo:
for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, ''):
- sys.stdout.write (line)
+ self.logger.info ('[ STDOUT] - ' + line.rstrip("\n"))
for line in iter(p.stderr.readline, ''):
- sys.stderr.write (line)
+ self.logger.error ('[ ERROR] ! ' + line.rstrip("\n"))
return p.wait()
def _runJobs (self):
@@ -658,21 +546,23 @@ def _runJobs (self):
def sworker (q):
while True:
+ sleep(.1)
# run and wait jobs to finish
def rworker(q):
while True:
q.get().wait ()
+ sleep(.1)
sq = Queue()
rq = Queue()
- for job in self.jobs:
- rjob = proc.runners[self.runner] (job, self.props)
+ for i in self.ncjobids:
+ rjob = proc.runners[self.runner] (self.jobs[i], self.props)
sq.put (rjob)
rq.put (rjob)
# submit jobs
nojobs2submit = min (self.forks, len(self.jobs), int(cpu_count()/2))
for i in range (nojobs2submit):
diff --git a/pyppl/helpers/utils.py b/pyppl/helpers/utils.py
index 6c4cd672..7e8efdae 100644
--- a/pyppl/helpers/utils.py
+++ b/pyppl/helpers/utils.py
@@ -34,12 +34,9 @@ def method (self):
def varname (func, maxline = 20):
- import re, random, inspect
+ import re, inspect
frame = inspect.currentframe()
frames = inspect.getouterframes(frame)
- # frames[0] : this frame
- # frames[1] : the func/method calling this one
- # frames[2] : assignment
frame = frames[2]
src = ''.join(frame[4])
@@ -50,7 +47,7 @@ def varname (func, maxline = 20):
m = re.search(varpat, src)
if m: return m.group(2)
- suffix = ''.join([random.choice("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkllmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890") for _ in range(8)])
+ suffix = utils.randstr(8)
thefunc = func if not '\\.' in func else func.split('\\.')[1]
m = re.search(funcpat, src)
if m: return thefunc + '_' + suffix
@@ -64,6 +61,9 @@ def varname (func, maxline = 20):
return thefunc + '_' + suffix
+def randstr (length = 8):
+ import random
+ return ''.join([random.choice("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkllmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890") for _ in range(length)])
def split (s, delimter):
ret = []
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ def split (s, delimter):
start = i + 1
slash = 0
- ret.append (s[start:])
+ ret.append (s[start:].strip())
return ret
def format (tpl, args):
@@ -172,3 +172,119 @@ def uid(s, l = 8, alphabet='0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnop
base = alphabet[i] + base
return base[:l]
+def targz (tgzfile, srcdir):
+ from tarfile import open as taropen
+ from glob import glob
+ from os import chdir, getcwd
+ cwd = getcwd()
+ tar = taropen(tgzfile, 'w:gz')
+ chdir (srcdir)
+ for name in glob ('./*'):
+ tar.add(name)
+ tar.close()
+ chdir (cwd)
+def untargz (tfile, dstdir):
+ import tarfile
+ tar = tarfile.open (tfile, 'r:gz')
+ tar.extractall (dstdir)
+ tar.close()
+def gz (gzfile, srcfile):
+ from gzip import open as gzopen
+ from shutil import copyfileobj
+ fin = open (srcfile, 'rb')
+ fout = gzopen (gzfile, 'wb')
+ copyfileobj (fin, fout)
+def ungz (gzfile, dstfile):
+ from gzip import open as gzopen
+ from shutil import copyfileobj
+ fin = gzopen (gzfile, 'rb')
+ fout = open (dstfile, 'wb')
+ copyfileobj (fin, fout)
+# file signature, use absolute path and mtime
+def fileSig (fn):
+ from os.path import realpath, abspath, getmtime
+ from hashlib import md5
+ fn = abspath(realpath(fn))
+ mtime = str(getmtime(fn))
+ return md5(fn + '@' + mtime).hexdigest()
+# convert str to list separated by ,
+def alwaysList (data):
+ if isinstance(data, (str, unicode)):
+ ret = split (data, ',')
+ elif isinstance(data, list):
+ ret = []
+ for d in data:
+ if ',' in d: ret += split(d, ',')
+ else: ret.append (d)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Expect string or list to convert to list.')
+ return map (lambda x: x.strip(), ret)
+# sanitize output key
+def sanitizeOutKey (key):
+ parts = split(key, ':')
+ if len(parts) == 1:
+ sanitizeOutKey.index += 1
+ return ('__out.%s__' % sanitizeOutKey.index, 'var', key)
+ if len(parts) == 2:
+ if parts[0] in ['var', 'file', 'path', 'dir']:
+ sanitizeOutKey.index += 1
+ return ('__out.%s__' % sanitizeOutKey.index, parts[0], parts[1])
+ else:
+ return (parts[0], 'var', parts[1])
+ if len(parts) == 3:
+ if parts[1] not in ['var', 'file', 'path', 'dir']:
+ raise ValueError ('Expect type: var, file or path instead of %s' % parts[1])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ('You have extra colons in output key: %s' % key)
+ return tuple (parts)
+sanitizeOutKey.index = 0
+# convert script file to executable or add extract shebang to cmd line
+def chmodX (thefile):
+ import os, stat
+ thefile = os.path.realpath(thefile)
+ ret = [thefile]
+ try:
+ st = os.stat (thefile)
+ os.chmod (thefile, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
+ except Exception as e1:
+ try:
+ shebang = open (thefile).read().strip().split("\n")[0]
+ if not shebang.startswith("#!"):
+ raise Exception()
+ ret = shebang[2:].strip().split() + [thefile]
+ except Exception as e2:
+ raise Exception("Cannot change %s as executable or read the shebang from it:\n%s\n%s" % (thefile, e1, e2))
+ return ret
+def getLogger (level = 'info', name='PyPPL'):
+ import logging
+ ch = logging.StreamHandler()
+ ch.setFormatter (logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)-15s] %(message)s"))
+ logger = logging.getLogger (name)
+ logger.setLevel (getattr(logging, level.upper()))
+ logger.addHandler (ch)
+ return logger
+def padBoth (s, length, left, right = None):
+ if right is None: right = left
+ padlen = length - len (s)
+ if padlen%2 == 1:
+ llen = (padlen - 1)/2
+ rlen = (padlen + 1)/2
+ else:
+ llen = rlen = padlen/2
+ lstr = (left * (llen/len (left)))[:llen]
+ rstr = (right * (rlen/len(right)))[:rlen]
+ return lstr + s + rstr
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pyppl/pyppl.py b/pyppl/pyppl.py
index 651cd7c6..a24b5d33 100644
--- a/pyppl/pyppl.py
+++ b/pyppl/pyppl.py
@@ -1,10 +1,21 @@
import logging, os, sys, random, json, copy
from helpers import *
from runners import *
-VERSION = "0.3.0"
+VERSION = "0.4.0"
class pyppl (object):
+ tips = [
+ "You can find the stdout in /scripts/script..stdout",
+ "You can find the stderr in /scripts/script..stderr",
+ "You can find the script in /scripts/script.",
+ "Check documentation at: https://github.com/pwwang/pyppl/blob/master/docs/DOCS.md",
+ "You cannot have two processes with same id(variable name) and tag",
+ "beforeCmd and afterCmd only run locally",
+ "If 'workdir' is not set for a process, it will be PyPPL... under default ",
+ "The default will be './workdir'",
+ ]
def __init__(self, config = {}, cfile = None):
cfile = os.path.join (os.path.expanduser('~'), ".pyppl") if cfile is None else cfile
@@ -18,30 +29,15 @@ def __init__(self, config = {}, cfile = None):
if config.has_key('loglevel'):
loglevel = config['loglevel']
del config['loglevel']
- ch = logging.StreamHandler()
- ch.setFormatter (logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)-15s] %(message)s"))
- logger = logging.getLogger ('PyPPL')
- logger.setLevel (getattr(logging, loglevel.upper()))
- logger.addHandler (ch)
- tips = [
- "You can find the stdout in /scripts/script..stdout",
- "You can find the stderr in /scripts/script..stderr",
- "You can find the script in /scripts/script.",
- "Check documentation at: https://github.com/pwwang/pyppl/blob/master/docs/DOCS.md",
- "You cannot have two processes with same id(variable name) and tag",
- "beforeCmd and afterCmd only run locally",
- "If 'workdir' is not set for a process, it will be PyPPL... under default "
- ]
- logger.info ('[ PyPPL] Version: %s' % (VERSION))
- logger.info ('[ TIPS] %s' % (random.choice(tips)))
+ suffix = utils.randstr ()
+ self.logger = utils.getLogger (loglevel, self.__class__.__name__ + suffix)
+ self.logger.info ('[ PyPPL] Version: %s' % (VERSION))
+ self.logger.info ('[ TIPS] %s' % (random.choice(pyppl.tips)))
if os.path.exists (cfile):
- logger.info ('[ CONFIG] Read from %s' % cfile)
+ self.logger.info ('[ CONFIG] Read from %s' % cfile)
- self.logger = logger
self.config = config
self.heads = []
- #print config, 'config--------'
def starts (self, *arg):
for pa in arg:
@@ -61,11 +57,9 @@ def starts (self, *arg):
def run (self, profile = 'local'):
config = {}
if self.config.has_key('proc'):
- #config.update(self.config['proc'])
utils.dictUpdate(config, self.config['proc'])
if self.config.has_key(profile):
- #config.update(self.config[profile])
utils.dictUpdate(config, self.config[profile])
if not config.has_key('runner'):
@@ -75,17 +69,13 @@ def run (self, profile = 'local'):
finished = []
while next2run:
- #print [x.id for x in next2run]
next2run2 = []
for p in next2run:
- #print hex(id(p.nexts[0])), p.nexts[0].id, 'changed'
- #print config, 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
p.run (config)
finished.append (p)
next2run2 += p.props['nexts']
next2run = [n for n in list(set(next2run2)) if n not in finished and all(x in finished for x in n.props['depends'])]
- #next2run = list(set(next2run2)) # unique
self.logger.info ('[ DONE]')
diff --git a/pyppl/runners/runner_local.py b/pyppl/runners/runner_local.py
index 97f16046..b9273e96 100644
--- a/pyppl/runners/runner_local.py
+++ b/pyppl/runners/runner_local.py
@@ -7,39 +7,18 @@
import os, stat, sys, logging
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from time import sleep
+from ..helpers import utils
class runner_local (object):
- def __init__ (self, script, config = {}):
- self.index = script.split('.')[-1]
- self.script = runner_local.chmod_x(script)
- self.outfile = script + '.stdout'
- self.errfile = script + '.stderr'
- self.rcfile = script + '.rc'
+ def __init__ (self, job, config = {}):
+ self.job = job
+ self.script = utils.chmodX(self.job.script)
self.ntry = 0
self.config = config
self.p = None
self.outp = 0
self.errp = 0
- @staticmethod
- def chmod_x (thefile):
- thefile = os.path.realpath(thefile)
- ret = [thefile]
- try:
- st = os.stat (thefile)
- os.chmod (thefile, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
- except:
- try:
- shebang = ''
- with open (thefile, 'r') as f:
- shebang = f.read().strip().split("\n")[0]
- if not shebang.startswith("#!"):
- raise Exception()
- ret = shebang[2:].strip().split() + [thefile]
- except Exception as e:
- raise Exception("Cannot change %s as executable or read the shebang from it." % thefile)
- return ret
def _config (self, key, default = None):
if '.' in key:
@@ -57,22 +36,20 @@ def _config (self, key, default = None):
return self.config[key]
def submit (self):
- if os.path.exists(self.rcfile):
- os.remove(self.rcfile)
+ if os.path.exists(self.job.rcfile):
+ os.remove(self.job.rcfile)
self.p = Popen (self.script, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True)
except Exception as ex:
- open (self.errfile, 'w').write(str(ex))
- open (self.rcfile, 'w').write('-1') # not able to submit
- # don't retry if failed to submit
- sleep (0.1)
+ open (self.job.errfile, 'w').write(str(ex))
+ open (self.job.rcfile, 'w').write('-1') # not able to submit
def wait (self):
- if self.rc() == -1: return
+ if self.job.rc() == -1: return
while self.p is None: sleep (1)
- open (self.rcfile, 'w').write(str(self.p.wait()))
- with open (self.outfile, 'w') as fout, open(self.errfile, 'w') as ferr:
+ open (self.job.rcfile, 'w').write(str(self.p.wait()))
+ with open (self.job.outfile, 'w') as fout, open(self.job.errfile, 'w') as ferr:
for line in iter(self.p.stderr.readline, ''):
if self._config('echo', False):
@@ -100,17 +77,9 @@ def retry (self):
- def rc (self):
- if not os.path.exists (self.rcfile):
- return -99
- rccodestr = ''
- with open (self.rcfile, 'r') as f:
- rccodestr = f.read().strip()
- return -99 if rccodestr == '' else int(rccodestr)
def isValid (self):
- return self.rc () in self._config('retcodes', [0])
+ return self.job.rc () in self._config('retcodes', [0])
def flushFile (self, fn = 'stdout'):
diff --git a/pyppl/runners/runner_sge.py b/pyppl/runners/runner_sge.py
index 1aaab55f..f924293f 100644
--- a/pyppl/runners/runner_sge.py
+++ b/pyppl/runners/runner_sge.py
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
class runner_sge (runner_local):
- def __init__ (self, script, config = {}):
- super(runner_sge, self).__init__(script, config)
+ def __init__ (self, job, config = {}):
+ super(runner_sge, self).__init__(job, config)
# construct an sge script
- sgefile = os.path.realpath(script + '.sge')
+ sgefile = os.path.realpath(self.job.script + '.sge')
sgesrc = [
'#!/usr/bin/env bash',
@@ -18,10 +18,15 @@ def __init__ (self, script, config = {}):
#'#$ -e ' + self.errfile,
#'#$ -cwd'
+ defaultName = '%s_%s.%s' % (
+ self._config('id'),
+ self._config('tag'),
+ self.job.index
+ )
conf = copy.copy (self._config ('sgeRunner', {}))
if not conf.has_key ('sge_N'):
- sgesrc.append('#$ -N %s_%s.%s' % (self._config('id', os.path.basename (script) [:-len(self.index)-1]), self._config('tag', 'notag'), self.index)) # + self._config('id', os.path.basename (script)) + '.' + self._config('tag', 'notag'))
+ sgesrc.append('#$ -N %s' % defaultName)
sgesrc.append('#$ -N %s' % conf['sge_N'])
del conf['sge_N']
@@ -38,13 +43,13 @@ def __init__ (self, script, config = {}):
sgesrc.append('#$ -o %s' % conf['sge_o'])
del conf['sge_o']
- sgesrc.append('#$ -o %s' % self.outfile)
+ sgesrc.append('#$ -o %s' % self.job.outfile)
if conf.has_key('sge_e'):
sgesrc.append('#$ -e %s' % conf['sge_e'])
del conf['sge_e']
- sgesrc.append('#$ -e %s' % self.errfile)
+ sgesrc.append('#$ -e %s' % self.job.errfile)
sgesrc.append('#$ -cwd')
@@ -65,38 +70,35 @@ def __init__ (self, script, config = {}):
src += ' ' + str(v)
sgesrc.append ('')
- sgesrc.append ('trap "status=\$?; echo \$status > %s; exit \$status" 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 EXIT' % self.rcfile)
+ sgesrc.append ('trap "status=\$?; echo \$status > %s; exit \$status" 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 EXIT' % self.job.rcfile)
sgesrc.append (self._config('sgeRunner.preScript', ''))
sgesrc.append ('')
sgesrc.append (list2cmdline(self.script))
sgesrc.append (self._config('sgeRunner.postScript', ''))
- with open (sgefile, 'w') as f:
- f.write ('\n'.join(sgesrc) + '\n')
+ open (sgefile, 'w').write ('\n'.join(sgesrc) + '\n')
self.script = ['qsub', sgefile]
def submit (self):
- if os.path.exists(self.rcfile):
- os.remove(self.rcfile)
+ if os.path.exists(self.job.rcfile):
+ os.remove(self.job.rcfile)
self.p = Popen (self.script)
rc = self.p.wait()
if rc != 0:
- open (self.errfile, 'w').write('Failed to submit job: %s.%s#%s' % (self._config('id'), self._config('tag'), self.index))
- open (self.rcfile, 'w').write('-1')
+ open (self.job.errfile, 'w').write('Failed to submit job: %s.%s#%s' % (self._config('id'), self._config('tag'), self.index))
+ open (self.job.rcfile, 'w').write('-1')
except Exception as ex:
- open (self.errfile, 'w').write(str(ex))
- open (self.rcfile, 'w').write('-1') # not able to submit
- # don't retry if failed to submit
- sleep (0.1)
+ open (self.job.errfile, 'w').write(str(ex))
+ open (self.job.rcfile, 'w').write('-1') # not able to submit
def wait(self):
- if self.rc() == -1: return
+ if self.job.rc() == -1: return
while self.p is None: sleep (1)
- while self.rc() == -99:
+ while self.job.rc() == -99:
if self._config('echo', False):
diff --git a/pyppl/runners/runner_ssh.py b/pyppl/runners/runner_ssh.py
index 83da2fec..584d7d3f 100644
--- a/pyppl/runners/runner_ssh.py
+++ b/pyppl/runners/runner_ssh.py
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
from time import sleep
from subprocess import Popen, list2cmdline
import os, shlex, random, logging
+from ..helpers import utils
class runner_ssh (runner_local):
serverid = 0
- def __init__ (self, script, config = {}):
- super(runner_ssh, self).__init__(script, config)
+ def __init__ (self, job, config = {}):
+ super(runner_ssh, self).__init__(job, config)
# construct an ssh cmd
- sshfile = script + '.ssh'
+ sshfile = os.path.realpath(self.job.script + '.ssh')
servers = self._config('sshRunner.servers')
if not servers:
@@ -20,15 +20,14 @@ def __init__ (self, script, config = {}):
sshsrc = [
'#!/usr/bin/env bash',
- 'trap "status=\$?; echo \$status > %s; exit \$status" 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 EXIT' % self.rcfile,
+ 'trap "status=\$?; echo \$status > %s; exit \$status" 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 EXIT' % self.job.rcfile,
'ssh %s "cd %s; %s"' % (servers[serverid], os.getcwd(), list2cmdline(self.script))
runner_ssh.serverid += 1
- with open (sshfile, 'w') as f:
- f.write ('\n'.join(sshsrc) + '\n')
+ open (sshfile, 'w').write ('\n'.join(sshsrc) + '\n')
- self.script = self.chmod_x(sshfile)
+ self.script = utils.chmodX(sshfile)
diff --git a/tests/channel.unittest.py b/tests/channel.unittest.py
index 8b8bbd00..2b115ea9 100644
--- a/tests/channel.unittest.py
+++ b/tests/channel.unittest.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import sys, unittest, os
+import sys, unittest, os, glob
rootdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
sys.path.insert(0, rootdir)
from pyppl import channel
@@ -17,14 +17,7 @@ def testCreate (self):
def testFromPath (self):
c = channel.fromPath (os.path.join(rootdir, 'tests', '*.py'))
- self.assertEqual (sorted(c), sorted([
- (os.path.join (rootdir, 'tests', 'aggr.unittest.py'),),
- (os.path.join (rootdir, 'tests', 'runner.unittest.py'),),
- (os.path.join (rootdir, 'tests', 'pyppl.unittest.py'),),
- (os.path.join (rootdir, 'tests', 'proc.unittest.py'),),
- (os.path.join (rootdir, 'tests', 'utils.unittest.py'),),
- (os.path.join (rootdir, 'tests', 'channel.unittest.py'),),
- ]))
+ self.assertEqual (sorted(c), sorted(map(channel._tuplize, glob.glob(os.path.join(rootdir, 'tests', '*.py')))))
def testFromPairs (self):
files = [
@@ -52,15 +45,17 @@ def testFromPairs (self):
def testFromArgv (self):
sys.argv = ["0", "11", "22", "33", "44"]
- c = channel.fromArgv(None)
- self.assertEqual (c, [("11", "22", "33", "44")])
- c = channel.fromArgv(2)
+ c = channel.fromArgv()
+ self.assertEqual (c, [("11",), ("22",), ("33",), ("44",)])
+ sys.argv = ["0", "11,22", "33,44"]
+ c = channel.fromArgv()
self.assertEqual (c, [("11", "22"), ("33", "44")])
- self.assertRaises (Exception, channel.fromArgv, 3)
+ sys.argv = ["0", "11,22", "33"]
+ self.assertRaises (ValueError, channel.fromArgv)
def testFromChannels (self):
c1 = channel.create([("abc", "def"), ("ghi", "opq")])
- c2 = channel([("abc", "def"), ("ghi", "opq")])
+ c2 = channel.create([("abc", "def"), ("ghi", "opq")])
c3 = channel.fromChannels (c1, c2)
self.assertEqual (c3, [("abc", "def", "abc", "def"), ("ghi", "opq", "ghi", "opq")])
@@ -120,25 +115,12 @@ def testMerge(self):
def testSplit(self):
- c2 = channel.create (["abc", "def", "ghi", "opq"])
- c3 = channel.create(["1", '2', '3', '4'])
- c4 = channel()
- c4.merge(c2, c3)
- self.assertEqual (c4, [("abc", "1"), ("def", '2'), ("ghi", '3'), ("opq", '4')])
- c5 = [5,6,7,8]
- self.assertEqual (c4.copy().merge(c5), [("abc", "1", 5), ("def", '2', 6), ("ghi", '3', 7), ("opq", '4', 8)])
- c4.merge(c5)
- self.assertEqual (c4, [("abc", "1", 5), ("def", '2', 6), ("ghi", '3', 7), ("opq", '4', 8)])
+ c4 = channel.create( [("abc", "1", 5), ("def", '2', 6), ("ghi", '3', 7), ("opq", '4', 8)] )
c6,c7,c8 = c4.split()
self.assertEqual (c6, [("abc",), ("def",), ("ghi",), ("opq",)])
self.assertEqual (c7, [("1",), ('2',), ('3',), ('4',)])
self.assertEqual (c8, [(5,), (6,), (7,), (8,)])
- c12, c9, c10 = c2.copy().merge(c3, c5).split()
- self.assertEqual (c12, c6)
- self.assertEqual (c9, c7)
- self.assertEqual (c10, c8)
c11 = channel.create ([("abc",), ("def",), ("ghi",), ("opq",)])
self.assertEqual (c11.split(), [c11])
@@ -203,13 +185,39 @@ def testInsert (self):
ret = [(1, x) for x in sorted(glob.glob("./*.py"))]
self.assertEqual (sorted(ch1), ret)
+ #print channel.create(ret).insert(None, [1])
ch1.insert (None, [1])
ret = [(1, x, 1) for x in sorted(glob.glob("./*.py"))]
self.assertEqual (sorted(ch1), ret)
- ch1.insert (None, range(len(ch1)))
+ ch1.insert (None, range(ch1.length()))
ret = [(1, x, 1, i) for i,x in enumerate(sorted(glob.glob("./*.py")))]
self.assertEqual (sorted(ch1), ret)
+ def testCbind (self):
+ chan = channel.create ([1,2,3,4,5])
+ col1 = [2,4,6,8,10]
+ chan.cbind (col1)
+ self.assertEqual (chan, [(1,2), (2,4), (3,6), (4,8), (5,10)])
+ col2 = [5,4,3,2,1]
+ chan.cbindMany (col1, col2)
+ self.assertEqual (chan, [(1,2,2,5), (2,4,4,4), (3,6,6,3), (4,8,8,2), (5,10,10,1)])
+ chan.cbind(0)
+ self.assertEqual (chan, [(1,2,2,5,0), (2,4,4,4,0), (3,6,6,3,0), (4,8,8,2,0), (5,10,10,1,0)])
+ self.assertEqual (channel.create([(),(),(),(),()]).cbind(1), [(1,), (1,), (1,), (1,), (1,)])
+ def testSlice (self):
+ chan = channel.create([(1,2,2,5), (2,4,4,4), (3,6,6,3), (4,8,8,2), (5,10,10,1)])
+ self.assertEqual (chan.slice(0,0), [])
+ self.assertEqual (chan.slice(0,1), [(1,),(2,),(3,),(4,),(5,)])
+ self.assertEqual (chan.slice(0), chan)
+ self.assertEqual (chan.slice(2), [(2,5),(4,4),(6,3),(8,2),(10,1)])
+ self.assertEqual (chan.slice(-2), [(2,5),(4,4),(6,3),(8,2),(10,1)])
+ self.assertEqual (chan.colAt(-2), [(2,),(4,),(6,),(8,),(10,)])
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/tests/job.unittest.py b/tests/job.unittest.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f2f13af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/job.unittest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+import unittest
+import sys
+import os, shutil, logging
+logging.basicConfig (level = logging.DEBUG)
+from time import sleep
+rootdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
+sys.path.insert(0, rootdir)
+from pyppl import utils, job
+class TestJob (unittest.TestCase):
+ def testInit (self):
+ j = job (0, "./")
+ self.assertEqual (j.script, "./scripts/script.0")
+ self.assertEqual (j.rcfile, "./scripts/script.0.rc")
+ self.assertEqual (j.outfile, "./scripts/script.0.stdout")
+ self.assertEqual (j.errfile, "./scripts/script.0.stderr")
+ self.assertEqual (j.input, {'var':[], 'file':[], 'files':[]})
+ self.assertEqual (j.output, {'var':[], 'file':[]})
+ self.assertEqual (j.index, 0)
+ def testSignature (self):
+ if os.path.exists ("./test/"):
+ shutil.rmtree ("./test/")
+ os.makedirs ("./test/input")
+ os.makedirs ("./test/output")
+ os.makedirs ("./test/scripts")
+ j = job (0, "./test/")
+ open (j.script, 'w').write('')
+ sig = j.signature()
+ sleep (.1)
+ open (j.script, 'w').write('')
+ self.assertNotEqual (sig, j.signature())
+ shutil.rmtree ("./test/")
+ def testRc (self):
+ if os.path.exists ("./test/"):
+ shutil.rmtree ("./test/")
+ os.makedirs ("./test/input")
+ os.makedirs ("./test/output")
+ os.makedirs ("./test/scripts")
+ j = job (0, "./test/")
+ self.assertEqual (j.rc(), -99)
+ open (j.rcfile, 'w').write('')
+ self.assertEqual (j.rc(), -99)
+ open (j.rcfile, 'w').write('140')
+ self.assertEqual (j.rc(), 140)
+ shutil.rmtree ("./test/")
+ def testOutfileGenerated (self):
+ if os.path.exists ("./test/"):
+ shutil.rmtree ("./test/")
+ os.makedirs ("./test/input")
+ os.makedirs ("./test/output")
+ os.makedirs ("./test/scripts")
+ j2 = job (1, "./test/")
+ j2.output['file'].append ("./test/output/out.txt")
+ self.assertRaisesRegexp(Exception, "Output file", j2.outfileGenerated)
+ open ("./test/output/out.txt", 'w').write('')
+ j2.outfileGenerated()
+ shutil.rmtree ("./test/")
+ def testExport (self):
+ if os.path.exists ("./test/"):
+ shutil.rmtree ("./test/")
+ logger = logging.getLogger()
+ def log (a, b="", c=""):
+ logger.info ("%s %s %s" % (a,b,c))
+ os.makedirs ("./test/input")
+ os.makedirs ("./test/output")
+ os.makedirs ("./test/scripts")
+ j3 = job (1, "./test/")
+ j3.output['file'].append ("./test/output/out.txt")
+ open ("./test/output/out.txt", 'w').write('')
+ self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "Unable to use export cache", j3.exportCached, "", "symlink", log)
+ self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "Output files not exported", j3.exportCached, "", "copy", log)
+ e = j3.exportCached ("./test/", "copy", log)
+ self.assertFalse (e)
+ j3.export ("./test/", "copy", True, log)
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists ("./test/out.txt"))
+ e = j3.exportCached ("./test/", "copy", log)
+ self.assertTrue (e)
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.islink ("./test/output/out.txt"))
+ shutil.rmtree ("./test/")
+ os.makedirs ("./test/input")
+ os.makedirs ("./test/output")
+ os.makedirs ("./test/scripts")
+ j4 = job (4, "./test/")
+ j4.output['file'].append ("./test/output/out.txt")
+ j4.output['file'].append ("./test/output/outdir")
+ open ("./test/output/out.txt", 'w').write('')
+ os.makedirs ("./test/output/outdir")
+ j4.export ("./test/", "gzip", True, log)
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists ("./test/out.txt.gz"))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists ("./test/outdir.tgz"))
+ e = j4.exportCached("./test/", "gzip", log)
+ self.assertTrue(e)
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.isfile("./test/output/out.txt"))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.isdir("./test/output/outdir"))
+ shutil.rmtree ("./test/")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/tests/proc.unittest.py b/tests/proc.unittest.py
index 13bd6c37..dcc6704a 100644
--- a/tests/proc.unittest.py
+++ b/tests/proc.unittest.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import os, sys, unittest, pickle, shutil, copy
rootdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
sys.path.insert(0, rootdir)
-from pyppl import proc
+from pyppl import proc, aggr
from pyppl import channel, utils
from md5 import md5
from StringIO import StringIO
@@ -37,19 +37,25 @@ def testSuffix (self):
p = proc ('tag_unique')
config = copy.copy(p.config)
del config['workdir']
- if config.has_key ('callback'):
- config['callback'] = utils.funcSig(config['callback'])
- if config.has_key ('callfront'):
- config['callfront'] = utils.funcSig(config['callfront'])
+ # proc is not picklable
+ if config.has_key('depends'):
+ depends = config['depends']
+ pickable_depends = []
+ if isinstance(depends, proc):
+ depends = [depends]
+ elif isinstance(depends, aggr):
+ depends = depends.procs
+ for depend in depends:
+ pickable_depends.append(depend.id + '.' + depend.tag)
+ config['depends'] = pickable_depends
if config.has_key ('input') and isinstance(config['input'], dict):
config['input'] = copy.deepcopy(config['input'])
for key, val in config['input'].iteritems():
config['input'][key] = utils.funcSig(val) if callable(val) else val
- signature = pickle.dumps (config) + '@' + pickle.dumps(sorted(sys.argv))
- self.assertEqual (p._suffix(), utils.uid(signature))
+ signature = pickle.dumps (config)
+ self.assertEqual (len(p._suffix()), 8)
def testInit (self):
p = proc ('tag')
@@ -82,7 +88,7 @@ def testInit (self):
def testSetattr (self):
p = proc ('tag')
- self.assertRaises (AttributeError, p.__setattr__, 'a', 1)
+ self.assertRaises (ValueError, p.__setattr__, 'a', 1)
p. tag = 'notag'
self.assertEqual (p.tag, 'notag')
self.assertEqual (p.config['tag'], 'notag')
@@ -120,10 +126,35 @@ def testIscached (self):
self.assertFalse (p._isCached())
- with open (cachefile, 'w') as f:
- pickle.dump(config, f)
+ p.input = {"a": [1,2,3,4,5]}
+ #p._tidyBeforeRun()
+ p.run()
self.assertTrue (p._isCached())
- self.assertEqual (p.forks, 100)
+ open (p.workdir + '/scripts/script.3', 'w').write('')
+ self.assertFalse (p._isCached())
+ self.assertEqual (p.ncjobids, [3])
+ def testExportCache (self):
+ p = proc ('ec')
+ p.cache = 'export'
+ p.input = {"a": [1,2,3,4,5]}
+ p.output = "outfile:file:{{a}}.txt"
+ p._buildProps()
+ p._buildInput()
+ p._buildOutput()
+ exdir = "./test/"
+ p.exdir = exdir
+ if not os.path.isdir (exdir):
+ os.makedirs (exdir)
+ for i in [1,2,4,5]:
+ open (exdir + "%s.txt" % i, 'w').write ('')
+ self.assertFalse (p._isCached())
+ self.assertEqual (p.ncjobids, [2]) # a==3
+ shutil.rmtree (exdir)
def testBuildProps (self):
p1 = proc ('tag1')
@@ -222,9 +253,9 @@ def testInputFiles (self):
def testBuildOutput (self):
- c1 = channel (["aa", "bb"])
- c2 = channel ([1, 2])
- c3 = channel (sorted(["channel.unittest.py", "proc.unittest.py"]))
+ c1 = channel.create (["aa", "bb"])
+ c2 = channel.create ([1, 2])
+ c3 = channel.create (sorted(["channel.unittest.py", "proc.unittest.py"]))
pOP = proc()
pOP.input = {'c1': c1, 'c2': c2, 'c3:file': c3}
@@ -240,7 +271,6 @@ def testBuildOutput (self):
('aa', '1.0', os.path.join(pOP.outdir, "channel.unittest2.py")),
('bb', '4.0', os.path.join(pOP.outdir, "proc.unittest2.py"))
- self.assertEqual (pOP.outfiles, pOP.output['o3'])
pOP.props['channel'] = channel()
pOP.props['outfiles'] = []
@@ -248,7 +278,8 @@ def testBuildOutput (self):
- self.assertEqual (pOP.output['__out1__'], ['aa', 'bb'])
+ print pOP.output
+ self.assertEqual (pOP.output['__out.1__'], ['aa', 'bb'])
self.assertEqual (pOP.output['o2'], ['1.0', '4.0'])
self.assertEqual (pOP.output['o3'], [os.path.join(pOP.outdir, "channel.unittest2.py"), os.path.join(pOP.outdir, "proc.unittest2.py")])
@@ -256,43 +287,35 @@ def testBuildOutput (self):
('aa', '1.0', os.path.join(pOP.outdir, "channel.unittest2.py")),
('bb', '4.0', os.path.join(pOP.outdir, "proc.unittest2.py"))
- self.assertEqual (pOP.outfiles, pOP.output['o3'])
pOP.props['channel'] = channel()
pOP.props['outfiles'] = []
pOP.forks = 5
- c1 = channel()
- c2 = channel()
- d = [("cc:{{c1}}", c1), ("var:{{c2 | __import__('math').pow(float(_), 2.0)}}, file:{{c3.fn}}{{proc.forks}}{{c3.ext}}", c2)]
+ d = ["cc:{{c1}}", "var:{{c2 | __import__('math').pow(float(_), 2.0)}}, file:{{c3.fn}}{{proc.forks}}{{c3.ext}}"]
pOP.output = d
self.assertEqual (pOP.output['cc'], ['aa', 'bb'])
- self.assertEqual (pOP.output['__out1__'], ['1.0', '4.0'])
- self.assertEqual (pOP.output['__out2__'], [os.path.join(pOP.outdir, "channel.unittest5.py"), os.path.join(pOP.outdir, "proc.unittest5.py")])
+ self.assertEqual (pOP.output['__out.1__'], ['1.0', '4.0'])
+ self.assertEqual (pOP.output['__out.2__'], [os.path.join(pOP.outdir, "channel.unittest5.py"), os.path.join(pOP.outdir, "proc.unittest5.py")])
- self.assertEqual (c1, [('aa',), ('bb', )])
- self.assertEqual (c2, [
- ('1.0', os.path.join(pOP.outdir, "channel.unittest5.py")),
- ('4.0', os.path.join(pOP.outdir, "proc.unittest5.py"))
- ])
self.assertEqual (pOP.channel, [
('aa', '1.0', os.path.join(pOP.outdir, "channel.unittest5.py")),
('bb', '4.0', os.path.join(pOP.outdir, "proc.unittest5.py"))
- self.assertEqual (pOP.outfiles, pOP.output['__out2__'])
def testBuildScript(self):
ps = proc ('script')
- self.assertRaises (Exception, ps._tidyBeforeRun)
+ # empty script does not raise Exception any more
+ #self.assertRaises (Exception, ps._tidyBeforeRun)
ps.input = {"input": ["input"]}
ps.script = "ls"
- scriptdir = os.path.join (ps.workdir, 'scripts')
- if os.path.exists (scriptdir):
- shutil.rmtree (scriptdir)
+ scriptdir = os.path.join (ps.workdir, 'scripts')
self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(scriptdir))
ps.script = "template:" + __file__ + '_notexist'
@@ -305,8 +328,8 @@ def testBuildScript(self):
ps.props['jobs'] = []
ps._tidyBeforeRun ()
- self.assertEqual (ps.jobs, [os.path.join(scriptdir, 'script.0')])
- self.assertTrue (open(ps.jobs[0]).read().startswith("#!/usr/bin/env bash"))
+ self.assertEqual (map(lambda x: x.script, ps.jobs), [os.path.join(scriptdir, 'script.0')])
+ self.assertTrue (open(ps.jobs[0].script).read().startswith("#!/usr/bin/env bash"))
os.remove (tplfile)
with open (tplfile, 'w') as f:
@@ -315,8 +338,8 @@ def testBuildScript(self):
ps.props['jobs'] = []
ps._tidyBeforeRun ()
- self.assertEqual (ps.jobs, [os.path.join(scriptdir, 'script.0')])
- self.assertTrue (open(ps.jobs[0]).read().startswith("#!/usr/bin/env bash"))
+ self.assertEqual (map(lambda x: x.script, ps.jobs), [os.path.join(scriptdir, 'script.0')])
+ self.assertTrue (open(ps.jobs[0].script).read().startswith("#!/usr/bin/env bash"))
os.remove (tplfile)
ps.output = "output:var:{{input}}2"
@@ -324,8 +347,8 @@ def testBuildScript(self):
ps.script = "ls {{proc.workdir}}\necho {{#}} {{input}}\necho {{output}}\necho {{proc.args.var1}} {{proc.args.var2}}"
ps.props['jobs'] = []
ps._tidyBeforeRun ()
- self.assertEqual (ps.jobs, [os.path.join(scriptdir, 'script.0')])
- self.assertEqual (open(ps.jobs[0]).read(), "#!/usr/bin/env bash\n\nls %s\necho 0 input\necho input2\necho 1 2" % ps.workdir)
+ self.assertEqual (map(lambda x: x.script, ps.jobs), [os.path.join(scriptdir, 'script.0')])
+ self.assertEqual (open(ps.jobs[0].script).read(), "#!/usr/bin/env bash\n\nls %s\necho 0 input\necho input2\necho 1 2" % ps.workdir)
@@ -344,29 +367,16 @@ def testRunCmd (self):
self.assertEqual (prc._runCmd('beforeCmd'), 0)
self.assertEqual (prc._runCmd('afterCmd'), 1)
- saved_stdout = sys.stdout
- try:
- out = StringIO()
- sys.stdout = out
- prc.beforeCmd = 'ls'
- prc.echo = True
- prc._tidyBeforeRun ()
- self.assertEqual (prc._runCmd('beforeCmd'), 0)
- self.assertTrue ("proc.unittest.py" in out.getvalue())
- finally:
- sys.stdout = saved_stdout
- saved_stderr = sys.stderr
- try:
- out = StringIO()
- sys.stderr = out
- prc.afterCmd = 'bash -c "echo 2 >&2; exit 1"'
- prc.echo = False # anyway print stderr
- prc._tidyBeforeRun ()
- self.assertEqual (prc._runCmd('afterCmd'), 1)
- self.assertTrue ("2" in out.getvalue())
- finally:
- sys.stderr = saved_stderr
+ prc.beforeCmd = 'ls'
+ prc.echo = True
+ prc._tidyBeforeRun ()
+ self.assertEqual (prc._runCmd('beforeCmd'), 0)
+ prc.afterCmd = 'bash -c "echo 2 >&2; exit 1"'
+ prc.echo = False # anyway print stderr
+ prc._tidyBeforeRun ()
+ self.assertEqual (prc._runCmd('afterCmd'), 1)
def testRunJobs (self):
pr = proc()
@@ -391,17 +401,25 @@ def testExport (self):
p.input = {'infile:file': channel.fromPath ("*.py")}
p.output = 'outfile:file:{{infile.fn}}2{{infile.ext}}, var:{{infile.fn}}2{{infile.ext}}'
- p.exportdir = rootdir
+ testdir = "./test/"
+ if not os.path.exists(testdir):
+ os.makedirs (testdir)
+ p.exdir = testdir
p._tidyBeforeRun ()
self.assertEqual (p.forks, 1)
- for (_, bn) in p.channel:
- exfile = os.path.join (rootdir, bn)
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists (exfile))
- os.remove(exfile)
+ for outfile in p.output['outfile']:
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists (os.path.join(testdir, os.path.basename(outfile))))
+ p.exhow = 'gzip'
+ p._export()
+ for outfile in p.output['outfile']:
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists (os.path.join(testdir, os.path.basename(outfile) + '.gz')))
+ shutil.rmtree(testdir)
def testCheckStatus (self):
p = proc('cs')
@@ -425,14 +443,12 @@ def testDoCache (self):
cachefile = os.path.join (p.tmpdir, p.cachefile)
if os.path.exists (cachefile):
- self.assertTrue (p._isCached())
- #os.utime (p.infiles[0], None)
- #self.assertFalse (p._isCached())
- else:
- self.assertFalse (p._isCached())
- p._tidyBeforeRun()
- p._runJobs()
- p._tidyAfterRun()
+ os.remove (cachefile)
+ self.assertFalse (p._isCached())
+ p._tidyBeforeRun()
+ p._runJobs()
+ p._tidyAfterRun()
+ self.assertTrue (p._isCached())
def testCopy (self):
p = proc('copy')
@@ -446,8 +462,20 @@ def testCopy (self):
self.assertEqual (pCopy.exportdir, rootdir)
self.assertEqual (pCopy.script, p.script)
+ def testAlias (self):
+ p = proc ('alias')
+ p.input = {'a':[1]}
+ testv = {}
+ for k,v in proc.alias.iteritems():
+ testv[v] = utils.randstr()
+ if v == 'retcodes': testv[v] = [0,1,2]
+ p.__setattr__ (k, testv[v])
+ p._tidyBeforeRun()
+ for k,v in proc.alias.iteritems():
+ val1 = p.__getattr__(k)
+ val2 = p.__getattr__(v)
+ self.assertEqual (val1, testv[v])
+ self.assertEqual (val2, testv[v])
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/tests/pyppl.unittest.py b/tests/pyppl.unittest.py
index 77c36b19..e88bdd80 100644
--- a/tests/pyppl.unittest.py
+++ b/tests/pyppl.unittest.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
from pyppl import aggr
class TestPipelineMethods (unittest.TestCase):
def test_init (self):
ppl = pyppl({}, '')
@@ -18,13 +18,14 @@ def test_init (self):
self.assertEqual (ppl.heads, [])
def test_factory (self):
ppl = pyppl ({'proc' : {'tmpdir': '/local2/tmp/m161047/abc'}})
p1 = proc('TAG')
self.assertTrue (isinstance (p1, proc))
self.assertEqual (p1.tag, 'TAG')
- inch = channel(['a', 'b', 'c'])
+ inch = channel.create(['a', 'b', 'c'])
p1.tag = 'CREATE_FILE'
p1.input = {'input':inch}
p1.script = "echo {{input}} > {{outfile}}"
@@ -34,26 +35,21 @@ def test_factory (self):
p2 = proc("MOVE_FILE")
p2.input = "input, infile:file"
p2.output = "outfile:file:{{infile.fn}}-2.txt"
- p2.script = "mv {{infile}} {{outfile}}"
+ p2.script = "mv {{infile}} {{outfile}}; ln -s {{outfile}} {{infile}}"
p2.depends = p1
- p2.exportdir = './'
+ p2.exportdir = './test/'
p2.cache = False
ppl.starts (p1)
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists('./a-2.txt'))
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists('./b-2.txt'))
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists('./c-2.txt'))
- os.remove ('./a-2.txt')
- os.remove ('./b-2.txt')
- os.remove ('./c-2.txt')
- self.assertFalse (os.path.exists('./a-2.txt'))
- self.assertFalse (os.path.exists('./b-2.txt'))
- self.assertFalse (os.path.exists('./c-2.txt'))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists('./test/a-2.txt'))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists('./test/b-2.txt'))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists('./test/c-2.txt'))
+ shutil.rmtree('./test')
def test_dot (self):
self.maxDiff = None
ppl = pyppl ()
@@ -67,7 +63,7 @@ def test_dot (self):
p8 = proc("H")
p9 = proc("I")
p1.script = "echo 1"
- p1.input = {"input": channel(['a'])}
+ p1.input = {"input": channel.create(['a'])}
p1.output = "{{input}}"
p2.script = "echo 1"
p2.output = "{{input}}"
@@ -127,7 +123,7 @@ def test_dot (self):
"p4.D" [shape=box, style=filled, color="#f0f998", fontcolor=red]
def test_multideps (self):
ppl = pyppl ()
pr1 = proc("A")
@@ -136,8 +132,8 @@ def test_multideps (self):
p1ch = [('a',), ('b',), ('c',)]
p2ch = [(1,), (2,), (3,)]
- pr1.input = {'input': channel(p1ch)}
- pr2.input = {'input': channel(p2ch)}
+ pr1.input = {'input': channel.create(p1ch)}
+ pr2.input = {'input': channel.create(p2ch)}
pr1.output = '{{input}}'
pr2.output = '{{input}}'
pr3.input = 'in1, in2'
@@ -161,15 +157,15 @@ def test_multideps (self):
def test_sge (self):
ppl = pyppl ()
p1 = proc ()
- p1.input = {"input": channel([('a')] * 10)}
+ p1.input = {"input": channel.create([('a')] * 10)}
p1.workdir = './test-sge'
p1.forks = 3
p1.script = "echo {input}"
def test_batchjobs (self):
p = proc ('batch')
- p.input = {'input': channel([5, 2, 5, 2, 5, 2])}
+ p.input = {'input': channel.create([5, 2, 5, 2, 5, 2])}
p.script = "cat {{proc.workdir}}/scripts/script.{{#}}.ssh | grep franklin"
p.echo = True
p.cache = False
@@ -187,17 +183,17 @@ def test_batchjobs (self):
'loglevel': 'debug'
shutil.rmtree ('./test_batchjobs')
def testCallback (self):
p1 = proc ('callback')
p2 = proc ('callback')
def callback2 (s):
ch = channel.create ([('a1','b'), ('x', 'y')])
s.channel.merge (ch)
- sys.argv = [0, 1, 2]
- p1.input = {"input": channel.fromArgv(1)}
+ argv = sys.argv[:]
+ sys.argv = ['0', '1', '2']
+ p1.input = {"input": channel.fromArgv()}
p1.output = "output:{{input}}2"
p1.script = "echo {{output}}"
p1.callback = callback2
@@ -206,27 +202,8 @@ def callback2 (s):
p2.script = "echo {{output}}"
p2.output = "output:{{input}}.{{in1}}.{{in2}}"
pyppl ().starts(p1).run()
- def testCallfront (self):
- p1 = proc ('callfront')
- p2 = proc ('callfront')
- sys.argv = [0, 1, 2]
- p1.input = {"input": channel.fromArgv(1)}
- p1.output = "output:{{input}}2"
- p1.script = "echo {{output}}"
- def callfront (s):
- ch = channel.create ([('a1','b'), ('x', 'y')])
- p1.channel.merge(ch)
- p2.depends = p1
- p2.input = "input, in1, in2"
- p2.script = "echo {{output}}"
- p2.output = "output:{{input}}.{{in1}}.{{in2}}"
- p2.callfront = callfront
- pyppl ({'loglevel':'debug'}).starts(p1).run()
+ sys.argv = argv[:]
def testAggr (self):
pa = proc ('aggr')
pb = proc ('aggr')
diff --git a/tests/runner.unittest.py b/tests/runner.unittest.py
index 926b85d6..f85e04f9 100644
--- a/tests/runner.unittest.py
+++ b/tests/runner.unittest.py
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
import unittest, os
-import sys
+import sys, shutil
rootdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
sys.path.insert(0, rootdir)
-from pyppl import runner_local, runner_sge, runner_ssh
+from pyppl import runner_local, runner_sge, runner_ssh, utils, job
def tryRemove (file):
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ class TestRunner (unittest.TestCase):
def setUp (self):
super(TestRunner, self).setUp()
- tmpdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+ tmpdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test')
+ if not os.path.exists (os.path.join(tmpdir, 'scripts')):
+ os.makedirs (os.path.join(tmpdir, 'scripts'))
self.scripts = [
os.path.join(tmpdir, 'runner1.py'),
os.path.join(tmpdir, 'runner2.py'),
@@ -37,6 +39,12 @@ def setUp (self):
f.write ('print "2"\n')
f.write ('sys.stderr.write("3")\n')
f.write ('sys.exit(1)\n')
+ self.jobs = []
+ for i, script in enumerate(self.scripts):
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'scripts', 'script.%s' % i)):
+ os.symlink (os.path.abspath(script), os.path.join(tmpdir, 'scripts', 'script.%s' % i))
+ self.jobs.append (job (i, tmpdir))
self.configs = [
@@ -47,127 +55,121 @@ def setUp (self):
def tearDown (self):
super(TestRunner, self).tearDown()
- for script in self.scripts:
- tryRemove (script)
- tryRemove (script + '.rc')
- tryRemove (script + '.stderr')
- tryRemove (script + '.stdout')
- tryRemove (script + '.sge')
- tryRemove (script + '.ssh')
+ shutil.rmtree (os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test'))
def testLocalInit (self):
- for script in self.scripts[:2]:
- r = runner_local(script)
+ for j in self.jobs[:2]:
+ r = runner_local(j)
self.assertTrue (isinstance(r, runner_local))
- self.assertRaises (Exception, runner_local, self.scripts[3])
+ self.assertRaises (Exception, runner_local, self.jobs[3])
def testSGEInit (self):
- for script in self.scripts[:2]:
+ for script in self.jobs[:2]:
r = runner_sge(script)
self.assertTrue (isinstance(r, runner_sge))
- self.assertRaises (Exception, runner_sge, self.scripts[3])
+ self.assertRaises (Exception, runner_sge, self.jobs[3])
def testChmodX (self):
- self.assertEqual ([os.path.realpath(self.scripts[0])], runner_local.chmod_x(self.scripts[0]))
- self.assertEqual ([os.path.realpath(self.scripts[1])], runner_local.chmod_x(self.scripts[1]))
- self.assertEqual (['/usr/bin/python', self.scripts[2]], runner_local.chmod_x(self.scripts[2]))
- self.assertRaises (Exception, runner_local.chmod_x, self.scripts[3])
+ self.assertEqual ([os.path.realpath(self.scripts[0])], utils.chmodX(self.scripts[0]))
+ self.assertEqual ([os.path.realpath(self.scripts[1])], utils.chmodX(self.scripts[1]))
+ self.assertEqual (['/usr/bin/python', self.scripts[2]], utils.chmodX(self.scripts[2]))
+ self.assertRaises (Exception, utils.chmodX, self.scripts[3])
def testConfig (self):
- r0 = runner_local(self.scripts[0], self.configs[0])
- r1 = runner_local(self.scripts[1], self.configs[1])
+ r0 = runner_local(self.jobs[0], self.configs[0])
+ r1 = runner_local(self.jobs[1], self.configs[1])
self.assertEqual (r0._config('retcodes'), None)
self.assertEqual (r0._config('retcodes', [0]), [0])
self.assertEqual (r1._config('retcodes', [0]), [0, 1])
- r2 = runner_ssh(self.scripts[0], {
+ r2 = runner_ssh(self.jobs[0], {
'sshRunner': {'servers': ['franklin01']}
self.assertEqual (r2._config('sshRunner.servers', ['franklin02']), ['franklin01'])
def testLocalRun (self):
- r0 = runner_local(self.scripts[0])
- r1 = runner_local(self.scripts[1])
- r2 = runner_local(self.scripts[4])
+ r0 = runner_local(self.jobs[0])
+ r1 = runner_local(self.jobs[1])
+ r2 = runner_local(self.jobs[4])
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r0.rcfile))
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r0.outfile))
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r0.errfile))
- self.assertEqual (r0.rc(), 0)
- self.assertEqual (open(r0.outfile).read().strip(), '0')
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r0.job.rcfile))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r0.job.outfile))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r0.job.errfile))
+ self.assertEqual (r0.job.rc(), 0)
+ self.assertEqual (open(r0.job.outfile).read().strip(), '0')
self.assertTrue (r0.isValid())
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r1.rcfile))
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r1.outfile))
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r1.errfile))
- self.assertEqual (r1.rc(), 0)
- self.assertEqual (open(r1.outfile).read().strip(), '1\n2')
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r1.job.rcfile))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r1.job.outfile))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r1.job.errfile))
+ self.assertEqual (r1.job.rc(), 0)
+ self.assertEqual (open(r1.job.outfile).read().strip(), '1\n2')
self.assertTrue (r1.isValid())
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r2.rcfile))
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r2.outfile))
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r2.errfile))
- self.assertEqual (r2.rc(), 1)
- self.assertEqual (open(r2.outfile).read().strip(), '2')
- self.assertEqual (open(r2.errfile).read().strip(), '3')
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r2.job.rcfile))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r2.job.outfile))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r2.job.errfile))
+ self.assertEqual (r2.job.rc(), 1)
+ self.assertEqual (open(r2.job.outfile).read().strip(), '2')
+ self.assertEqual (open(r2.job.errfile).read().strip(), '3')
self.assertFalse (r2.isValid())
def testSSHRun (self):
- r0 = runner_ssh(self.scripts[0], {
+ r0 = runner_ssh(self.jobs[0], {
'sshRunner': {'servers': ['franklin01']}
- r1 = runner_ssh(self.scripts[1], {
+ r1 = runner_ssh(self.jobs[1], {
'sshRunner': {'servers': ['franklin02']}
- r2 = runner_ssh(self.scripts[4], {
+ r2 = runner_ssh(self.jobs[4], {
'sshRunner': {'servers': ['franklin03']}
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r0.rcfile))
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r0.outfile))
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r0.errfile))
- self.assertEqual (r0.rc(), 0)
- self.assertEqual (open(r0.outfile).read().strip(), '0')
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r0.job.rcfile))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r0.job.outfile))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r0.job.errfile))
+ self.assertEqual (r0.job.rc(), 0)
+ self.assertEqual (open(r0.job.outfile).read().strip(), '0')
self.assertTrue (r0.isValid())
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r1.rcfile))
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r1.outfile))
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r1.errfile))
- self.assertEqual (r1.rc(), 0)
- self.assertEqual (open(r1.outfile).read().strip(), '1\n2')
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r1.job.rcfile))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r1.job.outfile))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r1.job.errfile))
+ self.assertEqual (r1.job.rc(), 0)
+ self.assertEqual (open(r1.job.outfile).read().strip(), '1\n2')
self.assertTrue (r1.isValid())
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r2.rcfile))
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r2.outfile))
- self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r2.errfile))
- self.assertEqual (r2.rc(), 1)
- self.assertEqual (open(r2.outfile).read().strip(), '2')
- self.assertEqual (open(r2.errfile).read().strip(), '3')
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r2.job.rcfile))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r2.job.outfile))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(r2.job.errfile))
+ self.assertEqual (r2.job.rc(), 1)
+ self.assertEqual (open(r2.job.outfile).read().strip(), '2')
+ self.assertEqual (open(r2.job.errfile).read().strip(), '3')
self.assertFalse (r2.isValid())
- #@unittest.skip("Skipping SGE test...")
+ @unittest.skip("Skipping SGE test...")
def testSGERun (self):
- r0 = runner_sge(self.scripts[0], {
+ r0 = runner_sge(self.jobs[0], {
'sgeRunner': {'sge_N': 'job_r0', 'sge_q': '1-hour', 'sge_M': 'Wang.Panwen@mayo.edu'}
- r1 = runner_sge(self.scripts[1], {
+ r1 = runner_sge(self.jobs[1], {
'echo': True,
'sgeRunner': {'sge_N': 'job_r1', 'sge_q': '1-hour'}
- r2 = runner_sge(self.scripts[4], {
+ r2 = runner_sge(self.jobs[4], {
'sgeRunner': {'sge_N': 'job_r4', 'sge_q': '1-hour'}
diff --git a/tests/utils.unittest.py b/tests/utils.unittest.py
index f8cf7cec..d1a8184b 100644
--- a/tests/utils.unittest.py
+++ b/tests/utils.unittest.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import unittest
import sys
-import os
+import os, shutil
rootdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
sys.path.insert(0, rootdir)
from pyppl import utils
@@ -64,6 +64,128 @@ def method (self):
objMethod = obj.method()
self.assertEqual (objMethod, 'objMethod')
+ def testDictUpdate (self):
+ ref1 = {"c": 3, "d": 9}
+ ref2 = {"c": 4}
+ orig = {"a":1, "b":ref1}
+ newd = {"b":ref2, "c":8}
+ utils.dictUpdate (orig, newd)
+ self.assertEqual (orig, {"a":1, "b":{"c":4, "d":9}, "c":8})
+ orig2 = {"a":1, "b":ref1}
+ newd2 = {"b":ref2, "c":8}
+ orig2.update(newd2)
+ self.assertEqual (orig2, {"a":1, "b":ref2, "c":8})
+ def testFuncSig (self):
+ def func1 ():
+ pass
+ func2 = lambda x: x
+ func3 = ""
+ self.assertEqual (utils.funcSig(func1).strip(), "def func1 ():\n\t\t\tpass")
+ self.assertEqual (utils.funcSig(func2).strip(), "func2 = lambda x: x")
+ self.assertEqual (utils.funcSig(func3), "None")
+ def testUid (self):
+ import random, string
+ def randomword(length):
+ return ''.join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for i in range(length))
+ uids = {}
+ for i in range (10000):
+ s = randomword (10)
+ uid = utils.uid (s)
+ uids[uid] = 1
+ self.assertEqual (len (uids.keys()), 10000)
+ def testTargz (self):
+ if os.path.exists ("./test/"):
+ shutil.rmtree ("./test/")
+ testdir = "./test/tgzfiles/tgzdir"
+ if not os.path.exists (testdir):
+ os.makedirs (testdir)
+ tgzfile = "./test/test.tgz"
+ open("./test/tgzfiles/a.txt", 'w').close()
+ open("./test/tgzfiles/b.txt", 'w').close()
+ open("./test/tgzfiles/tgzdir/b.txt", 'w').close()
+ open("./test/tgzfiles/tgzdir/c.txt", 'w').close()
+ utils.targz (tgzfile, "./test/tgzfiles")
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(tgzfile))
+ shutil.rmtree ("./test/tgzfiles")
+ os.makedirs ("./test/tgzfiles")
+ utils.untargz (tgzfile, "./test/tgzfiles")
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists("./test/tgzfiles/a.txt"))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists("./test/tgzfiles/b.txt"))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists("./test/tgzfiles/tgzdir/b.txt"))
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists("./test/tgzfiles/tgzdir/c.txt"))
+ shutil.rmtree ("./test/")
+ def testGz (self):
+ if os.path.exists ("./test/"):
+ shutil.rmtree ("./test/")
+ os.makedirs ("./test/")
+ orfile = "./test/gz.txt"
+ gzfile = orfile + '.gz'
+ open(orfile, 'w').close()
+ utils.gz (gzfile, orfile)
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(gzfile))
+ os.remove (orfile)
+ self.assertFalse (os.path.exists(orfile))
+ utils.ungz (gzfile, orfile)
+ self.assertTrue (os.path.exists(orfile))
+ shutil.rmtree ("./test/")
+ def testFileSig (self):
+ if os.path.exists ("./test/"):
+ shutil.rmtree ("./test/")
+ os.makedirs ("./test/")
+ thefile = "./test/filesig.txt"
+ open(thefile, 'w').write('')
+ sig = utils.fileSig (thefile)
+ from time import sleep
+ sleep (.1)
+ open(thefile, 'w').write('')
+ self.assertNotEqual (sig, utils.fileSig(thefile))
+ shutil.rmtree ("./test/")
+ def testAlwaysList(self):
+ string = "a,b, c, 'd,e'"
+ l = utils.alwaysList (string)
+ self.assertEqual (l, ['a', 'b', 'c', "'d,e'"])
+ string = ["o1:var:{{c1}}", "o2:var:{{c2 | __import__('math').pow(float(_), 2.0)}}", "o3:file:{{c3.fn}}2{{c3.ext}}"]
+ l = utils.alwaysList (string)
+ self.assertEqual (l, string)
+ def testSanitizeOutKey (self):
+ testdata = [
+ ["a", ('__out.1__', 'var', 'a')],
+ ["key:val", ('key', 'var', 'val')],
+ ["file:val", ('__out.2__', 'file', 'val')],
+ ["a:var:c", ("a", "var", "c")]
+ ]
+ for data in testdata:
+ self.assertEqual(utils.sanitizeOutKey(data[0]), data[1])
+ def testChmodX (self):
+ if os.path.exists ("./test/"):
+ shutil.rmtree ("./test/")
+ os.makedirs ("./test/")
+ thefile = "./test/chmodx.txt"
+ open(thefile, 'w').close()
+ self.assertEqual ([os.path.realpath(thefile)], utils.chmodX (thefile))
+ shutil.rmtree ("./test/")
+ def testLogger (self):
+ logger1 = utils.getLogger(name='logger1')
+ logger2 = utils.getLogger(name='logger2')
+ logger1.info ('logger1')
+ logger2.info ('logger2')
+ logger2 = logger1
+ logger2.info ('logger3')
if __name__ == '__main__':