From aa59d30beb3faa27da08d1902c783cbb4f8f3808 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alessio Bogon Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2019 20:08:09 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Apply `black` formatter to the codebase --- docs/ | 136 ++++--- pytest_bdd/ | 2 +- pytest_bdd/ | 53 ++- pytest_bdd/ | 96 ++--- pytest_bdd/ | 25 +- pytest_bdd/ | 75 ++-- pytest_bdd/ | 4 +- pytest_bdd/ | 17 +- pytest_bdd/ | 11 +- pytest_bdd/ | 95 ++--- pytest_bdd/ | 23 +- pytest_bdd/ | 33 +- pytest_bdd/ | 9 +- | 40 +-- tests/args/cfparse/ | 38 +- tests/args/parse/ | 38 +- tests/args/regex/ | 38 +- tests/args/subfolder/args.feature | 2 +- tests/args/subfolder/ | 27 +- tests/args/ | 22 +- tests/feature/alias.feature | 4 +- tests/feature/ | 6 +- tests/feature/not_found.feature | 2 +- tests/feature/reuse.feature | 4 +- tests/feature/ | 14 +- tests/feature/ | 23 +- tests/feature/ | 175 ++++----- tests/feature/ | 11 +- tests/feature/ | 49 +-- .../feature/ | 243 +++++++------ tests/feature/ | 83 +++-- tests/feature/ | 52 +-- tests/feature/ | 29 +- tests/feature/ | 116 +++--- tests/feature/ | 22 +- tests/feature/ | 32 +- tests/feature/ | 335 +++++++++++------- tests/feature/ | 15 +- tests/feature/ | 11 +- tests/feature/ | 49 ++- tests/feature/ | 62 ++-- tests/feature/ | 92 ++--- tests/feature/ | 169 +++++---- tests/feature/ | 53 ++- tests/generation/ | 20 +- tests/library/child/ | 4 +- tests/library/child/ | 20 +- tests/library/child/ | 4 +- tests/library/ | 8 +- tests/library/ | 6 +- tests/scripts/ | 12 +- tests/scripts/ | 8 +- tests/scripts/ | 30 +- tests/steps/ | 23 +- tests/steps/ | 17 +- tests/steps/ | 23 +- tests/ | 40 ++- tests/ | 2 +- 58 files changed, 1374 insertions(+), 1278 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ index 83e19a23..46ae4700 100644 --- a/docs/ +++ b/docs/ @@ -17,34 +17,34 @@ import sys, os -sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..')) +sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("..")) import pytest_bdd # -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------- # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. -#needs_sphinx = '1.0' +# needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. 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Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. -#language = None +# language = None # There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some # non-false value, then it is used: -#today = '' +# today = '' # Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. -#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' +# today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. -exclude_patterns = ['_build'] +exclude_patterns = ["_build"] # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents. -#default_role = None +# default_role = None # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. -#add_function_parentheses = True +# add_function_parentheses = True # If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description # unit titles (such as .. function::). -#add_module_names = True +# add_module_names = True # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the # output. 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Default is True. -#html_show_sphinx = True +# html_show_sphinx = True # If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. -#html_show_copyright = True +# html_show_copyright = True # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will # contain a tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the # base URL from which the finished HTML is served. -#html_use_opensearch = '' +# html_use_opensearch = '' # This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). -#html_file_suffix = None +# html_file_suffix = None # Output file base name for HTML help builder. -htmlhelp_basename = 'Pytest-BDDdoc' +htmlhelp_basename = "Pytest-BDDdoc" # -- Options for LaTeX output -------------------------------------------------- latex_elements = { -# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). -#'papersize': 'letterpaper', - -# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). -#'pointsize': '10pt', - -# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. -#'preamble': '', + # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). + #'papersize': 'letterpaper', + # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). + #'pointsize': '10pt', + # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. + #'preamble': '', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]). -latex_documents = [ - ('index', 'Pytest-BDD.tex', u'Pytest-BDD Documentation', - u'Oleg Pidsadnyi', 'manual'), -] +latex_documents = [("index", "Pytest-BDD.tex", u"Pytest-BDD Documentation", u"Oleg Pidsadnyi", "manual")] # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of # the title page. -#latex_logo = None +# latex_logo = None # For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, # not chapters. -#latex_use_parts = False +# latex_use_parts = False # If true, show page references after internal links. -#latex_show_pagerefs = False +# latex_show_pagerefs = False # If true, show URL addresses after external links. -#latex_show_urls = False +# latex_show_urls = False # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -#latex_appendices = [] +# latex_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. -#latex_domain_indices = True +# latex_domain_indices = True # -- Options for manual page output -------------------------------------------- # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). -man_pages = [ - ('index', 'pytest-bdd', u'Pytest-BDD Documentation', - [u'Oleg Pidsadnyi'], 1) -] +man_pages = [("index", "pytest-bdd", u"Pytest-BDD Documentation", [u"Oleg Pidsadnyi"], 1)] # If true, show URL addresses after external links. -#man_show_urls = False +# man_show_urls = False # -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------------ @@ -230,16 +222,22 @@ # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ - ('index', 'Pytest-BDD', u'Pytest-BDD Documentation', - u'Oleg Pidsadnyi', 'Pytest-BDD', 'One line description of project.', - 'Miscellaneous'), + ( + "index", + "Pytest-BDD", + u"Pytest-BDD Documentation", + u"Oleg Pidsadnyi", + "Pytest-BDD", + "One line description of project.", + "Miscellaneous", + ) ] # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -#texinfo_appendices = [] +# texinfo_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. -#texinfo_domain_indices = True +# texinfo_domain_indices = True # How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. -#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' +# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' diff --git a/pytest_bdd/ b/pytest_bdd/ index 0929b3b6..9d8cd623 100644 --- a/pytest_bdd/ +++ b/pytest_bdd/ @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ from pytest_bdd.steps import given, when, then from pytest_bdd.scenario import scenario, scenarios -__version__ = '3.2.1' +__version__ = "3.2.1" __all__ = [given.__name__, when.__name__, then.__name__, scenario.__name__, scenarios.__name__] diff --git a/pytest_bdd/ b/pytest_bdd/ index 71b9feab..61e9c2b4 100644 --- a/pytest_bdd/ +++ b/pytest_bdd/ @@ -77,13 +77,10 @@ def _get_result(self, step, report, error_message=False): if report.passed or not step["failed"]: # ignore setup/teardown result = {"status": "passed"} elif report.failed and step["failed"]: - result = { - "status": "failed", - "error_message": force_unicode(report.longrepr) if error_message else "", - } + result = {"status": "failed", "error_message": force_unicode(report.longrepr) if error_message else ""} elif report.skipped: result = {"status": "skipped"} - result['duration'] = long(math.floor((10 ** 9) * step["duration"])) # nanosec + result["duration"] = long(math.floor((10 ** 9) * step["duration"])) # nanosec return result def _serialize_tags(self, item): @@ -98,17 +95,11 @@ def _serialize_tags(self, item): } ] """ - return [ - { - "name": tag, - "line": item["line_number"] - 1 - } - for tag in item["tags"] - ] + return [{"name": tag, "line": item["line_number"] - 1} for tag in item["tags"]] def _format_name(self, name, keys, values): for param, value in zip(keys, values): - name = name.replace('<{}>'.format(param), value) + name = name.replace("<{}>".format(param), value) return name def _format_step_name(self, report, step): @@ -136,8 +127,8 @@ def pytest_runtest_logreport(self, report): def stepmap(step): error_message = False - if step['failed'] and not scenario.setdefault('failed', False): - scenario['failed'] = True + if step["failed"] and not scenario.setdefault("failed", False): + scenario["failed"] = True error_message = True if self.expand: @@ -149,12 +140,10 @@ def stepmap(step): step_name = step["name"] return { - "keyword": step['keyword'], + "keyword": step["keyword"], "name": step_name, - "line": step['line_number'], - "match": { - "location": "", - }, + "line": step["line_number"], + "match": {"location": ""}, "result": self._get_result(step, report, error_message), } @@ -164,22 +153,24 @@ def stepmap(step): "uri": scenario["feature"]["rel_filename"], "name": scenario["feature"]["name"] or scenario["feature"]["rel_filename"], "id": scenario["feature"]["rel_filename"].lower().replace(" ", "-"), - "line": scenario['feature']["line_number"], + "line": scenario["feature"]["line_number"], "description": scenario["feature"]["description"], "tags": self._serialize_tags(scenario["feature"]), "elements": [], } - self.features[scenario["feature"]["filename"]]["elements"].append({ - "keyword": "Scenario", - "id": report.item["name"], - "name": scenario["name"], - "line": scenario["line_number"], - "description": "", - "tags": self._serialize_tags(scenario), - "type": "scenario", - "steps": [stepmap(step) for step in scenario["steps"]], - }) + self.features[scenario["feature"]["filename"]]["elements"].append( + { + "keyword": "Scenario", + "id": report.item["name"], + "name": scenario["name"], + "line": scenario["line_number"], + "description": "", + "tags": self._serialize_tags(scenario), + "type": "scenario", + "steps": [stepmap(step) for step in scenario["steps"]], + } + ) def pytest_sessionstart(self): self.suite_start_time = time.time() diff --git a/pytest_bdd/ b/pytest_bdd/ index e09a4dd3..822a382e 100644 --- a/pytest_bdd/ +++ b/pytest_bdd/ @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ ] STEP_PARAM_RE = re.compile(r"\<(.+?)\>") -COMMENT_RE = re.compile(r'(^|(?<=\s))#') +COMMENT_RE = re.compile(r"(^|(?<=\s))#") def get_step_type(line): @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ def strip_comments(line): """ res = if res: - line = line[:res.start()] + line = line[: res.start()] return line.strip() @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ def parse_line(line): """ for prefix, _ in STEP_PREFIXES: if line.startswith(prefix): - return prefix.strip(), line[len(prefix):].strip() + return prefix.strip(), line[len(prefix) :].strip() return "", line @@ -136,11 +136,9 @@ def get_tags(line): :return: List of tags. """ - if not line or not line.strip().startswith('@'): + if not line or not line.strip().startswith("@"): return set() - return ( - set((tag.lstrip('@') for tag in line.strip().split(' @') if len(tag) > 1)) - ) + return set((tag.lstrip("@") for tag in line.strip().split(" @") if len(tag) > 1)) def get_features(paths, **kwargs): @@ -156,12 +154,7 @@ def get_features(paths, **kwargs): if path not in seen_names: seen_names.add(path) if op.isdir(path): - features.extend( - get_features( - glob2.iglob(op.join(path, "**", "*.feature")), - **kwargs - ) - ) + features.extend(get_features(glob2.iglob(op.join(path, "**", "*.feature")), **kwargs)) else: base, name = op.split(path) feature = Feature.get_feature(base, name, **kwargs) @@ -204,9 +197,7 @@ def add_example_row(self, param, values): """ if param in self.example_params: raise exceptions.ExamplesNotValidError( - """Example rows should contain unique parameters. "{0}" appeared more than once""".format( - param, - ) + """Example rows should contain unique parameters. "{0}" appeared more than once""".format(param) ) self.example_params.append(param) self.vertical_examples.append(values) @@ -232,7 +223,7 @@ def get_params(self, converters, builtin=False): raw_value = example[index] if converters and param in converters: value = converters[param](raw_value) - if not builtin or value.__class__.__module__ in {'__builtin__', 'builtins'}: + if not builtin or value.__class__.__module__ in {"__builtin__", "builtins"}: example[index] = value params.append(example) return [self.example_params, params] @@ -297,31 +288,47 @@ def __init__(self, basedir, filename, encoding="utf-8", strict_gherkin=True): allowed_prev_mode = (types.BACKGROUND, types.GIVEN) if not strict_gherkin: - allowed_prev_mode += (types.WHEN, ) + allowed_prev_mode += (types.WHEN,) if not scenario and prev_mode not in allowed_prev_mode and mode in types.STEP_TYPES: raise exceptions.FeatureError( - "Step definition outside of a Scenario or a Background", line_number, clean_line, filename) + "Step definition outside of a Scenario or a Background", line_number, clean_line, filename + ) if strict_gherkin: - if (self.background and not scenario and mode not in ( - types.SCENARIO, types.SCENARIO_OUTLINE, types.GIVEN, types.TAG)): + if ( + self.background + and not scenario + and mode not in (types.SCENARIO, types.SCENARIO_OUTLINE, types.GIVEN, types.TAG) + ): raise exceptions.FeatureError( - "Background section can only contain Given steps", line_number, clean_line, filename) + "Background section can only contain Given steps", line_number, clean_line, filename + ) if mode == types.GIVEN and prev_mode not in ( - types.GIVEN, types.SCENARIO, types.SCENARIO_OUTLINE, types.BACKGROUND): + types.GIVEN, + types.SCENARIO, + types.SCENARIO_OUTLINE, + types.BACKGROUND, + ): raise exceptions.FeatureError( - "Given steps must be the first within the Scenario", line_number, clean_line, filename) + "Given steps must be the first within the Scenario", line_number, clean_line, filename + ) if mode == types.WHEN and prev_mode not in ( - types.SCENARIO, types.SCENARIO_OUTLINE, types.GIVEN, types.WHEN): + types.SCENARIO, + types.SCENARIO_OUTLINE, + types.GIVEN, + types.WHEN, + ): raise exceptions.FeatureError( - "When steps must be the first or follow Given steps", line_number, clean_line, filename) + "When steps must be the first or follow Given steps", line_number, clean_line, filename + ) if not self.background and mode == types.THEN and prev_mode not in types.STEP_TYPES: raise exceptions.FeatureError( - "Then steps must follow Given or When steps", line_number, clean_line, filename) + "Then steps must follow Given or When steps", line_number, clean_line, filename + ) if mode == types.FEATURE: if prev_mode is None or prev_mode == types.TAG: @@ -333,7 +340,10 @@ def __init__(self, basedir, filename, encoding="utf-8", strict_gherkin=True): else: raise exceptions.FeatureError( "Multiple features are not allowed in a single feature file", - line_number, clean_line, filename) + line_number, + clean_line, + filename, + ) prev_mode = mode @@ -343,10 +353,7 @@ def __init__(self, basedir, filename, encoding="utf-8", strict_gherkin=True): tags = get_tags(prev_line) self.scenarios[parsed_line] = scenario = Scenario(self, parsed_line, line_number, tags=tags) elif mode == types.BACKGROUND: - self.background = Background( - feature=self, - line_number=line_number, - ) + self.background = Background(feature=self, line_number=line_number) elif mode == types.EXAMPLES: mode = types.EXAMPLES_HEADERS (scenario or self).examples.line_number = line_number @@ -355,7 +362,8 @@ def __init__(self, basedir, filename, encoding="utf-8", strict_gherkin=True): (scenario or self).examples.line_number = line_number elif mode == types.EXAMPLES_HEADERS: (scenario or self).examples.set_param_names( - [l.strip() for l in parsed_line.split("|")[1:-1] if l.strip()]) + [l.strip() for l in parsed_line.split("|")[1:-1] if l.strip()] + ) mode = types.EXAMPLE_LINE elif mode == types.EXAMPLE_LINE: (scenario or self).examples.add_example([l.strip() for l in stripped_line.split("|")[1:-1]]) @@ -366,19 +374,21 @@ def __init__(self, basedir, filename, encoding="utf-8", strict_gherkin=True): except exceptions.ExamplesNotValidError as exc: if scenario: raise exceptions.FeatureError( - """Scenario has not valid examples. {0}""".format( - exc.args[0]), line_number, clean_line, filename) + """Scenario has not valid examples. {0}""".format(exc.args[0]), + line_number, + clean_line, + filename, + ) else: raise exceptions.FeatureError( - """Feature has not valid examples. {0}""".format( - exc.args[0]), line_number, clean_line, filename) + """Feature has not valid examples. {0}""".format(exc.args[0]), + line_number, + clean_line, + filename, + ) elif mode and mode not in (types.FEATURE, types.TAG): step = Step( - name=parsed_line, - type=mode, - indent=line_indent, - line_number=line_number, - keyword=keyword, + name=parsed_line, type=mode, indent=line_indent, line_number=line_number, keyword=keyword ) if self.background and (mode == types.GIVEN or not strict_gherkin) and not scenario: target = self.background @@ -485,7 +495,7 @@ def validate(self): raise exceptions.ScenarioExamplesNotValidError( """Scenario "{0}" in the feature "{1}" has not valid examples. """ """Set of step parameters {2} should match set of example values {3}.""".format( -, self.feature.filename, sorted(params), sorted(example_params), +, self.feature.filename, sorted(params), sorted(example_params) ) ) diff --git a/pytest_bdd/ b/pytest_bdd/ index 31894122..d788dfc8 100644 --- a/pytest_bdd/ +++ b/pytest_bdd/ @@ -6,10 +6,7 @@ from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup import py -from .scenario import ( - find_argumented_step_fixture_name, - make_python_name, -) +from .scenario import find_argumented_step_fixture_name, make_python_name from .steps import get_step_fixture_name from .feature import get_features from .types import STEP_TYPES @@ -50,12 +47,14 @@ def generate_code(features, scenarios, steps): grouped_steps = group_steps(steps) template = template_lookup.get_template("") return template.render( - features=features, scenarios=scenarios, steps=grouped_steps, make_python_name=make_python_name) + features=features, scenarios=scenarios, steps=grouped_steps, make_python_name=make_python_name + ) def show_missing_code(config): """Wrap pytest session to show missing code.""" from _pytest.main import wrap_session + return wrap_session(config, _show_missing_code_main) @@ -99,8 +98,7 @@ def print_missing_code(scenarios, steps): tw.line() features = sorted( - set(scenario.feature for scenario in scenarios), - key=lambda feature: or feature.filename + set(scenario.feature for scenario in scenarios), key=lambda feature: or feature.filename ) code = generate_code(features, scenarios, steps) tw.write(code) @@ -134,11 +132,10 @@ def parse_feature_files(paths): features = get_features(paths) scenarios = sorted( itertools.chain.from_iterable(feature.scenarios.values() for feature in features), - key=lambda scenario: ( - or scenario.feature.filename, + key=lambda scenario: ( or scenario.feature.filename,, + ) steps = sorted( - set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(scenario.steps for scenario in scenarios)), - key=lambda step:, + set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(scenario.steps for scenario in scenarios)), key=lambda step: ) return features, scenarios, steps @@ -148,9 +145,9 @@ def group_steps(steps): steps = sorted(steps, key=lambda step: step.type) seen_steps = set() grouped_steps = [] - for step in (itertools.chain.from_iterable( - sorted(group, key=lambda step: - for _, group in itertools.groupby(steps, lambda step: step.type))): + for step in itertools.chain.from_iterable( + sorted(group, key=lambda step: for _, group in itertools.groupby(steps, lambda step: step.type) + ): if not in seen_steps: grouped_steps.append(step) seen_steps.add( diff --git a/pytest_bdd/ b/pytest_bdd/ index 9329b0cb..3bda868d 100644 --- a/pytest_bdd/ +++ b/pytest_bdd/ @@ -12,13 +12,11 @@ def add_options(parser): group = parser.getgroup("terminal reporting", "reporting", after="general") group._addoption( - '--gherkin-terminal-reporter', + "--gherkin-terminal-reporter", action="store_true", dest="gherkin_terminal_reporter", default=False, - help=( - "enable gherkin output" - ) + help=("enable gherkin output"), ) group._addoption( "--gherkin-terminal-reporter-expanded", @@ -32,22 +30,24 @@ def add_options(parser): def configure(config): if config.option.gherkin_terminal_reporter: # Get the standard terminal reporter plugin and replace it with our - current_reporter = config.pluginmanager.getplugin('terminalreporter') + current_reporter = config.pluginmanager.getplugin("terminalreporter") if current_reporter.__class__ != TerminalReporter: - raise Exception("gherkin-terminal-reporter is not compatible with any other terminal reporter." - "You can use only one terminal reporter." - "Currently '{0}' is used." - "Please decide to use one by deactivating {0} or gherkin-terminal-reporter." - .format(current_reporter.__class__)) + raise Exception( + "gherkin-terminal-reporter is not compatible with any other terminal reporter." + "You can use only one terminal reporter." + "Currently '{0}' is used." + "Please decide to use one by deactivating {0} or gherkin-terminal-reporter.".format( + current_reporter.__class__ + ) + ) gherkin_reporter = GherkinTerminalReporter(config) config.pluginmanager.unregister(current_reporter) - config.pluginmanager.register(gherkin_reporter, 'terminalreporter') + config.pluginmanager.register(gherkin_reporter, "terminalreporter") if config.pluginmanager.getplugin("dsession"): raise Exception("gherkin-terminal-reporter is not compatible with 'xdist' plugin.") class GherkinTerminalReporter(TerminalReporter): - def __init__(self, config): TerminalReporter.__init__(self, config) @@ -69,47 +69,46 @@ def pytest_runtest_logreport(self, report): word, word_markup = word else: if rep.passed: - word_markup = {'green': True} + word_markup = {"green": True} elif rep.failed: - word_markup = {'red': True} + word_markup = {"red": True} elif rep.skipped: - word_markup = {'yellow': True} - feature_markup = {'blue': True} + word_markup = {"yellow": True} + feature_markup = {"blue": True} scenario_markup = word_markup if self.verbosity <= 0: return TerminalReporter.pytest_runtest_logreport(self, rep) elif self.verbosity == 1: - if hasattr(report, 'scenario'): + if hasattr(report, "scenario"): self.ensure_newline() - self._tw.write('Feature: ', **feature_markup) - self._tw.write(report.scenario['feature']['name'], **feature_markup) - self._tw.write('\n') - self._tw.write(' Scenario: ', **scenario_markup) - self._tw.write(report.scenario['name'], **scenario_markup) - self._tw.write(' ') + self._tw.write("Feature: ", **feature_markup) + self._tw.write(report.scenario["feature"]["name"], **feature_markup) + self._tw.write("\n") + self._tw.write(" Scenario: ", **scenario_markup) + self._tw.write(report.scenario["name"], **scenario_markup) + self._tw.write(" ") self._tw.write(word, **word_markup) - self._tw.write('\n') + self._tw.write("\n") else: return TerminalReporter.pytest_runtest_logreport(self, rep) elif self.verbosity > 1: - if hasattr(report, 'scenario'): + if hasattr(report, "scenario"): self.ensure_newline() - self._tw.write('Feature: ', **feature_markup) - self._tw.write(report.scenario['feature']['name'], **feature_markup) - self._tw.write('\n') - self._tw.write(' Scenario: ', **scenario_markup) - self._tw.write(report.scenario['name'], **scenario_markup) - self._tw.write('\n') - for step in report.scenario['steps']: + self._tw.write("Feature: ", **feature_markup) + self._tw.write(report.scenario["feature"]["name"], **feature_markup) + self._tw.write("\n") + self._tw.write(" Scenario: ", **scenario_markup) + self._tw.write(report.scenario["name"], **scenario_markup) + self._tw.write("\n") + for step in report.scenario["steps"]: if self.config.option.expand: - step_name = self._format_step_name(step['name'], **report.scenario['example_kwargs']) + step_name = self._format_step_name(step["name"], **report.scenario["example_kwargs"]) else: - step_name = step['name'] - self._tw.write(' {} {}\n'.format(step['keyword'], - step_name), **scenario_markup) - self._tw.write(' ' + word, **word_markup) - self._tw.write('\n\n') + step_name = step["name"] + self._tw.write(" {} {}\n".format(step["keyword"], step_name), **scenario_markup) + self._tw.write(" " + word, **word_markup) + self._tw.write("\n\n") else: return TerminalReporter.pytest_runtest_logreport(self, rep) self.stats.setdefault(cat, []).append(rep) diff --git a/pytest_bdd/ b/pytest_bdd/ index c4009e92..ab5b7ff6 100644 --- a/pytest_bdd/ +++ b/pytest_bdd/ @@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ def get_parser(step_name): """ if isinstance(step_name, six.string_types): if isinstance(step_name, six.binary_type): # Python 2 compatibility - step_name = step_name.decode('utf-8') + step_name = step_name.decode("utf-8") return string(step_name) - elif not hasattr(step_name, 'is_matching') or not hasattr(step_name, 'parse_arguments'): + elif not hasattr(step_name, "is_matching") or not hasattr(step_name, "parse_arguments"): raise InvalidStepParserError(step_name) else: return step_name diff --git a/pytest_bdd/ b/pytest_bdd/ index f31e1afc..e4973a8d 100644 --- a/pytest_bdd/ +++ b/pytest_bdd/ @@ -13,12 +13,13 @@ def pytest_addhooks(pluginmanager): """Register plugin hooks.""" from pytest_bdd import hooks + pluginmanager.add_hookspecs(hooks) -@given('trace') -@when('trace') -@then('trace') +@given("trace") +@when("trace") +@then("trace") def trace(): """Enter pytest's pdb trace.""" pytest.set_trace() @@ -33,11 +34,8 @@ def pytest_addoption(parser): def add_bdd_ini(parser): - parser.addini('bdd_features_base_dir', - 'Base features directory.') - parser.addini('bdd_strict_gherkin', - 'Parse features to be strict gherkin.', - type='bool', default=True) + parser.addini("bdd_features_base_dir", "Base features directory.") + parser.addini("bdd_strict_gherkin", "Parse features to be strict gherkin.", type="bool", default=True) @pytest.mark.trylast @@ -102,8 +100,9 @@ def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): # since there may be other hooks that are executed before this and that want to reorder item as well def item_key(item): if isinstance(item, pytest.Function): - declaration_order = getattr(item.function, '__pytest_bdd_counter__', 0) + declaration_order = getattr(item.function, "__pytest_bdd_counter__", 0) else: declaration_order = 0 return (item.reportinfo()[:2], declaration_order) + items.sort(key=item_key) diff --git a/pytest_bdd/ b/pytest_bdd/ index f99d54c7..45a8e9e7 100644 --- a/pytest_bdd/ +++ b/pytest_bdd/ @@ -76,8 +76,9 @@ def __init__(self, scenario, node): self.param_index = None parametrize_args = get_parametrize_markers_args(node) if parametrize_args and scenario.examples: - param_names = parametrize_args[0] if isinstance(parametrize_args[0], (tuple, list)) else [ - parametrize_args[0]] + param_names = ( + parametrize_args[0] if isinstance(parametrize_args[0], (tuple, list)) else [parametrize_args[0]] + ) param_values = parametrize_args[1] node_param_values = [node.funcargs[param_name] for param_name in param_names] if node_param_values in param_values: @@ -136,14 +137,16 @@ def serialize(self): "rows": params, "row_index": self.param_index, } - ] if scenario.examples else [], + ] + if scenario.examples + else [], "example_kwargs": self.example_kwargs, } def fail(self): """Stop collecting information and finalize the report as failed.""" self.current_step_report.finalize(failed=True) - remaining_steps = self.scenario.steps[len(self.step_reports):] + remaining_steps = self.scenario.steps[len(self.step_reports) :] # Fail the rest of the steps and make reports. for step in remaining_steps: diff --git a/pytest_bdd/ b/pytest_bdd/ index 93ed4ce5..9fe9ddab 100644 --- a/pytest_bdd/ +++ b/pytest_bdd/ @@ -16,22 +16,15 @@ import re import pytest + try: from _pytest import fixtures as pytest_fixtures except ImportError: from _pytest import python as pytest_fixtures from . import exceptions -from .feature import ( - Feature, - force_unicode, - get_features, -) -from .steps import ( - get_caller_module, - get_step_fixture_name, - inject_fixture, -) +from .feature import Feature, force_unicode, get_features +from .steps import get_caller_module, get_step_fixture_name, inject_fixture from .types import GIVEN from .utils import CONFIG_STACK, get_args @@ -93,9 +86,7 @@ def _find_step_function(request, step, scenario, encoding): raise exceptions.StepDefinitionNotFoundError( u"""Step definition is not found: {step}.""" """ Line {step.line_number} in scenario "{}" in the feature "{feature.filename}""".format( - step=step, - scenario=scenario, - feature=scenario.feature, + step=step, scenario=scenario, feature=scenario.feature ) ) @@ -109,13 +100,7 @@ def _execute_step_function(request, scenario, step, step_func): :param function step_func: Step function. :param example: Example table. """ - kw = dict( - request=request, - feature=scenario.feature, - scenario=scenario, - step=step, - step_func=step_func, - ) + kw = dict(request=request, feature=scenario.feature, scenario=scenario, step=step, step_func=step_func) request.config.hook.pytest_bdd_before_step(**kw) @@ -142,11 +127,7 @@ def _execute_scenario(feature, scenario, request, encoding): :param request: request. :param encoding: Encoding. """ - request.config.hook.pytest_bdd_before_scenario( - request=request, - feature=feature, - scenario=scenario, - ) + request.config.hook.pytest_bdd_before_scenario(request=request, feature=feature, scenario=scenario) try: givens = set() @@ -156,11 +137,7 @@ def _execute_scenario(feature, scenario, request, encoding): step_func = _find_step_function(request, step, scenario, encoding=encoding) except exceptions.StepDefinitionNotFoundError as exception: request.config.hook.pytest_bdd_step_func_lookup_error( - request=request, - feature=feature, - scenario=scenario, - step=step, - exception=exception, + request=request, feature=feature, scenario=scenario, step=step, exception=exception ) raise @@ -170,7 +147,7 @@ def _execute_scenario(feature, scenario, request, encoding): if step_func.fixture in givens: raise exceptions.GivenAlreadyUsed( u'Fixture "{0}" that implements this "{1}" given step has been already used.'.format( - step_func.fixture,, + step_func.fixture, ) ) givens.add(step_func.fixture) @@ -188,11 +165,7 @@ def _execute_scenario(feature, scenario, request, encoding): _execute_step_function(request, scenario, step, step_func) finally: - request.config.hook.pytest_bdd_after_scenario( - request=request, - feature=feature, - scenario=scenario, - ) + request.config.hook.pytest_bdd_after_scenario(request=request, feature=feature, scenario=scenario) FakeRequest = collections.namedtuple("FakeRequest", ["module"]) @@ -213,7 +186,7 @@ def _get_scenario_decorator(feature, feature_name, scenario, scenario_name, enco def decorator(*args): if not args: raise exceptions.ScenarioIsDecoratorOnly( - "scenario function can only be used as a decorator. Refer to the documentation.", + "scenario function can only be used as a decorator. Refer to the documentation." ) [fn] = args args = get_args(fn) @@ -235,16 +208,25 @@ def scenario_wrapper(request): config.hook.pytest_bdd_apply_tag(tag=tag, function=scenario_wrapper) scenario_wrapper.__doc__ = u"{feature_name}: {scenario_name}".format( - feature_name=feature_name, scenario_name=scenario_name) + feature_name=feature_name, scenario_name=scenario_name + ) scenario_wrapper.__scenario__ = scenario scenario_wrapper.__pytest_bdd_counter__ = counter scenario.test_function = scenario_wrapper return scenario_wrapper + return decorator -def scenario(feature_name, scenario_name, encoding="utf-8", example_converters=None, - caller_module=None, features_base_dir=None, strict_gherkin=None): +def scenario( + feature_name, + scenario_name, + encoding="utf-8", + example_converters=None, + caller_module=None, + features_base_dir=None, + strict_gherkin=None, +): """Scenario decorator. :param str feature_name: Feature file name. Absolute or relative to the configured feature base path. @@ -270,9 +252,7 @@ def scenario(feature_name, scenario_name, encoding="utf-8", example_converters=N except KeyError: raise exceptions.ScenarioNotFound( u'Scenario "{scenario_name}" in feature "{feature_name}" in {feature_filename} is not found.'.format( - scenario_name=scenario_name, - or "[Empty]", - feature_filename=feature.filename, + scenario_name=scenario_name, or "[Empty]", feature_filename=feature.filename ) ) @@ -282,17 +262,13 @@ def scenario(feature_name, scenario_name, encoding="utf-8", example_converters=N scenario.validate() return _get_scenario_decorator( - feature=feature, - feature_name=feature_name, - scenario=scenario, - scenario_name=scenario_name, - encoding=encoding, + feature=feature, feature_name=feature_name, scenario=scenario, scenario_name=scenario_name, encoding=encoding ) def get_features_base_dir(caller_module): default_base_dir = os.path.dirname(caller_module.__file__) - return get_from_ini('bdd_features_base_dir', default_base_dir) + return get_from_ini("bdd_features_base_dir", default_base_dir) def get_from_ini(key, default): @@ -302,12 +278,12 @@ def get_from_ini(key, default): """ config = CONFIG_STACK[-1] value = config.getini(key) - return value if value != '' else default + return value if value != "" else default def get_strict_gherkin(): config = CONFIG_STACK[-1] - return config.getini('bdd_strict_gherkin') + return config.getini("bdd_strict_gherkin") def make_python_name(string): @@ -319,15 +295,16 @@ def make_python_name(string): def get_python_name_generator(name): """Generate a sequence of suitable python names out of given arbitrary string name.""" python_name = make_python_name(name) - suffix = '' + suffix = "" index = 0 def get_name(): - return 'test_{0}{1}'.format(python_name, suffix) + return "test_{0}{1}".format(python_name, suffix) + while True: yield get_name() index += 1 - suffix = '_{0}'.format(index) + suffix = "_{0}".format(index) def scenarios(*feature_paths, **kwargs): @@ -338,11 +315,11 @@ def scenarios(*feature_paths, **kwargs): frame = inspect.stack()[1] module = inspect.getmodule(frame[0]) - features_base_dir = kwargs.get('features_base_dir') + features_base_dir = kwargs.get("features_base_dir") if features_base_dir is None: features_base_dir = get_features_base_dir(module) - strict_gherkin = kwargs.get('strict_gherkin') + strict_gherkin = kwargs.get("strict_gherkin") if strict_gherkin is None: strict_gherkin = get_strict_gherkin() @@ -355,15 +332,19 @@ def scenarios(*feature_paths, **kwargs): module_scenarios = frozenset( (attr.__scenario__.feature.filename, - for name, attr in module.__dict__.items() if hasattr(attr, '__scenario__')) + for name, attr in module.__dict__.items() + if hasattr(attr, "__scenario__") + ) for feature in get_features(abs_feature_paths, strict_gherkin=strict_gherkin): for scenario_name, scenario_object in feature.scenarios.items(): # skip already bound scenarios if (scenario_object.feature.filename, scenario_name) not in module_scenarios: + @scenario(feature.filename, scenario_name, **kwargs) def _scenario(): pass # pragma: no cover + for test_name in get_python_name_generator(scenario_name): if test_name not in module.__dict__: # found an unique test name diff --git a/pytest_bdd/ b/pytest_bdd/ index d3c3cce3..dc51caba 100644 --- a/pytest_bdd/ +++ b/pytest_bdd/ @@ -6,10 +6,7 @@ import glob2 -from .generation import ( - generate_code, - parse_feature_files, -) +from .generation import generate_code, parse_feature_files MIGRATE_REGEX = re.compile(r"\s?(\w+)\s\=\sscenario\((.+)\)", flags=re.MULTILINE) @@ -30,12 +27,12 @@ def migrate_tests_in_file(file_path): if new_content != content: # the regex above potentially causes the end of the file to # have an extra newline - new_content = new_content.rstrip('\n') + '\n' + new_content = new_content.rstrip("\n") + "\n" fd.write(new_content) - print("migrated: {0}".format(file_path)) + print ("migrated: {0}".format(file_path)) else: - print("skipped: {0}".format(file_path)) + print ("skipped: {0}".format(file_path)) except IOError: pass @@ -51,13 +48,13 @@ def print_generated_code(args): """Print generated test code for the given filenames.""" features, scenarios, steps = parse_feature_files(args.files) code = generate_code(features, scenarios, steps) - print(code) + print (code) def main(): """Main entry point.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="pytest-bdd") - subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="sub-command help", dest='command') + subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="sub-command help", dest="command") subparsers.required = True parser_generate = subparsers.add_parser("generate", help="generate help") parser_generate.add_argument( @@ -70,13 +67,9 @@ def main(): parser_generate.set_defaults(func=print_generated_code) parser_migrate = subparsers.add_parser("migrate", help="migrate help") - parser_migrate.add_argument( - "path", - metavar="PATH", - help="Migrate outdated tests to the most recent form", - ) + parser_migrate.add_argument("path", metavar="PATH", help="Migrate outdated tests to the most recent form") parser_migrate.set_defaults(func=migrate_tests) args = parser.parse_args() - if hasattr(args, 'func'): + if hasattr(args, "func"): args.func(args) diff --git a/pytest_bdd/ b/pytest_bdd/ index 9cc6b670..e973b429 100644 --- a/pytest_bdd/ +++ b/pytest_bdd/ @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ def article(author): import sys import pytest + try: from _pytest import fixtures as pytest_fixtures except ImportError: @@ -43,9 +44,7 @@ def article(author): from .feature import parse_line, force_encode from .types import GIVEN, WHEN, THEN -from .exceptions import ( - StepError, -) +from .exceptions import StepError from .parsers import get_parser from .utils import get_args @@ -60,10 +59,11 @@ def get_step_fixture_name(name, type_, encoding=None): :rtype: string """ return "pytestbdd_{type}_{name}".format( - type=type_, name=force_encode(name, **(dict(encoding=encoding) if encoding else {}))) + type=type_, name=force_encode(name, **(dict(encoding=encoding) if encoding else {})) + ) -def given(name, fixture=None, converters=None, scope='function', target_fixture=None): +def given(name, fixture=None, converters=None, scope="function", target_fixture=None): """Given step decorator. :param name: Given step name. @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def step_func(request): step_func.step_type = GIVEN step_func.converters = converters - step_func.__name__ = force_encode(name, 'ascii') + step_func.__name__ = force_encode(name, "ascii") step_func.fixture = fixture func = pytest.fixture(scope=scope)(lambda: step_func) func.__doc__ = 'Alias for the "{0}" fixture.'.format(fixture) @@ -129,10 +129,10 @@ def _not_a_fixture_decorator(func): :raises: `StepError` if was used as a decorator. """ - raise StepError('Cannot be used as a decorator when the fixture is specified') + raise StepError("Cannot be used as a decorator when the fixture is specified") -def _step_decorator(step_type, step_name, converters=None, scope='function', target_fixture=None): +def _step_decorator(step_type, step_name, converters=None, scope="function", target_fixture=None): """Step decorator for the type and the name. :param str step_type: Step type (GIVEN, WHEN or THEN). @@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ def _step_decorator(step_type, step_name, converters=None, scope='function', tar :note: If the step type is GIVEN it will automatically apply the pytest fixture decorator to the step function. """ + def decorator(func): step_func = func parser_instance = get_parser(step_name) @@ -206,16 +207,16 @@ def inject_fixture(request, arg, value): :param value: argument value """ fd_kwargs = { - 'fixturemanager': request._fixturemanager, - 'baseid': None, - 'argname': arg, - 'func': lambda: value, - 'scope': "function", - 'params': None, + "fixturemanager": request._fixturemanager, + "baseid": None, + "argname": arg, + "func": lambda: value, + "scope": "function", + "params": None, } - if 'yieldctx' in get_args(pytest_fixtures.FixtureDef.__init__): - fd_kwargs['yieldctx'] = False + if "yieldctx" in get_args(pytest_fixtures.FixtureDef.__init__): + fd_kwargs["yieldctx"] = False fd = pytest_fixtures.FixtureDef(**fd_kwargs) fd.cached_result = (value, 0, None) diff --git a/pytest_bdd/ b/pytest_bdd/ index 2c73efb2..1bf56627 100644 --- a/pytest_bdd/ +++ b/pytest_bdd/ @@ -17,10 +17,9 @@ def get_args(func): :return: A list of argument names. :rtype: list """ - if hasattr(inspect, 'signature'): + if hasattr(inspect, "signature"): params = inspect.signature(func).parameters.values() - return [ for param in params - if param.kind == param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD] + return [ for param in params if param.kind == param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD] else: return inspect.getargspec(func).args @@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ def get_parametrize_markers_args(node): This function uses that API if it is available otherwise it uses MarkInfo objects. """ - mark_name = 'parametrize' + mark_name = "parametrize" try: return get_markers_args_using_iter_markers(node, mark_name) except AttributeError: @@ -48,4 +47,4 @@ def get_markers_args_using_iter_markers(node, mark_name): def get_markers_args_using_get_marker(node, mark_name): """Deprecated on pytest>=3.6""" - return getattr(node.get_marker(mark_name), 'args', ()) + return getattr(node.get_marker(mark_name), "args", ()) diff --git a/ b/ index 7766fdd6..82bc7686 100755 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ class ToxTestCommand(TestCommand): """Test command which runs tox under the hood.""" - user_options = [('tox-args=', 'a', "Arguments to pass to tox")] + user_options = [("tox-args=", "a", "Arguments to pass to tox")] def initialize_options(self): """Initialize options and set their defaults.""" TestCommand.initialize_options(self) - self.tox_args = '--recreate' + self.tox_args = "--recreate" def finalize_options(self): """Add options to the test runner (tox).""" @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ def run_tests(self): # import here, cause outside the eggs aren't loaded import tox import shlex + errno = tox.cmdline(args=shlex.split(self.tox_args)) sys.exit(errno) @@ -39,13 +40,15 @@ def run_tests(self): dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) long_description = ( -, "README.rst"), encoding="utf-8").read() + "\n" + -, "AUTHORS.rst"), encoding="utf-8").read() + "\n" + -, "CHANGES.rst"), encoding="utf-8").read() +, "README.rst"), encoding="utf-8").read() + + "\n" + +, "AUTHORS.rst"), encoding="utf-8").read() + + "\n" + +, "CHANGES.rst"), encoding="utf-8").read() ) -with, 'pytest_bdd', ''), encoding='utf-8') as fd: - VERSION = re.compile(r".*__version__ = '(.*?)'", re.S).match( +with, "pytest_bdd", ""), encoding="utf-8") as fd: + VERSION = re.compile(r".*__version__ = ['\"](.*?)['\"]", re.S).match( setup( name="pytest-bdd", @@ -67,26 +70,15 @@ def run_tests(self): "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries", "Topic :: Utilities", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2", - "Programming Language :: Python :: 3" - ] + [("Programming Language :: Python :: %s" % x) for x in "2.7 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7".split()], + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", + ] + + [("Programming Language :: Python :: %s" % x) for x in "2.7 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7".split()], cmdclass={"test": ToxTestCommand}, - install_requires=[ - "glob2", - "Mako", - "parse", - "parse_type", - "py", - "pytest>=3.0.0", - "six>=1.9.0", - ], + install_requires=["glob2", "Mako", "parse", "parse_type", "py", "pytest>=3.0.0", "six>=1.9.0"], # the following makes a plugin available to py.test entry_points={ - "pytest11": [ - "pytest-bdd = pytest_bdd.plugin", - ], - "console_scripts": [ - "pytest-bdd = pytest_bdd.scripts:main", - ] + "pytest11": ["pytest-bdd = pytest_bdd.plugin"], + "console_scripts": ["pytest-bdd = pytest_bdd.scripts:main"], }, tests_require=["tox"], packages=["pytest_bdd"], diff --git a/tests/args/cfparse/ b/tests/args/cfparse/ index 262d81ec..fa4f2aa8 100644 --- a/tests/args/cfparse/ +++ b/tests/args/cfparse/ @@ -1,75 +1,71 @@ """Step arguments tests.""" import functools -from pytest_bdd import ( - given, - parsers, - scenario, - then, - when, -) +from pytest_bdd import given, parsers, scenario, then, when import pytest from pytest_bdd import exceptions -scenario_when = functools.partial(scenario, '../when_arguments.feature') +scenario_when = functools.partial(scenario, "../when_arguments.feature") -scenario_args = functools.partial(scenario, '../args_steps.feature') +scenario_args = functools.partial(scenario, "../args_steps.feature") -@scenario_args('Every step takes a parameter with the same name') +@scenario_args("Every step takes a parameter with the same name") def test_steps(): pass -@scenario_when('Argument in when, step 1') +@scenario_when("Argument in when, step 1") def test_argument_in_when_step_1(): pass -@scenario_when('Argument in when, step 2') +@scenario_when("Argument in when, step 2") def test_argument_in_when_step_2(): pass def test_multiple_given(request): """Using the same given fixture raises an error.""" - @scenario_args('Using the same given fixture raises an error') + + @scenario_args("Using the same given fixture raises an error") def test(): pass + with pytest.raises(exceptions.GivenAlreadyUsed): test(request) -@given(parsers.cfparse('I have {euro:d} Euro')) +@given(parsers.cfparse("I have {euro:d} Euro")) def i_have(euro, values): assert euro == values.pop(0) -@when(parsers.cfparse('I pay {euro:d} Euro')) +@when(parsers.cfparse("I pay {euro:d} Euro")) def i_pay(euro, values, request): assert euro == values.pop(0) -@then(parsers.cfparse('I should have {euro:d} Euro')) +@then(parsers.cfparse("I should have {euro:d} Euro")) def i_should_have(euro, values): assert euro == values.pop(0) -@given(parsers.cfparse('I have an argument {arg:Number}', extra_types=dict(Number=int))) +@given(parsers.cfparse("I have an argument {arg:Number}", extra_types=dict(Number=int))) def argument(arg): """I have an argument.""" return dict(arg=arg) -@when(parsers.cfparse('I get argument {arg:d}')) +@when(parsers.cfparse("I get argument {arg:d}")) def get_argument(argument, arg): """Getting argument.""" - argument['arg'] = arg + argument["arg"] = arg -@then(parsers.cfparse('My argument should be {arg:d}')) +@then(parsers.cfparse("My argument should be {arg:d}")) def assert_that_my_argument_is_arg(argument, arg): """Assert that arg from when equals arg.""" - assert argument['arg'] == arg + assert argument["arg"] == arg diff --git a/tests/args/parse/ b/tests/args/parse/ index a5a6e6ee..68e40e1b 100644 --- a/tests/args/parse/ +++ b/tests/args/parse/ @@ -1,75 +1,71 @@ """Step arguments tests.""" import functools -from pytest_bdd import ( - given, - parsers, - scenario, - then, - when, -) +from pytest_bdd import given, parsers, scenario, then, when import pytest from pytest_bdd import exceptions -scenario_when = functools.partial(scenario, '../when_arguments.feature') +scenario_when = functools.partial(scenario, "../when_arguments.feature") -scenario_args = functools.partial(scenario, '../args_steps.feature') +scenario_args = functools.partial(scenario, "../args_steps.feature") -@scenario_args('Every step takes a parameter with the same name') +@scenario_args("Every step takes a parameter with the same name") def test_steps(): pass -@scenario_when('Argument in when, step 1') +@scenario_when("Argument in when, step 1") def test_argument_in_when_step_1(): pass -@scenario_when('Argument in when, step 2') +@scenario_when("Argument in when, step 2") def test_argument_in_when_step_2(): pass def test_multiple_given(request): """Using the same given fixture raises an error.""" - @scenario_args('Using the same given fixture raises an error') + + @scenario_args("Using the same given fixture raises an error") def test(): pass + with pytest.raises(exceptions.GivenAlreadyUsed): test(request) -@given(parsers.parse('I have {euro:d} Euro')) +@given(parsers.parse("I have {euro:d} Euro")) def i_have(euro, values): assert euro == values.pop(0) -@when(parsers.parse('I pay {euro:d} Euro')) +@when(parsers.parse("I pay {euro:d} Euro")) def i_pay(euro, values, request): assert euro == values.pop(0) -@then(parsers.parse('I should have {euro:d} Euro')) +@then(parsers.parse("I should have {euro:d} Euro")) def i_should_have(euro, values): assert euro == values.pop(0) -@given(parsers.parse('I have an argument {arg:Number}', extra_types=dict(Number=int))) +@given(parsers.parse("I have an argument {arg:Number}", extra_types=dict(Number=int))) def argument(arg): """I have an argument.""" return dict(arg=arg) -@when(parsers.parse('I get argument {arg:d}')) +@when(parsers.parse("I get argument {arg:d}")) def get_argument(argument, arg): """Getting argument.""" - argument['arg'] = arg + argument["arg"] = arg -@then(parsers.parse('My argument should be {arg:d}')) +@then(parsers.parse("My argument should be {arg:d}")) def assert_that_my_argument_is_arg(argument, arg): """Assert that arg from when equals arg.""" - assert argument['arg'] == arg + assert argument["arg"] == arg diff --git a/tests/args/regex/ b/tests/args/regex/ index a5830c16..dc803d07 100644 --- a/tests/args/regex/ +++ b/tests/args/regex/ @@ -2,75 +2,71 @@ import functools import re -from pytest_bdd import ( - given, - parsers, - scenario, - then, - when, -) +from pytest_bdd import given, parsers, scenario, then, when import pytest from pytest_bdd import exceptions -scenario_when = functools.partial(scenario, '../when_arguments.feature') +scenario_when = functools.partial(scenario, "../when_arguments.feature") -scenario_args = functools.partial(scenario, '../args_steps.feature') +scenario_args = functools.partial(scenario, "../args_steps.feature") -@scenario_args('Every step takes a parameter with the same name') +@scenario_args("Every step takes a parameter with the same name") def test_steps(): pass -@scenario_when('Argument in when, step 1') +@scenario_when("Argument in when, step 1") def test_argument_in_when_step_1(): pass -@scenario_when('Argument in when, step 2') +@scenario_when("Argument in when, step 2") def test_argument_in_when_step_2(): pass def test_multiple_given(request): """Using the same given fixture raises an error.""" - @scenario_args('Using the same given fixture raises an error') + + @scenario_args("Using the same given fixture raises an error") def test(): pass + with pytest.raises(exceptions.GivenAlreadyUsed): test(request) -@given('I have (?P\d+) Euro'), converters=dict(euro=int)) +@given("I have (?P\d+) Euro"), converters=dict(euro=int)) def i_have(euro, values): assert euro == values.pop(0) -@when('I pay (?P\d+) Euro'), converters=dict(euro=int)) +@when("I pay (?P\d+) Euro"), converters=dict(euro=int)) def i_pay(euro, values, request): assert euro == values.pop(0) -@then('I should have (?P\d+) Euro'), converters=dict(euro=int)) +@then("I should have (?P\d+) Euro"), converters=dict(euro=int)) def i_should_have(euro, values): assert euro == values.pop(0) -@given('I have an argument (?P\d+)')) +@given("I have an argument (?P\d+)")) def argument(arg): """I have an argument.""" return dict(arg=arg) -@when('I get argument (?P\d+)')) +@when("I get argument (?P\d+)")) def get_argument(argument, arg): """Getting argument.""" - argument['arg'] = arg + argument["arg"] = arg -@then('My argument should be (?P\d+)')) +@then("My argument should be (?P\d+)")) def assert_that_my_argument_is_arg(argument, arg): """Assert that arg from when equals arg.""" - assert argument['arg'] == arg + assert argument["arg"] == arg diff --git a/tests/args/subfolder/args.feature b/tests/args/subfolder/args.feature index e9b10925..7c7df0ad 100644 --- a/tests/args/subfolder/args.feature +++ b/tests/args/subfolder/args.feature @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ Scenario: Executed with steps matching step definitons with arguments And I append 2 to the list And I append 3 to the list Then foo should have value "foo" - And the list should be [1, 2, 3] \ No newline at end of file + And the list should be [1, 2, 3] diff --git a/tests/args/subfolder/ b/tests/args/subfolder/ index 6e4d3549..a119a008 100644 --- a/tests/args/subfolder/ +++ b/tests/args/subfolder/ @@ -1,42 +1,33 @@ """Test step arguments with complex folder structure.""" -from pytest_bdd import ( - given, - parsers, - scenario, - then, - when, -) - - -@scenario( - 'args.feature', - 'Executed with steps matching step definitons with arguments', -) +from pytest_bdd import given, parsers, scenario, then, when + + +@scenario("args.feature", "Executed with steps matching step definitons with arguments") def test_steps(): pass @given('I have a foo fixture with value "foo"') def foo(): - return 'foo' + return "foo" -@given('there is a list') +@given("there is a list") def results(): return [] -@when(parsers.parse('I append {n:d} to the list')) +@when(parsers.parse("I append {n:d} to the list")) def append_to_list(results, n): results.append(n) @then('foo should have value "foo"') def foo_is_foo(foo): - assert foo == 'foo' + assert foo == "foo" -@then('the list should be [1, 2, 3]') +@then("the list should be [1, 2, 3]") def check_results(results): assert results == [1, 2, 3] diff --git a/tests/args/ b/tests/args/ index 094df3e5..fdaccd34 100644 --- a/tests/args/ +++ b/tests/args/ @@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ def test_arg_fixture_mix(testdir): subdir = testdir.mkpydir("arg_fixture_mix") - subdir.join("").write(textwrap.dedent(""" + subdir.join("").write( + textwrap.dedent( + """ import re import pytest from pytest_bdd import scenario, given, then, parsers @@ -45,9 +47,13 @@ def fine(): @then('foo should be fine') def foo_should_be_fine(foo): assert foo == "fine" - """)) + """ + ) + ) - subdir.join("").write(textwrap.dedent(""" + subdir.join("").write( + textwrap.dedent( + """ import re import pytest from pytest_bdd import scenario, given, then @@ -76,9 +82,12 @@ def foo_should_be(foo): def test_bar(foo): assert foo == 'fine' - """)) + """ + ) + ) - subdir.join("arg_and_fixture_mix.feature").write(""" + subdir.join("arg_and_fixture_mix.feature").write( + """ Scenario: Use the step argument with the same name as fixture of another test Given foo is "Hello" Then foo should be "Hello" @@ -87,7 +96,8 @@ def test_bar(foo): Scenario: Everything is fine Given it is all fine Then foo should be fine - """) + """ + ) result = testdir.runpytest("-k arg_fixture_mix") assert result.ret == 0 diff --git a/tests/feature/alias.feature b/tests/feature/alias.feature index 4ef2aade..b067793a 100644 --- a/tests/feature/alias.feature +++ b/tests/feature/alias.feature @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ Scenario: Multiple given alias is not evaluated multiple times Given I have an empty list - + # Alias of the "I have foo (which is 1) in my list" And I have bar (alias of foo) in my list - + When I do crash (which is 2) And I do boom (alias of crash) Then my list should be [1, 2, 2] diff --git a/tests/feature/ b/tests/feature/ index 13b3528b..254252fb 100644 --- a/tests/feature/ +++ b/tests/feature/ @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ from pytest_bdd import given, then -@given('I have a bar') +@given("I have a bar") def bar(): - return 'bar' + return "bar" @then('bar should have value "bar"') def bar_is_bar(bar): - assert bar == 'bar' + assert bar == "bar" diff --git a/tests/feature/not_found.feature b/tests/feature/not_found.feature index 8231ee34..d9ae7302 100644 --- a/tests/feature/not_found.feature +++ b/tests/feature/not_found.feature @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ Scenario: Some scenario Given 1 When 2 - Then 3 \ No newline at end of file + Then 3 diff --git a/tests/feature/reuse.feature b/tests/feature/reuse.feature index 97a2f62f..3dc611ee 100644 --- a/tests/feature/reuse.feature +++ b/tests/feature/reuse.feature @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ Scenario: Given and when using the same fixture should not evaluate it twice Given I have an empty list - + # Alias of the "I have a fixture (appends 1 to a list)" And I have a fixture (appends 1 to a list) in reuse syntax - + When I use this fixture Then my list should be [1] diff --git a/tests/feature/ b/tests/feature/ index ec5df0dd..98c03f41 100644 --- a/tests/feature/ +++ b/tests/feature/ @@ -3,29 +3,29 @@ from pytest_bdd import scenario, given, when, then -@scenario('alias.feature', 'Multiple given alias is not evaluated multiple times') +@scenario("alias.feature", "Multiple given alias is not evaluated multiple times") def test_steps(): pass -@given('I have an empty list') +@given("I have an empty list") def results(): return [] -@given('I have foo (which is 1) in my list') -@given('I have bar (alias of foo) in my list') +@given("I have foo (which is 1) in my list") +@given("I have bar (alias of foo) in my list") def foo(results): results.append(1) -@when('I do crash (which is 2)') -@when('I do boom (alias of crash)') +@when("I do crash (which is 2)") +@when("I do boom (alias of crash)") def crash(results): results.append(2) -@then('my list should be [1, 2, 2]') +@then("my list should be [1, 2, 2]") def check_results(results): """Fixtures are not evaluated multiple times, so the list will be [1, 2, 2]""" assert results == [1, 2, 2] diff --git a/tests/feature/ b/tests/feature/ index af84a8a9..50eac990 100644 --- a/tests/feature/ +++ b/tests/feature/ @@ -3,20 +3,13 @@ import pytest -from pytest_bdd import ( - given, - parsers, - scenario, - then, -) +from pytest_bdd import given, parsers, scenario, then def test_background_basic(request): """Test feature background.""" - @scenario( - "background.feature", - "Basic usage", - ) + + @scenario("background.feature", "Basic usage") def test(): pass @@ -25,10 +18,8 @@ def test(): def test_background_check_order(request): """Test feature background to ensure that backound steps are executed first.""" - @scenario( - "background.feature", - "Background steps are executed first", - ) + + @scenario("background.feature", "Background steps are executed first") def test(): pass @@ -40,7 +31,7 @@ def foo(): return {} -@given('a background step with multiple lines:\n(?P.+)', flags=re.DOTALL)) +@given("a background step with multiple lines:\n(?P.+)", flags=re.DOTALL)) def multi_line(foo, data): assert data == "one\ntwo" @@ -70,7 +61,7 @@ def foo_has_bar(foo): @then('foo should have value "dummy"') def foo_has_dummy(foo): - assert foo['dummy'] == "dummy" + assert foo["dummy"] == "dummy" @then('foo should not have value "bar"') diff --git a/tests/feature/ b/tests/feature/ index 939816af..de41e50b 100644 --- a/tests/feature/ +++ b/tests/feature/ @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ def runandparse(testdir, *args): """Run tests in testdir and parse json output.""" resultpath = testdir.tmpdir.join("cucumber.json") - result = testdir.runpytest('--cucumberjson={0}'.format(resultpath), '-s', *args) + result = testdir.runpytest("--cucumberjson={0}".format(resultpath), "-s", *args) jsonobject = json.load( return result, jsonobject @@ -26,20 +26,28 @@ def __cmp__(self, other): return 0 if (isinstance(other, self.type) if self.type else False) else -1 -string = type(u'') +string = type(u"") def test_step_trace(testdir): """Test step trace.""" - testdir.makefile(".ini", pytest=textwrap.dedent(""" + testdir.makefile( + ".ini", + pytest=textwrap.dedent( + """ [pytest] markers = scenario-passing-tag scenario-failing-tag scenario-outline-passing-tag feature-tag - """)) - testdir.makefile('.feature', test=textwrap.dedent(""" + """ + ), + ) + testdir.makefile( + ".feature", + test=textwrap.dedent( + """ @feature-tag Feature: One passing scenario, one failing scenario @@ -62,8 +70,12 @@ def test_step_trace(testdir): | str | hello | | int | 42 | | float | 1.0 | - """)) - testdir.makepyfile(textwrap.dedent(""" + """ + ), + ) + testdir.makepyfile( + textwrap.dedent( + """ import pytest from pytest_bdd import given, when, scenario @@ -94,7 +106,9 @@ def test_failing(): @scenario('test.feature', 'Passing outline') def test_passing_outline(): pass - """)) + """ + ) + ) result, jsonobject = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret expected = [ @@ -111,36 +125,20 @@ def test_passing_outline(): { "keyword": "Given", "line": 6, - "match": { - "location": "" - }, + "match": {"location": ""}, "name": "a passing step", - "result": { - "status": "passed", - "duration": equals_any(int) - } + "result": {"status": "passed", "duration": equals_any(int)}, }, { "keyword": "And", "line": 7, - "match": { - "location": "" - }, + "match": {"location": ""}, "name": "some other passing step", - "result": { - "status": "passed", - "duration": equals_any(int) - } - } - - ], - "tags": [ - { - 'name': 'scenario-passing-tag', - 'line': 4, - } + "result": {"status": "passed", "duration": equals_any(int)}, + }, ], - "type": "scenario" + "tags": [{"name": "scenario-passing-tag", "line": 4}], + "type": "scenario", }, { "description": "", @@ -152,127 +150,86 @@ def test_passing_outline(): { "keyword": "Given", "line": 11, - "match": { - "location": "" - }, + "match": {"location": ""}, "name": "a passing step", - "result": { - "status": "passed", - "duration": equals_any(int) - } + "result": {"status": "passed", "duration": equals_any(int)}, }, { "keyword": "And", "line": 12, - "match": { - "location": "" - }, + "match": {"location": ""}, "name": "a failing step", "result": { "error_message": equals_any(string), "status": "failed", - "duration": equals_any(int) - } - } - ], - "tags": [ - { - 'name': 'scenario-failing-tag', - 'line': 9, - } + "duration": equals_any(int), + }, + }, ], - "type": "scenario" + "tags": [{"name": "scenario-failing-tag", "line": 9}], + "type": "scenario", }, { "description": "", "keyword": "Scenario", - "tags": [ - { - "line": 14, - "name": "scenario-outline-passing-tag" - } - ], + "tags": [{"line": 14, "name": "scenario-outline-passing-tag"}], "steps": [ { "line": 16, "match": {"location": ""}, - "result": { - "status": "passed", - "duration": equals_any(int) - }, + "result": {"status": "passed", "duration": equals_any(int)}, "keyword": "Given", - "name": "type and value " + "name": "type and value ", } ], "line": 15, "type": "scenario", "id": "test_passing_outline[str-hello]", - "name": "Passing outline" + "name": "Passing outline", }, { "description": "", "keyword": "Scenario", - "tags": [ - { - "line": 14, - "name": "scenario-outline-passing-tag" - } - ], + "tags": [{"line": 14, "name": "scenario-outline-passing-tag"}], "steps": [ { "line": 16, "match": {"location": ""}, - "result": { - "status": "passed", - "duration": equals_any(int) - }, + "result": {"status": "passed", "duration": equals_any(int)}, "keyword": "Given", - "name": "type and value " + "name": "type and value ", } ], "line": 15, "type": "scenario", "id": "test_passing_outline[int-42]", - "name": "Passing outline" + "name": "Passing outline", }, { "description": "", "keyword": "Scenario", - "tags": [ - { - "line": 14, - "name": "scenario-outline-passing-tag" - } - ], + "tags": [{"line": 14, "name": "scenario-outline-passing-tag"}], "steps": [ { "line": 16, "match": {"location": ""}, - "result": { - "status": "passed", - "duration": equals_any(int) - }, + "result": {"status": "passed", "duration": equals_any(int)}, "keyword": "Given", - "name": "type and value " + "name": "type and value ", } ], "line": 15, "type": "scenario", "id": "test_passing_outline[float-1.0]", - "name": "Passing outline" - } + "name": "Passing outline", + }, ], "id": os.path.join("test_step_trace0", "test.feature"), "keyword": "Feature", "line": 2, "name": "One passing scenario, one failing scenario", - "tags": [ - { - 'name': 'feature-tag', - 'line': 1, - } - ], - "uri": os.path.join(testdir.tmpdir.basename, 'test.feature'), + "tags": [{"name": "feature-tag", "line": 1}], + "uri": os.path.join(testdir.tmpdir.basename, "test.feature"), } ] @@ -281,13 +238,21 @@ def test_passing_outline(): def test_step_trace_with_expand_option(testdir): """Test step trace.""" - testdir.makefile(".ini", pytest=textwrap.dedent(""" + testdir.makefile( + ".ini", + pytest=textwrap.dedent( + """ [pytest] markers = feature-tag scenario-outline-passing-tag - """)) - testdir.makefile('.feature', test=textwrap.dedent(""" + """ + ), + ) + testdir.makefile( + ".feature", + test=textwrap.dedent( + """ @feature-tag Feature: One scenario outline, expanded to multiple scenarios @@ -300,8 +265,12 @@ def test_step_trace_with_expand_option(testdir): | str | hello | | int | 42 | | float | 1.0 | - """)) - testdir.makepyfile(textwrap.dedent(""" + """ + ), + ) + testdir.makepyfile( + textwrap.dedent( + """ import pytest from pytest_bdd import given, scenario @@ -312,8 +281,10 @@ def type_type_and_value_value(): @scenario('test.feature', 'Passing outline') def test_passing_outline(): pass - """)) - result, jsonobject = runandparse(testdir, '--cucumber-json-expanded') + """ + ) + ) + result, jsonobject = runandparse(testdir, "--cucumber-json-expanded") assert result.ret == 0 assert jsonobject[0]["elements"][0]["steps"][0]["name"] == "type str and value hello" diff --git a/tests/feature/ b/tests/feature/ index a1577e61..7b5774ce 100644 --- a/tests/feature/ +++ b/tests/feature/ @@ -4,18 +4,19 @@ def test_description(request): """Test description for the feature.""" - @scenario( - 'description.feature', - 'Description' - ) + + @scenario("description.feature", "Description") def test(): pass - assert test.__scenario__.feature.description == """In order to achieve something + assert ( + test.__scenario__.feature.description + == """In order to achieve something I want something Because it will be cool Some description goes here.""" + ) test(request) diff --git a/tests/feature/ b/tests/feature/ index 5f25a2db..58260835 100644 --- a/tests/feature/ +++ b/tests/feature/ @@ -1,66 +1,66 @@ """Test feature base dir.""" import pytest -NOT_EXISTING_FEATURE_PATHS = [ - '.', - '/does/not/exist/', -] +NOT_EXISTING_FEATURE_PATHS = [".", "/does/not/exist/"] -@pytest.mark.parametrize( - 'base_dir', NOT_EXISTING_FEATURE_PATHS -) +@pytest.mark.parametrize("base_dir", NOT_EXISTING_FEATURE_PATHS) def test_feature_path_not_found(testdir, base_dir): """Test feature base dir.""" prepare_testdir(testdir, base_dir) - result = testdir.runpytest('-k', 'test_not_found_by_ini') + result = testdir.runpytest("-k", "test_not_found_by_ini") result.assert_outcomes(passed=2) def test_feature_path_ok(testdir): - base_dir = 'features' + base_dir = "features" prepare_testdir(testdir, base_dir) - result = testdir.runpytest('-k', 'test_ok_by_ini') + result = testdir.runpytest("-k", "test_ok_by_ini") result.assert_outcomes(passed=2) def test_feature_path_by_param_not_found(testdir): """As param takes precendence even if ini config is correct it should fail if passed param is incorrect""" - base_dir = 'features' + base_dir = "features" prepare_testdir(testdir, base_dir) - result = testdir.runpytest('-k', 'test_not_found_by_param') + result = testdir.runpytest("-k", "test_not_found_by_param") result.assert_outcomes(passed=4) -@pytest.mark.parametrize( - 'base_dir', NOT_EXISTING_FEATURE_PATHS -) +@pytest.mark.parametrize("base_dir", NOT_EXISTING_FEATURE_PATHS) def test_feature_path_by_param_ok(testdir, base_dir): """If ini config is incorrect but param path is fine it should be able to find features""" prepare_testdir(testdir, base_dir) - result = testdir.runpytest('-k', 'test_ok_by_param') + result = testdir.runpytest("-k", "test_ok_by_param") result.assert_outcomes(passed=2) def prepare_testdir(testdir, ini_base_dir): - testdir.makeini(""" + testdir.makeini( + """ [pytest] bdd_features_base_dir={} - """.format(ini_base_dir)) + """.format( + ini_base_dir + ) + ) - feature_file = testdir.mkdir('features').join('steps.feature') - feature_file.write(""" + feature_file = testdir.mkdir("features").join("steps.feature") + feature_file.write( + """ Scenario: When scenario found Given found - """) + """ + ) - testdir.makepyfile(""" + testdir.makepyfile( + """ import os.path import pytest @@ -128,4 +128,7 @@ def test_ok_by_param(scenario_name, multiple): else: scenario(FEATURE, scenario_name, features_base_dir='features') - """.format(ini_base_dir)) + """.format( + ini_base_dir + ) + ) diff --git a/tests/feature/ b/tests/feature/ index 415c2cc7..6ddef45b 100644 --- a/tests/feature/ +++ b/tests/feature/ @@ -7,64 +7,62 @@ from tests.utils import get_test_filepath, prepare_feature_and_py_files -@scenario('gherkin_terminal_reporter.feature', - 'Should default output be the same as regular terminal reporter') +@scenario("gherkin_terminal_reporter.feature", "Should default output be the same as regular terminal reporter") def test_Should_default_output_be_the_same_as_regular_terminal_reporter(): pass -@scenario('gherkin_terminal_reporter.feature', - 'Should verbose mode enable displaying feature and scenario names rather than test names in a single line') +@scenario( + "gherkin_terminal_reporter.feature", + "Should verbose mode enable displaying feature and scenario names rather than test names in a single line", +) def test_Should_verbose_mode_enable_displaying_feature_and_scenario_names_rather_than_test_names_in_a_single_line(): pass -@scenario('gherkin_terminal_reporter.feature', - 'Should verbose mode preserve displaying of regular tests as usual') +@scenario("gherkin_terminal_reporter.feature", "Should verbose mode preserve displaying of regular tests as usual") def test_Should_verbose_mode_preserve_displaying_of_regular_tests_as_usual(): pass -@scenario('gherkin_terminal_reporter.feature', - 'Should double verbose mode enable displaying of full gherkin scenario description') +@scenario( + "gherkin_terminal_reporter.feature", + "Should double verbose mode enable displaying of full gherkin scenario description", +) def test_Should_double_verbose_mode_enable_displaying_of_full_gherkin_scenario_description(): pass -@scenario('gherkin_terminal_reporter.feature', - 'Should error message be displayed when no scenario is found') +@scenario("gherkin_terminal_reporter.feature", "Should error message be displayed when no scenario is found") def test_Should_error_message_be_displayed_when_no_scenario_is_found(verbosity_mode): pass -@scenario('gherkin_terminal_reporter.feature', - 'Should error message be displayed when no step is found') +@scenario("gherkin_terminal_reporter.feature", "Should error message be displayed when no step is found") def test_Should_error_message_be_displayed_when_no_step_is_found(verbosity_mode): pass -@scenario('gherkin_terminal_reporter.feature', - 'Should error message be displayed when error occurs during test execution') +@scenario( + "gherkin_terminal_reporter.feature", "Should error message be displayed when error occurs during test execution" +) def test_Should_error_message_be_displayed_when_error_occurs_during_test_execution(verbosity_mode): pass -@scenario('gherkin_terminal_reporter.feature', - 'Should local variables be displayed when --showlocals option is used') +@scenario("gherkin_terminal_reporter.feature", "Should local variables be displayed when --showlocals option is used") def test_Should_local_variables_be_displayed_when___showlocals_option_is_used(): pass -@scenario('gherkin_terminal_reporter.feature', - 'Should step parameters be replaced by their values') +@scenario("gherkin_terminal_reporter.feature", "Should step parameters be replaced by their values") def test_Should_step_parameters_be_replaced_by_their_values(): pass -@pytest.fixture(params=[0, 1, 2], - ids=['compact mode', 'line per test', 'verbose']) +@pytest.fixture(params=[0, 1, 2], ids=["compact mode", "line per test", "verbose"]) def verbosity_mode(request): - return request.param, '-' + 'v' * request.param if request.param else '' + return request.param, "-" + "v" * request.param if request.param else "" @pytest.fixture @@ -74,22 +72,28 @@ def test_execution(): @given("there is non-gherkin scenario implemented") def non_gherkin_test(testdir): - testdir.makepyfile(test_regular=""" + testdir.makepyfile( + test_regular=""" def test_1(): pass - """) + """ + ) @given("there is gherkin scenario implemented") def gherkin_scenario(testdir): - testdir.makefile('.feature', test=""" + testdir.makefile( + ".feature", + test=""" Feature: Gherkin terminal output feature Scenario: Scenario example 1 Given there is a bar When the bar is accessed Then world explodes - """) - testdir.makepyfile(test_gherkin=""" + """, + ) + testdir.makepyfile( + test_gherkin=""" import pytest from pytest_bdd import given, when, scenario, then @@ -108,17 +112,16 @@ def world_explodes(): @scenario('test.feature', 'Scenario example 1') def test_scenario_1(): pass - """) + """ + ) @given("there is gherkin scenario outline implemented") def gherkin_scenario_outline(testdir): - example = { - 'start': 12, - 'eat': 5, - 'left': 7, - } - testdir.makefile('.feature', test=""" + example = {"start": 12, "eat": 5, "left": 7} + testdir.makefile( + ".feature", + test=""" Feature: Gherkin terminal output feature Scenario Outline: Scenario example 2 Given there are cucumbers @@ -128,8 +131,12 @@ def gherkin_scenario_outline(testdir): Examples: | start | eat | left | |{start}|{eat}|{left}| - """.format(**example)) - testdir.makepyfile(test_gherkin=""" + """.format( + **example + ), + ) + testdir.makepyfile( + test_gherkin=""" import pytest from pytest_bdd import given, when, scenario, then @@ -148,128 +155,134 @@ def should_have_left_cucumbers(start_cucumbers, start, eat, left): @scenario('test.feature', 'Scenario example 2') def test_scenario_2(): pass - """) + """ + ) return example @when("I run tests") def run_tests(testdir, test_execution): - test_execution['regular'] = testdir.runpytest() - test_execution['gherkin'] = testdir.runpytest('--gherkin-terminal-reporter') + test_execution["regular"] = testdir.runpytest() + test_execution["gherkin"] = testdir.runpytest("--gherkin-terminal-reporter") @then("output must be formatted the same way as regular one") def output_must_be_the_same_as_regular_reporter(test_execution): - reg = test_execution['regular'] - ghe = test_execution['gherkin'] + reg = test_execution["regular"] + ghe = test_execution["gherkin"] assert reg.ret == 0 assert ghe.ret == 0 # last line can be different because of test execution time is printed reg_lines = reg.stdout.lines if reg.stdout.lines[-1] else reg.stdout.lines[:-2] - reg_lines[-1] = re.sub(r' \d+\.\d+ ', ' X ', reg_lines[-1]) + reg_lines[-1] = re.sub(r" \d+\.\d+ ", " X ", reg_lines[-1]) ghe_lines = ghe.stdout.lines if ghe.stdout.lines[-1] else ghe.stdout.lines[:-2] - ghe_lines[-1] = re.sub(r' \d+\.\d+ ', ' X ', ghe_lines[-1]) + ghe_lines[-1] = re.sub(r" \d+\.\d+ ", " X ", ghe_lines[-1]) for l1, l2 in zip(reg_lines, ghe_lines): assert l1 == l2 @when("I run tests with verbose mode") def run_tests_with_verbose_mode(testdir, test_execution): - test_execution['regular'] = testdir.runpytest('-v') - test_execution['gherkin'] = testdir.runpytest('--gherkin-terminal-reporter', '-v') + test_execution["regular"] = testdir.runpytest("-v") + test_execution["gherkin"] = testdir.runpytest("--gherkin-terminal-reporter", "-v") @when("I run tests with very verbose mode") def run_tests_with_very_verbose_mode(testdir, test_execution): - test_execution['regular'] = testdir.runpytest('-vv') - test_execution['gherkin'] = testdir.runpytest('--gherkin-terminal-reporter', '-vv') + test_execution["regular"] = testdir.runpytest("-vv") + test_execution["gherkin"] = testdir.runpytest("--gherkin-terminal-reporter", "-vv") @when("I run tests with step expanded mode") def run_tests_with_step_expanded_mode(testdir, test_execution): - test_execution['regular'] = testdir.runpytest('-vv') - test_execution['gherkin'] = testdir.runpytest( - '--gherkin-terminal-reporter', - '--gherkin-terminal-reporter-expanded', - '-vv', + test_execution["regular"] = testdir.runpytest("-vv") + test_execution["gherkin"] = testdir.runpytest( + "--gherkin-terminal-reporter", "--gherkin-terminal-reporter-expanded", "-vv" ) @then("output should contain single line feature description") def output_should_contain_single_line_feature_description(test_execution): - ghe = test_execution['gherkin'] + ghe = test_execution["gherkin"] assert ghe.ret == 0 - ghe.stdout.fnmatch_lines('Feature: Gherkin terminal output feature') + ghe.stdout.fnmatch_lines("Feature: Gherkin terminal output feature") @then("output should contain single line scenario description") def output_should_contain_single_line_scenario_description(test_execution): - ghe = test_execution['gherkin'] + ghe = test_execution["gherkin"] assert ghe.ret == 0 - ghe.stdout.fnmatch_lines('*Scenario: Scenario example 1 PASSED') + ghe.stdout.fnmatch_lines("*Scenario: Scenario example 1 PASSED") @then("output must contain full gherkin scenario description") def output_should_contain_full_gherkin_scenario_description(test_execution): - ghe = test_execution['gherkin'] + ghe = test_execution["gherkin"] assert ghe.ret == 0 - ghe.stdout.fnmatch_lines('*Scenario: Scenario example 1') - ghe.stdout.fnmatch_lines('*Given there is a bar') - ghe.stdout.fnmatch_lines('*When the bar is accessed') - ghe.stdout.fnmatch_lines('*Then world explodes') - ghe.stdout.fnmatch_lines('*PASSED') + ghe.stdout.fnmatch_lines("*Scenario: Scenario example 1") + ghe.stdout.fnmatch_lines("*Given there is a bar") + ghe.stdout.fnmatch_lines("*When the bar is accessed") + ghe.stdout.fnmatch_lines("*Then world explodes") + ghe.stdout.fnmatch_lines("*PASSED") -@given('there is gherkin scenario without implementation') +@given("there is gherkin scenario without implementation") def gherkin_scenario_without_implementation(testdir): - testdir.makefile('.feature', test=""" + testdir.makefile( + ".feature", + test=""" Feature: Gherkin terminal output feature Scenario: Scenario example 1 Given there is a bar When the bar is accessed Then world explodes - """) - testdir.makepyfile(test_gherkin=""" + """, + ) + testdir.makepyfile( + test_gherkin=""" import pytest from pytest_bdd import scenarios scenarios('.') - """) + """ + ) -@when('I run tests with any verbosity mode') -def run_tests_with_any_verbosity_mode( - test_execution, verbosity_mode, testdir, - gherkin_scenario_without_implementation): +@when("I run tests with any verbosity mode") +def run_tests_with_any_verbosity_mode(test_execution, verbosity_mode, testdir, gherkin_scenario_without_implementation): # test_execution['gherkin'] = testdir.runpytest( # '--gherkin-terminal-reporter', '-vv') if verbosity_mode[1]: - test_execution['gherkin'] = testdir.runpytest( - '--gherkin-terminal-reporter', verbosity_mode[1]) + test_execution["gherkin"] = testdir.runpytest("--gherkin-terminal-reporter", verbosity_mode[1]) else: - test_execution['gherkin'] = testdir.runpytest( - '--gherkin-terminal-reporter') + test_execution["gherkin"] = testdir.runpytest("--gherkin-terminal-reporter") -@then('output contains error about missing scenario implementation') +@then("output contains error about missing scenario implementation") def output_contains_error_about_missing_scenario_implementation(test_execution): - ghe = test_execution['gherkin'] + ghe = test_execution["gherkin"] assert ghe.ret - ghe.stdout.fnmatch_lines('''*StepDefinitionNotFoundError: Step definition is not found: Given "there is a bar". ''' - '''Line 3 in scenario "Scenario example 1"*''') + ghe.stdout.fnmatch_lines( + """*StepDefinitionNotFoundError: Step definition is not found: Given "there is a bar". """ + """Line 3 in scenario "Scenario example 1"*""" + ) -@given('there is gherkin scenario partially implemented') +@given("there is gherkin scenario partially implemented") def partially_implemented_gherkin_scenario(testdir): - testdir.makefile('.feature', test=""" + testdir.makefile( + ".feature", + test=""" Feature: Gherkin terminal output feature Scenario: Scenario example 1 Given there is a bar When the bar is accessed Then world explodes - """) - testdir.makepyfile(test_gherkin=""" + """, + ) + testdir.makepyfile( + test_gherkin=""" import pytest from pytest_bdd import given, when, scenario, then @@ -284,27 +297,34 @@ def the_bar_is_accessed(): @scenario('test.feature', 'Scenario example 1') def test_scenario_1(): pass - """) + """ + ) -@then('output contains error about missing step implementation') +@then("output contains error about missing step implementation") def output_contains_error_about_missing_step_implementation(test_execution): - ghe = test_execution['gherkin'] + ghe = test_execution["gherkin"] assert ghe.ret - ghe.stdout.fnmatch_lines('''*StepDefinitionNotFoundError: Step definition is not found: Given "there is a bar". ''' - '''Line 3 in scenario "Scenario example 1"*''') + ghe.stdout.fnmatch_lines( + """*StepDefinitionNotFoundError: Step definition is not found: Given "there is a bar". """ + """Line 3 in scenario "Scenario example 1"*""" + ) -@given('there is gherkin scenario with broken implementation') +@given("there is gherkin scenario with broken implementation") def there_is_gherkin_scenario_with_broken_implementation(testdir): - testdir.makefile('.feature', test=""" + testdir.makefile( + ".feature", + test=""" Feature: Gherkin terminal output feature Scenario: Scenario example 1 Given there is a bar When the bar is accessed Then world explodes - """) - testdir.makepyfile(test_gherkin=""" + """, + ) + testdir.makepyfile( + test_gherkin=""" import pytest from pytest_bdd import given, when, scenario, then @@ -320,47 +340,44 @@ def the_bar_is_accessed(request): @scenario('test.feature', 'Scenario example 1') def test_scenario_1(): pass - """) + """ + ) -@when('I run tests with --showlocals') +@when("I run tests with --showlocals") def run_tests_with___showlocals(test_execution, testdir): - test_execution['gherkin'] = testdir.runpytest('--gherkin-terminal-reporter', '--showlocals') + test_execution["gherkin"] = testdir.runpytest("--gherkin-terminal-reporter", "--showlocals") -@then('error traceback contains local variable descriptions') +@then("error traceback contains local variable descriptions") def error_traceback_contains_local_variable_descriptions(test_execution): - ghe = test_execution['gherkin'] + ghe = test_execution["gherkin"] assert ghe.ret - ghe.stdout.fnmatch_lines('''request*=* cucumbers') +@given("there are cucumbers") def start_cucumbers(start): assert isinstance(start, int) return dict(start=start) -@when('I eat cucumbers') +@when("I eat cucumbers") def eat_cucumbers(start_cucumbers, eat): assert isinstance(eat, float) - start_cucumbers['eat'] = eat + start_cucumbers["eat"] = eat -@then('I should have cucumbers') +@then("I should have cucumbers") def should_have_left_cucumbers(start_cucumbers, start, eat, left): assert isinstance(left, str) assert start - eat == int(left) - assert start_cucumbers['start'] == start - assert start_cucumbers['eat'] == eat + assert start_cucumbers["start"] == start + assert start_cucumbers["eat"] == eat def test_wrongly_outlined(request): """Test parametrized scenario when the test function lacks parameters.""" with pytest.raises(exceptions.ScenarioExamplesNotValidError) as exc: - @scenario( - 'outline.feature', - 'Outlined with wrong examples', - ) + + @scenario("outline.feature", "Outlined with wrong examples") def wrongly_outlined(): pass @@ -53,15 +46,17 @@ def wrongly_outlined(): r"""Scenario \"Outlined with wrong examples\" in the feature \"(.+)\" has not valid examples\. """ r"""Set of step parameters (.+) should match set of example values """ r"""(.+)\.""", - exc.value.args[0] + exc.value.args[0], ) def test_wrong_vertical_examples_scenario(testdir): """Test parametrized scenario vertical example table has wrong format.""" - features = testdir.mkdir('features') - feature = features.join('test.feature') - feature.write_text(textwrap.dedent(u""" + features = testdir.mkdir("features") + feature = features.join("test.feature") + feature.write_text( + textwrap.dedent( + u""" Scenario Outline: Outlined with wrong vertical example table Given there are cucumbers When I eat cucumbers @@ -71,25 +66,30 @@ def test_wrong_vertical_examples_scenario(testdir): | start | 12 | 2 | | start | 10 | 1 | | left | 7 | 1 | - """), 'utf-8', ensure=True) + """ + ), + "utf-8", + ensure=True, + ) with pytest.raises(exceptions.FeatureError) as exc: - @scenario( - feature.strpath, - 'Outlined with wrong vertical example table', - ) + + @scenario(feature.strpath, "Outlined with wrong vertical example table") def wrongly_outlined(): pass assert exc.value.args[0] == ( - 'Scenario has not valid examples. Example rows should contain unique parameters.' - ' "start" appeared more than once') + "Scenario has not valid examples. Example rows should contain unique parameters." + ' "start" appeared more than once' + ) def test_wrong_vertical_examples_feature(testdir): """Test parametrized feature vertical example table has wrong format.""" - features = testdir.mkdir('features') - feature = features.join('test.feature') - feature.write_text(textwrap.dedent(u""" + features = testdir.mkdir("features") + feature = features.join("test.feature") + feature.write_text( + textwrap.dedent( + u""" Feature: Outlines Examples: Vertical @@ -101,18 +101,21 @@ def test_wrong_vertical_examples_feature(testdir): Given there are cucumbers When I eat cucumbers Then I should have cucumbers - """), 'utf-8', ensure=True) + """ + ), + "utf-8", + ensure=True, + ) with pytest.raises(exceptions.FeatureError) as exc: - @scenario( - feature.strpath, - 'Outlined with wrong vertical example table', - ) + + @scenario(feature.strpath, "Outlined with wrong vertical example table") def wrongly_outlined(): pass assert exc.value.args[0] == ( - 'Feature has not valid examples. Example rows should contain unique parameters.' - ' "start" appeared more than once') + "Feature has not valid examples. Example rows should contain unique parameters." + ' "start" appeared more than once' + ) @pytest.fixture(params=[1, 2, 3]) @@ -120,55 +123,46 @@ def other_fixture(request): return request.param -@scenario( - 'outline.feature', - 'Outlined given, when, thens', - example_converters=dict(start=int, eat=float, left=str) -) +@scenario("outline.feature", "Outlined given, when, thens", example_converters=dict(start=int, eat=float, left=str)) def test_outlined_with_other_fixtures(other_fixture): """Test outlined scenario also using other parametrized fixture.""" @scenario( - 'outline.feature', - 'Outlined with vertical example table', - example_converters=dict(start=int, eat=float, left=str) + "outline.feature", "Outlined with vertical example table", example_converters=dict(start=int, eat=float, left=str) ) def test_vertical_example(request): """Test outlined scenario with vertical examples table.""" - assert get_parametrize_markers_args(request.node) == ( - [u'start', u'eat', u'left'], [[12, 5.0, '7'], [2, 1.0, '1']]) + assert get_parametrize_markers_args(request.node) == ([u"start", u"eat", u"left"], [[12, 5.0, "7"], [2, 1.0, "1"]]) -@given('there are ') +@given("there are ") def start_fruits(start, fruits): assert isinstance(start, int) return {fruits: dict(start=start)} -@when('I eat ') +@when("I eat ") def eat_fruits(start_fruits, eat, fruits): assert isinstance(eat, float) - start_fruits[fruits]['eat'] = eat + start_fruits[fruits]["eat"] = eat -@then('I should have ') +@then("I should have ") def should_have_left_fruits(start_fruits, start, eat, left, fruits): assert isinstance(left, str) assert start - eat == int(left) - assert start_fruits[fruits]['start'] == start - assert start_fruits[fruits]['eat'] == eat + assert start_fruits[fruits]["start"] == start + assert start_fruits[fruits]["eat"] == eat @scenario( - 'outline_feature.feature', - 'Outlined given, when, thens', - example_converters=dict(start=int, eat=float, left=str) + "outline_feature.feature", "Outlined given, when, thens", example_converters=dict(start=int, eat=float, left=str) ) def test_outlined_feature(request): assert get_parametrize_markers_args(request.node) == ( - ['start', 'eat', 'left'], - [[12, 5.0, '7'], [5, 4.0, '1']], - ['fruits'], - [[u'oranges'], [u'apples']] + ["start", "eat", "left"], + [[12, 5.0, "7"], [5, 4.0, "1"]], + ["fruits"], + [[u"oranges"], [u"apples"]], ) diff --git a/tests/feature/ b/tests/feature/ index 9d8508fa..323b0f2f 100644 --- a/tests/feature/ +++ b/tests/feature/ @@ -3,34 +3,26 @@ from pytest_bdd.utils import get_parametrize_markers_args -@given('there are cucumbers') +@given("there are cucumbers") def start_cucumbers(start): pass -@when('I eat cucumbers') +@when("I eat cucumbers") def eat_cucumbers(eat): pass -@then('I should have cucumbers') +@then("I should have cucumbers") def should_have_left_cucumbers(left): pass -@scenario( - 'outline.feature', - 'Outlined with empty example values', -) +@scenario("outline.feature", "Outlined with empty example values") def test_scenario_with_empty_example_values(request): - assert get_parametrize_markers_args(request.node) == ( - [u'start', u'eat', u'left'], [['#', '', '']]) + assert get_parametrize_markers_args(request.node) == ([u"start", u"eat", u"left"], [["#", "", ""]]) -@scenario( - 'outline.feature', - 'Outlined with empty example values vertical', -) +@scenario("outline.feature", "Outlined with empty example values vertical") def test_scenario_with_empty_example_values_vertical(request): - assert get_parametrize_markers_args(request.node) == ( - [u'start', u'eat', u'left'], [['#', '', '']]) + assert get_parametrize_markers_args(request.node) == ([u"start", u"eat", u"left"], [["#", "", ""]]) diff --git a/tests/feature/ b/tests/feature/ index 7dfd76da..2ebf568f 100644 --- a/tests/feature/ +++ b/tests/feature/ @@ -3,45 +3,35 @@ from pytest_bdd import given, when, then, scenario -@pytest.mark.parametrize( - ['start', 'eat', 'left'], - [(12, 5, 7)]) -@scenario( - 'parametrized.feature', - 'Parametrized given, when, thens', -) +@pytest.mark.parametrize(["start", "eat", "left"], [(12, 5, 7)]) +@scenario("parametrized.feature", "Parametrized given, when, thens") def test_parametrized(request, start, eat, left): """Test parametrized scenario.""" @pytest.fixture(params=[1, 2]) def foo_bar(request): - return 'bar' * request.param + return "bar" * request.param -@pytest.mark.parametrize( - ['start', 'eat', 'left'], - [(12, 5, 7)]) -@scenario( - 'parametrized.feature', - 'Parametrized given, when, thens', -) +@pytest.mark.parametrize(["start", "eat", "left"], [(12, 5, 7)]) +@scenario("parametrized.feature", "Parametrized given, when, thens") def test_parametrized_with_other_fixtures(request, start, eat, left, foo_bar): """Test parametrized scenario, but also with other parametrized fixtures.""" -@given('there are cucumbers') +@given("there are cucumbers") def start_cucumbers(start): return dict(start=start) -@when('I eat cucumbers') +@when("I eat cucumbers") def eat_cucumbers(start_cucumbers, start, eat): - start_cucumbers['eat'] = eat + start_cucumbers["eat"] = eat -@then('I should have cucumbers') +@then("I should have cucumbers") def should_have_left_cucumbers(start_cucumbers, start, eat, left): assert start - eat == left - assert start_cucumbers['start'] == start - assert start_cucumbers['eat'] == eat + assert start_cucumbers["start"] == start + assert start_cucumbers["eat"] == eat diff --git a/tests/feature/ b/tests/feature/ index c78ce928..b1f7a7aa 100644 --- a/tests/feature/ +++ b/tests/feature/ @@ -18,19 +18,27 @@ def __cmp__(self, other): return 0 if (isinstance(other, self.type) if self.type else False) else -1 -string = type(u'') +string = type(u"") def test_step_trace(testdir): """Test step trace.""" - testdir.makefile(".ini", pytest=textwrap.dedent(""" + testdir.makefile( + ".ini", + pytest=textwrap.dedent( + """ [pytest] markers = feature-tag scenario-passing-tag scenario-failing-tag - """)) - feature = testdir.makefile('.feature', test=textwrap.dedent(""" + """ + ), + ) + feature = testdir.makefile( + ".feature", + test=textwrap.dedent( + """ @feature-tag Feature: One passing scenario, one failing scenario @@ -53,9 +61,13 @@ def test_step_trace(testdir): | start | eat | left | | 12 | 5 | 7 | | 5 | 4 | 1 | - """)) + """ + ), + ) relpath = feature.relto(testdir.tmpdir.dirname) - testdir.makepyfile(textwrap.dedent(""" + testdir.makepyfile( + textwrap.dedent( + """ import pytest from pytest_bdd import given, when, then, scenarios @@ -91,140 +103,193 @@ def should_have_left_cucumbers(start_cucumbers, start, eat, left): assert start_cucumbers['eat'] == eat scenarios('test.feature', example_converters=dict(start=int, eat=float, left=str)) - """)) - result = testdir.inline_run('-vvl') + """ + ) + ) + result = testdir.inline_run("-vvl") assert result.ret - report = result.matchreport('test_passing', when='call').scenario - expected = {'feature': {'description': u'', - 'filename': feature.strpath, - 'line_number': 2, - 'name': u'One passing scenario, one failing scenario', - 'rel_filename': relpath, - 'tags': [u'feature-tag']}, - 'line_number': 5, - 'name': u'Passing', - 'steps': [{'duration': equals_any(float), - 'failed': False, - 'keyword': 'Given', - 'line_number': 6, - 'name': u'a passing step', - 'type': 'given'}, - {'duration': equals_any(float), - 'failed': False, - 'keyword': 'And', - 'line_number': 7, - 'name': u'some other passing step', - 'type': 'given'}], - 'tags': [u'scenario-passing-tag'], - 'examples': [], - 'example_kwargs': {}} + report = result.matchreport("test_passing", when="call").scenario + expected = { + "feature": { + "description": u"", + "filename": feature.strpath, + "line_number": 2, + "name": u"One passing scenario, one failing scenario", + "rel_filename": relpath, + "tags": [u"feature-tag"], + }, + "line_number": 5, + "name": u"Passing", + "steps": [ + { + "duration": equals_any(float), + "failed": False, + "keyword": "Given", + "line_number": 6, + "name": u"a passing step", + "type": "given", + }, + { + "duration": equals_any(float), + "failed": False, + "keyword": "And", + "line_number": 7, + "name": u"some other passing step", + "type": "given", + }, + ], + "tags": [u"scenario-passing-tag"], + "examples": [], + "example_kwargs": {}, + } assert report == expected - report = result.matchreport('test_failing', when='call').scenario - expected = {'feature': {'description': u'', - 'filename': feature.strpath, - 'line_number': 2, - 'name': u'One passing scenario, one failing scenario', - 'rel_filename': relpath, - 'tags': [u'feature-tag']}, - 'line_number': 10, - 'name': u'Failing', - 'steps': [{'duration': equals_any(float), - 'failed': False, - 'keyword': 'Given', - 'line_number': 11, - 'name': u'a passing step', - 'type': 'given'}, - {'duration': equals_any(float), - 'failed': True, - 'keyword': 'And', - 'line_number': 12, - 'name': u'a failing step', - 'type': 'given'}], - 'tags': [u'scenario-failing-tag'], - 'examples': [], - 'example_kwargs': {}} + report = result.matchreport("test_failing", when="call").scenario + expected = { + "feature": { + "description": u"", + "filename": feature.strpath, + "line_number": 2, + "name": u"One passing scenario, one failing scenario", + "rel_filename": relpath, + "tags": [u"feature-tag"], + }, + "line_number": 10, + "name": u"Failing", + "steps": [ + { + "duration": equals_any(float), + "failed": False, + "keyword": "Given", + "line_number": 11, + "name": u"a passing step", + "type": "given", + }, + { + "duration": equals_any(float), + "failed": True, + "keyword": "And", + "line_number": 12, + "name": u"a failing step", + "type": "given", + }, + ], + "tags": [u"scenario-failing-tag"], + "examples": [], + "example_kwargs": {}, + } assert report == expected - report = result.matchreport('test_outlined[12-5.0-7]', when='call').scenario - expected = {'feature': {'description': u'', - 'filename': feature.strpath, - 'line_number': 2, - 'name': u'One passing scenario, one failing scenario', - 'rel_filename': relpath, - 'tags': [u'feature-tag']}, - 'line_number': 14, - 'name': u'Outlined', - 'steps': [{'duration': equals_any(float), - 'failed': False, - 'keyword': 'Given', - 'line_number': 15, - 'name': u'there are cucumbers', - 'type': 'given'}, - {'duration': equals_any(float), - 'failed': False, - 'keyword': 'When', - 'line_number': 16, - 'name': u'I eat cucumbers', - 'type': 'when'}, - {'duration': equals_any(float), - 'failed': False, - 'keyword': 'Then', - 'line_number': 17, - 'name': u'I should have cucumbers', - 'type': 'then'}], - 'tags': [], - 'examples': [{'line_number': 19, - 'name': None, - 'row_index': 0, - 'rows': [['start', 'eat', 'left'], - [[12, 5.0, '7'], [5, 4.0, '1']]]}], - 'example_kwargs': {'eat': '5.0', 'left': '7', 'start': '12'}, - } + report = result.matchreport("test_outlined[12-5.0-7]", when="call").scenario + expected = { + "feature": { + "description": u"", + "filename": feature.strpath, + "line_number": 2, + "name": u"One passing scenario, one failing scenario", + "rel_filename": relpath, + "tags": [u"feature-tag"], + }, + "line_number": 14, + "name": u"Outlined", + "steps": [ + { + "duration": equals_any(float), + "failed": False, + "keyword": "Given", + "line_number": 15, + "name": u"there are cucumbers", + "type": "given", + }, + { + "duration": equals_any(float), + "failed": False, + "keyword": "When", + "line_number": 16, + "name": u"I eat cucumbers", + "type": "when", + }, + { + "duration": equals_any(float), + "failed": False, + "keyword": "Then", + "line_number": 17, + "name": u"I should have cucumbers", + "type": "then", + }, + ], + "tags": [], + "examples": [ + { + "line_number": 19, + "name": None, + "row_index": 0, + "rows": [["start", "eat", "left"], [[12, 5.0, "7"], [5, 4.0, "1"]]], + } + ], + "example_kwargs": {"eat": "5.0", "left": "7", "start": "12"}, + } assert report == expected - report = result.matchreport('test_outlined[5-4.0-1]', when='call').scenario - expected = {'feature': {'description': u'', - 'filename': feature.strpath, - 'line_number': 2, - 'name': u'One passing scenario, one failing scenario', - 'rel_filename': relpath, - 'tags': [u'feature-tag']}, - 'line_number': 14, - 'name': u'Outlined', - 'steps': [{'duration': equals_any(float), - 'failed': False, - 'keyword': 'Given', - 'line_number': 15, - 'name': u'there are cucumbers', - 'type': 'given'}, - {'duration': equals_any(float), - 'failed': False, - 'keyword': 'When', - 'line_number': 16, - 'name': u'I eat cucumbers', - 'type': 'when'}, - {'duration': equals_any(float), - 'failed': False, - 'keyword': 'Then', - 'line_number': 17, - 'name': u'I should have cucumbers', - 'type': 'then'}], - 'tags': [], - 'examples': [{'line_number': 19, - 'name': None, - 'row_index': 1, - 'rows': [['start', 'eat', 'left'], - [[12, 5.0, '7'], [5, 4.0, '1']]]}], - 'example_kwargs': {'eat': '4.0', 'left': '1', 'start': '5'}, - } + report = result.matchreport("test_outlined[5-4.0-1]", when="call").scenario + expected = { + "feature": { + "description": u"", + "filename": feature.strpath, + "line_number": 2, + "name": u"One passing scenario, one failing scenario", + "rel_filename": relpath, + "tags": [u"feature-tag"], + }, + "line_number": 14, + "name": u"Outlined", + "steps": [ + { + "duration": equals_any(float), + "failed": False, + "keyword": "Given", + "line_number": 15, + "name": u"there are cucumbers", + "type": "given", + }, + { + "duration": equals_any(float), + "failed": False, + "keyword": "When", + "line_number": 16, + "name": u"I eat cucumbers", + "type": "when", + }, + { + "duration": equals_any(float), + "failed": False, + "keyword": "Then", + "line_number": 17, + "name": u"I should have cucumbers", + "type": "then", + }, + ], + "tags": [], + "examples": [ + { + "line_number": 19, + "name": None, + "row_index": 1, + "rows": [["start", "eat", "left"], [[12, 5.0, "7"], [5, 4.0, "1"]]], + } + ], + "example_kwargs": {"eat": "4.0", "left": "1", "start": "5"}, + } assert report == expected def test_complex_types(testdir): """Test serialization of the complex types.""" - testdir.makefile('.feature', test=textwrap.dedent(""" + testdir.makefile( + ".feature", + test=textwrap.dedent( + """ Feature: Report serialization containing parameters of complex types Scenario: Complex @@ -233,8 +298,12 @@ def test_complex_types(testdir): Examples: | point | | 10,20 | - """)) - testdir.makepyfile(textwrap.dedent(""" + """ + ), + ) + testdir.makepyfile( + textwrap.dedent( + """ import pytest from pytest_bdd import given, when, then, scenario @@ -262,8 +331,10 @@ def point(point): def test_complex(alien): pass - """)) - result = testdir.inline_run('-vvl') - report = result.matchreport('test_complex[point0-alien0]', when='call') + """ + ) + ) + result = testdir.inline_run("-vvl") + report = result.matchreport("test_complex[point0-alien0]", when="call") assert execnet.gateway_base.dumps(report.item) assert execnet.gateway_base.dumps(report.scenario) diff --git a/tests/feature/ b/tests/feature/ index 22e3953e..d30b9faa 100644 --- a/tests/feature/ +++ b/tests/feature/ @@ -3,33 +3,30 @@ from pytest_bdd import given, then, scenario -@scenario( - 'reuse.feature', - 'Given and when using the same fixture should not evaluate it twice', -) +@scenario("reuse.feature", "Given and when using the same fixture should not evaluate it twice") def test_reuse(): pass -@given('I have an empty list') +@given("I have an empty list") def empty_list(): return [] -@given('I have a fixture (appends 1 to a list)') +@given("I have a fixture (appends 1 to a list)") def appends_1(empty_list): empty_list.append(1) return empty_list -given('I have a fixture (appends 1 to a list) in reuse syntax', fixture='appends_1') +given("I have a fixture (appends 1 to a list) in reuse syntax", fixture="appends_1") -@when('I use this fixture') +@when("I use this fixture") def use_fixture(appends_1): pass -@then('my list should be [1]') +@then("my list should be [1]") def list_should_be_1(appends_1): assert appends_1 == [1] diff --git a/tests/feature/ b/tests/feature/ index 996dba51..38f5b5ca 100644 --- a/tests/feature/ +++ b/tests/feature/ @@ -1,16 +1,13 @@ """Function name same as step name.""" -from pytest_bdd import ( - scenario, - when, -) +from pytest_bdd import scenario, when -@scenario('same_function_name.feature', 'When function name same as step name') +@scenario("same_function_name.feature", "When function name same as step name") def test_when_function_name_same_as_step_name(): pass -@when('something') +@when("something") def something(): - return 'something' + return "something" diff --git a/tests/feature/ b/tests/feature/ index fcb973cd..70f31a37 100644 --- a/tests/feature/ +++ b/tests/feature/ @@ -4,52 +4,40 @@ import six -from pytest_bdd import ( - scenario, - given, - then, - parsers, - exceptions, -) +from pytest_bdd import scenario, given, then, parsers, exceptions def test_scenario_not_found(request): """Test the situation when scenario is not found.""" with pytest.raises(exceptions.ScenarioNotFound) as exc_info: - scenario( - 'not_found.feature', - 'NOT FOUND' - ) + scenario("not_found.feature", "NOT FOUND") assert six.text_type(exc_info.value).startswith( - 'Scenario "NOT FOUND" in feature "[Empty]" in {feature_path}' - .format(feature_path=request.fspath.join('..', 'not_found.feature'))) + 'Scenario "NOT FOUND" in feature "[Empty]" in {feature_path}'.format( + feature_path=request.fspath.join("..", "not_found.feature") + ) + ) -@given('comments should be at the start of words') +@given("comments should be at the start of words") def comments(): """Comments.""" pass -@then(parsers.parse('this is not {acomment}')) +@then(parsers.parse("this is not {acomment}")) def a_comment(acomment): """A comment.""" - assert'a.*comment', acomment) + assert"a.*comment", acomment) def test_scenario_comments(request): """Test comments inside scenario.""" - @scenario( - 'comments.feature', - 'Comments' - ) + + @scenario("comments.feature", "Comments") def test(): pass - @scenario( - 'comments.feature', - 'Strings that are not comments' - ) + @scenario("comments.feature", "Strings that are not comments") def test2(): pass @@ -59,15 +47,20 @@ def test2(): def test_scenario_not_decorator(testdir): """Test scenario function is used not as decorator.""" - testdir.makefile('.feature', foo=""" + testdir.makefile( + ".feature", + foo=""" Scenario: Foo Given I have a bar - """) - testdir.makepyfile(""" + """, + ) + testdir.makepyfile( + """ from pytest_bdd import scenario test_foo = scenario('foo.feature', 'Foo') - """) + """ + ) result = testdir.runpytest() diff --git a/tests/feature/ b/tests/feature/ index 408ba7b4..82135b7d 100644 --- a/tests/feature/ +++ b/tests/feature/ @@ -4,11 +4,14 @@ def test_scenarios(testdir): """Test scenarios shortcut.""" - testdir.makeini(""" + testdir.makeini( + """ [pytest] console_output_style=classic - """) - testdir.makeconftest(""" + """ + ) + testdir.makeconftest( + """ import pytest from pytest_bdd import given @@ -16,13 +19,22 @@ def test_scenarios(testdir): def i_have_bar(): print('bar!') return 'bar' - """) - features = testdir.mkdir('features') - features.join('test.feature').write_text(textwrap.dedent(u""" + """ + ) + features = testdir.mkdir("features") + features.join("test.feature").write_text( + textwrap.dedent( + u""" Scenario: Test scenario Given I have a bar - """), 'utf-8', ensure=True) - features.join('subfolder', 'test.feature').write_text(textwrap.dedent(u""" + """ + ), + "utf-8", + ensure=True, + ) + features.join("subfolder", "test.feature").write_text( + textwrap.dedent( + u""" Scenario: Test subfolder scenario Given I have a bar @@ -34,8 +46,13 @@ def i_have_bar(): Scenario: Test scenario Given I have a bar - """), 'utf-8', ensure=True) - testdir.makepyfile(""" + """ + ), + "utf-8", + ensure=True, + ) + testdir.makepyfile( + """ import pytest from pytest_bdd import scenarios, scenario @@ -44,24 +61,27 @@ def test_already_bound(): pass scenarios('features') - """) - result = testdir.runpytest('-v', '-s') - result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*collected 5 items']) - result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*test_test_subfolder_scenario *bar!', 'PASSED']) - result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*test_test_scenario *bar!', 'PASSED']) - result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*test_test_failing_subfolder_scenario *FAILED']) - result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*test_already_bound *bar!', 'PASSED']) - result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*test_test_scenario_1 *bar!', 'PASSED']) + """ + ) + result = testdir.runpytest("-v", "-s") + result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*collected 5 items"]) + result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*test_test_subfolder_scenario *bar!", "PASSED"]) + result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*test_test_scenario *bar!", "PASSED"]) + result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*test_test_failing_subfolder_scenario *FAILED"]) + result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*test_already_bound *bar!", "PASSED"]) + result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*test_test_scenario_1 *bar!", "PASSED"]) def test_scenarios_none_found(testdir): """Test scenarios shortcut when no scenarios found.""" - testpath = testdir.makepyfile(""" + testpath = testdir.makepyfile( + """ import pytest from pytest_bdd import scenarios scenarios('.') - """) + """ + ) reprec = testdir.inline_run(testpath) reprec.assertoutcome(failed=1) - assert 'NoScenariosFound' in str(reprec.getreports()[1].longrepr) + assert "NoScenariosFound" in str(reprec.getreports()[1].longrepr) diff --git a/tests/feature/ b/tests/feature/ index dffb887f..0bcc7762 100644 --- a/tests/feature/ +++ b/tests/feature/ @@ -4,83 +4,81 @@ from pytest_bdd import exceptions -@scenario('steps.feature', 'Executed step by step') +@scenario("steps.feature", "Executed step by step") def test_steps(): pass @given('I have a foo fixture with value "foo"') def foo(): - return 'foo' + return "foo" -@given('there is a list') +@given("there is a list") def results(): return [] -@when('I append 1 to the list') +@when("I append 1 to the list") def append_1(results): results.append(1) -@when('I append 2 to the list') +@when("I append 2 to the list") def append_2(results): results.append(2) -@when('I append 3 to the list') +@when("I append 3 to the list") def append_3(results): results.append(3) @then('foo should have value "foo"') def foo_is_foo(foo): - assert foo == 'foo' + assert foo == "foo" -@then('the list should be [1, 2, 3]') +@then("the list should be [1, 2, 3]") def check_results(results): assert results == [1, 2, 3] -@scenario('steps.feature', 'When step can be the first') +@scenario("steps.feature", "When step can be the first") def test_when_first(): pass -@when('I do nothing') +@when("I do nothing") def do_nothing(): pass -@then('I make no mistakes') +@then("I make no mistakes") def no_errors(): assert True -@scenario('steps.feature', 'Then step can follow Given step') +@scenario("steps.feature", "Then step can follow Given step") def test_then_after_given(): pass -@given('xyz') +@given("xyz") def xyz(): """Used in the test_same_step_name.""" return -@scenario('steps.feature', 'All steps are declared in the conftest') +@scenario("steps.feature", "All steps are declared in the conftest") def test_conftest(): pass def test_multiple_given(request): """Using the same given fixture raises an error.""" - @scenario( - 'steps.feature', - 'Using the same given fixture raises an error', - ) + + @scenario("steps.feature", "Using the same given fixture raises an error") def test(): pass @@ -90,7 +88,9 @@ def test(): def test_step_hooks(testdir): """When step fails.""" - testdir.makefile(".feature", test=""" + testdir.makefile( + ".feature", + test=""" Scenario: When step has hook on failure Given I have a bar When it fails @@ -105,8 +105,10 @@ def test_step_hooks(testdir): Scenario: When step validation error happens Given foo And foo - """) - testdir.makepyfile(""" + """, + ) + testdir.makepyfile( + """ import pytest from pytest_bdd import given, when, scenario @@ -149,7 +151,8 @@ def foo(): @scenario('test.feature', 'When step validation error happens') def test_when_step_validation_error(): pass - """) + """ + ) reprec = testdir.inline_run("-k test_when_fails") assert reprec.ret == 1 @@ -180,7 +183,7 @@ def test_when_step_validation_error(): reprec = testdir.inline_run("-k test_when_step_validation_error") assert reprec.ret == 1 - reprec = testdir.inline_run("-k test_when_dependency_fails", '-vv') + reprec = testdir.inline_run("-k test_when_dependency_fails", "-vv") assert reprec.ret == 1 calls = reprec.getcalls("pytest_bdd_before_step") @@ -195,12 +198,16 @@ def test_when_step_validation_error(): def test_step_trace(testdir): """Test step trace.""" - testdir.makeini(""" + testdir.makeini( + """ [pytest] console_output_style=classic - """) + """ + ) - testdir.makefile('.feature', test=""" + testdir.makefile( + ".feature", + test=""" Scenario: When step has failure Given I have a bar When it fails @@ -211,8 +218,10 @@ def test_step_trace(testdir): Scenario: When step validation error happens Given foo And foo - """) - testdir.makepyfile(""" + """, + ) + testdir.makepyfile( + """ import pytest from pytest_bdd import given, when, scenario @@ -243,23 +252,24 @@ def foo(): @scenario('test.feature', 'When step validation error happens') def test_when_step_validation_error(): pass - """) - result = testdir.runpytest('-k test_when_fails_inline', '-vv') + """ + ) + result = testdir.runpytest("-k test_when_fails_inline", "-vv") assert result.ret == 1 - result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*test_when_fails_inline*FAILED']) - assert 'INTERNALERROR' not in result.stdout.str() + result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*test_when_fails_inline*FAILED"]) + assert "INTERNALERROR" not in result.stdout.str() - result = testdir.runpytest('-k test_when_fails_decorated', '-vv') + result = testdir.runpytest("-k test_when_fails_decorated", "-vv") assert result.ret == 1 - result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*test_when_fails_decorated*FAILED']) - assert 'INTERNALERROR' not in result.stdout.str() + result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*test_when_fails_decorated*FAILED"]) + assert "INTERNALERROR" not in result.stdout.str() - result = testdir.runpytest('-k test_when_not_found', '-vv') + result = testdir.runpytest("-k test_when_not_found", "-vv") assert result.ret == 1 - result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*test_when_not_found*FAILED']) - assert 'INTERNALERROR' not in result.stdout.str() + result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*test_when_not_found*FAILED"]) + assert "INTERNALERROR" not in result.stdout.str() - result = testdir.runpytest('-k test_when_step_validation_error', '-vv') + result = testdir.runpytest("-k test_when_step_validation_error", "-vv") assert result.ret == 1 - result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*test_when_step_validation_error*FAILED']) - assert 'INTERNALERROR' not in result.stdout.str() + result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*test_when_step_validation_error*FAILED"]) + assert "INTERNALERROR" not in result.stdout.str() diff --git a/tests/feature/ b/tests/feature/ index fd233ee3..0cf485a9 100644 --- a/tests/feature/ +++ b/tests/feature/ @@ -8,7 +8,10 @@ def test_tags_selector(testdir): """Test tests selection by tags.""" - testdir.makefile(".ini", pytest=textwrap.dedent(""" + testdir.makefile( + ".ini", + pytest=textwrap.dedent( + """ [pytest] markers = feature_tag_1 @@ -17,8 +20,12 @@ def test_tags_selector(testdir): scenario_tag_02 scenario_tag_10 scenario_tag_20 - """)) - testdir.makefile('.feature', test=""" + """ + ), + ) + testdir.makefile( + ".feature", + test=""" @feature_tag_1 @feature_tag_2 Feature: Tags @@ -30,8 +37,10 @@ def test_tags_selector(testdir): Scenario: Tags 2 Given I have a bar - """) - testdir.makepyfile(""" + """, + ) + testdir.makepyfile( + """ import pytest from pytest_bdd import given, scenarios @@ -40,30 +49,38 @@ def i_have_bar(): return 'bar' scenarios('test.feature') - """) - result = testdir.runpytest('-m', 'scenario_tag_10 and not scenario_tag_01', '-vv') + """ + ) + result = testdir.runpytest("-m", "scenario_tag_10 and not scenario_tag_01", "-vv") outcomes = result.parseoutcomes() - assert outcomes['passed'] == 1 - assert outcomes['deselected'] == 1 + assert outcomes["passed"] == 1 + assert outcomes["deselected"] == 1 - result = testdir.runpytest('-m', 'scenario_tag_01 and not scenario_tag_10', '-vv').parseoutcomes() - assert result['passed'] == 1 - assert result['deselected'] == 1 + result = testdir.runpytest("-m", "scenario_tag_01 and not scenario_tag_10", "-vv").parseoutcomes() + assert result["passed"] == 1 + assert result["deselected"] == 1 - result = testdir.runpytest('-m', 'feature_tag_1', '-vv').parseoutcomes() - assert result['passed'] == 2 + result = testdir.runpytest("-m", "feature_tag_1", "-vv").parseoutcomes() + assert result["passed"] == 2 - result = testdir.runpytest('-m', 'feature_tag_10', '-vv').parseoutcomes() - assert result['deselected'] == 2 + result = testdir.runpytest("-m", "feature_tag_10", "-vv").parseoutcomes() + assert result["deselected"] == 2 def test_tags_after_background_issue_160(testdir): """Make sure using a tag after background works.""" - testdir.makefile(".ini", pytest=textwrap.dedent(""" + testdir.makefile( + ".ini", + pytest=textwrap.dedent( + """ [pytest] markers = tag - """)) - testdir.makefile('.feature', test=""" + """ + ), + ) + testdir.makefile( + ".feature", + test=""" Feature: Tags after background Background: @@ -75,8 +92,10 @@ def test_tags_after_background_issue_160(testdir): Scenario: Tags 2 Given I have a baz - """) - testdir.makepyfile(""" + """, + ) + testdir.makepyfile( + """ import pytest from pytest_bdd import given, scenarios @@ -89,14 +108,16 @@ def i_have_baz(): return 'baz' scenarios('test.feature') - """) - result = testdir.runpytest('-m', 'tag', '-vv').parseoutcomes() - assert result['passed'] == 1 - assert result['deselected'] == 1 + """ + ) + result = testdir.runpytest("-m", "tag", "-vv").parseoutcomes() + assert result["passed"] == 1 + assert result["deselected"] == 1 def test_apply_tag_hook(testdir): - testdir.makeconftest(""" + testdir.makeconftest( + """ import pytest @pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True) @@ -108,8 +129,11 @@ def pytest_bdd_apply_tag(tag, function): else: # Fall back to pytest-bdd's default behavior return None - """) - testdir.makefile('.feature', test=""" + """ + ) + testdir.makefile( + ".feature", + test=""" Feature: Customizing tag handling @todo @@ -119,8 +143,10 @@ def pytest_bdd_apply_tag(tag, function): @xfail Scenario: Tags 2 Given I have a bar - """) - testdir.makepyfile(""" + """, + ) + testdir.makepyfile( + """ from pytest_bdd import given, scenarios @given('I have a bar') @@ -128,33 +154,45 @@ def i_have_bar(): return 'bar' scenarios('test.feature') - """) - result = testdir.runpytest('-rsx') + """ + ) + result = testdir.runpytest("-rsx") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["SKIP*: Not implemented yet"]) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*= 1 skipped, 1 xpassed * =*"]) def test_tag_with_spaces(testdir): - testdir.makefile(".ini", pytest=textwrap.dedent(""" + testdir.makefile( + ".ini", + pytest=textwrap.dedent( + """ [pytest] markers = test with spaces - """)) - testdir.makeconftest(""" + """ + ), + ) + testdir.makeconftest( + """ import pytest @pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True) def pytest_bdd_apply_tag(tag, function): assert tag == 'test with spaces' - """) - testdir.makefile('.feature', test=""" + """ + ) + testdir.makefile( + ".feature", + test=""" Feature: Tag with spaces @test with spaces Scenario: Tags Given I have a bar - """) - testdir.makepyfile(""" + """, + ) + testdir.makepyfile( + """ from pytest_bdd import given, scenarios @given('I have a bar') @@ -162,17 +200,16 @@ def i_have_bar(): return 'bar' scenarios('test.feature') - """) - result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess() - result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( - [ - "*= 1 passed * =*", - ], + """ ) + result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess() + result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*= 1 passed * =*"]) def test_at_in_scenario(testdir): - testdir.makefile('.feature', test=""" + testdir.makefile( + ".feature", + test=""" Feature: At sign in a scenario Scenario: Tags @@ -180,8 +217,10 @@ def test_at_in_scenario(testdir): Scenario: Second Given I have a baz - """) - testdir.makepyfile(""" + """, + ) + testdir.makepyfile( + """ from pytest_bdd import given, scenarios @given('I have a foo@bar') @@ -193,23 +232,23 @@ def i_have_baz(): return 'baz' scenarios('test.feature') - """) - result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess('--strict') - result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( - [ - "*= 2 passed * =*", - ], + """ ) - - -@pytest.mark.parametrize('line, expected', [ - ('@foo @bar', {'foo', 'bar'}), - ('@with spaces @bar', {'with spaces', 'bar'}), - ('@double @double', {'double'}), - (' @indented', {'indented'}), - (None, set()), - ('foobar', set()), - ('', set()), -]) + result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess("--strict") + result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*= 2 passed * =*"]) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + "line, expected", + [ + ("@foo @bar", {"foo", "bar"}), + ("@with spaces @bar", {"with spaces", "bar"}), + ("@double @double", {"double"}), + (" @indented", {"indented"}), + (None, set()), + ("foobar", set()), + ("", set()), + ], +) def test_get_tags(line, expected): assert feature.get_tags(line) == expected diff --git a/tests/feature/ b/tests/feature/ index 6077d7f9..8dbcf483 100644 --- a/tests/feature/ +++ b/tests/feature/ @@ -12,39 +12,41 @@ from pytest_bdd import exceptions -@given('something') +@given("something") def given_something(): pass -@when('something else') +@when("something else") def when_something_else(): pass -@then('nevermind') +@then("nevermind") def then_nevermind(): pass @pytest.mark.parametrize( - ('feature', 'scenario_name'), + ("feature", "scenario_name"), [ - ('when_in_background.feature', 'When in background'), - ('when_after_then.feature', 'When after then'), - ('then_first.feature', 'Then first'), - ('given_after_when.feature', 'Given after When'), - ('given_after_then.feature', 'Given after Then'), - ] + ("when_in_background.feature", "When in background"), + ("when_after_then.feature", "When after then"), + ("then_first.feature", "Then first"), + ("given_after_when.feature", "Given after When"), + ("given_after_then.feature", "Given after Then"), + ], ) -@pytest.mark.parametrize('strict_gherkin', [True, False]) -@pytest.mark.parametrize('multiple', [True, False]) +@pytest.mark.parametrize("strict_gherkin", [True, False]) +@pytest.mark.parametrize("multiple", [True, False]) def test_wrong(request, feature, scenario_name, strict_gherkin, multiple): """Test wrong feature scenarios.""" + def declare_scenario(): if multiple: scenarios(feature, strict_gherkin=strict_gherkin) else: + @scenario(feature, scenario_name, strict_gherkin=strict_gherkin) def test_scenario(): pass @@ -58,46 +60,41 @@ def test_scenario(): def clean_cache(): features.clear() + request.addfinalizer(clean_cache) @pytest.mark.parametrize( - 'scenario_name', - [ - 'When in Given', - 'When in Then', - 'Then in Given', - 'Given in When', - 'Given in Then', - 'Then in When', - ] + "scenario_name", + ["When in Given", "When in Then", "Then in Given", "Given in When", "Given in Then", "Then in When"], ) def test_wrong_type_order(request, scenario_name): """Test wrong step type order.""" - @scenario('wrong_type_order.feature', scenario_name) + + @scenario("wrong_type_order.feature", scenario_name) def test_wrong_type_order(request): pass with pytest.raises(exceptions.StepDefinitionNotFoundError) as excinfo: test_wrong_type_order(request) - assert re.match(r'Step definition is not found: (.+)', excinfo.value.args[0]) + assert re.match(r"Step definition is not found: (.+)", excinfo.value.args[0]) def test_verbose_output(): """Test verbose output of failed feature scenario.""" with pytest.raises(exceptions.FeatureError) as excinfo: - scenario('when_after_then.feature', 'When after then') + scenario("when_after_then.feature", "When after then") msg, line_number, line, file = excinfo.value.args assert line_number == 5 - assert line == 'When I do it again' - assert file == os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'when_after_then.feature') + assert line == "When I do it again" + assert file == os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "when_after_then.feature") assert line in str(excinfo.value) def test_multiple_features_single_file(): """Test validation error when multiple features are placed in a single file.""" with pytest.raises(exceptions.FeatureError) as excinfo: - scenarios('wrong_multiple_features.feature') - assert excinfo.value.args[0] == 'Multiple features are not allowed in a single feature file' + scenarios("wrong_multiple_features.feature") + assert excinfo.value.args[0] == "Multiple features are not allowed in a single feature file" diff --git a/tests/generation/ b/tests/generation/ index e8cd6031..7b7ce2f8 100644 --- a/tests/generation/ +++ b/tests/generation/ @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ def test_python_name_generator(): """Test python name generator function.""" - itertools.islice(get_python_name_generator('Some name'), 2) == ['some_name', 'some_name_2'] + itertools.islice(get_python_name_generator("Some name"), 2) == ["some_name", "some_name_2"] def test_generate_missing(testdir): @@ -16,9 +16,11 @@ def test_generate_missing(testdir): dirname = "test_generate_missing" tests = testdir.mkpydir(dirname) with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "generation.feature")) as fd: - tests.join('generation.feature').write( + tests.join("generation.feature").write( - tests.join("").write(textwrap.dedent(""" + tests.join("").write( + textwrap.dedent( + """ import functools from pytest_bdd import scenario, given @@ -36,18 +38,20 @@ def test_foo(): @scenario("Code is generated for scenario steps which are not yet defined(implemented)") def test_missing_steps(): pass - """)) + """ + ) + ) - result = testdir.runpytest(dirname, "--generate-missing", "--feature", tests.join('generation.feature').strpath) + result = testdir.runpytest(dirname, "--generate-missing", "--feature", tests.join("generation.feature").strpath) - result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ - 'Scenario "Code is generated for scenarios which are not bound to any tests" is not bound to any test *'] + result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( + ['Scenario "Code is generated for scenarios which are not bound to any tests" is not bound to any test *'] ) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ 'Step Given "I have a custom bar" is not defined in the scenario ' - '"Code is generated for scenario steps which are not yet defined(implemented)" *', + '"Code is generated for scenario steps which are not yet defined(implemented)" *' ] ) diff --git a/tests/library/child/ b/tests/library/child/ index 7d18936e..1eaf9afb 100644 --- a/tests/library/child/ +++ b/tests/library/child/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ from pytest_bdd import given -@given('I have the overriden fixture') +@given("I have the overriden fixture") def overridable(): - return 'child' + return "child" diff --git a/tests/library/child/ b/tests/library/child/ index 27ffcf08..e9b98fd4 100644 --- a/tests/library/child/ +++ b/tests/library/child/ @@ -7,30 +7,30 @@ from pytest_bdd.steps import get_step_fixture_name, GIVEN -@given('I have locally overriden fixture') +@given("I have locally overriden fixture") def overridable(): - return 'local' + return "local" -@given('I have locally overriden parent fixture') +@given("I have locally overriden parent fixture") def parent(): - return 'local' + return "local" def test_override(request, overridable): """Test locally overriden fixture.""" # Test the fixture is also collected by the text name - fixture = request.getfixturevalue(get_step_fixture_name('I have locally overriden fixture', GIVEN)) - assert fixture(request) == 'local' + fixture = request.getfixturevalue(get_step_fixture_name("I have locally overriden fixture", GIVEN)) + assert fixture(request) == "local" # 'I have the overriden fixture' stands for overridable and is overriden locally - fixture = request.getfixturevalue(get_step_fixture_name('I have the overriden fixture', GIVEN)) - assert fixture(request) == 'local' + fixture = request.getfixturevalue(get_step_fixture_name("I have the overriden fixture", GIVEN)) + assert fixture(request) == "local" - assert overridable == 'local' + assert overridable == "local" def test_parent(parent): """Test locally overriden parent fixture.""" - assert parent == 'local' + assert parent == "local" diff --git a/tests/library/child/ b/tests/library/child/ index 5059e2cc..8f2545ad 100644 --- a/tests/library/child/ +++ b/tests/library/child/ @@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ def test_parent(parent): """Test parent given is collected.""" - assert parent == 'parent' + assert parent == "parent" def test_override(overridable): """Test the child conftest overriding the fixture.""" - assert overridable == 'child' + assert overridable == "child" diff --git a/tests/library/ b/tests/library/ index b1f2d8f6..56d0a262 100644 --- a/tests/library/ +++ b/tests/library/ @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ from pytest_bdd import given -@given('I have parent fixture') +@given("I have parent fixture") def parent(): - return 'parent' + return "parent" -@given('I have overridable parent fixture') +@given("I have overridable parent fixture") def overridable(): - return 'parent' + return "parent" diff --git a/tests/library/ b/tests/library/ index ab7732be..3059072a 100644 --- a/tests/library/ +++ b/tests/library/ @@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ def test_parent(parent, overridable): Both fixtures come from the parent conftest. """ - assert parent == 'parent' - assert overridable == 'parent' + assert parent == "parent" + assert overridable == "parent" def test_global_when_step(request): """Test when step defined in the parent conftest.""" - request.getfixturevalue(get_step_fixture_name('I use a when step from the parent conftest', WHEN)) + request.getfixturevalue(get_step_fixture_name("I use a when step from the parent conftest", WHEN)) diff --git a/tests/scripts/ b/tests/scripts/ index 6a68ab20..fc6f30d6 100644 --- a/tests/scripts/ +++ b/tests/scripts/ @@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ def test_generate(monkeypatch, capsys): """Test if the code is generated by a given feature.""" - monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['', 'generate', os.path.join(PATH, 'generate.feature')]) + monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "argv", ["", "generate", os.path.join(PATH, "generate.feature")]) main() out, err = capsys.readouterr() - assert out == textwrap.dedent(''' + assert out == textwrap.dedent( + ''' # coding=utf-8 """Code generation feature tests.""" @@ -53,4 +54,9 @@ def my_list_should_be_1(): """my list should be [1].""" raise NotImplementedError - '''[1:].replace(u"'", u"'")) + '''[ + 1: + ].replace( + u"'", u"'" + ) + ) diff --git a/tests/scripts/ b/tests/scripts/ index 62954ffc..b0cf23e4 100644 --- a/tests/scripts/ +++ b/tests/scripts/ @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ def test_main(monkeypatch, capsys): """Test if main commmand shows help when called without the subcommand.""" - monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['pytest-bdd']) - monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'exit', lambda x: x) + monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "argv", ["pytest-bdd"]) + monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "exit", lambda x: x) main() out, err = capsys.readouterr() - assert 'usage: pytest-bdd [-h]' in err - assert 'pytest-bdd: error:' in err + assert "usage: pytest-bdd [-h]" in err + assert "pytest-bdd: error:" in err diff --git a/tests/scripts/ b/tests/scripts/ index 03a3c14c..7608fa3f 100644 --- a/tests/scripts/ +++ b/tests/scripts/ @@ -10,28 +10,40 @@ def test_migrate(monkeypatch, capsys, testdir): """Test if the code is migrated by a given file mask.""" - tests = testdir.mkpydir('tests') + tests = testdir.mkpydir("tests") - tests.join("").write(textwrap.dedent(''' + tests.join("").write( + textwrap.dedent( + ''' """Foo bar tests.""" from pytest_bdd import scenario test_foo = scenario('foo_bar.feature', 'Foo bar') - ''')) + ''' + ) + ) - monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['', 'migrate', tests.strpath]) + monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "argv", ["", "migrate", tests.strpath]) main() out, err = capsys.readouterr() - out = '\n'.join(sorted(out.splitlines())) - expected = textwrap.dedent(''' + out = "\n".join(sorted(out.splitlines())) + expected = textwrap.dedent( + """ migrated: {0}/ - skipped: {0}/'''.format(tests.strpath)[1:]) + skipped: {0}/""".format( + tests.strpath + )[ + 1: + ] + ) assert out == expected - assert tests.join("").read() == textwrap.dedent(''' + assert tests.join("").read() == textwrap.dedent( + ''' """Foo bar tests.""" from pytest_bdd import scenario @scenario('foo_bar.feature', 'Foo bar') def test_foo(): pass - ''') + ''' + ) diff --git a/tests/steps/ b/tests/steps/ index da7cd35b..d7e74680 100644 --- a/tests/steps/ +++ b/tests/steps/ @@ -14,59 +14,60 @@ def foo(): given("I have an alias to the root fixture", fixture="root") -@given("I have session foo", scope='session') +@given("I have session foo", scope="session") def session_foo(): return "session foo" -@scenario('given.feature', 'Test reusing local fixture') +@scenario("given.feature", "Test reusing local fixture") def test_given_with_fixture(): pass -@scenario('given.feature', 'Test reusing root fixture') +@scenario("given.feature", "Test reusing root fixture") def test_root_alias(): pass -@scenario('given.feature', 'Test session given') +@scenario("given.feature", "Test session given") def test_session_given(): pass -@scenario('given.feature', 'Test given fixture injection') +@scenario("given.feature", "Test given fixture injection") def test_given_injection(): pass -@given("I have injecting given", target_fixture='foo') +@given("I have injecting given", target_fixture="foo") def injecting_given(): return "injected foo" @then('foo should be "injected foo"') def foo_is_foo(foo): - assert foo == 'injected foo' + assert foo == "injected foo" @then('foo should be "foo"') def foo_is_foo(foo): - assert foo == 'foo' + assert foo == "foo" @then('session foo should be "session foo"') def session_foo_is_foo(session_foo): - assert session_foo == 'session foo' + assert session_foo == "session foo" @then('root should be "root"') def root_is_root(root): - assert root == 'root' + assert root == "root" def test_decorate_with_fixture(): """Test given can't be used as decorator when the fixture is specified.""" with pytest.raises(StepError): - @given('Foo', fixture='foo') + + @given("Foo", fixture="foo") def bla(): pass diff --git a/tests/steps/ b/tests/steps/ index 4da632fb..fae73c62 100644 --- a/tests/steps/ +++ b/tests/steps/ @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ from pytest_bdd.steps import get_step_fixture_name, WHEN, THEN -@when('I do stuff') +@when("I do stuff") def do_stuff(): pass -@then('I check stuff') +@then("I check stuff") def check_stuff(): pass @@ -21,22 +21,19 @@ def test_when_then(request): This test checks that when and then are not evaluated during fixture collection that might break the scenario. """ - do_stuff_ = request.getfixturevalue(get_step_fixture_name('I do stuff', WHEN)) + do_stuff_ = request.getfixturevalue(get_step_fixture_name("I do stuff", WHEN)) assert callable(do_stuff_) - check_stuff_ = request.getfixturevalue(get_step_fixture_name('I check stuff', THEN)) + check_stuff_ = request.getfixturevalue(get_step_fixture_name("I check stuff", THEN)) assert callable(check_stuff_) -@pytest.mark.parametrize( - ('step', 'keyword'), [ - (given, 'Given'), - (when, 'When'), - (then, 'Then')]) +@pytest.mark.parametrize(("step", "keyword"), [(given, "Given"), (when, "When"), (then, "Then")]) def test_preserve_decorator(step, keyword): """Check that we preserve original function attributes after decorating it.""" + @step(keyword) def func(): """Doc string.""" - assert globals()[get_step_fixture_name(keyword, step.__name__)].__doc__ == 'Doc string.' + assert globals()[get_step_fixture_name(keyword, step.__name__)].__doc__ == "Doc string." diff --git a/tests/steps/ b/tests/steps/ index 51e99155..d122c46a 100644 --- a/tests/steps/ +++ b/tests/steps/ @@ -4,22 +4,17 @@ import sys import pytest import functools -from pytest_bdd import ( - given, - parsers, - scenario, - then, -) +from pytest_bdd import given, parsers, scenario, then -scenario = functools.partial(scenario, 'unicode.feature') +scenario = functools.partial(scenario, "unicode.feature") -@scenario('Кроки в .feature файлі містять юнікод') +@scenario("Кроки в .feature файлі містять юнікод") def test_steps_in_feature_file_have_unicode(): pass -@scenario(u'Steps in .py file have unicode') +@scenario(u"Steps in .py file have unicode") def test_steps_in_py_file_have_unicode(): pass @@ -30,7 +25,7 @@ def test_steps_in_py_file_have_unicode(): @pytest.fixture def string(): """String fixture.""" - return {'content': ''} + return {"content": ""} given(u"I have an alias with a unicode type for foo", fixture="foo") @@ -39,24 +34,24 @@ def string(): @given(parsers.parse(u"у мене є рядок який містить '{content}'")) def there_is_a_string_with_content(content, string): """Create string with unicode content.""" - string['content'] = content + string["content"] = content @given("there is an other string with content 'якийсь контент'") def there_is_an_other_string_with_content(string): """Create other string with unicode content.""" - string['content'] = u"с каким-то контентом" + string["content"] = u"с каким-то контентом" @then("I should see that the other string equals to content 'якийсь контент'") def assert_that_the_other_string_equals_to_content(string): """Assert that the other string equals to content.""" - assert string['content'] == u"с каким-то контентом" + assert string["content"] == u"с каким-то контентом" @then(parsers.parse("I should see that the string equals to content '{content}'")) def assert_that_the_string_equals_to_content(content, string): """Assert that the string equals to content.""" - assert string['content'] == content + assert string["content"] == content if sys.version_info < (3, 0): assert isinstance(content, unicode) diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/ index cf702c51..69c3fb62 100644 --- a/tests/ +++ b/tests/ @@ -5,36 +5,49 @@ def test_hooks(testdir): testdir.makeconftest("") subdir = testdir.mkpydir("subdir") - subdir.join("").write(textwrap.dedent(r""" + subdir.join("").write( + textwrap.dedent( + r""" def pytest_pyfunc_call(pyfuncitem): print('\npytest_pyfunc_call hook') def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc): print('\npytest_generate_tests hook') - """)) + """ + ) + ) - subdir.join("").write(textwrap.dedent(r""" + subdir.join("").write( + textwrap.dedent( + r""" from pytest_bdd import scenario @scenario('foo.feature', 'Some scenario') def test_foo(): pass - """)) + """ + ) + ) - subdir.join("foo.feature").write(textwrap.dedent(r""" + subdir.join("foo.feature").write( + textwrap.dedent( + r""" Feature: The feature Scenario: Some scenario - """)) + """ + ) + ) result = testdir.runpytest("-s") - assert result.stdout.lines.count('pytest_pyfunc_call hook') == 1 - assert result.stdout.lines.count('pytest_generate_tests hook') == 1 + assert result.stdout.lines.count("pytest_pyfunc_call hook") == 1 + assert result.stdout.lines.count("pytest_generate_tests hook") == 1 def test_item_collection_does_not_break_on_non_function_items(testdir): """Regression test for""" - testdir.makeconftest(""" + testdir.makeconftest( + """ import pytest @pytest.mark.tryfirst @@ -44,12 +57,15 @@ def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): class CustomItem(pytest.Item): def runtest(self): assert True - """) + """ + ) - testdir.makepyfile(""" + testdir.makepyfile( + """ def test_convert_me_to_custom_item_and_assert_true(): assert False - """) + """ + ) result = testdir.runpytest() result.assert_outcomes(passed=1) diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/ index 1364d667..3eae3de6 100644 --- a/tests/ +++ b/tests/ @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ def prepare_feature_and_py_files(testdir, feature_file, py_file): feature_filepath = get_test_filepath(feature_file) with open(feature_filepath) as feature_file: feature_content = - testdir.makefile('.feature', unicode=feature_content) + testdir.makefile(".feature", unicode=feature_content) py_filepath = get_test_filepath(py_file) with open(py_filepath) as py_file: