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Welcome to the Beginners Python Workshop


Friday, 6pm - 9pm: set up your development environment, learn how to execute Python code from a file and interactively from a Python prompt, and learn about printing and using Python as a calculator.

Saturday, 9:30am - 10am: settle in, get your laptop set up, and review Friday's material. We will start the lecture promptly at 10.

Saturday, 10am - noon: Intro to Python lecture

Saturday, noon - 1pm: we'll provide lunch. Let us know when you RSVP if you have any dietary restrictions.

Saturday, 1pm - 3:30pm: break out into groups to practice Python through short projects on a variety of fun and practical topics.

Saturday, 3:30pm - 4pm: wrap-up, next steps, and upcoming opportunities for learning and practicing Python.

Workshop Outline



Here is our twitter account and hashtag for the workshop.

  • @pythonkc
  • #pykcworkshop