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Replace Q3ListView with QTable for the layer list
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
Provide framework for better response when populating layer list
 - (finding the layer type can take some time with complex views and qgis
    appears to hang)
 - more to come...
Misc. code tidy up

git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
  • Loading branch information
g_j_m committed Mar 13, 2006
1 parent d2109c2 commit 2a1887f
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Showing 5 changed files with 175 additions and 88 deletions.
Binary file added images/themes/default/mIconUnknownLayerType.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added images/themes/default/mIconWaitingForLayerType.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
218 changes: 152 additions & 66 deletions src/gui/qgsdbsourceselect.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ email : sherman at
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QTextOStream>
#include <QTableWidgetItem>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QHeaderView>

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,6 +102,13 @@ QgsDbSourceSelect::QgsDbSourceSelect(QgisApp *app, Qt::WFlags fl)

// Do some things that couldn't be done in designer
QStringList labels;
labels += tr("Type"); labels += tr("Name"); labels += tr("Sql");
/** Autoconnected SLOTS **/
// Slot for adding a new connection
Expand All @@ -117,7 +128,7 @@ void QgsDbSourceSelect::on_btnAdd_clicked()

// Slot for opening the query builder when a layer is double clicked
void QgsDbSourceSelect::on_lstTables_doubleClicked(Q3ListViewItem *item)
void QgsDbSourceSelect::on_lstTables_itemDoubleClicked(QTableWidgetItem *item)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,15 +210,16 @@ void QgsDbSourceSelect::deleteConnection()
void QgsDbSourceSelect::addTables()
//store the table info
Q3ListViewItemIterator it( lstTables );
while ( it.current() )
Q3ListViewItem *item = it.current();

if ( item->isSelected() )
for (int i = 0; i < lstTables->rowCount(); ++i)
if (lstTables->isItemSelected(lstTables->item(i, 0)))
m_selectedTables += item->text(1) + " sql=" + item->text(2);
QString table = lstTables->item(i,1)->text() + " sql=";
QTableWidgetItem* sqlItem = lstTables->item(i,2);
if (sqlItem)
table += sqlItem->text();
m_selectedTables += table;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,9 +276,12 @@ void QgsDbSourceSelect::on_btnConnect_clicked()
// create the pixmaps for the layer types
QString myThemePath = QgsApplication::themePath();
QPixmap pxPoint(myThemePath+"/mIconPointLayer.png");
QPixmap pxLine(myThemePath+"/mIconLineLayer.png");
QPixmap pxPoly(myThemePath+"/mIconPolygonLayer.png");
QIcon pxPoint(myThemePath+"/mIconPointLayer.png");
QIcon pxLine(myThemePath+"/mIconLineLayer.png");
QIcon pxPoly(myThemePath+"/mIconPolygonLayer.png");
QIcon pxWaiting(myThemePath+"/mIconWaitingForLayerType.png");
QIcon pxUnknown(myThemePath+"/mIconUnknownLayerType.png");

assert (!pxPoint.isNull());
//qDebug("Connection succeeded");
// tell the DB that we want text encoded in UTF8
Expand All @@ -281,26 +296,73 @@ void QgsDbSourceSelect::on_btnConnect_clicked()
geomCol::const_iterator iter = details.begin();
for (; iter != details.end(); ++iter)
QPixmap *p = 0;
if (iter->second == "POINT" || iter->second == "MULTIPOINT")
QString toolTipText;
QIcon *p = 0;
if (iter->second == "POINT")
p = &pxPoint;
else if (iter->second == "MULTIPOLYGON" || iter->second == "POLYGON")
toolTipText = tr("Point layer");
else if (iter->second == "MULTIPOINT")
p = &pxPoint;
toolTipText = tr("Multi-point layer");
else if (iter->second == "MULTIPOLYGON")
p = &pxPoly;
toolTipText = tr("Multi-polygon layer");
else if (iter->second == "POLYGON")
p = &pxPoly;
else if (iter->second == "LINESTRING" || iter->second == "MULTILINESTRING")
toolTipText = tr("Polygon layer");
else if (iter->second == "LINESTRING")
p = &pxLine;

if (p != 0)
toolTipText = tr("Linestring layer");
else if (iter->second == "MULTILINESTRING")
Q3ListViewItem *lItem = new Q3ListViewItem(lstTables);
p = &pxLine;
toolTipText = tr("Multi-linestring layer");
else if (iter->second == "WAITING")
p = &pxWaiting;
toolTipText = tr("Waiting for layer type");
qDebug(("Unknown geometry type of " + iter->second).toLocal8Bit().data());
toolTipText = tr("Unknown layer type");
p = &pxUnknown;

if (p != 0)
QTableWidgetItem *iconItem = new QTableWidgetItem();
QTableWidgetItem *textItem = new QTableWidgetItem(iter->first);
int row = lstTables->rowCount();
lstTables->setItem(row, 0, iconItem);
lstTables->setItem(row, 1, textItem);
// For some reason not clear to me, the table header labels
// set in the constructor have reverted to '1', '2', and '3'
// by here. Hence we reset them. This seems like a bug in Qt
// (4.1.1).
QStringList labels;
labels += tr("Type"); labels += tr("Name"); labels += tr("Sql");

// And tidy up the columns & rows
Expand All @@ -309,7 +371,7 @@ void QgsDbSourceSelect::on_btnConnect_clicked()
if (cmbConnections->count() > 0)
} else
Expand All @@ -330,15 +392,22 @@ QString QgsDbSourceSelect::connInfo()
return m_connInfo;
void QgsDbSourceSelect::setSql(Q3ListViewItem *item)
void QgsDbSourceSelect::setSql(QTableWidgetItem *item)
int row = lstTables->row(item);
QString tableText = lstTables->item(row, 1)->text();

QTableWidgetItem* sqlItem = lstTables->item(row, 2);
QString sqlText;
if (sqlItem)
sqlText = sqlItem->text();
// Parse out the table name
QString table = item->text(1).left(item->text(1).find("("));
QString table = tableText.left(tableText.find("("));
assert(pd != 0);
// create a query builder object
QgsPgQueryBuilder * pgb = new QgsPgQueryBuilder(table, pd, this);
// set the current sql in the query builder sql box
// set the PG connection object so it can be used to fetch the
// fields for the table, get sample values, and test the query
Expand All @@ -347,16 +416,20 @@ void QgsDbSourceSelect::setSql(Q3ListViewItem *item)
// if user accepts, store the sql for the layer so it can be used
// if and when the layer is added to the map
item->setText(2, pgb->sql());
if (!sqlItem)
sqlItem = new QTableWidgetItem();
lstTables->setItem(row, 2, sqlItem);
// Ensure that the current row remains selected
lstTables->setItemSelected(lstTables->item(row,0), true);
lstTables->setItemSelected(lstTables->item(row,1), true);
lstTables->setItemSelected(lstTables->item(row,2), true);
// delete the query builder object
delete pgb;
void QgsDbSourceSelect::addLayer(Q3ListBoxItem * item)
qgisApp->addVectorLayer(m_connInfo, item->text(), "postgres");
// lstTables->setSelected(item, false);

bool QgsDbSourceSelect::getGeometryColumnInfo(PGconn *pg,
geomCol& details)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,23 +463,23 @@ bool QgsDbSourceSelect::getGeometryColumnInfo(PGconn *pg,

PGresult* exists = PQexec(pg, sql.toLocal8Bit().data());
if (PQntuples(exists) == 1)
QString v = "";
QString v = "";

if (schemaName.length() > 0)
v += schemaName;
v += ".";
if (schemaName.length() > 0)
v += schemaName;
v += ".";

v += tableName;
v += " (";
v += PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, "f_geometry_column"));
v += ")";
v += tableName;
v += " (";
v += PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, "f_geometry_column"));
v += ")";

QString type = PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, "type"));
details.push_back(geomPair(v, type));
QString type = PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, "type"));
details.push_back(geomPair(v, type));
ok = true;
Expand All @@ -417,7 +490,8 @@ bool QgsDbSourceSelect::getGeometryColumnInfo(PGconn *pg,
// geometry_columns table. This code is specific to postgresql,
// but an equivalent query should be possible in other
// databases.
sql = "select pg_class.relname, pg_namespace.nspname, pg_attribute.attname from "
sql = "select pg_class.relname, pg_namespace.nspname, pg_attribute.attname, "
"pg_class.relkind from "
"pg_attribute, pg_class, pg_type, pg_namespace where pg_type.typname = 'geometry' and "
"pg_attribute.atttypid = pg_type.oid and pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid "
"and cast(pg_class.relname as character varying) not in "
Expand All @@ -436,34 +510,46 @@ bool QgsDbSourceSelect::getGeometryColumnInfo(PGconn *pg,
// Make the assumption that the geometry type for the first
// row is the same as for all other rows.

// Flag these not geometry_columns table tables so that the UI
// can indicate this????
QString table = PQgetvalue(result, i, 0); // relname
QString schema = PQgetvalue(result, i, 1); // nspname
QString column = PQgetvalue(result, i, 2); // attname
QString relkind = PQgetvalue(result, i, 3); // relation kind

QString query = "select GeometryType(" + column + ") from ";
if (schema.length() > 0)
query += "\"" + schema + "\".";
query += "\"" + table + "\" where " + column + " is not null limit 1";

PGresult* gresult = PQexec(pg, query.toLocal8Bit().data());
if (PQresultStatus(gresult) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
QString type = "WAITING";
if (relkind == "r" || relkind == "v")
QString myError = (tr("Access to relation ") + table + tr(" using sql;\n") + query +
tr("\nhas failed. The database said:\n"));
qDebug(myError + QString(PQresultErrorMessage(gresult)));
QString query = "select GeometryType(" + column + ") from ";
if (schema.length() > 0)
query += "\"" + schema + "\".";
query += "\"" + table + "\" where " + column + " is not null limit 1";

PGresult* gresult = PQexec(pg, query.toLocal8Bit().data());
if (PQresultStatus(gresult) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
QString myError = (tr("Access to relation ") + table + tr(" using sql;\n") + query +
tr("\nhas failed. The database said:\n"));
qDebug(myError + QString(PQresultErrorMessage(gresult)));
type = "UNKNOWN";
type = PQgetvalue(gresult, 0, 0); // GeometryType
// Commented out temporarily...
else // view
QString type = PQgetvalue(gresult, 0, 0); // GeometryType
QString full_desc = "";
if (schema.length() > 0)
full_desc = schema + ".";
full_desc += table + " (" + column + ")";
details.push_back(geomPair(full_desc, type));
// store the column details and do the query in a thread
std::cout << "Doing " << (schema+'.'+table+'.'+column).toLocal8Bit().data()
<< " later" << std::endl;

QString full_desc = "";
if (schema.length() > 0)
full_desc = schema + ".";
full_desc += table + " (" + column + ")";
details.push_back(geomPair(full_desc, type));
ok = true;

Expand Down
16 changes: 7 additions & 9 deletions src/gui/qgsdbsourceselect.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,18 +49,16 @@ class QgsDbSourceSelect : public QDialog, private Ui::QgsDbSourceSelectBase
void addNewConnection();
//! Opens a dialog to edit an existing connection
void editConnection();
//! Deletes the selected connection
void deleteConnection();
//! Populate the connection list combo box
void populateConnectionList();
//! Deletes the selected connection
void deleteConnection();
//! Populate the connection list combo box
void populateConnectionList();
//! Determines the tables the user selected and closes the dialog
void addTables();
void addTables();
//! String list containing the selected tables
QStringList selectedTables();
//! Connection info (database, host, user, password)
QString connInfo();
//! Add the layer selected when user double-clicks the mouse
void addLayer(Q3ListBoxItem *item);
//! Return the name of the selected encoding (e.g. UTf-8, ISO-8559-1, etc/)
QString encoding();
// Store the selected database
Expand All @@ -74,8 +72,8 @@ class QgsDbSourceSelect : public QDialog, private Ui::QgsDbSourceSelectBase
void on_btnNew_clicked();
void on_btnEdit_clicked();
void on_btnDelete_clicked();
void on_lstTables_doubleClicked(Q3ListViewItem *);
void setSql(Q3ListViewItem *);
void on_lstTables_itemDoubleClicked(QTableWidgetItem *);
void setSql(QTableWidgetItem *);
void on_btnHelp_clicked();

Expand Down

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