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wcs test - improved report
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blazek committed Sep 21, 2012
1 parent 5243423 commit 4a61eb4
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Showing 4 changed files with 95 additions and 17 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/providers/wcs/qgswcscapabilities.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ bool QgsWcsCapabilities::retrieveServerCapabilities( )
// We prefer 1.0 because 1.1 has many issues, each server implements it in defferent
// way with various particularities
// It may happen that server supports 1.1.0 but gives error for 1.1
versions << "VERSION=1.0.0" << "AcceptVersions=1.1.0,1.0.0";
versions << "1.0.0" << "1.1.0,1.0.0";

foreach ( QString v, versions )
Expand Down
79 changes: 67 additions & 12 deletions tests/src/providers/testqgswcspublicservers.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include <QObject>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QSet>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QTextStream>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,16 +57,29 @@ TestQgsWcsPublicServers::TestQgsWcsPublicServers( const QString & cacheDirPath,
, mCoverage( coverage )
, mVersion( version )
, mForce( force )
, mTimeout( 60000 )


QSettings settings;
settings.setValue( "/qgis/networkAndProxy/networkTimeout", mOrigTimeout );

//runs before all tests
void TestQgsWcsPublicServers::init()
// init QGIS's paths - true means that all path will be inited from prefix
QgsDebugMsg( "Entered" );

// Unfortunately this seems to be the only way to set timeout, we try to reset it
// at the end but it can be canceled before ...
QSettings settings;
mOrigTimeout = settings.value( "/qgis/networkAndProxy/networkTimeout", "20000" ).toInt();
settings.setValue( "/qgis/networkAndProxy/networkTimeout", mTimeout );

//mCacheDir = QDir( "./wcstestcache" );
mCacheDir = QDir( mCacheDirPath );
if ( !mCacheDir.exists() )
Expand All @@ -79,21 +93,24 @@ void TestQgsWcsPublicServers::init()

mHead << "Coverage";
mHead << "Has size";

QStringList providers;
providers << "wcs" << "gdal";
foreach ( QString provider, providers )
QString prefix = provider == "gdal" ? "GDAL " : "";
mHead << prefix + "CRS";
mHead << prefix + "Width";
mHead << prefix + "Height";
mHead << prefix + "Extent";
mHead << prefix + "Snap";
mHead << prefix + "Bands";
mHead << prefix + "Type";
mHead << prefix + "Min";
mHead << prefix + "Max";
mHead << prefix + "Values";
mHead << prefix + "Colors";
mHead << prefix + "Time (s)";

// read servers + issues list
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -379,6 +396,8 @@ void TestQgsWcsPublicServers::test( )

foreach ( QString provider, providers )
QTime time;
QString uri;
if ( provider == "wcs" )
Expand All @@ -394,7 +413,7 @@ void TestQgsWcsPublicServers::test( )
myStream << " <ServiceURL>" + serverUrl + "?" + "</ServiceURL>\n";
myStream << " <CoverageName>" + myCoverage.identifier + "</CoverageName>\n";
myStream << " <Version>" + version + "</Version>\n";
myStream << " <Timeout>60</Version>\n";
myStream << QString( " <Timeout>%1</Timeout>\n" ).arg( mTimeout / 1000., 0, 'd' ) ;
myStream << "</WCS_GDAL>\n";

Expand All @@ -404,6 +423,14 @@ void TestQgsWcsPublicServers::test( )
if ( myLayer->isValid() )
myLog << provider + "_crs:" + myLayer->dataProvider()->crs().authid();
myLog << provider + "_width:" + QString::number( myLayer->dataProvider()->xSize() );
myLog << provider + "_height:" + QString::number( myLayer->dataProvider()->ySize() );
QgsRectangle extent = myLayer->dataProvider()->extent();
myLog << provider + "_extent:"
+ QgsRasterInterface::printValue( extent.xMinimum() ) + ","
+ QgsRasterInterface::printValue( extent.yMinimum() ) + ","
+ QgsRasterInterface::printValue( extent.xMaximum() ) + ","
+ QgsRasterInterface::printValue( extent.yMaximum() ) + ",";
int myBandCount = myLayer->dataProvider()->bandCount();
myLog << provider + "_bandCount:" + QString::number( myBandCount );
if ( myBandCount > 0 )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -478,6 +505,9 @@ void TestQgsWcsPublicServers::test( )
QgsDebugMsg( "Layer is not valid" );
myLog << provider + "_error:Layer is not valid";
myLog << provider + QString( "_time:%1" ).arg( time.elapsed() / 1000., 0, 'f', 2 );
// Generate report for impatient people

QFile myLogFile( myLogPath );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -594,29 +624,33 @@ void TestQgsWcsPublicServers::report()

QStringList myValues;
myValues << QString( "<a href='%1'>%2</a>" ).arg( myLog.value( "describeCoverageUrl" ) ).arg( myLog.value( "identifier" ) );
myValues << myLog.value( "hasSize" );
myVersionReport += cells( myValues );
//myValues << myLog.value( "hasSize" );
myVersionReport += cells( myValues, "", 1, 2 );

QStringList issues = issueDescriptions( myServerLog.value( "server" ), myLog.value( "identifier" ), myLog.value( "version" ) );
QString issuesString = issues.join( "<br>" );

QStringList providers;
providers << "wcs" << "gdal";

bool hasErr = false;
foreach ( QString provider, providers )

QString imgPath = myVersionDir.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + QFileInfo( myLogPath ).completeBaseName() + "-" + provider + ".png";

if ( !myLog.value( provider + "_error" ).isEmpty() )
myValues << myLog.value( provider + "_error" );
int offender = NoOffender;
if ( provider == "wcs" )
QStringList issues = issueDescriptions( myServerLog.value( "server" ), myLog.value( "identifier" ), myLog.value( "version" ) );
myValues << issues.join( "<br>" );
myValues << issuesString;;

offender = issueOffender( myServerLog.value( "server" ), myLog.value( "identifier" ), myLog.value( "version" ) );
hasErr = true;
QString cls;
if ( offender == ServerOffender )
Expand All @@ -631,19 +665,23 @@ void TestQgsWcsPublicServers::report()
cls = "cell-err";
myVersionReport += cells( myValues, cls, 8 );
myVersionReport += cells( myValues, cls, 12 );
myValues << myLog.value( provider + "_crs" );
myValues << myLog.value( provider + "_width" );
myValues << myLog.value( provider + "_height" );
myValues << QString( myLog.value( provider + "_extent" ) ).replace( ",", "<br>" );
myValues << "<img src='" + imgPath + "'>";
myValues << myLog.value( provider + "_bandCount" );
myValues << myLog.value( provider + "_srcType" );
myValues << myLog.value( provider + "_min" );
myValues << myLog.value( provider + "_max" );
myValues << myLog.value( provider + "_valuesCount" );
myValues << myLog.value( provider + "_colorsCount" );
myValues << myLog.value( provider + "_time" );

QString cls;
int myValuesCount = myLog.value( provider + "_valuesCount" ).toInt();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -671,6 +709,19 @@ void TestQgsWcsPublicServers::report()
myVersionReport += "<tr>\n";
QString cls;
if ( !issuesString.isEmpty() && !hasErr )
myValues << issuesString;
myValues << "";
cls = "cell-empty";
myVersionReport += cells( myValues, cls, 24 );
myVersionReport += "</tr>\n";
} // coverages
myVersionReport += "</table>\n";
// prepend counts
Expand All @@ -696,7 +747,7 @@ void TestQgsWcsPublicServers::report()
myRep += "<style>";
myRep += ".tab { border-spacing: 0px; border-width: 1px 1px 0 0; border-style: solid; }";
myRep += ".cell { border-width: 0 0 1px 1px; border-style: solid; font-size: smaller; text-align: center}";
//myReport += ".cell-ok { background: #00ff00; }";
myRep += ".cell-empty { border-width: 0; height:0; padding:0 }";
myRep += ".cell-ok { background: #ffffff; }";
myRep += ".cell-warn { background: #ffcc00; }";
myRep += ".cell-err { background: #ff0000; }";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -744,18 +795,22 @@ QString TestQgsWcsPublicServers::error( QString theMessage )
return myRow;

QString TestQgsWcsPublicServers::cells( QStringList theValues, QString theClass, int colspan )
QString TestQgsWcsPublicServers::cells( QStringList theValues, QString theClass, int colspan, int rowspan )
QString myRow;
for ( int i = 0; i < theValues.size(); i++ )
QString val = theValues.value( i );
QString colspanStr;
QString colspanStr, rowspanStr;
if ( colspan > 1 && i == theValues.size() - 1 )
colspanStr = QString( "colspan=%1" ).arg( colspan - theValues.size() + 1 ) ;
myRow += QString( "<td class='cell %1' %2>%3</td>" ).arg( theClass ).arg( colspanStr ).arg( val );
if ( rowspan > 1 )
rowspanStr = QString( "rowspan=%1" ).arg( rowspan ) ;
myRow += QString( "<td class='cell %1' %2 %3>%4</td>" ).arg( theClass ).arg( colspanStr ).arg( rowspanStr ).arg( val );
return myRow;
Expand Down
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion tests/src/providers/testqgswcspublicservers.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,11 +59,13 @@ class TestQgsWcsPublicServers: public QObject

TestQgsWcsPublicServers( const QString & cacheDirPath, int maxCoverages, const QString & server = QString(), const QString & coverage = QString(), const QString &version = QString(), bool force = false );


void init();
void test();
void report();
QString cells( QStringList theValues, QString theClass = QString(), int colspan = 1 );
QString cells( QStringList theValues, QString theClass = QString(), int colspan = 1, int rowspan = 1 );
QString row( QStringList theValues, QString theClass = QString() );
QString error( QString theMessage );
void writeReport( QString theReport );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,4 +96,7 @@ class TestQgsWcsPublicServers: public QObject
QStringList mHead;

QList<TestQgsWcsPublicServers::Server> mServers;

int mTimeout;
int mOrigTimeout;
24 changes: 21 additions & 3 deletions tests/src/providers/wcs-servers.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,23 @@
url: '',
description: 'Does not work at all with gvSIG-1_11-1305-final.',
description: 'It does not work at all with gvSIG-1_11-1305-final. The Coverage usgs:ned is quite slow and it can fail even with timeout 60s',
issues: [
offender: 'server',
coverages: [ 'og:0' ],
versions: [ '1.0.0' ],
description: 'The server fails in DescribeCoverage with: null Translator error Unexpected error occurred during describe coverage xml encoding ...'
offender: 'server',
coverages: [ 'topp:bluemarble', 'topp:bm' ],
versions: [ '1.0.0' ],
description: "The extent in DescribeCoverage spatialDomain.Envelope is wrong: -187.272,-187.272,187.272,187.272. QGIS does not correct it (we don't know where the limits really are) while GDAL probably cuts longitude for EPSG:4326 to +/-90."
offender: 'server',
coverages: [ 'usgs:ned' ],
versions: [ '1.0.0' ],
description: "The Coverage usgs:ned is very slow and it can fail even with timeout 60s, but even with timeout 300s it usually fails to render. It was seen to rendered in QGIS however."
offender: 'server',
coverages: [ 'bm' ],
Expand All @@ -17,7 +27,7 @@
offender: 'server',
coverages: [ 'usgs:nlcd', 'nlcd' ],
versions: [ '1.0.0', '1.1.0' ],
description: 'The server does no offer any CRS in DescribeCoverage supportedCRSs / supportedCRS. QGIS tries to get coverage using EPSG:5070, in which the coverage spatialDomain.Envelope is defined, but server fails reporting error: Could not recognize crs ...'
description: 'The server does not offer any CRS in DescribeCoverage supportedCRSs / supportedCRS. QGIS tries to get coverage using EPSG:5070, in which the coverage spatialDomain.Envelope is defined, but server fails reporting error: Could not recognize crs ...'
offender: 'server',
coverages: [ '0', 'naturalearth' ],
Expand All @@ -33,7 +43,15 @@
}, {
url: ''
}, {
url: ''
url: '',
issues: [
offender: 'server',
coverages: [ 'modis-001' ],
versions: [ '1.0.0' ],
description: "The server DescribeCoverage advertises temporalDomain.timePosition 2002-001, but GetCoverages fails with 'msWCSGetCoverage(): WCS server error. Underlying layer is not tiled, unable to do temporal subsetting.' if TIME=2002-001 is used."
}, {
// Some (first) coverages do not advertise any supportedCRS and sever gives
// error both with native CRS (EPSG::561005) and EPSG:4326
Expand Down

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