From 6af2e65d32a865c070a3783bb5f4b3509ee6b267 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Werner Macho Date: Mon, 27 May 2013 21:02:53 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] update and some changes to basque language --- doc/TRANSLATORS | 6 +- i18n/{qgis_eu_ES.ts => qgis_eu.ts} | 29240 ++++++++++++++++----------- images/flags/{eu_ES.png => eu.png} | Bin images/images.qrc | 2 +- scripts/ | 2 +- 5 files changed, 17753 insertions(+), 11497 deletions(-) rename i18n/{qgis_eu_ES.ts => qgis_eu.ts} (68%) rename images/flags/{eu_ES.png => eu.png} (100%) diff --git a/doc/TRANSLATORS b/doc/TRANSLATORS index a9dcb34a26c8..534212440c05 100755 --- a/doc/TRANSLATORS +++ b/doc/TRANSLATORS @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ + - @@ -14,15 +14,16 @@ + + - @@ -49,7 +50,6 @@ - diff --git a/i18n/qgis_eu_ES.ts b/i18n/qgis_eu.ts similarity index 68% rename from i18n/qgis_eu_ES.ts rename to i18n/qgis_eu.ts index 8b2f9c318813..b18ef012e618 100644 --- a/i18n/qgis_eu_ES.ts +++ b/i18n/qgis_eu.ts @@ -1,28 +1,29 @@ - + CharacterWidget <p>Character: <span style="font-size: 24pt; font-family: %1">%2</span><p>Value: 0x%3 - + <p>Karakterea: <span style="font-size: 24pt; font-family: %1">%2</span><p>Balioa: 0x%3 ConfigDialog Search... - + Bilatu... Wrong value - + Balio okerra Wrong parameter value: %1 - + Parametro-balio okerra: +%1 @@ -31,53 +32,53 @@ Coordinate Capture - + Koordenatuen kaptura Click on the map to view coordinates and capture to clipboard. - + Egin klik mapan koordenatuak ikusi eta arbelean kopiatzeko. &Coordinate Capture - + &Koordenatuen kaptura Click to select the CRS to use for coordinate display - + Egin klik koordenatuak erakusteko erabiliko den CRSa hautatzeko Coordinate in your selected CRS (lat,lon or east,north) - + Koordenatua hautatutako CRSan (lat,lon edo ekialdea,iparraldea) Coordinate in map canvas coordinate reference system (lat,lon or east,north) - + Koordenatua mapa-oihalaren CRSan (lat,lon edo ekialdea,mendebaldea) Copy to clipboard - + Kopiatu arbelera Click to enable mouse tracking. Click the canvas to stop - + Egin klik saguaren jarraipena gaitzeko. Klik oihalean gelditzeko Start capture - + Hasi kaptura Click to enable coordinate capture - + Klik koordenatuen kaptura gaitzeko @@ -85,27 +86,27 @@ Add geometry column - + Gehitu geometria-zutabea Name - + Izena Type - + Mota Dimensions - + Dimentsioak SRID - + SRID @@ -113,22 +114,22 @@ Add constraint - + Column - + Zutabea Primary key - + Gako nagusia Unique - + Bakarra @@ -136,17 +137,17 @@ Create index - + Sortu indizea Column - + Zutabea Name - + Izena @@ -154,63 +155,63 @@ Create Table - + Sortu taula Schema - + Eskema Name - + Izena Add field - + Gehitu eremua Delete field - + Ezabatu eremua Up - + Gora Down - + Behera Primary key - + Gako nagusia Create geometry column - + Sortu geometria-zutabea Dimensions - + Dimentsioak SRID - + SRID Create spatial index - + Sortu indize espaziala @@ -218,22 +219,22 @@ Database Error - + Datu-basearen errorea An error occured: - + Errorea gertatu da: An error occured when executing a query: - + Errorea gertatu da kontsulta exekutatzean: Query: - + Kontsulta: @@ -241,57 +242,57 @@ Export to vector file - + Esportatu bektore-fitxategira Output file - + Irteera-fitxategia ... - + ... Action - + Ekintza Create new file - + Sortu fitxategi berria Drop existing one - + Jaregin existitzen dena Append data to file - + Gehitu datuak fitxategiari Options - + Aukerak Source SRID - + Sorburu-SRIDa Target SRID - + Helburu-SRIDa Encoding - + Kodeketa @@ -299,32 +300,32 @@ Field properties - + Eremu-propietateak Name - + Izena Type - + Mota Can be NULL - + NULL izan daiteke Default value - + Balio lehenetsia Length - + Luzera @@ -332,97 +333,97 @@ Import vector layer - + Inportatu bektore-geruza Input - + Sarrera ... - + ... Update options - + Eguneraketa-aukerak Output table - + Irteera-taula Schema - + Eskema Table - + Taula Action - + Ekintza Create new table - + Sortu taula berria Drop existing one - + Jaregin existitzen dena Append data to table - + Gehitu datuak taulari Options - + Aukerak Primary key - + Gako nagusia Geometry column - + Geometria-zutabea Source SRID - + Sorburu-SRIDa Target SRID - + Helburu-SRIDa Encoding - + Kodeketa Create single-part geometries instead of multi-part - + Sortu zati bakarreko geometriak, zati anitzeko geometrien ordez Create spatial index - + Sortu indize espaziala @@ -430,89 +431,99 @@ SQL window - + SQL leihoa - + SQL query: + SQL kontsulta: + + + + Store - + + Delete + Ezabatu + + + &Execute (F5) - + &Exekutatu (F5) - + F5 - + F5 - + &Clear - + &Garbitu - + Result: - + Emaitza: - + Load as new layer - + Kargatu geruza berri gisa - + Column with unique integer values - + Balio oso bakarrak dituen zutabea - + Geometry column - + Geometria-zutabea - + Retrieve columns - + Eskuratu zutabeak - + Layer name (prefix) - + Geruza-izena (aurrizkia) - + Type - + Mota - + Vector - + Bektoriala - + Raster - + Rasterra - + Load now! - + Kargatu orain! - + <html><head/><body><p>Avoid selecting feature by id. Sometimes - especially when running expensive queries/views - fetching the data sequentially instead of fetching features by id can be much quicker.</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p>Saihestu elementuak ID bidez hautatzea. Batzuetan - batez ere lan asko behar duten kontsulta/bistak exekutatzean - datuak sekuentzialki atzitzea haiek ID bidez atzitzea baino azkarragoa izan daiteke.</p></body></html> - + Avoid selecting by feature id - + Saihestu elementu geografikoen ID bidez hautatzea @@ -520,82 +531,82 @@ columns Table properties - + Taula-propietateak Columns - + Zutabeak Table columns: - + Taularen zutabeak: Add column - + Gehitu zutabea Add geometry column - + Gehitu geometria-zutabea Edit column - + Editatu zutabea Delete column - + Ezabatu zutabea Constraints - + Murriztapenak Primary, foreign keys, unique and check constraints: - + Gako nagusia, kanpoko gakoak, bakarrak eta egiaztatze-murriztapenak: Add primary key / unique - + Gehitu gako nagusia / bakarra Delete constraint - + Ezabatu murriztapena Indexes - + Indizeak Indexes defined for this table: - + Taula honetarako definitutako indizeak: Add index - + Gehitu indizea Add spatial index - + Gehitu indize espaziala Delete index - + Ezabatu indizea @@ -603,17 +614,17 @@ columns Eliminate sliver polygons - + Ezabatu ezpal-poligonoak area - + azalera Selected features: - + Hautatutako elementu geografikoak: @@ -622,22 +633,22 @@ columns Input vector layer - + Sarrerako bektore-geruza common boundary - + muga komuna Merge selection with the neighbouring polygon with the largest - + Fusionatu hautapena muga luzeena duen poligono auzokidearekin Save to new file - + Gorde fitxategi berrian @@ -659,56 +670,56 @@ columns Browse - + Arakatu Add result to canvas - + Gehitu emaitza oihalari Extract Nodes - + Erauzi nodoak Input line or polygon vector layer - + Lerroen edo poligonoen sarrerako bektore-geruza Unique ID field - + ID bakarren eremua Save to new shapefile - + Gorde shapefile berri gisa Output point shapefile - + Irteerako puntuen shapefile-a Tolerance - + Tolerantzia Calculate using - + Kalkulatu hau erabiliz: Calculate extent for each feature separately - + Kalkulatu elementu geografiko bakoitzaren hedadura bere aldetik @@ -717,37 +728,37 @@ columns Use only selected features - + Erabili hautatutako elementuak soilik Geoprocessing - + Geoprozesatzea Intersect layer - + Ebaki geruza Buffer distance - + Buffer-distantzia Buffer distance field - + Buffer-distantziaren eremua Dissolve field - + Disolbatze-eremua Dissolve buffer results - + Disolbatze-bufferraren emaitzak @@ -755,38 +766,38 @@ columns Output shapefile - + Irteerako shapefile-a Segments to approximate - + Hurbilketa egiteko segmentu-kopurua Locate Line Intersections - + Kokatu lerro-ebakidurak Input line layer - + Sarrerako lerro-geruza Input unique ID field - + Sarrerako ID bakarreko eremua Intersect line layer - + Ebakia lerro-geruza Intersect unique ID field - + Ebaketarako ID bakarreko eremua @@ -797,1042 +808,1061 @@ columns Output Shapefile - + Irteerako shapefile-a Generate Centroids - + Sortu zentroideak Weight field - + Haztatze-eremua Number of standard deviations - + Desbiderapen estandarren kopurua Std. Dev. - + Desb. est. Merge shapefiles - + Fusionatu shapefile-ak Select by layers in the folder - + Hautatu karpetako geruzen arabera Shapefile type - + Shapefile mota Polygon - + Poligonoa Line - + Lerroa Point - + Puntua Input directory - + Sarrera-direktorioa Add result to map canvas - + Gehitu emaitza mapa-oihalari Create Distance Matrix - + Sortu distantzia-matrizea Input point layer - + Sarrerako puntu-geruza Target point layer - + Helburuko puntu-geruza Target unique ID field - + Helburuko ID bakarreko eremua Output matrix type - + Irteerako matrize-mota Linear (N*k x 3) distance matrix - + Distantzia-matrize lineala (N*k x 3) Standard (N x T) distance matrix - + Distantzia-matrize estandarra (N x T) Summary distance matrix (mean, std. dev., min, max) - + Distantzia-matrize laburpena batez bestekoa, desb. est., min, max) Use only the nearest (k) target points - + Erabili helburu-puntu hurbilenak soilik (k) Output distance matrix - + Irteerako distantzia-matrizea Count Points In Polygons - + Zenbatu puntuak poligonoetan Input polygon vector layer - + Sarrerako poligono-geruza bektoriala Input point vector layer - + Sarrerako puntu-geruza bektoriala Output count field name - + Irteerako zenbaketa-eremuaren izena PNTCNT - + PNTCNT Generate Random Points - + Sortu puntuak ausaz Input Boundary Layer - + Sarrerako muga-geruza Sample Size - + Lagin-tamaina Unstratified Sampling Design (Entire layer) - + Geruzatu gabeko lagin-diseinua (geruza osoa) Use this number of points - + Erabili puntu-kopuru hau Stratified Sampling Design (Individual polygons) - + Geruzatutako lagin-diseinua (geruza osoa) Use this density of points - + Erabili puntu-dentsitate hau Use value from input field - + Erabili sarrerako eremuko balioa Random Selection Tool - + Ausazko hautaketarako tresna Input Vector Layer - + Sarrerako bektore-geruza Randomly Select - + Ausazko hautaketa Number of Features - + Elementu-kopurua Percentage of Features - + Elementuen ehunekoa % - + % Projection Management Tool - + Proiekzio-kudeaketarako tresna Input spatial reference system - + Sarrerako erreferentzia-sistema espaziala Output spatial reference system - + Irteerako erreferentzia-sistema espaziala Use predefined spatial reference system - + Erabili aurrez hautatutako erreferentzia-sistema espaziala Choose - + Hautatu Import spatial reference system from existing layer - + Inportatu erreferentzia-sistema espaziala beste geruza batetik Import spatial reference system - + Inportatu erreferentzia-sistema espaziala Generate Regular Points - + Sortu puntuak modu erregularrean Area - + Azalera Input Coordinates - + Sarrera-koordenatuak X Min - + X min Y Min - + Y min X Max - + X max Y Max - + Y max Grid Spacing - + Sareta-tartea Use this point spacing - + Erabili puntu-tarte hau Apply random offset to point spacing - + Aplikatu ausazko desplazamendua puntu-tartera Initial inset from corner (LH side) - + Hasierako txertatzea izkinatik (ezkerreko aldea) Simplify geometries - + Sinplifikatu geometriak Input line or polygon layer - + Sarrerako lerro- edo poligono-geruza Simplify tolerance - + Sinplifikatu tolerantzia Build spatial index - + Eraiki indize espaziala Select files from disk - + Hautatu fitxategiak diskotik Select files... - + Hautatu fitxategiak... Select all - + Hautatu dena Select none - + Ez hautatu bat ere Clear list - + Garbitu zerrenda Spatial Join - + Elkarketa espaziala Target vector layer - + Helburuko bektore-geruza Join vector layer - + Elkartuko den bektore-geruza Attribute Summary - + Atributu-laburpena Mean - + Batez bestekoa Take summary of intersecting features - + hartu ebakitako elementuen laburpena Min - + Min Sum - + Batuketa Median - + Mediana Max - + Max Take attributes of first located feature - + Hartu aurkitzen den lehen elementuaren atributuak Output table - + Irteera-taula Only keep matching records - + Mantendu bat datozen erregistroak soilik Keep all records (including non-matching target records) - + Mantendu erregistro guztiak (bat ez datozen helburu-erregistroak barne) Random Selection From Within Subsets - + Ausazko hautateko azpimultzoetatik Input subset field (unique ID field) - + Sarrera-azpimultzoaren eremua (ID bakarreko eremua) Sum Line Length In Polygons - + Batu lerro-luzerak poligonoetan Output summed length field name - + Irteerako luzera-baturen eremu-izena LENGTH - + LUZERA Input line vector layer - + Sarrerako lerro-geruza Generate Vector Grid - + Sortu bektore-sareta Grid extent - + Sareta-hedadura Update extents from layer - + Eguneratu hedadurak geruzatik Update extents from canvas - + Egunerako hedadurak oihaletik Align extents and resolution to selected raster layer - + Lerrokatu hedadurak eta bereizmena hautatutako raster-geruzarekin Parameters - + Parametroak X - + X Lock 1:1 ratio - + Blokeatu 1:1 erlazioa Y - + Y Output grid as polygons - + Irteera-sareta poligono gisa Output grid as lines - + Irteera-sareta lerro gisa Vector Split - + Zatiketa bektoriala Output folder - + Irteera-karpeta List Unique Values - + Zerrendatu balio bakarrak Target field - + Helburu-eremua Unique values list - + Balio bakarren zerrenda Unique value count - + Balio bakarren zenbaketa Save errors location - + Erroreak gordetzeko kokapena Press Ctrl+C to copy results to the clipboard - + Sakatu Ctrl+C emaitzak arbelera kopiatzeko Regular points - + Puntu erregularrak Please specify input layer - + Adierazi sarrera-geruza Please properly specify extent coordinates - + Adierazi ongi hedadura-koordenatuak Please specify output shapefile - + Adierazi irteerako shapefile-a Created output point shapefile: %1 Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? - + Sortu da puntuen irteerako shapefile-a: +%1 + +Geruza berria aurkibideari gehitu nahi diozu? creating new selection - + hautaketa berria sortuz adding to current selection - + uneko hautekatara erantsiz removing from current selection - + uneko hautaketatik kenduz Select by location - + Hautatu kokapenaren arabera Select features in: - + Hautatu elementuak hemen: that intersect features in: - + hemengo elementuekin gurutzatzen direnak: Modify current selection by: - + Aldatu uneko hautaketa honekin: Use selected features only - + Erabili hautatutako elementuak soilik Please specify select layer - + Adierazi hautaketa-geruza Select directory with shapefiles to merge - + Hautatu batuko diren shapefile-ak dituen direktorioa No shapefiles found - + Ez da shapefile-rik aurkitu There are no shapefiles in this directory. Please select another one. - + Ez dago shapefile-rik direktorio horretan. Mesedez hautatu beste bat. Input files - + Sarrera-fitxategiak No output file - + Ez dago irteera-fitxategirik Please specify output file. - + Adierazi irteera-fitxategia. There are no shapefiles with the given geometry type. Please select an available geometry type. - + Ez dago esandako geometria-mota duen shapefile-rik. Mesedez hautatu eskuragarri dagoen geometria-mota bat. Delete error - + Ezabatu errorea Can't delete file %1 - + Ezin da %1 fitxategia ezabatu Cancel - + Utzi Merging - + Batzen Error loading output shapefile: %1 - + Errorea irteerako shapefile-a kargatzean: +%1 Close - + Itxi Sum line lengths - + Lerro-luzeren batuketa Sum Line Lengths In Polyons - + Lerro-luzeren batuketa poligonoetan Please specify input polygon vector layer - + Adierazi sarrerako poligono-geruza bektoriala Please specify input line vector layer - + Adierazi sarrerako lerro-geruza bektoriala Please specify output length field - + Adierazi irteerako luzera-eremua Created output shapefile: %1 Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? - + Sortu da irteerako shapefile-a: +%1 + +Geruza berria aurkibideari gehitu nahi diozu? CRS warning! - + CRS abisua! Warning: Input layers have non-matching CRS. This may cause unexpected results. - + Abisua: Sarrera-geruzek ez dute CRS bera. +Honek ustekabeko emaitzak izan ditzake. length field - + luzera-eremua Random selection within subsets - + Ausazko hautateko azpimultzoetan Please specify input vector layer - + Adierazi sarrerako geruza bektoriala Please specify an input field - + Adierazi sarrera-fitxategia Distance matrix - + Distantzia-matrizea Create Point Distance Matrix - + Sortu puntuen distantzia-matrizea Please specify input point layer - + Adierazi sarrerako puntu-geruza Please specify output file - + Adierazi irteera-fitxategia Please specify target point layer - + Adierazi helburuko puntu-geruza Please specify input unique ID field - + Adierazi sarrerako ID bakarreko eremua Please specify target unique ID field - + Adierazi helburuko ID bakarreko eremua Created output matrix: - + Irteera-matrizea sortu da: Define current projection - + Definitu uneko proiekzioa Missing or invalid CRS - + CRS baliogabea edo CRSa falta da No input shapefile specified - + Ez da sarrerako shapefile-rik adierazi Please specify spatial reference system - + Adierazi erreferentzia-sistema espaziala Cannot define projection for PostGIS data...yet! - + Ezin da PostGIS datuetarako proiekzioa definitu... oraindik! Identical output spatial reference system chosen Are you sure you want to proceed? - + Erreferentzia-sistema espazial bera hautatu da. + +Seguru zaude jarraitu nahi duzula? Output spatial reference system is not valid - + Irteerako erreferentzia-sistema espaziala baliogabea da Defined Projection For: %1.shp - + Honentzat definitutako proiekzioa: +%1.shp Please select the projection system that defines the current layer. - + Hautatu uneko geruza definitzen duen proiekzio-sistema. Layer CRS information will be updated to the selected CRS. - + Geruzaren CRS informazioa hautatutako CRSa erabiliz eguneratuko da. Export to new projection - + Esportatu proiekzio berri batera No Valid CRS selected - + Ez da hautatu CRS baliozkoa Count Points in Polygon - + Zenbatu puntuak poligonoan Count Points In Polygon - + Zenbatu puntuak poligonoan Please specify input point vector layer - + Adierazi sarrerako puntu-geruza bektoriala Please specify output count field - + Adierazi irteerako zenbaketa-eremua Random Points - + Ausazko puntuak No input layer specified - + Ez da sarrerako geruzarik adierazi unstratified - + geruzatu gabea stratified - + geruzatua density - + dentsitatea field - + eremua Unknown layer type... - + Geruza-mota ezezaguna... Mean coordinates - + Batez besteko koordenatuak Standard distance - + Distantzia estandarra (Optional) Weight field - + (Aukerakoa) Haztatze-eremua (Optional) Unique ID field - + (Aukerakoa) ID bakarreko eremua Coordinate statistics - + Koordenatu-estatistikak No input vector layer specified - + Ez da sarrerako geruza bektorialik adierazi Selected features: %1 - + Hautatutako elementuak: %1 Eliminate - + Kendu No selection in input layer - + Ez dago hautaketarik sarrera-geruzan Commit error: %1 - + Egikaritze-errorea: + %1 Error creating output file - + Errorea irteera-fitxategia sortzean Could not delete features - + Ezin dira elementuak ezabatu Could not replace geometry of feature with id %1 - + Ezin izan da %1 IDa duen elementu geografikoaren geometria ordeztu Created output shapefile: %1 - + Irteerako shapefile-a sortu da: +%1 Could not eliminate features with these ids: %1 - + Ezin izan dira ezabatu hurrego IDak dituzten elementu geografikoak: %1 Could not add features - + Ezin dira elementu geografikoak gehitu Line intersections - + Lerro-ebakidurak Please specify input line layer - + Adierazi sarrerako lerro-geruza Please specify line intersect layer - + Adierazi ebakidurarako lerro-geruza Please specify intersect unique ID field - + Adierazi ebakidurarako ID bakarreko eremua Random selection - + Ausazko hautaketa Densify geometries - + Trinkotu geometriak Vertices to add - + Gehituko diren erpinak Warning - + Abisua Currently QGIS doesn't allow simultaneous access from different threads to the same datasource. Make sure your layer's attribute tables are closed. Continue? - + Momentuz QGISek ez du onartzen aldi berean datu-iturri bereko + hari ezberdinetatik sartzea. Segurtatu zure geruzaren + atributu-taulak itxita daudela. Jarraitu? Simplify results - + Sinplifikatu emaitzak There were %1 vertices in original dataset which were reduced to %2 vertices after simplification - + %1 erpin zeuden jatorrizko datu-multzoan eta +sinplifikazioaren ondoren %2 erpin geratu dira Error - + Errorea Finished - + Amaitu da Processing completed. - + Prozesatzea osatu da. Join attributes by location - + Elkartu atributuak kokapenaren arabera Please specify target vector layer - + Adierazi helburuko geruza bektoriala Please specify join vector layer - + Adierazi elkarketarako geruza bektoriala Please specify at least one summary statistic - + Adierazi gutxienez laburpen-estatistika bat Summary field - + Laburpen-eremua Incorrect field names - + Eremu-izen okerrak No output will be created. Following field names are longer than 10 characters: %1 - + Ez da irteerarik sortuko. +Hurrengo eremu-izenek 10 karaktere baino gehiago dituzte: +%1 Error deleting shapefile - + Errorea shapefile-a ezabatzean Can't delete existing shapefile %1 - + Ezin da existitzen den %1 shapefile-a ezabatu Vector grid - + Sareta bektoriala Please select a raster layer - + Hautatu raster-geruza bat Unable to compute extents aligned on selected raster layer - + Ezin izan da kalkulatu hautatutako raster-geruzarekin lerrokatutako hedadura Please specify valid extent coordinates - + Adierazi baliozko hedadura-koordenatuak Invalid extent coordinates entered - + Baliogabeko hedadura-koordenatuak sartu dira Split vector layer - + Zatitu geruza bektoriala Created output shapefiles in folder: %1 - + Irteerako shapegile-ak sortu dira hurrengo karpetan: +%1 @@ -1840,22 +1870,22 @@ Following field names are longer than 10 characters: SEXTANTE options - + SEXTANTE aukerak Enter setting name to filter list - + Sartu ezarpenaren izena zerrenda iragazteko Setting - + Ezarpena Value - + Balioa @@ -1863,22 +1893,22 @@ Following field names are longer than 10 characters: Help editor - + Laguntza-editorea about:blank - + about:blank Select element to edit - + Hautatu editatuko den elementua Element description - + Elementu-deskribapena @@ -1886,7 +1916,7 @@ Following field names are longer than 10 characters: History and log - + Historia eta egunkaria @@ -1894,32 +1924,32 @@ Following field names are longer than 10 characters: SEXTANTE modeler - + SEXTANTE modelizatzailea Inputs - + Sarrerak Algorithms - + Algoritmoak Enter algorithm name to filter list - + Sartu algoritmoaren izena zerrenda iragazteko Enter model name here - + Sartu ereduaren izena hemen Enter group name here - + Sartu taldearen izena hemen @@ -1927,24 +1957,25 @@ Following field names are longer than 10 characters: Results - + Emaitzak about:blank - + about:blank DlgSqlWindow Sorry - + Barkatu You must fill the required fields: geometry column - column with unique integer values - + Eskatutako eremuak bete behar dituzu: +geometria-zutabea - balio oso bakarrak dituen zutabea @@ -1952,329 +1983,338 @@ geometry column - column with unique integer values Add versioning support to a table - + Gehitu bertsio-euskarria taula bati Table is expected to be empty, with a primary key. - + Taulak hutsik egon behar du eta gako nagusi bat eduki behar du. Schema - + Eskema Table - + Taula create a view with current content (<TABLE>_current) - + sortu bista bat uneko edukiarekin (<TABLE>_current) New columns - + Zutabe berriak Prim. key - + Gako nagusia id_hist - + id_hist Start time - + Hasiera-ordua time_start - + time_start End time - + Amaiera-ordua time_end - + time_end SQL to be executed: - + Exekutatuko den SQLa: EditRScriptDialog I/O error - + I/O errorea Unable to save edits. Reason: %1 - + Ezin izan da edizioa gorde. Arrazoia: + %1 EditScriptDialog I/O error - + I/O errorea Unable to save edits. Reason: %1 - + Ezin izan da edizioa gorde. Arrazoia: + %1 GdalTools The process failed to start. Either the invoked program is missing, or you may have insufficient permissions to invoke the program. - + Prozesuaren abioak huts egin du. Deitutako aplikazioa ez dago, edo ez duzu aplikazioari deitzeko aski baimenik. The process crashed some time after starting successfully. - + Prozesua kraskatu egin da hura ongi abiarazi ondoren. An unknown error occurred. - + Errore ezezaguna gertatu da. &Input directory - + &Sarrera-direktorioa &Output directory - + &Irteera-direktorioa The selected file is not a supported OGR format - + Hautatutako fitxategia ez da onartutako OGR formatu batekoa Plugin error - + Pluginaren errorea Unable to load %1 plugin. The required "%2" module is missing. Install it and try again. - + Ezin izan da %1 plugina kargatu. +Beharrezkoa den "%2" modulua falta da. +Instala ezazu eta saiatu berriro. Quantum GIS version detected: + Detektatutako Quantum GIS bertsioa: + + + QGIS version detected: This version of Gdal Tools requires at least QGIS version 1.0.0 Plugin will not be enabled. - + Gdal Tools tresnak gutxienez QGIS 1.0.0 bertsioa behar du. +Plugina ez da gaituko. Projections - + Proiekzioak Warp (Reproject) - + Bihurritu (birproiektatu) Warp an image into a new coordinate system - + Bihurritu irudi bat beste koordenatu-sistema bat har dezan Assign projection - + Esleitu proiekzioa Add projection info to the raster - + Gehitu proiekzio-informazioa rasterrari Extract projection - + Erauzi proiekzioa Extract projection information from raster(s) - + Erauzi proiekzio-informazioa rasterretik Conversion - + Bihurketa Rasterize (Vector to raster) - + Rasterizatu (bektoretik rasterrera) Burns vector geometries into a raster - + Bektore-geometriak raster batean markatzen ditu Polygonize (Raster to vector) - + Poligonizatu (rasterretik bektorera) Produces a polygon feature layer from a raster - + Poligono-geruza bat sortzen du raster batetik abiatuz Translate (Convert format) - + itzuli (bihurtu formatua) Converts raster data between different formats - + Raster datuak formatuz aldatzen ditu RGB to PCT - + RGBtik PCTra Convert a 24bit RGB image to 8bit paletted - + 24 biteko RGB irudia 8 biteko bihurtzen du PCT to RGB - + PCTtik RGBra Convert an 8bit paletted image to 24bit RGB - + 8 biteko irudia 24 biteko RGB bihurtzen du Extraction - + Erauzketa Contour - + Sestra-kurbak Builds vector contour lines from a DEM - + Sestra-kurba bektorialak sortzen ditu DEM batetik Clipper - + Ebakitzailea Analysis - + Analisia Sieve - + Bahea Removes small raster polygons - + Raster-poligono txikiak kentzen ditu Near black - + Ia beltza Convert nearly black/white borders to exact value - + Ia beltzak/zuriak diren ertzak balio zehatzetan bihurtzen ditu Fill nodata - + Bete daturik gabekoak Fill raster regions by interpolation from edges - + Raster-eskualdeak betetzen ditu ertzetatik interpolazioa eginez Proximity (Raster distance) - + Hurbiltasuna (raster-distantzia) Produces a raster proximity map - + Hurbiltasun-mapa rasterra sortzen du Grid (Interpolation) - + Sareta (interpolazioa) Create raster from the scattered data - + Raster bat sortzen du sakabanatutako datuetatik DEM (Terrain models) - + DEM (altitudeen eredu digitalak) Tool to analyze and visualize DEMs - + DEMak analizatu eta bistaratzeko tresna Miscellaneous - + Denetarik Build Virtual Raster (Catalog) - + Eraiki raster birtuala (katalogoa) Builds a VRT from a list of datasets - + VRT bat eraikitzen du datu-multzoen zerrenda batetik abiatuz Merge - + Batu Build a quick mosaic from a set of images - + Eraiki mosaiko azkarra irudien multzo batetik abiatuz Information - + Informazioa Lists information about raster dataset - + Datu-multzo rasterren informazioa zerrendatzen du Build overviews (Pyramids) - + Eraiki ikuspegi orokorrak (piramideak) Builds or rebuilds overview images - + Ikuspegi orokorreko irudiak eraiki edo berraikitzen ditu Tile index - + Lauzen aurkibidea Build a shapefile as a raster tileindex - + Eraiki shapefile bat lauzen aurkibide raster gisa GdalTools settings - + GdalTools ezarpenak Various settings for Gdal Tools - + Gdal Tools tresnarako hainbat ezarpen @@ -2282,17 +2322,17 @@ Plugin will not be enabled. About Gdal Tools - + GDAL tresnei buruz GDAL Tools - + GDAL tresnak Version x.x-xxxxxx - + x.x-xxxxxx bertsioa @@ -2301,76 +2341,82 @@ Plugin will not be enabled. p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"></p></body></html> - + <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> +<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> +p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } +</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> +<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"></p></body></html> Web - + Weba Close - + Itxi GdalToolsBaseBatchWidget Finished - + Amaitua Operation completed. - + Eragiketa osatu da. Warning - + Abisua The following files were not created: %1 - + Ez dira hurrengo fitxategiak sortu: +%1 GdalToolsBaseDialog Warning - + Abisua The command is still running. Do you want terminate it anyway? - + Komandoa abian dago oraindik. +Amaitu egin nahi al duzu? Invalid parameters. - + Baliogabeko parametroak. GdalToolsBasePluginWidget Warning - + Abisua No output file created. - + Ez da irteera-fitxategirik sortu. Finished - + Amaitu da Processing completed. - + Prozesatzea osatu da. %1 not created. - + %1 ez da sortu. @@ -2378,267 +2424,277 @@ Do you want terminate it anyway? Dialog - + Elkarrizketa-koadroa &Load into canvas when finished - + &Kargatu oihalean amaitu ondoren Edit - + Editatu Reset - + Berrezarri Extract projection - + Erauzi proiekzioa Batch mode (for processing whole directory) - + Batch-modua (direktorio osoa prozesatzeko) &Input file - + &Sarrera-fitxategia Recurse subdirectories - + Errekurtsiboki azpidirektorioetan Create also prj file - + Sortu PRJ fitxategia ere bat Select the input file for Rasterize - + Hautatu rasterizatuko den fitxategia Select the raster file to save the results to - + Hautatu zein raster-fitxategitan gordeko diren emaitzak Output size required - + Irteera-tamaina behar da The output file doesn't exist. You must set up the output size to create it. + Irteera-fitxategia ez da existitzen. Irteerako tamaina ezarri behar duzu hura sortu ahal izateko. + + + Output size or resolution required - Select the input file for Polygonize + The output file doesn't exist. You must set up the output size or resolution to create it. + + Select the input file for Polygonize + Hautatu poligonizatuko den irteera-fitxategia + Select where to save the Polygonize output - + Hautatu non gordeko den poligonizatutako irteera Select the input file for Contour - + Hautatu sestra-kurbak sortzeko sarrera-fitxategia Select where to save the Contour output - + Hautatu non gordeko den sestra-kurben irteera Select the input file for Translate - + Hautatu itzuliko den sarrera-fitxategia Select the input directory with files to Translate - + Hautatu itzuliko diren fitxategiak dituen sarrera-direktorioa Select the output directory to save the results to - + Hautatu emaitzak gordetzeko erabiliko den irteera-direktorioa Translate - srcwin - + Itzuli - srcwin Image coordinates (pixels) must be integer numbers. - + Irudi-koordenatuek (pixelak) balio osoak izan behar dituzte. Translate - prjwin - + Itzuli - prjwin Image coordinates (geographic) must be numbers. - + Irudi-koordenatuek (geografikoek) zenbakiak izan behar dituzte. Select the input file for convert - + Hautatu bihurtuko den sarrera-fitxategia Select the input directory with files for convert - + Hautatu bihurtuko diren fitxategiak dituen sarrera-direktorioa Select the files to Merge - + Hautatu batuko diren fitxategiak Error retrieving the extent - + Errorea hedadura atzitzean GDAL was unable to retrieve the extent from any file. The "Use intersected extent" option will be unchecked. - + GDALek ezin izan du fitxategien hedadura atzitu. +"Erabili ebakitze-hedadura" aukera markatu gabe utziko da. Empty extent - + Hedadura hutsik The computed extent is empty. Disable the "Use intersected extent" option to have a nonempty output. - + Kalkulatutako hedadura hutsik dago. +Desgaitu "Erabili ebakitze-hedadura" aukera hutsik egongo ez den irteera edukitzeko. Select where to save the Merge output - + Hautatu non gordeko den batutako irteera Select the input directory with files to Merge - + Hautatu batuko diren fitxategiak dituen sarrera-direktorioa Select the input file for Sieve - + Hautatu bahetuko den sarrera-fitxategia Select the file to analyse - + Hautatu analizatuko den fitxategia Select the input directory with files to Assign projection - + Hautatu proiekzioa esleituko zaizkien fitxategiak dituen sarrera-direktorioa Convert paletted image to RGB - + Bihurtu paleta bidez margotutako irudia RGBra Warning - + Abisua Warning: CRS information for all raster in subfolders will be rewritten. Are you sure? - + Abisua: Azpikarpetetako raster guztien CRS informazioa berridatziko da. Seguru zaude? Finished - + Amaitua Processing completed. - + Prozesatzea osatu da. %1 not created. - + %1 ez da sortu. Assign projection - + Esleitu proiekzioa This raster already found in map canvas - + Raster hau jadanik badago mapa-oihalean Select the input file for Grid - + Hautatu sareta sortzeko sarrera-fitxategia Select the input file for Near Black - + Hautatu ia beltzerako sarrera-fitxategia Select the files for VRT - + Hautatu VRT bihurtuko diren fitxategiak Select where to save the VRT - + Hautatu non gordeko den VRTa VRT (*.vrt) - + VRT (*.vrt) Select the input directory with files for VRT - + Hautatu VRTa sortzeko erabiliko diren fitxategiak dituen sarrera-direktorioa Select the input directory with raster files - + Hautatu raster-fitxategiak dituen sarrera-direktorioa Select where to save the TileIndex output - + Hautatu lauzen aurkibidearen irteera non gordeko den Copy - + Kopiatu Copy all - + Kopiatu dena Select the input file for Warp - + Hautatu bihurritzerako sarrera-fitxategia Select the mask file - + Hautatu maskara-fitxategia Select the input directory with files to Warp - + Hautatu bihurrituko diren fitxategiak dituen sarrera-direktorioa Select the files to analyse - + Hautatu analizatuko diren fitxategiak Select the input directory with files - + Hautatu fitxategiak dituen sarrera-direktorioa Select the file for DEM - + Hautatu DEMa sortzeko fitxategia Select the color configuration file - + Hautatu kolore-konfigurazioko fitxategia Select the input file for Proximity - + Hautatu hurbiltasunerako sarrera-fitxategia Select the input file - + Hautatu sarrera-fitxategia @@ -2646,39 +2702,39 @@ Disable the "Use intersected extent" option to have a nonempty output. Select the extent by drag on canvas - + Hautatu hedadura oihalean arrastatuz or change the extent coordinates - + edo aldatu hedaduraren koordenatuak x - + x y - + y 2 - + 2 1 - + 1 Re-Enable - + Birgaitu @@ -2686,7 +2742,7 @@ Disable the "Use intersected extent" option to have a nonempty output. Select... - + Hautatu... @@ -2694,22 +2750,22 @@ Disable the "Use intersected extent" option to have a nonempty output. Name - + Izena Value - + Balioa Add - + Gehitu Remove - + Kendu @@ -2717,12 +2773,12 @@ Disable the "Use intersected extent" option to have a nonempty output. Gdal Tools settings - + GDAL tresnen ezarpenak Path to the GDAL executables - + GDAL exekutagarrien bidea @@ -2731,27 +2787,27 @@ Disable the "Use intersected extent" option to have a nonempty output. Browse - + Arakatu Path to the GDAL python modules - + GDALen Python moduluen bidea GDAL help path - + GDALen laguntzaren bidea GDAL data path - + GDALen datuen bidea GDAL driver path - + GDALen kontrolagailuen bidea A list of colon-separated (Linux and MacOS) or @@ -2760,29 +2816,37 @@ and python executables. MacOS users usually need to set it to something like /Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions/1.8/Programs - + Bi puntuz bereizitako (Linux eta MacOS) edo +puntu eta komaz bereizitako (Windows) bideak +binarioetara eta Python exekutagarrietara. + +MacOS erabiltzaileek /Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions/1.8/Programs +edo horrelako zerbait ezarri behar dute normalean A list of colon-separated (Linux and MacOS) or semicolon-separated (Windows) paths to python modules. - + Bi puntuz bereizitako (Linux eta MacOS) edo +puntu eta komaz bereizitako (Windows) bideak +Python moduluetara. Useful to open local GDAL documentation instead of online help when pressing on the tool dialog's Help button. - + Erabilgarria GDAL dokumentazio lokala irekitzeko, lineako laguntza ordez, +tresnaren Laguntz botoian sakatzean. Select directory with GDAL executables - + Hautatu GDAL exekutagarriak dituen direktorioa Select directory with GDAL python modules - + Hautatu GDALen Python moduluak dituen direktorioa Select directory with the GDAL documentation - + Hautatu GDAL dokumentazioa duen direktorioa @@ -2790,24 +2854,24 @@ when pressing on the tool dialog's Help button. Build Virtual Raster (Catalog) - + Eraiki raster birtuala (katalogoa) Use visible raster layers for input - + Erabili ikusgai dauden rasterrak sarrera gisa Choose input directory instead of files - + Hautatu sarrera-direktorioa, fitxategien ordez &Input files - + &Sarrera-fitxategiak @@ -2815,7 +2879,7 @@ when pressing on the tool dialog's Help button. Recurse subdirectories - + Errekurtsiboki azpidirektorioetan @@ -2831,118 +2895,118 @@ when pressing on the tool dialog's Help button. &Output file - + &Irteera-fitxategia &Resolution - + &Bereizmena Highest - + Altuena Average - + Batez bestekoa Lowest - + Baxuena &Source No Data - + "Daturik ez" &sorburua Se&parate - + Be&reizi Allow projection difference - + Onartu proiekzio-diferentzia Clipper - + Ebakitzailea &No data value - + &"Daturik ez" balioa &Input file (raster) - + &Sarrera-fitxategia (rasterra) Clipping mode - + Ebakitze-modua Extent - + Hedadura Mask layer - + Maskara-geruza Create an output alpha band - + Sortu irteerako alfa-banda bat Contour - + Sestra-kurbak &Output file for contour lines (vector) - + &Irteera-fitxategia sestra-kurben lerroentzako (bektoriala) I&nterval between contour lines - + Sestra-kurben arteko &tartea &Attribute name - + &Atributu-izena If not provided, no elevation attribute is attached. - + Ematen ez bada, ez da altitudeen atributurik erantsiko. ELEV - + ELEV Convert RGB image to paletted - + Bihurtu RGB irudia paleta bidez margotutakora @@ -2952,7 +3016,7 @@ when pressing on the tool dialog's Help button. Batch mode (for processing whole directory) - + Batch-modua (direktorio osoa prozesatzeko) @@ -2965,242 +3029,242 @@ when pressing on the tool dialog's Help button. &Input file - + &Sarrera-fitxategia Number of colors - + Kolore-zenbakia Band to convert - + Bihurtuko den banda DEM (Terrain models) - + DEM (altitudeen eredu digitalak) &Input file (DEM raster) - + &Sarrera-fitxategia (DEM rasterra) &Band - + &Banda Compute &edges - + Kalkulatu &ertzak &Mode - + &Modua Hillshade - + Itzala Slope - + Malda Aspect - + Orientazioa Color relief - + Kolore-erliebea TRI (Terrain Ruggedness Index) - + TRI (zoruaren malkartasun indizea) TPI (Topographic Position Index) - + TPI (kokapen topografikoaren indizea) Roughness - + Malkartasuna Use Zevenbergen&&Thorne formula (instead of the Horn's one) - + Erabili Zevenbergen&&Thorne formula (Horn-en formularen ordez) Mode Options - + Modu-aukerak Z factor (vertical exaggeration) - + Z faktorea (handitze bertikala) Scale (ratio of vert. units to horiz.) - + Eskala (unitate bertikalen eta horizontalen arteko erlazioa) Azimuth of the light - + Argiaren azimuta Altitude of the light - + Argiaren altitudea Slope expressed as percent (instead of as degrees) - + Malda ehunekoetan adierazia (graduen ordez) Return trigonometric angle (instead of azimuth) - + Itzuli angelu trigonometrikoa (azimutaren ordez) Return 0 for flat (instead of -9999) - + Itzuli 0 balio lauetarako (-9999 ordez) Color configuration file - + Kolore-konfigurazioko fitxategia Matching mode - + Bat etortze.modua Exact color (otherwise "0,0,0,0" RGBA) - + Kolore zehatza (bestela "0,0,0,0" RGBA) Nearest color - + Kolorerik hurbilena Add alpha channel - + Gehitu alfa-kanala &Creation Options - + &Sorrera-aukerak Fill Nodata - + Bete daturik gabekoak &Input Layer - + &Sarrera-geruza Output format - + Irteera-formatua Search distance - + Bilaketa-distantzia Smooth iterations - + Iterazio leunak Band to operate on - + Eragiketetarako erabiliko den banda Validity mask - + Baliozkotasun-maskara Do not use the default validity mask - + Ez erabili baliozkotasun-maskara lehenetsia Grid (Interpolation) - + Sareta (interpolazioa) &Z Field - + &Z eremua &Algorithm - + &Algoritmoa Inverse distance to a power - + Indar baten alderantzizko distantzia Moving average - + Batez besteko mugikorra Nearest neighbor - + Gertueneko balioa Data metrics - + Datuen metrika Power - + Indarra Smoothing - + Leuntzea @@ -3208,7 +3272,7 @@ when pressing on the tool dialog's Help button. Radius1 - + Erradioa1 @@ -3216,19 +3280,19 @@ when pressing on the tool dialog's Help button. Radius2 - + Erradioa2 Max points - + Puntu maximoak Min points - + Puntu minimoak @@ -3236,7 +3300,7 @@ when pressing on the tool dialog's Help button. Angle - + Angelua @@ -3245,263 +3309,268 @@ when pressing on the tool dialog's Help button. No data - + Daturik ez Metrics - + Metrika Minimum - + Minimoa Maximum - + Maximoa Range - + Tartea Resize - + Tamaina aldatu - + Width - + Zabalera - + Height - + Altuera Info - + Informazioa Raster info - + Raster-informazioa Suppress GCP printing - + Ez inprimatu GCPak Suppress metadata printing - + Ez inprimatu metadatuak Merge - + Batu Layer stack - + Geruza-pila Use intersected extent - + Erabili ebakiduraren hedadura Grab pseudocolor table from the first image - + Atzitu sasikolore-taula lehen iruditik Near Black - + Ia beltza How &far from black (or white) - + Zein &urruti dagoen beltzetik (edo zuritik) Search for nearly &white (255) pixels instead of black ones - + Bilatu pixel ia &zuriak (255) beltzen ordez Build overviews (Pyramids) - + Eraiki ikuspegi orokorrak (piramideak) old - + zaharra Resampling method - + Birlagintze-metodoa nearest - + hurbilena average - + batez bestekoa gauss - + gauss cubic - + kubikoa average_mp - + batez besteko mp average_magphase - + batez besteko magphase mode - + modua new - + berria Levels (space delimited) - + Mailak (zuriunez mugatuak) Remove all overviews. - + Kendu ikuspegi orokor guztiak. Clean - + Garbitu In order to generate external overview (for GeoTIFF especially). - + Kanpoko ikuspegi orokorra sortzeko ordenan (batez ere GeoTIFF formaturako). Open in read-only mode - + Ireki irakurtzko moduan Create external overviews in TIFF format, compressed using JPEG. - + Sortu kanpoko ikuspegi orokorra TIFF formatuan, JPEG erabilita trinkotuta. Overviews in TIFF format with JPEG compression - + Ikuspegi orokorrak JPEG bidez trinkotutako TIFF formatuan For JPEG compressed external overviews, the JPEG quality can be set. - + JPEG bidez trinkotutako kanpoko ikuspegi orokorretan, +JPEG kalitatea ezar daiteke. JPEG Quality (1-100) - + JPEG kalitatea (1-100) Alternate overview format using Erdas Imagine format, placing the overviews in an associated .aux file suitable for direct use with Imagine,ArcGIS, GDAL. - + Ikuspegi orokorrerako formatu alternatiboa ERDAS Imagine formatuaren bidez, +ikuspegiak aux fitxategi gehigarri batean kokatuz, +Imagine, ArcGIS eta GDAL bidez zuzenean erabiltzeko egokia. Use Imagine format (.aux file) - + Erabili Imagine formatua (.aux fitxategia) Polygonize (Raster to vector) - + Poligonizatu (rasterretik bektorera) &Output file for polygons (shapefile) - + &Irteera-gitxategia poligonoetarako (shapefile) &Field name - + &Eremu-izena DN - + DNa Use mask - + Erabili maskara Assign projection - + Esleitu proiekzioa WARNING: current projection definition will be cleared - + ABISUA: uneko proiekzio-definizioa garbitu egingo da Desired SRS - + Nahi den SRSa Output will be: - new GeoTiff if input file is not GeoTiff - overwritten if input is GeoTiff - + Irteera hurrengoa izango da: +- GeoTIFF berria sarrera-fitxategia GeoTIFF ez bada +- gainidatzi egingo da sarrera GeoTIFF bada @@ -3509,171 +3578,195 @@ suitable for direct use with Imagine,ArcGIS, GDAL. Select... - + Hautatu... Proximity (Raster distance) - + Hurbiltasuna (raster-distantzia) &Values - + &Balioak &Dist units - + &Distantzia-unitateak GEO - + GEO PIXEL - + PIXEL &Max dist - + Distantzia &maximoa &No data - + Daturik &ez &Fixed buf val - + Buffer-balio &finkoa 0 - + 0 Rasterize (Vector to raster) - + Rasterizatu (bektoretik rasterrera) &Input file (shapefile) - + &Sarrera-fitxategia (shapefile-a) &Attribute field - + &Atributu-eremua &Output file for rasterized vectors (raster) - + &Irteera-fitxategia rasterizatutako bektoreentzako (rasterra) - New size (required if output file doens't exist) + Keep existing raster size and resolution + + + + + Raster size in pixels + + + Raster resolution in map units per pixel + + + + + Horizontal + Horizontala + + + + Vertical + Bertikala + + + New size (required if output file doens't exist) + Tamaina berria (beharrezkoa irteera-fitxategia existitzen ez bada) + Sieve - + Bahea &Threshold - + &Atalasea &Pixel connections - + &Pixel-konexioak 4 - + 4 8 - + 8 Raster tile index - + Raster-lauzen aurkibidea Input directory - + Sarrera-direktorioa Output shapefile - + Irteerako shapefile-a Tile index field - + Lauza-aurkibidearen eremua location - + Kokapena Write absolute path - + Idatzi bide absolutua Skip files with different projection ref - + Saltatu proiekzio-erreferentzia ezberdina duten fitxategiak Translate (Convert format) - + Itzuli (bihurtu formatua) &Target SRS - + &Helburu-SRSa Percentage to resize image. This will change pixel size/image resolution accordingly: 25% will create an image with pixels 4x larger. - + Irudiaren tamaina aldatzeko ehunekoa. Honek pixel-tamaina/irudi-bereizmena aldatuko du: % 25ak 4 aldiz handiagoak diren pixeldun irudia sortuko du. Outsize - + Estra handia % - + % Assign a specified nodata value to output bands. - + Esleitu nodata-balio jakin bat irteera-bandei. @@ -3681,271 +3774,277 @@ suitable for direct use with Imagine,ArcGIS, GDAL. To expose a dataset with 1 band with a color table as a dataset with 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA) bands. Useful for output drivers such as JPEG, JPEG2000, MrSID, ECW that don't support color indexed datasets. The 'gray' value (from GDAL 1.7.0) enables to expand a dataset with a color table that only contains gray levels to a gray indexed dataset. - + Banda bakarra kolore-taula batekin duen datu-multzo bat 3 (RGB) edo 4 (RGBA) banda edukiko balitu bezala erakusteko. +Erabilgarria kolore indexatuko datu-multzoak onartzen ez dituzten irteera-kontrolagailuetarako (JPEG, JPEG2000, MrSID, ECW). +'Gris' balioak (GDAL 1.7.0 bertsiokoak) gris-mailak soilik dituen kolore-taula duen datu-multzo bat gris indexatuko datu-multzoraino hedatzeko balio du. Expand - + Hedatu Gray - + Grisa RGB - + RGB RGBA - + RGBA Selects a subwindow from the source image for copying based on pixel/line location. (Enter Xoff Yoff Xsize Ysize) - + Hautatu sorburu-irudiko azpileiho bat pixel/lerro kokapenean oinarrituta kopiatzeko. (Sartu Xoff Yoff Xsize Ysize) Srcwin - + Srcwin Selects a subwindow from the source image for copying (like -srcwin) but with the corners given in georeferenced coordinates. (Enter ulx uly lrx lry) - + Hautatu sorburu-irudiko azpileiho bat (-srcwin bezala) baina izkinak koordenatu geoerreferentziatuetan emanda. (Sartu goiezkerx goiezkery beheeskuinx beheeskuiny) Prjwin - + Prjwin Copy all subdatasets of this file to individual output files. Use with formats like HDF or OGDI that have subdatasets. - + Kopiatu fitxategi honetako datu-azpimultzo guztiak banakako irteera-fitxategietara. Erabili datu-azpimultzoak dituzten HDF edo OGDI bezalako formatuetan. Sds - + Sds Warp (Reproject) - + Bihurritu (birproiektatu) &Source SRS - + &Sorburu-SRSa &Resampling method - + &Birlagintze-metodoa Near - + Hurbilar Bilinear - + Bilineala Cubic - + Kubikoa Cubic spline - + Spline kubikoa Lanczos - + Lanczos No data values - + Daturik gabeko balioak &Memory used for caching - + &Cache-rako erabilitako memoria MB - + MB Use m&ultithreaded warping implementation - + Erabili &hari anitzeko bihurritze-inplementazioa &Output directory for contour lines (shapefile) - + &Irteera-direktorioa sestra-kurbetarako (shapefile-a) GeometryDialog Merge all - + Batu denak Geometry - + Geometria Please specify input vector layer - + Adierazi sarrerako geruza bektoriala Please specify output shapefile - + Adierazi irteerako shapefile-a Please specify valid tolerance value - + Adierazi baliozko tolerantzia-balioa Please specify valid UID field - + Adierazi baliozko UID eremua Singleparts to multipart - + Zati bakarrekoak zati anitzekoetara Output shapefile - + Irteerako shapefile-a Multipart to singleparts - + Zati anitzekoak zati bakarrekoetara Extract nodes - + Erauzi nodoak Polygons to lines - + Poligonoak lerroetara Input polygon vector layer - + Sarrerako poligono-geruza bektoriala Export/Add geometry columns - + Esportatu edo gehitu geometria-zutabea Input vector layer - + Sarrerako geruza bektoriala Layer CRS - + Geruzaren CRSa Project CRS - + Proiektuaren CRSa Ellipsoid - + Elipsoidea Polygon centroids - + Poligono-zentroideak Output point shapefile - + Irteerako puntuen shapefile-a Delaunay triangulation - + Delaunay triangelaketa Input point vector layer - + Sarrerako puntu-geruza bektoriala Voronoi polygon - + Voronoi poligonoa Buffer region - + Buffer-eskualdea Lines to polygons - + Lerroak poligonoetara Input line vector layer - + Sarrerako lerro-geruza bektoriala Polygon from layer extent - + Poligonoa geruza-hedaduratik Input layer - + Sarrera-geruza Output polygon shapefile - + Irteerako poligonoen shapefile-a Unable to delete existing shapefile. - + Ezin izan da existitzen den shapefile-a ezabatu. Currently QGIS doesn't allow simultaneous access from different threads to the same datasource. Make sure your layer's attribute tables are closed. Continue? - + Momentuz QGISek ez du onartzen aldi berean datu-iturri bereko + hari ezberdinetatik sartzea. Segurtatu zure geruzaren + atributu-taulak itxita daudela. Jarraitu? Cancel - + Utzi Error processing specified tolerance! Please choose larger tolerance... - + Errorea adierazitako tolerantzia prozesatzean! +Hautatu tolerantzia handiagoa... Unable to delete incomplete shapefile. - + Ezin izan da shapefile osatugabea ezabatu. At least two features must have same attribute value! Please choose another field... - + Gutxienez bi elementuk atributu-balio bera izan behar dute! +Hautatu beste eremu bat... One or more features in the output layer may have invalid geometry, please check using the check validity tool - + Irteera-geruzako elementu geografiko batek edo gehiagok geometria baliogabea omen daukate, erabili balidazio-tresna egiaztatzeko Created output shapefile: @@ -3953,177 +4052,194 @@ Please choose another field... %2 Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? - + Irteerako shapefile-a sortu da: +%1 +%2 + +Geruza berria edukien taulan erakutsi nahi al duzu? Error loading output shapefile: %1 - + Errorea irteerako shapefile-a kargatzean: +%1 Layer '%1' updated - + '%1' geruza eguneratu da Error writing output shapefile. - + Errorea irteerako shapefile-a idaztean. GeoprocessingDialog Dissolve all - + Disolbatu dena Geoprocessing - + Geoprozesatzea Please specify an input layer - + Adierazi sarrera-geruza bat Please specify a difference/intersect/union layer - + Adierazi diferentzia/ebakidura/batura geruza Please specify valid buffer value - + Adierazi baliozko buffer-balioa Please specify dissolve field - + Adierazi disolbatze-eremua Please specify output shapefile - + Adierazi irteerako shapefile-a No features selected, please uncheck 'Use selected' or make a selection - + Ez da elementurik hautatu, kendu marka 'Erabili hautatuak' aukerari edo egin hautapena Buffer(s) - + Bufferra(k) Create single minimum convex hull - + Sortu kono ganbil minimo bakarra Create convex hulls based on input field - + Sortu kono ganbilak sarrera-eremuan oinarrituta Convex hull(s) - + Kono ganbila(k) Dissolve - + Disolbatu Difference layer - + Diferentzia-geruza Difference - + Diferentzia Intersect layer - + Ebaketa-geruza Intersect - + Ebaki Symetrical difference - + Diferentzia simetrikoa Clip layer - + Mozketa-geruza Clip - + Moztu Union layer - + Batuketa-geruza Union - + Batuketa Unable to delete existing shapefile. - + Ezin izan da existitzen den shapefile-a ezabatu. Cancel - + Utzi Close - + Itxi No output created. File creation error: %1 - + Ez da irteerarik sortu. Errorea fitxategia sortzean: +%1 Warnings: - + Abisuak: Some output geometries may be missing or invalid. Would you like to add the new layer anyway? - + +Irteerako zenbait geometria falta dira edo baliogabeak dira. + +Geruza berria gehitu nahi duzu hala ere? Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? - + + +Geruza berria edukien taulari gehitu nahi diozu? Input CRS error: Different input coordinate reference systems detected, results may not be as expected. - + +Sarrerako CRSaren errorea: Koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistema ezberdinak detektatu dira, emaitzak ez dira esperotakoak izango. Input CRS error: One or more input layers missing coordinate reference information, results may not be as expected. - + +Sarrerako CRSaren errorea: Sarrera-geruza batek edo gehiagok ez du(te) koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistemarik, emaitzak ez dira esperotakoak izango. Feature geometry error: One or more output features ignored due to invalid geometry. - + +Elementu-geometriaren errorea: Irteera-elementu bat edo gehiago ezikusi d(ir)a baliogabeko geometriagatik. GEOS geoprocessing error: One or more input features have invalid geometry. - + GEOS geoprozesatze-errorea: Sarrera-elementu batek edo gehiago baliogabeko geometria du(te). Created output shapefile: %1 %2%3 - + Irteerako shapefile-a sortu da: +%1 +%2%3 Error loading output shapefile: %1 - + Errorea irteerako shapefile-a kargatzean: +%1 @@ -4131,39 +4247,39 @@ GEOS geoprocessing error: One or more input features have invalid geometry. Launch Globe - + Abiarazi Globe Globe Settings - + Globe ezarpenak Unload Globe - + Deskargatu Globe Overlay data on a 3D globe - + Gainjarri datuak 3D globo batean Settings for 3D globe - + Ezarpenak 3D globorako Unload globe - + Deskargatu globoa &Globe - + &Globe @@ -4171,48 +4287,58 @@ GEOS geoprocessing error: One or more input features have invalid geometry. Heatmap - + Bero-mapa Creates a heatmap raster for the input point vector. - + Bero-mapa rasterra sortzen du sarrerako puntu-bektoreetatik. - + &Heatmap - + &Bero-mapa GDAL driver error - + GDAL kontrolagailuaren errorea Cannot open the driver for the specified format - + Ezin da kontrolagailua ireki adierazitako formaturako - + Raster update error - + Raster-eguneraketaren errorea - + Could not open the created raster for updating. The heatmap was not generated. + Ezin da sortutako rasterra ireki hura eguneratzeko. Bero-mapa ez da sortu. + + + + Creating heatmap - + + Abort + Abortatu + + + Heatmap generation aborted - + Bero-maparen sorrera abortatu da - + QGIS will now load the partially-computed raster. - + QGISek partzialki kalkulatutako rasterra kargatuko du. @@ -4220,37 +4346,37 @@ GEOS geoprocessing error: One or more input features have invalid geometry. Save Heatmap as: - + Gorde bero-mapa honela: No valid layers found! - + Ez da baliozko geruzarik aurkitu! Advanced options cannot be enabled. - + Aukera aurreratuak ezin dira gaitu. - + Invalid output filename - + Baliogabeko irteerako fitxategi-izena - + Please enter a valid output file path and name. - + Sartu baliozko irteerako fitxategi-izena eta -bidea. - + Layer not found - + Ez da geruza aurkitu - + Layer %1 not found. - + Ez da aurkitu %1 geruza. @@ -4258,158 +4384,177 @@ GEOS geoprocessing error: One or more input features have invalid geometry. Heatmap Plugin - + Bero-mapen plugina ... - + ... Input point layer - + Sarrerako puntu-geruza Output raster - + Irteera-rasterra Output format - + Irteera-formatua Radius - + Erradioa 10 - + 10 meters - + metro map units - + mapa-unitate + + + + Rows + Errenkadak Cell size X - + Gelaxkaren X tamaina + + + + Columns + Zutabeak Cell size Y - + Gelaxkaren Y tamaina Use radius from field - + Erabili erradioa eremutik Use weight from field - + Erabili haztatzea eremutik 0.0 - + 0.0 Decay ratio - + Erortze-erlazioa Quartic (biweight) - + Koartikoa (bi haztatze) Triangular - + Triangeluarra Uniform - + Uniformea Triweight - + Hiru haztatzekoa Epanechnikov - + Epanechnikov Kernel shape - + Kernel-forma Advanced - + Aurreratua - Row - + Errenkada - Column - + Zutabea Help - Dialog - + Elkarrizketa-koadroa - about:blank - + about:blank HelpEditionDialog Outputs - + Irteerak HistoryDialog Clear - + Garbitu Clear history and log - + Garbitu historia eta egunkaria Create test + Sortu testa + + + + HistoryDialogPythonConsole + + + Dialog + Elkarrizketa-koadroa + + + + Reload @@ -4418,17 +4563,17 @@ GEOS geoprocessing error: One or more input features have invalid geometry. Form - + Formularioa Symbol layer type - + Ikurren geruza-mota This layer doesn't have any editable properties - + Geruza honek ez dauka propietate editagarririk @@ -4436,1269 +4581,1348 @@ GEOS geoprocessing error: One or more input features have invalid geometry. &Edit - + &Editatu - &File - + &Fitxategia - &Open Recent Projects - + Ireki &azken proiektuak Print Composers - + Inprimatze-konposatzaileak - New Project From Template - + Proiektu berria txantiloitik &View - + &Bista Select - + Hautatu Measure - + Neurtu &Decorations - + &Apaingarriak &Layer - + &Geruzak New - + Berria - + &Plugins - + &Pluginak - + &Help - + &Laguntza - + &Settings - + E&zarpenak - + &Raster - + &Rasterra - + Vect&or - + Bekt&oriala - + &OpenStreetMap - + &OpenStreetMap - + File - + Fitxategia - + Manage Layers - + Kudeatu geruzak - + Digitizing - + Digitalizazioa - + Advanced Digitizing - + Digitalizazio aurreratua - + Map Navigation - + Mapa-nabigazioa - + Attributes - + Atributuak - + Plugins - + Pluginak - + Help - + Laguntza - + Raster - + Rasterra - + Label - + Etiketa - + Vector - + Bektoriala - + Database - + Datu-basea - + Web - + Weba - &New Project - + &Proiektu berria - + Ctrl+N - + Ctrl+N - &Open Project... - + &Ireki proiektua... - + Ctrl+O - + Ctrl+O - &Save Project - + &Gorde proiektua - + Ctrl+S - + Ctrl+S - Save Project &As... - + Gorde proiektua &honela... - + Ctrl+Shift+S - + Ctrl+Shift+S - + Save as Image... - + Gorde irudi gisa... - + &New Print Composer - + Inprimatze-&konposatzaile berria - + Ctrl+P - + Ctrl+P - + Composer Manager... - + Konposatzaile-kudeatzailea... - Exit - + Irten - + Ctrl+Q - + Ctrl+Q - + &Undo - + &Desegin - + Ctrl+Z - + Ctrl+Z - + &Redo - + &Berregin - + Ctrl+Shift+Z - + Ctrl+Shift+Z - + Cut Features - + Moztu elementu geografikoak - + Ctrl+X - + Ctrl+X - + Copy Features - + Kopiatu elementu geografikoak - + Ctrl+C - + Ctrl+C - + Paste Features - + Itsatsi elementu geografikoak - + Ctrl+V - + Ctrl+V - + Add Feature - + Gehitu elementua - + Ctrl+. - + Ctrl+. - + Move Feature(s) - + Mugitu elementua(k) - + Reshape Features - + Aldatu elementuen forma - + Split Features - + Zatitu elementuak - + Delete Selected - + Ezabatu hautatuak - + Add Ring - + Gehitu eraztuna - + Add Part - + Gehitu zatia - + Simplify Feature - + Sinplifikatu elementu geografikoa - + Delete Ring - + Ezabatu eraztuna - + Delete Part - + Ezabatu zatia - + Merge Selected Features - + Fusionatu hautatutako elementuak - + Merge Attributes of Selected Features - + Fusionatu hautatutako elementuen atributuak - + Node Tool - + Nodoen tresna - + Rotate Point Symbols - + Biratu puntuen sinboloak - + Snapping Options... - + Atxikitze-aukerak... - + Pan Map - + Desplazatu mapa - + Zoom In - + Handiagotu - + Ctrl++ - + Ctrl++ - + Zoom Out - + Txikiagotu - + Ctrl+- - + Ctrl+- - + Select Single Feature - + Hautatu elementu bakarra - + Select Features by Rectangle - + Hautatu elementuak laukizuzen bidez - + Select Features by Polygon - + Hautatu elementuak poligono bidez - + Select Features by Freehand - + Hautatu elementuak esku hutsez - + Select Features by Radius - + Hautatu elementuak erradio bidez - + Deselect Features from All Layers - + Desautatu geruza guztietako elementuak - + Identify Features - + Identifikatu elementuak - + Ctrl+Shift+I - + Ctrl+Shift+I - + Measure Line - + Neurtu lerroa - - + + Ctrl+Shift+M - + Ctrl+Shift+M - + Measure Area - + Neurtu azalera - + Ctrl+Shift+J - + Ctrl+Shift+J - + Measure Angle - + Neurtu angelua - + Zoom Full - + Zoom osoa - + Ctrl+Shift+F - + Ctrl+Shift+F - + Zoom to Layer - + Zoom geruzara - + Zoom to Selection - + Zoom hautapenera - + Ctrl+J - + Ctrl+J - + Zoom Last - + Zoom aurrekora - + Zoom Next - + Zoom hurrengora - + Zoom Actual Size - + Zoom uneko tamainara - + Zoom to Native Pixel Resolution - + Zoom jatorrizko pixel-bereizmenera - + Map Tips - + Mapa-argibideak - + Show information about a feature when the mouse is hovered over it - + Erakutsi elementu geografiko bati buruzko informazioa sagua gainetik pasatzean - + New Bookmark... - + Laster-marka berria... - + Ctrl+B - + Ctrl+B - + Show Bookmarks - + Erakutsi laster-markak - + Ctrl+Shift+B - + Ctrl+Shift+B - + Refresh - + Freskatu - + Ctrl+R - + Ctrl+R - + Text Annotation - + Testu-oharpena - + Form Annotation - + Formulario-oharpena - + Move Annotation - + Mugitu oharpena - + Labeling - + Etiketatzea - + Layer Labeling Options - + Geruzak etiketatzeko aukerak - + New Shapefile Layer... - + Shapefile geruza berria... - + Ctrl+Shift+N - + Ctrl+Shift+N - + New SpatiaLite Layer ... - + SpatiaLite geruza berria... - + Ctrl+Shift+A - + Ctrl+Shift+A - + Raster calculator ... - + Raster-kalkulagailua... - + Add Vector Layer... - + Gehitu geruza bektoriala... - + Ctrl+Shift+V - + Ctrl+Shift+V - + Add Raster Layer... - + Gehitu raster-geruza... - + Ctrl+Shift+R - + Ctrl+Shift+R - + Add PostGIS Layers... - + Gehitu PostGIS geruzak... - + Ctrl+Shift+D - + Ctrl+Shift+D - + Add SpatiaLite Layer... - + Gehitu SpatiaLite geruza... - + Ctrl+Shift+L - + Ctrl+Shift+L - + Add MSSQL Spatial Layer... - + Gehitu MSSQL Spatial geruza... - + Add Oracle Spatial Layer... - + Gehitu Oracle Spatial geruza... - + Add WMS Layer... - + Gehitu WMS geruza... - + Ctrl+Shift+W - + Ctrl+Shift+W - + Open Attribute Table - + Ireki atributu-taula - + Toggle Editing - + Txandakatu edizioa - + Toggles the editing state of the current layer - + Uneko geruzaren edizio-egoera txandakatzen du - - + + Save for All Layers - + Gorde geruza guztiak - - + + Rollback for All Layers - + Desegin geruza guztietan - - + + Cancel for All Layers - + Utzi geruza guztietan - - + + Rollback for Selected Layer(s) - + Desegin hautatutako geruz(et)an - - + + Current Edits - + Uneko edizioak - - + + Cancel for Selected Layer(s) - + Utzi hautatutako geruz(et)an - - + + Save Layer Edits - + Gorde geruza-edizioak - - + + Rotate Feature(s) - + Biratu elementua(k) - + &Download data - + &Deskargatu datuak - + &Import topology from XML - + &Inportatu topologia XMLtik - + &Export topology to SpatiaLite - + &Esportatu topologia SpatiaLite-ra - + Increase brightness - + Handitu distira - + Decrease brightness - + Txikitu distira - + Increase contrast - + Handitu kontrastea - + Decrease contrast - + Txikitu kontrastea - + Select By Expression - + Hautatu adierazpen bidez - + Select features using an expression + Hautatu elementuak adierazpen baten bidez + + + + Need Support? - - Save edits to current layer, but continue editing + + + Open Field Calculator - - Save As... + + Add Delimited Text Layer... - + + Add Delimited Text Layer + Gehitu testu mugatuko geruza + + + + Save edits to current layer, but continue editing + Gorde uneko geruzaren edizioa, baina jarraitu editatzen + + + + Save As... + Gorde honela... + + + Save Selection as Vector File... - + Gorde hautaketa bektore-geruza gisa... - + Remove Layer(s) - + Kendu geruza(k) - + Ctrl+D - + Ctrl+D - + Set CRS of Layer(s) - + Ezarri geruz(ar)en CRSa - + Ctrl+Shift+C - + Ctrl+Shift+C - + Set Project CRS from Layer - + Ezarri proiektuaren CRSa geruzatik hartuta - + Properties... - + Propietateak... - + Query... - + Kontsulta... - + Add to Overview - + Gehitu ikuspegi orokorrari - - + + Ctrl+Shift+O + Ctrl+Shift+O + + + + P&roject - - Save for Selected Layer(s) + + &Open Recent - - Add All to Overview + + New From Template - - Remove All from Overview + + &New + &Berria + + + + &Open... - - Show All Layers + + &Save - - Ctrl+Shift+U + + Save &As... - - Hide All Layers + + Exit QGIS - + + Save for Selected Layer(s) + Gorde hautatutako geruz(et)arako + + + + Add All to Overview + Gehitu dena ikuspegi orokorrera + + + + Remove All from Overview + Kendu dena ikuspegi orokorretik + + + + Show All Layers + Erakutsi geruza guztiak + + + + Ctrl+Shift+U + Ctrl+Shift+U + + + + Hide All Layers + Ezkutatu geruza guztiak + + + Ctrl+Shift+H - + Ctrl+Shift+H - + Manage Plugins... - + Kudeatu pluginak... - + Toggle Full Screen Mode - + Txandakatu pantaila osoaren modua - + Ctrl+F - + Ctrl+F - + Project Properties... - + Proiektuaren propietateak... - + Ctrl+Shift+P - + Ctrl+Shift+P - + Options... - + Aukerak... - + Custom CRS... - + CRS pertsonalizatua... - + Configure shortcuts... - + Konfiguratu laster-teklak... - + Local Histogram Stretch - + Histograma lokalaren luzatzea - + Stretch histogram of active raster to view extents - + Luzatu raster aktiboaren histograma hedadurak ikusteko - + Help Contents - + Laguntzaren edukiak - + F1 - + F1 - + API documentation - + API dokumentazioa - + QGIS Home Page - + QGISen webgunea - + Ctrl+H - + Ctrl+H - + Check QGIS Version - + Egiaztatu QGISen bertsioa - + Check if your QGIS version is up to date (requires internet access) - + Egiaztatu zure QGIS bertsioa eguneratuta dagoen (interneterako sarbidea behar duzu) - + About - + Honi buruz - + QGIS Sponsors - + QGIS diruz lagundu dutenak - - + + Move Label - + Mugitu etiketa - + Rotate Label - + Biratu etiketa - + Rotate Label Ctl (Cmd) increments by 15 deg. - + Biratu etiketa +Ctrl (Cms) handitu 15 graduz. - + Change Label - + Aldatu etiketa - + Style Manager... - + Estilo-kudeatzailea... - + Python Console - + Python kontsola - + Full histogram stretch - + Histograma osoaren luzatzea - + Stretch Histogram to Full Dataset - + Luzatu datu-multzo osoaren histograma - + Customization... - + Pertsonalizazioa... - + mActionCatchForCustomization - + mActionCatchForCustomization - + This is here just to avoid shortcut conflicts, the shortcut is caught in QgsCustomization - + Hau hemen dago laster-teklen gatazkak saihesteko, laster-tekla QgsCustomization-en dago - + Ctrl+M - + Ctrl+M - + Embed Layers and Groups... - + Txertatu geruzak eta taldeak... - + Embed layers and groups from other project files - + Txertatu beste proiektu-fitxategi batzuetako geruzak eta taldeak - + &Copyright Label - + &Copyright-etiketa - + Creates a copyright label that is displayed on the map canvas. - + Mapa-oihalean erakutsiko den copyright-etiketa sortzen du. - + &North Arrow - + &Iparrorratza - + "Creates a north arrow that is displayed on the map canvas" - + Mapa-oihalean erakutsiko den eskala-barra bat sortzen du - + &Scale Bar - + &Eskala-barra - - + + Creates a scale bar that is displayed on the map canvas - + Mapa-oihalean erakutsiko den eskala-barra bat sortzen du - + Add WFS Layer... - + Gehitu WFS geruza... - + Add WFS Layer - + Gehitu WFS geruza - + Feature Action - + Elementu-ekintza - + Run Feature Action - + Exekutatu elementu-ekina - - + + Pan Map to Selection - + Mugitu mapa hautapenera - - + + Touch zoom and pan - + Ukitu zoom-a eta mugitu - + Offset Curve - + Desplazamendu-kurba - + Copy style - + Kopiatu estiloa - + Paste style - + Itsatsi estiloa - + Add WCS Layer... - + Gehitu WCS geruza... - + &Grid - + &Sareta - + Grid - + Sareta - + Pin/Unpin Labels - + Finkatu/askatu etiketak - + Pin/Unpin Labels Click or marquee on label to pin Shift unpins, Ctl (Cmd) toggles state Acts on all editable layers - + Finkatu/askatu etiketak +Klik etiketa gainean finkatzeko +Shift askatzeko, Ctl (Cmd) egoera txandakatzeko +Geruza editagarri guztietan du eragina - - + + Highlight Pinned Labels - + Nabarmendu finkatutako etiketak - - + + New Blank Project - + Proiektu berria - + Local Cumulative Cut Stretch - + Mozketa luzatu metatu lokala - + Local cumulative cut stretch using current extent, default limits and estimated values. - + Mozketa luzatu metatu lokala uneko hedadura, muga lehenetsiak eta balio estimatuak erabiliz. - + Full Dataset Cumulative Cut Stretch - + Datu-multzo osoaren mozketa luzatu metatua - + Cumulative cut stretch using full dataset extent, default limits and estimated values. - + Mozketa luzatu metatua datu-multzo osoa, muga lehenetsiak eta balio estimatuak erabiliz. - + Show/Hide Labels - + Erakutsi/ezkutatu etiketak - + Show/Hide Labels Click or marquee on feature to show label Shift+click or marquee on label to hide it Acts on currently active editable layer - + Erakutsi/ezkutatu etiketak +Klik elementu gainean etiketa erakusteko +Shift+klik etiketan ezkutatzeko +Uneko geruza editagarrian du eragina - - + + Html Annotation - + HTML oharpena - - + + Duplicate Layer(s) - + Bikoiztu geruza(k) - + SVG annotation - + SVG oharpena ModelerDialog Edit model help - + Editatu eredu-laguntza Run - + Exekutatu Execute current model - + Exekutatu uneko eredua Open - + Ireki Open existing model - + Ireki eredua Save - + Gorde Save current model - + Gorde uneko eredua Save as ... - + Gorde honela ... Save current model as - + Gorde uneko eredua honela Search... - + Bilatu... Empty model - + Eredu hutsa Model doesn't contains any algorithms and/or parameters and can't be executed - + Ereduak ez dauka ez algoritmorik ez parametrorik; beraz, ezin da exekutatu Warning - + Abisua Please enter group and model names before saving - + Sartu talde- eta eredu-izenak gorde baino lehen Save Model - + Gorde eredua SEXTANTE models (*.model) + SEXTANTE ereduak (*.model) + + + I/O error + I/O errorea + + + Unable to save edits. Reason: + %1 - Model saved + Can't save model - Model was correctly saved. + This model can't be saved in its original location +(probably you do not have permission to do it). +Please, use the 'Save as...' option. + + Model saved + Eredua gorde da + + + Model was correctly saved. + Eredua ongi gorde da. + Open Model - + Irekii eredua Could not open model - + Ezin da eredua ireki The selected model could not be loaded. Wrong line: %1 - + Hautatutako eredua ezin da kargatu. Lerro okerra: %1 Parameters - + Parametroak @@ -5706,817 +5930,1128 @@ Wrong line: %1 Create Oracle Connection - + Sortu Oracle konexioa Name - + Izena Name of the new connection - + Konexio berriaren izena Database instance - + Datu-basearen instantzia Username - + Erabiltzaile-izena Password - + Pasahitza Save Password - + Gorde pasahitza PointsInPolygonThread point count field - + puntuen zenbaketa-eremua Python Python - + Python An error has occured while executing Python code: - + Errorea gertatu da Python kodea exekutatzean: Python version: - + Python bertsioa: QGIS version: - + QGIS bertsioa: Python path: - + Python bidea: Python error - + Python errorea Couldn't load plugin '%1' from ['%2'] - + Ezin da '%1' plugina kargatu ['%2'] kokapenetik Couldn't load plugin %1 - + Ezin da %1 plugina kargatu %1 due an error when calling its classFactory() method - + %1 bere classFactory() metodoa deitzean gertatutako errore baten erruz %1 due an error when calling its initGui() method - + %1 bere initGui() metodoa deitzean gertatutako errore baten erruz Error while unloading plugin %1 - + Errorea %1 plugina deskargatzean PythonConsole Python Console - + Python kontsola Clear console - + Garbitu kontsola - Settings + Hide Editor - Import Class + Check Syntax - Manage Script + Run selected - Import Sextante class + Run Script - Import PyQt.QtCore class - + Undo + Desegin - Import PyQt.QtGui class - + Redo + Berregin - Open script file + Find Text - Save to script file + Cut - Run command - + Copy + Kopiatu - Help + Paste - - - QGis::UnitType - - meters - + Comment + Iruzkina - - feet + Uncomment - - - - - degrees + Share on codepad - - <unknown> + Hide/Show Object Inspector - - - QOCISpatialDriver - - Unable to initialize - QOCISpatialDriver - + Select All + Hautatu dena - - Unable to logon - + Settings + Ezarpenak - - Unable to begin transaction + <b>"%1"</b> was not found. - - Unable to commit transaction + URL copied to clipboard. - - Unable to rollback transaction + Connection error: - - - QOCISpatialResult - - - - Unable to bind column for batch execute + [Temporary file saved in %1] - - Unable to execute batch statement + ## Script error: %1 - - Unable to goto next + ## Script executed successfully: %1 - - Unable to alloc statement + Cannot execute file %1. Error: %2 + - - Unable to prepare statement + Hey, type something to run! - - Unable to get statement type + You have to save the file before running it. - - Unable to bind value + Syntax ok - - Unable to execute statement + The file <b>"%1"</b> has been deleted or is not accessible - - - QObject - - Interpolating... + The file <b>"%1"</b> has been changed and reloaded - - - Abort + The file <b>"%1"</b> is read only, please save to different file first. - - Building triangulation... + Python Console: Save file - - Estimating normal derivatives... + Script was correctly saved. - - QGIS starting in non-interactive mode not supported. -You are seeing this message most likely because you have no DISPLAY environment variable set. - + Click on button to restore all tabs from last session. - - Deleted vertices + Restore tabs - - Moved vertices - + Close + Itxi - - CRS undefined - defaulting to project CRS + List all tabs - - CRS undefined - defaulting to default CRS: %1 + New Editor - - Reading raster + The file %1 could not be opened. Error: %2 + - - - No active vector layer + Untitled-%1 - - - To select features, choose a vector layer in the legend + Python Console: Save File - - - CRS Exception + The file <b>'%1'</b> has been modified, save changes? - - - Selection extends beyond layer's coordinate system. + Unable to restore the file: +%1 + - - Python is not enabled in QGIS. + Python %1 on %2 +## Type help(iface) for more info and list of methods. + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Plugins + Hide/Show Toolbar - - Plugin "%1" is not compatible with this version of Quantum GIS. -It will be disabled. + Show Editor - - Loaded %1 (package: %2) + Enter Selected - - Library name is %1 - + Object Inspector - - - Failed to load %1 (Reason: %2) - + Open file + Ireki fitxategia - - Attempting to resolve the classFactory function - - + Save + Gorde - - Loaded %1 (Path: %2) - + Save As... + Gorde honela... - - Error Loading Plugin + Run script - - There was an error loading a plugin.The following diagnostic information may help the QGIS developers resolve the issue: -%1. + Show editor - - Unable to find the class factory for %1. - + Import Class + Inportatu klasea - - Plugin %1 did not return a valid type and cannot be loaded + Enter text to find... - - Python error + Find Next - - Error when reading metadata of plugin %1 + Find Previous - - Could not open CRS database %1 -Error(%2): %3 + Case Sensitive - - - CRS + Whole Word - - Generated CRS - A CRS automatically generated from layer info get this prefix for description + Wrap Around - - Saved user CRS [%1] + Open File - - Imported from GDAL + Save Error - - Can't open database: %1 + The file <b>%1</b> could not be saved. Error: %2 - - - Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate line length. + Save File As - - Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate polygon area or perimeter. + History saved successfully. - - Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate polygon area. - - - - - - m² - - - - - km² + Session and file history cleared successfully. - - ha + History cleared successfully. - - - m + Command History - - km + Show - - mm + Clear File - - cm + Clear Session - - sq ft + Python Console - Command History - - acres + Double click on item to execute - - sq mile + Add API path - - foot + Remove API path - - feet - + Manage Script + Kudeatu script-a - - mile - + Import Sextante class + Inportatu SEXTANTE klasea - - sq.deg. - + Import PyQt.QtCore class + Inportatu PyQt.QtCore klasea - - degree - + Import PyQt.QtGui class + Inportatu PyQt.QtGui klasea - - degrees - + Open script file + Ireki script-fitxategia - - unknown - + Save to script file + Gorde script-fitxategia - - day - Note: Word is part matched in code - + Run command + Exekutatu komandoa - - days - Note: Word is part matched in code - + Help + Laguntza + + + QGis::UnitType - - week - Note: Word is part matched in code - + + meters + metroak - - weeks - Note: Word is part matched in code - + + feet + oinak - - month - Note: Word is part matched in code - + + + + + degrees + graduak - - months - Note: Word is part matched in code - + + <unknown> + <unknown> + + + QOCISpatialDriver - - year - Note: Word is part matched in code - + + Unable to initialize + QOCISpatialDriver + Ezin da hasieratu - - years - Note: Word is part matched in code - + + Unable to logon + Ezin da saioa hasi - - second - Note: Word is part matched in code - + + Unable to begin transaction + Ezin da transakzioa hasi + + + + Unable to commit transaction + Ezin da transakzioa egikaritu + + + + Unable to rollback transaction + Ezin da transakzioa desegin + + + + QOCISpatialResult + + + + + Unable to bind column for batch execute + Ezin da zutabea lotu batch-exekuziorako + + + + Unable to execute batch statement + Ezin da batch-instrukzioa exekutatu + + + + Unable to goto next + Ezin da hurrengora joan + + + + Unable to alloc statement + Ezin da instrukzioa esleitu + + + + Unable to prepare statement + Ezin da instrukzioa prestatu + + + + Unable to get statement type + Ezin da instrukzio-mota eskuratu + + + + Unable to bind value + Ezin da balioa lotu + + + + Unable to execute statement + Ezin da instrukzioa exekutatu + + + + QObject + + + Interpolating... + Interpolatzen... + + + + + Abort + Abortatu + + + + Building triangulation... + Triangelaketa eraikitzen... + + + + Estimating normal derivatives... + Eratorri normalak estimatzen... + + + + minidump written to %1 + + + + + writing of minidump to %1 failed (%2) + + + + + creation of minidump to %1 failed (%2) + + + + + Crash dumped + + + + + QGIS starting in non-interactive mode not supported. +You are seeing this message most likely because you have no DISPLAY environment variable set. + + QGIS ezin da modu ez interaktiboan abiarazi. +Mezu hau ikusten ari bazara, DISPLAY ingurune-aldagaia ezarri gabe daukazulako da seguru asko. + + + + Deleted vertices + Ezabatutako erpinak + + + + Moved vertices + Mugitutako erpinak + + + CRS undefined - defaulting to project CRS + CRSa defintu gabe dago - proiektuaren CRSa lehenetsi gisa erabiltzen + + + CRS undefined - defaulting to default CRS: %1 + CRSa defintu gabe dago - proiektuaren %1 CRSa lehenetsi gisa erabiltzen + + + Reading raster + Rasterra irakurtzen + + + + No active vector layer + Ez dago geruza bektorial aktiborik + + + + To select features, choose a vector layer in the legend + Elementuak hautatzeko, hautatu legendako geruza bektorial bat + + + + + CRS Exception + CRS salbuespena + + + + + Selection extends beyond layer's coordinate system. + Hautapena geruzaren koordenatu-sistemaz haratago hedatzen da. + + + + Python is not enabled in QGIS. + Python ez dago gaituta QGISen. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Plugins + Pluginak + + + Plugin "%1" is not compatible with this version of Quantum GIS. +It will be disabled. + "%1" plugina ez da bateragarria Quantum GISen bertsio honekin. +Desgaitu egingo da. + + + + Plugin "%1" is not compatible with this version of QGIS. +It will be disabled. + + + + + Loaded %1 (package: %2) + %1 kargatua (paketea: %2) + + + + Library name is %1 + + Liburutegi-izena %1 da + + + + + Failed to load %1 (Reason: %2) + Ezin izan da %1 kargatu (Arrazoia: %2) + + + + Attempting to resolve the classFactory function + + classFactory funtzioa ebazten saiatzen + + + + Loaded %1 (Path: %2) + %1 kargatua (bidea: %2) + + + + Error Loading Plugin + Errorea plugina kargatzean + + + + There was an error loading a plugin.The following diagnostic information may help the QGIS developers resolve the issue: +%1. + Errorea gertatu da plugin bat kargatzean. Hurrengo diagnostiko-informazioa baliagarria izan daiteke QGISen garatzaileek auzia konpon dezaten: +%1. + + + + Unable to find the class factory for %1. + Ezin izan da %1(e)rako klase-faktoria aurkitu. + + + + Plugin %1 did not return a valid type and cannot be loaded + %1 pluginak ez du baliozko motarik itzuli eta ezin da kargatu + + + + Python error + Python errorea + + + + Error when reading metadata of plugin %1 + Errorea %1 pluginaren metadatuak irakurtzean + + + + Could not open CRS database %1 +Error(%2): %3 + Ezin izan da CRSen %1 datu-basea ireki +Errorea(%2): %3 + + + + + CRS + CRSa + + + + + + + + + + + Generated CRS + A CRS automatically generated from layer info get this prefix for description + Sortutako CRSa + + + + Saved user CRS [%1] + Erabiltzailearen CRSa gorde da [%1] + + + + Imported from GDAL + GDALetik inportatua + + + + Can't open database: %1 + Ezin da datu-basea ireki: %1 + + + + + Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate line length. + Koordenatu-sistemaren salbuespena atzitu da puntu bat transformatzen saiatzean. Ezin izan da lerro-luzera kalkulatu. + + + + Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate polygon area or perimeter. + Koordenatu-sistemaren salbuespena atzitu da puntu bat transformatzen saiatzean. Ezin izan da poligono-azalera edo -perimetroa kalkulatu. + + + + Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate polygon area. + Koordenatu-sistemaren salbuespena atzitu da puntu bat transformatzen saiatzean. Ezin izan da poligono-azalera kalkulatu. + + + + + m² + + + + + km² + km² + + + + ha + ha + + + + + m + m + + + + km + km + + + + mm + mm + + + + cm + cm + + + + sq ft + sq ft + + + + acres + akre + + + + sq mile + milia koadro + + + + foot + oin + + + + feet + oin + + + + mile + milia + + + + sq.deg. + gradu koadro + + + + degree + gradu + + + + degrees + .gradu + + + + unknown + ezezaguna + + + + day + Note: Word is part matched in code + egun + + + + days + Note: Word is part matched in code + egun + + + + week + Note: Word is part matched in code + aste + + + + weeks + Note: Word is part matched in code + aste + + + + month + Note: Word is part matched in code + hilabete + + + + months + Note: Word is part matched in code + hilabete + + + + year + Note: Word is part matched in code + urte - seconds + years Note: Word is part matched in code - + urte - minute + second Note: Word is part matched in code - + segundo - minutes + seconds Note: Word is part matched in code - + segundo - hour + minute Note: Word is part matched in code - + minutu + minutes + Note: Word is part matched in code + minutu + + + + hour + Note: Word is part matched in code + ordu + + + hours Note: Word is part matched in code - + ordu - + Cannot convert '%1' to double - + Ezin izan da '%1' double motara bihurtu - + Cannot convert '%1' to int - + Ezin izan da '%1' int motara bihurtu - + Cannot convert '%1' to DateTime - + Ezin izan da '%1' DateTime motara bihurtu - + Cannot convert '%1' to Date - + Ezin izan da '%1' Date motara bihurtu - + Cannot convert '%1' to Time - + Ezin izan da '%1' Time motara bihurtu - + Cannot convert '%1' to Interval - + Ezin izan da '%1' Interval motara bihurtu - + Cannot convert '%1' to boolean + Ezin izan da '%1' boolean motara bihurtu + + + + + Domain max must be greater than domain min - - Invalid regular expression '%1': %2 + + Exponent must be greater than 0 - + + + + Invalid regular expression '%1': %2 + Adierazpen erregular baliogabea '%1': %2 + + + Index is out of range + Indizea barrutitik kanpo dago + + + + + + Cannot convert '%1:%2:%3' to color - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Math + + + + + Cannot convert '%1:%2:%3:%4' to color + + + + + "%1" is not a valid color ramp + + + + + Cannot convert '%1:%2:%3:%4:%5' to color - - - - - - - + + function help for %1 missing + + + + + Operators + Eragileak + + + + Fields and Values + Eremuak eta balioak + + + + Math + Matematika + + + Conversions + Bihurketak + + + + Missing group %1 - + Conditionals - + Baldintzak - - - - - - - - - + Date and Time - + Ordua - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + String - + Katea + + + + Color + Kolorea - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Geometry - + Geometria - - - - + Record - + Erregistroa - Special - + Berezia - - + + No root node! Parsing failed? - + Ez dago erro-nodorik! Analisiak huts egin al du? - + (no root) - + (errorik ez) - + Unary minus only for numeric values. - + Unario minusa zenbakizko balioetarako soilik. - + Can't preform /, *, or % on DateTime and Interval - + Ezin da erabili /, *, edo % DateTime eta Interval motetan - + [unsupported type;%1; value:%2] - + onartzen ez den moa;%1; balioa:%2] - + Column '%1' not found - + Ez da aurkitu '%1' zutabea @@ -6542,7 +7077,7 @@ Error(%2): %3 Exception: %1 - + Salbuespena: %1 @@ -6569,668 +7104,687 @@ Error(%2): %3 GEOS - + GEOS GEOS prior to 3.2 doesn't support GEOSInterpolate - + GEOS 3.2 bertsioa baino lehenagokoek ez dute GEOSInterpolate onartzen segment %1 of ring %2 of polygon %3 intersects segment %4 of ring %5 of polygon %6 at %7 - + %3 poligonoaren %2 eraztunaren %1 segmentuak %6 poligonoaren %5 eraztunaren %4 segmentua ebakitzen du %7 puntuan ring %1 with less than four points - + %1 eraztunak lau puntu baino gutxiago ditu ring %1 not closed - + %1 eraztuna ez dago itxita line %1 with less than two points - + %1 lerroak bi puntu baino gutxiago ditu line %1 contains %n duplicate node(s) at %2 number of duplicate nodes - - + + %1 lerroak %n nodo bikoiztu ditu %2 tokian segments %1 and %2 of line %3 intersect at %4 - + %3 lerroaren %1 eta %2 segmentuak %4 tokian ebakitzen dira ring %1 of polygon %2 not in exterior ring - + %2 poligonoaren %1 eraztuna ez dago kanpoko eraztunean GEOS error:could not produce geometry for GEOS (check log window) - + GEOS errorea: ezin GEOSerako geometriarik sortu (begiratu egunkari-leihoa) GEOS error:%1 - + GEOS errorea: %1 polygon %1 inside polygon %2 - + %1 poligonoa %2 poligonoaren barruan Unknown geometry type - + Geometria-mota ezezaguna Unknown geometry type %1 - + %1 geometria-mota ezezaguna Geometry validation was aborted. - + Geometria-balidazioa abortatu da. Geometry has %1 errors. - + Geometriak %1 errore ditu. Geometry is valid. - + Geometria zuzena da. invalid line - + baliogabeko lerroa Label - + Etiketa Console - + Kontsola infinite - + mugagabea W - + M E - + E S - + H N - + I No QGIS data provider plugins found in: %1 - + Ez da QGISen datu-hornitzaileen pluginik aurkitu hemen: +%1 + No vector layers can be loaded. Check your QGIS installation - + Ezin da geruza bektorialik kargatu. Egiaztatu zure QGIS instalazioa No Data Providers - + Ez dago datu-hornitzailerik No data provider plugins are available. No vector layers can be loaded - + Ez dago datu-hornitzaileen pluginik eskuragarri. Ezin da geruza bektorialik kargatu Unable to instantiate the data provider plugin %1 - + Ezin izan da data-hornitzailearen %1 plugina instantziatu Failed to load %1: %2 - + Ezin izan da %1 kargatu: %2 - + OGR driver for '%1' not found (OGR error: %2) - + Ez da aurkitu '%1'(e)rako OGR kontrolagailua (OGR errorea: %2) - + trimming attribute name '%1' to ten significant characters produces duplicate column name. - + '%1' atributu-izena 10 karaktere esanguratsura mozteak beste zutabe-izen bat bikoizten du. - + creation of data source failed (OGR error:%1) - + datu-sorburuaren sorrerak huts egin du (OGR errorea: %1) - + creation of layer failed (OGR error:%1) - + geruzaren sorrerak huts egin du (OGR errorea: %1) - - + + unsupported type for field %1 - + mota hori ez dago onartuta %1 eremurako - + creation of field %1 failed (OGR error: %2) - + %1 eremuaren sorrerak huts egin du (OGR errorea: %2) - + created field %1 not found (OGR error: %2) - + ez da aurkitzen sortutako %1 eremua (OGR errorea: %2) - + Invalid variant type for field %1[%2]: received %3 with type %4 - + Aldaera-mota baliogabea %1 eremurako [%2]: %4 motako %3 jaso da - - - - - + + + + + - - - - - - - + + + + + + + OGR - + OGR - - - + + + Feature geometry not imported (OGR error: %1) - + Elementu-geometria ez da inportatu (OGR errorea: %1) - + Feature creation error (OGR error: %1) - + Errorea elementua sortzean (OGR errorea: %1) - + Failed to transform a point while drawing a feature with ID '%1'. Writing stopped. (Exception: %2) - + Puntu baten transformazioak huts egin du '%1' IDa duen elementu bat marraztean. Idazketa gelditu egin da. (Salbuespena: %2) - + Feature write errors: - + Erroreak elementua idaztean: - + Stopping after %1 errors - + Gelditzen %1 errore gertatu ondoren - - + + Only %1 of %2 features written. - + +%2 elementutik %1 soilik idatzi dira. - - + + Arc/Info ASCII Coverage - + Arc/Inforen ASCII Coverage - - + + Atlas BNA - + Atlas BNA - - + + Comma Separated Value - + Komaz banandutako balioa - + ESRI Shapefile - + ESRI Shapefile - - - + + + FMEObjects Gateway - + FMEObjects Gateway - - + + GeoJSON - + GeoJSON - - + + GeoRSS - + GeoRSS - - + + Geography Markup Language [GML] - + Geography Markup Language [GML] - - + + Generic Mapping Tools [GMT] - + Generic Mapping Tools [GMT] - - + + GPS eXchange Format [GPX] - + GPS eXchange Format [GPX] - - + + INTERLIS 1 - + INTERLIS 1 - - + + INTERLIS 2 - + INTERLIS 2 - - + + Keyhole Markup Language [KML] - + Keyhole Markup Language [KML] - + Mapinfo TAB - + Mapinfo TAB - + Mapinfo MIF - + Mapinfo MIF - - + + Microstation DGN - + Microstation DGN - - + + S-57 Base file - + S-57 Base fitxategia - - + + Spatial Data Transfer Standard [SDTS] - + Spatial Data Transfer Standard [SDTS] - - + + SQLite - + SQLite - + SpatiaLite - + SpatiaLite - - + + AutoCAD DXF - + AutoCAD DXF - - + + Geoconcept - + Geoconcept - - + + ESRI FileGDB - + ESRI FileGDB - + Failed to transform, writing stopped. (Exception: %1) - + Ezin izan da transformatu, idaztea gelditu da (Salbuespena: %1) + + + Unable to load %1 provider - + Ezin izan da %1 hornitzailea kargatu + + + - Provider %1 has no createEmptyLayer method + Provider %1 has no %2 method + + + Loaded from Provider + + + + Provider %1 has no createEmptyLayer method + %1 hornitzaileak ez dauka createEmptyLayer metodorik + Loading of layer failed - + Geruza kargatzeak huts egin du Creation error for features from #%1 to #%2. Provider errors was: %3 - + Errorea #%1(e)tik #%2(e)ra arteko elementuak sortzean. Hornitzailearen errorea hurrengoa izan da: +%3 Import was canceled at %1 of %2 - + Inportazioa utzi egin da %2(e)tik %1(e)an Vector import - + Bektore-inportazioa Only %1 of %2 features written. - + %2(e)tik %1 elementu soilik idatzi dira. - - - - + + + + Reading raster part %1 of %2 - + Rasterraren %1. atala irakurtzen %2(e)tik - + Building Pyramids... - + Piramideak eraikitzen... - + Building pyramids failed - write access denied - + Piramideen eraikuntzak huts egin du - idazteko baimena ukatu da - + Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. - + Idazteko baimena ukatu da. Doitu fitxategi-baimenak eta saiatu berriro. + + - - - + Building pyramids failed. - + Piramideen eraikuntzak huts egin du. - + The file was not writable. Some formats do not support pyramid overviews. Consult the GDAL documentation if in doubt. - + Fitxategia ez da idazgarria. Formatu batzuk ez dute onartzen piramideen ikuspegia. Begiratu GDAL dokumentazioa zalantzak badituzu. - - + + Building pyramid overviews is not supported on this type of raster. - + Piramideen ikuspedi orokorrak eraikitzea ez dago onartuta raster-mota honetan. - + Building internal pyramid overviews is not supported on raster layers with JPEG compression and your current libtiff library. - + Barne-piramideen ikuspedi orokorrak eraikitzea ez dago onartuta JPEG konpresioa duten geruzetan eta zure uneko libtiff liburutegian. Multiband color - + Banda anitzeko kolorea Paletted - + Paleta bidezkoa Singleband gray - + Banda bakar grisa Singleband pseudocolor - + Banda bakarra sasikolorean Singleband color data - + Banda bakarreko datu-kolorea All Ramps - + Malda guztiak Single Symbol - + Ikur bakarra Categorized - + Kategorizatua Graduated - + Graduatua Rule-based - + Erregeletan oinarritua Point displacement - + Puntu-desplazamendua Simple line - + Lerro bakuna Marker line - + Markatzaile-lerroa Line decoration - + Lerro-apaindura Simple marker - + Markatzaile bakuna SVG marker - + SVG markatzailea Font marker - + Letra-markatzailea Ellipse marker - + Elipse-markatzailea Vector Field marker - + Eremu bektorialen markatzailea Simple fill - + Betegarri bakuna SVG fill - + SVG betegarria Centroid fill - + Zentroide-betegarria Line pattern fill - + Lerro-ereduaren betegarria Point pattern fill - + Puntu-ereduaren betegarria Where is '%1' (original location: %2)? - + Non dago '%1' (jatorrizko kokapena: %2)? QGIS rocks! - + QGIS euskaraz! <html>QGIS rocks!</html> - + <html>QGIS euskaraz!</html> - + Raster Histogram - + Raster-histograma - + Pixel Value - + Pixel-balioa - + Frequency - + Maiztasuna Internal Compass - + Barne-konpasa Shows a QtSensors compass reading - + QtSensors konpas-irakurketa erakusten du Version 0.9 - + 0.9 bertsioa Coordinate Capture - + Koordenatuen kaptura Capture mouse coordinates in different CRS - + Kapturatu saguaren koordenatuak CRS ezberdinetan @@ -7240,7 +7794,7 @@ Only %1 of %2 features written. Vector - + Bektoriala @@ -7258,65 +7812,61 @@ Only %1 of %2 features written. Version 0.1 - + 0.1 bertsioa - Version 0.2 - + 0.2 bertsioa - Loads and displays delimited text files containing x,y coordinates - + x,y koordenatuak dituzten testu mugatuko fitxategiak kargatzen eta erakusten ditu - Layers - + Geruzak - Add Delimited Text Layer - + Gehitu testu mugatuko geruza Diagram Overlay (Legacy) - + Diagrama-gainjartzea (zaharra) A plugin for placing diagrams on vector layers - + Geruza bektorialen gainean diagramak jartzeko plugin bat Version 0.0.1 (Legacy) - + 0.0.1 bertsioa (zaharra) Dxf2Shp Converter - + Dxf2Shp bihurtzailea Converts from dxf to shp file format - + DXFetik SHP formatura bihurtzen du eVis - + eVis An event visualization tool - view images associated with vector features - + Gertaerak bistaratzeko tresna - ikusi elementu bektorialei lotutako irudiak @@ -7324,20 +7874,20 @@ Only %1 of %2 features written. Database - + Datu-basea Version 1.1.0 - + 1.1.0 bertsioa - - - - + + + + @@ -7349,33 +7899,33 @@ Only %1 of %2 features written. - - - - - + + + + + Warning - + Abisua This tool only supports vector data - + Tresna honek datu bektorialak soilik onartzen ditu No active layers found - + Ez da geruza aktiborik aurkitu Georeferencer GDAL - + GDAL geoerreferentziatzailea Georeferencing rasters using GDAL - + Rasterren geoerreferentziatzailea GDAL erabiliz @@ -7384,984 +7934,1079 @@ Only %1 of %2 features written. Raster - + Rasterra Version 3.1.9 - + 3.1.9 bertsioa Fit to a linear transform requires at least 2 points. - + Transformazio lineal batera doitzeko, gutxienez 2 puntu behar dira. Fit to a Helmert transform requires at least 2 points. - + Helmet transformazio batera doitzeko, gutxienez 2 puntu behar dira. Fit to an affine transform requires at least 4 points. - + Transformazio afin batera doitzeko, gutxienez 4 puntu behar dira. Fitting a projective transform requires at least 4 corresponding points. - + Transformazio proiektibo batera doitzeko, gutxienez 4 puntu korrespondente behar dira. Globe - + Globoa Overlay data on a 3D globe - + Gainjarri datuak 3D globo batean GPS Tools - + GPS tresnak Tools for loading and importing GPS data - + GPS datuak kargatu eta inportatzeko tresnak Location: %1 - + Kokapena: %1 Location: %1<br>Mapset: %2 - + Kokapena: %1<br>Mapa-multzoa: %2 <b>Raster</b> - + <b>Rasterra</b> Cannot open raster header - + Ezin da raster-goiburua ireki Rows - + Errenkadak Columns - + Zutabeak N-S resolution - + I-H bereizmena E-W resolution - + E-M bereizmena North - + Iparra South - + Hegoa East - + Ekialdea West - + Mendebaldea Format - + Formatua Minimum value - + Balio minimoa Maximum value - + Balio maximoa Data source - + Datu-iturria Data description - + Datu-deskribapena Comments - + Iruzkinak Categories - + Kategoriak <b>Vector</b> - + <b>Bektorea</b> Points - + Puntuak Lines - + Lerroak Boundaries - + Mugak Centroids - + Zentroideak Faces - + Aurpegiak Kernels - + Kernelak Areas - + Azalerak Islands - + Uharteak Top - + Goia Bottom - + Behea yes - + bai no - + ez History<br> - + Historia<br> <b>Layer</b> - + <b>Geruza</b> Features - + Elementuak Driver - + Kontrolagailua Table - + Taula Key column - + Gako-zutabea <b>Region</b> - + <b>Eskualdea</b> Cannot open region header - + Ezin da eskualde-goiburua ireki XY - + XY UTM - + UTM SP - + SP LL - + LL Other - + Beste bat Projection Type - + Proiekzio-mota Zone - + Zona 3D Cols - + 3D zutabeak 3D Rows - + 3D errenkadak Depths - + Sakonerak E-W 3D resolution - + E-M 3D bereizmena N-S 3D resolution - + I-H 3d bereizmena - + GRASS - + GRASS - + GRASS layer - + GRASS geruza Heatmap - + Bero-mapa Creates a Heatmap raster for the input point vector - + Raster formatuko bero-mapa sortzen du sarrerako puntuen geruza bektorialetik Interpolation plugin - + Interpolazio-plugina A plugin for interpolation based on vertices of a vector layer - + Geruza bektorial baten erpinetan oinarritutako interpolazioak egiteko plugin bat Version 0.001 - + 0.001 bertsioa OfflineEditing - + Lineaz kanpoko edizioa Allow offline editing and synchronizing with database - + Baimendu lineaz kanpoko edizioa eta datu-basearen sinkronizazioa Oracle Spatial GeoRaster - + Oracle Spatial GeoRaster Access Oracle Spatial GeoRaster - + Access Oracle Spatial GeoRaster Raster Terrain Analysis plugin - + Lurrazalaren analisi rasterrerako plugina A plugin for raster based terrain analysis - + Lurrazalaren analisi rasterrerako plugin bat Road graph plugin - + Bide-grafoen plugina It solves the shortest path problem. - + Biderik laburrenaren auzia ebazten du. Processing 1/2 - %p% - + Prozesatzen 1/2 - %p% Processing 2/2 - %p% - + Prozesatzen 2/2 - %p% Intersects - + Ebakitzen du Is disjoint - + Disjuntu dago Touches - + Ukitzen du Crosses - + Gurutzatzen du Within - + Barruan dago Contains - + Barruan dauka Equals - + Berdina da Overlaps - + Gainjarrita dago Spatial Query Plugin - + Kontsulta espazialetarako plugina A plugin that makes spatial queries on vector layers - + Geruza bektorialetan kontsulta espazialak egiten dituen plugina SPIT - + SPIT Shapefile to PostgreSQL/PostGIS Import Tool - + Shapefile-tik PostgreSQL/PostGISera inportatzeko tresna SQL Anywhere plugin - + SQL Anywhere plugina Store vector layers within a SQL Anywhere database - + Geruza bektorialak SQL Anywhere datu-basean gordetzen ditu Zonal statistics plugin - + Estatistika zonalen plugina A plugin to calculate count, sum, mean of rasters for each polygon of a vector layer - + Geruza bektorial baten poligono bakoitzerako rasterren zenbaketa, batuketa, batez bestekoa kalkulatzeko plugina - + Cannot open GDAL MEM dataset %1: %2 - + Ezin da ireki GDAL MEM datu-multzoa %1: %2 - + Cannot GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer: - + Ezin da GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer: - + Cannot inittialize GDALWarpOperation : - + Ezin da hasieratu GDALWarpOperation : - + Cannot ChunkAndWarpImage: %1 - + Ezin da ChunkAndWarpImage: %1 - + [GDAL] All files (*) - + [GDAL] Fitxategi guztiak (*) - - + + GDAL/OGR VSIFileHandler - + GDAL/OGR VSIFileHandler - + This raster file has no bands and is invalid as a raster layer. - + Raster-fitxategi honek ez dauka bandarik eta baliogabea da raster-geruza gisa. - + Cannot get GDAL raster band: %1 + Ezin da GDAL raster-banda eskuratu: %1 + + + + Nearest Neighbour + Gertueneko balioa + + + + Average + Batez bestekoa + + + + Gauss + Gauss + + + + Cubic + + + Mode + Modua + + + + None + Bat ere ez + Couldn't open the data source: %1 - + Ezin izan da datu-iturria ireki: %1 Parse error at line %1 : %2 - + Analisi-errorea %1 lerroan: %2 GPS eXchange format provider - + GPS eXchange formatu-hornitzailea GRASS plugin - + GRASS plugina QGIS couldn't find your GRASS installation. Would you like to specify path (GISBASE) to your GRASS installation? - + QGISek ezin izan du zure GRASS instalatzioa aurkitu. +Zure GRASS instalazioaren bidea (GISBASE) zein den zehaztu nahi duzu? Choose GRASS installation path (GISBASE) - + Hautatu GRASSen instalazio-bidea (GISBASE) GRASS data won't be available if GISBASE is not specified. - + GRASS datuak ez dira eskuragarri egongo ez bada GISBASE zehazten. GISBASE is not set. - + GISBASE ez dago ezarrita. %1 is not a GRASS mapset. - + %1 ez da GRASS mapa-multzo bat. Cannot start %1/etc/lock - + Ezin da %1/etc/lock abiarazi Mapset is already in use. - + Mapa-multzoa norbait erabiltzen ari da. Temporary directory %1 exists but is not writable - + Aldi baterako %1 direktorioa existitzen da, baina ez da idazgarria Cannot create temporary directory %1 - + Ezin izan da aldi baterako %1 direktorioa sortu Cannot create %1 - + Ezin da %1 sortu Cannot remove mapset lock: %1 - + Ezin izan da mapa-multzoaren blokeoa kendu: %1 Cannot open vector %1 in mapset %2 on level 2 (topology not available, try to rebuild topology using module). - + Ezin da %2 mapa-multzoko %1 bektorea ireki 2. mailan (topologia ez dago eskuragarri, saiatu topologia berreraikitzen modulua erabiliz). Cannot open vector %1 in mapset %2 - + Ezin da %2 mapa-multzoko %1 bektorea ireki Cannot read raster map region - + Ezin izan da raster-maparen eskualdea irakurri Cannot read vector map region - + Ezin izan da mapa bektorialaren eskualdea irakurri Cannot read region - + Ezin da eskualdea irakurri Cannot open GISRC file - + Ezin da GISRC fitxategia ireki Cannot start module - + Ezin da modulua abiarazi command: %1 %2 - + komandoa: %1 %2 Cannot run module - + Ezin da modulua exekutatu command: %1 %2<br>%3<br>%4 - + komandoa: %1 %2<br>%3<br>%4 Cannot get projection - + Ezin da proiekzioa eskuratu Cannot get raster extent - + Ezin da raster-hedadura eskuratu Cannot get map info - + Ezin da maparen informazioa eskuratu Cannot get colors - + Ezin dira koloreak eskuratu Cannot query raster - + Ezin da rasterra kontsultatu - - - + + + Cannot draw raster - + Ezin da rasterra marraztu - + Loading of the MSSQL provider failed - + MSSQL hornitzailea kargatzeak huts egin du - - - + + + Unsupported type for field %1 - + Onartzen ez den mota %1 eremuan - - - + + + Creation of fields failed - + Eremuen sorrerak huts egin du - + OGR[%1] error %2: %3 - + OGR[%1] errorera %2: %3 - + Unable to create the datasource. %1 exists and overwrite flag is false. - + Ezin da datu-iturria sortu. %1 existitzen da eta gainidazte-bandera faltsua da. - + Unable to get driver %1 - + Ezin da %1 kontrolagailua eskuratu - + Arc/Info Binary Coverage - + Arc/Inforen Coverage (estaldura) binarioa - + DODS - + DODS - - + + ESRI Personal GeoDatabase - + ESRIren geodatubase pertsonala - + ESRI ArcSDE - + ESRIren ArcSDE - + ESRI Shapefiles - + ESRIren shapefileak - + Grass Vector - + GRASS bektorea - + Informix DataBlade - + Informixen DataBlade - + Ingres - + Ingres - + Mapinfo File - + MapInfo fitxategia - + MySQL - + MySQL - + MSSQL - + MSSQL - + Oracle Spatial - + Oracle Spatial - + ODBC - + ODBC - + OGDI Vectors - + OGDI bektoreak - + - + PostgreSQL - + PostgreSQL - + UK. NTF2 - + UK. NTF2 - + U.S. Census TIGER/Line - + U.S. Census TIGER/Line - + VRT - Virtual Datasource - + VRT - Virtual Datasource - + X-Plane/Flightgear - + X-Plane/Flightgear - + All files - + Fitxategi guztiak - + Duplicate field (10 significant characters): %1 - + Eremu bikoiztua (10 karaktere esanguratsu): %1 - + Creating the data source %1 failed: %2 - + %1 datu-iturria sortzeak huts egin du: %2 - + Unknown vector type of %1 - + %1 bektore-mota ezezaguna - + Creation of OGR data source %1 failed: %2 - + %1 OGR datu-iturria sortzeak huts egin du: %2 - + creation of field %1 failed - + %1 eremuaren sorrerak huts egin du - + Couldn't create file %1.qpj - + Ezin izan da %1.qpj fitxategia sortu - + no result buffer - + ez dago emaitza-bufferrik - - - - - - + + + + + + + + Connection to database failed - + Datu-basearen konexioak huts egin du - + No owner name found - + Ez da jabe-izenik aurkitu - - + + Creation of data source %1 failed: %2 - + %1 datu-iturria sortzeak huts egin du: %2 - - + + Loading of the layer %1 failed - + %1 geruza kargatzeak huts egin du - + Field name clash found (%1 not remappable) - + Gatazka aurkitu da fitxategi-izenean (%1 ezin da bermapeatu) - + %1 not owner of the table %2. - + %1 ez da %2 taularen jabea. - + Unable determine number of geometry columns of layer %1.%2: %3 - + Ezin da zehaztu %1.%2 geruzaren geometria-zutabeen kopurua: +%3 - + Unable to delete layer %1.%2: %3 - + Ezini da %1.%2 geruza ezabatu: +%3 - + Unable to clean metadata %1.%2: %3 - + Ezin da %1.%2 metadatua garbitu: +%3 - - + + Unable to delete layer %1: %2 + Ezini da %1 geruza ezabatu: +%2 + + + + Unable to save layer style. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database. Maybe this is due to table permissions (user=%1). Please contact your database admin - - creation of data source %1 failed. %2 + + Save style in database - - loading of the layer %1 failed + + A style named "%1" already exists in the database for this layer. Do you want to overwrite it? - - creation of fields failed + + Operation aborted. No changes were made in the database + + + + + Unable to save layer style. It's not possible to insert a new record into the style table. Maybe this is due to table permissions (user=%1). Please contact your database administrator. + + + + + + Connection to database failed using username: %1 + + + + + + + Error executing query: %1 + + + + + Error executing the select query for related styles. The query was logged + + + + + Error executing the select query for unrelated styles. The query was logged + + + + + Error executing the select query. The query was logged + + + + + Consistency error in table '%1'. Style id should be unique - + + creation of data source %1 failed. %2 + %1 datu-iturria sortzeak huts egin du: %2 + + + + loading of the layer %1 failed + %1 geruza kargatzeak huts egin du + + + + creation of fields failed + eremuen sorrerak huts egin du + + + Unable to initialize SpatialMetadata: - + Ezin da SpatialMetadata hasieratu: - + Could not create a new database - + Ezin da datu-base berria sortu - + Unable to activate FOREIGN_KEY constraints [%1] - + Ezin dira FOREIGN_KEY mugak aktibatu [%1] - + Unable to delete table %1 - + Ezin da %1 taula ezabatu - + Unable to delete table %1: - + Ezin da %1 taula ezabatu: Couldn't load SIP module. - + Ezin da SIP modulua kargatu. @@ -8369,180 +9014,180 @@ Would you like to specify path (GISBASE) to your GRASS installation? Python support will be disabled. - + Python euskarria desgaituko da. Couldn't load PyQt4. - + Ezin da PyQt4 kargatu. Couldn't load PyQGIS. - + Ezin da PyQGIS kargatu. Couldn't load QGIS utils. - + Ezin da QGIS utils kargatu. An error occured during execution of following code: - + Errorea gertatu da hurrengo kodea exekutatzean: Python version: - + Python bertsioa: QGIS version: - + QGIS bertsioa: Python path: - + Python bidea: Undefined - + Definitu gabea Hidden - + Ezkutua Title - + Izenburua Group - + Taldea Subgroup - + Azpitaldea Symbol - + Ikurra Symbol label - + Ikur-etiketa - + Attribute index %1 out of bounds [0;%2[ - + %1 atributu-indizea mugetatik kanpo [0;%2[ Topology Checker - + Topologia-egiaztatzailea A Plugin for finding topological errors in vector layers - + Geruza bektorialetan errore topologikoak aurkitzeko plugin bat Using fix %1. - + %1 konponketa erabiltzen. Topology plugin - + Topologia-plugina intersecting geometries - + Geometriak ebakitzen features too close - + elementuak hurbilegi point not covered by segment - + puntuak ez daude segmentuez estalita segment too short - + segmentu laburregia invalid geometry - + geometria baliogabea dangling end - + mutur zintzilikaria duplicate geometry - + geometria bikoiztua pseudo node - + pseudo nodoa overlaps - + gainjarrita dago gaps - + zuloak point not covered - + estali gabeko puntua line ends not covered by point - + lerro-amaierak ez daude puntuz estalita point not in polygon - + puntua ez dago poligonoan polygon does not contain point - + poligonoak ez dauka punturik multipart feature - + zati anitzeko elementua - + @@ -8551,106 +9196,121 @@ Would you like to specify path (GISBASE) to your GRASS installation? Already active iterator on this provider was closed. - + Hornitzaile honetako iteratzaile aktiboa jadanik itxi da. - + Delimited text - + Testu mugatua GPX - + GPX Memory provider - + Memoria-hornitzailea Fetching features failed. SQL:%1 Error: %2 - + Elementuak atzitzeak huts egin du. +SQL:%1 +Errorea: %2 Oracle - + Oracle Fetching from cursor %1 failed Database error: %2 - + %1 kurtsoretik atzitzeak huts egin du +Datu-basearen errorea: %2 PostGIS - + PostGIS - + Trying to fetch geometry on a layer without geometry. - + Geometriarik ez duen geruza bateko geometria atzitzeko saioa. SQLite error: %2 SQL: %1 - + SQLite errorea: %2 +SQL: %1 SQLite error getting feature: %1 - + SQLite errorea elementua atzitzean: %1 Error describing bind parameters - + Errorea lotura-parametroak deskribatzean Error binding parameters - + Errorea parametroak lotzean WFS + WFS + + + + Save style to DB (%1) + + + Could not save symbology because: +%1 + Ezin izan da sinbologia gorde: %1 + QSpatiaLiteDriver Error opening database - + Errorea datu-basea irekitzean Error closing database - + Errorea datu-basea ixtean Unable to begin transaction - + Ezin da transakzioa hasi Unable to commit transaction - + Ezin da transakzioa egikaritu Unable to rollback transaction - + Ezin da transakzioa desegin @@ -8660,37 +9320,37 @@ SQL: %1 Unable to fetch row - + Ezin da errenkada atzitu No query - + Kontsultarik ez Unable to execute statement - + Ezin da instrukzioa exekutatu Unable to execute multiple statements at a time - + Ezin dira hainbat instrukzio aldi berean exekutatu Unable to reset statement - + Ezin da instrukzioa berrezarri Unable to bind parameters - + Ezin dira parametroak lotu Parameter count mismatch - + Parametroen zenbaketa ez dator bat @@ -8698,82 +9358,82 @@ SQL: %1 No Error has occurred - + Ez da errorerik gertatu Invalid file descriptor (port was not opened correctly) - + Fitxategi deskribatzaile baliogabea (ataka ez da ongi ireki) Unable to allocate memory tables (POSIX) - + Ezin izan dira memoria-taula esleitu (POSIX) Caught a non-blocked signal (POSIX) - + Blokeatu gabeko seinalea harrapatu da (POSIX) Operation timed out (POSIX) - + Eragiketa denbora-mugaz kanpo (POSIX) The file opened by the port is not a valid device - + Atakak irekitako fitxategia ez da baliozko gailua The port detected a break condition - + Atakak haustura-baldintza bat antzeman du The port detected a framing error (usually caused by incorrect baud rate settings) - + Atakak tramaketa-errorea antzeman du (normalean baud-abiaduraren ezarpen okerrak eraginda) There was an I/O error while communicating with the port - + I/O errorea gertatu da atakarekin komunikatzean Character buffer overrun - + Karaktere-bufferrak gainezka egin du Receive buffer overflow - + Jasotze-bufferrak gainezka egin du The port detected a parity error in the received data - + Atakak paritate-errorea antzeman du jasotako datuetan Transmit buffer overflow - + Transmisio-bufferrak gainezka egin du General read operation failure - + Irakurtze-eragiketaren hutsegite orokorra General write operation failure - + Idazte-eragiketaren hutsegite orokorra Unknown error: %1 - + Errore ezezaguna: %1 @@ -8781,1426 +9441,1517 @@ SQL: %1 &Raster - + &Rasterra - Quantum GIS - + Quantum GIS - + Multiple Instances of QgisApp - + QgisApp-en instantzia anitz - Multiple instances of Quantum GIS application object detected. Please contact the developers. - + Quantum GIS aplikazio-objektuaren instantzia anitz antzeman dira. +Jarri harremanetan garatzaileekin. - + Checking database - + Datu-basea egiaztatzen - + Reading settings - + Ezarpenak irakurtzen - + Setting up the GUI - + Erabiltzaile-interfazea konfiguratzen - + Map canvas. This is where raster and vector layers are displayed when added to the map - + Mapa-oihala. Raster zein bektore-geruzak erakusten diren tokia da mapari gehitzen zaizkionean - + Browser - + Arakatzailea - + Browser (2) - + Arakatzailea (2) - + GPS Information - + GPS informazioa - + Log Messages - + Egunkari-mezuak - Quantum GIS - %1 ('%2') - + Quantum GIS - %1 ('%2') - + QGIS starting... - + QGIS abiarazten... - + Checking provider plugins - + Hornitzaile-pluginak egiaztatzen - + Starting Python - + Python abiarazten - + Restoring loaded plugins - + Kargatutako pluginak berrezartzen - + Initializing file filters - + Fitxategi-iragazkiak hasieratzen - + Restoring window state - + Leihoen egoera berrezartzen - - + + QGIS Ready! - + QGIS prest! Minimize - + Ikonotu Ctrl+M Minimize Window - + Ctrl+M Minimizes the active window to the dock - + Leiho aktiboa dock-era ikonotzen du Zoom - + Zoom Toggles between a predefined size and the window size set by the user - + Aurrez ezarritako tamaina baten eta erabiltzaileak ezarritako leiho-tamainaren artean txandakatzen du Bring All to Front - + Ekarri dena aurrera Bring forward all open windows - + Ekarri aurrera leiho ireki guztiak Current Edits - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Uneko edizioak + + + + + + + + + + + + + Error - + Errorea - + Failed to open Python console: - + Ezin izan da Python kontsola ireki: - + Panels - + Panelak - + Toolbars - + Tresna-barrak - + Window - + Leihoa - + &Database - + &Datu-basea - + &Web - + &Weba - + Progress bar that displays the status of rendering layers and other time-intensive operations - + Errendatzen ari diren geruzen eta denbora asko behar duten beste eragiketa batzuen egoera erakusten duen aurrerapen-barra - + Toggle extents and mouse position display - + Hedadura eta saguaren kokapenaren bistaratzea txandakatzen ditu - - + + Coordinate: - + Koordenatua: - + Current map coordinate - + Uneko mapa-koordenatua - + Shows the map coordinates at the current cursor position. The display is continuously updated as the mouse is moved. It also allows editing to set the canvas center to a given position. The format is lat,lon or east,north - + Uneko kurtsore-posizioaren mapa-koordenatuak erakusten ditu. Bistaratzea etengabe eguneratzen da sagua mugitzean. Oihalaren erdigunea posizio jakin batean kokatzea ere ahalbidetzen du. Formatua lat,lon edo ekialdea,iparraldea da - + Current map coordinate (lat,lon or east,north) - + Uneko mapa-koordenatua (lat,lon edo ekialdea,iparraldea) - + Scale - + Eskala - + Current map scale - + Uneko mapa-eskala - + Displays the current map scale - + Uneko mapa-eskala erakusten du - + Current map scale (formatted as x:y) - + Uneko mapa-eskala (x:y formatua erabiliz) - + Stop map rendering - + Gelditu maparen errendatzea - + Render - + Errendatzea - + When checked, the map layers are rendered in response to map navigation commands and other events. When not checked, no rendering is done. This allows you to add a large number of layers and symbolize them before rendering. - + Markatuta dagoenean, mapa-geruzak mapa-nabigazioko komandoei eta beste gertaera batzuei erantzunez errendatzen dira. Markatuta ez dagoenean, ez da errendatzea gauzatzen. Honela, geruza asko gehitu eta sinbolizatu ahal dituzu errendatzea gertatu baino lehen. - + Toggle map rendering - + Txandakatu mapa-errendatzea - + This icon shows whether on the fly coordinate reference system transformation is enabled or not. Click the icon to bring up the project properties dialog to alter this behaviour. - + Ikono honek koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistemen transformazio dinamikoa gaituta dagoen ala ez erakusten du. Egin klik ikonoan proiektuaren propietateen leihoa ireki eta portaera hori aldatzeko. - + CRS status - Click to open coordinate reference system dialog - + CRS egoera - Klik koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistemen koadroa irekitzeko - + Ready - + Prest - + Map overview canvas. This canvas can be used to display a locator map that shows the current extent of the map canvas. The current extent is shown as a red rectangle. Any layer on the map can be added to the overview canvas. - + Maparen ikuspegi orokorraren oihala. Oihal hau mapa-oihalaren uneko hedadura erakusten duen kokapen-mapa bat bistaratzeko erabil daiteke. Uneko hedadura laukizuzen gorri gisa erakusten da. Maparen edozein geruza gehi dakioke ikuspegi orokorraren oihalari. - + Overview - + Ikuspegi orokorra - + Map legend that displays all the layers currently on the map canvas. Click on the check box to turn a layer on or off. Double click on a layer in the legend to customize its appearance and set other properties. - + Mapa-oihalean dauden geruza guztiak erakusten dituen mapa-legenda. Egin klik kontrol-laukian geruza bat aktibatu edo desaktibatzeko. Egin klik bi aldiz geruza batean haren itxura pertsonalizatu eta beste propietate batzuk ezartzeko. - + Layers - + Geruzak - + Control rendering order - + Kontrolatu errendatze-ordena - + Map layer list that displays all layers in drawing order. - + Mapa-geruzen zerrenda, geruza guztiak marrazte-ordenan erakusten dituena. - + Layer order - + Geruza-ordena - + [ERROR] Can not make qgis.db private copy - + [ERROREA] Ezin da egin qgis.db-ren kopia pribatua - - - + + + Private qgis.db - + qgis.db pribatua - + Could not open qgis.db - + Ezin da qgis.db ireki - + Migration of private qgis.db failed. %1 - + qgis.db pribatuaren migrazioak huts egin du. +%1 - + Update of view in private qgis.db failed. %1 - + qgis.db pribatuko bistaratzearen eguneraketak huts egin du. +%1 - - + + < Blank > - + < Hutsik > - + QGIS version - + QGIS bertsioa - + QGIS code revision - + QGIS kode-berrikuspena - + Compiled against Qt - + Qt erabiliz konpilatua - + Running against Qt - + Qt erabiliz exekutatua - + Compiled against GDAL/OGR - + GDAL/OGR erabiliz konpilatua - + Running against GDAL/OGR - + GDAL/OGR erabiliz exekutatua - + GEOS Version - + GEOS bertsioa - + PostgreSQL Client Version - + PostgreSQL bezeroaren bertsioa - + No support. - + Ez da onartzen. - + SpatiaLite Version - + SpatiaLite bertsioa - + QWT Version - + QWT bertsioa - + PROJ.4 Version - + PROJ.4 bertsioa - + QScintilla2 Version - + QScintilla2 bertsioa - + This copy of QGIS writes debugging output. - + QGISen kopia honek arazketa-irteera idazten du. - + %1 doesn't have any layers - + %1(e)k ez dauka geruzarik - + Invalid Data Source - + Baliogabeko datu-iturria - + %1 is not a valid or recognized data source - + %1 ez da baliozko datu-iturri ezaguna - + Select zip layers to add... - + Hautatu gehituko diren zip-fitxategiak... - + Vector - + Bektoriala - + Select raster layers to add... - + Hautatu gehituko diren raster-fitxategiak... - + Raster - + Rasterra - + Select vector layers to add... - + Hautatu gehituko diren fitxategi bektorialak... - + PostgreSQL - + PostgreSQL - + Cannot get PostgreSQL select dialog from provider. - + Ezin da atzitu PostgreSQLren hautatze-koadroa hornitzailetik. - + %1 is an invalid layer - not loaded - + %1 geruza baliogabea da - ez da kargatu - - - - - Invalid Layer + + %1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. Please check the <a href="#messageLog">message log</a> for further info. - - %1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. - + + Delimited Text + Testu mugatua - - SpatiaLite - + + Cannot get Delimited Text select dialog from provider. + Ezin da atzitu testu mugatuko fitxategien hautatze-koadroa hornitzailetik. - - Cannot get SpatiaLite select dialog from provider. - + + Reading raster + Rasterra irakurtzen - - MSSQL - + + No active vector layer + Ez dago geruza bektorial aktiborik - - Cannot get MSSQL select dialog from provider. - + + To select features, choose a vector layer in the legend + Elementuak hautatzeko, hautatu legendako geruza bektorial bat - - Oracle + + en + documentation language - - Cannot get Oracle select dialog from provider. + + - - WMS - + + + + Invalid Layer + Baliogabeko geruza - + %1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. + %1 geruza baliogabea da eta ezin da kargatu. + + + + SpatiaLite + SpatiaLite + + + + Cannot get SpatiaLite select dialog from provider. + Ezin da atzitu SpatiaLiteren hautatze-koadroa hornitzailetik. + + + + MSSQL + MSSQL + + + + Cannot get MSSQL select dialog from provider. + Ezin da atzitu MSSQLren hautatze-koadroa hornitzailetik. + + + + Oracle + Oracle + + + + Cannot get Oracle select dialog from provider. + Ezin da atzitu Oracleren hautatze-koadroa hornitzailetik. + + + + WMS + WMS + + + Cannot get WMS select dialog from provider. - + Ezin da atzitu WMSren hautatze-koadroa hornitzailetik. - + WCS - + WCS - + Cannot get WCS select dialog from provider. - + Ezin da atzitu WCSren hautatze-koadroa hornitzailetik. - + WFS - + WFS - + Cannot get WFS select dialog from provider. - + Ezin da atzitu WFSren hautatze-koadroa hornitzailetik. - + Default failed to open: %1 - + Lehenetsia irekitzeak huts egin du: %1 - + Default not found: %1 - + Ez da aurkitu lehenetsia: %1 - + Open Template Project - + Ireki txantiloi-proiektua - + Auto-open Project - + Ireki proiektua automatikoki - + Failed to open: %1 - + Ezin izan da ireki: %1 - + Not valid project file: %1 - + Baliogabeko proiektu-fitxategia: %1 - + Project failed to open: %1 - + Ezin izan da proiektua ireki: %1 - + Default template has been reopened: %1 - + Txantiloi lehenetsia berriro ireki da: %1 - + File not found: %1 - + Ez da fitxategia aurkitu: %1 - + Calculating... - + Kalkulatzen... - - + + Abort... - + Abortatu... - + Choose a QGIS project file to open - + Hautatu irekiko den QGIS proiektu-fitxategia - - - + + + QGis files - + QGIS fitxategiak - + Loading project: %1 - + Proiektua kargatzen: %1 - + Unable to open project - + Ezin izan da proiektua ireki - - + + To change brightness or contrast, you need to have a raster layer selected. - + Distira edo kontrastea aldatzeko, raster-geruza bat hautatuta eduki behar duzu. - + project macros have been disabled. - + Proiektuaren makroak desgaitu egin dira. - + Enable macros - + Gaitu makroak - + Choose a QGIS project file - + Hautatu QGIS proiektu-fitxategia - - + + Saved project to: %1 - + Gorde proiektua hona: %1 - - + + Unable to save project %1 - + Ezin izan da %1 proiektua gorde - + Choose a file name to save the QGIS project file as - + Hautatu fitxategi-izen bat QGIS proiektu-fitxategia gordetzeko - + Unable to load %1 - + Ezin izan da %1 kargatu - + Choose a file name to save the map image as - + Hautatu fitxategi-izen bat mapa-irudia gordetzeko - + Saved map image to %1 - + Mapa-irudia %1(e)ra gorde da - + Layer labeling settings - + Geruzak etiketatzeko ezarpenak - + Cannot write raster error code: %1 - + Rasterra ezin idatzi izanaren errore-kodea: %1 - + Saving done - + Gorde da - + Export to vector file has been completed - + Fitxategi bektorialerako esportazioa osatu da - + Save error - + Gordetze-errorea - + Export to vector file failed. Error: %1 - + Fitxategi bektorialera esportazioak huts egin du. +Errorea: %1 - - - - - + + + + + No Layer Selected - + Ez da geruzarik hautatu - + To delete features, you must select a vector layer in the legend - + Elementuak ezabatzeko, legendako geruza bektorial bat hautatu behar duzu - + No Vector Layer Selected - + Ez da geruza bektorialik hautatu - + Deleting features only works on vector layers - + Elementuen ezabatzea geruza bektorialetan soilik egin daiteke - + Provider does not support deletion - + Hornitzaileak ez du ezabaketa onartzen - + Data provider does not support deleting features - + Datu-hornitzaileak ez du onartzen elementuak ezabatzerik - - - + + + Layer not editable - + Geruza ez da editagarria - + The current layer is not editable. Choose 'Start editing' in the digitizing toolbar. - + Uneko geruza ez dago editatzeko moduan. Hautatu 'Hasi edizioa' digitalizaziorako tresna-barran. - + Delete features - + Ezabatu elementuak - + Delete %n feature(s)? number of features to delete - - + + Ezabatu %n elementu? - + Features deleted - + Elementuak ezabatu dira - + Problem deleting features - + Arazoa elementuak ezabatzean - + A problem occured during deletion of features - + Arazoa gertatu da elementuak ezabatzean - + Merging features... - + Elementuak batzen... - + Abort - + Abortatu - + Create unique print composer title - + Sortu inprimatze-konposatzailearen izenburu bakarra - + (title generated if left empty) - + (sortutako izenburua hutsik uzten bada) - + Composer title - + Konposatzaile-izenburua - + Title can not be empty! - + Izenburuak ezin du hutsik geratu! - + Title already exists! - + Izenburua jadanik existitzen da! - - + + Composer %1 - + %1. konposatzailea - + copy - + kopiatu - - + + No active layer - + Ez dago geruza aktiborik - - + + No active layer found. Please select a layer in the layer list - + Ez da geruza aktiborik aurkitu. Hautatu geruza bat geruzen zerrendan - - + + Active layer is not vector - + Geruza aktiboa ez da bektoriala - - + + The merge features tool only works on vector layers. Please select a vector layer from the layer list - + Elementuak fusionatzeko tresnak geruza bektorialetan soilik lan egiten du. Hautatu geruza bektorial bat geruzen zerrendatik - - + + Merging features can only be done for layers in editing mode. To use the merge tool, go to Layer->Toggle editing - + Elementuen fusioa edizio-moduan dauden geruzetan soilik erabil daiteke. Fusio-tresna erabiltzeko, aktibatu Geruza -> Txandakatu edizioa - - - + + + Not enough features selected - + Ez dira aski elementu hautatu - - - + + + The merge tool requires at least two selected features - + Fusio-tresnak gutxienez bi elementu hautatu behar ditu - + Merged feature attributes - + Fusionatutako elementu-atributuak - - + + Merge failed - + Fusioak huts egin du - - + + An error occured during the merge operation - + Errorea gertatu da bat egiteko eragiketan - + Union operation canceled - + Batuketa-eragiketa utzi egin da - - + + The union operation would result in a geometry type that is not compatible with the current layer and therefore is canceled - + Batuketa-eragiketak uneko geruzarekin bateragarria ez den geometria-mota sortuko lukeenez, bertan behera utzi da - + Merged features - + Fusionatutako elementuak - + Features cut - + Elementuak moztu dira - + Features pasted - + Elementuak itsatsi dira - + Cannot copy style: %1 - + Ezin da estiloa kopiatu: %1 - + Cannot parse style: %1:%2:%3 - + Ezin da estiloa analizatu: %1:%2:%3 - + Cannot read style: %1 - + Ezin da estiloa irakurri: %1 - - + + Could not commit changes to layer %1 Errors: %2 - + Ezin dira %1 geruzaren aldaketak egikaritu + +Erroreak: %2 - + Start editing failed + Edizioaren hasierak huts egin du + + + + QGIS - - Security warning + + CRS undefined - defaulting to project CRS + CRSa defintu gabe dago - proiektuaren CRSa lehenetsi gisa erabiltzen + + + + CRS undefined - defaulting to default CRS: %1 + CRSa defintu gabe dago - proiektuaren %1 CRSa lehenetsi gisa erabiltzen + + + + Multiple instances of QGIS application object detected. +Please contact the developers. + + + + + + QGIS - %1 ('%2') + Security warning + Segurtasun-abisua + + + Project loaded - + Proiektua kargatuta - + Labeling Options - + Etiketatze-aukerak - + Please select a vector layer first - + Hautatu geruza bektorial bat lehenengo - + Provider cannot be opened for editing - + Hornitzailea ezin da ireki ediziorako - + Stop editing - + Gelditu edizioa - + Do you want to save the changes to layer %1? - + %1 geruzaren aldaketak gorde nahi dituzu? - + Problems during roll back - + Arazoak atzera itzultzen - + Could not %1 changes to layer %2 Errors: %3 - + Ezin izan dira %1 aldaketa egin %2 geruzan + +Erroreak: %3 - + rollback - + itzuli atzera - + cancel - + utzi - + Save - + Gorde - - - + + + all - + dena - + Rollback - + Itzuli atzera - + Cancel - + Utzi - + Current edits - + Uneko edizioak - + %1 current changes for %2 layer(s)? - + %1 uneko aldaketa %2 geruzatan? - + copy - + kopiatu - + Plugin layer - + Plugin-geruza - + Memory layer - + Memoria-geruza - - + + Duplicate layer: - + Bikoiztu geruza: - + %1 (duplication resulted in invalid layer) - + %1 (bikoizketak geruza baliogabea eman du) - + %1 (%2type unsupported) - + %1 (%2mota ez dago onartuta) - + Couldn't load Python support library: %1 - + Ezin izan da Python euskarrirako liburutegia kargatu: %1 - + Couldn't resolve python support library's instance() symbol. - + Ezin izan da Python euskarrirako liburutegiaren instance() ikurra ebatzi. - + Python support ENABLED :-) - + Python euskarria GAITUTA :-) - + There is a new version of QGIS available - + QGISen bertsio berria dago eskuragarri - + You are running a development version of QGIS - + QGISen garapen-bertsioa erabiltzen ari zara - + You are running the current version of QGIS - + QGISen uneko bertsioa erabiltzen ari zara - + Would you like more information? - + Informazio gehiago nahi duzu? - - - - + + + + QGIS Version Information - + QGISen bertsio-informazioa - + QGIS - Changes since last release - + QGIS - Aldaketak azken bertsiotik - + Unable to get current version information from server - + Ezin izan da uneko bertsio-informazioa eskuratu zerbitzaritik - + Connection refused - server may be down - + Konexioa ukatu da - agian zerbitzaria erorita dago - + QGIS server was not found - + Ez da QGIS zerbitzaria aurkitu - + Unknown network socket error: %1 - + Sare-socket errore ezezaguna: %1 - + Unable to communicate with QGIS Version server %1 - + Ezin da QGIS %1 bertsio-zerbitzariarekin komunikatu - - + + To perform a full histogram stretch, you need to have a raster layer selected. - + Histograma-luzatze osoa gauzatzeko, raster-geruza bat hautatu behar duzu. - - + + Layer is not valid - + Geruza ez da baliozkoa - + The layer %1 is not a valid layer and can not be added to the map - + %1 geruza ez da baliozkoa eta ezin zaio mapari gehitu - + The layer is not a valid layer and can not be added to the map - + Geruza ez da baliozkoa eta ezin zaio mapari gehitu - + Project has layer(s) in edit mode with unsaved edits, which will NOT be saved! - + Proiektuak gorde gabeko edizioak ditu(zt)en eta oraindik edizioan dauden geruza(k) d(it)u, eta edizio horiek ez dira gordeko! - + Save? - + Gorde? - + Do you want to save the current project?%1 - + Uneko proiektua gorde nahi duzu? %1 - + Current CRS: %1 (OTFR enabled) - + Uneko CRSa: %1 (OTRF gaituta) - + Current CRS: %1 (OTFR disabled) - + Uneko CRSa: %1 (OTRF desgaituta) - + Map coordinates for the current view extents - + Uneko bista-hedaduraren mapa-koordenatuak - + Map coordinates at mouse cursor position - + Saguaren kurtsore-posizioaren mapa-koordenatuak - + Extents: - + Hedadurak: - + Maptips require an active layer - + Mapa-oharrek geruza aktibo bat behar dute - + %n feature(s) selected on layer %1. number of selected features - - + + %n elementu hautatu dira %1 geruzan. - + Open a GDAL Supported Raster Data Source - + Ireki GDALek onartutako raster datu-iturria - - + + Error adding valid layer to map canvas - + Errorea baliozko geruza gehitzen mapa-oihalari - - - + + + Raster layer - + Raster-geruza - + %1 is not a supported raster data source - + %1 ez da onartutako raster datu-iturria - + Unsupported Data Source - + Onartzen ez den datu-iturria - + <p>This project file was saved by an older version of QGIS. When saving this project file, QGIS will update it to the latest version, possibly rendering it useless for older versions of QGIS.<p>Even though QGIS developers try to maintain backwards compatibility, some of the information from the old project file might be lost. To improve the quality of QGIS, we appreciate if you file a bug report at %3. Be sure to include the old project file, and state the version of QGIS you used to discover the error.<p>To remove this warning when opening an older project file, uncheck the box '%5' in the %4 menu.<p>Version of the project file: %1<br>Current version of QGIS: %2 - + <p>Proiektu hau QGISen bertsio zaharrago batekin gorde zen. Proiektu-fitxategi hau gordetzean, QGISek azken bertsiora eguneratuko du, eta seguru aski QGISen bertsio zaharragoek ezingo dute ireki.<p>QGISen garatzileak atzerako bateragarritasuna mantentzen saiatzen dira, baina hala ere proiektu-fitxategi zaharraren zenbait informazio galdu egin daiteke. QGISen kalitatea hobetzeko, eskertuko genuke akats-txosten bat beteko bazenu %3 helbidean. Segurtatu proiektu-fitxategi zaharra eransten duzula, eta adierazi QGISen zein bertsio erabili zenuen, errorea hobeto aurkitu ahal izateko.<p>Proiektu-fitxategi zahar bat irekitzean ematen den abisu hau kentzeko, kendu '%5' kontrol-laukiaren marka %4 menuan.<p>Proiektu-fitxategiaren bertsioa: %1<br>QGISen egungo bertsioa: %2 - + <tt>Settings:Options:General</tt> Menu path to setting options - + <tt>Ezarpenak:Aukerak:Orokorra</tt> - + Warn me when opening a project file saved with an older version of QGIS - + Abisatu QGISen bertsio zaharrago batekin proiektu-fitxategi bat irekitzean - + Project file is older - + Proiektu-fitxategia zaharragoa da - + This project file was saved by an older version of QGIS - + Proiektu-fitxategi hau QGISen bertsio zaharrago batekin gorde zen - + Warning - + Abisua - + This layer doesn't have a properties dialog. - + Geruza honek ez dauka propietateen koadroa. - + Authentication required - + Beharrezkoa da autentifikatzea - + Proxy authentication required - + Proxy-autentifikazioa beharrezkoa da - + SSL errors occured accessing URL %1: - + SSL erroreak gertatu dira %1 URLa atzitzean: - + Always ignore these errors? - + + +Beti ezikusi errore hauek? - + %n SSL errors occured number of errors - - - + + SSL errorre %n gertatu da + %n SSL errorre gertatu dira QgisAppInterface - + Attributes changed - + Aldatutako atributuak QgsAbout - About Quantum GIS - + Quantum GISi buruz About - + Honi buruz - <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:16px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:x-large; font-weight:600;"><span style=" font-size:x-large;">Quantum GIS (QGIS)</span></p></body></html> - + <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> +p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } +</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> +<p style=" margin-top:16px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:x-large; font-weight:600;"><span style=" font-size:x-large;">Quantum GIS (QGIS)</span></p></body></html> - Quantum GIS is licensed under the GNU General Public License - + Quantum GIS GNU General Public License lizentziarekin argitaratzen da - + QGIS Home Page - + QGISen webgunea Join our user mailing list - + Egin bat gure erabiltzaileen posta-zerrendarekin What's New - + Berritasunak Providers - + Hornitzaileak Developers - + Garatzaileak Essen (Germany), Developer meeting 2012 - + Essen (Germany), garatzaileen topaketa 2012 Contributors - + Ekarpenak egin dituztenak Translators - + Itzultzaileak about:blank + about:blank + + + + About QGIS + + + + + <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> +p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } +</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> +<p style=" margin-top:16px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:x-large; font-weight:600;"><span style=" font-size:x-large;">QGIS</span></p></body></html> + + + + + QGIS is licensed under the GNU General Public License Donors - + Dohaintza-emaileak <p>For a list of individuals and institutions who have contributed money to fund QGIS development and other project costs see <a href=""></a></p> - + <p>QGISen garapena eta proiektuaren beste kostu batzuk ordaintzeko dirua eman duten banakoen eta erakundeen zerrenda bat ikusteko, <a href=""></a></p> Available QGIS Data Provider Plugins - + QGISen datu-hornitzaileen plugin eskuragarriak Available Qt Database Plugins - + Qt datu-baseen plugin eskuragarriak Available Qt Image Plugins - + Qtren irudi-plugin eskuragarriak Qt Image Plugin Search Paths <br> - + Qtren irudi-pluginak bilatzeko bideak<br> @@ -10208,12 +10959,12 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Warning - + Abisua Invalid field name. This field name is reserved and cannot be used. - + Baliogabeko eremu-izena. Eremu-izen hori erreserbatua dago eta ezin da erabili. @@ -10221,33 +10972,33 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Add column - + Gehitu zutabea N&ame - + I&zena Comment - + Iruzkina Type - + Mota Width - + Zabalera Precision - + Doitasuna @@ -10255,32 +11006,32 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Add vector join - + Gehitu elkarketa bektoriala Join layer - + Elkarketa-geruza Join field - + Elkarketa-eremua Target field - + Helburu-eremua Create attribute index on join field - + Sortu atributu-indizea elkarketa-eremuan Cache join layer in virtual memory - + Gorde elkarketa-geruza memoria birtualaren cache-an @@ -10288,7 +11039,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Add tab or group for %1 - + Gehitu etiketa edo multzoa honetarako: %1 @@ -10296,27 +11047,27 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Dialog - + Elkarrizketa-koadroa Create category - + Sortu kategoria as - + honela a tab - + fitxa gisa a group in container - + talde gisa edukiontzian @@ -10324,12 +11075,12 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Select frame color - + Hautatu markoaren kolorea Select background color - + Hautatu atzeko planoaren kolorea @@ -10337,50 +11088,50 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Form - + Formularioa Fixed map position - + Mapa-kokapen finkoa Map marker - + Mapa-markatzailea Frame width - + Marko-zabalera Background color - + Atzeko planoko kolorea Frame color - + Markoaren kolorea QgsApplication - + Exception - + Salbuespena - + unknown exception - + salbuespen ezezaguna - + Application state: QGIS_PREFIX_PATH env var: %1 Prefix: %2 @@ -10392,56 +11143,67 @@ Default Theme Path: %7 SVG Search Paths: %8 User DB Path: %9 - - - - + Aplikazioaren egoera: +QGIS_PREFIX_PATH ingurune-aldagaia: %1 +Aurrizkia: %2 +Pluginen bidea: %3 +Pakete-datuen bidea: %4 +Geruza aktiboaren izena: %5 +Geruza aktiboaren bidea: %6 +Gai lehenetsiaren bidea: %7 +SVGen bilaketa bideak: %8 +Erabiltzaile.-DBaren bidea:%9 + + + + match indentation of application state - + + QgsAtlasComposition - + Filename parsing error: %1 - + Errorea fitxategi-izena analizatzean: %1 - + Feature filter parser error: %1 - + Errorea elementu-iragazkia analizatzean: %1 - + Feature filter eval error: %1 - + Errorea elementu-iragazkia ebaluatzean: %1 - + Filename eval error: %1 - + Errorea fitxategi-izena ebaluatzean: %1 QgsAtlasCompositionWidget - - + + Map %1 - + %1. mapa - + Expression based filename - + Adierazpenean oinarritutako fitxategi-izena - + Expression based filter - + Adierazpenean oinarritutako iragazkia @@ -10449,104 +11211,104 @@ User DB Path: %9 Hidden coverage layer - + Ezkutuko estaldura-geruza Output filename expression - + Irteerako fitxategi-izenerako adierazpena ... - + ... Coverage layer - + Estaldura-geruza Atlas Generation - + Atlas-sorrera Configuration - + Konfigurazioa Composer map - + Konposatzaile-mapa Visibility - + Ikusgaitasuna Feature sorting - + Elementuak ordenatzea Sort by - + Ordenatu honela Sort direction - + Ordenatze-norabidea Feature filtering - + Elementuak iragaztea Filter with - + Iragazi honekin Scaling - + Eskalatzea Margin around feature - + Marjina elementuaren inguruan % - + % Fixed scale - + Eskala finkoa Output - + Irteera Single file export when possible - + Fitxategi bakarraren esportazioa, posible denean Generate an atlas - + Sortu atlasa @@ -10555,57 +11317,57 @@ User DB Path: %9 Select an action File dialog window title - + Hautatu ekintza bat Insert expression - + Txertatu adierazpena Missing Information - + Informazioa falta da To create an attribute action, you must provide both a name and the action to perform. - + Atributu-ekintza bat sortzeko, izen bat eta gauzatuko den ekintza adierazi behar dira. Echo attribute's value - + Atributu-balioen oihartzuna Run an application - + Exekutatu aplikazio bat Get feature id - + Eskuratu elementu-IDa Selected field's value (Identify features tool) - + Hautatutako eremuen balioa ("Identifikatu elementuak" tresna) Clicked coordinates (Run feature actions tool) - + Koordenatuetan klik egin da (Exekutatu elementuen ekintzak tresna) Open file - + Ireki fitxategia Search on web based on attribute's value - + Bilatu sarean atributu baten balioan oinarrituta @@ -10613,217 +11375,213 @@ User DB Path: %9 Attribute Actions - + Atributu-ekintzak - + Action list - + Ekintza-zerrenda - + This list contains all actions that have been defined for the current layer. Add actions by entering the details in the controls below and then pressing the Add to action list button. Actions can be edited here by double clicking on the item. - + Zerrenda honek uneko geruzan definitu diren ekintza guztiak ditu. Gehitu ekintzak haien xehetasunak beheko kontroletan sartuz eta "Gehitu ekintzen zerrendara" botoia sakatuz. Ekintzak haietako bakoitzean bi aldiz klik eginez alda daitezke. - - - + + Type - + Mota - - + + Name - + Izena - - + + Action - + Ekintza - + Capture - + Kaptura - + Remove the selected action - + Kendu hautatutako ekintza - Remove action - + Kendu ekintza - + Move the selected action up - + Mugitu hautatutako ekintza gora - Move up - + Mugitu gora - + Move the selected action down - + Mugitu hautatutako ekintza behera - Move down - + Mugitu behera - + Add default actions - + Gehitu ekintza lehenetsiak - + Action properties - + Ekintza-propietateak - + Generic - + Generikoa - + Python - + Python - + Mac - + Mac - + Windows - + Windows - + Unix - + Unix - + Open - + Ireki - + Captures any output from the action - + Ekintzaren edozein irteera kapturatzen du - + Captures the standard output or error generated by the action and displays it in a dialog box - + Ekintzak sortutako irteera estandarra edo errorea kapturatzen du eta elkarrizketa-koadro batean erakusten du - + Capture output - + Kapturatu irteera - - + + Enter the name of an action here. The name should be unique (qgis will make it unique if necessary). - + Sartu ekintza baten izena hemen. Izenak bakarra izan behar du (QGISek bakar bihurtuko du, beharrezkoa bada). - + Enter the action name here - + Sartu ekintzaren izena hemen - + Enter the action here. This can be any program, script or command that is available on your system. When the action is invoked any set of characters that start with a % and then have the name of a field will be replaced by the value of that field. The special characters %% will be replaced by the value of the field that was selected. Double quote marks group text into single arguments to the program, script or command. Double quotes will be ignored if prefixed with a backslash - + Sartu ekintza hemen. Zure sistemak duen edozein programa, script edo komando izan daiteke. Ekintza bati deitzen zaionean, % batekin hasten den eta eremu baten izena duen edozein karaktere-multzo eremu horretako balioarekin ordezkatuko da. %% karaktere bereziak hautatuta dagoen eremuko balioarekin ordezkatuko dira. Komatxo bikoitzek argumentu bakarretan biltzen du testua, aplikazio, script edo komandoak horrela uler ditzan. Komatxo bikoitzak ezikusi egingo dira alderantzizko barra badaramate aurretik - + Enter the action command here - + Sartu ekintza-komandoa hemen - + Enter the action here. This can be any program, script or command that is available on your system. When the action is invoked any set of characters within [% and %] will be evaluated as expression and replaced by its result. Double quote marks group text into single arguments to the program, script or command. Double quotes will be ignored if prefixed with a backslash - + Sartu ekintza hemen. Zure sistemak duen edozein programa, script edo komando izan daiteke. Ekintza bati deitzen zaionean, [% eta %] artean dagoen edozein karaktere-multzo adierazpen gisa ebaluatuko da eta haren emaitzarekin ordezkatuko da. Komatxo bikoitzek argumentu bakarretan biltzen du testua, aplikazio, script edo komandoak horrela uler ditzan. Komatxo bikoitzak ezikusi egingo dira alderantzizko barra badaramate aurretik - + Browse for action - + Arakatu ekintzen bila - + Click to browse for an action - + Klik ekintza baten bila arakatzeko - + Clicking the button will let you select an application to use as the action - + Botoian klik egitean aplikazio bat hautatu ahal izango duzu ekintza gisa erabilia izan dadin - + ... - + ... - + Inserts an expression into the action - + Adierazpen bat txertatzen du ekintzan - + Insert expression... - + Txertatu adierazpena... - + The valid attribute names for this layer - + Geruza honetarako baliozko atributu-izenak - + Inserts the selected field into the action - + Hautatutako eremua ekintzan txertatzen du - + Insert field - + Txertatu eremua - + Inserts the action into the list above - + Ekintza goiko zerrendan txertatzen du - + Add to action list - + Gehitu ekintza-zerrendari - + Update the selected action - + Eguneratu hautatutako ekintza - + Update selected action - + Eguneratu hautatutako ekintza @@ -10831,17 +11589,17 @@ User DB Path: %9 Error - + Errorea Error: %1 - + Errorea: %1 Attributes - %1 - + Atributuak - %1 @@ -10849,27 +11607,27 @@ User DB Path: %9 Select a file - + Hautatu fitxategi bat Select a date - + Hautatu data bat (no selection) - + (hautapenik ez) - + ... - + ... - + < - + < @@ -10877,34 +11635,34 @@ User DB Path: %9 Load values from layer - + Kargatu balioak geruzatik Layer - + Geruza Description - + Deskribapena Value - + Balioa Select data from attributes in selected layer. - + Hautatu datuak hautatutako geruzako atributuak erabiliz. View All - + Bistaratu dena @@ -10914,13 +11672,13 @@ User DB Path: %9 Ascending - + Gorantz Descending - + Beherantz @@ -10928,50 +11686,50 @@ User DB Path: %9 Select attributes - + Hautatu atributuak Select all - + Hautatu dena Clear - + Garbitu Sorting - + Ordenatzen Column - + Zutabea Ascending - + Gorantz <b>Attribute</b> - + <b>Atributua</b> <b>Alias</b> - + <b>Alias</b> QgsAttributeTableDelegate - + Attribute changed - + Atributua aldatu da @@ -10979,315 +11737,327 @@ User DB Path: %9 Attribute Table - + Atributu-taula Case sensitive - + Maiuskulak/minuskulak ? - + ? Unselect all (Ctrl+U) - + Desautatu dena (Ctrl+U) Ctrl+U - + Ctrl+U Move selection to top (Ctrl+T) - + Mugitu hautapena gora (Ctrl+T) Ctrl+T - + Ctrl+T Invert selection (Ctrl+R) - + Alderantzikatu hautapena (Ctrl+R) Ctrl+S - + Ctrl+S Copy selected rows to clipboard (Ctrl+C) - + Kopiatu hautatutako errenkadak arbelera (Ctrl+C) Ctrl+C - + Ctrl+C Zoom map to the selected rows (Ctrl+J) - + Egin maparen zooma hautatutako errenkadetara (Ctrl+J) Ctrl+J - + Ctrl+J Pan map to the selected rows (Ctrl+P) - + Mugitu mapa hautatutako errenkadetara (Ctrl+P) Ctrl+P - + Ctrl+P Toggle editing mode (Ctrl+E) - + Txandakatu edizio-modua (Ctrl+E) Ctrl+E - + Ctrl+E Save Edits (Ctrl+S) - + Gorde edizioa (Ctrl+S) Delete selected features (Ctrl+D) - + Ezabatu hautatutako elementuak (Ctrl+D) ... - + ... Ctrl+D - + Ctrl+D Select features using an expression - + Hautatu elementuak adierazpen bat erabiliz New column (Ctrl+W) - + Zutabe berria (Ctrl+W) Ctrl+W - + Ctrl+W The filter defines, which features are currently shown in the list or on the table - + Iragazkiak zerrendan edo taulan zein elementu erakusten den definitzen du Filter - + Iragazkia Filters the visible features according to the current filter selection and filter string. - + Ikusgai dauden elementuak iragazten ditu uneko iragazki-hautapenaren eta iragazki-katearen arabera. Apply - + Aplikatu Attribute View - + Atributu-ikuspegia Table View - + Taula-ikuspegia Advanced Filter (Expression) - + Iragazki aurreratua (adierazpena) Use the Expression Builder to define the filter - + Erabili adierazpen-eraikitzailea iragazkia definitzeko Ctrl+F - + Ctrl+F - Show All + Show All Features - Show Selected + Show Selected Features + + + + + Show Edited and New Features + + Show All + Erakutsi dena + + + Show Selected + Erakutsi hautatua + Show Features Visible On Map - + Erakutsi mapan ikusgai dauden elementuak Column Filter - + Zutabe-iragazkia - Filter Edited - + Iragazkia editatu da Filter all the features which have been edited but not yet saved - + Iragazi editatuak izan diren baina oraindik gorde ez diren elementu guztiak Delete column (Ctrl+L) - + Ezabatu zutabea (Ctrl+L) Ctrl+L - + Ctrl+L Add feature - + Gehitu elementua + - + + Open field calculator (Ctrl+I) - + Ireki eremu-kalkulagailua (Ctrl+I) Ctrl+I - + Ctrl+I Attribute table - %1 (%n Feature(s)) feature count - - + + Atributu-taula - %1 (%n elementu) - + Parsing error - + Analisi-errorea - + Evaluation error - + Ebaluazio-errorea Attribute table - %1 :: Features total: %2, filtered: %3, selected: %4 - + Atributu-taula - %1 :: Elementuak guztira: %2, iragaziak: %3, hautatuak: %4 - + Expression based filter - + Adierazpenean oinarritutako iragazkia - + Attribute added - + Atributua gehitu da - + Attribute Error - + Atributu-errorea - + The attribute could not be added to the layer - + Atributua ezin izan zaio geruzari gehitu - + Deleted attribute - + Ezabatutako atributua - + The attribute(s) could not be deleted - + Atributua(k) ezin izan d(ir)a ezabatu - + Attribute error - + Atributu-errorea - + Error filtering - + Errorea iragaztean - + Geometryless feature added - + Geometriarik gabeko elementua gehitu da QgsAttributeTableModel - + feature id - + feature id QgsAttributeTableView - + Select All - + Hautatu dena @@ -11296,47 +12066,47 @@ User DB Path: %9 Attribute Edit Dialog - + Atributuen edizioko koadroa Simple edit box. This is the default editation widget. - + Edizioko kutxa sinplea. Ediziorako widget lehenetsia da. Displays combo box containing values of attribute used for classification. - + Sailkapenerako erabilitako atributu-balioak dituen konbinazio-koadroa erakusten du. Allows one to set numeric values from a specified range. The edit widget can be either a slider or a spin box. - + Tarte jakin bateko zenbakizko balioak ezartzea ahalbidetzen du. Edizio-widgeta graduatzaile bat edo biratze-lakuki bat izan daiteke. Minimum - + Minimoa Maximum - + Maximoa Step - + Urratsa Local minimum/maximum = 0/0 - + Minimo/maximo lokala = 0/0 The user can select one of the values already used in the attribute. If editable, a line edit is shown with autocompletion support, otherwise a combo box is used. - + Erabiltzaileak atributuan jadanik erabiltzen ari den balioetako bat hauta dezake. Editagarria bada, osatze automatikoa duen lerro-edizio bat erakutsiko da, bestela konbinazio-koadroa erabiliko da. @@ -11344,290 +12114,291 @@ User DB Path: %9 Editable - + Editagarria Photo - + Argazkia Webview - + Web-ikuspegia Color - + Kolorea Simplifies file selection by adding a file chooser dialog. - + Fitxategien hautaketa sinplifikatzen du fitxategi-hautatzaile bat gehituz. Combo box with predefined items. Value is stored in the attribute, description is shown in the combo box. - + Aurredefinitutako elementuak dituen konbinazio-koadroa. Balioa atributuan gordetzen da, deskribapena konbinazio-koadroan erakusten da. Load Data from layer - + Kargatu datuak geruzatik Value - + Balioa Description - + Deskribapena Remove Selected - + Kendu hautatua Load Data from CSV file - + Kargatu datuak CSV fitxategitik Combo box with values that can be used within the column's type. Must be supported by the provider. - + Zutabearen mogan erabil daitezkeen balioak dituen konbinazio-koadroa. Hornitzaileak onartu behar du. An immutable attribute is read-only - the user is not able to modify the contents. - + Atributu aldaezin bat soilik irakurtzekoa da - erabiltzaileak ezin ditu haren edukiak aldatu. A hidden attribute will be invisible - the user is not able to see it's contents. - + Atributu ezkutu bat ikusezina izango da - erabiltzaileak ezin ditu haren edukiak ikusi. Representation for checked state - + Markatutako egoeraren irudikapena Representation for unchecked state - + Markatu gabeko egoeraren irudikapena A text edit field that accepts multiple lines will be used. - + Lerro anitz onartzen dituen testu-edizioko eremu bat erabiliko da. Date format - + Data-formatua A calendar widget to enter a date. - + Data sartzeko egutegi-widget bat. Layer - + Geruza Key column - + Gako-zutabea Select layer, key column and value column - + Hautatu geruza, gako-zutabea eta balio-zutabea Allow null value - + Onartu balio nulua Order by value - + Ordenatu balioaren arabera Allow multiple selections - + Onartu hautapen anitz Value column - + Balio-zutabea Filter expression - + Iragazki-adierazpena ... - + ... Height - + Altuera Width - + Zabalera Field contains a filename for a picture - + Eremuak irudiaren fitxategi-izena dauka Fields contains an URL - + Eramuak URL bat dauka Field contains a color - + Eremuak kolore bat dauka Read-only field that generates a UUID if empty. - + Irakurtzeko soilik den eremua, UUID bat sortzeko erabiltzen den hutsik badago. Line edit - + Lerro-edizioa Classification - + Sailkapena Range - + Tartea Unique values - + Balio bakarrak File name - + Fitxategi-izena Value map - + Balio-mapa Enumeration - + Enumerazioa Immutable - + Aldaezina Hidden - + Ezkutua Checkbox - + Kontrol-laukia Text edit - + Testu-edizioa Calendar - + Egutegia Value relation - + Balio-erlazioa UUID generator - + UUID sortzailea Edit filter expression - + Editatu iragazki-adierazpena Select a file - + Hautatu fitxategi bat Error - + Errorea Could not open file %1 Error was:%2 - + Ezin da %1 fitxategia ireki +Errorea hau da:%2 Slider - + Graduatzailea Dial - + Diala Current minimum for this value is %1 and current maximum is %2. - + Balio horren uneko minimoa %1 da eta uneko maximoa %2 da. Attribute has no integer or real type, therefore range is not usable. - + Atributua ez da osoa edo erreala, beraz ezin da tartea erabili. Enumeration is not available for this attribute - + Enumerazioa ezin da erabili atributu honetan @@ -11635,67 +12406,67 @@ Error was:%2 Normal - + Normala Lighten - + Argitu Screen - + Pantaila Dodge - + Zuritu Addition - + Batuketa Darken - + Ilundu Multiply - + Biderkatu Burn - + Erre Overlay - + Gainjarri Soft light - + Argi leuna Hard light - + Argi gogorra Difference - + Diferentzia Subtract - + Kenketa @@ -11703,23 +12474,23 @@ Error was:%2 &Add - + &Gehitu &Delete - + &Ezabatu &Zoom to - + &Zoom Error - + Errorea @@ -11727,78 +12498,80 @@ Error was:%2 Database: %1 Driver: %2 Database: %3 - + Name - + Izena Project - + Proiektua xMin - + xMin yMin - + yMin xMax - + xMax yMax - + yMax SRID - + SRID New bookmark - + Laster-marka berria Unable to create the bookmark. Driver:%1 Database:%2 - + Ezin izan da laster-marka sortu. +Kontrolagailua:%1 +Datu-basea:%2 Really Delete? - + Benetan ezabatu? Are you sure you want to delete %n bookmark(s)? number of rows - - + + Seguru zaude %n laster-marka ezabatu nahi d(it)uzula? Empty extent - + Hedadura hutsa Reprojected extent is empty. - + Birproiektatutako hedadura hutsik dago. @@ -11806,7 +12579,7 @@ Database:%2 Geospatial Bookmarks - + Laster-marka geoespazialak @@ -11814,22 +12587,22 @@ Database:%2 WMS - + WMS Cannot get WMS select dialog from provider. - + Ezin da atzitu WMSren hautatze-koadroa hornitzailetik. CRS - + CRS Cannot set layer CRS - + Ezin da geruzaren CRSa ezarri @@ -11837,78 +12610,78 @@ Database:%2 QGIS Browser - + QGIS arakatzailea Param - + Param Metadata - + Metadatuak Preview - + Aurrebista Stop rendering - + Gelditu errendatzea Attributes - + Atributuak toolBar - + Tresna-barra New Shapefile - + Shapefile berria Ctrl+Shift+N - + Ctrl+Shift+N Refresh - + Freskatu Ctrl+R - + Ctrl+R Set layer CRS - + Ezarri geruzaren CRSa Manage WMS - + Kudeatu WMSa Manage WMS Connections - + Kudeatu WMS konexioa Ctrl+Shift+W - + Ctrl+Shift+W @@ -11916,12 +12689,12 @@ Database:%2 Dialog - + Elkarrizketa-koadroa Path - + Bidea @@ -11929,73 +12702,73 @@ Database:%2 Filter Pattern Syntax - + Iragazki-ereduaren sintaxia Wildcard(s) - + Komodina(k) Regular Expression - + Adierazpen erregularra - + Add as a favourite - + Gehitu gogoko gisa - + Remove favourite - + Kendu gogokoa - - + + Properties - + Propietateak - + Fast scan this dir. - + Eskaneatu azkar direktorio hau - + Add Layer - + Gehitu geruza - + Add Selected Layers - + Gehitu hautatutako geruzak - + Add a directory - + Gehitu direktorioa - + Add directory to favourites - + Gehitu direktorioa gogokoetara - + Error - + Errorea - + Layer Properties - + Geruza-propietateak - + Directory Properties - + Direktorio-propietateak @@ -12003,49 +12776,49 @@ Database:%2 Browser - + Arakatzailea Refresh - + Freskatu Add Selected Layers - + Gehitu hautatutako geruzak Add - + Gehitu Filter Files - + Iragazi fitxategiak ... - + ... Collapse All - + Tolestu dena Options - + Aukerak Filter files - + Iragazi fitxategiak @@ -12053,45 +12826,45 @@ Database:%2 Dialog - + Elkarrizketa-koadroa Display Name - + Bistaratze-izena Layer Source - + Geruza-sorburua Provider - + Hornitzailea Metadata - + Metadatuak QgsBrowserModel - + Project home - + Proiektuaren orri nagusia - + Home - + Orri nagusia - + Favourites - + Gogokoak @@ -12099,77 +12872,77 @@ Database:%2 Solid - + Solidoa No Brush - + Brotxarik ez Horizontal - + Horizontala Vertical - + Bertikala Cross - + Gurutzea BDiagonal - + BDiagonala FDiagonal - + FDiagonala Diagonal X - + X diagonala Dense 1 - + Trinkoa 1 Dense 2 - + Trinkoa 2 Dense 3 - + Trinkoa 3 Dense 4 - + Trinkoa 4 Dense 5 - + Trinkoa 5 Dense 6 - + Trinkoa 6 Dense 7 - + Trinkoa 7 @@ -12177,7 +12950,7 @@ Database:%2 QGIS - + QGIS @@ -12185,17 +12958,17 @@ Database:%2 Symbol - + Ikurra Value - + Balioa Label - + Etiketa @@ -12203,94 +12976,95 @@ Database:%2 Column - + Zutabea Symbol - + Ikurra Change... - + Aldatu... Color ramp - + Kolore-malda Classify - + Sailkatu Add - + Gehitu Delete - + Ezabatu Delete all - + Ezabatu dena Join - + Lotu Advanced - + Aurreratua Symbol levels... - + Ikur-mailak... High number of classes! - + Klaseen kopuru handia! Classification would yield %1 entries which might not be expected. Continue? - + Sailkapenak %1 sarrera ekoiztuko lituzke, baina hori ustekabekoa izan daiteke. Jarraitu? Error - + Errorea There are no available color ramps. You can add them in Style Manager. - + Ez dago kolore-maldarik erabilgarri. Estilo-kudeatzailean malda berriak sor ditzakezu. The selected color ramp is not available. - + Hautatutako kolore-malda ez dago erabilgarri. Confirm Delete - + Baieztatu ezabaketa The classification field was changed from '%1' to '%2'. Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? - + Sailkapen-eremua aldatu egin da, '%1' eremutik '%2' eremura. +Existitzen diren klaseak ezabatuko dira sailkapena egin baino lehen? @@ -12298,30 +13072,30 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Character Selector - + Karaktera-hautatzailea Font: - + Letra-tipoa: Current font family and style - + Uneko letra-tipoa eta estiloa QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasic - + Ctrl(or Alt)-click to toggle all - + Ctrl (edo Alt)-klik dena txandakatzeko - + Shift-click to expand, then collapse others - + Shift-klik hedatzeko, ondoren tolestu besteak @@ -12329,7 +13103,7 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Select Color - + Hautatu kolorea @@ -12337,7 +13111,7 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Select Color - + Hautatu kolorea @@ -12345,7 +13119,7 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? New color ramp... - + Kolore-malda berria... @@ -12353,12 +13127,12 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Show compass - + Erakutsi konpasa &About - + &Honi buruz @@ -12366,7 +13140,7 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Pixmap not found - + Ez da pixmap-a aurkitu @@ -12374,12 +13148,12 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Internal Compass - + Barne-konpasa Azimut - + Azimuta @@ -12387,286 +13161,305 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? QGIS - + QGIS View - + Bista Panels - + Panelak Toolbars - + Tresna-barrak Layout - + Maketazioa Composition - + Konposizioa Item Properties - + Elementu-propietateak Command history - + Komando-historia Atlas generation - + Atlas-sorrera - - + + Choose a file name to save the map as - + Hautatu fitxategi-izen bat mapa gordetzeko - + PDF Format - + PDF formatua - - - + + + Empty filename pattern - + Fitxategi-izenerako eredua hutsik - - - + + + The filename pattern is empty. A default one will be used. - + Fitxategi-izenaren eredua hutsik dago. Lehenetsia erabiliko da. - + Directory where to save PDF files - + PDF fitxategiak gordeko diren direktorioa - - - + + + Unable to write into the directory - + Ezin izan da idatzi direktorioan - - - The given output directory is not writeable. Cancelling. - + Emandako irteera-direktorioa ez da idazgarria. Uzten. - - - - + + + + Rendering maps... - + Mapak errendatzen... - - - - + + + + Abort - + Abortatu - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + Atlas processing error - + Errorea atlasa prozesatzean Close - + Itxi Print Composers - + Inprimatu konposatzaileak Window - + Leihoa Help + Laguntza + + + + + + The given output directory is not writable. Cancelling. - + Big image - + Irudi handia - + To create image %1x%2 requires about %3 MB of memory. Proceed? - + %1x%2 tamainako irudia sortzeak %3 MB inguru memoria beharko ditu. Jarraitu? - + Choose a file name to save the map image as - + Hautatu fitxategi-izen bat mapa-irudia gordetzeko - + Directory where to save image files - + Irudi-fitxategiak gordeko diren direktorioa - + Image format: - + Irudi-formatua: - + SVG warning - + SVG abisua - - + + Don't show this message again - + Ez erakutsi mezu hau berriro - + <p>The SVG export function in QGIS has several problems due to bugs and deficiencies in the - + <p>SVGak esportatzeko funtzioak zenbait arazo ditu QGISen, akatsak eta arazoak baitaude - + Qt4 svg code. In particular, there are problems with layers not being clipped to the map bounding box.</p> - + Qt4 svg kodean. Batez ere, arazoak daude geruzak ez direlako maparen muga-kutxatik mozten.</p> - + If you require a vector-based output file from Qgis it is suggested that you try printing to PostScript if the SVG output is not satisfactory.</p> - + Formatu bektorialeko irteera bat behar baduzu, saia zaitez PostScript formatura inprimatzen, SVG irteera egokia ez bada.</p> - + SVG Format - + SVG formatua - + Directory where to save SVG files - + SVG fitxategiak gordeko diren direktorioa - + copy - + kopiatu - + Duplicating composer... - + Konposatzailea bikoizten... - + Duplicate Composer - + Bikoiztu konposatzailea - + Composer duplication failed. - + Konposatzailearen bikoizketak huts egin du. - + Save template - + Gorde txantiloia - + Composer templates - + Konposatzaile-txantiloiak - + Save error - + Gordetze-errorea - + Error, could not save file - + Errorea, ezin izan da fitxategia gorde - + Load template - + Kargatu txantiloia - + Read error - + Irakutze-errorea - + Error, could not read file + Errorea, ezin izan da fitxategia irakurri + + + + Project contains composition effects + + + Advanced composition effects such as blend modes or vector layer transparency are enabled in this project, which cannot be printed as vectors. Printing as a raster is recommended. + + + + + Print as raster + Inprimatu raster gisa + - + Composer - + Konposatzailea - + Composer error - + Konposatzaile-errorea - + Error, could not create new composer - + Errorea, ezin izan da konposatzaile berria sortu - + Loading template into composer... - + Txantiloia konposatzailean kargatzen... - + Project contains WMS layers - + Proiektuak WMS geruzak ditu - + Some WMS servers (e.g. UMN mapserver) have a limit for the WIDTH and HEIGHT parameter. Printing layers from such servers may exceed this limit. If this is the case, the WMS layer will not be printed - + Zenbait WMS zerbitzarik (adib. UMN mapserver) mugak dituzte WIDTH (zabalera) eta HEIGHT (altuera) parametroetan. Zerbitzari horietako geruzak inprimatzeak muga hori gaindi dezake, eta kasu horietan WMS geruza ez da inprimatuko @@ -12674,51 +13467,51 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Arrow outline width - + Gezi-trazuaren zabalera Arrowhead width - + Gezi-buruaren zabalera Arrow color changed - + Geziaren kolorea aldatu da Select arrow color - + Hautatu geziaren kolorea Arrow marker changed - + Gezi-markatzailea aldatu da Arrow start marker - + Geziaren hasierako markatzailea Arrow end marker - + Geziaren amaierako markatzailea Start marker svg file - + Hasierako markatzailearen SVG fitxategia End marker svg file - + Amaierako markatzailearen SVG fitxategia @@ -12726,74 +13519,74 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Form - + Formularioa Arrow - + Gezia Main properties - + Propietate nagusiak Line width - + Lerro-zabalera mm - + mm Arrow head width - + Gezi-buruaren zabalera Color... - + Kolorea... Arrow markers - + Gezi-markatzaileak Default - + Lehenetsia None - + Bat ere ez SVG - + SVG Start marker - + Hasierako markatzailea ... - + ... End marker - + Amaierako markatzailea @@ -12801,487 +13594,487 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? MainWindow - + LeihoNagusia Composer - + Konposatzailea Paper Navigation - + Paper-nabigazioa Composer Item Actions - + Konposatzaile-elementuen ekintzak Composer Items - + Konposatzaile-elementuak &Print... - + &Inprimatu... Ctrl+P - + Ctrl+P Zoom Full - + Zoom osoa Zoom full - + Zoom osoa Zoom In - + Handiagotu Zoom in - + Handiagotu Zoom Out - + Txikiagotu Zoom out - + Txikiagotu Add Map - + Gehitu mapa Add new map - + Gehitu mapa berria Add Label - + Gehitu etiketa Add new label - + Gehitu etiketa berria Add Legend - + Gehitu legenda Add new legend - + Gehitu legenda berria Move Item - + Mugitu elementua Select/Move item - + Hautatu/mugitu elementua Export as Image... - + Esportatu irudi gisa... Export as image - + Esportatu irudi gisa Export as PDF... - + Esportatu PDF gisa... Export as SVG... - + Esportatu SVG... Add Scalebar - + Gehitu eskala-barra Add new scalebar - + Gehitu eskala-barra berria Refresh - + Freskatu Refresh view - + Freskatu bista Add Image - + Gehitu irudia Add image - + Gehitu irudia Move Content - + Mugitu edukia Move item content - + Mugitu elementuaren edukia Group - + Multzokatu Group items - + Multzokatu elementuak Ungroup - + Banandu Ungroup items - + Banandu elementuak Raise - + Goratu Raise selected items - + Goratu hautatutako elementuak Lower - + Beheratu Lower selected items - + Beheratu hautatutako elementuak Bring to Front - + Ekarri aurrera Move selected items to top - + Mugitu hautatutako elementuak aurrera Send to Back - + Bidali atzera Move selected items to bottom - + Mugitu hautatutako elementuak atzera Load from Template - + Kargatu txantiloitik Load from template - + Kargatu txantiloitik Save as Template - + Gorde txantiloi gisa Align Left - + Lerrokatu ezkerrean Align Center - + Lerrokatu erdian Align Right - + Lerrokatu eskuinean Align Top - + Lerrokatu goian Align Bottom - + Lerrokatu behean Add Table - + Gehitu taula Add attribute table - + Gehitu atributu-taula Add ellipse - + Gehitu elipsea Add HTML - + Gehitu HTMLa Composer Manager - + Konposatzaile-kudeatzailea Composer manager - + Konposatzaile-kudeatzailea &New Composer - + &Konposatzaile berria New composer - + Konposatzaile berria Ctrl+N - + Ctrl+N &Save Project - + &Gorde proiektua Save project - + Gorde proiektua Ctrl+S - + Ctrl+S &Duplicate Composer - + &Bikoiztu konposatzailea Duplicate composer - + Bikoiztu konposatzailea New from Template - + Berria txantiloitik New from template - + Berria txantiloitik Save as template - + Gorde txantiloi gisa Align selected items left - + Lerrokatu hautatutako elementuak ezkerrean Align center horizontal - + Lerrokatu erdian horizontalean Align selected items right - + Lerrokatu hautatutako elementuak eskuinean Align selected items to top - + Lerrokatu hautatutako elementuak goian Align Center Vertical - + Lerrokatu erdian bertikalean Align center vertical - + Lerrokatu erdian bertikalean Align selected items bottom - + Lerrokatu hautatutako elementuak behean &Quit - + &Irten Quit - + Irten Ctrl+Q - + Ctrl+Q Add Arrow - + Gehitu gezia Add arrow - + Gehitu gezia Page Setup - + Orriaren konfigurazioa Page setup - + Orriaren konfigurazioa Ctrl+Shift+P - + Ctrl+Shift+P Undo - + Desegin Revert last change - + Desegin azken aldaketa Ctrl+Z - + Ctrl+Z Redo - + Berregin Restore last change - + Berregin azken aldaketa Ctrl+Shift+Z - + Ctrl+Shift+Z Add Rectangle - + Gehitu laukizuzena Add rectangle - + Gehitu laukizuzena Add Triangle - + Gehitu hirukia Add triangle - + Gehitu hirukia Add Ellipse - + Gehitu elipsea Add html frame - + Gehitu HTML markoa @@ -13289,37 +14082,37 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Use existing frames - + Erabili existitzen diren markoak Extend to next page - + Hedatu hurrengo orrialdera Repeat on every page - + Errepikatu orrialde bakoitzean Repeat until finished - + Errepikatu amaitu arte Change html url - + Aldatu HTML URLa Select HTML document - + Hautatu HTML dokumentua Change resize mode - + Aldatu tamaina aldatzeko modua @@ -13327,88 +14120,88 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? ... - + ... URL - + URLa HTML Frame - + HTML markoa HTML frame - + HTML markoa Main properties - + Propietate nagusiak Resize mode - + Tamaina aldatzeko modua QgsComposerItem - + Change item position - + Elementuaren kokapena aldatu da QgsComposerItemWidget - + Frame color changed - + Markoaren kolorea aldatu da - + Background color changed - + Atzeko planoaren kolorea aldatu da - + Item outline width - + Elementu-trazuaren zabalera - + Item frame toggled - + Elementu-markoa txandakatu da - + Item position changed - + Elementu-kokapena aldatu da - + Item background toggled - + Elementuaren atzealdea txandakatu da - + Select background color - + Atzeko planoa hautatu da - + Select frame color - + Hautatu markoaren kolorea - + Item id changed - + Elementuaren IDa aldatu da @@ -13416,88 +14209,88 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Global Options - + Aukera globalak Position and size - + Kokapena eta tamaina Reference point - + Erreferentzia-puntua X - + X Y - + Y Width - + Zabalera Height - + Altuera Frame - + Markoa Thickness - + Lodiera Color... - + Kolorea... Background - + Atzeko planoa Item ID - + Elementuaren IDa Uuid (read-only) - + Uuid (irakurtzeko soilik) Id - + Id Rendering - + Errendatzea - + Blending mode - + Nahaste-modua - + Transparency - + Gardentasuna @@ -13505,29 +14298,29 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Label text HTML state changed - + Testuaren etiketaren HTML-egoera aldatu da Label text changed - + Etiketaren testua aldatu da Label font changed - + Etiketaren testu-tipoa aldatu da Label margin changed - + Etiketaren marjina aldatu da Insert expression - + Txertatu adierazpena @@ -13537,12 +14330,12 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Label alignment changed - + Etiketaren lerrokatzea aldatu da Label rotation changed - + Etiketaren biraketa aldatu da @@ -13550,107 +14343,107 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Label Options - + Etiketa-aukerak Label - + Etiketa Main properties - + Propietate nagusiak Render as HTML - + Errendatu HTML gisa Font color... - + Letra-tipoaren kolorea... Alignment - + Lerrokatzea Vertical - + Bertikala Horizontal - + Horizontala Display - + Bistaratzea Margin - + Marjina mm - + mm ° - + ° Left - + Ezkerra Center - + Erdia horizontalean Right - + Eskuina Top - + Goia Middle - + Erdia bertikalean Bottom - + Behea Rotation - + Biraketa Font - + Letra-tipoa Insert an expression - + Txertatu adierazpen bat @@ -13658,7 +14451,7 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Legend - + Legenda @@ -13666,12 +14459,12 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Legend item properties - + Legena-elementuaren propietateak Item text - + Elementu-testua @@ -13679,7 +14472,7 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Add layer to legend - + Gehitu geruza legendari @@ -13687,330 +14480,353 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Item - + Elementua Title style - + Izenburu-estiloa Item wrapping changed - + Elementuaren testu-egokitzea aldatu da Legend title changed - + Legenda-izenburua aldatu da Legend column count - + Legenda-kolumnaren zenbaketa Legend split layers - + Legenda-banaketen geruzak Legend equal column width - + Legendaren zabalera bereko zutabea Legend symbol width - + Legenda-ikurraren zabalera Legend symbol height - + Legenda-ikurraren altuera Legend group space - + Legenda-multzoen tartea Legend layer space - + Legenda-geruzen tartea Legend symbol space - + Legenda-sinboloen tartea Legend icon label space - + Legenda-ikonoaren etiketa-tartea Title font changed - + Izenburuaren testu-tipoa aldatu da Legend group font changed - + Legenda-taldearen letra-tipoa aldatu da Legend layer font changed - + Legenda-geruzaren letra-tipoa aldatu da Legend item font changed - + Legenda-elementuaren letra-tipoa aldatu da Legend font color changed - + Legendaren letra-tipoaren kolorea aldatu da Legend box space - + Legenda-kutxaren tartea Legend map changed - + Leganda-mapa aldatu da - + Legend item edited - + Legenda-elementua editatu da - - - + + + Legend updated - + Legenda eguneratu da - + Legend group added - + Legenda-multzoa gehitu da - + Map %1 - + %1 mapa - + None - + Bat ere ez QgsComposerLegendWidgetBase - + Title Font... - + Izenburuaren testu-tipoa... - + Subgroup Font... - + Azpimultzoaren testu-tipoa... - + Group Font... - + Multzoaren testu-tipoa... - + Item Font... - + Elementuaren testu-tipoa... - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + mm - + mm Map - + Mapa Wrap text on - + Egokitu testua &Title + &Izenburua + + + + Update legend. User defined labels are preserved. - - Allow to split layer items into multiple columns. + + Update item - - Split layers + + Update whole legend. Layers are added/removed according to main application legend. User defined labels will be deleted. - - Equal column widths + + Update all + + + ... + ... + + + + Allow to split layer items into multiple columns. + Onartu geruza-elementuak zutabe anitzetan zatitzea. + + + + Split layers + Zatitu geruzak + + + + Equal column widths + Zabalera bereko zutabeak + Legend items - + Legenda-elementuak - + Auto Update - + Eguneratu automatikoki - Update - + Eguneratu Legend Options - + Legenda-aukerak Legend - + Legenda Main properties - + Propietate nagusiak - All - + Dena - + Fonts - + Letra-tipoak - + Font color... - + Letra-tipoaren kolorea... - + Columns - + Zutabeak - + Count - + Zenbaketa - + Symbol - + Ikurra - + Symbol width - + Ikur-zabalera - + Symbol height - + Ikur-altuera - + Spacing - + Tartea - + Space above text using group style. - + Testuaren gaineko tartea multzo-estiloa erabiliz. - + Group Space - + Multzoen tartea - + Space above text using subgroup style. - + Testuaren gaineko tartea azpimultzo-estiloa erabiliz. - + Subgroup space - + Azpimultzoen tartea - + Space above symbol and symbol label. - + Ikurraren eta ikur-etiketaren gaineko tartea. - + Symbol space - + Ikur-tartea - + Space between symbol icon and symbol label (symbol label left margin). - + Ikur-ikonoaren eta ikur-etiketaren arteko tartea (ikur-etiketaren ezkerreko marjina). - + Icon label space - + Ikono-etiketen tartea - + Box space - + Kutxa-tartea - + Column space - + Zutabe-tartea - + Add group - + Gehitu multzoa - + Show feature count for each class of vector layer. - + Erakutsi elementu-kopurua geruza bektorialen klase bakoitzerako. @@ -14018,119 +14834,119 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? &Show - + &Erakutsi &Duplicate - + &Bikoiztu &Remove - + &Kendu Re&name - + Be&rrizendatu Empty composer - + Konposatzaile hutsa Specific - + Zehatza Template error - + Txantiloi-errorea Error, template file not found - + Errorea, txantiloi-fitxategia ez da aurkitu Error, could not read file - + Errorea, ezin da fitxategia irakurri Composer error - + Konposatzaile-errorea Error, could not create composer - + Errorea, ezin da konposatzailea sortu Loading template into composer... - + Txantiloia konposatzailean kargatzen... Error, could not load template file - + Errorea, ezin da txantiloi-fitxategia kargatu Choose template - + Hautatu txantiloia Composer templates - + Konposatzaile-txantiloiak File system error - + Fitxategi-sistemaren errorea Error, could not open or create local directory - + Errorea, ezin da direktorio lokala ireki edo sortu Remove composer - + Ezabatu konposatzailea Do you really want to remove the map composer '%1'? - + Benetan '%1' mapa-konposatzailea ezabatu nahi duzu? copy - + kopiatu Duplicating composer... - + Konposatzailea bikoizten... Duplicate Composer - + Bikoiztu konposatzailea Composer duplication failed. - + Konposatzailea bikoizteak huts egin du. @@ -14138,51 +14954,51 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Composer manager - + Konposatzaile-kudeatzailea New from template - + Berria txantiloitik Add - + Gehitu ... - + ... Open template directory - + Ireki txantiloi-direktorioa user - + erabiltzailea default - + lehenetsia QgsComposerMap - - + + Map %1 - + %1 mapa - + Map will be printed here - + Mapa hemen inprimatuko da @@ -14192,205 +15008,214 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Cache - + Cache-a Render - + Errendatu Rectangle - + Laukizuzena - + Solid - + Solidoa - - + + Cross - + Gurutzea Decimal - + Hamartarra DegreeMinute - + GraduakMinutuak DegreeMinuteSecond - + GraduakMinutuakSegundoak - + No frame - + Markorik ez - - + + Zebra - + Zebra Map scale changed - + Mapa-eskala aldatu da Map rotation changed - + Mapa-biraketa aldatu da - + Map extent changed - + Mapa-hedadura aldatu da + + + + Select font color + Hautatu letra-tipoaren kolorea - + Canvas items toggled - + Oihaleko elementuak txandakatu dira - - - + + + None - + Bat ere ez - + Grid checkbox toggled - + Saretaren kontrol-laukia txandakatu da - - + + Grid interval changed - + Sareta-tartea aldatu da - - + + Grid offset changed - + Sareta-desplazamendua aldatu da - Grid pen changed - + Sareta-arkatza aldatu da - + Grid type changed - + Sareta-mota aldatu da - + Grid cross width changed - + Sareta-gurutzeen zabalera aldatu da - + Annotation font changed - + Oharpenen letra-tipoa aldatu da - + + Label font changed + Etiketaren testu-tipoa aldatu da + + + Annotation distance changed - + Oharpenen distantzia aldatu da - + Annotation format changed - + Oharpenen formatua aldatu da - + Annotation toggled - + Oharpenak txandakatu dira - + Changed annotation precision - + Oharpenen doitasuna aldatu da - + Changed grid frame style - + Sareta-markoaren estiloa aldatu da - + Changed grid frame width - + Sareta-markoaren zabalera aldatu da - - - + + + Inside frame - + Markoaren barruan - - + + Outside frame - + Markoaren kanpoan - - - + + + Disabled - + Desgaitua - - - + + + Horizontal - + Horizontala - - + + Vertical - + Bertikala - + Annotation position changed - + Oharpenen posizioa aldatu da - + Changed annotation direction - + Oharpenen norabidea aldatu da - + Map %1 - + %1. mapa @@ -14398,204 +15223,224 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Map - + Mapa Update preview - + Eguneratu aurrebista Show grid - + Erakutsi sareta Interval - + Tartea X - + X Y + Y + + + + Blend mode - + Draw coordinates - + Marraztu koordenatuak - + Format - + Formatua - + Left - + Ezkerra - + Right - + Eskuina - + Top - + Goia - + Bottom - + Behea - + Font - + Letra-tipoa - + + Font color... + Letra-tipoaren kolorea... + + + Overview - + Ikuspegi orokorra - + Overview style - + Ikuspegi orokorraren estiloa - + Change... + Aldatu... + + + + Overview blending mode - - Overview frame + + Invert overview + + + Overview frame + Ikuspegi orokorraren markoa + Scale - + Eskala Rotation - + Biraketa degrees - + graduak Lock layers for map item - + Blokeatu mapa-elementuaren geruzak Draw map canvas items - + Marraztu mapa-oihalaren elementuak Extents - + Hedadurak X min - + X min X max - + X max Map Options - + Mapa-aukerak Main properties - + Propietate nagusiak Y min - + Y min Y max - + Y max Set to map canvas extent - + Ezarri mapa oihal-hedadurara Grid &type - + Sareta-&mota Offset X - + Desplazatu X Cross width - + Gurutze-zabalera Frame style - + Marko-estiloa Frame width - + Marko-zabalera Line style - + Lerro-estiloa change... - + aldatu... - + Font... - + Letra-tipoa... - + Distance to map frame - + Distantzia mapa-markoa - + Coordinate precision - + Koordenatu-doitasuna @@ -14603,45 +15448,45 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Select svg or image file - + Hautatu SVG edo irudi-fitxategia Picture changed - + Irudia aldatu da Picture rotation changed - + Irudiaren biraketa aldatu da Select new preview directory - + Hautatu aurrebista-direktorio berria Rotation synchronisation toggled - + Biraketaren sinkronizazioa txandakatu da Rotation map changed - + Biraketa-mapa aldatu da Map %1 - + %1. mapa Creating icon for file %1 - + Ikonoa sortzen %1 fitxategirako @@ -14649,62 +15494,62 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Picture Options - + Irudi-aukerak ... - + ... Rotation - + Biraketa Sync with map - + Sinkronizatu maparekin Search directories - + Bilaketa-direktorioak Picture - + Irudia Main properties - + Propietate nagusiak Path - + Bidea Loading SVG previews... - + SVG aurrebistak kargatzen... Add... - + Gehitu... ° - + ° Remove - + Kendu @@ -14712,12 +15557,12 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? km - + km m - + m @@ -14726,160 +15571,160 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Single Box - + Kutxa bakarrekoa Double Box - + Kutxa bikoitzekoa Line Ticks Middle - + Lerro-markak erdian Line Ticks Down - + Lerro-markak behera Line Ticks Up - + Lerro-markak gora Numeric - + Zenbakizkoa Left - + Ezkerra Middle - + Erdia Right - + Eskuina Map units - + Mapa-unitateak Meters - + Metroak Feet - + Oinak Map %1 - + %1. mapa Scalebar map changed - + Eskala-barraren mapa aldatu da Scalebar line width - + Eskala-barraren lerro-zabalera Scalebar segment size - + Eskala-barraren segmentu-tamaina Scalebar segments left - + Eskala-barraren segmentuak ezkerrean Scalebar n segments - + Eskala-barraren n segmentu Scalebar height changed - + Eskala-barraren altuera aldatu da Scalebar font changed - + Eskala-barraren letra-tipoa aldatu da Scalebar font color changed - + Eskala-barraren letra-tipoaren kolorea aldatu da Scalebar color changed - + Eskala-barraren kolorea aldatu da Scalebar stroke color changed - + Eskala-barraren trazuaren kolorea aldatu da Scalebar unit text - + Eskala-barraren unitate-testua Scalebar map units per segment - + Eskala-barraren mapa-unitateak segmentuko Scalebar style changed - + Eskala-barraren estiloa aldatu da Scalebar label bar space - + Eskala-barraren etiketa-barraren tartea Scalebar box content space - + Eskala-barraren kutxaren edukiaren tartea Scalebar alignment - + Eskala-barraren lerrokatzea Scalebar unit changed - + Eskala-barraren unitatea aldatu da @@ -14887,118 +15732,118 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Barscale Options - + Eskala-barraren aukerak Units - + Unitateak Map units per bar unit - + Mapa-unitateak barra-unitateko Style - + Estiloa Map - + Mapa Scalebar - + Eskala-barra Main properties - + Propietate nagusiak Label - + Etiketa Segments - + Segmentuak left - + ezkerra right - + eskuina Size - + Tamaina units - + unitateak Height - + Altuera Display - + Bistaratzea Box margin - + Kutxa-marjina Labels margin - + Etiketa-marjina Line width - + Lerro-zabalera Alignment - + Lerrokatzea Fonts and colors - + Letra-tipoak eta koloreak Font color... - + Letra-tipoaren kolorea... Fill color... - + Betegarri-kolorea... Stroke color... - + Trazu-kolorea... @@ -15006,12 +15851,12 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? mm - + mm Font... - + Letra-tipoa... @@ -15021,31 +15866,31 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Ellipse - + Elipsea Rectangle - + Laukizuzena Triangle - + Hirukia Shape rotation changed - + Formaren biraketa aldatu da Shape type changed - + Forma-mota aldatu da @@ -15053,27 +15898,27 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Form - + Formularioa Shape - + Forma Main properties - + Propietate nagusiak Rotation - + Biraketa ° - + ° @@ -15082,28 +15927,28 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Map %1 - + %1 mapa Table layer changed - + Taula-geruza aldatu da Table attribute settings - + Taula-atributuen ezarpenak Table map changed - + Taula-mapa aldatu da Table maximum columns - + Taularen zutabe maximoak @@ -15111,42 +15956,42 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Select Font - + Hautatu letra-tipoa Table header font - + Taula-goiburuaren letra-tipoa Table content font - + Taula-edukiaren letra-tipoa Table grid stroke - + Taula-saretaren trazua Select grid color - + Hautatu saretaren kolorea Table grid color - + Taula-saretaren kolorea Table grid toggled - + Taula-sareta txandakatu da Table visible only toggled - + Taula ikusgai soilik aldatu da @@ -15154,77 +15999,77 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Layer - + Geruza Attributes... - + Atributuak... Composer map - + Konposatzaile-mapa Maximum rows - + Errenkada-kopuru maximoa Show grid - + Erakutsi sareta Stroke width - + Trazu-zabalera Color... - + Kolorea... Fonts - + Letra-tipoak Header Font... - + Goiburuaren letra-tipoa... Content Font... - + Edukiaren letra-tipoa... Margin - + Marjina Attribute Table - + Atributu-taula Attribute table - + Atributu-taula Main properties - + Propietate nagusiak Show only visible features - + Erakutsi ikusgai dauden elementuak soilik @@ -15232,110 +16077,114 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Vector Legend Options - + Bektore-legendaren aukerak Preview - + Aurrebista Map - + Mapa Title - + Izenburua Layers - + Geruzak Group - + Taldea ID - + IDa Box - + Kutxa Font - + Letra-tipoa QgsComposerView - Quantum GIS - + Quantum GIS + + + + QGIS + QGIS Label added - + Etiketa gehitu da Scale bar added - + Eskala-barra gehitu da Legend added - + Legenda gehitu da Picture added - + Irudia gehitu da Table added - + Taula gehitu da Shape added - + Forma gehitu da Move item content - + Mugitu elementuaren edukia Arrow added - + Gezia gehitu da Map added - + Mapa gehitu da Html item added - + HTML elementua gehitu da Html frame added - + HTML markoa gehitu da @@ -15343,110 +16192,110 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Item moved - + Elementua mugitu da Zoom item content - + Zoom elementuaren edukira QgsComposition - + Label added - + Etiketa gehitu da - + Map added - + Mapa gehitu da - + Arrow added - + Gezia gehitu da - + Scale bar added - + Eskala-barra gehitu da - + Shape added - + Forma gehitu da - + Picture added - + Irudia gehitu da - + Legend added - + Legenda gehitu da - + Table added - + Taula gehitu da - + Aligned items left - + Elementuak ezkerrean lerrokatu dira - + Aligned items hcenter - + Elementuak erdian horizontalean lerrokatu dira - + Aligned items right - + Elementuak eskuinean lerrokatu dira - + Aligned items top - + Elementuak goian lerrokatu dira - + Aligned items vcenter - + Elementuak erdian bertikalean lerrokatu dira - + Aligned items bottom - + Elementuak behean lerrokatu dira - + Item z-order changed - + Elementuaren z-ordena aldatu da - + Remove item group - + Kendu elementu-taldea - + Frame deleted - + Markoa ezabatu da - + Item deleted - + Elementua ezabatu da - + Multiframe removed - + Marko anitz ezabatu dira @@ -15454,37 +16303,37 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Composition - + Konposizioa Paper - + Papera Size - + Tamaina Units - + Unitateak Width - + Zabalera Height - + Altuera Orientation - + Orientazioa @@ -15492,168 +16341,168 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? mm - + mm inch - + hazbete Landscape - + Horizontala Portrait - + Bertikala Select grid color - + Hautatu saretaren kolorea - + Solid - + Solidoa - + Dots - + Puntuak - + Crosses - + Gurutzeak A5 (148x210 mm) - + A5 (148x210 mm) A4 (210x297 mm) - + A4 (210x297 mm) A3 (297x420 mm) - + A3 (297x420 mm) A2 (420x594 mm) - + A2 (420x594 mm) A1 (594x841 mm) - + A1 (594x841 mm) A0 (841x1189 mm) - + A0 (841x1189 mm) B5 (176 x 250 mm) - + B5 (176 x 250 mm) B4 (250 x 353 mm) - + B4 (250 x 353 mm) B3 (353 x 500 mm) - + B3 (353 x 500 mm) B2 (500 x 707 mm) - + B2 (500 x 707 mm) B1 (707 x 1000 mm) - + B1 (707 x 1000 mm) B0 (1000 x 1414 mm) - + B0 (1000 x 1414 mm) Legal (8.5x14 in) - + AEBetako legal (8.5x14 hazbete) ANSI A (Letter; 8.5x11 in) - + ANSI A (gutuna; 8.5x11 hazbete) ANSI B (Tabloid; 11x17 in) - + ANSI B (tabloidea; 11x17 hazbete) ANSI C (17x22 in) - + ANSI C (17x22 hazbete) ANSI D (22x34 in) - + ANSI D (22x34 hazbete) ANSI E (34x44 in) - + ANSI E (34x44 hazbete) Arch A (9x12 in) - + Arch A (9x12 hazbete) Arch B (12x18 in) - + Arch B (12x18 hazbete) Arch C (18x24 in) - + Arch C (18x24 hazbete) Arch D (24x36 in) - + Arch D (24x36 hazbete) Arch E (36x48 in) - + Arch E (36x48 hazbete) Arch E1 (30x42 in) - + Arch E1 (30x42 hazbete) @@ -15661,7 +16510,7 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Custom - + Pertsonalizatua @@ -15669,57 +16518,57 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Composition - + Konposizioa Paper and quality - + Papera eta kalitatea Presets - + Aurrezarpenak Width - + Zabalera Height - + Altuera Units - + Unitateak Orientation - + Orientazioa Print as raster - + Inprimatu raster gisa Resolution - + Bereizmena dpi - + dpi Spacing - + Tartea @@ -15727,62 +16576,62 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? mm - + mm Grid offset - + Sareta-desplazamendua x: - + x: y: - + y: Pen width - + Arkatz-zabalera Selection tolerance - + Hautapen-tolerantzia Color... - + Kolorea... Snap to alignments - + Doitu lerrokatzeetara Tolerance - + Tolerantzia Number of pages - + Orri-kopurua Snap to grid - + Doitu saretara Grid style - + Sareta-estiloa @@ -15790,76 +16639,77 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Configure shortcuts - + Konfiguratu laster-teklaka Action - + Ekintza Shortcut - + Laster-tekla Change - + Aldatu Set none - + Ezarri hutsean Set default - + Ezarri lehenetsia Load... - + Kargatu... Save... - + Gorde... Save shortcuts - + Gorde laster-teklak XML file - + XML fitxategia All files - + Fitxategi guztiak Saving shortcuts - + Laster-teklak gordetzen Cannot write file %1: %2. - + Ezin da %1 fitxategia idatzi: +%2. Load shortcuts - + Kargatu laster-teklak @@ -15867,181 +16717,193 @@ Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Loading shortcuts - + Laster-teklak kargatzen Cannot read file %1: %2. - + Ezin da %1 fitxategia irakurri: +%2. Parse error at line %1, column %2: %3 - + Analisi-errorea %1 lerroan, %2 zutabean: +%3 The file is not an shortcuts exchange file. - + Fitxategi hau ez da laster-teklak trukatzeko fitxategi bat. The file contains shortcuts created with different locale, so you can't use it. - + Fitxategiak beste locale batekin sortutako laster-teklak ditu, beraz ezin duzu erabili. None - + Bat ere ez Set default (%1) - + Ezarri lehenetsia (%1) Input: - + Sarrera: Shortcut conflict - + Laster-teklek gatazka This shortcut is already assigned to action %1. Reassign? - + Laster-tekla hori %1 ekintzari esleituta dago. Besteari esleitu? + + + + QgsContextHelp + + + <h3>Oops! QGIS can't find help for this form.</h3>The help file for %1 was not found for your language<br>If you would like to create it, contact the QGIS development team + <h3>Ai ene! QGISek ezin du formulario honen laguntza aurkitu.</h3>%1 formularioaren laguntza-fitxategia ez da aurkitu zure hizkuntzan<br>Hura sortu nahi baduzu, jarri harremanetan Librezale taldearekin QgsCoordinateTransform - + The source spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. The coordinates can not be reprojected. The CRS is: %1 - + Sarrerako erreferentzia-sistema espaziala (CRS) baliogabea da. Koordenatuak ezin dira birproiektatu. CRSa hau da: %1 - - + + CRS - + CRS - + The destination spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. The coordinates can not be reprojected. The CRS is: %1 - + Irteerako erreferentzia-sistema espaziala (CRS) baliogabea da. Koordenatuak ezin dira birproiektatu. CRSa hau da: %1 - + inverse transform - + alderantzizko transformazioa - + forward transform - + aurreranzko transformazioa - + %1 of %2PROJ.4: %3 +to %4 Error: %5 - + %1 +%2(e)tik PROJ.4: %3 + %4(e)ra +Errorea: %5 QgsCptCityBrowserModel - + Name - + Izena - + Info - + Info QgsCptCityColorRampItem - + colors - + koloreak - + discrete - + diskretua - + continuous - + jarraia - + continuous (multi) - + jarraia (anitza) - + variants - + aldaerak QgsCptCityColorRampV2Dialog - - Error - cpt-city gradient files not found. - -You have two means of installing them: - -1) Install the "Color Ramp Manager" python plugin (you must enable Experimental plugins in the plugin manager) and use it to download latest cpt-city package. -You can install the entire cpt-city archive or a selection for QGIS. - -2) Download the complete archive (in svg format) and unzip it to your QGis settings directory [%1] . - -This file can be found at [%2] -and current file is [%3] - - - - + Selections by theme - + Gaiaren araberako hautapenak - + All by author - + Dena egilearen arabera - + You can download a more complete set of cpt-city gradients by installing the "Color Ramp Manager" plugin (you must enable Experimental plugins in the plugin manager). - + cpt-city gradienteen multzo osatuagoa jaitsi deakezu "Color Ramp Manager" plugina instalatuta (plugin esperimentalak gaitu behar dituzu plugin-kudeatzailean). - + All Ramps (%1) + Malda guztiak (%1) + + + + Error - cpt-city gradient files not found. + +You have two means of installing them: + +1) Install the "Color Ramp Manager" python plugin (you must enable Experimental plugins in the plugin manager) and use it to download latest cpt-city package. +You can install the entire cpt-city archive or a selection for QGIS. + +2) Download the complete archive (in svg format) and unzip it to your QGIS settings directory [%1] . + +This file can be found at [%2] +and current file is [%3] - + %1 directory details - + %1 direktorioaren xehetasunak - + %1 gradient details - + %1 gradientearen xehetasunak @@ -16049,53 +16911,53 @@ and current file is [%3] cpt-city color ramp - + cpt-city color ramp Selection and preview - + Hautapena eta aurrebista License - + Lizentzia Palette - + Paleta Path - + Bidea Information - + Informazioa Author(s) - + Egilea(k) Source - + Sorburua Details - + Xehetasunak - + Save as standard gradient - + Gorde gradiente estandar gisa @@ -16103,131 +16965,115 @@ and current file is [%3] Enter Credentials - + Sartu kredentzialak Username - + Erabiltzaile-izena Password - + Pasahitza TextLabel - + Testu-etiketa Realm - + Erreinua QgsCustomProjectionDialog - Delete Projection Definition? - + Ezabatu proiekzio-definizioa? - Deleting a projection definition is not reversable. Do you want to delete it? - + Proiekzio-definizio bat ezabatzea ezin da desegin. Ezabatu nahi al duzu? - - - - %1 of %2 - + %1 %2(e)tik - - - - Abort - + Abortatu - - New - + Berria - * of %1 - + * %1(e)tik - - - - - - - - + + + + QGIS Custom Projection - + QGIS proiekzio pertsonalizatua - - - - - + This proj4 projection definition is not valid. - + Proj4 proiekzio-definizio hau ez da baliozkoa. - Please give the projection a name before pressing save. - + Eman izen bat proiekzioari hura gorde baino lehen. - Please add the parameters before pressing save. - + Gehitu parametroak proiekzioa gorde baino lehen. - Please add a proj= clause before pressing save. - + Gehitu proj= agindua gorde baino lehen. - This proj4 ellipsoid definition is not valid. Please add a ellips= clause before pressing save. COMMENTED OUT - + Proj4 elipsoide-definizio hau ez da baliozkoa. Gehitu ellips= agindu bat gorde baino lehen. - Please correct before pressing save. + Zuzendu gorde baino lehen. + + + + new CRS - - Northing and Easthing must be in decimal form. + + The proj4 definition of '%1' is not valid. - + + Northing and Easthing must be in decimal form. + Iparraldea eta ekialdea formatu hamartarrean eman behar dira. + + + Internal Error (source projection invalid?) - + Barne-errorea (sorburu-proiekzio baliogabea?) - - + + Error - + Errorea @@ -16235,103 +17081,125 @@ and current file is [%3] Custom Coordinate Reference System Definition - + Koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistema pertsonalizatuaren definizioa Define - + Definitu - + + ID + IDa + + + You can define your own custom Coordinate Reference System (CRS) here. The definition must conform to the proj4 format for specifying a CRS. - + Koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistema (CRS) pertsonalizatua defini dezakezu hemen. Definizioa proj4 formatuarekin bat etorri behar da. - + Name - + Izena - - + Parameters - + Parametroak - |< - + |< - < - + < - 1 of 1 - + 1etik 1 - > - + > - >| - + >| - * - + * - S - + S - X - + X - + Test - + Probatu - + Use the text boxes below to test the CRS definition you are creating. Enter a coordinate where both the lat/long and the transformed result are known (for example by reading off a map). Then press the calculate button to see if the CRS definition you are creating is accurate. - + Erabili beheko testu-kutxak sortzen ari zaren CRS definizioa probatzeko. Sartu lat/long eta transformatutako emaitza ezagunak dituen koordenatu bat (adibidez mapa batean irakurri dituzulako). Ondoren, sakatu kalkulatzeko botoia sortzen ari zaren CRS definizioa zehatza den ala ez ikusteko. - + Geographic / WGS84 - + Geografikoa / WGS84 - + Destination CRS - + Helburu-CRSa - + North - + Iparra - + East - + Ekialdea - - Calculate - + + Name: + Izena: + + + + Parameters: + Parametroak: + + + + Copy + existing CRS + + + + + Add new CRS + + + + + Remove + Kendu + + + + Calculate + Kalkulatu @@ -16339,34 +17207,34 @@ and current file is [%3] Object name - + Objektu-izena Label - + Etiketa Description - + Deskribapena Choose a customization INI file - + Hautatu pertsonalizaziorako INI fitxategi bat Customization files (*.ini) - + Pertsonalizazio-fitxategiak (*.ini) Widgets - + Widgetak @@ -16374,62 +17242,62 @@ and current file is [%3] Customization - + Pertsonalizazioa Enable customization - + Gaitu pertsonalizazioa toolBar - + Tresna-barra Catch - + Harrapatu Switch to catching widgets in main application - + Txandakatu aplikazio nagusiko harrapatze-widgetak Save - + Gorde Save to file - + Gorde fitxategira Load - + Kargatu Load from file - + Kargatu fitxategitik Expand All - + Hedatu dena Collapse All - + Tolestu dena Select All - + Hautatu dena @@ -16437,16 +17305,210 @@ and current file is [%3] Dash space pattern - + Marratxo- eta zuriune-eredua Dash - + Marratxoa Space + Zuriunea + + + + QgsDataDefinedButton + + + Description... + + + + + Edit expression... + + + + + Copy expression + + + + + String + Katea + + + + Int + + + + + Double + + + + + Field types: + + + + + string + + + + + integer + + + + + double + + + + + unknown type + + + + + Deactivate + + + + + Activate + + + + + Data definition description + + + + + + undefined + + + + + Expression parse error: %1 + + + + + '%1' field missing + + + + + <b>Active: </b>%1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>(ctrl|right-click toggles)</i><br> + + + + + yes + bai + + + + no + ez + + + + <b>Expected input:</b><br>%1<br> + + + + + <b>Valid input types:</b><br>%1<br> + + + + + expression + + + + + field + eremua + + + + <b>Current definition%1:</b><br>%2 + + + + + string + + + + + bool [<b>1</b>=True|<b>0</b>=False] + + + + + string of variable length + + + + + int [&lt;= 0 =&gt;] + + + + + int [&gt;= 0] + + + + + int [&gt;= 1] + + + + + double [&lt;= 0.0 =&gt;] + + + + + double [&gt;= 0.0] + + + + + double coord [<b>X,Y</b>] as &lt;= 0.0 =&gt; + + + + + double [-180.0 - 180.0] + + + + + int [0-100] + + + + + string [<b>r,g,b</b>] as int 0-255 + + + + + string [<b>r,g,b,a</b>] as int 0-255 @@ -16455,26 +17517,46 @@ and current file is [%3] Data defined properties - + Datuek definitutako propietateak New Row - + Errenkada berria Property - + Propietatea Field - + Eremua Expression + Adierazpena + + + + Help + Laguntza + + + + double + + + + + '<red>,<green>,<blue>,<alpha>' + + + + + '<filename>' @@ -16483,73 +17565,73 @@ and current file is [%3] Add PostGIS layers - + Gehitu PostGIS geruzak Connections - + Konexioak Connect - + Konektatu New - + Berria Edit - + Editatu Delete - + Ezabatu Load Load connections from file - + Kargatu Save connections to file - + Gorde konexioak fitxategian Save - + Gorde Also list tables with no geometry - + Zerrendatu geometriarik ez duten taulak ere Search options - + Bilaketa-aukerak Search - + Bilatu Search mode - + Bilaketa-modua Search in columns - + Bilatu zutabeetan @@ -16557,22 +17639,22 @@ and current file is [%3] Bottom Left - + Behe ezkerra Top Left - + Goi ezkerra Top Right - + Goi eskuina Bottom Right - + Behe eskuina @@ -16580,17 +17662,17 @@ and current file is [%3] Copyright Label Decoration - + Copyright-etiketaren apaingarria Enable copyright label - + Gaitu copyright-etiketa &Enter your copyright label here: - + &Sartu zure copyright-etiketa hemen: @@ -16599,767 +17681,1278 @@ and current file is [%3] p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:10pt;">© QGIS 2013</span></p></body></html> - + <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> +<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> +p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } +</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> +<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:10pt;">© QGIS euskaraz!</span></p></body></html> &Placement - + &Kokapena Bottom Left - + Behe ezkerra Top Left - + Goi ezkerra Bottom Right - + Behe eskuina Top Right - + Goi eskuina &Orientation - + &Orientazioa Horizontal - + Horizontala Vertical - + Bertikala + + + + Color + Kolorea + + + + QgsDecorationGrid + + + + + + Error + Errorea + + + + No active layer + Ez dago geruza aktiborik + + + + Please select a raster layer + Hautatu raster-geruza bat + + + + Invalid raster layer + Baliogabeko raster-geruza + + + + Layer CRS must be equal to project CRS + Geruzaren CRSak eta proiektuarenak CRS bera izan behar dute + + + + QgsDecorationGridDialog + + + Dialog + Elkarrizketa-koadroa + + + + Enable grid + Gaitu sareta + + + + Interval X + X tartea + + + + Interval Y + Y tartea + + + + Grid type + Sareta-mota + + + + Line symbol + Lerro-ikurra + + + + Draw annotation + Marraztu oharpena + + + + Annotation direction + Oharpenaren norabidea + + + + Font... + Letra-tipoa... + + + + Distance to map frame + Distantzia maparen markora + + + + Coordinate precision + Koordenatu-doitasuna + + + + Marker symbol + Markatzaile-ikurra + + + + Offset X + Desplazatu X + + + + Offset Y + Desplazatu Y + + + + Update Interval / Offset from + Eguneratze-tartea / Desplazatu hemendik + + + + Canvas Extents + Oihalaren hedadura + + + + Active Raster Layer + Raster-geruza aktiboa + + + + + Line + Lerroa + + + + + Marker + Markatzailea + + + + + Horizontal + Horizontala + + + + + Vertical + Bertikala + + + + Horizontal and vertical + Horizontala eta bertikala + + + + Boundary direction + Muga-norabidea + + + + Horizontal and Vertical + Horizontala eta bertikala + + + + QgsDecorationNorthArrow + + + Bottom Left + Behe ezkerra + + + + Top Left + Goi ezkerra + + + + Top Right + Goi eskuina + + + + Bottom Right + Behe eskuina + + + + North arrow pixmap not found + Ez da iparrorratzaren pixmap-a aurkitu + + + + QgsDecorationNorthArrowDialog + + + North Arrow Decoration + Iparrorratzaren apaindura + + + + Preview of north arrow + Iparrorratzaren aurrebista + + + + Angle + Angelua + + + + Placement + Kokapena + + + + Placement on screen + Kokapena pantailan + + + + Top Left + Goi ezkerra + + + + Top Right + Goi eskuina + + + + Bottom Left + Behe ezkerra + + + + Bottom Right + Behe eskuina + + + + Enable North Arrow + Gaitu iparrorratza + + + + Set direction automatically + Ezarri norabidea automatikoki + + + + Pixmap not found + Ez da pixmap-a aurkitu + + + + QgsDecorationScaleBar + + + Bottom Left + Behe ezkerra + + + + Top Left + Goi ezkerra + + + + Top Right + Goi eskuina + + + + Bottom Right + Behe eskuina + + + + Tick Down + Markatu + + + + Tick Up + Kendu marka + + + + Bar + Barra + + + + Box + Kutxa + + + + km + km + + + + mm + mm + + + + cm + cm + + + + m + m + + + + miles + miliak + + + + mile + milia + + + + inches + hazbeteak + + + + foot + oina + + + + feet + oinak + + + + degree + gradua + + + + degrees + graduak + + + + unknown + ezezaguna + + + + QgsDecorationScaleBarDialog + + + Scale Bar Decoration + Eskala-barreren apaindura + + + + Placement + Kokapena + + + + Top Left + Goi ezkerra + + + + Top Right + Goi eskuina + + + + Bottom Left + Behe ezkerra + + + + Bottom Right + Behe eskuina + + + + Scale bar style + Eskala-barraren estiloa + + + + Select the style of the scale bar + Hautatu eskala-barraren estiloa + + + + Tick Down + Markatu + + + + Tick Up + Kendu marka + + + + Box + Kutxa + + + + Bar + Barra + + + + Color of bar + Barraren kolorea + + + + Size of bar + Barraren tamaina + + + + Enable scale bar + Gaitu eskala-barra + + + + Automatically snap to round number on resize + Doitu automatikoki zeenbakia borobiltzeko tamaina aldatzean + + + + metres/km + metroak/km + + + + feet/miles + oinak/miliak + + + + degrees + graduak + + + + QgsDelAttrDialogBase + + + Delete Attributes + Ezabatu atributuak + + + + QgsDelimitedTextPlugin + + DelimitedTextLayer + DelimitedTextLayer + + + &Add Delimited Text Layer + &Gehitu testu mugatuko geruza + + + Add a delimited text file as a map layer. The file must have a header row containing the field names. The file must either contain X and Y fields with coordinates in decimal units or a WKT field. + Gehitu testu mugatuko fitxategi bat mapa-geruza gisa. Fitxategiak eremu-izenak dituen goiburu bat izan behar du. Fitxategiak X eta Y eremuak eduki behar ditu unitate hamartarretan gordetako koordenatuekin, edo WKT eremu bat eduki behar du. + + + Delimited Text + Testu mugatua - - Color - + Cannot get Delimited Text select dialog from provider. + Ezin da atzitu testu mugatuko fitxategien hautatze-koadroa hornitzailetik. - QgsDecorationGrid + QgsDelimitedTextProvider - - - - Error - + Errorea - - No active layer - + Note: the following lines were not loaded because QGIS was unable to determine values for the x and y coordinates: + + Oharra: hurrengo lerroak ez dira kargatu QGISek ezin izan duelako x eta y koordenatuen balioak zehaztu: - - Please select a raster layer + + File type string in %1 is not correctly formatted - - Invalid raster layer + + File cannot be opened or delimiter parameters are not valid - - Layer CRS must be equal to project CRS + + + + + + + %0 field %1 is not defined in delimited text file - - - QgsDecorationGridDialog - - Dialog + + Invalid record format at line %1 - - Enable grid + + Invalid WKT at line %1 - - Interval X + + Invalid X or Y fields at line %1 - - Interval Y + + %1 records discarded due to invalid format - - Grid type + + %1 records discarded due to missing geometry definitions - - Line symbol + + %1 records discarded due to invalid geometry definitions - - Draw annotation + + %1 records discarded due to incompatible geometry types - - Annotation direction + + + Errors in file %1 - - Font... + + + The following lines were not loaded into QGIS due to errors: - - Distance to map frame + + + There are %1 additional errors in the file - - Coordinate precision + + Delimited text file errors - - Marker symbol + + Invalid subset string %1 for %2 - - Offset X + + The file has been updated by another application - reloading + + + QgsDelimitedTextSourceSelect - - Offset Y - + + No layer name + Geruza-izenik ez - - Update Interval / Offset from - + + Please enter a layer name before adding the layer to the map + Sartu geruza-izen bat geruza mapari gehitu baino lehen - - Canvas Extents + + No delimiters set - - Active Raster Layer + + Please one or more characters to use as the delimiter, or choose a different delimiter type - - - Line + + Invalid regular expression - - - Marker + + Please enter a valid regular expression as the delimiter, or choose a different delimiter type - - - Horizontal + + Invalid delimited text file - - - Vertical + + Please enter a valid file and delimiter - - Horizontal and vertical - + + Choose a delimited text file to open + Hautatu irekiko den testu mugatuko fitxategia - - Boundary direction - + + Text files + Testu-fitxategiak - - Horizontal and Vertical + + Please select an input file - - - QgsDecorationNorthArrow - - Bottom Left + + File %1 does not exist - - Top Left + + Please enter a layer name - - Top Right + + At least one delimiter character must be specified - - Bottom Right + + Regular expression is not valid - - North arrow pixmap not found + + ^.. expression needs capture groups - - - QgsDecorationNorthArrowDialog - - North Arrow Decoration + + Definition of filename and delimiters is not valid - - Preview of north arrow + + No data found in file - - Angle + + %1 badly formatted records discarded - - Placement + + X and Y field names must be selected - - Placement on screen + + X and Y field names cannot be the same - - Top Left + + The WKT field name must be selected - - Top Right + + %1 badly formatted records discarded from sample data - - Bottom Left - + Well Known Text files + WKT (Well Known Text) fitxategiak - - Bottom Right - + + All files + Fitxategi guztiak + + + + QgsDelimitedTextSourceSelectBase + + + Create a Layer from a Delimited Text File + Sortu geruza testu mugatuko fitxategi batetik - - Enable North Arrow - + + File Name + Fitxategi-izena - - Set direction automatically - + + Full path to the delimited text file + Testu mugatuko fitxategiaren bide osoa - - Pixmap not found - + + Full path to the delimited text file. In order to properly parse the fields in the file, the delimiter must be defined prior to entering the file name. Use the Browse button to the right of this field to choose the input file. + Testu mugatuko fitxategiaren bide osoa. Fitxategiko eremuak ongi analizatzeko, mugatzailea fitxategi-izena sartu baino lehen definitu behar da. Erabili eremu honen eskuinean dagoen "Arakatu" botoia sarrera-fitxategia hautatzeko. - - - QgsDecorationScaleBar - - Bottom Left - + + Layer name + Geruza-izena - - Top Left - + + Name to display in the map legend + Mapa-legendan erakutsiko den izena - - Top Right - + + Name displayed in the map legend + Mapa-legendan erakutsiko den izena - - Bottom Right - + + Browse to find the delimited text file to be processed + Arakatu prozesatuko den testu mugatuko fitxategia aurkitzeko - - Tick Down - + + Use this button to browse to the location of the delimited text file. This button will not be enabled until a delimiter has been entered in the <i>Delimiter</i> box. Once a file is chosen, the X and Y field drop-down boxes will be populated with the fields from the delimited text file. + Erabili botoi hau testu mugatuko fitxategiaren kokapena arakatzeko. Botoi hau ez da gaituko <i>Mugatzailea</i> kutxan mugatzaile bat sartu arte. Fitxategi bat hautatu ondoren, X eta Y eremuen goitibeherako kutxak testu mugatuko fitxategiko eremuekin beteko dira. - - Tick Up - + + Browse... + Arakatu... - - Bar - + Selected delimiters + Hautatutako mugatzaileak - - Box - + The delimiter is a regular expression + Hautatzailea adierazpen erregularra da - - km - + Regular expression + Adierazpen erregularra - - mm - + The delimiter is taken as is + Mugatzailea bere horretan hartzen da - - cm - + Plain characters + Karaktere arruntak - - m - + + Tab + Tabuladorea - - miles - + + Space + Zuriunea - - mile - + + Comma + Koma - - inches - + + Encoding + Kodeketa - - foot + + + + Select the file encoding - - feet + + + + X and Y coordinates are expressed in degrees/minutes/seconds - - degree + + DMS coordinates - - degrees + + Geometry field - - unknown + + + + Name of the field containing well known text value - - - QgsDecorationScaleBarDialog - - Scale Bar Decoration - + + Geometry type + Geometria-mota - - Placement + + Detect - - Top Left - + + Point + Puntua - - Top Right - + + Line + Lerroa - - Bottom Left - + + Polygon + Poligonoa - - Bottom Right + + Record options - - Scale bar style + + Field options - - Select the style of the scale bar + + File format - - Tick Down + + Number of header lines to discard - - Tick Up + + + + The number of lines to discard from the beginning of the file - - Box + + + + Field names are read from the first record. If not selected then fields are numbered - - Bar + + First record has field names - - Color of bar + + + + The file a comma separated value file, fields delimited by commas and quoted by " - - Size of bar + + CSV (comma separated values) - - Enable scale bar + + + + Fields are defined by the specified delimiter, quote, and escape characters - - Automatically snap to round number on resize + + Custom delimiters - - metres/km + + + + Each line in the file is split using a regular expression to define the end of each field - - feet/miles + + Regular expression delimiter - - degrees + + + + Use a spatial index to improve performance of displaying and spatially selecting features - - - QgsDelAttrDialogBase - - Delete Attributes + + Use spatial index - - - QgsDelimitedTextPlugin - - DelimitedTextLayer + + + + Use an index to improve performance of subset filters (set in layer properties) - - &Add Delimited Text Layer + + Use subset index - - Add a delimited text file as a map layer. The file must have a header row containing the field names. The file must either contain X and Y fields with coordinates in decimal units or a WKT field. + + + + Watch for changes to the file by other applications while QGIS is running - - Delimited Text + + Watch file - - Cannot get Delimited Text select dialog from provider. + + Geometry definition - - - QgsDelimitedTextProvider - - Error + + + + Geometry is a point defined by X and Y coordinate fields - - Note: the following lines were not loaded because QGIS was unable to determine values for the x and y coordinates: - + + Point coordinates - - - QgsDelimitedTextSourceSelect - - No layer name + + + + Geometry is read as a well known text string from the selected fields - - Please enter a layer name before adding the layer to the map + + Well known text (WKT) - - Choose a delimited text file to open + + + + The file contains only attribute information - it will not be displayed on the map - - Text files + + No geometry (attribute only table) - - Well Known Text files + + + + Trim leading and trailing spaces from fields - - All files + + Trim fields - - - QgsDelimitedTextSourceSelectBase - - Create a Layer from a Delimited Text File + + + + Discard empty fields in each record - - File Name + + Discard empty fields - - Full path to the delimited text file + + + + Number fields use comma for a decimal separator - - Full path to the delimited text file. In order to properly parse the fields in the file, the delimiter must be defined prior to entering the file name. Use the Browse button to the right of this field to choose the input file. + + Decimal separator is comma - - Layer name + + + + Comma character is one of the delimiters - - Name to display in the map legend + + + + Tab character is one of the delimiters - - Name displayed in the map legend + + + + Space character is one of the delimiters - - Browse to find the delimited text file to be processed + + + + Colon character is one of the delimiters - - Use this button to browse to the location of the delimited text file. This button will not be enabled until a delimiter has been entered in the <i>Delimiter</i> box. Once a file is chosen, the X and Y field drop-down boxes will be populated with the fields from the delimited text file. + + + + Semicolon character is one of the delimiters - - Browse... + + Semicolon + Puntu eta koma + + + + Other delimiters - - Selected delimiters + + + + Delimiters to use when splitting fields in the text file. The delimiter can be more than one character. These characters are used in addition to the comma, tab, space, colon, and semicolon options. - - - The delimiter is a regular expression + + Quote - - Regular expression + + + + The quote character(s) enclose fields which may include delimiters and new lines - - - The delimiter is taken as is + + + " - - Plain characters + + Escape - - Tab + + + + The escape character(s) force the next character to be treated as a normal character (that is not a delimiter, quote, or new line character). If the escape character is the same as a quote character, it only escapes itself and only within quotes. - - Space + + Expression + Adierazpena + + + + + + Regular expression used to split each line into fields - - Comma + + Layer settings - - Semicolon + + Sample data - + Colon - + Bi puntu - Delimiter to use when splitting fields in the text file. The delimiter can be more than one character. - + Testu-fitxategiko eremuak banatzeko erabilitako mugatzailea. Mugatzailea karaktere bat baino gehiagoz osatua egon daiteke. - Delimiter to use when splitting fields in the delimited text file. The delimiter can be 1 or more characters in length. - + Testu mugatuko fitxategiko eremuak banatzeko erabilitako mugatzailea. Mugatzailea karaktere bat baino gehiagoz osatua egon daiteke. - Start import at row - + Hasi inportazioa errenkada honetan - The file contains X and Y coordinate columns - + Fitxategiak X eta Y koordenatuen zutabeak ditu - X Y fields - + X Y eremuak - + <p align="right">X field</p> - + <p align="right">X eremua</p> - + + + Name of the field containing x values - + X balioak dituen eremuaren izena - Name of the field containing x values. Choose a field from the list. The list is generated by parsing the header row of the delimited text file. - + X balioak dituen eremuaren izena. Hautatu zerrendako eremu bat. Zerrenda testu mugatuko fitxategiaren goiburuko errenkada analizatu ondoren sortzen da. - + <p align="right">Y field</p> - + <p align="right">Y eremua</p> - - + + + Name of the field containing y values - + Y balioak dituen eremuaren izena - - Name of the field containing y values. Choose a field from the list. The list is generated by parsing the header row of the delimited text file. - + Y balioak dituen eremuaren izena. Hautatu zerrendako eremu bat. Zerrenda testu mugatuko fitxategiaren goiburuko errenkada analizatu ondoren sortzen da. - The file contains a well known text geometry field - + Fitxategiak Well Known Text (WKT) geometria-eremua dauka - WKT field - + WKT eremua - Decimal point - + Puntu hamartarra - Sample text - + Lagin-testua @@ -17367,188 +18960,211 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Form - + Formularioa Heading Label - + Goiburu-etiketa Detail label - + Xehetasun-etiketa Category label - + Kategoria-etiketa QgsDiagramProperties - - + + mm - + mm - + Map units - + Mapa-unitateak - + Around Point - + Puntuaren inguruan - + Over Point - + Puntuaren gainean - + Line - + Lerroa - + Horizontal - + Horizontala - + Free - + Askea - + On line - + Lerroan - + Above line - + Lerroaren goialdean - + Below Line - + Lerroaren behealdean - + Map orientation - + Mapa-orientazioa - + Pie chart - + Grafiko zirkularra - + Text diagram - + Testu-diagrama - + Histogram - + Histograma - + Height - + Altuera - - + + x-height - + x-altuera - + Area - + Azalera - + Diameter - + Diametroa - - + + None - + Bat ere ez - + Top - + Goia - + Right - + Eskuina - + Bottom - + Behea - + Left - + Ezkerra - + Unknown diagram type. - + Diagrama-mota ezezaguna. - + The diagram type '%1' is unknown. A default type is selected for you. + '%1' diagrama-mota ezezaguna da. Mota lehenetsia hautatu da zuretzat. + + + + Bar length: Scale linearly, such as the following value matches the specified size. - + + Scale linearly between 0 and the following attribute value / diagram size: + Eskalatu linealki 0 eta hurrengo atributu-balio / diagrama-tamaina arte: + + + Transparency: %1% + Gardentasuna: %1% + + + + + Diagrams: No attributes added. - - Background color + + Interpolation value - - Pen color + + You did not specify an interpolation value. A default value of %1 has been set. - + + Background color + Atzeko planoaren kolorea + + + + Pen color + Arkatzaren kolorea + + No attributes added. - + Ez da atributurik gehitu. - + You did not add any attributes to this diagram layer. Please specify the attributes to visualize on the diagrams or disable diagrams. - + Ez diozu atributurik gehitu diagrama-geruza honi. Adierazi diagrametan bistaratuko diren atributuak edo desgaitu diagramak. - No attribute value specified - + Ez da atributu-baliorik adierazi - You did not specify a maximum value for the diagram size. Please specify the attribute and a reference value as a base for scaling in the Tab Diagram / Size. - + Ez duzu zehaztu diagramaren tamainarako balio maximoa. Adierazi atributua eta erreferentzia-balio bat Diagrama / Tamaina fitxan eskalatzeko. @@ -17556,244 +19172,250 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Display diagrams - + Erakutsi diagramak Diagram type - + Diagrama-mota Priority: - + Lehentasuna: Low - + Baxua High - + Altua - + Appearance - + Itxura - + Background color - + Atzeko planoaren kolorea - + Line color - + Lerro-kolorea - + Line width - + Lerro-zabalera - + Font... - + Letra-tipoa... - + Bar width - + Barra-zabalera - + Transparency 0% - + Gardentasuna 0% - + Start Angle - + Hasiera-angelua - + Only show diagrams with a size inside the specified range. - + Erakutsi tarte zehatz baten barruko tamaina duten diagramak soilik. - + Hide diagrams with a size outside the specified range. - + Ezkutatu tarte zehatz batetik kanpoko tamaina duten diagramak. - + Scale dependent visibility - + Eskalaren araberako ikusgaitasuna - + Minimum - + Minimoa - + Maximum - + Maximoa - - + + Size - + Tamaina - + Fixed size - + Tamaina finkoa - + Size units - + Tamaina-unitateak - + Scale linearly between 0 and the following attribute value / diagram size: - + Eskalatu linealki 0 eta hurrengo atributu-balio / diagrama-tamaina arte: - - + + Attribute - + Atributua - + Find maximum value + Aurkitu balio maximoa + + + + The attribute value you enter here will correspond to the size entered in the field "Size" and the chosen "Size unit". +Leave empty to automatically apply the maximum value. - + Scale - + Eskala - + Will scale diagrams with a size smaller than the minimum size to the minimum size - + Tamaina minimoa baino txikiagoa duten diagramak eskalatuko ditu tamaina minimoa izan arte - + Increase size of small diagrams - + Handitu diagrama txikien tamaina - + Minimum size - + Tamaina minimoa - + Position - + Posizioa - + Placement - + Kokapena - + Line Options - + Lerro-aukerak - + Distance - + Distantzia - + Data defined position - + Datuek definitutako posizioa - + x - + x - + y - + y - + Automated placement settings - + Kokapen automatikoko ezarpenak - + Options - + Aukerak - + Label placement - + Etiketa-kokapena - + Bar Orientation - + Barraren orientazioa - + Up - + Goia - + Down - + Behea - + Right - + Eskuina - + Left - + Ezkerra - + Attributes - + Atributuak - + Available attributes - + Atributu erabilgarriak - + Assigned attributes - + Esleitutako atributuak - + Drag and drop to reorder - + Arrastatu eta jaregin berrantolatzeko - + Color - + Kolorea @@ -17802,58 +19424,58 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Name - + Izena Size - + Tamaina Date - + Data Permissions - + Baimenak Owner - + Jabea Group - + Taldea Type - + Mota folder - + karpeta file - + fitxategia link - + esteka @@ -17861,17 +19483,17 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } %1 degrees - + %1 gradu %1 radians - + %1 radian %1 gon - + %1 gon @@ -17879,63 +19501,63 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Angle - + Angelua QgsDualView - + Attributes changed - + Atributuak aldatu dira - + Expression based preview - + Adierazpenean oinarritutako aurrebista - + Could not set preview column - + Ezin izan da aurrebista-zutabea ezarri - + Could not set column '%1' as preview column. Parser error: %2 - + Ezin izan da '%1' zutabea aurrebista-zutabe gisa ezarri. Analisi-errorea: %2 - + Run action - + Exekutatu ekintza - - + + Open form - + Ireki formularioa - + Loading features... - + Elementuak kargatzen... - + Abort - + Abortatu - + Attribute table - + Atributu-taula - + %1 features loaded. - + %1 elementu kargatu dira. @@ -17943,55 +19565,60 @@ Parser error: ... - + ... Expression - + Adierazpena Column Preview - + Zutabe-aurrebista QgsEllipseSymbolLayerV2Widget - + Symbol width - + Ikur-zabalera - + Symbol height - + Ikur-altuera - + Rotation - + Biraketa - + Outline width - + Trazu-zabalera - + Fill color - + Betegarri-kolorea - + Border color - + Ertz-kolorea - + Symbol name - + Ikur-izena + + + + Offset + Desplazamendua @@ -17999,12 +19626,12 @@ Parser error: Encoding: - + Kodeketa: Cancel &All - + Utzi &dena @@ -18012,77 +19639,82 @@ Parser error: Dialog - + Elkarrizketa-koadroa Search method - + Bilaketa-metodoa Chain (fast) - + Katea (azkarra) Popmusic Tabu - + Popmusic tabua Popmusic Chain - + Popmusic Chain Popmusic Tabu Chain - + Popmusic tabu katea FALP (fastest) - + FALP (azkarrena) Number of candidates - + Hautagai-kopurua Point - + Puntua Line - + Lerroa Polygon - + Poligonoa - + (i.e. including colliding objects) + (adib. talka egiten duten objektuak) + + + + Show shadow rectangles (for debugging) - + Show all labels and features for all layers - + Erakutsi etiketa elementu guztiak geruza guztietarako - + Show candidates (for debugging) - + Erakutsi hautagaiak (arazketarako) - + Save settings with project - + Gorde ezarpenak proiektuarekin @@ -18090,7 +19722,7 @@ Parser error: Error - + Errorea @@ -18098,7 +19730,7 @@ Parser error: Dialog - + Elkarrizketa-koadroa @@ -18107,7 +19739,11 @@ Parser error: p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Summary</p></body></html> - + <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> +<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> +p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } +</style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> +<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Laburpena</p></body></html> @@ -18116,17 +19752,21 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Detailed report.</p></body></html> - + <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> +<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> +p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } +</style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> +<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Txosten xehea.</p></body></html> Always show details - + Erakutsi beti xehetasunak Details >> - + Xehetasunak >> @@ -18134,119 +19774,153 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Expression string builder - + Adierazpen-kateen eraikitzailea QgsExpressionBuilderWidget - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Operators - + Eragileak (String Concatenation) - + (Kate konkatenazioa) Joins two values together into a string - + Bi balio batzen ditu kate bakarrean Usage - + Erabilera 'Dia' || Diameter - + 'Dia' || Diametroa - - Conditionals - + Baldintzazkoak Search - + Bilaketa - Fields and Values + Eremuak eta balioak + + + + Addition operator - - Parser Error + + Subtraction operator - - Eval Error + + Multiplication operator + + + + + Division operator + + + + + Modulo operator + + + + + Power operator + + + + + Equal operator + + + + + Greater as operator + + + + + Less than operator + + + + + Unequal operator + + + + + Less or equal operator + + + + + Greater or equal operator + + + Parser Error + Analisi-errorea + + Eval Error + Ebaluazio-errorea + + + Expression is invalid <a href=more>(more info)</a> - + Adierazpena baliogabea da <a href=more>(more info)</a> - + More info on expression error - + Informazio gehiago adierazpen-errorearen inguruan - + Load top 10 unique values - + Kargatu 10 balio bakar gorenak - + Load all unique values - + Kargatu balio bakar guztiak - <h3>Oops! QGIS can't find help for this function.</h3>The help file for %1 was not found.<br> - + <h3>Ai ene! QGISek ezin du funtzio honen laguntza aurkitu.</h3>Laguntza-fitxategia %1 funtziorako ez da aurkitu.<br> - (Showing English version as there was no help available in your language (%1). If you would like to create it, contact the QGIS translation team).<br> - + (Ingeleseko bertsioa erakusten, ez baitago euskarazko bertsiorik (%1). Hura sortu nahi baduzu, jarri harremanetan Librezalerekin).<br> - It was neither available in your language (%1) nor English. - + Ez dago ez zure hizkuntzan (%1) ez ingelesez. - <br>If you would like to create it, contact the QGIS development team. - + <br>Hura sortu nahi baduzu, jarri harremanetan Librezale taldearekin. @@ -18254,98 +19928,98 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Form - + Formularioa Function List - + Funtzio-zerrenda Selected Function Help - + Hautatutako funtzioaren laguntza Field Values - + Eremu-balioak Load all unique values - + Kargatu balio bakar guztiak Load 10 sample values - + Kargatu 10 balioko lagina Operators - + Eragileak = - + = + - + + - - + - / - + / * - + * ^ - + ^ || - + || ( - + ( ) - + ) Output preview is generated <br> using the first feature from the layer. - + Irteera-aurrebista geruzako <br> lehen elementua erabiliz sortu da. Output preview: - + Irteera-aurrebista: Expression - + Adierazpena @@ -18353,37 +20027,37 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Select By Expression - + Hautatu adierazpenaren arabera Close - + Itxi ... - + ... Select - + Hautatu Add to selection - + Gehitu hautapenari Remove from selection - + Kendu hautapenetik Select within selection - + Hautatu hautapenaren barruan @@ -18391,7 +20065,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Run actions - + Exekutatu ekintzak @@ -18400,44 +20074,45 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Not available for layer - + Ez dago eskuragarri geruzarako Evaluation error - + Ebaluazio-errorea Provider error - + Hornitzaile-errorea Could not add the new field to the provider. - + Ezin izan da eremu berria hornitzaileari gehitu. Error - + Errorea An error occured while evaluating the calculation string: %1 - + Errorea gertatu da kalkulu-katea ebaluatzean: +%1 Please enter a field name - + Sartu eremu-izen bat The expression is invalid see (more info) for details - + Adierazpena baliogabea da, ikus (informazio gehiago) xehetasun gehiagorako @@ -18445,325 +20120,324 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Field calculator - + Eremu-kalkulagailua Only update selected features - + Eguneratu hautatutako elementuak soilik Create a new field - + Sortu eremu berria Output field name - + Irteera-eremuaren izena Output field type - + Irteera-eremuaren mota Output field width - + Irteera-eremuaren zabalera Width of complete output. For example 123,456 means 6 as field width. - + Irteera osoaren zabalera. Adibidez 123,456 baliorako eremu-zabalera 6 izango da. Precision - + Zehaztasuna Update existing field - + Eguneratu existitzen den eremua QgsFieldsProperties - + Label - + Etiketa - + Id - + IDa - + Name - + Izena - + Type - + Mota - + Length - + Luzera - + Precision - + Zehaztasuna - + Comment - + Iruzkina - + Edit widget - + Edizio-widgeta - + Alias - + Aliasa - - + + Name conflict - + Izen-gatazka - - + + The attribute could not be inserted. The name already exists in the table. - + Atributua ezin da txertatu. Izena jadanik existitzen da taulan. - + Added attribute - + Gehitutako atributua - - + Deleted attribute - + Ezabatutako atributua - + Line edit - + Lerro-edizioa - + Unique values - + Balio bakarrak - + Unique values editable - + Balio bakar editagarriak - + Classification - + Sailkapena - + Value map - + Balio-mapa - + Edit range - + Editatu tartea - + Slider range - + Graduatzaile-tartea - + Dial range - + Dial-tartea - + File name - + Fitxategi-izena - + Enumeration - + Enumerazioa - + Immutable - + Aldaezina - + Hidden - + Ezkutua - + Checkbox - + Kontrol-laukia - + Text edit - + Testu-edizioa - + Calendar - + Egutegia - + Value relation - + Balio-erlazioa - + UUID generator - + UUID sortzailea - + Photo - + Argazkia - + Web view - + Web ikuspegia - + Color - + Kolorea - + Select edit form - + Hautatu edizio-formularioa - + UI file - + UI fitxategia QgsFieldsPropertiesBase - + Field calculator - + Eremu-kalkulagailua - - + + Click to toggle table editing - + Klik taularen edizioa txandakatzeko - + Toggle editing mode - + Txandakatu edizio-modua - + New column - + Zutabe berria - + Ctrl+N - + Ctrl+N - + Delete column - + Ezabatu zutabea - + Ctrl+X - + Ctrl+X - + ... - + ... - + Edit UI - + Editatu UIa - + + - + + - + - - + - - + > - + > - + ^ - + ^ - + v - + v - + Autogenerate - + Automatikoki sortu - + Drag and drop designer - + Arrastatu eta jaregin diseinatzailea - + Provide ui-file - + Eman ui-file fitxategia - + Attribute editor layout: - + Atributu-editorearen diseinua: - + QGIS forms can have a Python function that is called when the form is opened. Use this function to add extra logic to your forms. @@ -18779,9 +20453,9 @@ must live on PYTHONPATH, .qgis/python, or inside the project folder.< - + Python Init function - + Pythonen init funtzioa @@ -18789,12 +20463,12 @@ must live on PYTHONPATH, .qgis/python, or inside the project folder.< Delete - + Ezabatu Qt designer file - + Qt diseinatzaile-fitxategia @@ -18802,12 +20476,12 @@ must live on PYTHONPATH, .qgis/python, or inside the project folder.< Form annotation - + Formulario-oharpena ... - + ... @@ -18816,13 +20490,13 @@ must live on PYTHONPATH, .qgis/python, or inside the project folder.< map units - + mapa-unitateak pixels - + pixelak @@ -18830,12 +20504,12 @@ must live on PYTHONPATH, .qgis/python, or inside the project folder.< Recenter - + Berriro erdiratu Remove - + Kendu @@ -18843,12 +20517,12 @@ must live on PYTHONPATH, .qgis/python, or inside the project folder.< internal GPS - + Barne GPSa local gpsd - + gpsd lokala @@ -18856,17 +20530,17 @@ must live on PYTHONPATH, .qgis/python, or inside the project folder.< New device %1 - + %1 gailu berria Are you sure? - + Seguru zaude? Are you sure that you want to delete this device? - + Seguru zaude gailu hau ezabatu nahi duzula? @@ -18874,102 +20548,102 @@ must live on PYTHONPATH, .qgis/python, or inside the project folder.< GPS Device Editor - + GPS gailu editorea Devices - + Gailuak Delete - + Ezabatu New - + Berria Update - + Eguneratu Device name - + Gailu-izena This is the name of the device as it will appear in the lists - + Hau gailuaren izena da, zerrendetan agertzen den moduan Commands - + Komandoak Track download - + Track-en jaitsiera Route upload - + Ibilbideen igoera Waypoint download - + Waypoint-en jaitsiera The command that is used to download routes from the device - + Gailutik ibilbideak jaisteko erabiltzen den komandoa Route download - + Ibilbideen jaitsiera The command that is used to upload waypoints to the device - + Gailura waypoint-ak igotzeko erabiltzen den komandoa Track upload - + Track-en igoera The command that is used to download tracks from the device - + Gailutik track-ak jaisteko erabiltzen den komandoa The command that is used to upload routes to the device - + Gailura ibilbideak igotzeko erabiltzen den komandoa The command that is used to download waypoints from the device - + Gailutik waypoint-ak jaisteko erabiltzen den komandoa The command that is used to upload tracks to the device - + Gailura track-ak igotzeko erabiltzen den komandoa Waypoint upload - + Waypoint-en igoera @@ -18986,149 +20660,149 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } /gps - + /gps No path to the GPS port is specified. Please enter a path then try again. - + Ez da biderik adierazi GPS atakarako. Sartu bide bat eta saiatu berriro. Connecting... - + Konektatzen... Connecting to GPS device... - + GPS gailura konektatzen... Timed out! - + Denbora-mugaz kanpo! Failed to connect to GPS device. - + GPS gailura konektatzeak huts egin du. Connected! - + Konektatuta! Dis&connect - + Des&konektatu Connected to GPS device. - + GPS gailura konektatuta. Error opening log file. - + Errorea egunkari-fitxategia irekitzean. Disconnected... - + Deskonektatuta... &Connect - + &Konektatu Disconnected from GPS device. - + GPS gailutik deskonektatuta. %1 m - + %1 m %1 km/h - + %1 km/h Automatic - + Automatikoa Manual - + Eskuz 3D - + 3D 2D - + 2D No fix - + Finkatzerik ez Differential - + Diferentziala Non-differential - + Ez diferentziala No position - + Posiziorik ez Valid - + Baliozkoa Invalid - + Baliogabea Not enough vertices - + Erpin gutxiegi Cannot close a line feature until it has at least two vertices. - + Ezin da lerro-elementu bat itxi gutxienez bi erpin dituen arte. Cannot close a polygon feature until it has at least three vertices. - + Ezin da poligono-elementu bat itxi gutxienez hiru erpin dituen arte. Feature added - + Elementua gehitu da @@ -19137,7 +20811,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Error - + Errorea @@ -19146,52 +20820,54 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Errors: %2 - + Ezin dira %1 geruzaren aldaketak egikaritu + +Erroreak: %2 The feature could not be added because removing the polygon intersections would change the geometry type - + Ezin izan da elementua gehitu, poligono-ebaketak kentzeak geometria-mota aldatuko bailuke An error was reported during intersection removal - + Errorea gertatu da ebaketak kentzean Cannot add feature. Unknown WKB type. Choose a different layer and try again. - + Ezin da elementua gehitu. WKB mota ezezaguna. Hautatu beste geruza bat eta saiatu berriro. Save GPS log file as - + Gorde GPS fitxategia honela: NMEA files - + NMEA fitxategiak &Add feature - + &Gehitu elementua &Add Point - + &Gehitu puntua &Add Line - + &Gehitu lerroa &Add Polygon - + &Gehitu poligonoa @@ -19199,12 +20875,12 @@ Errors: %2 GPS Connect - + GPS konexioa &Add feature - + &Gehitu elementua @@ -19215,17 +20891,23 @@ red = no fix or bad fix gray = no data 2D/3D depends on this information being available - + Egoeraren adierazle azkarra: +berdea = ona edo 3D finkatzea +horia = 2D finkatze ona +gorria = finkatzerik ez edo finkatze txarra +grisa = daturik ez + +2D/3D informazio hau eskuragarri egotearen araberakoa da Add track point - + Gehitu track-puntua Reset track - + Berrezarri track-a @@ -19237,332 +20919,332 @@ gray = no data ... - + ... Position - + Posizioa Signal - + Seinalea Satellite - + Satelitea Options - + Aukerak Debug - + Araztu &Connect - + &Konektatu latitude of position fix (degrees) - + posizio-finkatzearen latitudea (graduak) Longitude - + Longitudea longitude of position fix (degrees) - + posizio-finkatzearen longitudea (graduak) antenna altitude with respect to geoid (mean sea level) - + antenaren altitudea geoidearekiko (batez besteko itsas maila) Altitude - + Altitudea Latitude - + Latitudea Time of fix - + Finkatzearen ordua date/time of position fix (UTC) - + posizio-finkatzearen eguna/ordua (UTC) speed over ground - + abiadura lurrazalaren gainetik Speed - + Abiadura track direction (degrees) - + ibilbidearen norabidea (graduak) Direction - + Norabidea Horizontal Dilution of Precision - + Horizontal Dilution of Precision (Doitasunaren Diluzio Horizontala) HDOP - + HDOP Vertical Dilution of Precision - + Vertical Dilution of Precision (Doitasunaren Diluzio Bertikala) VDOP - + VDOP Position Dilution of Precision - + Position Dilution of Precision (Posizioaren Doitasunaren Diluzioa) PDOP - + PDOP GPS receiver configuration 2D/3D mode: Automatic or Manual - + GPS hargailuaren konfigurazioa 2D/3D moduan: Automatikoa edo eskuzkoa Mode - + Modua position fix dimensions: 2D, 3D or No fix - + posizio-finkatzearen dimentsioak: 2D, 3D edo No fix Dimensions - + Dimentsioak quality of the position fix: Differential, Non-differential or No position - + posizio-finkatzearen kalitatea: diferentziala, ez diferentziala edo posiziorik ez Quality - + Kalitatea position fix status: Valid or Invalid - + posizio-finkatzearen egoera: baliozkoa edo baliogabea Status - + Egoera number of satellites used in the position fix - + posizio-finkatzean erabilitako satelite-kopurua Satellites - + Sateliteak H accurancy - + H zehaztasuna V accurancy - + V zehaztasuna Connection - + Konexioa Autodetect - + Automatikoki detektatu Serial device - + Serieko gailua Refresh serial device list - + Freskatu serieko gailuen zerrenda Port - + Ataka Host - + Ostalaria Device - + Gailua 00000; - + 00000; gpsd - + gpsd Internal - + Barnekoa Digitizing - + Digitalizazioa Track - + Ibilbidea Automatically add points - + Automatikoki gehitu puntuak Track width in pixels - + Ibilbide-zabalera pixeletan width - + zabalera Color - + Kolorea save layer after every feature added - + gorde geruza elementu guztiak gehitu ondoren Automatically save added feature - + Automatikoki gorde gehitutako elementua save GPS data (NMEA sentences) to a file - + gorde GPS datuak (NMEA esaldiak) fitxategi batean Log File - + Egunkari-fitxategia browse for log file - + arakatu egunkari-fitxategia bilatzeko Map centering - + Mapan erdiratzea when leaving - + irtetean % of map extent - + mapa-hedaduraren % never - + inoiz ez always - + beti Cursor - + Kurtsorea Small - + Txikia Large - + Handia @@ -19570,55 +21252,55 @@ gray = no data &GPS Tools - + &GPS tresnak &Create new GPX layer - + &Sortu GPX geruza berria Creates a new GPX layer and displays it on the map canvas - + GPX geruza berria sortzen du eta mapa-oihalean erakusten du &GPS - + &GPS Save new GPX file as... - + GordeX gitxategi berria honela... GPS eXchange file - + GPS eXchange file Could not create file - + Ezin da fitxategia sortu Unable to create a GPX file with the given name. Try again with another name or in another directory. - + Ezin izan da GPX fitxategi bat sortu izen horrekin. Saiatu berriro beste izen batekin edo beste direktorio batean. GPX Loader - + GPX kargatzailea Unable to read the selected file. Please reselect a valid file. - + Ezin izan da hautatutako fitxategia irakurri. Hautatu baliozko fitxategi bat. @@ -19626,7 +21308,7 @@ Please reselect a valid file. Could not start process - + Ezin da prozesua abiarazi @@ -19634,13 +21316,13 @@ Please reselect a valid file. Could not start GPSBabel! - + Ezin izan da GPSBabel abiarazi! Importing data... - + Datuak inportatzen... @@ -19648,81 +21330,86 @@ Please reselect a valid file. Cancel - + Utzi Could not import data from %1! - + Ezin izan da daturik inportatu %1(e)tik! + Error importing data - + Errorea datuak inportatzean Could not convert data from %1! - + Ezin izan da %1(e)ko datuak bihurtu! + + Error converting data - + Errorea datuak bihurtzean Not supported - + Ez da onartzen This device does not support downloading of %1. - + Gailu honek ez du onartzen %1 jaistea. Downloading data... - + Datuak jaisten... Could not download data from GPS! - + Ezin da daturik jaitsi GPStik! + + Error downloading data - + Errorea datuak jaistean This device does not support uploading of %1. - + Gailu honek ez du onartzen %1 igotzea. Uploading data... - + Datuak igotzen... Error while uploading data to GPS! - + Errorea datuak GPSra igotzean! Error uploading data - + Errorea datuak igotzean @@ -19731,26 +21418,26 @@ Please reselect a valid file. Waypoints - + Waypoint-ak Routes - + Ibilbideak Tracks - + Track-ak Choose a file name to save under - + Hautatu fitxategi-izen bat informazioa gordetzeko @@ -19758,43 +21445,43 @@ Please reselect a valid file. GPS eXchange format - + GPS eXchange format Select GPX file - + Hautatu GPX fitxategia Select file and format to import - + Hautatu inportatuko den fitxategia eta formatua Waypoints from a route - + Waypoint-ak ibilbide batetik Waypoints from a track - + Waypoint-ak track batetik Route from waypoints - + Ibilbidea waypoint-etik Track from waypoints - + Track-a waypoint-etik GPS eXchange format (*.gpx) - + GPS eXchange format (*.gpx) @@ -19802,150 +21489,150 @@ Please reselect a valid file. GPS Tools - + GPS tresnak Load GPX file - + Kargatu GPX fitxategia File - + Fitxategia Browse... - + Arakatu... Feature types - + Elementu-motak Waypoints - + Waypoint-ak Routes - + Ibilbideak Tracks - + Track-ak Import other file - + Inportatu beste fitxategi bat File to import - + Inportatuko den fitxategia Feature type - + Elementu-mota Layer name - + Geruza-izena GPX output file - + GPX irteera-fitxategia Save As... - + Gorde honela... (Note: Selecting correct file type in browser dialog important!) - + (Oharra: Arakatzailean fitxategi-mota zuzena hauatzea garrantzitsua da!) Download from GPS - + Jaitsi GPStik GPS device - + GPS gailua Edit devices... - + Editatu gailuak... Port - + Ataka Refresh - + Freskatu Output file - + Irteera-fitxategia Upload to GPS - + Igo GPSra Data layer - + Datu-geruza Edit devices - + Editatu gailuak GPX Conversions - + GPX bihurketak GPX input file - + GPX sarrera-fitxategia Conversion - + Bihurketa @@ -19953,17 +21640,17 @@ Please reselect a valid file. Bad URI - you need to specify the feature type. - + URI okerra - elementu-mota adierazi behar duzu. GPS eXchange file - + GPS eXchange file Digitized in QGIS - + QGISen digitalizatua @@ -19971,47 +21658,59 @@ Please reselect a valid file. Dataset Description - + Datu-multzoen deskribapena Band %1 - + %1 banda - Dimensions: - + Dimentsioak: X: %1 Y: %2 Bands: %3 - + X: %1 Y: %2 Bandak: %3 - Origin: + Jatorria: + + + Pixel Size: + Pixel-tamaina: + + + + Dimensions + Dimentsioak + + + + Origin - Pixel Size: + Pixel Size - + Format not supported - + Formatua ez da onartzen - + Cannot read data - + Ezin dira datuak irakurri - + Cannot get GDAL raster band: %1 - + Ezin da eskuratu GDAL raster-banda: %1 @@ -20019,17 +21718,17 @@ Please reselect a valid file. Define this layer's coordinate reference system: - + Definitu geruza honen koordinatuen erreferentzia-sistema: This layer appears to have no projection specification. - + Dirudienez geruza honek ez dauka proiekzio-espezifikaziorik. By default, this layer will now have its projection set to that of the project, but you may override this by selecting a different projection below. - + Modu lehenetsian geruza honen proiekzioa proiektuarena izango da, baina ezarpen hori gainidatzi dezakezu beste proiekzio bat hautatuz behean. @@ -20037,6 +21736,24 @@ Please reselect a valid file. Coordinate Reference System Selector + Koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistemen hautatzailea + + + + QgsGeomColumnTypeThread + + + Retrieving tables of %1... + + + + + Scanning column %1.%2.%3... + + + + + Table retrieval finished. @@ -20045,122 +21762,122 @@ Please reselect a valid file. A5 (148x210 mm) - + A5 (148x210 mm) A4 (210x297 mm) - + A4 (210x297 mm) A3 (297x420 mm) - + A3 (297x420 mm) A2 (420x594 mm) - + A2 (420x594 mm) A1 (594x841 mm) - + A1 (594x841 mm) A0 (841x1189 mm) - + A0 (841x1189 mm) B5 (176 x 250 mm) - + B5 (176 x 250 mm) B4 (250 x 353 mm) - + B4 (250 x 353 mm) B3 (353 x 500 mm) - + B3 (353 x 500 mm) B2 (500 x 707 mm) - + B2 (500 x 707 mm) B1 (707 x 1000 mm) - + B1 (707 x 1000 mm) B0 (1000 x 1414 mm) - + B0 (1000 x 1414 mm) Legal (8.5x14 inches) - + AEBetako legala (8.5x14 hazbete) ANSI A (Letter; 8.5x11 inches) - + ANSI A (gutuna; 8.5x11 hazbete) ANSI B (Tabloid; 11x17 inches) - + ANSI B (tabloidea; 11x17 hazbete) ANSI C (17x22 inches) - + ANSI C (17x22 hazbete) ANSI D (22x34 inches) - + ANSI D (22x34 hazbete) ANSI E (34x44 inches) - + ANSI E (34x44 hazbete) Arch A (9x12 inches) - + Arch A (9x12 hazbete) Arch B (12x18 inches) - + Arch B (12x18 hazbete) Arch C (18x24 inches) - + Arch C (18x24 hazbete) Arch D (24x36 inches) - + Arch D (24x36 hazbete) Arch E (36x48 inches) - + Arch E (36x48 hazbete) Arch E1 (30x42 inches) - + Arch E1 (30x42 hazbete) @@ -20168,73 +21885,73 @@ Please reselect a valid file. Configure Georeferencer - + Konfiguratu geoerreferentziatzailea Point tip - + Puntu-iradokizuna Show IDs - + Erakutsi IDak Show coords - + Erakutsi koordenatuak Residual units - + Hondar-unitateak Pixels - + Pixelak Use map units if possible - + Erabili mapa-unitateak posible bada PDF report - + PDF txostena Left margin - + Ezkerreko marjina mm - + mm Right margin - + Eskuineko marjina Show Georeferencer window docked - + Erakutsi geoerreferentziatzaileran leihoa atrakatuta PDF map - + PDF mapa Paper size - + Paper-tamaina @@ -20242,7 +21959,7 @@ Please reselect a valid file. Description georeferencer - + Deskribapen-geoerreferentziatzailea @@ -20251,7 +21968,11 @@ Please reselect a valid file. p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Droid Sans'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt;"></p></body></html> - + <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> +<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> +p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } +</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Droid Sans'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> +<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt;"></p></body></html> @@ -20261,7 +21982,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } &Georeferencer - + &Geoerreferentzia-sortzailea @@ -20269,44 +21990,44 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Georeferencer - + Geoerreferentziatzailea All other files (*) - + Beste fitxategi guztiak (*) Open raster - + Ireki rasterra %1 is not a supported raster data source - + %1 ez da onartutako raster datu-iturria Unsupported Data Source - + Onartzen ez den datu-iturria Raster loaded: %1 - + Rasterra kargatu da: %1 Georeferencer - %1 - + Geoerreferentziatzailea - %1 Transform: - + Transformazioa: @@ -20321,126 +22042,126 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Info - + Informazioa GDAL scripting is not supported for %1 transformation - + GDAL script-ak sortzea ez da onartzen %1 transformaziorako Load GCP points - + Kargatu GCP puntuak GCP file - + GCP fitxategia No GCP points to save - + Ez dago GCP punturik gordetzeko Save GCP points - + Gorde GCP puntuak Please load raster to be georeferenced - + Kargatu geoerreferentziatuko den rasterra Help - + Laguntza Panels - + Panelak Toolbars - + Tresna-barrak Current transform parametrisation - + Uneko transformazioaren parametrizazioa Coordinate: - + Koordenatua: Current map coordinate - + Uneko mapa-koordenatua None - + Bat ere ez Coordinate of image(column/line) - + Irudiaren koordenatua (zutabea/lerroa) Unable to open GCP points file %1 - + Ezin izan da GCP puntuen %1 fitxategia ireki Save GCPs - + Gorde GCPak Save GCP points? - + Gorde GCP puntuak? Failed to get linear transform parameters - + Ezin izan dira transformazio lineal baten parametroak eskuratu World file exists - + Mudu-fitxategia existitzen da <p>The selected file already seems to have a world file! Do you want to replace it with the new world file?</p> - + <p>Badirudi hautatutako fitxategiak badaukala mundu-fitxategia! Mundu-fitxategi berri batekin ordeztu nahi duzu?</p> Failed to compute GCP transform: Transform is not solvable - + Ezin izan da GCP transformazioa kalkulatu: Transformazioa ezin da ebatzi Error - + Errorea Could not write to %1 - + Ezin da idatzi %1(a)n @@ -20448,153 +22169,153 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } map units - + mapa-unitateak pixels - + pixelak Transformation parameters - + Transformazio-parametroak Translation x - + X translazioa Translation y - + Y translazioa Scale x - + X eskala Scale y - + Y eskala Rotation [degrees] - + Biraketa [graduak] Mean error [%1] - + Batez besteko errorea [%1] Residuals - + Hondarrak yes - + bai no - + ez Translation (%1, %2) - + Translazioa (%1, %2) Scale (%1, %2) - + Eskala (%1, %2) Rotation: %1 - + Biraketa: %1 Mean error: %1 - + Batez besteko errorea: %1 Copy in clipboard - + Kopiatu arbelean %1 - + %1 GDAL script - + GDAL script-a Please set transformation type - + Ezarri transformazio-mota Please set output raster name - + Ezarri irteerako rasterraren izena %1 requires at least %2 GCPs. Please define more - + %1(e)k gutxienez %2 GCP behar ditu. Mesedez, definitu gehiago Linear - + Lineala Helmert - + Helmert Polynomial 1 - + Polinomiala 1 Polynomial 2 - + Polinomiala 2 Polynomial 3 - + Polinomiala 3 Thin plate spline (TPS) - + Thin plate spline (TPS) Projective - + Proiektiboa Not set - + Ezarri gabea @@ -20602,221 +22323,221 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Georeferencer - + Geoerreferentziatzailea File - + Fitxategia View - + Bista Edit - + Editatu Settings - + Ezarpenak GCP table - + GCP taula toolBar - + Tresna-barra Open raster - + Ireki rasterra Ctrl+O - + Ctrl+O Zoom In - + Handiagotu Ctrl++ - + Ctrl++ Zoom Out - + Txikiagotu Ctrl+- - + Ctrl+- Zoom to Layer - + Zoom geruzara Ctrl+Shift+F - + Ctrl+Shift+F Pan - + Mugitu Transformation settings - + Transformazio-ezarpenak Add point - + Gehitu puntua Ctrl+A - + Ctrl+A Delete point - + Ezabatu puntua Ctrl+D - + Ctrl+D Quit - + Irten Start georeferencing - + Hasi geoerreferentziatzea Ctrl+G - + Ctrl+G Generate GDAL script - + Sortu GDAL script-a Ctrl+C - + Ctrl+C Link Georeferencer to QGis - + Lotu geoerreferentziatzailea QGISi Link QGis to Georeferencer - + Lotu QGIS geoerreferentziatzaileari Save GCP points as... - + Gorde GCPak honela... Ctrl+S - + Ctrl+S Load GCP points - + Kargatu GCP puntuak Ctrl+L - + Ctrl+L Configure Georeferencer - + Konfiguratu geoerreferentziatzailea Ctrl+P - + Ctrl+P Raster properties - + Raster-propietateak Move GCP point - + Mugitu GCP puntuak Zoom Next - + Zoom hurrengora Zoom Last - + Zoom aurrekora Local histogram stretch - + Histograma lokalaren luzatzea Full histogram stretch - + Histograma osoaren luzatzea @@ -20824,48 +22545,48 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } GDAL files - + GDAL fitxategiak DEM files - + DEM fitxategiak All files - + Fitxategi guztiak Open raster file - + Ireki raster-fitxategia Invalid Path: The file is either unreadable or does not exist - + Baliogabeko bidea: Fitxategia ezin da irakurri edo ez da existitzen Invalid URL: - + URL baliogabea: Do you want to add the datasource anyway? - + Datu-iturria gehitu nahi duzu? Open 3D model file - + Ireki 3d ereduaren fitxategia Model files - + Eredu-fitxategiak @@ -20873,139 +22594,139 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Globe Settings - + Globoaren ezarpenak Elevation - + Altuera Type - + Mota Raster - + Rasterra TMS - + TMS URL/File - + URLa/fitxategia ... - + ... Up - + Gora Down - + Behera Add - + Gehitu Remove - + Kendu Cache - + Cache-a Path - + Bidea Model - + Eredua Point Layer - + Puntu-geruza 3D Model - + 3D eredua Stereo - + Estereoa Stereo Mode - + Estereo-modua Screen distance (m) - + Pantaila-distantzia (m) Screen width (m) - + Pantaila-zabalera (m) Split stereo horizontal separation (px) - + Banaketa horizontal estereo zatitua (px) Split stereo vertical separation (px) - + Banaketa bertikal estereo zatitua (px) Split stereo vertical eye mapping - + Begizko mapatze estereo zatitua Screen height (m) - + Pantaila-altuera (m) Eye separation (m) - + Begien arteko distantzia (m) Reset to defaults - + Berrezarri lehenetsietara Split stereo horizontal eye mapping - + Begizko mapatze horizontal estereo zatitua @@ -21014,12 +22735,13 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Loading GML data %1 - + GML datuak kargatzen +%1 Abort - + Abortatu @@ -21027,17 +22749,17 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Symbol - + Ikurra Value - + Balioa Label - + Etiketa @@ -21045,109 +22767,109 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Column - + Zutabea Symbol - + Ikurra Classes - + Klaseak Color ramp - + Kolore-malda Mode - + Modua Equal Interval - + Tarte berdinak Change... - + Aldatu... Quantile (Equal Count) - + Koantilak (zenbaketa berdina) Natural Breaks (Jenks) - + Eten naturalak (Jenks) Standard Deviation - + Desbiderapen estandarra Pretty Breaks - + Eten politak Classify - + Sailkatu Add class - + Gehitu klasea Delete - + Ezabatu Delete all - + Ezabatu dena Advanced - + Aurreratua Symbol levels... - + Ikur-mailak... Error - + Errorea There are no available color ramps. You can add them in Style Manager. - + Ez dago kolore-maldarik. Estilo-kudeatzailean gehitu dezakezu bat. The selected color ramp is not available. - + Hautatutako kolore-malda ez dago eskuragarri. Renderer creation has failed. - + Errendatzaile-sorrerak huts egin du. @@ -21155,37 +22877,37 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Column - + Zutabea Value - + Balioa Type - + Mota Layer - + Geruza Warning - + Abisua ERROR - + ERROREA OK - + OK @@ -21193,47 +22915,47 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } GRASS Attributes - + GRASS atributuak Tab 1 - + 1. fitxa result - + emaitza Update database record - + Eguneratu datu-baseko erregistroa Update - + Eguneratu Add new category using settings in GRASS Edit toolbox - + Gehitu kategoria berria GRASSen edizioko tresna-kutxako ezarpenak erabiliz New - + Berria Delete selected category - + Ezabatu hautatutako kategoria Delete - + Ezabatu @@ -21241,49 +22963,49 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Tools - + Tresnak Add selected map to canvas - + Gehitu hautatutako mapa oihalari Copy selected map - + Kopiatu hautatutako mapa Rename selected map - + Berrizendatu hautatutako mapa Delete selected map - + Ezabatu hautatutako mapa Set current region to selected map - + Ezarri uneko eskualdea hautatutako mapara Refresh - + Freskatu New name - + Izen berria New name for layer "%1" - + Izen berria "%1" geruzarako @@ -21291,58 +23013,58 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Warning - + Abisua Cannot copy map %1@%2 - + Ezin da %1@%2 mapa kopiatu <br>command: %1 %2<br>%3<br>%4 - + <br>komandoa: %1 %2<br>%3<br>%4 Cannot rename map %1 - + Ezin da %1 maparen izena aldatu Information - + Informazioa Remove the selected layer(s) from QGis canvas before continue. - + Kendu hautatutako geruza(k) QGIS oihaletik aurrera jarraitu baino lehen. Question - + Galdera Are you sure you want to delete %n selected layer(s)? number of layers to delete - - + + Seguru zaude hautatutako %n geruza ezabatu nahi duzula? Cannot delete map %1 - + Cannot write new region - + Ezin da eskualde berria idatzi @@ -21360,212 +23082,212 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Warning - + Abisua You are not owner of the mapset, cannot open the vector for editing. - + Ez zara mapa-multzoaren jabea, ezin du bektorea ireki ediziorako. Cannot open vector for update. - + Ezin da bektorea ireki eguneraketarako. Edit tools - + Edizio-tresnak New point - + Puntu berria New line - + Lerro berria New boundary - + Muga berria New centroid - + Zentroide berria Move vertex - + Mugitu erpina Add vertex - + Gehitu erpina Delete vertex - + Ezabatu erpina Move element - + Mugitu elementua Split line - + Zatitu lerroa Delete element - + Ezabatu elementua Edit attributes - + Editatu atributuak Close - + Itxi Background - + Atzeko planoa Highlight - + Nabarmendu Dynamic - + Dinamikoa Point - + Puntua Line - + Lerroa Boundary (no area) - + Muga (azalerarik ez) Boundary (1 area) - + Muga (azalera 1) Boundary (2 areas) - + Muga (2 azalera) Centroid (in area) - + Zentroidea (azaleran) Centroid (outside area) - + Zentroidea (azaleratik at) Centroid (duplicate in area) - + Zentroidea (bikoiztua azaleran) Node (1 line) - + Nodoa (lerro 1) Node (2 lines) - + Nodoa (2 lerro) Next not used - + Erabili gabeko hurrengoa Manual entry - + Eskuzko sarrera No category - + Kategoriarik ez Info - + Info The table was created - + Taula sortu da Tool not yet implemented. - + Tresna ez da oraindik garatu. Cannot check orphan record: %1 - + Ezin da erregistro umezurtza egiaztatu: %1 Orphan record was left in attribute table. <br>Delete the record? - + Erregistro umezurtza utzi da atributu-taulan.<br>Erregistroa ezabatu? Cannot delete orphan record: - + Ezin da erregistro umezurtza ezabatu: Cannot describe table for field %1 - + Ezin da taula deskribatu %1 eremurako Left: %1 - + Ezkerra: %1 -- Middle: %1 - + -- Erdia: %1 -- Right: %1 - + -- Eskuina: %1 @@ -21576,17 +23298,17 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Select line segment - + Hautatu lerro-segmentua New vertex position - + Erpin-kokapen berria Release - + Askatu @@ -21594,7 +23316,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Select element - + Hautatu elementua @@ -21602,95 +23324,95 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } GRASS Edit - + GRASS edizioa Category - + Kategoria Mode - + Modua Layer - + Geruza Settings - + Ezarpenak Snapping in screen pixels - + Atxikitzea pantaila-pixeletan Symbology - + Ikurrak Line width - + Lerro-zabalera Marker size - + Markatzaile-tamaina Disp - + Disp Color - + Kolorea Type - + Mota Index - + Indizea Table - + Taula Column - + Zutabea Length - + Luzera Add Column - + Gehitu zutabea Create / Alter Table - + Sortu / aldatu taula @@ -21700,17 +23422,17 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Select element - + Hautatu elementua Delete selected / select next - + Ezabatu hautatua / hautatu hurrengoa Release selected - + Askatu hautatua @@ -21721,17 +23443,17 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Select vertex - + Hautatu erpina Delete vertex - + Ezabatu erpina Release vertex - + Azkatu erpina @@ -21742,17 +23464,17 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Select element - + Hautatu elementua New location - + Kokapen berria Release selected - + Askatu hautatua @@ -21762,12 +23484,12 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Select vertex - + Hautatu erpina Select new position - + Hautatu posizio berria @@ -21779,18 +23501,18 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } New vertex - + Erpin berria Undo last vertex - + Desegin azken erpina Close line - + Itxi lerroa @@ -21798,12 +23520,12 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } New centroid - + Zentroide berria New point - + Puntu berria @@ -21812,23 +23534,23 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Select position on line - + Hautatu posizioa lerroan Split the line - + Zatitu lerroa Release the line - + Askatu lerroa Select point on line - + Hautatu puntua lerroan @@ -21836,32 +23558,32 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Cancel - + Utzi Ok - + OK <font color='red'>Enter a name!</font> - + <font color='red'>Sartu izen bat!</font> <font color='red'>This is name of the source!</font> - + <font color='red'>Hau iturriaren izena da!</font> <font color='red'>Exists!</font> - + <font color='red'>Existitzen da!</font> Overwrite - + Gainidatzi @@ -21869,261 +23591,261 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Mapcalc tools - + Mapcalc tresnak Add map - + Gehitu mapak Add constant value - + Gehitu balio konstantea Add operator or function - + Gehitu eragilea edo funtzioa Add connection - + Gehitu konexioa Select item - + Hautatu elementua Delete selected item - + Ezabatu hautatutako elementua Open - + Ireki Save - + Gorde Save as - + Gorde honela Addition - + Batuketa Subtraction - + Kenketa Multiplication - + Biderketa Division - + Zatiketa Modulus - + Modulua Exponentiation - + Berreketa Equal - + Berdina Not equal - + Ez berdina Greater than - + Handiagoa Greater than or equal - + Handiagoa edo berdina Less than - + Txikiagoa Less than or equal - + Txikiagoa edo berdina And - + Eta Or - + Edo Absolute value of x - + X-ren balio absolutua Inverse tangent of x (result is in degrees) - + X-ren alderantzizko tangentea (emaitza graduetan) Inverse tangent of y/x (result is in degrees) - + Y/X-ren aldrantzizko tangentea (emaitza graduetan) Current column of moving window (starts with 1) - + Leiho mugikorraren uneko zutabea (1ekin hasten da) Cosine of x (x is in degrees) - + X-ren kosinua (X graduetan dago) Convert x to double-precision floating point - + Bihurtu X koma higikorreko doitasun bikoitzera Current east-west resolution - + Uneko ekialde-mendebalde bereizmena Exponential function of x - + X-ren funtzio esponentziala x to the power y - + X ber Y Convert x to single-precision floating point - + Bihurtu X koma higikorreko doitasun bakunera Decision: 1 if x not zero, 0 otherwise - + Erabakia: 1 X zero ez bada, bestela 0 Decision: a if x not zero, 0 otherwise - + Erabakia: a X zero ez bada, bestela 0 Decision: a if x not zero, b otherwise - + Erabakia: a X zero ez bada, bestela b Decision: a if x > 0, b if x is zero, c if x < 0 - + Erabakia: 1 X > zero bada, b X zero bada, c X < 0 bada Convert x to integer [ truncates ] - + Bihurtu X zenbaki osoan [ trunkatu ] Check if x = NULL - + Egiaztatu X = NULL dela Natural log of x - + X-ren logaritmo naturala Log of x base b - + X-ren logaritmoa, b oinarria Largest value - + Baliorik handiena Median value - + Batez besteko balioa Smallest value - + Baliorik txikiena Mode value - + Moda-balioa 1 if x is zero, 0 otherwise - + 1 X zero bada, 0 bestela Current north-south resolution - + Uneko iparralde-hegoalde bereizmena NULL value - + NULL balioa Random value between a and b - + Ausazko balioa a eta b artean Round x to nearest integer - + Biribildu X zenbakio oso hurbilenera @@ -22140,29 +23862,29 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Square root of x sqrt(x) - + X-ren erro koadroa Tangent of x (x is in degrees) tan(x) - + X-ren tangentea (X graduetan dago) Current x-coordinate of moving window - + Leiho mugikorraren uneko X koordenatua Current y-coordinate of moving window - + Leiho mugikorraren uneko Y koordenatua Output - + Irteera @@ -22177,28 +23899,28 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Warning - + Abisua Cannot get current region - + Ezin da uneko eskualdea eskuratu Cannot check region of map %1 - + Ezin da egiaztatu %1 maparen eskualdea Cannot get region of map %1 - + Ezin da eskuratu %1 maparen eskualdea No GRASS raster maps currently in QGIS - + Ez dago GRASS raster-maparik unean QGISen @@ -22261,7 +23983,9 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } %1 at line %2 column %3 - + +%1 +%2 lerroan, %3 zutabean @@ -22269,12 +23993,12 @@ at line %2 column %3 MainWindow - + LeihoNagusia Output - + Irteera @@ -22282,7 +24006,7 @@ at line %2 column %3 Module: %1 - + Modulua: %1 @@ -22297,23 +24021,23 @@ at line %2 column %3 Warning - + Abisua The module file (%1) not found. - + Modulu-fitxategia (%1) ez da aurkitu. Cannot open module file (%1) - + Ezin da modulu-fitxategia ireki (%1) Cannot read module file (%1) - + Ezin da modulu-fitxategia irakurri (%1) @@ -22321,94 +24045,96 @@ at line %2 column %3 %1 at line %2 column %3 - + +%1 +%2 lerroan, %3 zutabean Module %1 not found - + %1 modulua ez da aurkitu Cannot find man page %1 - + Ezin da aurkitu %1 man orria Please ensure you have the GRASS documentation installed. - + Segurtatu GRASS dokumentazioa instalatuta daukazula. Not available, description not found (%1) - + Ez dago eskuragarri, ez da deskribapena aurkitu (%1) Not available, cannot open description (%1) - + Ez dago eskuragarri, ezin da deskribapena ireki (%1) Not available, incorrect description (%1) - + Ez dago eskuragarri, deskribapena okerra (%1) Run - + Exekutatu Cannot get input region - + Ezin da sarrera-eskualdea eskuratu Input %1 outside current region! - + %1 sarrera uneko eskualdetik at! Use Input Region - + Erabili sarrera-eskualdea Output %1 exists! Overwrite? - + %1 irteera jadanik existitzen da! Gainidatzi? Cannot find module %1 - + Ezin da %1 modulua aurkitu Cannot start module: %1 - + Ezin da %1 modulua abiarazi Stop - + Gelditu <B>Successfully finished</B> - + <B>Ongi amaitu da</B> <B>Finished with error</B> - + <B>Errorearekin amaitu da</B> <B>Module crashed or killed</B> - + <B>Modulua kraskatu edo hil egin da</B> @@ -22416,42 +24142,42 @@ at line %2 column %3 GRASS Module - + GRASS modulua Options - + Aukerak Output - + Irteera Manual - + Eskuz TextLabel - + Testu-etiketa Run - + Exekutatu View output - + Bistaratu irteera Close - + Itxi @@ -22459,12 +24185,12 @@ at line %2 column %3 Attribute field - + Atributu-eremua Warning - + Abisua @@ -22477,17 +24203,17 @@ at line %2 column %3 File - + Fitxategia %1:&nbsp;missing value - + %1:&nbsp;balioa falta da %1:&nbsp;directory does not exist - + %1:&nbsp;direktorioa ez da existitzen @@ -22495,14 +24221,14 @@ at line %2 column %3 OGR/PostGIS/GDAL Input - + OGR/PostGIS/GDAL sarrera Warning - + Abisua @@ -22517,12 +24243,12 @@ at line %2 column %3 Password - + Pasahitza Select a layer - + Hautatu geruza bat @@ -22532,7 +24258,7 @@ at line %2 column %3 %1:&nbsp;no input - + %1:&nbsp;sarrerarik ez @@ -22540,7 +24266,7 @@ at line %2 column %3 Input - + Sarrera @@ -22550,7 +24276,7 @@ at line %2 column %3 Warning - + Abisua @@ -22575,28 +24301,28 @@ at line %2 column %3 Use region of this map - + Erabili mapa honetako eskualde bat Select a layer - + Hautatu geruza bat %1 (band %2) - + %1 (%2 banda) Cannot get provider - + Ezin da hornitzailea atzitu %1:&nbsp;no input - + %1:&nbsp;sarrerarik ez @@ -22604,23 +24330,23 @@ at line %2 column %3 Browse - + Arakatu Output file - + Irteera-fitxategia GeoTIFF - + GeoTIFF Warning - + Abisua @@ -22635,7 +24361,7 @@ at line %2 column %3 %1:&nbsp;missing value - + %1:&nbsp;balioa falta da @@ -22643,7 +24369,7 @@ at line %2 column %3 Selected categories - + Hautatutako kategoriak @@ -22667,12 +24393,12 @@ at line %2 column %3 Warning - + Abisua Cannot find module %1 - + Ezin da %1 modulua aurkitu @@ -22682,7 +24408,7 @@ at line %2 column %3 <br>command: %1 %2<br>%3<br>%4 - + <br>komandoa: %1 %2<br>%3<br>%4 @@ -22694,22 +24420,24 @@ at line %2 column %3 %1 at line %2 column %3 - + +%1 +%2 lerroan, %3 zutabean Region - + Eskualdea Input layers - + Sarrera-geruzak Current map canvas - + Uneko mapa-oihala @@ -22740,12 +24468,12 @@ at line %2 column %3 Cannot get current region - + Ezin da uneko eskualdea eskuratu Cannot check region of map %1 - + Ezin da egiaztatu %1 maparen eskualdea @@ -22762,7 +24490,7 @@ at line %2 column %3 Cannot get provider - + Ezin da hornitzailea atzitu @@ -22785,30 +24513,30 @@ at line %2 column %3 Database - + Datu-basea Location 1 - + 1 kokapena System mapset - + Sistemaren mapa-multzoa User's mapset - + Erabiltzailearen mapa-multzoa Location 2 - + 2 kokapena @@ -22853,7 +24581,7 @@ at line %2 column %3 Warning - + Abisua @@ -22895,7 +24623,9 @@ at line %2 column %3 %1 at line %2 column %3 - + +%1 +%2 lerroan, %3 zutabean @@ -22918,32 +24648,32 @@ at line %2 column %3 Enter mapset name. - + Sartu mapa-multzoaren izena. The mapset already exists - + Mapa-multzoa jadanik existitzen da Database: - + Datu-basea: Location: - + Kokapena: Mapset: - + Mapa-multzoa: Create location - + Sortu kokapena @@ -22955,7 +24685,7 @@ at line %2 column %3 Create mapset - + Sortu mapa-multzoa @@ -22976,7 +24706,7 @@ at line %2 column %3 New mapset - + Mapa-multzo berria @@ -22994,22 +24724,22 @@ at line %2 column %3 New Mapset - + Mapa-multzo berria GRASS Database - + GRASS datu-basea Tree - + Zuhaitza Comment - + Iruzkina @@ -23028,18 +24758,18 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Database Error - + Datu-basearen errorea Database: - + Datu-basea: Browse... - + Arakatu... @@ -23049,27 +24779,27 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } GRASS Location - + GRASSen kokapena Location - + Kokapena Select location - + Hautatu kokapena Create new location - + Sortu kokapen berria Location Error - + Kokapen-errorea @@ -23084,27 +24814,27 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Projection - + Proiekzioa Projection Error - + Proiekzio-errorea Coordinate system - + Koordenatu-sistema Not defined - + Definitu gabea Default GRASS Region - + GRASS eskualde lehenetsia @@ -23118,63 +24848,63 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Set current QGIS extent - + Ezarri uneko QGIS hedadura Set - + Ezarri Region Error - + Eskualde-errorea S - + H W - + M E - + E N - + I Mapset - + Mapa-multzoa New mapset: - + Mapa-multzo berria: Mapset Error - + Errorea mapa-multzoan <p align="center">Existing masets</p> - + <p align="center">Existitzen diren mapa-multzoak</p> Owner - + jabea @@ -23188,17 +24918,17 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Create New Mapset - + Sortu mapa-multzo berria Location: - + Kokapena: Mapset: - + Mapa-multzoa: @@ -23206,73 +24936,73 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } GrassVector - + GrassVector 0.1 - + 0.1 GRASS layer - + GRASS geruza Plugins - + Pluginak Open mapset - + Ireki mapa-multzoa New mapset - + Mapa-multzo berria Close mapset - + Itxi mapa-multzoa Add GRASS vector layer - + Gehitu GRASSen geruza bektoriala Add GRASS raster layer - + Gehitu GRASSen raster-geruza Open GRASS tools - + Ireki GRASS tresnak Display Current Grass Region - + Erakutsi uneko GRASS eskualdea Edit Current Grass Region - + Editatu uneko GRASS eskualdea Edit Grass Vector layer - + Editatu GRASS geruza bektoriala Create new Grass Vector - + Sortu GRASS geruza bektorial berria @@ -23292,7 +25022,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Edit the current GRASS region - + Editatu uneko GRASS eskualdea @@ -23310,118 +25040,118 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } - - - - + + + + &GRASS - + &GRASS GRASS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + GRASS + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Warning - + Abisua - + Cannot open vector %1 in mapset %2 on level 2 (topology not available, try to rebuild topology using module). - + Ezin da %2 mapa-multzoko %1 bektorea ireki 2. mailan (topologia ez dago eskuragarri, saiatu topologia berreraikitzen modulua erabiliz). - + Cannot open vector %1 in mapset %2 - + Ezin da %2 mapa-multzoko %1 bektorea ireki - + Cannot open GRASS vector: %1 - - + + GRASS Edit is already running. - - + + New vector name - + Cannot create new vector: %1 - + New vector created but cannot be opened by data provider. - + Cannot start editing. - + Cannot open vector for update. - + Ezin da bektorea ireki eguneraketarako. - + GISDBASE, LOCATION_NAME or MAPSET is not set, cannot display current region. - + Cannot read current region: %1 - + Cannot open the mapset. %1 - + Cannot close mapset. %1 - + Cannot close current mapset. %1 - + Cannot open GRASS mapset. %1 @@ -23431,7 +25161,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } GRASS vector map %1 does not have topology. Build topology? - + %1 GRASS bektore-mapak ez dauka topologiarik. Topologia eraiki? @@ -23444,17 +25174,17 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Groups not yet supported - + Taldeak oraindik ez dira onartzen - + Format not supported - + Formatua ez da onartzen - + Cannot read data - + Ezin dira datuak irakurri @@ -23464,7 +25194,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Warning - + Abisua @@ -23487,32 +25217,32 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } GRASS Region Settings - + GRASS eskualdeen ezarpenak Extent - + Hedadura North - + Iparraldea West - + Mendebaldea East - + Ekialdea South - + Hegoaldea @@ -23523,42 +25253,42 @@ or change the following values Resolution - + Bereizmena Cell width - + Gelaxka-zabalera Cell height - + Gelaxka-altuera Columns - + Zutabeak Rows - + Errenkadak Border - + Ertza Color - + Kolorea Width - + Zabalera @@ -23611,7 +25341,7 @@ or change the following values No layer - + Geruzarik ez @@ -23634,12 +25364,12 @@ or change the following values Location - + Kokapena Mapset - + Mapa-multzoa @@ -23654,12 +25384,12 @@ or change the following values Layer - + Geruza Browse... - + Arakatu... @@ -23667,24 +25397,24 @@ or change the following values Ctrl+Shift+V - + Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Shift+C - + Ctrl+Shift+C Warning - + Abisua Cannot rename the lock file %1 - + Ezin da blokeatutako %a fitxategiaren izena aldatu @@ -23718,7 +25448,7 @@ or change the following values Browser - + Arakatzailea @@ -23741,7 +25471,7 @@ or change the following values Warning - + Abisua @@ -23768,7 +25498,9 @@ or change the following values %1 at line %2 column %3 - + +%1 +%2 lerroan, %3 zutabean @@ -23787,7 +25519,7 @@ at line %2 column %3 1 - + 1 @@ -23798,7 +25530,7 @@ at line %2 column %3 Filter - + Iragazkia @@ -23814,73 +25546,73 @@ at line %2 column %3 QgsHandleBadLayers - + Browse - + Arakatu - + Layer name - + Geruza-izena - + Type - + Mota - + Provider - + Hornitzailea - + New file - + Fitxategi berria - + New datasource - + Datu-iturri berria - + none - + bat ere ez - + Select file to replace '%1' - + Hautatu '%1' ordezkatuko duen fitxategia - + Please select exactly one file. - + Hautatu fitxategi bakar bat. - + Select new directory of selected files - + Hautatu hautatutako fitxategien direktorio berria - + All files (*) - + Fitxategi guztiak (*) - - + + Unhandled layer will be lost. - + Maneiatu gabeko geruza galdu egingo da. - - + + There are still %n unhandled layer(s), that will be lost if you closed now. unhandled layers - - + + Oraindik maneiatu gabeko %n geruza daude, eta galdu egingo dira orain ixten baduzu. @@ -23890,131 +25622,134 @@ at line %2 column %3 Handle bad layers - + Kudeatu geruza txarrak Layer name - + Geruza-izena Type - + Mota Provider - + Hornitzailea Original filename - + Jatorrizko fitxategi-izena New filename - + Fitxategi-izen berria Original datasource - + Jatorrizko datu-iturria New datasource + Datu-iturri berria + + + + QgsHandleBadLayersHandler + + + Handle Bad layers + + + + + %1 of %2 bad layers were not not fixable. QgsHelpViewer - <h3>Oops! QGIS can't find help for this form.</h3>The help file for %1 was not found for your language<br>If you would like to create it, contact the QGIS development team - + <h3>Ai ene! QGISek ezin du formulario honen laguntza aurkitu.</h3>%1 formularioaren laguntza-fitxategia ez da aurkitu zure hizkuntzan<br>Hura sortu nahi baduzu, jarri harremanetan Librezale taldearekin - Quantum GIS Help - + Quantum GIS laguntza - Quantum GIS Help - %1 - + Quantum GIS laguntza - %1 - - Error - + Errorea - Failed to get the help text from the database: %1 - + Ezin izan da datu-basearen laguntza-testua eskuratu: + %1 - The QGIS help database is not installed - + QGISen laguntzako datu-basea ez dago instalatuta + + + + QGIS Help + QGIS laguntza QgsHelpViewerBase - QGIS Help - + QGIS laguntza about:blank - + about:blank - &Home - + &Orri nagusia - Alt+H - + Alt+H - &Forward - + &Aurrera - Alt+F - + Alt+F - &Back - + A&tzera - Alt+B - + Alt+B - &Close - + &Itxi - Alt+C - + Alt+C @@ -24022,12 +25757,12 @@ at line %2 column %3 Delete - + Ezabatu html - + html @@ -24035,70 +25770,71 @@ at line %2 column %3 WMS Server responded unexpectedly with HTTP Status Code %1 (%2) - + WMS zerbitzariak espero ez zen erantzuna eman du %1 HTTP egoera-kodearen bidez (%2) Received %1 of %2 bytes - + %1 byte (%2 bytetik) jaso dira Received %1 bytes (total unknown) - + %1 byte jaso dira (ez da ezagutzen kopuru osoa) HTTP response completed, however there was an error: %1 - + HTTP erantzuna osatu da, hala ere errore bat egon da: %1 HTTP transaction completed, however there was an error: %1 - + HTTP transakzioa osatu da, hala ere errore bat egon da: %1 Not connected - + Ez konektatua Looking up '%1' - + '%1' bilatzen Connecting to '%1' - + '%1' konektatzen Sending request '%1' - + '%1' eskaria bidaltzen Receiving reply - + Erantzuna jasotzen Response is complete - + Erantzuna osatu da Closing down connection - + Konexioa ixten Network timed out after %n second(s) of inactivity. This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. inactivity timeout - - + + Sarea denbora-mugaz kanpo geratu da %n segundoz inaktibo egon ondoren. +Zure sare-konexioaren arazo bat izan daiteke, edo WMS zerbitzariarena. @@ -24108,12 +25844,12 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Dialog - + Elkarrizketa-koadroa Distance coefficient P - + P distantzia-koefizientea @@ -24121,12 +25857,12 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Identify Results - + Identifikatu emaitzak Expand tree. - + Hedatu zuhaitza. @@ -24135,168 +25871,174 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. ... - + ... Collapse tree. - + Tolestu zuhaitza. New results will be expanded by default. - + Emaitza berriak hedatu egingo dira modu lehenetsian. Copy selected feature to clipboard. - + Kopiatu hautatutako elementua arbelera. Print selected HTML response. - + Inprimatu hautatutako HTML erantzuna. QgsIdentifyResultsDialog - + Identify Results - + Identifikatu emaitzak - + Feature - + Elementua - + Value - + Balioa - - + + (Derived) - + (Deribatua) - + (Actions) - + (Ekintzak) - - - + + + Edit feature form - + Elementuaren ediziorako formularioa - - - + + + View feature form - + Bistaratu elementu-formularioa - + Format - + Formatua - + Zoom to feature - + Zoom elementura - + Copy feature - + Kopiatu elementua - + Copy attribute value - + Kopiatu atributu-balioa - + Copy feature attributes - + Kopiatu elementuaren atributuak - + Copy GetFeatureInfo request URL - + Kopiatu GetFeatureInfo eskariaren URLa - + Clear results - + Garbitu emaitzak - + Clear highlights - + Garbitu nabarmenduak - + Highlight all - + Nabarmendu dena - + Highlight layer - + Nabarmendu geruza - + Layer properties... - + Geruza-propietateak... - + Expand all - + Hedatu dena - + Collapse all - + Tolestu dena - + Attribute changes - + Atributu-aldaketak - Could not open url - + Ezin da URLa ireki - Could not open URL '%1' - + Ezin da '%1' URLa ireki - + Cannot not print - + Ezin da inprimatu - + Cannot print this item - + Ezin da elementu hau inprimatu + + + + QgsIdentifyResultsWebView + + + Print + Inprimatu QgsIdentifyResultsWebViewItem - + Loading... - + Kargatzen... @@ -24304,7 +26046,7 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Progress indication - + Aurrerapen-adierazlea @@ -24313,55 +26055,55 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Triangular interpolation (TIN) - + Interpolazio triangeluarra (TIN) Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) - + Distantziaren alderantzizko haztatua (IDW) No input data for interpolation - + Ez dago sarrera-daturik interpolaziorako Please add one or more input layers - + Gehitu sarrera-geruza bat edo gehiago Output file name invalid - + Irteerako fitxategi-izena baliogabea da Please enter a valid output file name - + Sartu baliozko irteerako fitxategi-izena Break lines - + Eten-lerroak Structure lines - + Egitura-lerroak Points - + Puntuak Save interpolated raster as... - + Gorde interpolatutako rasterra honela... @@ -24369,123 +26111,123 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Interpolation plugin - + Interpolazio-plugina Input - + Sarrera Vector layers - + Geruza bektorialak Interpolation attribute - + Interpolazio-atributua Use z-Coordinate for interpolation - + Erabili Z koordenatua interpolaziorako Add - + Gehitu Remove - + Kendu Vector layer - + Geruza bektoriala Attribute - + Atributua Type - + Mota Output - + Irteera Interpolation method - + Interpolazio-metodoa ... - + ... Number of columns - + Zutabe-kopurua Number of rows - + Errenkada-kopurua Cellsize X - + Gelaxkaren X tamaina Cellsize Y - + Gelaxkaren Y tamaina X min - + X min X max - + X max Y min - + Y min Y max - + Y max Set to current extent - + Ezarri uneko hedadurara Output file - + Irteera-fitxategia Add result to project - + Gehitu emaitza proiektuari @@ -24495,7 +26237,7 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. &Interpolation - + &Interpolazioa @@ -24503,17 +26245,17 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Enter class bounds - + Sartu klase-mugak Lower value - + Beheko balioa Upper value - + Goiko balioa @@ -24521,7 +26263,7 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Auto - + Auto @@ -24529,308 +26271,308 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Form1 - + Form1 Label Properties - + Etiketa-propietateak Placement - + Kokapena Below Right - + Azpi eskuinean Right - + Eskuinean Below - + Behean Over - + Gainean Above - + Goian Left - + Ezkerra Below Left - + Behe ezkerrean Above Right - + Goi eskuinean Above Left - + Goi ezkerrean Use scale dependent rendering - + Erabili eskalaren araberako errendatzea Maximum - + Maximoa Minimum - + Minimoa Buffer labels - + Bufferra etiketetan Buffer size - + Buffer-tamaina In points - + Puntuetan In map units - + Mapa-unitateetan Color - + Kolorea % - + % Transparency - + Gardentasuna Offset - + Desplazamendua X offset - + X desplazamendua Y offset - + Y desplazamendua Basic label options - + Oinarrizko etiketa-aukerak Field containing label - + Etiketa duen eremua Default label - + Etiketa lehenetsia Font size - + Letra-tamaina Angle (deg) - + ANgelua (graduak) ° - + ° Font - + Letra-tipoa Multiline labels? - + Lerro anitzeko etiketak? Label only selected features - + Etiketatu hautatutako elementuak soilik Advanced - + Aurreratua Data defined placement - + Datuek definitutako kokapena Data defined properties - + Datuek definitutako propietateak &Font family - + Letra-tipoaren &familia &Bold - + &Lodia &Italic - + &Etzana &Underline - + &Azpimarratu &Size - + &Tamaina Size units - + Tamaina-unitateak &Color - + &Kolorea Strikeout - + Marratu Data defined buffer - + Datuek definitutako bufferra Transparency: - + Gardentasuna: Size: - + Tamaina: Data defined position - + Datuek definitutako posizioa X Coordinate - + X koordenatua Y Coordinate - + Y koordenatua X Offset (pts) - + X desplazamendua (pt) Y Offset (pts) - + Y desplazamendua (pt) Preview: - + Aurrebista: QGIS Rocks! - + QGIS euskaraz! QgsLabelPropertyDialog - - + + Label font - + Etiketaren letra-tipoa - + Font color - + Letra-tipoaren kolorea - + Expression result - + Adierazpenaren emaitza - + Buffer color - + Buffer-kolorea @@ -24838,1081 +26580,1452 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Label properties - + Etiketa-propietateak Text - + Testua Font - + Letra-tipoa Size - + Tamaina Display - + Bistaratzea Scale-based - + Eskalan oinarritua Min - + Min Max - + Max Show label - + Erakutsi etiketa Ignores priority and permits collisions/overlaps - + Lehentasuna ezikusten du eta talkak/gainjartzeak onartzen ditu Always show (exceptions above) - + Beti erakutsi (salbuespenak goian) Buffer - + Bufferra Position - + Posizioa Label distance - + Etiketa-distantzia X Coordinate - + X koordenatua Y Coordinate - + Y koordenatua Horizontal alignment - + Lerrokatze horizontala Vertical alignment - + Lerrokatze bertikala Rotation - + Biraketa QgsLabelingGui - - (not found!) + + string - - Text/Buffer sample + + [<b>family</b>|<b>family[foundry]</b>],<br>e.g. Helvetica or Helvetica [Cronyx] - - @ %1 pts (using map units) + + [<b>font style name</b>|<b>Ignore</b>],<br>e.g. Bold Condensed or Light Italic - - @ %1 pts (using map units, BUFFER IN MILLIMETERS) + + double [0.0-10.0] - - (BUFFER NOT SHOWN, in map units) + + int [0-20] - - Expression based label + + int [0-2000] - - Mixed Case + + int<br> + + + + + double coord [<b>in,out</b> as 20.0-60.0,20.0-95.0] + + + + + int [1-1000] + + + + + int [1-10000] - All Uppercase + (not found!) + (ez da aurkitu + + + + Text/Buffer sample + Testu/buffer lagina + + + + @ %1 pts (using map units) + @ %1 pt (mapa-unitateak erabiliz) + + + + @ %1 pts (using map units, BUFFER IN MILLIMETERS) + @ %1 pt (mapa-unitateak erabiliz, BUFFERRA MILIMETROTAN) + + + + (BUFFER NOT SHOWN, in map units) + (BUFFERRA EZ ERAKUTSI, mapa-unitatetan) + + + + Expression based label + Adierazpenetan oinarritutako etiketa + + + + No change - - All Lowercase + + All uppercase - - Title Case + + All lowercase - - Select SVG symbol + + Capitalize first letter + + + Size%1 + + + + + X + + + + + File not found + + + + Mixed Case + Maiuskulak eta minuskulak nahasita + + + All Uppercase + Dena maiuskuletan + + + All Lowercase + Dena minuskuletan + + + Title Case + Izenburu moduan + + + Select SVG symbol + Hautatu SVG ikurra + QgsLabelingGuiBase - + Layer labeling settings - + Geruza-etiketatzearen ezarpenak - + Label this layer with - + Etiketatu geruza hau honekin - Expression - + Adierazpena - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ... - + ... - Label settings - + Etiketa-ezarpenak - - + + Lorem Ipsum - + Lorem Ipsum - + Sample text - + Adibide-testua - + Reset sample text - + Berrezarri adibide-testua - + Size for sample text in map units - + Lagin-testuaren tamaina mapa-unitatetan - + Sample background color + Laginaren atzeko planoaren kolorea + + + + Line direction symbol - + Formatted numbers - + Formatudun zenbakiak - + Decimal places - + Dezimalak - + Show plus sign - + Erakutsi plus ikurra - + Multiple lines + Lerro anitz + + + + Edit expression - - Wrap on character + + Automated placement settings (apply to all layers) - - - Line height + + Text/Buffer Sample - - Line height spacing for multi-line text + + + Text + Testua + + + + + Formatting - - line + + + Shadow - - Alignment + + + + Rendering - - Paragraph style alignment of multi-line text + + letter + + + + + Spacing + Tartea + + + + + + + Blend mode + + + + + word + + + + + Underlined text + + + + + Bold text +(data defined only, overrides Style) + + + + + B + B + + + + Italic text +(data defined only, overrides Style) - - + + I + I + + + + Text formatting + + + + + Wrap on character + Egokitze-karakterea + + + + Line height + Lerro-altuera + + + + Line height spacing for multi-line text + Lerro-altueraren tartea lerro anitzeko testuan + + + + line + lerro + + + + + Alignment + Lerrokatzea + + + + Paragraph style alignment of multi-line text + Paragrafoaren lerrokatze-estiloa lerro anitzeko testuan + + + + Left + Ezkerra + + + + Center + Erdia + + + + + Right + Eskuina + + + + Discourage labels from covering features - - Center - + + + Text style + Testu-estiloa + + + + Available typeface styles + Letra-tipo estilo erabilgarriak + + + Underlined Text + Azpimarratutako testua + + + + U + U + + + + Strikeout text + Marratutako testua + + + + S + S + + + + points + puntuak + + + + + + + + + + + + + map units + mapa-unitateak + + + + Style + Estiloa + + + + + + + Transparency + Gardentasuna + + + + + + + + % + % + + + + TextLabel + Testu-etiketa + + + + Capitalization style of text + Testuaren maiuskula-estiloa + + + Word spacing + Hitzen arteko tartea + + + Letter spacing + Letren arteko tartea + + + + + Space in pixels or map units, relative to size unit choice + Tartea pixeletan edo mapa-unitatetan, hautatutako tamaina-unitatearen funtzioan + + + + Type case + Maiuskulak/minuskulak + + + + Font + Letra-tipoa + + + + + + Color + Kolorea + + + + + Size + Tamaina + + + + + + + Buffer + Bufferra + + + + + + + + + + + + mm + mm + + + Color area inside of pen stroke + Kolore-gunea arkatz-trazuaren barruan + + + Pixel size-based visibility + Pixel-tamainan oinarritutako ikusgaitasuna + + + + Labels will not show if larger than this on screen + Etiketak ez dira erakutsiko pantailan hau baino handiagoak badira + + + + + px + px - - - Right + + + Data defined - - Text style - + + X + X - - Available typeface styles - + + Y + Y - - Underlined Text + + Coordinate - - U + + Preserve data rotation values - - Strikeout text + + horizontal - - S + + vertical - - points + + ( Define attribute fields to enable labeling map tools ) - - - - - - - - - - map units + + Label options - - Style - + + + Maximum + Maximoa - - - - - Transparency + + Pixel size-based visibility (labels in map units) - - - - % - + + Labels will not show if smaller than this on screen + Etiketak ez dira erakutsiko pantailan hau baino txikiagoak badira - - TextLabel - + + + Minimum + Minimoa - - Capitalization style of text - + + < + < - - - Word spacing - + Label in Map Units + Etiketa mapa-unitateetan. - - - Letter spacing - + + Scale-based visibility + Eskalaren araberako ikusgaitasuna - - - Space in pixels or map units, relative to size unit choice - + Label + Etiketa - - Type case - + Line direction symbols + Lerro-norabidearen ikurrak - - Font - + Symbol(s) + Ikurra(k) - - - - - Color - + + > + > - - - - Size - + + + + + Placement + Kokapena - - - Buffer - + + left/right + ezkerra/eskuina - - - - - - - - - mm - + + above + gainean - - Color area inside of pen stroke - + + below + azpian - - Pixel size-based visibility - + + Reverse direction + Alderantzizko norabidea - - Labels will not show if larger than this on screen - + Advanced + Aurreratua - - - px - + + Priority + Lehentasuna - - - Maximum - + + Low + Baxua - - Labels will not show if smaller than this on screen - + + High + Altua - - - Minimum - + + Around point + Puntuaren inguruan - - - - - - < - + + Offset from point + Desplazamendua puntutik - - Label in Map Units - + + Parallel + Paraleloa - - Scale-based visibility - + + Curved + Kurbatua - - - Label + + Text buffer - - Line direction symbols + + Draw text buffer - - Symbol(s) + + Color buffer's fill - - > + + Draw background - - - Placement + + Size X - - left/right + + Size type - - above + + Size Y - - below - + + Fill color + Betegarri-kolorea - - Reverse direction - + + Border color + Ertz-kolorea - - Advanced + + Draw drop shadow - - Priority + + Blur radius - - Low + + Blur only alpha pixels - - High + + Label's rotation is ignored - - Around point + + Use global shadow - - - Offset from point + + + + ˚ - - Parallel + + Lowest label component - - Curved + + Draw under - + Horizontal - + Horizontala - + Offset from centroid - + Desplazamendua zentroidetik - + Around centroid - + Zentroidearen inguruan - + Horizontal (slow) - + Hozizontala (motela) - + Free (slow) - + Askea (motela) - + Using perimeter - + Perimetroa erabiliz - Centroid of - + Honen zentroidea - + visible polygon - + poligono ikusgaia - + whole polygon - + poligono osoa - - In mm - + Milimetrotan - - In map units - + Mapa-unitateetan - - degrees - + graduak - - - - + + + Rotation - + Biraketa - - - Label distance - + Etiketa-distantzia - + Above line - + Lerroaren gainetik - + On line - + Lerroan - + Below line - + Lerroaren azpitik - + Line orientation dependent position + Lerro-orientazioaren araberako posizioa + + + + Centroid - - outside + + + + + + + + + abc - - inside + + Quadrant - + + Distance + Distantzia + + + + outside + kanpoan + + + + inside + barruan + + + Maximum angle between curved characters - + Karaktere kurbatuen arteko angelu maximoa - - X - + X - Text/Buffer sample - + Testu/buffer lagina - - + + Pen join style - + Arkatza fusionatzeko estiloa - - - - Blending mode - + Nahaste-modua - + Drop shadow - + Itzala - + Offset - + Desplazamendua - - Y - + Y - Radius blur (rasterizes shadow) - + Erradio-lausotzea (itzala rasterizatzen du) - % - + % - + Scale - + Eskala - + + + + Background - + Atzeko planoa - Select SVG symbol - + Hautatu SVG ikurra - Fill - + Betegarria - Size X,Y - + Tamaina X,Y - + Load symbol parameters - + Kargatu ikur-parametroak - + % of length - + Luzeraren % - - + + Fixed - + Finkoa - + + Offset X,Y - + Desplazamendua X,Y - + Rectangle - + Laukizuzena - + Square - + Koadroa - + Ellipse - + Elipsea - + Circle - + Zirkulua - + SVG - + SVG - + Shape - + Forma - + Sync with label - + Sinkronizatu etiketarekin - + Offset of label - + Etiketaren desplazamendua - + Radius X,Y - + X,Y erradioa - + Border width - + Ertz-zabalera - + symbol units - + ikur-unitateak - Border - + Ertza - Above Right - + Goi eskuinean - Above Left - + Goi ezkerrean - Over - + Gainean - Above - + Goian - Below Left - + Azpi ezkerrean - Below - + Azpian - Below Right - + Azpi eskuinean - Options - + Aukerak - + Merge connected lines to avoid duplicate labels - + Fusionatu konektatutako lerroak etiketa bikoiztuak saihesteko - + Label every part of multi-part features + Etiketatu zati anitzeko elementuen zati guztiak + + + + Feature options - + Suppress labeling of features smaller than - + Ez etiketatu hurrengoa baino txikiagoak diren elementuak - + mm - + mm - Features don't act as obstacles for labels - + Elementuak ez dira oztopo etiketentzako - Automated placement settings - + Kokapen automatikorako ezarpenak - + Show all labels for this layer (including colliding labels) - + Erakutsi geruza honetako etiketa guztiak (baita talka egiten dituztenak ere) - + Show upside-down labels - + Erakutsi buruz beherako etiketak - + never - + inoiz ez - + when rotation defined - + biraketa definitutakoan - + always - + beti - + Limit number of features to be labeled to - + Mugatu etiketatuko den elementu-kopurua - + Number of features sent to labeling engine, though not all may be labeled - + Etiketatze-motorrera bidalitatu elementu-kopurua, nahiz eta agian denak ez diren etiketatuko - Use label background size in collision calculations - + Erabili etiketen atzeko planoaren tamaina talka-kalkuluetan - Data defined settings - + Datuek definitutako ezarpenak - Buffer properties - + Buffer-propietateak - Buffer size - + Buffer-tamaina - Buffer color - + Buffer-kolorea - Buffer transparency - + Buffer-gardentasuna - + Position - + Posizioa - X Coordinate - + X koordenatua - Y Coordinate - + Y koordenatua - Horizontal alignment - + Lerrokatze horizontala - Vertical alignment - + Lerrokatze bertikala - + Uncheck to write labeling engine derived rotation on pin and NULL on unpin - + Kendu marka etiketatze-motorrak ezarritako biraketa idazteko finkatzean, eta NULL askatzean - Preserve existing rotation values during label pin/unpin operations - + Mantendu biraketa-balioak etiketak finkatzean/askatzean - Display properties - + Erakutsi propietateak - + Always show - + Erakutsi beti - Minimum scale - + Eskala minimoa - + Show label - + Erakutsi etiketa - Maximum scale - + Eskala maximoa - Font properties - + Letra-tipoaren propietateak - Bold - + Lodia - Italic - + Etzana - Underline - + Azpimarratua - Strikeout - + Marratua - Font family - + Letra-tipoa - Capitalization - + Maiuskulak - Multi-line align - + Lerro anitzeko lerrokatzea - Add label columns to attribute table - + Gehitu etiketa-zutabeak atributu-taulara - About data defined values - + Datuek definitutako propietateei buruz @@ -25920,161 +28033,177 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Outline: %1 - + Trazua: %1 QgsLegend - - + + sub-group - + azpitaldea - - + + group - + taldea - + Legend context - + Legenda-testuingurua - + &Properties - + &Propietateak - + &Make to Toplevel Item - + Zoom to Group - + Zoom taldera - + &Remove - + &Kendu - + &Set Group CRS - + Ezarri taldearen &CRSa - + Re&name - + Be&rrizendatu - + &Group Selected - + &Taldea hautatuta - + Copy Style - + Kopiatu estiloa - + Paste Style - + Itsatsi estiloa - + &Add New Group - + &Gehitu talde berria - + &Expand All - + &Hedatu dena - + &Collapse All - + &Tolestu dena - + &Update Drawing Order + Eguneratu &marrazte-ordena + + + + Not fully defined drawing order set to legend order. + + + Legend + Legenda + QgsLegendLayer - - &Zoom to Layer Extent + + following %1 items +not displayed - + + &Zoom to Layer Extent + &Zoom geruzaren hedadurara + + + &Zoom to Best Scale (100%) - + &Zoom eskala onenera (% 100) - + &Stretch Using Current Extent - + &Luzatu uneko hedadura erabiliz - + &Show in Overview - + &Erakutsi ikuspegi orokorrean - + &Remove - + &Kendu - + &Duplicate - + &Bikoiztu - + &Set Layer CRS - + Ezarri geruzaren &CRSa - + Set &Project CRS from Layer - + Ezarri &proiektuaren CRSa geruzatik - + &Open Attribute Table - + &Ireki atributu-taula - - + + Save As... - + Gorde honela... - + Save Selection As... - + Gorde hautapena honela... - + &Filter... - + Ira&gazkia... - + Show Feature Count - + Erakutsi elementu-kopurua @@ -26082,89 +28211,118 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Group - + Taldea QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayerWidget - + Angle - + Angelua - + Distance - + Distantzia - + Line width - + Lerro-zabalera - + Color + Kolorea + + + + QgsLoadStyleFromDBDialogLayout + + + Add column + Gehitu zutabea + + + + Styles related to the layer + + + + + Other styles on the database + + + Cancel + Utzi + + + + Load Style + Kargatu estiloa + QgsManageConnectionsDialog Select all - + Hautatu dena Clear selection - + Garbitu hautapena Select connections to import - + Hautatu inportatuko diren konexioak Import - + Inportatu Export - + Esportatu Export/import error - + Esportazio/inportazio-errorea You should select at least one connection from list. - + Gutxienez konexio bat hautatu behar duzu zerrendatik. Save connections - + Gorde konexioak XML files (*.xml *.XML) - + XML fitxategiak (*.xml, *.XML) Saving connections - + Konexioak gordetzen Cannot write file %1: %2. - + Ezin da %1 fitxategia idatzi: +%2. @@ -26177,80 +28335,82 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + Loading connections - + Konexioak kargatzen Cannot read file %1: %2. - + Ezin da %1 fitxategia irakurri: +%2. Parse error at line %1, column %2: %3 - + Analisi-errorea %1 lerroan, %2 zutabean: +%3 The file is not an WMS connections exchange file. - + Fitxategia ez da WMS konexioak trukatzeko fitxategia. - + The file is not an WFS connections exchange file. - + Fitxategia ez da WFS konexioak trukatzeko fitxategia. The file is not an WCS connections exchange file. - + Fitxategia ez da WCS konexioak trukatzeko fitxategia. - + The file is not an PostGIS connections exchange file. - + Fitxategia ez da PostGIS konexioak trukatzeko fitxategia. - + The file is not an MSSQL connections exchange file. - + Fitxategia ez da WMS konexioak trukatzeko fitxategia. - + The file is not an Oracle connections exchange file. - + Fitxategia ez da Oracle konexioak trukatzeko fitxategia. - + The file is not an %1 connections exchange file. - + Fitxategia ez da %1 konexioak trukatzeko fitxategia. - - - - - + + + + + Connection with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? - + Jadanik badago '%1' izena duen konexioa. Gainidatzi? @@ -26258,12 +28418,12 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Manage connections - + Kudeatu konexioak Select connections to export - + Hautatu esportatuko diren konexioak @@ -26271,30 +28431,32 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Canvas refresh: %1 ms - + Oihal-freskatzea: %1 ms , sender '%1' - + , '%1' bidaltzailea Rendering - + Errendatzen Could not draw %1 because: %2 COMMENTED OUT - + Ezin da %1 idatzi honegatik: +%2 Could not draw %1 because: %2 - + Ezin da %1 idatzi honegatik: +%2 @@ -26302,7 +28464,7 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. From map canvas - + Mapa-oihaletik @@ -26310,7 +28472,7 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Enter map coordinates - + Sartu mapa-koordenatuak @@ -26320,130 +28482,130 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. X / East: - + X / Ekialdea: Y / North: - + Y / Iparraldea: Snap to background layers - + Atxikitu atzeko planoko geruzei QgsMapLayer - - + + Specify CRS for layer %1 - + Adierazi %1 geruzaren CRSa - - - + + + %1 at line %2 column %3 - + %1 %2 lerroan, %3 zutabean - + style not found in database - + Estiloa ez da aurkitu datu-basean - + Error: qgis element could not be found in %1 - + Errorea: ezin izan da qgis elementua aurkitu %1(e)n - - + + Loading style file %1 failed because: %2 - + %1 estilo-fitxategia kargatzeak huts egin du: +%2 - + - Could not save symbology because: %1 - + Ezin izan da sinbologia gorde: %1 - - + + The directory containing your dataset needs to be writable! - + Zure datu-multzoa duen direktorioak idazgarria izan behar du! - - + + Created default style file as %1 - + Estilo-fitxategi lehenetsia sortu da %1 izenarekin - + ERROR: Failed to created default style file as %1. Check file permissions and retry. - + Errorea: Ezin izan da %1 estilo-fitxategi lehenetsia. Egiaztatu fitxategia idazteko baimenak eta saiatu berriro. - + User database could not be opened. - + Erabiltzailearen datu-basea ezin izan da ireki. - + The style table could not be created. - + Estilo-taula ezin izan da sortu. - + The style %1 was saved to database - + %1 estiloa datu-basean gorde da - + The style %1 was updated in the database. - + %1 estiloa datu-basean eguneratu da. - + The style %1 could not be updated in the database. - + %1 estiloa ezin izan da datu-basean eguneratu. - + The style %1 could not be inserted into database. - + %1 estiloa ezin izan da datu-basean txertatu. - + ERROR: Failed to created SLD style file as %1. Check file permissions and retry. - + Errorea: Ezin izan da SLD estiloa sortu %1 izenarekin. Egiaztatu fitxategia idazteko baimenak eta saiatu berriro. - + Unable to open file %1 - + Ezin izan da %1 fitxategia ireki QgsMapRenderer - - + + Transform error caught: %1 - + Transformazio-errorea atzitu da: %1 - - + + CRS - + CRSa @@ -26451,57 +28613,57 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. add feature - + gehitu elementua Layer cannot be added to - + Geruza ezin da gehitu hona The data provider for this layer does not support the addition of features. - + Geruza honen data-hornitzaileak ez du onartzen elementuak gehitzeak. Wrong editing tool - + Edizio-tresna okerra Cannot apply the 'capture point' tool on this vector layer - + Ezin da 'kapturatu puntua' tresna aplikatu geruza bektorial honetan Coordinate transform error - + Errorea koordenatu-transformazioan Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system - + Ezin izan da puntua geruzen koordenatu-sistemara transformatu Feature added - + Elementua gehitu da Cannot apply the 'capture line' tool on this vector layer - + Ezin da 'kapturatu lerroa' tresna aplikatu geruza bektorial honetan Cannot apply the 'capture polygon' tool on this vector layer - + Ezin da 'kapturatu poligonoa' tresna aplikatu geruza bektorial honetan @@ -26510,33 +28672,33 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Error - + Errorea Cannot add feature. Unknown WKB type - + Ezin da elementua gehitu. WKB mota ezezaguna The feature could not be added because removing the polygon intersections would change the geometry type - + Ezin izan da elementua gehitu, poligono-ebaketak kentzeak geometria-mota aldatuko bailuke An error was reported during intersection removal - + Errorea gertatu da ebaketak kentzean The feature cannot be added because it's geometry is empty - + Elementua ezin da gehitu haren geometria hutsik dagoelako The feature cannot be added because it's geometry collapsed due to intersection avoidance - + Ezin da elementua gehitu, haren geometria kolapsatu egin baita ebaketak saihesteko hoberpenagatik @@ -26545,63 +28707,63 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. No feature selected. Please select a feature with the selection tool or in the attribute table - + Ez dago elementu hautaturik. Hautatu elementu bat hautapen-tresnarekin edo atributu-taulan Several features are selected. Please select only one feature to which an part should be added. - + Hainbat elementu hautatu dira. Hautatu elementu bakar bat, zati bat gehitu ahal izateko. Error. Could not add part. - + Errorea. Ezin da zatia gehitu. Part added - + Zatia gehitu da Coordinate transform error - + Errorea koordenatu-transformazioan Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system - + Ezin izan da puntua geruzen koordenatu-sistemara transformatu Selected feature is not multi part. - + Hautatutako elementua ez da zati anitzekoa. New part's geometry is not valid. - + Zati berriaren geometria ez da baliozkoa. New polygon ring not disjoint with existing polygons. - + Poligono-eraztun berria ez dago existitzen diren poligonoetatik aparte. Several features are selected. Please select only one feature to which an island should be added. - + Hainbat elementu hautatu dira. Hautatu elementu bakar bat, uharte bat gehitu ahal izateko. Selected geometry could not be found - + Ezin izan da aurkitu hautatutako geometria Error, could not add part - + Errorea, ezin izan da zatia gehitu @@ -26609,52 +28771,52 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Coordinate transform error - + Errorea koordenatu-transformazioan Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system - + Ezin izan da puntua geruzen koordenatu-sistemara transformatu Ring added - + Eraztuna gehitu da A problem with geometry type occured - + Errorea gertatu da geometria-motarekin The inserted Ring is not closed - + Txertatutako eraztuna ez dago itxita The inserted Ring is not a valid geometry - + Txertatutako eraztunak ez dauka geometria zuzena The inserted Ring crosses existing rings - + Txertatutako eraztunak beste eraztun batzuk zeharkatzen ditu The inserted Ring is not contained in a feature - + Txertatutako eraztuna ez dago elementu baten barruan An unknown error occured - + Errore ezezaguna gertatu da Error, could not add ring - + Errorea, ezin izan da eraztuna gehitu @@ -26662,20 +28824,20 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Added vertex - + Gehitutako erpina QgsMapToolCapture - + Validation started. - + Balidazioa hasi da. - + Validation finished. - + Balidazioa amaitu da. @@ -26683,7 +28845,7 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Changed properties for label - + Etiketaren propietateak aldatu dira @@ -26692,22 +28854,22 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Delete part - + Ezabatu zatia This isn't a multipart geometry. - + Hau ez da zati anitzeko geometria. Part of multipart feature deleted - + Zati anitzeko elementuko zatia ezabatu da Couldn't remove the selected part. - + Ezin izan da hautatutako zatia ezabatu. @@ -26715,7 +28877,7 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Ring deleted - + Eraztuna ezabatu da @@ -26723,7 +28885,7 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Vertex deleted - + Erpina ezabatu da @@ -26731,22 +28893,22 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. No active vector layer - + Ez dago geruza bektorial aktiborik Choose a vector layer in the legend - + Hautatu geruza bektorial bat legendan Layer not editable - + Geruza ezin da editatu Use 'Toggle Editing' to make it editable - + Erabili 'Txandakatu edizioa' hura editatzeko @@ -26754,27 +28916,27 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. No active vector layer - + Ez dago geruza bektorial aktiborik To run an action, you must choose a vector layer by clicking on its name in the legend - + Ekintza bat exekutatzeko, geruza bektorial bat hautatu behar duzu legendan haren izenean klik eginez No actions available - + Ez dago ekintzarik erabilgarri The active vector layer has no defined actions - + Geruza aktiboak ez dauka ekintzarik definituta No features at this position found. - + Ez da elementurik aurkitu posizio honetan. @@ -26782,23 +28944,23 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Identifying on %1... - + %1(e)en identifikatzen... Identifying done. - + Identifikazioa egina. (clicked coordinate) - + (klikatutako koordenatua) Length - + Luzera @@ -26825,37 +28987,37 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Area - + Azalera Perimeter - + Perimetroa no data - + daturik ez Error - + Errorea feature id - + Elementuaren IDa No active layer. To identify features, you must choose an active layer. - + Ez dago geruza aktiborik. Elementuak identifikatzeko, geruza aktibo bat hautatu behar duzu. new feature - + elementu berria @@ -26863,7 +29025,7 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. No features at this position found. - + Ez da elementurik aurkitu posizio honetan. @@ -26871,7 +29033,7 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Feature moved - + Elementu geografikoa mugitu da @@ -26879,7 +29041,7 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Moved label - + Etiketa mugitu da @@ -26887,7 +29049,7 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Vertex moved - + Erpina mugitu da @@ -26895,7 +29057,7 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Inserted vertex - + Erpina txertatu da @@ -26903,22 +29065,22 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Offset curve - + Desplazamendu-kurba Offset: - + Desplazamendua: Geometry error - + Geometria-errorea Creating offset geometry failed - + Desplazamendu-geometria sortzeak huts egin du @@ -26926,12 +29088,12 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Pinned label - + Finkatutako etiketa Unpinned label - + Askatutako etiketa @@ -26939,17 +29101,17 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Coordinate transform error - + Errorea koordenatuen transformazioan Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system - + Ezin da puntua transformatu geruzen koordenatu-sistemarekin bat egiteko Reshape - + Aldatu forma @@ -26957,7 +29119,7 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Features Rotated - + Elementuak biratu dira @@ -26965,7 +29127,7 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Rotated label - + Etiketa biratu da @@ -26973,27 +29135,27 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. No point feature - + Ez dago puntu-elementurik No point feature was detected at the clicked position. Please click closer to the feature or enhance the search tolerance under Settings->Options->Digitizing->Serch radius for vertex edits - + Ez da puntu-elementurik antzeman klik egin den posizioan. Egin klik elementutik hurbilago edo handitu bilaketa-tolerantzia Ezarpenak->Aukerak->Digitalizazioa-> Bilaketa-erradioa erpin-ediziorako atalean No rotation Attributes - + Ez dago biraketa-atributurik The active point layer does not have a rotation attribute - + Puntu-geruza aktiboak ez dauka biraketa-atributurik Rotate symbol - + Biratu ikurra @@ -27001,12 +29163,12 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Hid labels - + Ezkutatutako etiketak Showed labels - + Erakutsitako etiketak @@ -27014,23 +29176,23 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Geometry simplified - + Geometria sinplifikatu da Unsupported operation - + Eragiketa ez da onartzen Multipart features are not supported for simplification. - + Zati anitzeko elementuak ezin dira sinplifikatu. This feature cannot be simplified. Check if feature has enough vertices to be simplified. - + Elementu hau ezin da sinplifikatu. Egiaztatu elementuak aski erpin dituen sinplifikatua izateko. @@ -27038,49 +29200,49 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Coordinate transform error - + Errorea koordenatu-transformazioan Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system - + Ezin izan da puntua geruzen koordenatu-sistemara transformatu Features split - + Elementuak zatitu dira No feature split done - + Ez da elementurik zatitu If there are selected features, the split tool only applies to the selected ones. If you like to split all features under the split line, clear the selection - + Hautatutako elementuak badaude, zatitze-tresna hautatutakoetan soilik aplikatuko da. Zatitze-lerroaren azpian dauden elementu guztiak zatitu nahi badituzu, garbitu hautapena Cut edges detected. Make sure the line splits features into multiple parts. - + Mozketa-ertzak detektatu dira. Segurtatu lerroak hainbat zatitan mozten duela elementua. The geometry is invalid. Please repair before trying to split it. - + Geometria baliogabea da. Konpondu hura ezer zatitzen saiatu baino lehen. Split error - + Zatitze-errorea An error occured during feature splitting - + Errorea gertatu da elementua zatitzean @@ -27088,22 +29250,22 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Snap tolerance - + Atxikitze-tolerantzia Don't show this message again - + Ez erakutsi mezu hau berriro Could not snap segment. - + Ezin izan da segmentua atxikitu. Have you set the tolerance in Settings > Project Properties > General? - + Ezarri al duzu tolerantzia Ezarpenak > Proiektuaren propietateak > Orokorra atalean? @@ -27111,17 +29273,17 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. MapServer Export: Save project to MapFile - + MapServer esportazioa: Gorde proiektua MapFile-an Use current project - + Erabili uneko proiektua Full path to the QGIS project file to export to MapServer map format - + MapServer mapa-formatura esportatuko den QGIS proiektu-fitxategiaren bide osoa @@ -27129,78 +29291,78 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. Browse... - + Arakatu... Map file - + Mapa-fitxategia Name for the map file to be created from the QGIS project file - + QGIS proiektu-fitxategitik sortuko den mapa-fitxategiaren izena Save As... - + Gorde honela... If checked, only the layer information will be processed - + Markatuta badago, geruza-informazioa soilik prozesatuko da LAYER information only - + GERUZA informazioa soilik Map - + Mapa Name - + Izena Prefix attached to map, scalebar and legend GIF filenames created using this MapFile - + MapFile hau erabiliz sortutako mapa, eskala-barra eta legendaren GIF fitxategi-izenei aurrizkia itsatsi zaie Image type - + Irudi-mota Rendering - + Errendatzea Width - + Zabalera Height - + Altuera Units - + Unitateak MapServer url - + MapServerren URLa @@ -27208,148 +29370,156 @@ This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. For example: - + MapServer exekutagarriaren URLa. + +Adibidez: + Paths - + Bideak Inline - + Barnean Symbolset - + Ikur-multzoa Use templates - + Erabili txantiloiak Path to the MapServer template file - + MapServer txantiloi-fitxategiaren bidea The file name of the fonts file. - + Letra-tipoen fitxategiaren fitxategi-izena. Fontset - + Letra-tipoen multzoa The file name of the symbols file. - + Ikur-fitxategiaren izena. Template - + Txantiloia Header - + Goiburua Footer - + Oina Layer/label options - + Geruza/etiketa aukerak Forces labels on, regardless of collisions. Available only for cached labels. - + Behartu etiketak agertzera, talkak egon arren. Cache-an jarritako etiketak soilik. Force - + Behartu Should text be antialiased? Note that this requires more available colors, decreases drawing performance, and results in slightly larger output images. - + Testua antialiasarekin marraztu? Kontuan izan honek kolore gehiago behar dituela, performantzia txikitzen duela eta pixka bat handiagoak diren irteerako irudiak ekoizten dituela. Anti-alias - + Antialiasa Can text run off the edge of the map? - + Atera al daiteke testua maparen ertzetik at? Partials - + Partzialak Check to allow MapServer to return data in GML format. Useful when used with WMS GetFeatureInfo operations. - + Markatu MapServer-ek datuak GML formatuan itzul ditzan. Erabilgarria WMS GetFeatureInfo eragiketak erabiltzean. Dump - + Irauli meters - + metroak dd - + dd feet - + oinak miles - + miliak inches - + hazbeteak kilometers - + kilometroak QgsMarkerLineSymbolLayerV2Widget - + Interval - + Tartea - + Line offset - + Lerro-desplazamendua - + Placement + Kokapena + + + + 'vertex'|'lastvertex'|'firstvertex'|'centerpoint' @@ -27358,17 +29528,17 @@ Measure - + Neurria Total - + Guztira Segments - + Segmentuak @@ -27376,57 +29546,57 @@ &New - + &Berria The calculations are based on: - + Kalkuluak honetan oinarrituta daude: Project CRS transformation is turned off. - + Proiektuaren CRSaren transformazioa desgaituta dago. Canvas units setting is taken from project properties setting (%1). - + Oihal-unitateen ezarpena proiektu-propietateen ezarpenetatik hartuta dago (%1). Ellipsoidal calculation is not possible, as project CRS is undefined. - + Ezin da kalkulu elipsoidala aplikatu, proiektuaren CRSa ez baitago definituta. Project CRS transformation is turned on and ellipsoidal calculation is selected. - + Proiektuaren CRSaren transformazioa aktibatuta eta kalkulu elipsoidala hautatuta dago. The coordinates are transformed to the chosen ellipsoid (%1), and the result is in meters - + Koordenatuak hautatutako elipsoidera (%1) transformatu dira, eta emaitza metrotan dago Project CRS transformation is turned on but ellipsoidal calculation is not selected. - + Proiektuaren CRSaren transformazioa aktibatuta dago, baina kalkulu elipsoidala ez dago hautatuta. The canvas units setting is taken from the project CRS (%1). - + Oihal-unitateen ezarpena proiektuaren CRStik hartuta dago (%1). Finally, the value is converted from %1 to %2. - + Azkenik, balioa %1(e)tik %2(e)ra bihurtu da. Segments [%1] - + Segmentuak [%1] @@ -27434,12 +29604,12 @@ Incorrect measure results - + Neurketaren emaitza okerrak <p>This map is defined with a geographic coordinate system (latitude/longitude) but the map extents suggests that it is actually a projected coordinate system (e.g., Mercator). If so, the results from line or area measurements will be incorrect.</p><p>To fix this, explicitly set an appropriate map coordinate system using the <tt>Settings:Project Properties</tt> menu. - + <p>Mapa hau koordenatu-sistema geografiko batekin definituta dago (latitudea/longitudea) baina mapa-hedadurak iradokitzen du koordenatu-sistema proiektatua dela (adib. Mercator). Horrela bada, lerroak edo azalerak neurtzean emaitzak okerrak izango dira.</p><p>Hau konpontzeko, ezarri esplizituki maparen koordenatu-sistema egokia <tt>Ezarpenak -> Proiektu-propietateak</tt> menua erabiliz. @@ -27447,17 +29617,17 @@ Whole number (integer) - + Zenbaki osoa (osoa) Decimal number (real) - + Zenbaki hamartarra (erreala) Text (string) - + Testua (katea) @@ -27465,59 +29635,59 @@ Id - + IDa Merge - + Fusionatu feature %1 - + %1 elementua Minimum - + Minimoa Feature %1 - + %1 elementua Maximum - + Maximoa Median - + Batez bestekoa Sum - + Batuketa Concatenation - + Konkatenazioa Mean - + Batez bestekoa @@ -27525,12 +29695,12 @@ Skip attribute - + Saltatu atributua Skipped - + Saltatua @@ -27538,17 +29708,17 @@ Merge feature attributes - + Fusionatu elementu-atributuak Take attributes from selected feature - + Hautatutako elementuaren atributuak hartzen ditu Remove feature from selection - + Kendu elementua hautapenetik @@ -27556,22 +29726,22 @@ Remaining messages - + Geratzen diren mezuak Close all - + Itxi denak Close - + Itxi more - + gehiago @@ -27579,38 +29749,38 @@ QGIS Log - + QGIS egunkaria No messages. - + Mezurik ez. %1 message(s) logged. - + %1 mezu gorde dira egunkarian. General - + Orokorra Timestamp - + data-zigilua Message - + Mezua Level - + Maila @@ -27618,12 +29788,12 @@ QGIS Message - + QGIS mezua Don't show this message again - + Ez erakutsi mezu hau berriro @@ -27631,41 +29801,42 @@ Edit... - + Editatu... Delete - + Ezabatu %1: Not a vector layer! - + %1: Ez da geruza bektoriala! %1: OK! - + %1: OK! Import to MSSQL database - + Inportatu MSSQL datu-base batera Failed to import some layers! - + Zenbait geruzaren inportazioak huts egin du! + Import was successful. - + Inportazioa ongi egin da. @@ -27673,23 +29844,23 @@ Saving passwords - + Pasahitzak gordetzen WARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button. - + ABISUA: Zure pasahitza gordetzea aukeratu duzu. Testu arrunt gisa fordeko da zure proiektu-fitxategietan eta zure direktorio nagusian UNIX motako sistemetan, edo zure erabiltzaile-profilean Windowsen. Hori gertatzerik nahi ez baduzu, sakatu Utzi botoia. Save connection - + Gorde konexioa Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? - + Jadanik existitzen den %1 konexioa gainidatzi? @@ -27697,26 +29868,26 @@ Test connection - + Probatu konexioa Connection failed - Host name hasn't been specified. - + Konexioak huts egin du - Ostalari-izena ez da adierazi. Connection failed - Database name hasn't been specified. - + Konexioak huts egin du - Datu-basearen izena ez da adierazi. Connection to %1 was successful - + Konexioa %1(e)kin ongi egin da @@ -27724,82 +29895,82 @@ Create a New MSSQL connection - + Sortu MSSQL konexio berria Connection Information - + Konexio-informazioa Name - + Izena Provider/DSN - + Hornitzailea/DSNa Host - + Ostalaria Database - + Datu-basea Username - + Erabiltzaile-izena Password - + Pasahitza Name of the new connection - + Konexio berriaren izena Trusted Connection - + Konexio fidagarria Save Username - + Gorde erabiltzaile-izena &Test Connect - + &Probatu konexioa Save Password - + Gorde pasahitza Only look in the geometry_columns metadata table - + geometry_columns metadatu-taulan soilik begiratu Also list tables with no geometry - + Geometriarik ez duten taulak ere zerrendatu Use estimated table parameters - + Erabili zenbatetsitako taula-parametroak @@ -27807,72 +29978,72 @@ 8 Bytes integer - + 8 byte-ko osoa 4 Bytes integer - + 4 byte-ko osoa 2 Bytes integer - + 2 byte-ko osoa 1 Bytes integer - + Byte 1eko osoa Decimal number (numeric) - + Zenbaki hamartarra (zenbakizkoa) Decimal number (decimal) - + Zenbaki hamartarra (hamartarra) Decimal number (real) - + Zenbaki hamartarra (erreala) Decimal number (double) - + Zenbaki hamartarra (bikoitza) Text, fixed length (char) - + Testua, luzera finkoa (char) Text, limited variable length (varchar) - + Testua, luzera aldakor mugatua (varchar) Text, fixed length unicode (nchar) - + Testua, luzera finko unicode-a (nchar) Text, limited variable length unicode (nvarchar) - + Testua, luzera aldakor mugatu unicode-a (nvarchar) Text, unlimited length (text) - + Testua, luzera mugagabea (text) Text, unlimited length unicode (ntext) - + Testua, luzera mugagabe unicode-a (ntext) @@ -27880,7 +30051,7 @@ New Connection... - + Konexio berria... @@ -27888,12 +30059,12 @@ %1 as %2 in %3 - + %1 %2 gisa %3(e)n as geometryless table - + geometriarik gabeko taula gisa @@ -27901,112 +30072,112 @@ Add MSSQL Table(s) - + Gehitu MSSQL taula(k) &Add - + &Gehitu &Set Filter - + &Ezarri iragazkia Set Filter - + Ezarri iragazkia Wildcard - + Komodina RegExp - + RegExp All - + Dena Schema - + Eskema Table - + Taula Type - + Mota Geometry column - + Geometria-zutabea Primary key column - + Gako nagusiaren zutabea SRID - + SRID Sql - + SQL Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? - + Seguru zaude %1 konexioa eta hari lotutako ezarpen guztiak kendu nahi dituzula? Confirm Delete - + Baieztatu ezabatzea Load connections - + Kargatu konexioak XML files (*.xml *XML) - + XML fitxategiak (*.xml *XML) Select Table - + Hautatu taula You must select a table in order to add a layer. - + Taula bat hautatu behar duzu geruza bat gehitzeko. @@ -28014,17 +30185,17 @@ MSSQL Provider - + MSSQL hornitzailea Stop - + gelditu Connect - + Konektatu @@ -28032,7 +30203,7 @@ Select... - + Hautatu... @@ -28040,47 +30211,47 @@ Schema - + Eskema Table - + Taula Type - + Mota Geometry column - + Geometria-zutabea SRID - + SRID Primary key column - + Gako nagusiaren zutabea Select at id - + Hautatu ID bat Sql - + SQL Detecting... - + Detektatzen... @@ -28088,7 +30259,7 @@ Select... - + Hautatu... @@ -28098,47 +30269,47 @@ Enter... - + Sartu... Point - + Puntua Multipoint - + Puntuanitza Line - + Lerroa Multiline - + Lerroanitza Polygon - + Poligonoa Multipolygon - + Poligonoanitza No Geometry - + Geometriarik ez Unknown Geometry - + Geometria ezezaguna @@ -28148,42 +30319,42 @@ Not set - + Ezarri gabea No enhancement - + Nabarmentzerik ez Stretch to MinMax - + Luzatu minimo/maximora Stretch and clip to MinMax - + Luzatu eta moztu minimo/maximora Clip to MinMax - + Moztu minimo/maximora Red - + Gorria Green - + Berdea Blue - + Urdina @@ -28191,35 +30362,35 @@ Form - + Formularioa Contrast enhancement - + Kontraste-nabarmentzea Min/max - + Min/max Red band - + Banda gorria Green band - + Banda berdea Blue band - + Banda urdina @@ -28227,12 +30398,12 @@ enhancement Network request %1 timed out - + %1 sare-eskaria denboraz kanpo Network - + Sarea @@ -28240,7 +30411,7 @@ enhancement Cannot find boundary in multipart content type - + Ezin da muga aurkitu zati anitzeko eduki-motan @@ -28248,38 +30419,39 @@ enhancement Create a new %1 connection - + Sortu %1 konexioa berria - + Ignore GetCoverage URI reported in capabilities - + Ezikusi gaitasunetan jakinarazitako GetCoverage URIa - + Ignore axis orientation - + Ezikusi ardatz-orientazioa - + Save connection - + Gorde konexioa - + Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? - + Jadanik existitzen den %1 konexioa gainidatzi? - + Saving passwords - + Pasahitzak gordetzen - + WARNING: You have entered a password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button. Note: giving the password is optional. It will be requested interactivly, when needed. - + ABISUA: Zure pasahitza gordetzea aukeratu duzu. Testu arrunt gisa fordeko da zure proiektu-fitxategietan eta zure direktorio nagusian UNIX motako sistemetan, edo zure erabiltzaile-profilean Windowsen. Hori gertatzerik nahi ez baduzu, sakatu Utzi botoia. +Oharra: pasahitza aukerakoa denez, modu interaktiboan eskatuko da, beharrezkoa bada. @@ -28287,70 +30459,75 @@ Note: giving the password is optional. It will be requested interactivly, when n Create a new WMS connection - + Sortu WMS konexio berria Connection details - + Konexio-xehetasunak URL - + URLa If the service requires basic authentication, enter a user name and optional password - + Zerbitzuak oinarrizko autentifikazioa behar badu, erabili erabiltzaile-izena eta aukerako pasahitz bat Password - + Pasahitza &User name - + &Erabiltzaile-izena Name - + Izena Name of the new connection - + Konexioa berriaren izena HTTP address of the Web Map Server - + Web Map Server-en HTTP helbidea Ignore GetFeatureInfo URI reported in capabilities - + Ezikusi gaitasunetan jakinarazitako GetFeatureInfo URIa Ignore GetMap URI reported in capabilities - + Ezikusi gaitasunetan jakinarazitako GetMap URIa Ignore axis orientation (WMS 1.3/WMTS) - + Ezikusi ardatz-orientazioa (WMS 1.3/WMTS) Invert axis orientation + Alderantzikatu ardatz-orientazioa + + + + Smooth pixmap transform - + Referer @@ -28361,7 +30538,7 @@ Note: giving the password is optional. It will be requested interactivly, when n Test connection - + Probatu konexioa @@ -28369,22 +30546,25 @@ Note: giving the password is optional. It will be requested interactivly, when n Extended error information: %1 - + Konexioak huts egin du - Egiaztatu ezarpenak eta saiatu berriro. + +Errore-informazio hedatua: +%1 Connection to %1 was successful - + %1 konexioa ongi egin da Save connection - + Gorde konexioa Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? - + Jadanik existitzen den %1 konexioa gainidatzi? @@ -28392,62 +30572,62 @@ Extended error information: Create a New OGR Database connection - + Sortu OGR datu-base baten konexio berria Connection Information - + Konexio-informazioa Type - + Mota Name - + Izena Name of the new connection - + Konexio berriaren izena Host - + Ostalaria Database - + Datu-basea Port - + Ataka Username - + Erabiltzaile-izena Password - + Pasahitza Save Password - + Gorde pasahitza &Test Connect - + &Probatu konexioa @@ -28455,27 +30635,27 @@ Extended error information: Text data - + Testu-datua Whole number - + Zenbaki osoa Decimal number - + Zenbaki hamartarra New SpatiaLite Database File - + SpatiaLite datu-base fitxategi berria SpatiaLite - + SpatiaLite @@ -28483,80 +30663,82 @@ Extended error information: SpatiaLite Database - + SpatiaLite datu-basea Unable to open the database - + Ezin da datu-basea ireki Error - + Errorea Failed to load SRIDS: %1 - + Ezin izan da SRIDSa kargatu: %1 @ - + @ Registered new database! - + Datu-base berria erregistratu da! Unable to open the database: %1 - + Ezin da datu-basea ireki: %1 Error Creating SpatiaLite Table - + Errorea SpatiaLite taula sortzean Failed to create the SpatiaLite table %1. The database returned: %2 - + Ezin da %1 SpatiaLite taula sortu. Datu-baseak hurrengoa itzuli du: +%2 Error Creating Geometry Column - + Errorea geometria-zutabea sortzean Failed to create the geometry column. The database returned: %1 - + Ezin izan da geometria-zutabea sortu. Datu-baseak hurrengoa itzuli du: %1 Error Creating Spatial Index - + Errorea SpatiaLite indidez sortzean Failed to create the spatial index. The database returned: %1 - + Ezin izan da indize espaziala sortu. Datu-baseak hurrengoa itzuli du: +%1 Invalid Layer - + Geruza baliogabea %1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. - + %1 geruza baliogabea da eta ezin da kargatu. @@ -28564,147 +30746,147 @@ Extended error information: New Spatialite Layer - + SpatiaLite geruza berria Database - + Datu-basea Create a new Spatialite database - + Sortu SpatiaLite datu-base berria ... - + ... Layer name - + Geruza-izena Name for the new layer - + Geruza berriaren izena Geometry column - + Geometria-zutabea geometry - + geometria Type - + Mota Point - + Puntua Line - + Lerroa Polygon - + Poligonoa MultiPoint - + Puntuanitza Multiline - + Lerroanitza Multipolygon - + Poligonoanitza Spatial Reference Id - + Erreferentzia espazialaren IDa Specify the coordinate reference system of the layer's geometry. - + Adierazi geruza-geometriaren koordinatuen erreferentzia-sistema. Specify CRS - + Adierazi CRSa Add an integer id field as the primary key for the new layer - + Gehitu ID eremu osoa geruza berriaren gako nagusi gisa Create an autoincrementing primary key - + Sortu gako nagusi auto-inkrementala New attribute - + Atributu berria Name - + Izena An attribute name - + Atributu-izen bat Add attribute to list - + Gehitu atributua zerrendari Add to attributes list - + Gehitu atributuen zerrendari Attributes list - + Atributuen zerrenda Delete selected attribute - + Ezabatu hautatutako atributua Remove attribute - + Kendu atributua @@ -28712,27 +30894,27 @@ Extended error information: Text data - + Testu-datua Whole number - + Zenbaki osoa Decimal number - + Zenbaki hamartarra ESRI Shapefile - + ESRI shapefile-a Save As - + Gorde honela @@ -28740,93 +30922,93 @@ Extended error information: New Vector Layer - + Geruza bektorial berria File format - + Fitxategi-formatua Type - + Mota Point - + Puntua Line - + Lerroa Polygon - + Poligonoa New attribute - + Atributu berria Name - + Izena Width - + Zabalera Precision - + Doitasuna Add attribute to list - + Gehitu atributua zerrendara Add to attributes list - + Gehitu atributuen zerrendara Attributes list - + Atributuen zerrenda Delete selected attribute - + Ezabatu hautatutako atributua Remove attribute - + Kendu atributua Specify the coordinate reference system of the layer's geometry. - + Adierazi geruza-geometriaren koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistema. Specify CRS - + Adierazi CRSa @@ -28834,22 +31016,22 @@ Extended error information: Layer ID - + Geruzaren IDa Layer name - + Geruza-izena Nb of features - + Elementu-kopurua Geometry type - + Geometria-mota @@ -28857,12 +31039,12 @@ Extended error information: Select layers to load - + Hautatu kargatuko diren geruzak 1 - + 1 @@ -28870,17 +31052,17 @@ Extended error information: No query has been specified. - + Ez da kontsultarik zehaztu. There is already a pending request for data. - + Datu-eskari bat gauzatzeke dago. Cannot open output file: %1 - + Ezin da irteerako fitxategia ireki: %1 @@ -28888,70 +31070,70 @@ Extended error information: Download OpenStreetMap data - + Deskargatu OpenStreetMap datuak Extent - + Hedadura From map canvas - + Mapa-oihaletik From layer - + Geruzatik Manual - + Eskuz Output file - + Irteera-fitxategia ... - + ... OpenStreetMap files (*.osm) - + OpenStreetMap fitxategiak (*.osm) Download error - + Deskarga-errorea OpenStreetMap download - + OpenStreetMap deskarga Would you like to abort download? - + Deskarga abortatu nahi al duzu? Download failed. %1 - + Deskargak huts egin du: %1 Download has been successful. - + Deskarga ongi egin da. @@ -28959,99 +31141,101 @@ Extended error information: Export OpenStreetMap topology to SpatiaLite - + Esportatu OpenStreetMap topologia SpatiaLite-ra Input DB file - + Sarrerako DB fitxategia ... - + ... Export type - + Esportazio-mota Points (nodes) - + Puntuak (nodoak) Polylines (open ways) - + Polilerroak (bide irekiak) Polygons (closed ways) - + Poligonoak (bide itxiak) Output layer name - + Irteerako geruza-izena Exported tags - + Esportatutako etiketak Load from DB - + Kargatu DBtik &Load into canvas when finished - + &Kargatu oihalean amaitzen denean Tag - + Etiketa Count - + Zenbaketa SQLite databases (*.db) - + SQLite datu-baseak (*.db) Unable to open database: %1 - + Ezin da datu-basea ireki: +%1 OpenStreetMap export - + OpenStreetMap esportazioa Export has been successful. - + Esportazioa ongi egin da. OpenStreetMap import - + OpenStreetMap inportazioa Failed to export OSM data: %1 - + OSM datuak esportatzeak huts egin du: +%1 @@ -29059,79 +31243,80 @@ Extended error information: OpenStreetMap Import - + OpenStreetMap inportazioa Input XML file (.osm) - + Sarrerako XML fitxategia (.osm) ... - + ... Output SpatiaLite DB file - + Irteerako SpatiaLite DB fitxategia Create connection (SpatiaLite) after import - + Sortu konexioa (SpatiaLite) inportazioaren ondoren Connection name - + Konexio-izena OpenStreetMap files (*.osm) - + OpenStreetMap fitxategiak (*.osm) SQLite databases (*.db) - + SQLite datu-baseak (*.db) OpenStreetMap import - + OpenStreetMap inportazioa Output database file exists already. Overwrite? - + Jadanik badago irteerako datu-base fitxategia. Gainidatzi? Failed to import OSM data: %1 - + OSM datuak inportatzeak huts egin du: +%1 Import has been successful. - + Inportazioa ongi egin da. QgsOWSConnection - + WMS Password for %1 - + WMS pasahitza %1(e)rako - + Password - + Pasahitza @@ -29139,12 +31324,12 @@ Extended error information: Edit... - + Editatu... Delete - + Ezabatu @@ -29152,77 +31337,78 @@ Extended error information: &Add - + &Gehitu Add selected layers to map - + Gehitu hautatutako geruzak mapari Always cache - + Cache-atu beti Prefer cache - + Hobetsi cache-a Prefer network - + Hobetsi sarea Always network - + Beti sarea Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? - + Seguru zaude %1 konexioa eta hari lotutako ezarpen guztiak kendu nahi dituzula? Confirm Delete - + Baieztatu ezabaketa Load connections - + Kargatu konexioak XML files (*.xml *XML) - + XML fitxategiak (*.xml *XML) Coordinate Reference System (%n available) crs count - - + + Koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistema (%n eskuragarri) Coordinate Reference System - + Koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistema Could not understand the response: %1 - + Ezin izan da erantzuna ulertu: +%1 WMS proxies - + WMS proxy-ak @@ -29237,17 +31423,17 @@ Extended error information: network error: %1 - + sare-errorea: %1 The %1 connection already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? - + Jadanik badago '%1' izena duen konexioa. Gainidatzi? Confirm Overwrite - + Baieztatu gainidaztea @@ -29255,140 +31441,140 @@ Extended error information: Add Layer(s) from a Server - + Gehitu geruza(k) zerbitzari batetik Ready - + Prest Layers - + Geruzak C&onnect - + K&onektatu &New - + &Berria Edit - + Editatu Delete - + Ezabatu Load connections from file - + Kargatu konexioak fitxategitik Load - + Kargatu Save connections to file - + Gorde konexioak fitxategian Save - + Gorde Adds a few example WMS servers - + Gehitu etsenpluko WMS zerbitzari batzuk Add default servers - + Gehitu zerbitzari lehenetsiak ID - + IDa Name - + Izena Title - + Izenburua Abstract - + Laburpena Time - + Denbora Coordinate Reference System: - + Koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistema: Selected Coordinate Reference System - + Hautatutako koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistema Change ... - + Aldatu... Format - + Formatua Options - + Aukerak Layer name - + Geruza-izena Tile size - + Lauza-tamaina Feature limit for GetFeatureInfo - + Elementu-muga GetFeatureInfo-rako Cache - + Cache-a @@ -29407,127 +31593,127 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val Layer Order - + Geruza-ordena Move selected layer UP - + Mugitu hautatutako geruza gora Up - + Gora Move selected layer DOWN - + Mugitu hautatutako geruza behera Down - + Behera Layer - + Geruza Style - + Estiloa Tilesets - + Lauza-multzoak Styles - + Estiloak Size - + Tamaina CRS - + CRSa Server Search - + Zerbitzari-bilaketa Search - + Bilatu Description - + Deskribapena URL - + URLa Add selected row to WMS list - + Gehitu hautatutako errenkada WMS zerrendari QgsOfflineEditing - + Could not open the spatialite database - + Ezin da SpatiaLite datu-basea ireki - + Unable to initialize SpatialMetadata: - + Ezin da SpatialMetadata hasieratu: - + Could not create a new database - + Ezin da datu-base berria sortu - + Unable to activate FOREIGN_KEY constraints - + Ezin dira FOREIGN_KEY mugak aktibatu - + Unknown data type %1 - + Datu-mota ezezaguna: %1 - + QGIS wkbType %1 not supported - + QGISen %1 wkbType ez da onartzen - + Offline Editing Plugin - + Lineaz kanpoko ediziorako plugina - + Could not open the spatialite logging database - + Ezin da ireki SpatiaLite egunkariaren datu-basea @@ -29535,12 +31721,12 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val Convert to offline project - + Bihurtu lineaz kanpoko proiektu Create offline copies of selected layers and save as offline project - + Sortu hautatutako geruzen lineaz kanpoko kopiak eta gorde lineaz kanpoko proiektu gisa @@ -29548,12 +31734,12 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val &Offline Editing - + &Lineaz kanpoko edizioa Synchronize - + Sinkronizatu @@ -29621,12 +31807,12 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val All files - + Fitxategi guztiak Offline Editing Plugin - + Lineaz kanpoko ediziorako plugina @@ -29644,27 +31830,27 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val Create offline project - + Sortu lineaz kanpoko proiektua Offline data - + Lineaz kanpoko datuak Browse... - + Arakatu... Select remote layers - + Hautatu urruneko geruzak Show only editable layers - + Erakutsi geruza editagarriak soilik @@ -29672,7 +31858,7 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val Layer %1 of %2.. - + %1 geruza %2(e)tik. @@ -29680,12 +31866,12 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val Dialog - + Elkarrizketa-koadroa TextLabel - + TextLabel @@ -29699,7 +31885,7 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val OGR - + OGR @@ -29710,148 +31896,148 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val QgsOgrProvider - + Data source is invalid, no layer found (%1) - - - - + + + + OGR - + OGR - + Data source is invalid (%1) - + Whole number (integer) - + Zenbaki osoa (osoa) - + Decimal number (real) - + Zenbaki hamartarra (erreala) - + Text (string) - + Testua (katea) - + Date - + Data - + Date & Time - + OGR[%1] error %2: %3 - + OGR[%1] errorera %2: %3 - + Unknown - + Ezezaguna - + OGR error creating wkb for feature %1: %2 - + type %1 for attribute %2 not found - + OGR error creating feature %1: %2 - + type %1 for field %2 not found - + OGR error creating field %1: %2 - + OGR error deleting field %1: %2 - + Deleting fields is not supported prior to GDAL 1.9.0 - - - + + + OGR error on feature %1: id too large - + Feature %1 for attribute update not found. - + Field %1 of feature %2 doesn't exist. - + Type %1 of attribute %2 of feature %3 unknown. - - + + OGR error setting feature %1: %2 - + OGR error changing geometry: feature %1 not found - + OGR error creating geometry for feature %1: %2 - + OGR error in feature %1: geometry is null - + OGR error setting geometry of feature %1: %2 - + OGR error deleting feature %1: %2 - + Shapefiles without attribute are considered read-only. @@ -29861,51 +32047,51 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val Open raster - + Ireki rasterra Raster file: - + Raster-fitxategia: ... - + ... Save raster as: - + Gorde rasterra honela: Choose a name of the raster - + Hautatu izen bat rasterrerako Error - + Errorea The selected file is not a valid raster file. - + Hautatutako fitxategia ez da baliozko raster-fitxategia. Choose a name for the modified raster - + Hautatu izen bat aldatutako rasterrerako -modified Georeferencer:QgsOpenRasterDialog.cpp - used to modify a user given file name - + -aldatua @@ -29913,22 +32099,22 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val Open an OGR Supported Vector Layer - + Ireki OGR bidez onartutako geruza bektoriala Open Directory - + Ireki direktorioa Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? - + Seguru zaude %1 konexioa eta hari lotutako ezarpen guztiak kendu nahi dituzula? Confirm Delete - + Baieztatu ezabaketa @@ -29936,37 +32122,37 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val Add vector layer - + Gehitu geruza bektoriala No database selected. - + Ez da datu-baserik hautatu Password for - + Pasahitza honetarako Please enter your password: - + Sartu zure pasahitza: No protocol URI entered. - + Ez da protokolo URIrik sartu. No layers selected. - + Ez da geruzarik hautatu. No directory selected. - + Ez da direktoriorik hautatu. @@ -29974,86 +32160,86 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val Add vector layer - + Gehitu geruza bektoriala Source type - + Iturri-mota File - + Fitxategia Directory - + Direktorioa Database - + Datu-basea Protocol - + Protokoloa Encoding - + Kodeketa Type - + Mota URI - + URIa Source - + Iturria Dataset - + Datu-multzoa Browse - + Arakatu Connections - + Konexioak New - + Berria Edit - + Editatu Delete - + Ezabatu @@ -30061,17 +32247,17 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val Options Dialog Template - + Aukeren koadroaren txantiloia Section - + Atala GroupBox - + GroupBox @@ -30079,346 +32265,346 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val None / Planimetric - + Bat ere ez/planimetrikoa Current layer - + Uneko geruza Top down, stop at first - + Goitik behera, gelditu lehenean Top down - + Goitik behera Show all features - + Erakutsi elementu guztiak Show selected features - + Erakutsi hautatutako elementuak Always - + Beti If needed - + Beharrezkoa bada Never - + Inoiz ez Load all - + Kargatu dena Check file contents - + Egiaztatu fitxategi-edukiak Check extension - + Egiaztatu luzapena No - + Ez Basic scan - + Oinarrizko eskaneatzea Full scan - + Eskaneatze osoa - + Cumulative pixel count cut - + Minimum / maximum - + Minimoa / maximoa - + Mean +/- standard deviation - + Batez bestekoa +/- desbiderapen estandarra - + Detected active locale on your system: %1 - + Zure sisteman detektatutako hizkuntza: %1 - + To vertex - + Erpinera - + To segment - + Segmentura - + To vertex and segment - + Erpinera eta segmentura - - + + map units - + mapa-unitateak - - + + pixels - + pixelak - - - + + + Semi transparent circle - + Zirkulu erdi gardena - - - + + + Cross - + Gurutzea - - - + + + None - + Bat ere ez - + Off - + QGIS - + QGIS - + GEOS - + GEOS - + Round - + Borobildua - + Mitre - + Bevel - + Bevel - + Central point (fastest) - + Puntu zentrala (azkarrena) - + Chain (fast) - + Katea (azkarra) - + Popmusic tabu chain (slow) - + Popmusic tabu katea (motela) - + Popmusic tabu (slow) - + Popmusic tabua (motela) - + Popmusic chain (very slow) - + Popmusic katea (oso motela) - - - + + + Save default project - + Gorde proiektu lehenetsia - + You must set a default project - + Proiektu lehenetsia ezarri behar duzu - + Current project saved as default - + Uneko proiektua lehenetsi gisa gorde da - + Error saving current project as default - + Errorea uneko proiektua lehenetsi gisa gordetzean - + Choose a directory to store project template files - + Hautatu direktorio bat proiektuaren txantiloi-fitxategiak gordetzeko - + Selection color - + Hautapen-kolorea not present - + ez dago System value: %1 - + Sistemaren balioa: %1 Show features visible on map - + Erakutsi mapan iku daitezkeen elementuak - + Choose project file to open at launch - + Hautatu proiektu-fitxategia abioan irekitzeko - + QGis files - + QGIS fitxategiak - + Create Options - %1 Driver - + Sortze-aukerak - %1 kontrolagailua - + Create Options - pyramids - + Sorttze-aukerak - piramideak - + Overwrite - + Gainidatzi - + If Undefined - + Definitu gabea bada - + Unset - + Kendu ezarpena - + Prepend - + Erantsi aurrean - + Append - + Erantsi atzean - - - + + + Choose a directory - + Hautatu direktorio bat - + Enter scale - + Sartu eskala - + Scale denominator - + Eskala-izendatzailea - + Load scales - + Kargatu eskalak - - + + XML files (*.xml *.XML) - + XML fitxategiak (*.xml *.XML) - + Save scales - + Gorde eskalak - + No Stretch - + Ez luzatu - + Stretch To MinMax - + Luzatu minimo/maximora - + Stretch And Clip To MinMax - + Luzatu eta moztu minimo/maximora - + Clip To MinMax - + Moztu minimo/maximora @@ -30426,194 +32612,194 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val Options - + Aukerak - + General - + Orokorra Project files - + Proiektu-fitxategiak Warn when opening a project file saved with an older version of QGIS - + Abisatu QGISen bertsio zaharrago batekin gorde den proiektu-fitxategi bat irekitzean Create new project from default project - + Sortu proiektu berria proiektu lehenetsitik Set current project as default - + Ezarri uneko proiektua lehenetsi gisa Reset default - + Berrezarri lehenetsia Template folder - + Txantiloi-karpeta Browse - + Arakatu Reset - + Berrezarri Enable macros - + Gaitu makroak Never - + Inoiz ez Ask - + Galdetu For this session only - + Saio honetarako soilik Always (not recommended) - + Beti (ez gomendatua) - + Selection color - + Hautapen-kolorea - + Background color - + Atzeko planoaren kolorea System - + Sistema Data Sources - + Datu-iturriak Data sources - + Datu-iturriak Canvas & Legend - + Oihala & legenda Canvas and legend - + Oihala eta legenda Map Tools - + Mapa-tresnak Application - + Aplikazioa Style <i>(QGIS restart required)</i> - + Estiloa <i>(QGIS berrabiarazi behar da)</i> Icon theme - + Ikono-gaia Icon size - + Ikono-tamaina 16 - + 16 24 - + 24 32 - + 32 Font - + Letra-tipoa Qt default - + Qt lehenetsia - + Size - + Tamaina Timeout for timed messages or dialogs - + Denbora-muga mezu edo elkarrizketa-koadroetarako s - + s Bold group box titles - + Talde-kutxen izenburuak letra lodian QGIS-styled group boxes - + QGIS esiloko kutxa-multzoak @@ -30623,22 +32809,22 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val New - + Berria Most recent - + Azkena Specific - + Espezifikoa Open project on launch - + Ireki proiektua abioan @@ -30648,49 +32834,49 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val Environment - + Ingurunea Apply - + Aplikatu Variable - + Aldagaia Value - + Balioa Current environment variables (read-only - bold indicates modified at startup) - + Uneko ingurune-aldagaiak (irakurtzeko soilik - letra lodiak adierazten du abioan aldatu direla) Show only QGIS-specific variables - + Erakutsi QGISenak soilik diren aldagaiak Use custom variables (restart required - include separators) - + Erabili aldagai pertsonalizatuak (berrabiaraztea beharrezkoa da - sartu banatzaileak) Feature attributes and table - + Elementu-atributuak eta taula Data source handling - + Datu-iturrien maneiua @@ -30698,87 +32884,102 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val - + + Ignore shapefile encoding declaration + + + + + Disable OGR on-the-fly conversion from declared encoding to UTF-8 + + + + + Add Oracle layers with double click and select in extended mode + + + + Better graphics performance at the cost of loosing the possibility to cancel rendering and incremental feature drawing - + Enable back buffer - + Debugging - + Arazketa - + Show these events in the Log Message panel (under Rendering tab) - + Erakutsi gertaera hauek egunkari-mezuen panelean (Errendatzea fitxan) - + Map canvas refresh - + Mapa-oihalaren freskatzea - + Map canvas & legend - + Mapa-oihala & legenda - + Default map appearance (overridden by project properties) - + Mapa-itxura lehenetsia (proiektu-propietateek gainidatzia) - + Layer legend - + Geruza-legenda - + Double click action in legend - + Klik bi aldiz ekintza legendan - + Open layer properties - + Ireki geruza-propietateak - + Open attribute table - + Ireki atributu-taula Hide splash screen at startup - + Ezkutatu abioko irudia Show tips at start up - + Erakutsi aholkuak abioan - + Open identify results in a dock window (QGIS restart required) - + Ireki identifikazio-emaitzak leiho atrakatu batean (QGIS berrabiarazi behar da) Open attribute table in a dock window (QGIS restart required) - + Ireki atributu-taula leiho atrakatu batean (QGIS berrabiarazi behar da) - + Add PostGIS layers with double click and select in extended mode - + Add new layers to selected or current group @@ -30788,24 +32989,23 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val - Ignore shapefile encoding - + Ezikusi shapefile-kodeketa Attribute table behaviour - + Atributu-taularen portaera Attribute table row cache - + Atributu-taularen errenkada-cache-a Representation for NULL values - + NULL balioen irudikapena @@ -30820,49 +33020,49 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val - + GDAL - + GDAL - + In some cases more than one GDAL driver can be used to load the same raster format. Use the list below to specify which to use. - + Name - + Izena - + ext - + ext - + Flags - + Banderak - + Description - + Deskribapena - + Edit Pyramids Options - + Editatu piramide-aukerak - + Edit Create Options - + Editatu sortze-aukerak Plugin paths - + Plugin-bideak @@ -30873,74 +33073,74 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val - + Add - + Gehitu - + Remove - + Kendu - + Rendering - + Errendatzea - + Rendering behavior - + Errendatze-portaera - + By default new la&yers added to the map should be displayed - + <b>Note:</b> Use zero to prevent display updates until all features have been rendered - + Use render caching where possible to speed up redraws - + Number of features to draw before updating the display - + Map display will be updated (drawn) after this many features have been read from the data source - + Rendering quality - + Make lines appear less jagged at the expense of some drawing performance - + Fix problems with incorrectly filled polygons SVG paths - + SVG bideak @@ -30948,561 +33148,586 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val - + Rasters - + Rasterrak - + RGB band selection - + RGB banden hautapena - + Red band - + Banda gorria - + Green band - + Banda berdea - + Blue band - + Banda urdina - + Contrast enhancement - + Kontraste-nabarmentzea - + Single band gray - + Banda bakar grisa - + Multi band color (byte / band) - + Multi band color (> byte / band) - + Limits (minimum/maximum) - + Mugak (minimoa/maximoa) - + Cumulative pixel count cut limits - + - - + - - - + + % - + % - + Standard deviation multiplier - + Desbiderapen estandarraren biderkatzailea - + Map tools - + Mapa-tresnak - + Identify - + Identifikatu - + <b>Note:</b> Specify the search radius as a percentage of the map width - + Search radius for identifying features and displaying map tips - + Bilaketa-erradioa elementuak identifikatzeko eta mapa-aholkuak erakusteko - + Mode - + Modua - + Open feature form, if a single feature is identified - + Ireki elementu-formularioa, elementu bakarra identifikatzen bada - + Panning and zooming - + Mugitzea eta zoom egitea - + Zoom factor - + Zoom-faktorea - + Mouse wheel action - + Sagu-gurpilaren ekintza - + Zoom - + Zoom - + Zoom and recenter - + Zoom eta berriro erdiratu - + Zoom to mouse cursor - + Zoom sagu-kurtsorera - + Nothing - + Ezer ere ez - + Predefined scales - + Eskala aurredefinituak - - - - - - + + + + + + ... - + ... - + Capitalise layer names - + Geruza-izenak maiuskuletan - + Bold layer names - + Geruza-izenak letra lodian - + Display classification attribute names - + Erakutsi sailkapenaren atributu-izenak - + Bold group names - + Talde-izenak letra lodian - + Create raster icons (may be slow) - + Sortu raster-ikonoak (motela izan daiteke) - + Legend item styles - + Legenda-elementuen estiloak - + Overlay position - + Gainjartze-kokapena - + Measure tool - + Neurtze-tresna - + Rubberband color - + Goma-kolorea - + Preferred measurements units - + Hobetsitako neurketa-unitateak - + Meters - + Metroak - + Feet - + Oinak - + Preferred angle units - + Hobetsitako angelu-unitateak - + Degrees - + Graduak - + Radians - + Radianak - + Decimal places - + Dezimalak - + Keep base unit - + Mantendu oinarrizko unitatea - + Gon - + Gradianak - + Placement algorithm - + Kokapen-algoritmoa - + Digitizing - + Digitalizazioa - + Rubberband - + Goma - + Line width - + Lerro-zabalera - + Line width in pixels - + Lerro-zabalera pixeletan - + Feature creation - + Elementu-sorrera - + Line color - + Lerro-kolorea - + Snapping - + Atxikitzea - + Default snap mode - + Atxikitze-modu lehenetsia - + Default snapping tolerance - + Atxikitze-tolerantzia lehenetsia - + Search radius for vertex edits - + Bilaketa-erradioa erpinen ediziorako - - + + map units - + mapa-unitateak - - + + pixels - + pixelak - + Open snapping options in a dock window (QGIS restart required) - + Ireki atxikitze-aukerak leiho atrakatu batean (QGIS berrabiarazi behar da) - + Vertex markers - + Erpin-markatzaileak - + Show markers only for selected features - + Erakutsi markatzaileak hautatutako elementuetarako soilik - + Marker style - + Markatzaile-estiloa - + Marker size - + Markatzaile-tamaina - + Suppress attributes pop-up windows after each created feature - + Reuse last entered attribute values - + Berrerabili azken aldian sartutako atributu-balioak - + Validate geometries - + Balidatu geometriak CRS - + CRSa - - + + Select... - + Hautatu... - + Always start new projects with this CRS - + Beti hasi proiektu berriak CRS honekin - + Automatically enable 'on the fly' reprojection if CRS of a new added layer differ from CRS of layer(s) already present. CRS of present layer(s) will be used. - + Gaitu automatikoki birproiekzio dinamikoa geruza gehitu berri baten CRSa jadanik kargatuta dauden geruzen CRSaren desberdina bada. Jadanik badauden geruz(ar)en CRSa erabiliko da. - + Enable 'on the &fly' reprojection by default - + Gaitu birproiekzio dinamikoa modu lehenetsian - + Prompt for &CRS - + Galdetu &CRSa - + Use &project CRS - + Erabili &proiektuaren CRSa - + Use default CRS displa&yed below - + Erabili behean erakutsitako CRS &lehenetsia - + Locale - + Hizkuntza - + Override system locale - + Gainidatzi sistemaren hizkuntza - + Locale to use instead - + Haren ordez erabiliko den hizkuntza - + <b>Note:</b> Enabling / changing overide on local requires an application restart - + Additional Info - + Informazio gehiago - + Detected active locale on your system: - + Zure sisteman detektatutako hizkuntza aktiboa: - + Network + Sarea + + + + Add predefined scale + + + + + Remove selected + + + + + Insert default scales - + + Import from file + Inportatu fitxategitik + + + + Export to file + Esportatu fitxategira + + + Curve offset tool - + Miter limit - + Join style - + Quadrant segments - + GDAL driver options - + GDAL kontrolagailuaren aukerak - + GDAL drivers - + GDAL kontrolagailuak - + Coordinate Reference System (CRS) - + Koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistema (CRS) - + CRS for new layers - + Geruza berrietarako CRSa - + When a new layer is created, or when a layer is loaded that has no CRS - + Geruza berria sortzen denean, edo CRSrik ez duen geruza bat kargatzen denean - + Default CRS for new projects - + CRS lehenetsia proiektu berrietarako - + Automatically enable 'on the fly' reprojection if layers have different CRS - + Gaitu automatikoki birproiekzio dinamikoa geruzek CRS ezberdinak badituzte - + Use proxy for web access - + Erabili proxy-a web-sarbiderako - + Host - + Ostalaria - + Port - + Ataka - + User - + Erabiltzailea - - + + Leave this blank if no proxy username / password are required - + Utzi hutsik proxy-aren erabiltzaile-izenik / pasahitzik behar ez bada - + Password - + Pasahitza - + Proxy type - + Proxy-mota - + Exclude URLs (starting with) - + Baztertu URLak (honela hasten direnak) - + Cache settings - + Cache-ezarpenak - + Directory - + Direktorioa - + Clear - + Garbitu - + WMS search address - + WMS bilaketa-helbidea - + Timeout for network requests (ms) - + Denbora-muga sare-eskarietarako (ms) - + Default expiration period for WMS-C/WMTS tiles (hours) @@ -31510,12 +33735,12 @@ Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a val QgsOptionsDialogBase - + Missing objects - + Galdutako objektuak - + Base options dialog could not be initialized. Missing some of the .ui template objects: @@ -31523,35 +33748,53 @@ Missing some of the .ui template objects: + + QgsOracleColumnTypeThread + + + Retrieving tables of %1... + + + + + Scanning column %1.%2.%3... + + + + + Table retrieval finished. + + + QgsOracleConn - + Connection to database failed - + Datu-basearen konexioak huts egin du - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + Oracle - + Oracle - - + + SQL:%1 error:%2 - + Querying available tables failed. SQL:%1 error:%2 @@ -31559,124 +33802,124 @@ error:%2 - + Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. - + Unable to get list of spatially enabled tables from the database - + Unsupported geometry type %1 in %2.%3.%4 ignored - + View %1.%2 doesn't have integer columns for use as keys. - + Point - + Puntua - + Multipoint - + Puntuanitza - + Line - + Lerroa - + Multiline - + Lerroanitza - + Polygon - + Poligonoa - + Multipolygon - + Poligonoanitza - + No Geometry - + Geometriarik ez - + Unknown Geometry - + Geometria ezezaguna QgsOracleConnectionItem - + Edit... - + Editatu... - + Delete - + Ezabatu - + Refresh - + Freskatu - + Copying features... - + Elementuak kopiatzen... - + Abort - + Abortatu - + Import layer - + Inportatu geruza - + %1: Not a vector layer! - + %1: Ez da geruza bektoriala! - - + + %1: OK! - + %1: OK! - - + + Import to Oracle database - + Failed to import some layers! - + Import was successful. @@ -31684,54 +33927,54 @@ error:%2 QgsOracleLayerItem - - - + + + Delete layer - + Ezabatu geruza - + Layer deleted successfully. - + Geruza ongi ezabatu da. QgsOracleNewConnection - + Saving passwords - + Pasahitzak gordetzen - + WARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button. - + ABISUA: Zure pasahitza gordetzea aukeratu duzu. Testu arrunt gisa fordeko da zure proiektu-fitxategietan eta zure direktorio nagusian UNIX motako sistemetan, edo zure erabiltzaile-profilean Windowsen. Hori gertatzerik nahi ez baduzu, sakatu Utzi botoia. - + Save connection - + Gorde konexioa - + Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? - + Jadanik existitzen den %1 konexioa gainidatzi? - - + + Test connection - + Probatu konexioa - + Connection to %1 was successful - + Connection failed - Check settings and try again. @@ -31743,115 +33986,126 @@ error:%2 Create a New Oracle connection - + Sortu Oracle konexio berria Connection Information - + Konexio-informazioa - + Password - + Pasahitza - + Save Username - + Gorde erabiltzaile-izena - + Username - + Erabiltzaile-izena - + Name of the new connection - + Konexio berriaren izena - + Database - + Datu-basea - + Name + Izena + + + + Restrict the displayed tables to those that are in the all_sdo_geom_metadata table - - Restrict the displayed tables to those that are in the geometry_columns table + + When searching for spatial tables restrict the search to tables that are owned by the user. - - <html><head/><body><p>Restricts the displayed tables to those that are in the all_sdo_geom_metadata view. This can speed up the initial display of spatial tables.</p></body></html> + + <html><head/><body><p>When searching for spatial tables restrict the search to tables that are owned by the user.</p></body></html> - - Only look in meta data table + + Only list the existing geometry types and don't offer to add others. - - Restrict the search to the public schema for spatial tables not in the geometry_columns table + + Only existing geometry types - <html><head/><body><p>When searching for spatial tables restrict the search to tables that are owner by the user.</p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p>Restricts the displayed tables to those that are in the all_sdo_geom_metadata view. This can speed up the initial display of spatial tables.</p></body></html> + Only look in meta data table + + + + Only look for user's tables - + Also list tables with no geometry - + Port - + Ataka - + 1521 - + 1521 - + &Test Connect - + &Probatu konexioa - + Save Password - + Gorde pasahitza - + Host - + Ostalaria - + Use estimated table statistics for the layer metadata. - + + <html><head/><body><p>When the layer is setup various metadata is required for the Oracle table. This includes information such as the table row count, geometry type and spatial extents of the data in the geometry column. If the table contains a large number of rows determining this metadata is time consuming.</p><p>By activating this option the following fast table metadata operations are done:</p><p>1) Row count is determined from all_tables.num_rows.</p><p>2) Table extents are always determined with the SDO_TUNE.EXTENTS_OF function even if a layer filter is applied.</p><p>3) The table geometry is determined from the first 100 non-null geometry rows in the table.</p></body></html> - + Use estimated table metadata @@ -31859,14 +34113,14 @@ error:%2 QgsOracleOwnerItem - + %1 as %2 in %3 - + %1 %2 gisa %3(e)n - + as geometryless table - + geometriarik gabeko taula gisa @@ -31887,7 +34141,7 @@ error:%2 Whole number - + Zenbaki osoa @@ -31897,27 +34151,27 @@ error:%2 Decimal number (numeric) - + Zenbaki hamartarra (zenbakizkoa) Decimal number (decimal) - + Zenbaki hamartarra (hamartarra) Decimal number (real) - + Zenbaki hamartarra (erreala) Decimal number (double) - + Zenbaki hamartarra (bikoitza) Text, fixed length (char) - + Testua, luzera finkoa (char) @@ -31976,13 +34230,13 @@ error:%2 - - - - - + + + + + Oracle - + Oracle @@ -32101,7 +34355,7 @@ SQL: %2 - + Could not start transaction @@ -32122,7 +34376,7 @@ SQL: %2 - + Could not commit transaction @@ -32138,7 +34392,7 @@ SQL: %2 - + Could not rollback transaction @@ -32286,64 +34540,64 @@ Error: %2 - + Could not determine table existence. - + Table %1 could not be dropped. - + Table %1 already exists. - + Table creation failed. - + Could not lookup authid %1:%2 - + Could not lookup WKT. - + Could not determine new srid. - + CRS not found and could not be created. - + Could not insert metadata. - + Drop created table %1 failed. SQL:%2 Error: %3 - + Oracle SRID %1 not found. - + Lookup of Oracle SRID %1 failed. SQL:%2 Error:%3 @@ -32366,9 +34620,9 @@ Error: %2 QgsOracleRootItem - + New Connection... - + Konexio berria... @@ -32376,7 +34630,7 @@ Error: %2 Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? - + Seguru zaude %1 konexioa eta hari lotutako ezarpen guztiak kendu nahi dituzula? @@ -32391,7 +34645,7 @@ Error: %2 Please enter your password: - + Sartu zure pasahitza: @@ -32407,124 +34661,124 @@ Error: %2 QgsOracleSourceSelect - + Add Oracle Table(s) - + &Add - + &Gehitu - - &Build query - + + &Set Filter + &Ezarri iragazkia - - Build query - + + Set Filter + Ezarri iragazkia - - + + Wildcard - + Komodina - - + + RegExp - + RegExp - - + + All - + Dena - - + + Owner - - + + Table - + Taula - - + + Type - + Mota - - + + Geometry column - + Geometria-zutabea - - + + Primary key column - + Gako nagusiaren zutabea - - + + SRID - + SRID - - + + Sql - + SQL - + Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? - + Seguru zaude %1 konexioa eta hari lotutako ezarpen guztiak kendu nahi dituzula? - + Confirm Delete - + Load connections - + Kargatu konexioak - + XML files (*.xml *XML) - + XML fitxategiak (*.xml *XML) - + Select Table - + Hautatu taula - + You must select a table in order to add a layer. - + Taula bat hautatu behar duzu geruza bat gehitzeko. - + Stop - + Connect - + Konektatu @@ -32532,7 +34786,7 @@ Error: %2 Select... - + Hautatu... @@ -32545,51 +34799,51 @@ Error: %2 Table - + Taula Type - + Mota Geometry column - + Geometria-zutabea SRID - + SRID Primary key column - + Gako nagusiaren zutabea Select at id - + Hautatu ID bat Sql - + SQL + - Select... - + Hautatu... - + Enter... - + Sartu... - + Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views). @@ -32597,104 +34851,108 @@ Error: %2 QgsPGConnectionItem - Failed to retrieve layers - + Ezin izan dira geruzak atzitu - No layers found. - + Ez da geruzarik aurkitu. - + Edit... - + Editatu... - + Delete - + Ezabatu + + + + Refresh + Freskatu - + Copying features... - + Elementuak kopiatzen... - + Abort - + Abortatu - + Import layer - + Inportatu geruza - + %1: Not a vector layer! - + %1: Ez da geruza bektoriala! - - + + %1: OK! - + %1: OK! - - + + Import to PostGIS database - + Inportatu PostGIS datu-base batera - + Failed to import some layers! - + Zenbait geruza inportatzeak huts egin du! + - + Import was successful. - + Inportazioa ongi egin da QgsPGLayerItem - - - + + + Delete layer - + Ezabatu geruza - + Layer deleted successfully. - + Geruza ongi ezabatu da. QgsPGRootItem - + New Connection... - + Konexio berria... QgsPGSchemaItem - + %1 as %2 in %3 - + %1 %2 gisa %3(e)n - + as geometryless table - + geometriarik gabeko taula gisa @@ -32702,22 +34960,22 @@ Error: %2 Form - + Formularioa Band - + Banda Value - + Balioa Color - + Kolorea @@ -32733,22 +34991,22 @@ Error: %2 Paste Transformations - + Itsatsi transformazioak <b>Note: This function is not useful yet!</b> - + <b>Oharra: Funtzio hau ezin da erabili oraindik!</b> Source - + Sorburua Destination - + Helburua @@ -32756,17 +35014,17 @@ Error: %2 Square - + Karratua Flat - + Laua Round - + Borobildua @@ -32774,17 +35032,17 @@ Error: %2 Bevel - + Bevel Miter - + Miter Round - + Borobildua @@ -32792,32 +35050,32 @@ Error: %2 Solid Line - + Lerro solidoa No Pen - + Arkatzik ez Dash Line - + Marratxo-lerroa Dot Line - + Puntu-lerroa Dash Dot Line - + Marratxo-puntu lerroa Dash Dot Dot Line - + Marratxo-puntu-puntu lerroa @@ -32825,49 +35083,49 @@ Error: %2 disable - + desgaitu allow - + baimendu prefer - + hobetsi require - + behartu Saving passwords - + Pasahitzak gordetzen WARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button. - + ABISUA: Zure pasahitza gordetzea aukeratu duzu. Testu arrunt gisa fordeko da zure proiektu-fitxategietan eta zure direktorio nagusian UNIX motako sistemetan, edo zure erabiltzaile-profilean Windowsen. Hori gertatzerik nahi ez baduzu, sakatu Utzi botoia. Save connection - + Gorde konexioa Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? - + Jadanik existitzen den %1 konexioa gainidatzi? Test connection - + Probatu konexioa @@ -32887,62 +35145,62 @@ Error: %2 Create a New PostGIS connection - + Sortu PostGIS konexio berria Connection Information - + Konexio-informazioa Name - + Izena Service - + Zerbitzua Host - + Ostalaria Port - + Ataka Database - + Datu-basea SSL mode - + SSL modua Username - + Erabiltzaile-izena Password - + Pasahitza Name of the new connection - + Konexio berriaren izena 5432 - + 5432 @@ -32979,17 +35237,17 @@ Error: %2 Save Username - + Gorde erabiltzaile-izena &Test Connect - + &Probatu konexioa Save Password - + Gorde pasahitza @@ -33028,137 +35286,128 @@ Error: %2 QgsPgSourceSelect - - &Add + + Add PostGIS Table(s) - + + &Add + &Gehitu + + + &Set Filter - + &Ezarri iragazkia - + Set Filter - + Ezarri iragazkia - - + + Wildcard - + Komodina - - + + RegExp - + RegExp - - + + All - + Dena - - + + Schema - + Eskema - - + + Table - + Taula - - + + Type - + Mota - - + + Geometry column - + Geometria-zutabea - - + + Primary key column - + Gako nagusiaren zutabea - - + + SRID - + SRID - - + + Sql - + SQL - + Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? - + Seguru zaude %1 konexioa eta hari lotutako ezarpen guztiak kendu nahi dituzula? - + Confirm Delete - + Baieztatu ezabaketa - + Load connections - + Kargatu konexioak - + XML files (*.xml *XML) - + XML fitxategiak (*.xml *XML) - + Select Table - + Hautatu taula - + You must select a table in order to add a layer. - + Taula bat hautatu behar duzu geruza bat gehitzeko. - + Stop - + Gelditu - - Postgres/PostGIS Provider - - - - - Could not open the Postgres/PostGIS Provider. -Check message log for possible errors. - - - - - No accessible tables or views found. -Check the message log for possible errors. - + Postgres/PostGIS hornitzailea - + Connect - + Konektatu @@ -33166,114 +35415,113 @@ Check the message log for possible errors. Select... - + Hautatu... QgsPgTableModel - + Schema - + Eskema - + Table - + Taula - + Column - + Zutabea - + Data Type - + Datu-mota - + Spatial Type - + Mota espaziala - + SRID - + SRID - + Primary Key - + Gako nagusia - + Select at id - + Hautatu ID bat - + Sql - + SQL - Detecting... - + Detektatzen... - + Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views). - + Select... - + Hautatu... - + Enter... - + Sartu... QgsPluginInstaller Nothing to remove! Plugin directory doesn't exist: - + Ez dago ezer kentzeko! Pluginen direktorioa ez da existitzen: Failed to remove the directory: - + Ezin izan da direktorioa kendu: Check permissions or remove it manually - + Begiratu baimenak edo kendu eskuz Fetch Python Plugins... - + Eskuratu Python pluginak... Install more plugins from remote repositories - + Instalatu plugin gehiago urruneko biltegietatik Looking for new plugins... - + Plugin berriak bilatzen... QGIS Plugin Installer update - + QGIS plugin-instalatzailearen eguneraketa The Plugin Installer has been updated. Please restart QGIS prior to using it - + Plugin-instalatzailea eguneratu egin da. Berrabiarazi QGIS hura erabiltzeko QGIS Plugin Conflict: - + QGIS pluginen gatazka: The Plugin Installer has detected an obsolete plugin which masks a newer version shipped with this QGIS version. This is likely due to files associated with a previous installation of QGIS. Please use the Plugin Installer to remove that older plugin in order to unmask the newer version shipped with this copy of QGIS. @@ -33281,82 +35529,82 @@ Check the message log for possible errors. There is a new plugin available - + Plugin berri bat dago eskuragarri There is a plugin update available - + Plugin-eguneraketa bat dago eskuragarri QGIS Python Plugin Installer - + QGIS Python plugin-instalatzailea Error reading repository: - + Errorea biltegia irakurtzean: Couldn't open the local plugin directory - + Ezin da plugin-direktorio lokala ireki QgsPluginInstallerDialog QGIS Python Plugin Installer - + QGIS Python plugin-instalatzailea Error reading repository: - + Errorea biltegia irakurtzean: all repositories - + biltegi guztiak connected - + konektatua This repository is connected - + Biltegi hau konektatuta dago unavailable - + ezin da eskuratu This repository is enabled, but unavailable - + Biltegi hau gaituta dago, baina ezin da eskuratu disabled - + desgaitua This repository is disabled - + Biltegi hau desgaituta dago This repository is blocked due to incompatibility with your Quantum GIS version - + Biltegi hau blokeatu egin da ez delako bateragarria zure QGIS bertsioarekin orphans - + umezurtzak any status - + edozein egoera not installed - + instalatu gabea installed - + instalatua upgradeable and news @@ -33364,19 +35612,19 @@ Check the message log for possible errors. This plugin is not installed - + Plugin hau ez dago instalatuta This plugin is installed - + Plugin hau instalatuta dago This plugin is installed, but there is an updated version available - + Plugin hau instalatuta dago, baina bertsio eguneratu bat dago eskuragarri This plugin is installed, but I can't find it in any enabled repository - + Plugin hau instalatuta dago, baina ezin da aurkitu gaitutako biltegietan This plugin is not installed and is seen for the first time @@ -33384,16 +35632,7 @@ Check the message log for possible errors. This plugin is installed and is newer than its version available in a repository - - - - This plugin is incompatible with your Quantum GIS version and probably won't work. - - - - The required Python module is not installed. -For more information, please visit its homepage and Quantum GIS wiki. - + Plugin hau instalatuta dago eta biltegietan eskuragarri dagoena baino berriagoa da This plugin seems to be broken. @@ -33407,11 +35646,11 @@ Here is the error message: new! - + berria! invalid - + baliogabea Note that it's an uninstallable core plugin @@ -33419,36 +35658,57 @@ Here is the error message: installed version - + instalatutako bertsioa available version - + bertsio eskuragarria That's the newest available version - + Eskuragarri dagoen bertsio berriena da hori There is no version available for download - + Ez dago bertsio eskuragarririk deskargarako This plugin is broken - + Plugin hau hautsita dago This plugin requires a newer version of Quantum GIS + Plugin honek QGISen bertsio berriagoa behar du + + + The plugins will be installed to %1 - at least + This repository is blocked due to incompatibility with your QGIS version - This plugin requires a missing module + This plugin is incompatible with your QGIS version and probably won't work. + + The required Python module is not installed. +For more information, please visit its homepage and QGIS wiki. + + + + This plugin requires a newer version of QGIS + + + + at least + gutxienez + + + This plugin requires a missing module + Plugin honek falta den modulu bat behar du + only locally available @@ -33463,23 +35723,23 @@ Here is the error message: Install plugin - + Instalatu plugina Reinstall plugin - + Berrinstalatu plugina Upgrade plugin - + Eguneratu plugina Install/upgrade plugin - + Instalatu/eguneratu plugina Downgrade plugin - + Instalatu pluginaren bertsio zaharragoa Are you sure you want to downgrade the plugin to the latest available version? The installed one is newer! @@ -33487,11 +35747,11 @@ Here is the error message: Plugin installation failed - + Pluginaren instalazioak huts egin du Plugin has disappeared - + Plugina desagertu egin da The plugin seems to have been installed but I don't know where. Probably the plugin package contained a wrong named directory. @@ -33500,7 +35760,7 @@ Please search the list of installed plugins. I'm nearly sure you'll fi Plugin installed successfully - + Plugina ongi instalatu da Python plugin installed. @@ -33509,15 +35769,19 @@ Now you need to enable it in Plugin Manager. Plugin reinstalled successfully - + Plugina ongi berrinstalatu da Python plugin reinstalled. -You need to restart Quantum GIS in order to reload it. +You need to restart QGIS in order to reload it. + + + + The plugin is designed for a newer version of QGIS. The minimum required version is: - The plugin is designed for a newer version of Quantum GIS. The minimum required version is: + Python plugin uninstalled. Note that you may need to restart QGIS in order to remove it completely. @@ -33526,11 +35790,11 @@ You need to restart Quantum GIS in order to reload it. The plugin is broken. Python said: - + Plugina hautsita dago. Pythonek hau esan du: Plugin uninstall failed - + Plugina desinstalatzeak huts egin du Are you sure you want to uninstall the following plugin? @@ -33552,10 +35816,6 @@ You need to restart Quantum GIS in order to reload it. Plugin uninstalled successfully - - Python plugin uninstalled. Note that you may need to restart Quantum GIS in order to remove it completely. - - Unable to add another repository with the same URL! @@ -33571,178 +35831,177 @@ You need to restart Quantum GIS in order to reload it. QGIS Python Plugin Installer - + QGIS Python Plugin instalatzailea Help - + Laguntza - The plugins will be installed to ~/.qgis/python/plugins - + Pluginak hemen instalatuko dira: ~/.qgis/python/plugins Close the Installer window - + Itxi instalatzailearen leihoa Close - + Itxi Plugins - + Pluginak List of available and installed plugins - + Eskuragarri eta instalatuta dauden pluginen zerrenda Filter: - + Iragazkia: Display only plugins containing this word in their metadata - + Erakutsi metadatuetan hitz hau daukaten pluginak soilik Display only plugins from given repository - + Erakutsi biltegi jakin bateko pluginak soilik all repositories - + biltegi guztiak Display only plugins with matching status - + Erakutsi adierazitako egoerarekin bat datozen pluginak soilik State - + Egoera Status - + Egoera Name - + Izena Version - + Bertsioa Description - + Deskribapena Author - + Egilea Repository - + Biltegia Upgrade all - + Eguneratu denak Install, reinstall or upgrade the selected plugin - + Instalatu, berrinstalatu edo eguneratu hautatutako plugina Install/upgrade plugin - + Instalatu/eguneratu plugina Uninstall the selected plugin - + Desinstalatu hautatutako plugina Uninstall plugin - + Desinstalatu plugina Repositories - + Biltegiak List of plugin repositories - + Plugin-biltegien zerrenda URL - + URLa Add a new plugin repository - + Gehitu plugin-biltegi berria Add... - + Gehitu... Edit the selected repository - + Editatu hautatutako biltegia Edit... - + Editatu... Remove the selected repository - + Kendu hautatutako biltegia Delete - + Ezabatu @@ -33769,47 +36028,47 @@ You need to restart Quantum GIS in order to reload it. Options - + Aukerak Configuration of the plugin installer - + Plugin-instalatzailearen konfigurazioa Check for updates on startup - + Begiratu eguneraketak abioan every time QGIS starts - + QGIS abiarazten den bakoitzean once a day - + egunean behin every 3 days - + 3 egunetik behin every week - + astean behin every 2 weeks - + 2 astetik behin every month - + hilean behin @@ -33817,28 +36076,28 @@ You need to restart Quantum GIS in order to reload it. <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Note:</span> If this function is enabled, Quantum GIS will inform you whenever a new plugin or plugin update is available. Otherwise, fetching repositories will be performed during opening of the Plugin Installer window.</p></body></html> +<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Note:</span> If this function is enabled, QGIS will inform you whenever a new plugin or plugin update is available. Otherwise, fetching repositories will be performed during opening of the Plugin Installer window.</p></body></html> Allowed plugins - + Onartutako pluginak Only show plugins from the official repository - + Erakutsi biltegi ofizialeko pluginak soilik Show all plugins except those marked as experimental - + Erakutsi plugin guztiak, esperimental gisa markatutakoak salbu Show all plugins, even those marked as experimental - + Erakutsi plugin guztiak, baita esperimental gisa markatutakoak ere @@ -33854,35 +36113,35 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } QgsPluginInstallerFetchingDialog Success - + Arrakasta Resolving host name... - + Ostalari-izena ebazten... Connecting... - + Konektatzen... Host connected. Sending request... - + Ostalaria konektatuta. Eskaria bidaltzen... Downloading data... - + Datuak deskargatzen... Idle - + Inaktibo Closing connection... - + Konexioa ixten... Error - + Errorea @@ -33890,62 +36149,62 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Fetching repositories - + Biltegiak atzitzen Overall progress: - + Aurrerapena: Abort fetching - + Abortatu atzitzea Repository - + Biltegia State - + Egoera QgsPluginInstallerInstallingDialog Installing... - + Instalatzen... Resolving host name... - + Ostalari-izena ebazten... Connecting... - + Konektatzen... Host connected. Sending request... - + Ostalaria konektatua. Eskaria bidaltzen... Downloading data... - + Datuak deskargatzen... Idle - + Inaktibo Closing connection... - + Konexioa ixten... Error - + Errorea Failed to unzip the plugin package. Probably it's broken or missing from the repository. You may also want to make sure that you have write permission to the plugin directory: @@ -33953,7 +36212,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Aborted by user - + Erabiltzaileak abortatua @@ -33961,17 +36220,17 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } QGIS Python Plugin Installer - + QGIS Python pluginen instalatzailea Installing plugin: - + Plugina instalatzen: Connecting... - + Konektatzen... @@ -33979,7 +36238,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Plugin Installer - + Plugin-instalatzailea @@ -33989,29 +36248,29 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Remove - + Kendu Disable - + Desgaitu Keep - + Mantendu Ask me later - + Galdetu geroago QgsPluginInstallerPluginErrorDialog no error message received - + ez da errore-mezurik jaso @@ -34019,7 +36278,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Error loading plugin - + Errorea plugina kargatzean @@ -34037,40 +36296,40 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Repository details - + Biltegi-xehetasunak Name: - + Izena: Enter a name for the repository - + Sartu izen bat biltegirako URL: - + URLa: Enter the repository URL, beginning with "http://" - + Sartu biltegiaren URLa, hasieran "http://" idatzita Enable or disable the repository (disabled repositories will be omitted) - + Gaitu edo desgaitu biltegia (desgaitutako biltegiak ezikusi egingo dira) Enabled - + Gaitua @@ -34078,23 +36337,23 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } &Select All - + &Hautatu dena &Clear All - + &Garbitu dena Plugins - + Pluginak [ incompatible ] - + [ ez da bateragarria ] @@ -34105,22 +36364,22 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } No Plugins - + Pluginik ez No QGIS plugins found in %1 - + Ez da QGIS pluginik aurkitu %1(e)n Error - + Errorea Failed to open plugin installer! - + Ezin izan da plugin-instalatzailea ireki! @@ -34128,32 +36387,32 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } QGIS Plugin Manager - + QGIS plugin-kudeatzailea To enable / disable a plugin, click its checkbox or description - + Plugin bat gaitu edo desgaitzeko, egin klik haren kontrol-laukian edo deskribapenean &Filter - + &Iragazkia Plugin Directory: - + Plugin-direktorioa: Directory - + Direktorioa Plugin Installer - + Plugin-instalatzailea @@ -34163,13 +36422,13 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } None - + Bat ere ez Label Font - + Etiketaren letra-tipoa @@ -34183,7 +36442,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Form - + Formularioa @@ -34193,149 +36452,149 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Renderer: - + Errendatzailea: Renderer settings... - + Errendatzaile-ezarpenak... Displacement circles - + Desplazamendu-zirkuluak Circle pen width: - + Zirkuluaren arkatz-zabalera: Circle color: - + Zirkuluaren kolorea: Circle radius modification: - + Zirkulu-erradioaren aldaketa: Point distance tolerance: - + Puntu-distantziaren tolerantzia: Labels - + Etiketak Label attribute: - + Etiketa-atributua: Label font... - + Etiketaren letra-tipoa... Label color: - + Etiketa-kolorea: Use scale dependent labelling - + Erabili eskalaren araberako etiketatzea max scale denominator: - + eskala-izendatzaile maximoa: QgsPointPatternFillSymbolLayerWidget - + Horizontal distance - + Distantzia horizontala - + Vertical distance - + Distantzia bertikala - + Horizontal displacement - + Desplazamendu horizontala - + Vertical displacement - + Desplazamendu bertikala QgsPostgresConn - + Connection to database failed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Datu-basearen konexioak huts egin du + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + PostGIS - + PostGIS - + error in setting encoding - + undefined return value from encoding setting - + Your database has no working PostGIS support. - + Your PostGIS installation has no GEOS support. Feature selection and identification will not work properly. Please install PostGIS with GEOS support ( - + SQL:%1 result:%2 error:%3 @@ -34343,171 +36602,171 @@ error:%3 - + Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. - + Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. The error message from the database was: %1 - + Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. The error message from the database was: %1 - + Database connection was successful, but no accessible tables were found. Please verify that you have SELECT privilege on a table carrying PostGIS geometry. - + Unable to get list of spatially enabled tables from the database - + Retrieval of postgis version failed - + Could not parse postgis version string '%1' - + Connection error: %1 returned %2 [%3] - + Erroneous query: %1 returned %2 [%3] - + Query failed: %1 Error: no result buffer - + Not logged query failed: %1 Error: no result buffer - + Query: %1 returned %2 [%3] - + %1 cursor states lost. SQL: %2 Result: %3 (%4) - + resetting bad connection. - + retry after reset succeeded. - + retry after reset failed again. - + connection still bad after reset. - + bad connection, not retrying. - + Point - + Puntua - + Multipoint - + Puntuanitza - + Line - + Lerroa - + Multiline - + Lerroanitza - + Polygon - + Poligonoa - + Multipolygon - + Poligonoanitza - + No Geometry - + Geometriarik ez - + Unknown Geometry - + Geometria ezezaguna - + None - + Bat ere ez - + Geometry - + Geometria - + Geography - + TopoGeometry - - + + Query could not be canceled [%1] - + PQgetCancel failed @@ -34523,7 +36782,7 @@ Result: %3 (%4) PostGIS - + PostGIS @@ -34534,124 +36793,136 @@ Result: %3 (%4) QgsPostgresProvider - + invalid PostgreSQL layer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - - - - + + + + + + + PostGIS - + PostGIS - + invalid PostgreSQL topology layer - + + PostgreSQL layer has no primary key. + + + + Whole number (smallint - 16bit) - + Whole number (integer - 32bit) - + Whole number (integer - 64bit) - + Decimal number (numeric) - + Zenbaki hamartarra (zenbakizkoa) - + Decimal number (decimal) - + Zenbaki hamartarra (hamartarra) - + Decimal number (real) - + Zenbaki hamartarra (erreala) - + Decimal number (double) - + Zenbaki hamartarra (bikoitza) - + Text, fixed length (char) - + Testua, luzera finkoa (char) - + Text, limited variable length (varchar) - + Testua, luzera aldakor mugatua (varchar) - + Text, unlimited length (text) + Testua, luzera mugagabea (text) + + + + PostgreSQL layer has unknown primary key type. - + Read attempt on an invalid postgresql data source - + FAILURE: Field %1 not found. - - + + unexpected formatted field type '%1' for field %2 - + Field %1 ignored, because of unsupported type %2 - + Field %1 ignored, because of unsupported type type %2 - + Duplicate field %1 found - + Unable to access the %1 relation. The error message from the database was: %2. @@ -34659,14 +36930,14 @@ SQL: %3 - + PostgreSQL is still in recovery after a database crash (or you are connected to a (read-only) slave). Write accesses will be denied. - + Unable to determine table access privileges for the %1 relation. The error message from the database was: %2. @@ -34674,12 +36945,12 @@ SQL: %3 - + The custom query is not a select query. - + Unable to execute the query. The error message from the database was: %1. @@ -34687,92 +36958,92 @@ SQL: %2 - - The table has no column suitable for use as a key. Quantum GIS requires a primary key, a PostgreSQL oid column or a ctid for tables. - - - - + Primary key field '%1' for view not unique. - + Date + Data + + + + The table has no column suitable for use as a key. QGIS requires a primary key, a PostgreSQL oid column or a ctid for tables. - + Key field '%1' for view not found. - + No key field for view given. - + Unexpected relation type '%1'. - + No key field for query given. - + Could not find topology of layer %1.%2.%3 - + PostGIS error while adding features: %1 - + PostGIS error while deleting features: %1 - + PostGIS error while adding attributes: %1 - + PostGIS error while deleting attributes: %1 - + PostGIS error while changing attributes: %1 - + PostGIS error while changing geometry values: %1 - + result of extents query invalid: %1 - + Geometry type and srid for empty column %1 of %2 undefined. - + Feature type or srid for %1 of %2 could not be determined or was not requested. - + Editing and adding disabled for 2D+ layer (%1; %2) @@ -34780,42 +37051,47 @@ SQL: %2 QgsProject - - Unable to open %1 + + Loading layer %1 - + + Unable to open %1 + Ezin izan da %1 ireki + + + Project File Read Error - + Errorea proiektu-fitxategia irakurtzean - + %1 at line %2 column %3 - + %1 %2 lerroan, %3 zutabean - + Project file read error: %1 at line %2 column %3 - + Errorea proiektu-fitxategia irakurtzean: %1 %2 lerroan, %3 zutabean - + %1 for file %2 - + %1 %2 fitxategirako - + Unable to save to file %1 - + Ezin izan da %1 fitxategia gorde - + %1 is not writable. Please adjust permissions (if possible) and try again. - + Unable to save to file %1. Your project may be corrupted on disk. Try clearing some space on the volume and check file permissions before pressing save again. @@ -34825,12 +37101,12 @@ SQL: %2 Ignore - + Ezikusi QGIS Project Read Error - + Errorea QGIS proiektua irakurtzean @@ -34844,12 +37120,12 @@ Choose ignore to continue loading without the missing layers. Choose cancel to r Select project file - + Hautatu proiektu-fitxategia QGis files - + QGIS fitxategiak @@ -34877,7 +37153,7 @@ Choose ignore to continue loading without the missing layers. Choose cancel to r ... - + ... @@ -34885,48 +37161,48 @@ Choose ignore to continue loading without the missing layers. Choose cancel to r Layer - + Geruza Type - + Mota Identifiable - + Identifikagarria Vector - + Bektoriala WMS - + WMS Raster - + Rasterra Coordinate System Restriction - + Koordenatu-sistemaren muga No coordinate systems selected. Disabling restriction. - + Ez dago koordenatu-sistemarik hautatu. Desgaitzen muga. Selection color - + Hautapen-kolorea @@ -34958,7 +37234,7 @@ Choose ignore to continue loading without the missing layers. Choose cancel to r Coordinate System Restrictions - + Koordenatu-sistemaren mugak @@ -34969,64 +37245,64 @@ Proceed? Select print composer - + Hautatu inprimatze-konposatzailea Composer Title - + Konposatzaile-izenburua Select restricted layers and groups - + Hautatu geruza eta talde mugatuak Enter scale - + Sartu eskala Scale denominator - + Eskala-izendatzailea Load scales - + Kargatu eskalak XML files (*.xml *.XML) - + XML fitxategiak (*.xml, *.XML) Save scales - + Gorde eskalak Select a valid symbol - + Hautatu baliozko ikur bat Invalid symbol : - + Baliogabeko ikurra : Parameters : - + Parametroak : Parameters: - + Parametroak: @@ -35039,512 +37315,513 @@ Proceed? Project Properties - + Proiektu-propietateak General - + Orokorra - + General settings - + Ezarpen orokorrak - + Project title - + Proiektu-izenburua - + Descriptive project name - + Proiektuaren izen deskribatzailea - + Default project title - + Proiektu-izenburu lehenetsia - + Selection color - + Hautapen-kolorea - + Background color - + Atzeko planoko kolorea - + absolute - + absolutua - + relative - + erlatiboa - + Save paths - + Gorde bideak - + Measure tool - + Neurtze-tresna - + Semi-minor - + Semi-major - + Used when CRS transformation is turned off - + CRS transformazioa desgaituta dagoenean erabilia - + Canvas units - + Oihal-unitateak - + Meters - + Metroak - + Feet - + Oinak CRS - + CRSa Coordinate Reference System - + Koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistema Identify layers - + Identifikatu geruzak + Default styles - + Estilo lehenetsiak - + OWS server - + OWS zerbitzaria - + Ellipsoid (for distance calculations) - + Elipsoidea +(distantzien kalkulurako) - + Degree - + Gradua - + Degree display - + Gradu-bistaratzea - + Decimal degrees - + Gradu hamartarrak - + Degrees, Minutes - + Graduak, Minutuak - + Degrees, Minutes, Seconds - + Graduak, Minutuak, Segundoak - + Precision - + Zehaztasuna - + Automatically sets the number of decimal places in the mouse position display - + The number of decimal places that are used when displaying the mouse position is automatically set to be enough so that moving the mouse by one pixel gives a change in the position display - + Automatic - + Automatikoa - - + + Sets the number of decimal places to use for the mouse position display - + Manual - + Eskuz - - + + The number of decimal places for the manual option - + decimal places - + Project scales - + Proiektu-eskalak - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + ... - + ... - + Coordinate Reference System (CRS) - + Koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistema (CRS) - + Enable 'on the fly' CRS transformation - + Gaitu CRS transformazio dinamikoa - + Identifiable layers - + Project layers - + Proiektu-geruzak - - + + Layer - + Geruza - + Type - + Mota - + Identifiable - + Identifikagarria - + Marker - + Markatzailea - + Line - + Lerroa - Defaut styles - + Estilo lehenetsiak - + Default symbols - + Ikur lehenetsiak - + Fill - + Betegarria - + Color Ramp - + Kolore-malda - + Transparency - + Gardentasuna - + % - + % - + Style Manager - + Estilo-kudeatzailea - + Options - + Aukerak - + Assign random colors to symbols - + Person - + Pertsona - + Title - + Kargua - + Organization - + Erakundea - + Online resource - + Lineako baliabidea - + E-Mail - + Posta elektronikoa - + Phone - + Telefonoa - + Abstract - + Laburpena - + Fees - + Access constraints - + Keyword list - + Min. X - + Min. Y - + Max. X - + Max. Y - + Use Current Canvas Extent - + Used - + Exclude composers - + Baztertu konposatzaileak - + Exclude layers - + Baztertu geruzak - + Service capabilitities - + Zerbitzu-kapazitateak - + WMS capabilitities - + WMS kapazitateak - + Add WKT geometry to feature info response - + Published - + Argitaratua - + Update - + Eguneratu - + Insert - + Txertatu - + Delete - + Ezabatu - + Unselect all - + Desautatu dena - + Select all - + Hautatu dena - + Macros - + Makroak - + Advertised URL - + Iragarritako URLa - + Width - + Zabalera - + Height - + Altuera - + Maximums for GetMap request - + Advertised extent - + CRS restrictions - + WFS capabilitities - + Python macros - + Python makroak QgsProjectionSelector - + User Defined Coordinate Systems - + Erabili definitutako koordenatu-sistemak - + Geographic Coordinate Systems - + Koordenatu-sistema geografikoak - + Projected Coordinate Systems - + Koordenatu-sistema proiektatuak - + Resource Location Error - + Errorea baliabide-kokapenean - + Error reading database file from: %1 Because of this the projection selector will not work... @@ -35556,45 +37833,50 @@ Because of this the projection selector will not work... Coordinate Reference System Selector - + Koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistemen hautatzailea - + Filter - + Iragazkia - + Recently used coordinate reference systems - + Berriki erabilitako koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistemak - - + + Coordinate Reference System + Koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistema + + + + Selected CRS: - - + + Authority ID - - + + ID - + IDa - + Coordinate reference systems of the world - + Munduko koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistemak - + Hide deprecated CRSs - + Ezkutatu CRS zaharkituak @@ -35602,17 +37884,17 @@ Because of this the projection selector will not work... &Test - + &Probatu &Clear - + &Garbitu Query Result - + Kontsulta-emaitza @@ -35661,17 +37943,17 @@ The data provider said: Query Builder - + Kontsulta-eraikitzailea Datasource - + Datu-iturria Fields - + Eremuak @@ -35679,12 +37961,15 @@ The data provider said: p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">List of fields in this vector file</p></body></html> - + <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> +p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } +</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> +<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Fitxategi bektorial honetako eremu-zerrenda</p></body></html> Values - + Balioak @@ -35692,7 +37977,10 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">List of values for the current field.</p></body></html> - + <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> +p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } +</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> +<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Uneko eremuaren balio-zerrenda.</p></body></html> @@ -35705,7 +37993,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Sample - + Lagina @@ -35718,87 +38006,87 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } All - + Dena Use unfiltered layer - + Erabili iragazi gabeko geruza Operators - + Eragileak = - + = < - + < NOT - + NOT OR - + OR AND - + AND % - + % IN - + IN NOT IN - + NOT IN != - + != > - + > LIKE - + LIKE ILIKE - + ILIKE >= - + >= <= - + <= @@ -35811,17 +38099,17 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Enter result file - + Sartu emaitza-fitxategia Expression valid - + Adierazpena zuzena da Expression invalid - + Adierazpena okerra da @@ -35829,87 +38117,87 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Raster calculator - + Raster-kalkulagailua Raster bands - + Raster-bandak Result layer - + Emaitza-geruza Output layer - + Irteera-geruza ... - + ... Current layer extent - + Uneko geruza-hedadura X min - + X min XMax - + X max Y min - + Y min Y max - + Y max Columns - + Zutabeak Rows - + Errenkadak Output format - + Irteera-formatua Add result to project - + Gehitu emaitza proiektuari Operators - + Eragileak + - + + * - + * @@ -35924,7 +38212,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } ^ - + ^ @@ -35934,17 +38222,17 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } ( - + ( - - + - / - + / @@ -35969,42 +38257,42 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } ) - + ) < - + < > - + > = - + = OR - + OR AND - + AND <= - + <= >= - + >= @@ -36015,64 +38303,56 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } QgsRasterDataProvider - no data - + daturik ez - Feature info - + Elementu-informazioa - + Format not supported - + Onartzen ez den formatua - Average - + Batez bestekoa - Nearest Neighbour - + Gertueneko balioa - Gauss - + Gauss - Cubic - + Kubikoa - Mode - + Modua - None - + Bat ere ez - + Value - + Balioa - + Html - + HTML - + Feature - + Elementua @@ -36080,31 +38360,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Default - + Lehenetsia No compression - + Konpresiorik ez Low compression - + Konpresio baxua High compression - + Konpresio altua JPEG compression - + JPEG konpresioa @@ -36153,7 +38433,7 @@ Click on help button to get valid creation options for this format. Valid - + Baliozkoa @@ -36176,145 +38456,165 @@ Click on help button to get valid creation options for this format. Form - + Formularioa New - + Berria Remove - + Kendu Reset - + Berrezarri Profile - + Profila Name - + Izena Value - + Balioa + - + + Validate - + Balidatu Help - + Laguntza - - + - Insert KEY=VALUE pairs separated by spaces - + Txertatu zuriunez banandutako GAKO=BALIO bikoteak QgsRasterHistogramWidget - + Visibility + Ikusgaitasuna + + + + Min/Max options - - Show min/max markers + + Always show min/max markers - - Show all bands + + Zoom to min/max - - Show RGB/Gray band(s) + + Update style to min/max - + + Show all bands + Erakutsi banda guztiak + + + + Show RGB/Gray band(s) + Erakutsi RGB/gris banda(k) + + + Show selected band - + Erakutsi hautatutako banda + + + + Actions + Ekintzak - + Reset - + Berrezarri - + Load min/max - + Kargatu min/max - + Estimate (faster) - + Actual (slower) - + Current extent - + Use stddev (1.0) - + Use stddev (custom) - + Load for each band - + Recompute Histogram - + Band %1 - + %1 banda - + Choose a file name to save the map image as - + Hautatu fitxategi-izen bat mapa-irudia gordetzeko @@ -36322,17 +38622,21 @@ Click on help button to get valid creation options for this format. Form - + Formularioa - Band + Banda + + + + Set min/max style for Min - + Min @@ -36343,12 +38647,12 @@ Click on help button to get valid creation options for this format. ... - + ... Max - + Max @@ -36358,7 +38662,7 @@ Click on help button to get valid creation options for this format. Prefs/Actions - + Hobespenak/Ekintzak @@ -36368,560 +38672,541 @@ Click on help button to get valid creation options for this format. Save as image... - + Gorde irudi gisa... Compute Histogram - + Kalkulatu histograma QgsRasterInterface - + Identify - + Identifikatu - + Build Pyramids - + Eraiki piramideak - + Create Datasources - + Sortu datu-iturriak - + Remove Datasources - + Kendu datu-iturriak - + Band - + Banda QgsRasterLayer - - - - + + + Not Set - + Ezarri gabea - + QgsRasterLayer created - - Retrieving stats for %1 - - - - + Could not reproject view extent: %1 - - - - + + + Raster - + Rasterra - + Could not reproject layer extent: %1 - Cannot read data - + Ezin dira datuak irakurri - null (no data) - + NULL (daturik ez) - Driver: - + Kontrolagailua: - + No Data Value - + NoDataValue not set - - Data Type: + + Could not determine raster data type. - - GDT_Byte - Eight bit unsigned integer - + + Driver + Kontrolagailua + + + + Data Type + Datu-mota - - GDT_UInt16 - Sixteen bit unsigned integer + + Byte - Eight bit unsigned integer - - GDT_Int16 - Sixteen bit signed integer + + UInt16 - Sixteen bit unsigned integer - - GDT_UInt32 - Thirty two bit unsigned integer + + Int16 - Sixteen bit signed integer - - GDT_Int32 - Thirty two bit signed integer + + UInt32 - Thirty two bit unsigned integer - - GDT_Float32 - Thirty two bit floating point + + Int32 - Thirty two bit signed integer - - GDT_Float64 - Sixty four bit floating point + + Float32 - Thirty two bit floating point - - GDT_CInt16 - Complex Int16 + + Float64 - Sixty four bit floating point - - GDT_CInt32 - Complex Int32 + + CInt16 - Complex Int16 - - GDT_CFloat32 - Complex Float32 + + CInt32 - Complex Int32 - - GDT_CFloat64 - Complex Float64 + + CFloat32 - Complex Float32 - - Could not determine raster data type. + + CFloat64 - Complex Float64 - - Pyramid overviews: + + Pyramid overviews - - Layer Spatial Reference System: + + Layer Spatial Reference System - - Layer Extent (layer original source projection): + + Layer Extent (layer original source projection) - - Project Spatial Reference System: + + Project Spatial Reference System - - + Band - + Banda - + Band No - + No Stats - + No stats collected yet - + Min Val - + Max Val - + Range - + Tartea - + Mean - + Batez bestekoa - + Sum of squares - + Standard Deviation - + Desbiderapen estandarra - + Sum of all cells - + Cell Count - + Cannot instantiate the '%1' data provider - + Provider is not valid (provider: %1, URI: %2 - + <maplayer> not found. - - - GDAL data type %1 is not supported - - QgsRasterLayerProperties - + Not Set - + Ezarri gabea - + Description - + Deskribapena - + Large resolution raster layers can slow navigation in QGIS. - + By creating lower resolution copies of the data (pyramids) performance can be considerably improved as QGIS selects the most suitable resolution to use depending on the level of zoom. - + You must have write access in the directory where the original data is stored to build pyramids. - + Please note that building internal pyramids may alter the original data file and once created they cannot be removed! - + Please note that building internal pyramids could corrupt your image - always make a backup of your data first! - + Layer Properties - %1 - + Geruza-propietateak - %1 - + Nearest neighbour - + Gertueneko balioa - - + + Bilinear - + Bilineala - - + + Cubic - + kubikoa - - + + Average - + Batez bestekoa - + None - + Bat ere ez - - + + Red - + Gorria - - + + Green - + Berdea - - + + Blue - + Urdina - - - - + + + Percent Transparent - - + Gray - + Grisa - - + Indexed Value - + Balio indexatua - + From - + Hemendik - + To - + Hona - + not defined - + definitu gabea - + Columns: %1 - + Zutabeak: %1 - + Rows: %1 - + Errenkadak: %1 - + Columns: - + Zutabeak: - - - - + + + + n/a - + n/a - + Rows: - + Errenkadak: - - + + No-Data Value: - + No-Data Value: %1 - - + + Write access denied - + Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. - + Idazteko baimena ukatu da. Doitu fitxategi-baimenak eta saiatu berriro. - - - - + + + + Building pyramids failed. - + Piramideen eraikuntzak huts egin du. - + The file was not writable. Some formats do not support pyramid overviews. Consult the GDAL documentation if in doubt. - + Fitxategia ez da idazgarria. Formatu batzuk ez dute onartzen piramideen ikuspegia. Begiratu GDAL dokumentazioa zalantzak badituzu. - - + + Building pyramid overviews is not supported on this type of raster. - + Piramideen ikuspedi orokorrak eraikitzea ez dago onartuta raster-mota honetan. - + Building internal pyramid overviews is not supported on raster layers with JPEG compression and your current libtiff library. - + Barne-piramideen ikuspedi orokorrak eraikitzea ez dago onartuta JPEG konpresioa duten geruzetan eta zure uneko libtiff liburutegian. - + Save file - - + + Textfile - + QGIS Generated Transparent Pixel Value Export File - + + Value + Balioa + + + Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. - + Open file - + Ireki fitxategia - + Import Error - + The following lines contained errors %1 - + Read access denied - + Read access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. - - + + Default Style - + Estilo lehenetsia - + Load layer properties from style file - + Kargatu geruza-propietateak estilo-fitxategitik - - + + QGIS Layer Style File - + QGIS geruzen estilo-fitxategia - - + + Saved Style - + Gordetako estiloa - + Save layer properties as style file - - - - - Filter - - - - - Bands - + Gorde geruza-propietateak estilo-fitxategi gisa @@ -36929,25 +39214,25 @@ Click on help button to get valid creation options for this format. Raster Layer Properties - + Raster-geruzaren propietateak - + Save Style ... - + Gorde estiloa... - + Load Style ... - + Kargatu estiloa... - + Resolutions - + Bereizmenak - + <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } @@ -36956,58 +39241,58 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } - + Save As Default - + Gorde lehenetsi gisa - + Restore Default Style - + Berrezarri estilo lehenetsia - + Render type - + Errendatze-mota - + Resampling - + Birlagintzea - + Oversampling - - - + + + Transparency - + Gardentasuna - - - + + + Style - + Estiloa - + Layer info - + Geruza-informazioa - + displayed as - + Layer name - + Geruza-izena @@ -37020,252 +39305,252 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } - + Description - + Deskribapena - + Properties - + Propietateak - + Band rendering - + Banda-errendatzea - + Color rendering - + Kolore-errendatzea - + Saturation - + Saturazioa - + Off - + By lightness - + By luminosity - + By average - + Hue - + Ñabardura - + Blending mode - + Nahaste-modua - + Brightness - + Distira - + Contrast - + Kontrastea - + Grayscale - + Gris-eskala - + Colorize - + Strength - + % - + % - + Reset all color rendering options to default - + Reset - + Berrezarri - + Zoomed: in - + out - + Global transparency - + None - + Bat ere ez - + 00% - + <p align="right">Full</p> - + No data value - + Use original source no data value. - + No data value: - + Original data source no data value, if exists. - + <src no data value> - - + + Additional user defined no data value. - + Additional no data value - + Custom transparency options - + Transparency band - - Transparent pixel list + + Add values from display - - Add values manually + + Transparent pixel list - - - - - - - ... - + + Add values manually + Gehitu balioak eskuz - - Add Values from display - + + + + + + + ... + ... - + Remove selected row - + Kendu hautatutako errenkada - + Default values - + Balio lehenetsiak - + Import from file - + Inportatu fitxategitik - + Export to file - + Esportatu fitxategira - + General - + Orokorra - + Layer source - + Geruza-iturria - + Columns - + Zutabeak - + Rows - + Errenkadak - + No Data - + Daturik ez - + Scale dependent visibility - + Eskalaren araberako ikusgaitasuna @@ -37281,116 +39566,109 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Current - + Unekoa - + Coordinate reference system - + Koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistema - - + + Specify the coordinate reference system of the layer's geometry. - + Specify... - + Zehaztu... Thumbnail - + Miniatura Legend - + Legenda Palette - + Paleta - - - + + + Metadata - + Metadatuak - + Title - + Izenburua - + Abstract - + Laburpena - - - + + + Pyramids - + Piramideak - + Average - + Batez bestekoa - + Nearest Neighbour - + Gertueneko balioa - + Build pyramids - + Eraiki piramideak - + Resampling method - + Birlagintze-metodoa - + Overview format - + Ikuspegi orokorraren formatua - + External - + Internal (if possible) - + Barnekoa (posible bada) - + External (Erdas Imagine) - - - + + + Histogram - - - - - - - Pipe - + Histograma @@ -37398,22 +39676,22 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } From - + Hemendik To - + Hona Select output directory - + Hautatu irteera-direktorioa Warning - + Abisua @@ -37423,54 +39701,54 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Select output file - + Hautatu irteera-fitxategia GeoTIFF - + GeoTIFF layer - + geruza user defined - + erabiltzaileak definitua Resolution (current: %1) - + Bereizmena (unekoa: %1) map view - + mapa-ikuspegia Extent (current: %1) - + Hedadura (unekoa: %1) Layer (%1, %2) - + Geruza (%1, %2) Project (%1, %2) - + Proiektua (%1, %2) Selected (%1, %2) - + Hautatua (%1, %2) @@ -37478,12 +39756,12 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Save raster layer as... - + Hautatu raster-geruza honela... Output mode - + Irteera-modua @@ -37493,7 +39771,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Raw data - + Datu gordinak @@ -37503,12 +39781,12 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Rendered image - + Errendatutako irudia Format - + Formatua @@ -37519,129 +39797,129 @@ datasets with maximum width and height specified below. Save as - + Gorde honela Browse... - + Arakatu... CRS - + CRSa Change ... - + Aldatu... Extent - + Hedadura West - + Mendebaldea East - + Ekialdea North - + Iparraldea South - + Hegoaldea Layer extent - + Geruza-hedadura Map view extent - + Mapa-ikuspegiaren hedadura Resolution - + Bereizmena Horizontal - + Horizontala Columns - + Zutabeak Rows - + Errenkadak Layer resolution - + Geruza-bereizmena Layer size - + Geruza-tamaina Vertical - + Bertikala VRT Tiles - + VRT lauzak Create Options - + Sortze-aukerak Maximum number of columns in one tile. - + Zutabe-kopuru maximoa lauza batean. Max columns - + Zutabe-kopuru maximoa Maximum number of rows in one tile. - + Errenkada-kopuru maximoa lauza batean. Max rows - + Errenkada-kopuru maximoa Create VRT - + Sortu VRTa @@ -37651,12 +39929,12 @@ datasets with maximum width and height specified below. No data values - + Daturik gabeko balioak Add values manually - + Gehitu balioak eskuz @@ -37664,7 +39942,7 @@ datasets with maximum width and height specified below. ... - + ... @@ -37674,22 +39952,22 @@ datasets with maximum width and height specified below. Remove selected row - + Kendu hautatutako errenkada Clear all - + Garbitu dena Pyramids - + Piramideak Resolutions - + Bereizmenak @@ -37699,7 +39977,7 @@ datasets with maximum width and height specified below. Use existing - + Erabili existitzen dena @@ -37707,7 +39985,7 @@ datasets with maximum width and height specified below. Form - + Formularioa @@ -37717,12 +39995,12 @@ datasets with maximum width and height specified below. - - + - % - + % @@ -37732,7 +40010,7 @@ datasets with maximum width and height specified below. Extent - + Hedadura @@ -37742,7 +40020,7 @@ datasets with maximum width and height specified below. Current - + Unekoa @@ -37774,7 +40052,7 @@ standard deviation × Load - + Kargatu @@ -37782,17 +40060,17 @@ standard deviation × Form - + Formularioa Custom levels - + Maila pertsonalizatuak Internal (if possible) - + Barnekoa (posible bada) @@ -37802,73 +40080,73 @@ standard deviation × External (GTiff .ovr) - + Kanpokoa (GTiff .ovr) External (Erdas Imagine .aux) - + Kanpokoa (Erdas Imagine .aux) Average - + Batez bestekoa Nearest Neighbour - + Gertueneko balioa Overview format - + Ikuspegi orokorraren formatua Create Options - + Sortze-aukerak Levels - + Mailak Resampling method - + Birlagintze-metodoa QgsRasterRenderer - + Unknown - + Ezezaguna - + User defined - + Erabiltzaileak definitua - + Estimated - + Estimatua - + Exact - + Zehatza - + min / max - + min / max - + of @@ -37913,7 +40191,7 @@ standard deviation × Enter result file - + Sartu emaitza-fitxategia @@ -37924,7 +40202,7 @@ standard deviation × Elevation - + Altuera @@ -37942,7 +40220,7 @@ standard deviation × Dialog - + Elkarrizketa-koadroa @@ -37952,17 +40230,17 @@ standard deviation × Output layer - + Irteera-geruza ... - + ... Output format - + Irteera-formatua @@ -37972,7 +40250,7 @@ standard deviation × Add result to project - + Gehitu emaitza proiektuari @@ -38017,12 +40295,12 @@ standard deviation × + - + + - - + - @@ -38037,7 +40315,7 @@ standard deviation × Color - + Kolorea @@ -38061,19 +40339,19 @@ standard deviation × Slope - + Malda Aspect - + Orientazioa Hillshade - + Itzala @@ -38098,7 +40376,7 @@ standard deviation × Abort - + Abortatu @@ -38131,64 +40409,64 @@ standard deviation × Rule properties - + Erregela-propietateak Label - + Etiketa Filter - + Iragazkia ... - + ... Test - + Proba Description - + Deskribapena Scale range - + Eskala-tartea Min. scale - + Eskala minimoa 1 : - + 1 : Max. scale - + Eskala maximoa Symbol - + Ikurra Error - + Errorea @@ -38199,7 +40477,7 @@ standard deviation × Evaluation error - + Ebaluazio-errorea @@ -38216,31 +40494,31 @@ standard deviation × Rotation field - + Biraketa-eremua Size scale field - + Tamaina-eskalaren eremua Scale area - + Eskala-azalera Scale diameter - + Eskala-diametroa - no field - - + - eremurik ez - @@ -38248,15 +40526,34 @@ standard deviation × Renderer settings + Errendatzaile-ezarpenak + + + + Layer rendering - - Blending mode + + Layer transparency + + + + + Feature blending mode + + + + + Layer blending mode - + Blending mode + Nahaste-modua + + + This renderer doesn't implement a graphical interface. @@ -38266,78 +40563,78 @@ standard deviation × Change color - + Aldatu kolorea Change transparency - + Aldatu gardentasuna Change output unit - + Aldatu irteera-unitatea Change width - + Aldatu zabalera Change size - + Aldatu tamaina Transparency - + Gardentasuna Change symbol transparency [%] - + Aldatu ikur-gardentasuna [%] Symbol unit - + Ikur-unitatea Select symbol unit - + Hautatu ikur-unitatea Millimeter - + Milimetroa Map unit - + Mapa-unitatea Width - + Zabalera Change symbol width - + Aldatu ikur-zabalera Size - + Tamaina Change symbol size - + Aldatu ikur-tamaina @@ -38355,17 +40652,17 @@ standard deviation × Label - + Etiketa Rule - + Araua Min. scale - + Eskala minimoa @@ -38375,7 +40672,7 @@ standard deviation × Count - + Zenbaketa @@ -38396,49 +40693,61 @@ standard deviation × QgsRuleBasedRendererV2Widget - Add - + Gehitu - Edit - + Editatu - Remove + Kendu + + + + Add rule + + + + + Edit rule + + + + + Remove rule - + Refine current rules - + Count features - + Rendering order... - + Errendatze-ordena... Add scales to rule - + Gehitu eskalak erregelari Add categories to rule - + Gehitu kategoriak erregelari Add ranges to rule - + Gehitu tarteak erregelari @@ -38469,7 +40778,7 @@ standard deviation × Error - + Errorea @@ -38484,7 +40793,7 @@ standard deviation × Abort - + Abortatu @@ -38497,7 +40806,7 @@ standard deviation × Action - + Ekintza @@ -38546,18 +40855,18 @@ standard deviation × Delete - + Ezabatu %1: Not a vector layer! - + %1: Ez da geruza bektoriala! %1: OK! - + %1: OK! @@ -38585,12 +40894,12 @@ standard deviation × Delete layer - + Ezabatu geruza Layer deleted successfully. - + Geruza ongi ezabatu da. @@ -38598,76 +40907,147 @@ standard deviation × New Connection... - + Konexio berria... Create database... - + Sortu datu-basea... New SpatiaLite Database File - + SpatiaLite datu-base fitxategi berria SpatiaLite - + SpatiaLite Create SpatiaLite database - + Sortu SpatiaLite datu-basea The database has been created - + Datu-basea sortu da Failed to create the database: - + Ezin izan da datu-basea sortu: QgsSVGFillSymbolLayerWidget - + Select svg texture file - + Texture width - + Ehundura-zabalera - + SVG file - + SVG fitxategia - + Rotation - + Biraketa - + Color - + Kolorea - + Border color - + Ertz-kolorea - + Border width + Ertz-zabalera + + + + QgsSaveStyleToDbDialog + + + Save style in database + + + + + A name is mandatory + + + + + Attach Qt Designer UI file + + + + + Qt Designer UI file .ui + + + + + Wrong file + + + + + The selected file does not appear to be a valid Qt Designer UI file. + + + + + QgsSaveToDBDialog + + + Add column + Gehitu zutabea + + + + Description + Deskribapena + + + + UI + + + + + Style Name + + + + + Use as default style for this layer + + + + + Open... + + + + + Optionally pick an input form for attribute editing (QT Designer UI format), it will be stored in the database @@ -38681,12 +41061,12 @@ standard deviation × &Test - + &Probatu &Clear - + &Garbitu @@ -38731,7 +41111,7 @@ standard deviation × Evaluation error - + Ebaluazio-errorea @@ -38759,7 +41139,7 @@ standard deviation × Error - + Errorea @@ -38779,7 +41159,7 @@ standard deviation × All files - + Fitxategi guztiak @@ -38812,7 +41192,7 @@ standard deviation × Validation started. - + Balidazioa hasi da. @@ -38859,7 +41239,7 @@ standard deviation × Scanning - + Eskaneatzen @@ -38894,19 +41274,19 @@ The error was: QgsSimpleFillSymbolLayerV2Widget - + Color - + Kolorea - + Border color - + Ertz-kolorea - + Border width - + Ertz-zabalera @@ -38914,30 +41294,30 @@ The error was: Color - + Kolorea - + Pen width - + Arkatz-zabalera - + Offset - + Desplazamendua - + Dash pattern - + Join style - + Cap style @@ -38945,39 +41325,39 @@ The error was: QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerV2Widget - + Name - + Izena - + Fill color - + Betegarri-kolorea - + Border color - + Ertz-kolorea - + Outline width - + Trazu-zabalera - + Size - + Tamaina - + Angle - + Angelua - + Offset - + Desplazamendua @@ -38985,32 +41365,32 @@ The error was: Black to white - + Beltzetik zurira White to black - + Zuritik beltzera No enhancement - + Nabarmentzerik ez Stretch to MinMax - + Luzatu minimo/maximora Stretch and clip to MinMax - + Luzatu eta moztu minimo/maximora Clip to MinMax - + Moztu minimo/maximora @@ -39018,13 +41398,13 @@ The error was: Form - + Formularioa Contrast enhancement - + Kontraste-nabarmentzea @@ -39034,12 +41414,12 @@ enhancement Min - + Min Max - + Max @@ -39052,28 +41432,28 @@ enhancement - - - + + + Discrete - + Diskretua - - - - + + + + Linear - + Lineala - - + + Exact - + Zehatza @@ -39091,67 +41471,67 @@ enhancement - + Load Color Map - - The color map for band %1 failed to load + + The color map for band %1 has no entries - + Open file - + Ireki fitxategia - - + + Textfile (*.txt) - + Import Error - + The following lines contained errors - + Read access denied - + Read access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. - + Save file - + QGIS Generated Color Map Export File - + Write access denied - + Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. @@ -39163,37 +41543,37 @@ enhancement Form - + Formularioa Band - + Banda Color interpolation - + Kolore-interpolazioa Add values manually - + Gehitu balioak eskuz - - - + + + ... - + ... Remove selected row - + Kendu hautatutako errenkada @@ -39201,82 +41581,82 @@ enhancement - + Load color map from band - + Load color map from file - + Export color map to file - + Value - + Balioa - + Color - + Kolorea - + Label - + Etiketa - + Clip - + Moztu - + Generate new color map - + Sortu kolore-malda berria - + Invert - + Alderantzikatu - + Classes - + Klaseak - + Classify - + Sailkatu - + Min - + Min - + Max - + Max - + Mode - + Modua - + Min / max origin: - + Min / Max origin @@ -39286,7 +41666,7 @@ enhancement Symbol levels... - + Ikur-mailak... @@ -39294,12 +41674,12 @@ enhancement Form - + Formularioa The Symbol - + Ikurra @@ -39307,7 +41687,7 @@ enhancement Invalid name - + Baliogabeko izena @@ -39340,7 +41720,7 @@ enhancement Conditions - + Baldintzak @@ -39348,34 +41728,34 @@ enhancement Snapping and Digitizing Options - + Doitze- eta digitalizatze-aukerak to vertex - + erpinera to segment - + segmentura to vertex and segment - + erpinera eta segmentura map units - + mapa-unitateak pixels - + pixelak @@ -39383,47 +41763,47 @@ enhancement Snapping options - + Atxikitze-aukerak Layer - + Geruza Mode - + Modua Tolerance - + Tolerantzia Units - + Unitateak Avoid Int. - + Saihestu ebaketak Avoid intersections of new polygons - + Saihestu ebaketa-guneak poligono berrietan Enable topological editing - + Gaitu edizio topologikoa Enable snapping on intersection - + Gaitu atxikitzea ebaketa-guneetan @@ -39495,108 +41875,109 @@ enhancement QgsSpatiaLiteProvider - + Binary object (BLOB) - + Text - + Testua - + Decimal number (double) - + Zenbaki hamartarra (bikoitza) - + Whole number (integer) - + Zenbaki osoa (osoa) - + Retrieval of spatialite version failed - + Could not parse spatialite version string '%1' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + SQLite error: %2 SQL: %1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + SQLite errorea: %2 +SQL: %1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + SpatiaLite - - - - - - - - - - - - + SpatiaLite + + + + + + + + + + + unknown cause - + FAILURE: Field %1 not found. @@ -39621,54 +42002,54 @@ SQL: %1 &Add - + &Gehitu &Set Filter - + &Ezarri iragazkia Wildcard - + Komodina RegExp - + RegExp All - + Dena Table - + Taula Type - + Mota Geometry column - + Geometria-zutabea Sql - + SQL @@ -39702,7 +42083,7 @@ but implies better performance thereafter. @ - + @ @@ -39717,12 +42098,12 @@ but implies better performance thereafter. All files - + Fitxategi guztiak Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? - + Seguru zaude %1 konexioa eta hari lotutako ezarpen guztiak kendu nahi dituzula? @@ -39732,7 +42113,7 @@ but implies better performance thereafter. Select Table - + Hautatu taula @@ -39787,52 +42168,52 @@ but implies better performance thereafter. Table - + Taula Type - + Mota Geometry column - + Geometria-zutabea Sql - + SQL Point - + Puntua Multipoint - + Puntuanitza Line - + Lerroa Multiline - + Lerroanitza Polygon - + Poligonoa Multipolygon - + Poligonoanitza @@ -39900,7 +42281,7 @@ but implies better performance thereafter. %1 of %2 - + %1 %2(e)tik @@ -39950,7 +42331,7 @@ but implies better performance thereafter. user - + erabiltzailea @@ -39965,7 +42346,7 @@ but implies better performance thereafter. disable - + desgaitu @@ -39984,7 +42365,7 @@ CRS of map is %1. Zoom to feature - + Zoom elementura @@ -40192,7 +42573,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } SRID - + SRID @@ -40212,12 +42593,12 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Filter - + Iragazkia Name - + Izena @@ -40225,17 +42606,17 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } File Name - + Fitxategi-izena Feature Class - + Elementu-klasea Features - + Elementuak @@ -40245,7 +42626,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Schema - + Eskema @@ -40255,22 +42636,22 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Confirm Delete - + Baieztatu ezabaketa Add Shapefiles - + Gehitu shapefile-ak Shapefiles - + Shapefile-ak All files - + Fitxategi guztiak @@ -40421,7 +42802,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Please enter your password: - + Sartu zure pasahitza: @@ -40451,7 +42832,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Cancel - + Utzi @@ -40546,7 +42927,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite the [%2] relation? Connect - + Konektatu @@ -40557,7 +42938,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite the [%2] relation? New - + Berria @@ -40568,7 +42949,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite the [%2] relation? Edit - + Editatu @@ -40580,7 +42961,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite the [%2] relation? Remove - + Kendu @@ -40606,7 +42987,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite the [%2] relation? SRID - + SRID @@ -40638,7 +43019,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite the [%2] relation? Add - + Gehitu @@ -40682,12 +43063,12 @@ Do you want to overwrite the [%2] relation? QGIS Sponsors - + QGIS diruz lagundu dutenak TextLabel - + Testu-etiketa @@ -40695,7 +43076,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite the [%2] relation? <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Cantarell'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;">We work really hard to make this nice software for you. See all the cool features it has? Get a warm fuzzy feeling when you use it? Quantum GIS is a labour of love by a dedicated team of developers. We want you to copy &amp; share it and put it in the hands of as many people as possible. If QGIS is saving you money or you like our work and have the financial ability to help, please consider sponsoring the development of Quantum GIS. We use money from sponsors to pay for travel and costs related to our bi-annual hackfests, and to generally support the goals of our project. Please see the </span><a href=""><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">QGIS Sponsorship Web Page</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;"> for more details. In the </span><a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Sponsors page</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;"> you can see the fine people and companies that are helping us financially - a great big 'thank you' to you all!</span></p></body></html> +<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;">We work really hard to make this nice software for you. See all the cool features it has? Get a warm fuzzy feeling when you use it? QGIS is a labour of love by a dedicated team of developers. We want you to copy &amp; share it and put it in the hands of as many people as possible. If QGIS is saving you money or you like our work and have the financial ability to help, please consider sponsoring the development of QGIS. We use money from sponsors to pay for travel and costs related to our bi-annual hackfests, and to generally support the goals of our project. Please see the </span><a href=""><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">QGIS Sponsorship Web Page</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;"> for more details. In the </span><a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Sponsors page</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;"> you can see the fine people and companies that are helping us financially - a great big 'thank you' to you all!</span></p></body></html> @@ -40725,7 +43106,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } The source relation %1 has no column suitable for use as a unique key. -Quantum GIS requires that the relation has an integer column no larger than 32 bits containing unique values. +QGIS requires that the relation has an integer column no larger than 32 bits containing unique values. @@ -40797,41 +43178,41 @@ Quantum GIS requires that the relation has an integer column no larger than 32 b Unknown geometry type - + Geometria-mota ezezaguna - Column %1 has a geometry type of %2, which Quantum GIS does not currently support. + Column %1 has a geometry type of %2, which QGIS does not currently support. - - Mixed Spatial Reference Systems + + Column %1 is not restricted to a single SRID, which QGIS requires. - - Column %1 is not restricted to a single SRID, which Quantum GIS requires. + + Because QGIS supports only planar data, the SQL Anywhere data provider will transform the data to the compatible planar projection (SRID=%1). - - Error checking database ReadOnly property + + Because QGIS supports only planar data and no compatible planar projection was found, the SQL Anywhere data provider will attempt to transform the data to planar WGS 84 (SRID=%1). - - Error loading SRS definition + + Mixed Spatial Reference Systems - - Because Quantum GIS supports only planar data, the SQL Anywhere data provider will transform the data to the compatible planar projection (SRID=%1). + + Error checking database ReadOnly property - - Because Quantum GIS supports only planar data and no compatible planar projection was found, the SQL Anywhere data provider will attempt to transform the data to planar WGS 84 (SRID=%1). + + Error loading SRS definition @@ -40852,58 +43233,58 @@ Updates to geometry values will be disabled, and query performance may be poor b Select all - + Hautatu dena Clear selection - + Garbitu hautapena Import style(s) - + Inportatu estiloa(k) Select symbols to import - + Hautatu inportatuko diren ikurrak Import - + Inportatu Export style(s) - + Esportatu estiloa(k) Export - + Esportatu Export/import error - + Esportazio/inportazio-errorea You should select at least one symbol/color ramp. - + Gutxienez ikur/kolore-malda bat hautatu behar duzu. Save styles - + Gorde estiloak XML files (*.xml *.XML) - + XML fitxategiak (*.xml, *.XML) @@ -40914,7 +43295,7 @@ Updates to geometry values will be disabled, and query performance may be poor b Import error - + Inportazio-errorea @@ -40925,43 +43306,43 @@ Updates to geometry values will be disabled, and query performance may be poor b Group Name - + Talde-izena Please enter a name for new group: - + Sartu izen bat talde berrirako: imported - + inportatua New Group - + Talde berria New group cannot be created without a name. Kindly enter a name. - + Talde berria ezin da sortu izenik gabe. Mesedez, sartu izen bat. New group - + Talde berria Cannot create a group without name. Enter a name. - + Talde berria ezin da sortu izenik gabe. Mesedez, sartu izen ba. Duplicate names - + Izen bikoiztuak @@ -40978,27 +43359,27 @@ Overwrite? Load styles - + Kargatu estiloak XML files (*.xml *XML) - + XML fitxategiak (*.xml *XML) Downloading style ... - + Estiloa deskargatzen... HTTP Error! - + HTTP errorea! Download failed: %1. - + Deskargak huts egin du: %1. @@ -41006,27 +43387,27 @@ Overwrite? Styles import/export - + Estiloen inportazioa/esportazioa Import from - + Inportatu hemendik Location - + Kokapena Save to group - + Gorde taldean Select symbols to export - + Hautatu esportatuko diren ikurrak @@ -41035,162 +43416,162 @@ Overwrite? Type here to filter symbols ... - + Idatzi hemen ikurrak iragazteko... Marker symbol (%1) - + Markatzaile-ikurra (%1) Line symbol (%1) - + Lerro-ikurra (%1) Fill symbol (%1) - + Betegarri-ikurra (%1) Color ramp (%1) - + Kolore-malda (%1) Gradient - + Gradientea Random - + Ausazkoa ColorBrewer - + ColorBrewer cpt-city - + cpt-city new symbol - + ikur berria new marker - + markatzaile berria new line - + lerro berria new fill symbol - + betegarri-ikur berria Symbol Name - + Ikur-izena Please enter a name for new symbol: - + Sartu izen bat ikur berrirako: Save symbol - + Gorde ikurra Cannot save symbol without name. Enter a name. - + Ikurra ezin da gorde izenik gabe. Mesedez, sartu izen bat. Symbol with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? - + Jadanik badago '%1' izena duen ikurra. Gainidatzi? Color ramp type - + Kolore-maldaren mota Please select color ramp type: - + Hautatu kolore-maldaren mota bat: new ramp - + malda berria new gradient ramp - + gradiente-malda berria new random ramp - + ausazko malda berria Color Ramp Name - + Kolore-maldaren izena Please enter a name for new color ramp: - + Sartu izen bat kolore-malda berrirako: Save Color Ramp - + Gorde kolore-malda Cannot save color ramp without name. Enter a name. - + Kolore-malda ezin da gorde izenik gabe. Mesedez, sartu izen bat. Save color ramp - + Gorde kolore-malda Color ramp with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? - + Jadanik badago '%1' izena duen kolore-malda. Gainidatzi? Invalid Selection - + Baliogabeko hautapena @@ -41201,7 +43582,7 @@ Kindly select a user defined group. Operation Not Allowed - + Eragiketa ez da onartzen @@ -41212,7 +43593,7 @@ Select the 'Smart Group' to create a new group. Invalid selection - + Baliogabeko hautapena @@ -41223,7 +43604,7 @@ Kindly select a group or smart group you might want to delete. Error! - + Errorea! @@ -41234,7 +43615,7 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. Database Error - + Datu-basearen errorea @@ -41249,7 +43630,7 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. Database Error! - + Datu-basearen errorea! @@ -41262,57 +43643,57 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. Style Manager - + Estilo-kudeatzailea Marker - + Markatzailea Line - + Lerroa Fill - + Betegarria Color ramp - + Kolore-malda Tags - + Etiketak Add item - + Gehitu elementua Edit item - + Editatu elementua Edit - + Editatu Remove item - + Kendu elementua Share - + Partekatu @@ -41320,44 +43701,44 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. SVG annotation - + SCG oharpena Delete - + Ezabatu Select SVG file - + Hautatu SVG fitxategia SVG files - + SVG fitxategiak QgsSvgCache - + SVG request failed [error: %1 - url: %2] - + SVG eskariak huts egin du [errorera: %1 - URLa: %2] - - + + SVG - + SVG - + SVG request error [status: %1 - reason phrase: %2] - + SVG eskariak huts egin du [egoera: %1 - arrazoi-esaldia: %2] - + %1 of %2 bytes of svg image downloaded. @@ -41365,97 +43746,96 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayerV2Widget - + Select SVG file - + Hautatu SVG fitxategia - + SVG files - + SVG fitxategiak - + Size - + Tamaina - + Border width - + Ertz-zabalera - + Angle - + Angelua - + Offset - + Desplazamendua - + SVG file - + SVG fitxategia - + Color - + Kolorea - + Border color - + Ertz-kolorea QgsSvgSelectorGroupsModel - + App Symbols - + App ikurrak - + User Symbols - + Erabiltzaile-ikurrak QgsSvgSelectorWidget - + Select SVG file - + Hautatu SVG fitxategia - + SVG files + SVG fitxategiak + + + + File not found - - Invalid file - + Baliogabeko fitxategia - - Error, file does not exist or is not readable - + Errorea, fitxategia ez da existitzen edo ezin da irakurri - Invalid file url - + Baliogabeko fitxategi URLa - Error, file URL is invalid - + Errorea, fitxategiaren URLa baliogabea da @@ -41463,7 +43843,7 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. Layer %1 - + %1 geruza @@ -41471,12 +43851,12 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. Symbol Levels - + Ikur-mailak Enable symbol levels - + Gaitu ikur-mailak @@ -41489,7 +43869,7 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. Invalid Selection! - + Baliogabeko hautapena! @@ -41502,37 +43882,37 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. Symbol selector - + Ikur-hautatzailea Symbol layers - + Ikur-mailak - + Add symbol layer - + Gehitu ikur-maila - + Remove symbol layer - + Kendu ikur-maila - + Lock layer's color - + Blokeatu geruzaren kolorea - + Move up - + Mugitu gora - + Move down - + Mugitu behera @@ -41540,32 +43920,32 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. Symbol name - + Ikur-izena Please enter name for the symbol: - + Sartu izen bat ikurrerako: New symbol - + Ikur berria Save symbol - + Gorde ikurra Symbol with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? - + Jadanik badago '%1' izena duen ikurra. Gainidatzi? Transparency %1% - + Gardentasuna %1% @@ -41573,18 +43953,18 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. Linear - + Lineala Clough-Toucher (cubic) - + Clough-Toucher (kubikoa) Save triangulation to file - + Gorde triangelaketa fitxategian @@ -41592,27 +43972,27 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. Triangle based interpolation - + Triangeluetan oinarritutako interpolazioa Interpolation method - + Interpolazio-metodoa Export triangulation to shapefile after interpolation - + Esportatu triangelaketa shapefile batera interpolazioa egin ondoren Output file - + Irteera-fitxategia ... - + ... @@ -41620,12 +44000,12 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. Delete - + Ezabatu Select font color - + Hautatu letra-tipoaren kolorea @@ -41633,17 +44013,17 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. Annotation text - + Oharpen-testua B - + B I - + I @@ -41651,40 +44031,29 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. Form - + Formularioa Tile scale - + Lauza-eskala QgsTipFactory - Quantum GIS is open source - - - - - Quantum GIS is open source software. This means that the software source code can be freely viewed and modified. The GPL places a restriction that any modifications you make must be made available in source form to whoever you give modified versions to, and that you can not create a new version of Quantum GIS under a 'closed source' license. Visit <a href=""> the QGIS home page (</a> for more information. - + QGIS kode irekikoa da QGIS Publications - - - - - If you write a scientific paper or any other article that refers to QGIS we would love to include your work in the <a href="">case studies section</a> of the Quantum GIS home page (http:// - + QGIS argitalpenak Become an QGIS translator - + Bihurtu QGISen itzultzailea @@ -41694,7 +44063,7 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. QGIS Mailing lists - + QGISen posta-zerrendak @@ -41704,131 +44073,146 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. Is it 'QGIS' or 'Quantum GIS'? + Nola da, 'QGIS' ala 'Quantum GIS'? + + + + QGIS is open source + + + + + QGIS is open source software. This means that the software source code can be freely viewed and modified. The GPL places a restriction that any modifications you make must be made available in source form to whoever you give modified versions to, and that you can not create a new version of QGIS under a 'closed source' license. Visit <a href=""> the QGIS home page (</a> for more information. + + + + + If you write a scientific paper or any other article that refers to QGIS we would love to include your work in the <a href="">case studies section</a> of the QGIS home page (http:// - Both are correct. For articles we suggest you write 'Quantum GIS (QGIS) is ....' and then refer to it as QGIS thereafter. + Both used to be correct, but we recently decided to just use 'QGIS'. For articles we suggest you write 'QGIS is ....' - - How do I refer to Quantum GIS? + + How do I refer to QGIS? - + QGIS is spelled in all caps. We have various subprojects of the QGIS project and it will help to avoid confusion if you refer to each by its name:<ul><li>QGIS Library - this is the C++ library that contains the core logic that is used to build the QGIS user interface and other applications.</li><li>QGIS Application - this is the desktop application that you know and love so much :-).</li><li>QGIS Mapserver - this is a server-side application based on the QGIS Library that will serve up your .qgs projects using the WMS protocol.</li></ul> - + Add the current date to a map layout - + You can add a current date variable to your map layout. Create a regular text label and add the string $CURRENT_DATE(yyyy-MM-dd) to the text box. See the <a href="">QDate::toString format documentation</a> for the possible date formats. - + Moving Elements and Maps in the Print Composer - + In the print composer tool bar you can find two buttons for moving elements. The left one (a selection cursor with the hand symbol) selects and moves elements in the layout. After selecting the element with this tool you can also move them around with the arrow keys. For accurate positioning use the <strong>Position and Size</strong> dialogue, which can be found in the tab <strong>Item &rarr; General Options &rarr; Position and Size</strong>. For easier positioning you can also set specific anchor points of the element within this dialogue. The other move tool (the globe icon combined with the hand icon) allows one to move the map content within a map frame. - + Lock an element in the layout view - + By left clicking an element in the layout view you can select it, by right clicking an element you can lock it. A lock symbol will appear in the upper left corner of the selected element. This prevents the element from accidentally being moved with the mouse. While in a locked state, you cannot move an element with the mouse but you can still move it with the arrow keys or by absolutely positioning it by setting its <strong>Position and Size</strong>. - + Rotating a map and linking a north arrow - + You can rotate a map by setting its rotation value in the <strong>Item tab &rarr; Map</strong> section. To place a north arrow in your layout you can use the <strong>Add Image</strong> tool, the button with the little camera icon. QGIS comes with a selection of north arrows. After the placement of the north arrow in the layout you can link it with a specific map frame by activating the <strong>Sync with map</strong> checkbox and selecting a map frame. Whenever you change the rotation value of a linked map, the north arrow will now automatically adjust its rotation. - + Numeric scale value in map layout linked to map frame - + If you want to place a text label as a placeholder for the current scale, linked to a map frame, you need to place a scalebar and set the style to 'Numeric'. You also need to select the map frame, if there is more than one. - + Using the mouse scroll wheel - + You can use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in, out and pan the map. Scroll forwards to zoom in, scroll backwards to zoom out and press and hold the scroll wheel down to pan the map. You can configure options for scroll wheel behaviour in the Options panel. - + Stopping rendering - + Sometimes you have a very large dataset which takes ages to draw. You can press 'esc' (the escape key), or click the small red 'X' icon in the status bar to the bottom right of the window at any time to halt rendering. If you are going to be performing several actions (e.g. modifying symbology options) and wish to temporarily disable map rendering while you do so, you can uncheck the 'Render' checkbox in the bottom right of the status bar. Don't forget to check it on again when you are ready to have the map draw itself again! - + Join intersected polylines when rendering - + When applying layered styles to a polyline layer, you can join intersecting lines together simply by enabling symbol levels. The image below shows a before (left) and after (right) view of an intersection when symbol levels are enabled. - + Auto-enable on the fly projection - + Automatikoki gaitu proiekzio dinamikoa - + In the options dialog, under the CRS tab, you can set QGIS so that whenever you create a new project, 'on the fly projection' is enabled automatically and a pre-selected Coordinate Reference System of your choice is used. - + Sponsor QGIS - - If QGIS is saving you money or you like our work and have the financial ability to help, please consider sponsoring the development of Quantum GIS. We use money from sponsors to pay for travel and costs related to our bi-annual hackfests, and to generally support the goals of our project. Please see the <a href="">QGIS Sponsorship Web Page</a> for more details. + + If QGIS is saving you money or you like our work and have the financial ability to help, please consider sponsoring the development of QGIS. We use money from sponsors to pay for travel and costs related to our bi-annual hackfests, and to generally support the goals of our project. Please see the <a href="">QGIS Sponsorship Web Page</a> for more details. - - Quantum GIS has Plugins! + + QGIS has Plugins! - - Quantum GIS has plugins that extend its functionality. QGIS ships with some core plugins you can explore from the Plugins->Manage Plugins menu. In addition there are over 150 Python plugins contributed by the user community that can be installed from the Plugins->Fetch Python Plugins menu. Don't miss out on all QGIS has to offer---check out the plugins and see what they can do for you. + + QGIS has plugins that extend its functionality. QGIS ships with some core plugins you can explore from the Plugins->Manage Plugins menu. In addition there are over 150 Python plugins contributed by the user community that can be installed from the Plugins->Fetch Python Plugins menu. Don't miss out on all QGIS has to offer---check out the plugins and see what they can do for you. @@ -41837,12 +44221,12 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. &Previous - + &Aurrekoa &Next - + &Hurrengoa @@ -41850,7 +44234,7 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. QGIS Tips! - + QGIS aholkuak! @@ -41859,12 +44243,16 @@ There was a problem with your symbol database. p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;">A nice tip goes here...</span></p></body></html> - + <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> +<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> +p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } +</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> +<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;">Aholku bikaina dator hemen...</span></p></body></html> I've had enough tips, don't show this on start up any more! - + Aski aholku izan dut, ez erakutsi hau berriro abioan! @@ -41872,42 +44260,42 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Dialog - + Elkarrizketa-koadroa Select transformation type: - + Hautatu transformazio-mota: Linear - + Lineala Polynomial 1 - + Polinomiala 1 Polynomial 2 - + Polinomiala 2 Polynomial 3 - + Polinomiala 3 Thin plate spline (TPS) - + Thin plate spline (TPS) Generate ESRI world file (.tfw) - + Sortu ESRIren mundu-fitxategia (.tfw) @@ -41915,54 +44303,54 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Transformation settings - + Transformazio-ezarpenak Transformation type: - + Transformazio-mota: Resampling method: - + Birlaginketa-metodoa: Nearest neighbour - + Gertueneko balioa Linear - + Lineala Cubic - + kubikoa Cubic Spline - + Spline kubikoa Lanczos - + Lanczos Compression: - + Konpresioa: Output raster: - + Irteera-rasterra: @@ -41970,127 +44358,127 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } ... - + ... Target SRS: - + Helburu-SRSa: Generate pdf report: - + Sortu PDF txostena: Set Target Resolution - + Ezarri helburuaren bereizmena Horizontal - + Horizontala Vertical - + Bertikala Create world file - + Sortu mundu-fitxategia Generate pdf map: - + Sortu PDF mapa: Use 0 for transparency when needed - + Erabili 0 gardentasunerako beharrezkoa denean Load in QGIS when done - + kargatu QGISen eginda dagoenean Helmert - + Helmert Polynomial 1 - + Polinomiala 1 Polynomial 2 - + Polinomiala 2 Polynomial 3 - + Polinomiala 3 Thin Plate Spline - + Thin plate spline Projective - + Proiektiboa Info - + Informazioa Please set output name - + Ezarri irteera-izena %1 requires at least %2 GCPs. Please define more - + %1(e)k gutxienez %2 GCP behar ditu. Mesedez, definitu gehiago Invalid output file name - + Baliogabeko irteerako fitxategi-izena Save raster - + Gorde rasterra Select save PDF file - + Hautatu PDF fitxategia gordetzea PDF Format - + PDF formatua _modified Georeferencer:QgsOpenRasterDialog.cpp - used to modify a user given file name - + _aldatua @@ -42098,22 +44486,22 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } ColorBrewer ramp - + ColorBrewer malda Scheme name - + Eskema-izena Colors - + Koloreak Preview - + Aurrebista @@ -42126,32 +44514,32 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Add Features - + Gehitu elementuak Delete Features - + Ezabatu elementuak Change Attribute Values - + Aldatu atributu-balioak Add Attributes - + Gehitu atributuak Delete Attributes - + Ezabatu atributuak Create Spatial Index - + Sortu indize espaziala @@ -42161,7 +44549,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Change Geometries - + Aldatu geometriak @@ -42169,271 +44557,291 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } X attribute - + X atributua Y attribute - + Y atributua Length attribute - + Luzera-atributua Angle attribute - + Angelu-atributua Height attribute - + Altuera-atributua QgsVectorGradientColorRampV2Dialog - + Discrete - + Diskretua - Continous + Jarraitua + + + + Continuous - + Gradient file : %1 - + Gradiente-fitxategia: %1 - + License file : %1 + Lizentzia-fitxategia: %1 + + + + Edit Stop Color - - - - + + + + Offset of the stop - - - - + + + + Please enter offset in percents (%) of the new stop + + + + Add Color Stop + + QgsVectorGradientColorRampV2DialogBase Gradient color ramp - + Gradientearen kolore-malda Color 1 - + 1. kolorea Color 2 - + 2. kolorea Change... - + Aldatu... Type - + Mota Multiple stops - + Geldialdi anitz Add stop - + Gehitu geldialdia Remove stop - + Kendu geldialdia Color - + Kolorea Offset (%) - + Desplazamendua (%) Preview - + Aurrebista Information - + Informazioa QgsVectorLayer - + Updating feature count for layer %1 - + Abort - + Abortatu - + ERROR: no provider - + ERROR: layer not editable - + Commit errors: %1 - - General: - + + General + Orokorra - - Layer comment: %1 + + Layer comment - - Storage type of this layer: %1 + + Storage type of this layer - - Source for this layer: %1 + + Source for this layer - - Geometry type of the features in this layer: %1 + + Geometry type of the features in this layer - - Primary key attributes: + + Primary key attributes - - The number of features in this layer: %1 + + The number of features in this layer - - Editing capabilities of this layer: %1 + + Editing capabilities of this layer - - Extents: + + Extents + Hedadurak + + + + In layer spatial reference system units - - In layer spatial reference system units : + + + In project spatial reference system units - - - xMin,yMin %1,%2 : xMax,yMax %3,%4 + + Layer Spatial Reference System - - unknown extent + + Project (Output) Spatial Reference System - - - In project spatial reference system units : + + Attribute field info - - Layer Spatial Reference System: + + Error: qgis element could not be found - - Project (Output) Spatial Reference System: + + + xMin,yMin %1,%2 : xMax,yMax %3,%4 - - (Invalid transformation of layer extents) + + unknown extent - - Attribute field info: + + (Invalid transformation of layer extents) - + Field - + Eremua - + Type - + Mota - + Length - + Luzera - + Precision - + Comment - + Iruzkina @@ -42575,343 +44983,465 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } QgsVectorLayerProperties - - - + + + QGIS Layer Style File - + QGIS geruzen estilo-fitxategia - - - + + + SLD File + SLD fitxategia + + + + Load from file + Kargatu fitxategitik + + + + Load from database - - Layer Properties - %1 + + Save in database (%1) - - + + Layer Properties - %1 + Geruza-propietateak - %1 + + + + Stop editing mode to enable this. - + Gelditu edizio-modua hau gaitzeko. - + Insert expression - + Txertatu adierazpena - + This button opens the query builder and allows you to create a subset of features to display on the map canvas rather than displaying all features in the layer - + The query used to limit the features in the layer is shown here. To enter or modify the query, click on the Query Builder button - - + + Spatial Index - + Indize espaziala - + Creation of spatial index successful - + Indize espaziala ongi sortu da - + Creation of spatial index failed + Indize espaziala sortzeak huts egin du + + + + Load default style from: - - + + + Cancel + Utzi + + + + + Local database + + + + + + Datasource database + + + + + + + Default Style + Estilo lehenetsia + + + + Loaded from Provider - - Load layer properties from style file + + No default style was found for this layer - + + Save default style to: + + + + + Load layer properties from style file + Kargatu geruza-propietateak estilo-fitxategitik + + + Load Style + Kargatu estiloa + + + + Style saved - + Save layer properties as style file - + Gorde geruza-propietateak estilo-fitxategi gisa - + Saved Style + Gordetako estiloa + + + + + + Error occured retrieving styles from database - - Save Style + + The retrieved style is not a valid named style. Error message: %1 + + + Save Style + Gorde estiloa + QgsVectorLayerPropertiesBase - + Layer Properties - + Geruza-propietateak - + Restore Default Style - + Berrezarri estilo lehenetsia - + Save As Default - + Gorde lehenetsi gisa + + + + Description + Deskribapena - + + Properties + Propietateak + + + Load Style ... - + Kargatu estiloa... - + Save Style ... - + Gorde estiloa... - + + + Style - + Estiloa + + Labels - + Etiketak - + + + Labels (deprecated) - + Etiketak (zaharkitua) - + Display labels - + Erakutsi etiketak - + + + Fields - + Eremuak - + + + General - + Orokorra - Options - + Aukerak - CRS - + CRSa - Create Spatial Index - + Sortu indize espaziala - - + + Specify the coordinate reference system of the layer's geometry. - + Adierazi geruza-geometriaren koordinatuen erreferentzia-sistema. - Specify CRS - + Adierazi CRSa - Update Extents - + Eguneratu hedadura - Use scale dependent rendering - + Erabili eskalaren araberako errendatzea - - + Minimum scale, i.e. maximum scale denominator. This limit is exclusive, that means the layer will not be displayed on this scale. - - <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> -<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> -p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } -</style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> -<p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Minimum scale</p> -<p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">(exclusive)</p></body></html> + + Maximum scale, i.e. minimum scale denominator. This limit is inclusive, that means the layer will be displayed on this scale. - - - Maximum scale, i.e. minimum scale denominator. This limit is inclusive, that means the layer will be displayed on this scale. - + + + Current + Unekoa - - <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> -<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> -p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } -</style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> -<p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Maximum scale</p> -<p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">(inclusive)</p></body></html> - + Subset + Azpimultzoa - - - Current - + + Query Builder + Kontsulta-eraikitzailea - - Subset + Encoding + Kodeketa + + + + + + Display + Bistaratzea + + + + Layer info + Geruza-informazioa + + + + Layer source + Geruza-iturria + + + + Data source encoding - - Query Builder + + Coordinate reference system + Koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistema + + + + Specify... + Zehaztu... + + + + Create spatial index + Sortu indize espaziala + + + + Update extents - - Provider-specific options + + Scale dependent visibility + Eskalaren araberako ikusgaitasuna + + + + <html><head/><body><p align="center"><span style=" font-size:0.75em;">Minimum<br>(exclusive)</span></p></body></html> - - Encoding + + <html><head/><body><p align="center"><span style=" font-size:0.75em;">Maximum<br>(inclusive)</span></p></body></html> - - Display + + Feature subset - + Map Tip display text - + Inserts an expression into the action - + Adierazpen bat txertatzen du ekintzan - + Insert expression... - + Txertatu adierazpena... - + The valid attribute names for this layer - + Geruza honetarako baliozko atributu-izenak - + Inserts the selected field into the action - + Hautatutako eremua ekintzan txertatzen du - + Insert field - + Txertatu eremua - + HTML - + HTML - + Field - + Eremua - + Layer name - + Geruza-izena - + displayed as - + + + Metadata - + Metadatuak - + Title - + Izenburua - + Abstract - + Laburpena - + + + Actions - + Ekintzak - + + + Joins - + Batuketak - + Join layer - + Batuketa-geruza - + Join field - + Batuketa-eremua - + Target field - + Helburu-eremua - + + + Diagrams - + Diagramak @@ -42919,43 +45449,43 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Layer CRS - + Geruzaren CRSa Project CRS - + Proiektuaren CRSa Selected CRS - + Hautatutako CRSa No symbology - + Sinbologiarik ez Feature symbology - + Elementu-sinbologia Symbol layer symbology - + Ikur-geruzaren sinbologia Save layer as... - + Gorde geruza honela... Select the coordinate reference system for the vector file. The data points will be transformed from the layer coordinate reference system. - + Hautatu fitxategi bektorialaren koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistema. Datu-puntuak transformatu egingo dira geruzaren koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistematik. @@ -42963,48 +45493,48 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Save vector layer as... - + Gorde geruza bektoriala honela... Save as - + Gorde honela Browse - + Arakatu Encoding - + Kodeketa Symbology export - + Sinbologia-esportazioa Format - + FOrmatua OGR creation options - + OGR sorrera-aukerak Data source - + Datu-iturria Layer - + Geruza @@ -43014,27 +45544,27 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Skip attribute creation - + Saltatu atributuen sorrera Add saved file to map - + Gehitu gordetako fitxategia mapari 1: - + 1: Scale - + Eskala CRS - + CRSa @@ -43042,46 +45572,46 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Random color ramp - + Ausazko kolore-malda Hue - + Ñabardura from - + hemendik to - + hona Saturation - + Saturazioa Value - + Balioa Classes - + Klaseak Preview - + Aurrebista @@ -43089,12 +45619,12 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Edit... - + Editatu... Delete - + Ezabatu @@ -43102,7 +45632,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } New Connection... - + Konexio berria... @@ -43110,12 +45640,12 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Select a layer - + Hautatu geruza bat No CRS selected - + Ez da CRSrik hautatu @@ -43131,17 +45661,17 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Edit... - + Editatu... Delete - + Ezabatu Modify WFS connection - + Aldatu WFS konexioa @@ -43149,7 +45679,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } unknown - + ezezaguna @@ -43159,7 +45689,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Error - + Errorea @@ -43167,12 +45697,12 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } New Connection... - + Konexio berria... Create a new WFS connection - + Sortu WFS konexio berria @@ -43180,22 +45710,22 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } &Add - + &Gehitu &Build query - + &Eraiki kontsulta Build query - + Eraiki kontsulta Network Error - + Sare-errorea @@ -43205,17 +45735,17 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Server Exception - + Zerbitzari-salbuespena Error - + Errorea No Layers - + Geruzarik ez @@ -43225,32 +45755,32 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Create a new WFS connection - + Sortu WFS konexio berria Modify WFS connection - + Aldatu WFS konexioa Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? - + Seguru zaude %1 konexioa eta hari lotutako ezarpen guztiak kendu nahi dituzula? Confirm Delete - + Baieztatu ezabaketa Load connections - + Kargatu konexioak XML files (*.xml *XML) - + XML fitxategiak (*.xml *XML) @@ -43258,12 +45788,12 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Add WFS Layer from a Server - + Gehitu WFS geruza zerbitzari batetik Filter: - + Iragazkia: @@ -43274,62 +45804,62 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Server connections - + Zerbitzari-konexioak C&onnect - + &Konektatu &New - + &Berria Edit - + Editatu Delete - + Ezabatu Load connections from file - + Kargatu konexioak fitxategitik Load - + Kargatu Save connections to file - + Gorde konexioak fitxategira Save - + Gorde Use title for layer name - + Erabili izenburua geruza-izenerako Coordinate reference system - + Koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistema Change ... - + Aldatu ... @@ -43337,7 +45867,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } WMS Password for %1 - + WMS pasahitza %1(e)rako @@ -43345,12 +45875,12 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Edit... - + Editatu... Delete - + Ezabatu @@ -43358,7 +45888,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } New Connection... - + Konexio berria... @@ -43366,50 +45896,50 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } &Add - + &Gehitu Add selected layers to map - + Gehitu hautatutako geruzak mapari - + Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? - + Seguru zaude %1 konexioa eta hari lotutako ezarpen guztiak kendu nahi dituzula? - + Confirm Delete - + Baieztatu ezabaketa - + Load connections - + Kargatu konexioak - + XML files (*.xml *XML) - + XML fitxategiak (*.xml *XML) - + encoding %1 not supported. - + WMS Provider - + WMS hornitzailea - + Could not open the WMS Provider - + Options (%n coordinate reference systems available) crs count @@ -43418,46 +45948,46 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } - + Select layer(s) - + Hautatu geruza(k) - + Select layer(s) or a tileset - + Hautatu geruza(k) edo lauza-multzo bat - + Select either layer(s) or a tileset - + Hautatu geruza(k) edo lauza-multzo bat - + Coordinate Reference System (%n available) crs count - - + + Koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistema (%n eskuragarri) - + No common CRS for selected layers. - + No CRS selected - + Ez da CRSrik hautatu - + No image encoding selected - + %n Layer(s) selected selected layer count @@ -43466,45 +45996,45 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } - + Tileset selected - + Could not understand the response. The %1 provider said: %2 - + WMS proxies - + WMS proxy-ak - + Several WMS servers have been added to the server list. Note that if you access the internet via a web proxy, you will need to set the proxy settings in the QGIS options dialog. - + parse error at row %1, column %2: %3 - + network error: %1 - + sare-errorea: %1 - + The %1 connection already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? - + Jadanik badago '%1' izena duen konexioa. Gainidatzi? - + Confirm Overwrite - + Baieztatu gainidaztea @@ -43512,211 +46042,211 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Add Layer(s) from a Server - + Gehitu geruza(k) zerbitzari batetik Ready - + Prest Layers - + Geruzak C&onnect - + K&onektatu &New - + &Berria Edit - + Editatu Delete - + Ezabatu Adds a few example WMS servers - + Gehitu etsenpluko WMS zerbitzari batzuk Add default servers - + Gehitu zerbitzari lehenetsiak ID - + IDa Name - + Izena Title - + Izenburua Abstract - + Laburpena Image encoding - + Irudi-kodeketa Save connections to file - + Gorde konexioak fitxategian Save - + Gorde Load connections from file - + Kargatu konexioak fitxategitik Load - + Kargatu Options - + Aukerak Layer name - + Geruza-izena Coordinate Reference System - + Koordenatuen erreferentzia-sistema Change ... - + Aldatu... Tile size - + Lauza-tamaina Feature limit for GetFeatureInfo - + Elementu-muga GetFeatureInfo-rako 10 - + 10 Layer Order - + Geruza-ordena Move selected layer UP - + Mugitu hautatutako geruza gora Up - + Gora Move selected layer DOWN - + Mugitu hautatutako geruza behera Down - + Behera Layer - + Geruza Style - + Estiloa Tilesets - + Lauza-multzoak Format - + Formatua Tileset - + Lauza-multzoa CRS - + CRSa Server Search - + Zerbitzari-bilaketa Search - + Bilatu Description - + Deskribapena URL - + URLa Add selected row to WMS list - + Gehitu hautatutako errenkada WMS zerrendari @@ -43751,7 +46281,7 @@ Tried URL: %1 WCS - + WCS @@ -43761,7 +46291,7 @@ Tried URL: %1 Exception - + Salbuespena @@ -43794,7 +46324,7 @@ Response was: - WCS server version %1 is not supported by Quantum GIS (supported versions: 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.2) + WCS server version %1 is not supported by QGIS (supported versions: 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.2) @@ -43810,148 +46340,148 @@ Response was: QgsWcsProvider - + Cannot describe coverage - + Coverage not found - + Cannot calculate extent - + Ezin da hedadura kalkulatu - + Cannot get test dataset. - + Received coverage has wrong extent %1 (expected %2) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + WCS - + WCS - + Rotating raster - + Block read OK - + Received coverage has wrong size %1 x %2 (expected %3 x %4) - + Getting map via WCS. - + Map request error (Status: %1; Reason phrase: %2; URL:%3) - + Map request error:<br>Title: %1<br>Error: %2<br>URL: <a href='%3'>%3</a>) - + Map request error (Status: %1; Response: %2; URL:%3) - + Cannot parse multipart response: %1 - + Expected 2 parts, %1 received - + More than 2 parts (%1) received - + Map request error (Title:%1; Error:%2; URL: %3) - + Map request error (Response: %1; URL:%2) - + Content-Transfer-Encoding %1 not supported - + No data received - + Cannot create memory file - + Map request failed [error:%1 url:%2] - + Not logging more than 100 request errors. - + %1 of %2 bytes of map downloaded. - + Dom Exception - + Could not get WCS Service Exception at %1: %2 at line %3 column %4 Response was: @@ -43960,72 +46490,72 @@ Response was: - + Request contains a format not offered by the server. - + Request is for a Coverage not offered by the service instance. - + Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is equal to current value of service metadata update sequence number. - + Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is greater than current value of service metadata update sequence number. - + Request does not include a parameter value, and the server instance did not declare a default value for that dimension. - + Request contains an invalid parameter value. - + No other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception. - + Operation request contains an output CRS that can not be used within the output format. - + Operation request specifies to "store" the result, but not enough storage is available to do this. - + (No error code was reported) - + (Unknown error code) - + The WCS vendor also reported: - + composed error message '%1'. - + Cannot verify coverage full extent: %1 @@ -44033,13 +46563,13 @@ Response was: Property - + Propietatea Value - + Balioa @@ -44056,7 +46586,7 @@ Response was: Abstract - + Laburpena @@ -44190,9 +46720,8 @@ Response was: QgsWebView - Print - + Inprimatu @@ -44200,73 +46729,73 @@ Response was: Cannot parse URI - + Ezin da URIa analizatu Cannot calculate extent - + Ezin da hedadura kalkulatu - + Cannot set CRS - + Ezin da CRS ezarri - + Number of layers and styles don't match - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Geruzen kopurua eta estiloena ez datoz bat + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + WMS - + WMS - + Number of tile layers must be one - + Tile layer not found - + Tile layer or tile matrix set not found - + Getting map via WMS. - + Getting tiles. - + Lauzak eskuratzen. - - + + %n tile requests in background tile request count @@ -44275,8 +46804,8 @@ Response was: - - + + , %n cache hits tile cache hits @@ -44285,8 +46814,8 @@ Response was: - - + + , %n cache misses. tile cache missed @@ -44295,8 +46824,8 @@ Response was: - - + + , %n errors. errors @@ -44305,107 +46834,107 @@ Response was: - + image is NULL - + irudia NULL da - + unexpected image size - + Tile request error - + Status: %1 Reason phrase: %2 - + Tile request error (Title:%1; Error:%2; URL: %3) - + Tile request error (Status:%1; Content-Type:%2; Length:%3; URL: %4) - + Tile request failed [error:%1 url:%2] - - + + Not logging more than 100 request errors. - + Map request error (Status: %1; Reason phrase: %2; URL:%3) - + Map request error (Title:%1; Error:%2; URL: %3) - + Map request failed [error:%1 url:%2] - + empty capabilities document - + Tried URL: %1 - + Capabilities request redirected. - + empty of capabilities: %1 - + Download of capabilities failed: %1 - + %1 of %2 bytes of capabilities downloaded. - + %1 of %2 bytes of map downloaded. - - - + + + Dom Exception - + Could not get WMS capabilities: %1 at line %2 column %3 This is probably due to an incorrect WMS Server URL. Response was: @@ -44414,7 +46943,7 @@ Response was: - + Could not get WMS capabilities in the expected format (DTD): no %1 or %2 found. This might be due to an incorrect WMS Server URL. Tag:%3 @@ -44423,7 +46952,7 @@ Response was: - + Could not get WMS Service Exception at %1: %2 at line %3 column %4 Response was: @@ -44432,220 +46961,220 @@ Response was: - + Request contains a format not offered by the server. - + Request contains a CRS not offered by the server for one or more of the Layers in the request. - + Request contains a SRS not offered by the server for one or more of the Layers in the request. - + GetMap request is for a Layer not offered by the server, or GetFeatureInfo request is for a Layer not shown on the map. - + Request is for a Layer in a Style not offered by the server. - + GetFeatureInfo request is applied to a Layer which is not declared queryable. - + GetFeatureInfo request contains invalid X or Y value. - + Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is equal to current value of service metadata update sequence number. - + Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is greater than current value of service metadata update sequence number. - + Request does not include a sample dimension value, and the server did not declare a default value for that dimension. - + Request contains an invalid sample dimension value. - + Request is for an optional operation that is not supported by the server. - + (No error code was reported) - + (Unknown error code) - + The WMS vendor also reported: - + Returned image is flawed [Content-Type:%1; URL: %2] - + Returned image is flawed [Content-Type:%1; URL:%2] - + Map request error (Status: %1; Response: %2; Content-Type: %3; URL:%4) - + Redirect loop detected: %1 - + Service Exception - + Zerbitzu-salbuespena - + Extent for layer %1 not found in capabilities - - - - + + + + Property - + Propietatea - - - - + + + + Value - + Balioa - - + + Name - + Izena - + Visibility - + Ikusgaitasuna - + Visible - + Ikusgarria - + Hidden - + Ezkutua - - - + + + Title - + Izenburua - - - + + + Abstract - + Laburpena - + Can Identify - + Identifikatu ahal da - - - - + + + + Yes - + Bai - - - - + + + + No - + Ez - + Can be Transparent - + Gardena izan daiteke - + Can Zoom In - + Cascade Count - + Fixed Width - + Fixed Height - + WGS 84 Bounding Box - - + + Available in CRS - + (and %n more) crs @@ -44654,221 +47183,221 @@ Response was: - + Available in style - - + + Server Properties - - + + Selected Layers - - + + Other Layers - + Tile Layer Properties - + Cache Stats - + WMS Version - + Keywords - + Online Resource - + Contact Person - + Fees - + Access Constraints - + Image Formats - + Identify Formats - + Layer Count - + Tile Layer Count - + GetCapabilitiesUrl - + GetMapUrl - - + + &nbsp;<font color="red">(advertised but ignored)</font> - + GetFeatureInfoUrl - + GetTileUrl - + Tile templates - + FeatureInfo templates - + Tileset Properties - + WMTS - + WMS-C - + Selected - + Available Styles - + CRS - + Bounding Box - + Available Tilesets - + Cache stats - + Hits - + Misses - + Errors - + Format not supported - + Get feature info request error (Title:%1; Error:%2; URL: %3) - + GML schema is not valid - + GML is not valid - + identify request redirected. - + Map getfeatureinfo error %1: %2 - + Cannot parse getfeatureinfo: %1 - + Map getfeatureinfo error: %1 [%2] @@ -44878,7 +47407,7 @@ Response was: Dialog - + Elkarrizketa-koadroa @@ -44889,17 +47418,17 @@ Response was: Value - + Balioa Abstract - + Laburpena Default - + Lehenetsia @@ -44907,22 +47436,22 @@ Response was: Dialog - + Elkarrizketa-koadroa Raster layer: - + Raster-geruza: Polygon layer containing the zones: - + Zonak dituen poligono-geruza: Output column prefix: - + Irteera-zutabearen aurrizkia: @@ -44942,7 +47471,7 @@ Response was: Abort... - + Abortatu... @@ -44950,17 +47479,17 @@ Response was: Export feature - + Esportatu elementua Select destination layer - + Hautatu helburu-geruza New temporary layer - + Aldi baterako geruza berria @@ -44968,12 +47497,12 @@ Response was: Transportation layer - + Garraio-geruza Layer - + Geruza @@ -45018,7 +47547,7 @@ Response was: Direction - + Norabidea @@ -45033,7 +47562,7 @@ Response was: Reverse direction - + Alderantzizko norabidea @@ -45048,7 +47577,7 @@ Response was: Speed - + Abiadura @@ -45072,7 +47601,7 @@ Response was: Distance unit - + Distantzia-unitatea @@ -45082,12 +47611,12 @@ Response was: second - + segundo hour - + ordu @@ -45105,59 +47634,59 @@ Response was: Shortest path - + Biderik laburrena Start - + Hasiera Stop - + Geldiunea Criterion - + Irizpideak Length - + Luzera Time - + Denbora Calculate - + Kalkulatu Export - + Esportatu Clear - + Garbitu Help - + Laguntza Point not selected - + Ez da punturik hautatu @@ -45201,7 +47730,7 @@ Response was: Settings - + Ezarpenak @@ -45219,26 +47748,30 @@ Response was: SEXTANTE Analysis - + Analisia &SEXTANTE toolbox - + &SEXTANTE tresna-kutxa &SEXTANTE modeler - + &SEXTANTE modelizatzailea &SEXTANTE history and log - + &SEXTANTE historia eta egunkaria &SEXTANTE options and configuration - + &SEXTANTE aukerak eta konfigurazioa &SEXTANTE results viewer + &SEXTANTE emaitzen bisorea + + + &SEXTANTE commander @@ -45247,22 +47780,22 @@ Response was: Schema - + Eskema Table - + Taula Type - + Mota SRID - + SRID @@ -45272,12 +47805,12 @@ Response was: Geometry column - + Geometria-zutabea Sql - + SQL @@ -45285,12 +47818,12 @@ Response was: Save connection - + Gorde konexioa Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? - + Jadanik existitzen den %1 konexioa gainidatzi? @@ -45301,7 +47834,7 @@ Response was: Test connection - + Probatu konexioa @@ -45322,57 +47855,57 @@ Description: %2 Create a new SQL Anywhere connection - + Sortu SQL Anywhere konexio berria Connection Information - + Konexio-informazioa Name - + Izena Host - + Ostalaria Port - + Ataka Server - + Zerbitzaria Database - + Datu-basea Connection Parameters - + Konexio-parametroak Username - + Erabiltzaile-izena Password - + Pasahitza Name of the new connection - + Konexio berriaren izena @@ -45397,52 +47930,52 @@ Description: %2 Additional connection parameters - + Konexio-parametro gehigarriak Database username - + Datu-basearen erabiltzaile-izena Database password - + Datu-basearen pasahitza Save the connection username in the registry - + Gorde konexioaren erabiltzaile-izena erregistroan Save Username - + Gorde erabiltzaile-izena &Test Connect - + &Probatu konexioa Save the connection password in the registry (WARNING: NOT SECURE) - + Gorde konexioaren pasahitza erregistroan (ABISUA: EZ DA SEGURUA) Save Password - + Gorde pasahitza Encrypt packets using simple encryption - + Zifratu paketeak zifratxe sinplea erabiliz Simple Encryption - + Zifratze sinplea @@ -45470,54 +48003,54 @@ Description: %2 &Add - + &Gehitu &Set Filter - + &Ezarri iragazkia Wildcard - + Komodina RegExp - + RegExp All - + Dena Schema - + Eskema Table - + Taula Type - + Mota SRID - + SRID @@ -45529,18 +48062,18 @@ Description: %2 Geometry column - + Geometria-zutabea Sql - + SQL Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? - + Seguru zaude %1 konexioa eta hari lotutako ezarpen guztiak kendu nahi dituzula? @@ -45550,12 +48083,12 @@ Description: %2 Select Table - + Hautatu taula You must select a table in order to add a layer. - + Taula bat hautatu behar duzu geruza bat gehitzeko. @@ -45611,27 +48144,27 @@ Description: %3 Delete - + Ezabatu Edit - + Editatu New - + Berria Connect - + Konektatu Search options - + Bilaketa-aukerak @@ -45641,24 +48174,25 @@ Description: %3 Search mode - + Bilaketa-modua Search in columns - + Bilatu zutabeetan SaveAsPythonScriptAction I/O error - + I/O errorea Unable to save edits. Reason: %1 - + Ezin izan da edizioa gorde. Arrazoia: + %1 @@ -45676,69 +48210,162 @@ Description: %3 Edit + Editatu + + + + Delete + Ezabatu + + + + &New + &Berria + + + + C&onnect + + + + + Subdatasets + + + + + Selection + + + + + Update + Eguneratu + + + + Ready + Prest + + + + SettingsDialogPythonConsole + + + Editor + + + + + Auto-save script before running + + + + + + Font + Letra-tipoa + + + + + Size + Tamaina + + + + + Autocompletion + + + + + + Autocompletion threshold + + + + + + Get autocompletion from current document + + + + + + from Document - - Delete + + + Get autocompletion from installed APIs - - &New + + + from APIs files - - C&onnect + + + Get autocompletion from current document and installed APIs - - Subdatasets + + + from Doc and APIs - - Selection + + Enable Object Inspector (switching between tabs may be slow) - - Update + + + Automatic parentheses insertion - - Ready - + + Console + Kontsola - - - SettingsDialogPythonConsole - - Font + + + APIs - - Size + + Using preloaded APIs file - + + Path + Bidea + + API file - + API fitxategia - Browse - + Arakatu - Using preloaded API file + Aurrez kargatutako API fitxategia erabiltzen + + + Settings Python Console @@ -45747,38 +48374,44 @@ Description: %3 SEXTANTE Toolbox - + SEXTANTE tresna-kutxa + Click here to learn more +about SEXTANTE + + + Click here to configure additional algorithm providers - + Klik hemen algoritmo-hornitzaile +gehiago konfiguratzeko Enter algorithm name to filter list - + Sartu algoritmo-izena zerrenda iragazteko Search... - + Bilatu... Execute - + Exekutatu Execute as batch process - + Exekutatu batch-prozesu gisa Edit rendering styles for outputs - + Editatu errendatze-estiloak irteeretarako Recently used algorithms - + Berriki erabilitako algoritmoak @@ -45786,17 +48419,17 @@ additional algorithm providers Simplify line tolerance - + Lerro-sinplifikatzearen tolerantzia Set tolerance - + Ezarri tolerantzia OK - + OK @@ -45804,12 +48437,12 @@ additional algorithm providers Add SQL Anywhere Layer... - + Gehitu SQL Anywhere geruza... Store vector layers within a SQL Anywhere database - + Geruza bektorialak SQL Anywhere datu-basean gordetzen ditu @@ -45819,7 +48452,7 @@ additional algorithm providers %1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. - + %1 geruza baliogabea da eta ezin da kargatu. @@ -45827,72 +48460,72 @@ additional algorithm providers Form - + Formularioa Unit - + Unitatea Millimeter - + Milimetroa Map unit - + Mapa-unitatea Opacity - + Opakutasuna Color - + Kolorea Symbol - + Ikurra Size - + Tamaina Rotation - + Biraketa ° - + ° Width - + Zabalera Saved styles - + Gordetako estiloak Symbol Name - + Ikur-izena Advanced - + Aurreratua @@ -45900,17 +48533,17 @@ additional algorithm providers TopologyChecker - + Topologia-egiaztatzailea Topology Checker for vector layer - + Geruza bektorialetarako topologia-egiaztatzailea &Topology Checker - + &Topologia-egiaztatzailea @@ -45918,56 +48551,56 @@ additional algorithm providers Undo/Redo - + Desegin/berregin Undo - + Desegin Redo - + Berregin ValidateDialog Check geometry validity - + Egiaztatu geometriaren baliozkotasuna Geometry errors - + Geometria-erroreak Total encountered errors - + Aurkitutako erroreak guztira Error! - + Errorea! Please specify input vector layer - + Adierazi sarrerako geruza bektoriala Please specify input field - + Adierazi sarrerako eremua Please specify output shapefile - + Adierazi irteerako shapefile-a Cancel - + Utzi Geometry - + Geometria Created output shapefile: @@ -45975,75 +48608,80 @@ additional algorithm providers %2 Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? - + Irteerako shapefile-a sortu da: +%1 +%2 + +Geruza berria edukien taulan erakutsi nahi al duzu? Error loading output shapefile: %1 - + Errorea irteerako shapefile-a kargatzean: +%1 Feature - + Elementua Error(s) - + Errorea(k) VisualDialog Error! - + Errorea! Please specify input vector layer - + Adierazi sarrerako geruza bektoriala Please specify input field - + Adierazi sarrerako eremua List unique values - + Zerrendatu balio bakarrak Unique values - + Balio bakarrak Total unique values - + Balio bakar guztiak Basics statistics - + Oinarrizko estatistikak Statistics output - + Estatistiken irteera Nearest neighbour analysis - + Gertueneko balioen analisia Nearest neighbour statistics - + Gertueneko balioen estatistika Cancel - + Utzi Parameter - + Parametroa Value - + Balioa @@ -46051,7 +48689,7 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Form - + Formularioa @@ -46059,61 +48697,68 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Form - + Formularioa Colors - + Koloreak Fill - + Betegarria Border - + Ertza Symbol width - + Ikur-zabalera + Millimeter - + Milimetroa + Map unit - + Mapa-unitatea Outline width - + Trazu-zabalera Symbol height - + Ikur-altuera Data defined properties... - + Datuek definitutako propietateak... + + + + Offset X,Y + Desplazamendua X,Y Rotation - + Biraketa @@ -46121,49 +48766,49 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Form - + Formularioa Size - + Tamaina Font family - + Letra-tipoa Millimeter - + Milimetroa Map unit - + Mapa-unitatea ° - + ° Offset X,Y - + Desplazamendua X,Y Color - + Kolorea Rotation - + Biraketa @@ -46171,27 +48816,27 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Form - + Formularioa Millimeter - + Milimetroa Map unit - + Mapa-unitatea Pen width - + Arkatz-zabalera Color - + Kolorea @@ -46199,51 +48844,51 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Form - + Formularioa Millimeter - + Milimetroa Map unit - + Mapa-unitatea Line width - + Lerro-zabalera Color - + Kolorea Data defined properties... - + Datuek definitutako propietateak... Angle - + Angelua Distance - + Distantzia Offset - + Desplazamendua @@ -46251,29 +48896,29 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Form - + Formularioa Marker placement - + Markatzaile-kokapena with interval - + tarte honekin Millimeter - + Milimetroa Map unit - + Mapa-unitatea @@ -46298,12 +48943,12 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Line offset - + Lerro-desplazamendua Data defined properties - + Datuek definitutako propietateak @@ -46316,12 +48961,12 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Form - + Formularioa Horizontal distance - + Distantzia horizontala @@ -46329,7 +48974,7 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Millimeter - + Milimetroa @@ -46337,27 +48982,27 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Map unit - + Mapa-unitatea Vertical distance - + Distantzia bertikala Horizontal displacement - + Desplazamendu horizontala Vertical displacement - + Desplazamendu bertikala Data defined properties... - + Datuek definitutako propietateak... @@ -46365,69 +49010,69 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Form - + Formularioa Texture width - + Ehundura-zabalera Millimeter - + Milimetroa Map unit - + Mapa-unitatea Rotation - + Biraketa Colors - + Koloreak Fill - + Betegarria Border - + Ertza Border width - + Ertz-zabalera Data defined properties... - + Datuek definitutako propietateak... SVG Groups - + SVG taldeak SVG Symbols - + SVG ikurrak ... - + ... @@ -46435,59 +49080,59 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Form - + Formularioa Fill style - + Betegarri-estiloa Offset X,Y - + Desplazamendua X,Y Colors - + Koloreak Border style - + Ertz-estiloa Border width - + Ertz-zabalera Millimeter - + Milimetroa Map unit - + Mapa-unitatea Data defined properties... - + Datuek definitutako propietateak... Fill - + Betegarria Border - + Ertza @@ -46495,46 +49140,46 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Form - + Formularioa Color - + Kolorea Change - + Aldatu Pen width - + Arkatz-zabalera Millimeter - + Milimetroa Map unit - + Mapa-unitatea Offset - + Desplazamendua Pen style - + Arkatz-estiloa @@ -46549,7 +49194,7 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Data defined properties... - + Datuek definitutako propietateak... @@ -46567,66 +49212,66 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Form - + Formularioa Fill - + Betegarria Border - + Ertza Millimeter - + Milimetroa Map unit - + Mapa-unitatea Outline width - + Trazu-zabalera Angle - + Angelua ° - + ° Data defined properties... - + Datuek definitutako propietateak... Colors - + Koloreak Size - + Tamaina Offset X,Y - + Desplazamendua X,Y @@ -46634,76 +49279,76 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Form - + Formularioa Size - + Tamaina Millimeter - + Milimetroa Map unit - + Mapa-unitatea Colors - + Koloreak Fill - + Betegarria Border - + Ertza Data defined properties... - + Datuek definitutako propietateak... Offset X,Y - + Desplazamendua X,Y Angle - + Angelua Border width - + Ertz-zabalera SVG Groups - + SVG taldeak SVG Image - + SVG irudia ... - + ... @@ -46711,21 +49356,31 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Form - + Formularioa SVG Images - + SVG irudiak SVG Groups - + SVG taldeak ... + ... + + + + Generated path will be relative to current SVG search directories or to Project file + + + + + Relative path @@ -46734,37 +49389,37 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Form - + Formularioa X attribute - + X atributua Y attribute - + Y atributua Distance unit - + Distantzia-unitatea Millimeter - + Milimetroa Map unit - + Mapa-unitatea Scale - + Eskala @@ -46794,12 +49449,12 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Degrees - + Graduak Radians - + Radianak @@ -46822,12 +49477,12 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? QGIS Plugin Template - + QGIS plugin-txantiloia Plugin Template - + Plugin-txantiloia @@ -46835,123 +49490,1747 @@ Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Topology Checker - + Topologia-egiaztatzailea - + Validate All - + Balidatu dena - + Validate Extent + Balidatu hedadura + + + + Topology not checked yet - - Toggle Error Markers + + Configure - - Topology not checked yet + + Show topology errors - - Configure + + Show errors - - + + Select automatic fix - + Fix! - - + + No errors were found - + Invalid first layer - - + + + - - - + + Topology plugin - + Topologia-plugina - + Invalid first geometry - - + + Topology test - - + + Feature not found in the layer. The layer has probably changed. Run topology check again. - + Invalid second layer - + Invalid second geometry - + Invalid conflict - - + + %1 errors were found - + Topology fix error - + Fixing failed! - - Layer %1 not found in registry. + + Layer %1 not found in registry. + + + + + Abort + Abortatu + + + + context_help + + + <h3>Database connection</h3> + + + + + + <h3>Create a new WMS connection</h3> +WMS layers can be added quite simply, as long as you know the URL to access the WMS server, you have a serviceable connection to that server, and the server understands HTTP as the data transport mechanism.<p> +QGIS currently can act as a WMS client that understands WMS 1.1, 1.1.1 and 1.3 servers. +<p> +<a href="#serv">Servers</a><br/> +<a href="#load">Loading WMS Layers</a><br/> +<a href="#lay">Layer Order</a><br/> +<a href="#search">Server Search</a><br/> + +<a name="serv"> +<h4>Servers</h4> +</a> +To define a new WMS server in the <label>Server Connections</label> section, select <label>New</label>. Then enter the parameters to connect to your desired WMS server.<p> +You can add some servers to play with by clicking the <label>Add default servers</label> button. This will add at least three WMS servers for you to use.<p> +Once the new WMS Server connection has been created, it will be preserved for future QGIS sessions. + +<a name="load"> +<h5>Loading WMS Layers</h5> +</a> +Select the <label>Connect</label> button to retrieve the capabilities of the selected server. This includes the Image encoding, Layers, Layer Styles and Projections.<br/> +While downloading data from the WMS server, the download progress is visualized in the left bottom of the WMS Plugin dialog.<p> +The <label>Image encoding</label> section now lists the formats that are supported by both the client and server.<br/> +Choose one depending on your image accuracy requirements.<p> +You can select several layers at once, they will be combined at the WMS Server and transmitted to QGIS in one go.<p> +Each WMS Layer can be presented in multiple CRSs, depending on the capability of the WMS server. To choose a CRS, select <label>Change...</label> + +<a name="lay"> +<h4>Layer Order</h4> +</a> +On this tab you can change the order of loaded WMS layers. + +<a name="search"> +<h4>Server Search</h4> +</a> +On this tab you can search for WMS servers. It is possible to enter a search-string in the text field an hit the <label>Search</label> button.<p> +To visualize the results, select an table entry, press the <label>Add selected row to WMS list</label> button and change back to the <label>Servers</label> tab.<p> +You only need to request the list of layers by clicking the <label>Connect</label> button. + + + + + + <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> +<html xmlns=""> +<head> + <title>Help Python Console</title> + <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> + + <style> + body{ + font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif; + font-size : 12px; + } + #header{ + background: #f6f6f6; + border-bottom: 3px solid #000; + width: 100%; + } + #headerTool td{ + background: #f6f6f6; + /*width: 100%;*/ + } + ._titleP { + padding: 5px; + font-size: 15px; + font-weight: bold; + color: #000; + } + ._title { + font-size: 20px; + font-weight: bold; + color: #000; + } + </style> +</head> +<body> + <table id="header"> + <tr> + <td> + <img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/imgHelpDialog.png" /> + </td> + <td> + <span class="_title">Python Console for QGIS</span> + </td> + </tr> + </table> + <table> + <tr> + <td> + <p align="justify"> + Python Console based on PyQScintilla2. + <br><br> + To access the QGIS environment from this console + use qgis.utils.iface object (instance of QgisInterface class). + To import the class QgisInterface can also use the dedicated + button on the toolbar on the left. + </p> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/imgHelpConsole.png" /></td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td> + <p align="justify"> + The console is split in two main panes, output and input areas. + Both are resizable by using the horizontal splitter. + Output area pane is a widget read-only which shows the commands output. + You can drag and drop or copy text into input area + (no matter if selected text contains >>> or ...). + Use 'Share on codepad' from contextual menu for sharing snippets code. + The context menu looks like the image below. + <img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/imgHelpMenu.png"><br> + Input area pane is the interactive python shell for input commands. + </p> + </td> + </tr> + </table> + <table id="header"> + <tr> + <td> + <span class="_titleP">Features</span> + </td> + </tr> + </table> + <p align="justify"> + <ul> + <li>Auto-completion and highlighting syntax for the following APIs: + <ol> + <li>Python</li> + <li>PyQGIS-master</li> + <li>PyQt4</li> + <li>QScintilla2</li> + <li>osgeo-gdal-ogr</li> + </ol> + </li> + <br> + <li>CTRL+SPACE to view the auto-completion list.</li> + <br> + <li>CTRL+ALT+SPACE to view the command history list.</li> + <br> + <li>Open QGIS API documentation by typing '_api'.</li> + <br> + <li>Open PyQGIS Cookbook by typing '_pyqgis'.</li> + <br> + <li>Saves the command history by typing '_save' or closing the widget. + This command saves the history command in the file ~/.qgis2/console_history.txt</li> + <br> + <li>Clears the command history by typing <b>_clear</b>. + This command clears the command history from file ~/.qgis2/console_history.txt</li> + <br> + <li>Clears completely command history by typing '_clearAll'. + This command clears completely the command history. It has an irreversible effect.</li> + </ul> + </p> + <table id="header"> + <tr> + <td> + <span class="_titleP">Toolbar</span> + </td> + </tr> + </table> + <p>The following is a description of the tools in the toolbar:</p> + <table width="100%" border="0" id="headerTool"> + <tr> + <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconClearConsole.png" /></td> + <td colspan="2">Tool to clear python console</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconClassConsole.png" /></td> + <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconIfaceConsole.png" /></td> + <td>Tool to import iface class</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td></td> + <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconSextanteConsole.png" /></td> + <td>Tool to import Sextante class</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td></td> + <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconQtCoreConsole.png" /></td> + <td>Tool to import PyQt4.QtCore class</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td></td> + <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconQtGuiConsole.png" /></td> + <td>Tool to import PyQt4.QtGui class</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconScriptConsole.png" /></td> + <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconOpenConsole.png" /></td> + <td>Tool to open a python script and load in console</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td></td> + <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconSaveConsole.png" /></td> + <td>Tool to save a python script</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconSettingsConsole.png" /></td> + <td colspan="2">Settings</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconHelpConsole.png" /></td> + <td colspan="2">Help</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconRunConsole.png" /></td> + <td colspan="2">Run command (like Enter key pressed)</td> + </tr> + </table> +</body> +</html> + + + + + + <h3>Create a New SpatiaLite Layer</h3> +You can use this dialog to create a new SpatiaLite database and/or an empty SpatiaLite layer for editing. See below for an explanation of the dialog inputs. +<h4>Database</h4> +Choose the database from the drop-down list. This list is created from your saved SpatiaLite connections. If you don't have a saved connection or want to create a new database, click on the button (<label>...</label>) to the right of the drop-down. +<h4>Layer name</h4> +Enter a name for the layer you want to create. The name should be one word. You can use underscores in the name if you like. +<h4>Geometry column</h4> +Enter a name for the geometry column or accept the default. +<h4>Type</h4> +Choose the type of layer you want to create. +<h4>EPSG SRID</h4> +Enter the EPSG number for the spatial reference id (SRID). By default the SRID for WGS 84 is filled in for you. Click on <label>Find SRID</label> button to change the coordinate reference system of the layer if needed. The SRID must exist within the spatial_ref_sys in your SpatiaLite database. You can search for the SRID using partial matches on both name and SRID. +<h4>Create an auto-incrementing Primary Key</h4> +Clicking this check box will add a primary key to the new layer. This key field will be auto-incrementing, meaning you don't have to enter a value for it when adding features to the attribute table of the layer. +<h4>New attribute</h4> +Add the desired attributes by clicking on the <label>Add to attributes list</label> button after you have specified a name and type for the attribute. Only real, integer, and string attributes are supported.<br/> +Width and precision are irrelevant in a SpatiaLite database so you do not have to specify these. +<h4>Attributes list</h4> +In this section you can see the list of attributes. To delete one of them, click on it and choose <label>Remove selected attribute</label> button. + +<p> +Click on <label>OK</label> to create the layer and close the dialog. Clicking <label>Apply</label> also creates the layer, but keeps the dialog open, thereby allowing you to create more similar layers. <label>Cancel</label> will close the layer without further changes. + + + + + + <h3>Custom Coordinate Reference System Definition</h3> +If QGIS does not provide the coordinate reference system you need, you can define a custom CRS. <p> +To define a CRS, select <label>Custom CRS</label> from the <label>Edit</label> (Gnome, OSX) or <label>Settings</label> (KDE, Windows) menu. Custom CRS are stored in your QGIS user database. In addition to your custom CRS, this database also contains your spatial bookmarks and other custom data. + +<h4>Define</h4> +To create a new CRS, click the <label>New</label> button and enter: +<ul> +<li>descriptive name +<li>CRS parameters +</ul> +After that you can save your CRS by clicking the button <label>Save</label>. +<p> +Note that the Parameters must begin with a +proj=-block, to represent the new coordinate reference +system. +<p> +Defining a custom CRS in QGIS requires a good understanding of the Proj.4 projection library. To begin, refer to the <a href="">Cartographic Projection Procedures for the UNIX Environment</a> - A User's Manual by Gerald I. Evenden, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-284, 1990. This manual describes the use of the <i>proj.4</i> and related command line utilities. The cartographic parameters used with <i>proj.4</i> are described in the user manual, and are the same as those used by QGIS. + + + + + + <h3>Create a New Oracle Connection</h3> +This dialog allows you to define the settings for a connection to a Oracle database. +<p> +<ul> +<li> <label>Name</label> A name to identify the connection settings. + +<li> <label>Database</label> SID or SERVICE_NAME of the Oracle instance. + +<li> <label>Host</label> Name or IP address of the computer hosting the database server + +<li> <label>Port</label> IP port used by the database server + +<li> <label>Username</label> Database user name. +<li> <label>Password</label> Database password. + +<li> <label>Save Username</label> Indicates whether to save the database user name in the connection configuration. + +<li> <label>Save Password</label> Indicates whether to save the database password in the connection settings. <font color="red">Passwords are saved in <strong>clear text</strong> in the system configuration and in the project files!</font> + +<li> <label>Only look in meta data table</label> Restricts the displayed tables to those that are in the all_sdo_geom_metadata view. This can speed up the initial display of spatial tables. + +<li> <label>Only look for user's tables</label> When searching for spatial tables restrict the search to tables that are owner by the user. + +<li> <label>Also list tables with no geometry</label> Indicates that tables without geometry should also be listed by default. + +<li> <label>Use estimated table statistics for the layer metadata</label> When +the layer is setup various metadata is required for the Oracle table. This +includes information such as the table row count, geometry type and spatial +extents of the data in the geometry column. If the table contains a large +number of rows determining this metadata is time consuming. By activating this +option the following fast table metadata operations are done: Row count is +determined from all_tables.num_rows. Table extents are always determined with +the SDO_TUNE.EXTENTS_OF function even if a layer filter is applied. The table +geometry is determined from the first 100 non-null geometry rows in the table. + +<li> <label>Only existing geometry types</label> Only list the existing +geometry types and don't offer to add others. + +</ul> + + + + + + <h3>GPS Plugin</h3> + + + + + + + <h3>Finding shortest path</h3> +<p>Road graph is a C++ plugin for QGIS, that calculates the shortest path between two points on any line layer and plots this path over the road network. Before using the plugin to configure it. This can be done in the menu <label>Plugins &rarr; Road graph &rarr; Settings</label></p> +<p> +<a href="#howto">How to</a><br/> +</p> + +<a name="howto"> +<h4>How to</h4> +</a> +<p>You can select start and end points with the select buttons next to the fields. +Pressing the <label>Calculate</label> button will run the shortest path calculation using the optimization criterion selected in the <label>Criterion</label> combobox. The <label>Export</label> button allow you to export a calculated path to a new vector layer, and the button <label>Clear</label> will erase all fields and remove the points and calculated path from map canvas.</p> + +<h5>Note</h5> +<p>In order to bind the start and stop points of the route to the road network Road graph selects the nearest point or arc of the graph. In fact it can bind to any part of the road network. Nevertheless, their route and its characteristics do not take into account the distance from the starting point to the road network and of the road network to the stopping point.</p> + + + + + + <h3>Add PostGIS Tables</h3> +This dialog allows you to add PostGIS layers (tables with a geometry column) to the QGIS map canvas. +<p> +<a href="#connect">Connections</a><br/> +<a href="#add">Adding Layers</a><br/> +<a href="#filter">Filtering a Layer</a><br/> +<a href="#search">Search options</a><br/> + +<a href="#connect"> +<h4>Connections</h4> +</a> +<ul> +<li>Choose the connection to use from the drop-down box and click <label>Connect</label>. +<li>If there are no connections, use the <label>New</label> button to create a connection. +<li>To modify a connection, click the <label>Edit</label> button. +</ul> +<a name="add"> +<h4>Adding Layers</h4> +</a> +To add a layer: +<ol> +<li>Choose the desired connection from the drop-down box. +<li>Click <label>Connect</label>. +<li>Find the layer you want to add in the list and click on it to select it. +<li>You can select additional layers by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking. +<li>Click <label>Add</label> to add the layer(s) to the map. +</ol> +<a name="filter"> +<h4>Filtering a Layer</h4> +</a> +To filter a layer before adding it to the map, double click on its name or use <label>Build query</label> button. This will open the Query Builder, allowing you to build up a SQL statement to use in filtering the records. + +<a name="search"> +<h4>Search options</h4> +</a> +Ticking <label>Search options</label> enables additional options for searching in different column types and using 2 search modes: <label>Wildcard</label> or <label>RegExp</label>. + + + + + + <h3>Field Calculator</h3> +The field calculator allows you to update fields with expressions. + +<h4>Supported Operations</h4> + +<table border=1> +<tr> + <th>Operation</th> + <th>Description</th> +</tr> +<tr> + <td> + <tt>column_name</tt><br> + <tt>"column_name"</tt> + </td> + <td>value of field <tt>column_name</tt></td> +</tr> +<tr><td>'<tt>string</tt>'</td><td>literal string value</td></tr> +<tr><td><tt>number</tt></td><td>number</td></tr> +<tr><td>NULL</td><td>null value</td></tr> +<tr><td>exp(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>Euler's number e to the power of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> +<tr><td>ln(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>natural log (i.e. base e) of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> +<tr><td>log10(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>log base 10 of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> +<tr><td>log(<tt>a</tt>,<tt>b</tt>)</td><td>log base <tt>b</tt> of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> +<tr><td>sqrt(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>square root</td></tr> +<tr><td>sin(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>sine of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> +<tr><td>cos(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>cosine of <tt>b</tt></td></tr> +<tr><td>tan(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>tangent of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> +<tr><td>asin(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>inverse sine of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> +<tr><td>acos(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>inverse cosine of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> +<tr><td>atan(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>inverse tangent of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> +<tr><td>to int(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>convert string <tt>a</tt> to integer</td></tr> +<tr><td>to real(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>convert string <tt>a</tt> to real</td></tr> +<tr><td>to string(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>convert number <tt>a</tt> to string</td></tr> +<tr><td>lower(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>convert string <tt>a</tt> to lower case</td></tr> +<tr><td>upper(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>convert string <tt>a</tt> to upper case</td></tr> +<tr><td>length(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>length of string <tt>a</tt></td></tr> +<tr><td>atan2(<tt>y</tt>,<tt>x</tt>)</td><td>inverse tangent of <tt>y</tt>/<tt>x</tt> using the signs of the two arguments to determine the quadrant of the result.</td></tr> +<tr><td>replace(<tt>a</tt>,<tt>replacethis</tt>,<tt>withthat</tt>)</td><td>replace <tt>replacethis</tt> with <tt>withthat</tt> in string <tt>a</tt></td></td> +<tr><td>regexp_replace(<tt>a</tt>,<tt>replacethis</tt>,<tt>withthat</tt>)</td><td>replace the regular expression <tt>replacethis</tt> with <tt>withthat</tt> in string <tt>a</tt></td></td> +<tr><td>substr(<tt>a</tt>,<tt>from</tt>,<tt>len</tt>)</td><td><tt>len</tt> characters of string <tt>a</tt> starting from <tt>from</tt> (first character index is 1)</td></td> +<tr><td><tt>a</tt> || <tt>b</tt></td><td>concatenate strings <tt>a</tt> and <tt>b</tt></td></tr> +<tr><td>$rownum</td><td>number current row</td></tr> +<tr><td>$area</td><td>area of polygon</td></tr> +<tr><td>$perimeter</td><td>perimeter of polygon</td></tr> +<tr><td>$length</td><td>area of line</td></tr> +<tr><td>$id</td><td>feature id</td></tr> +<tr><td>$x</td><td>x coordinate of point</td></tr> +<tr><td>$y</td><td>y coordinate of point</td></tr> +<tr><td>xat(<tt>n</tt>)</td><td>x coordinate of <tt>n</tt>th point of a line (indices start at 0; negative values apply to the last index)</td></tr> +<tr><td>yat(<tt>n</tt>)</td><td>y coordinate of <tt>n</tt>th point of a line (indices start at 0; negative values apply to the last index)</td></tr> +<tr><td><tt>a</tt> ^ <tt>b</tt></td><td><tt>a</tt> raised to the power of <tt>b</tt></td></tr> +<tr><td><tt>a</tt> * <tt>b</tt></td><td><tt>a</tt> multiplied by <tt>b</tt></td></tr> +<tr><td><tt>a</tt> / <tt>b</tt></td><td><tt>a</tt> divided by <tt>b</tt></td></tr> +<tr><td><tt>a</tt> + <tt>b</tt></td><td><tt>a</tt> plus <tt>b</tt></td></tr> +<tr><td><tt>a</tt> - <tt>b</tt></td><td><tt>a</tt> minus <tt>b</tt></td></tr> +<tr><td>+<tt>a</tt></td><td>positive sign</td></tr> +<tr><td>-<tt>a</tt></td><td>negative value of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> +</table> + + + + + + <h3>New OGR Database Connection Dialog</h3> + + + + + + <h3> North Arrow Plugin</h3> +Displays a north arrow overlayed onto the map. +<p> +At present there is only one style available. You can adjust the angle of the arrow or let QGIS set the direction automatically. If you choose to let QGIS determine the direction, it makes its best guess as to how the arrow should be oriented. For placement of the arrow you have four options, corresponding to the four corners of the map canvas. + + + + + <h3>Vector Layer Properties</h3> +This dialog allows you to work with vector layer settings and properties. There are seven tabs: +<p> +<a href="#symbology">Symbology</a><br/> +<a href="#labels">Labels</a><br/> +<a href="#attributes">Attributes</a><br/> +<a href="#general">General</a><br/> +<a href="#metadata">Metadata</a><br/> +<a href="#actions">Actions</a><br/> +<a href="#diagram">Diagram Overlay</a><br/> + +<a name="symbology"> +<h4>Symbology</h4> +</a> +To change the symbology for a layer, simply double click on its legend entry and the vector <label>Layer Properties</label> dialog will be shown.<p> +Within this dialog you can style your vector layer. Depending on the selected rendering option you have the possibility to also classify your map features. + +<h5>Legend type</h5> +QGIS supports a number of symbology renderers to control how vector features are displayed. Currently the following renderers are available: +<ul> +<li><label>Single symbol</label> - a single style is applied to every object in the layer. +<li><label>Graduated symbol</label> - objects within the layer are displayed with different symbols classified by the values of a particular field. +<li><label>Continuous color</label> - objects within the layer are displayed with a spread of colors classified by the numerical values within a specified field. +<li><label>Unique value</label> - objects are classified by the unique values within a specified field with each value having a different symbol. +</ul> + +<h5>New symbology</h5> +Click <label>New symbology</label> button to use new symbology implementation for the layer. + +<h5>Vector transparency</h5> +QGIS allows to set a transparency for every vector layer. This can be done with the slider <label>Transparency</label>. This is very useful for overlaying several vector layers. + +<h5>Saving styles</h5> +Once you have styled your layer you also could save your layer-style to a separate file (with *.qml ending). To do this, use the button <label>Save Style...</label>. No need to say that <label>Load Style...</label> loads your saved layer-style-file.<br/> +If you wish to always use a particular style whenever the layer is loaded, use the <label>Save As Default</label> button to make your style the default. Also, if you make changes to the style that you are not happy with, use the <label>Restore Default Style</label> button to revert to your default style. + +<a name="labels"> +<h4>Labels</h4> +</a> +The Labels tab allows you to enable labeling features and control a number of options related to fonts, placement, style, alignment and buffering.<br/> +Check the <label>Display labels</label> check box to enable labeling. + +<h5>Basic Label options</h5> +Choose the field to label with.<p> +Select the use the <label>Font</label> and <label>Color</label> buttons to set the font and color. You can also change the angle and the placement of the text-label.<p> +If have labels extending over several lines, check <label>Multiline labels?</label>. QGIS will check for a true line return in your label field and insert the line breaks accordingly. A true line return is a single character &#92;n, (not two separate characters, like a backslash &#92; followed by the character n). + +<h5>Placement</h5> +Change the label placement by selecting one of the radio buttons in the <label>Placement</label> group. + +<h5>Font size units</h5> +The <label>Font size units</label> allows you to select between <label>Points</label> or <label>Map units</label>. + +<h5>Buffer labels</h5> +To buffer the labels means putting a backdrop around them to make them stand out better. To buffer the lakes labels: +<ol> +<li>Click the <label>Buffer Labels</label> check box to enable buffering. +<li>Choose a size for the buffer using the spin box. +<li>Choose a color by clicking on <label>Color</label> and choosing your favorite from the color selector. You can also set some transparency for the buffer if you prefer. +<li>Click <label>Apply</label> to see if you like the changes. +</ol> +Notice you can also specify the buffer size in map +units if that works out better for you. + +<h5>Data defined placement, properties, buffer, position</h5> +The remaining entries inside the <label>Label</label> tab allow you control the appearance of the labels using attributes stored in the layer. The entries beginning with <label>Data defined</label> allow you to set all the parameters for the labels using fields in the layer. + + +<a name="attributes"> +<h4>Attributes</h4> +</a> +Within the <label>Attributes</label> tab the attributes of the selected data set can be manipulated. The buttons <label>New Column</label> and <label>Delete Column</label> can be used, when the data set is in editing mode. The OGR library supports to add new columns, but not to remove them, if you have a GDAL version >= 1.6 installed. Otherwise only columns from PostGIS layers can be edited.<p> +The <label>Toggle editing mode</label> button toggles this mode.<p> +Within the Attributes tab you also find an edit widget column. This column can be used to define values or a range of values that are allowed to be added to the specific attribute table column. If you click on the <label>edit widget</label> button, a dialog opens, where you can define different widgets. These widgets are:<br/> +<ul> +<li><label>Line edit</label> an edit field which allows to enter simple text (or restrict to numbers for numeric attributes). +<li><label>Classification</label> Displays a combo box with the values used for classification, if you have chosen <label>unique value</label> as legend type in the symbology tab of the properties dialog. +<li><label>Range</label> Allows to set numeric values from a specific range. The edit widget can be either a slider or a spin box. +<li><label>Unique value</label> The user can select one of the values already used in the attribute table. If <label>editable</label> is activated, a line edit is shown with auto completion support, but additional values are possible, otherwise a combo box is used. +<li><label>File name</label> Simplifies the selection by adding a file chooser dialog. +<li><label>Value map</label> a combo box with predefined items. The value is stored in the attribute, the description is shown in the combo box. You can define values manually or load them from a layer or a csv file. +<li><label>Enumeration</label> Opens a combo box with values that can be used within the columns type. This is currently only supported by the Postgres provider. +<li><label>Immutable</label> The immutable attribute column is read-only. The user is not able to modify the content. +<li><label>Hidden</label> A hidden attribute column is invisible to the user. +<li><label>Checkbox</label> A check box is shown. The value representing the state of the check box in the attribute has to be entered. +<li><label>Text edit</label> A text edit field is shown, that allows entering multiline text. +</ul> + +<a name="general"> +<h4>General</h4> +</a> +The General tab allows you to change the display name, set scale dependent rendering options, create a spatial index of the vector file (only for OGR supported formats and PostGIS) and view or change the projection of the specific vector layer.<p> +You can also set filter expressions using the <label>Query Builder</label>. + +<h5>Subset</h5> +The <label>Query Builder</label> button allows you to limit the features of a layer to a subset matching an expression. + +<a name="metadata"> +<h4>Metadata</h4> +</a> +The <label>Metadata</label> tab contains information about the layer, including specifics about the type and location, number of features, feature type, and the editing capabilities. The Layer Spatial Reference System section, providing projection information, is displayed on this tab. This is a quick way to get information about the layer. + +<a name="actions"> +<h4>Actions</h4> +</a> +QGIS provides the ability to perform an action based on the attributes of a feature. This can be used to perform any number of actions, for example, running a program with arguments built from the attributes of a feature or passing parameters to a web reporting tool. <br/> +Actions are useful when you frequently want to run an external application or view a web page based on one or more values in your vector layer.<p> + +The new implementation of actions uses the QGIS expression engine to do evaluations. Each expression is evaluated and replaced by its result at runtime.<p> +An expression must be enclosed between <code>[%</code> and <code>%]</code> - the GUI has some buttons which do that for you automatically. +The <label>Insert expression...</label> button launches the <label>Expression builder</label> which allows to write an expression easily, the <label>Insert field</label> button inserts into the action a placeholder like <code>[% "fieldname" %]</code> where fieldname is the name of the field selected in the field dropdown list.<p> + +See the User Guide for further information. + +<h5>Using Actions</h5> +Actions can be invoked from the <label>Identify Results</label> dialog or using the <label>Run feature action</label> tool on the toolbar.<p> + +Each action adds a little set of custom expressions to the default set available in the <label>Expression builder</label>.<br/> +While running actions from the <label>Identify Results</label> dialog the custom expression <code>$currfield</code> will be replaced with the value of the selected field in the dialog, using the <label>Run feature action</label> tool the following custom expressions are available (instead of $currfield): +<ul> +<li><code>$clickx</code> returns the x coordinate of the click position on the canvas</li> +<li><code>$clicky</code> returns the y coordinate of the click position on the canvas</li> +<li><code>$layerid</code> returns the ID of the selected layer in the legend</li> +</ul> + +Note: the <label>Run feature action</label> tool executes the actions on all the matching features, where as <label>Identify Results</label> allows you to select which specific feature to run action on.<p> + + +<h5>Action Examples</h5> +You can add some example actions by clicking on the <label>Add default actions</label> button. + + +<a name="diagram"> +<h4>Diagram Overlay</h4> +</a> +The Diagram tab allows you to add a graphic overlay to a vector layer. To activate this feature, open the <label>Plugin Manager</label> and select the <label>Diagram Overlay</label> plugin. After this, there is a new tab in the vector <label>Layer Properties</label> dialog where the settings for diagrams may be entered.<p> +The current implementation of diagrams provides support for pie- and bar charts and for linear scaling +of the diagram size according to a classification attribute. + + + + + + <h3>Export a QGIS Project to MapServer Map File</h3> +<p> +This tool allows you to export a saved QGIS project file to a MapServer map. Only the <b>Map file</b> and <b>QGIS project file</b> inputs are required. +</p> +Tick the <label>Use current project</label> check box or enter the full path to the QGIS project file (.qgs) you want to export. You can use the button at the right to browse for the QGIS project file. + +<h4>Map file</h4> + +<label>Map file</label> Enter the name for the map file to be created. You can use the button at the right to browse for the directory where you want the map file created. + +<h4>Map</h4> +These values are written to the map file in the appropriate spots to set things such as output image size, units and image type. +<dl> + <dt><label>Name</label></dt> + <dd>A name for the map. This name is prefixed to all images generated by the MapServer.</dd> + <dt><label>Width</label></dt> + <dd>Width of the output image in pixels.</dd> + <dt><label>Height</label></dt> + <dd>Height of the output image in pixels.</dd> + <dt><label>Units</label></dt> + <dd>Units of measure used for output.</dd> + <dt><label>Image type</label></dt> + <dd>Format for the output image generated by MapServer</dd> +</dl> +<h4>Paths</h4> +<dl> + <dt><label>Template</label></dt> + <dd>Full path to the MapServer template file to be used with the map file.</dd> + <dt><label>Header</label></dt> + <dd>Full path to the MapServer header file to be used with the map file.</dd> + <dt><label>Footer</label></dt> + <dd>Full path to the MapServer footer file to be used with the map file.</dd> + + + + + + <h3>Scale bar Plugin</h3> +Draws a scale bar on the map. +<p> +You can control the style and placement, as well as the labeling of the bar. +QGIS only supports displaying the scale in the same units as your map frame. So +if the units of your layers are in meters, you can't create a scale bar in +feet. Likewise if you are using decimal degrees, you can't create a scale bar +to display distance in meters.</p> <p> +To add a scale bar: +<ol> +<li>Choose the placement from the <label>Placement</label> drop-down list.</li> +<li>Choose the style from the <label>Scale bar style</label> list.</li> +<li>Select the color for the bar <label>Color of bar</label> or use the default black color.</li> +<li>Set the size of the bar and its label <label>Size of bar</label>. </li> +<li>Make sure the <label>Enable scale bar</label> checkbox is checked.</li> +<li>Optionally choose to automatically snap to a round number when the canvas is resized <label>Automatically snap to round number on resize</label>.</li> +<li>Click <label>OK</label>.</li> +</ol> + + + + + + <h3>Create a New PostgreSQL Connection</h3> +This dialog allows you to define the settings for a connection to a PostgreSQL database. +<p> +<ul> +<li> <label>Name</label> A name to identify the connection settings. + +<li> <label>Service</label> A name of a service listed in the <a href="">Connection Service File</a>. + +<li> <label>Host</label> Name or IP address of the computer hosting the database server (leave blank for local connections or services). + +<li> <label>Port</label> IP port used by the database server (leave blank for local connections or to use default port 5432). + +<li> <label>Database</label> Name of the database (leave blank for default database). + +<li> <label>SSL mode</label> <a href="">SSL mode</a> of the connection + +<li> <label>Username</label> Database user name. +<li> <label>Password</label> Database password. + +<li> <label>Save Username</label> Indicates whether to save the database user name in the connection configuration. + +<li> <label>Save Password</label> Indicates whether to save the database password in the connection settings. <font color="red">Passwords are saved in <strong>clear text</strong> in the system configuration and in the project files!</font> + +<li> <label>Only look in the geometry_columns table</label> Indicates that only "listed" geometry columns should be used - opposed to scanning all tables for geometry columns. + +<li> <label>Only look in the 'public' schema</label> Indicates that only tables in the 'public' schema should be considers - opposed to all accessible tables. + +<li> <label>Also list tables with no geometry</label> Indicates that tables without geometry should also be listed by default. + +<li> <label>Use estimated table metadata</label> When initializing layers, various queries may be needed to establish the characteristics of the geometries stored in the database table. When this option is checked, these queries examine only a sample of the rows and use the table statistics, rather than the entire table. This can drastically speed up operations on large datasets, but may result in incorrect characterization of layers (eg. the <font color="red">feature count</font> of filtered layers will not be accurately determined). + +</ul> + + + + + + <h3>Measure Tools</h3> +There are two measure tools: length and area. With them, you can measure both distances and areas on the map canvas. Currently the tools provide results in metric units only. A single right mouse click stops the measuring, while two right mouse clicks starts measuring anew. +<h4>Measuring Lengths</h4> +To measure lengths, select the tool and click along the path you want to measure. The length of each segment is displayed as is the total length for the path. +<h4>Measuring Areas</h4> +To measure areas, select the tool and click to create the area. The total area is dynamically displayed as you click. + + + + + + <h3>Copyright Label Plugin</h3> +Draws a copyright label with information.<br/> +You can add any random text to the map not only a copyright label. +<p> +<a href="#howto">How to</a><br/> +<a href="#text">Text formatting</a><br/> + +<a name="howto"> +<h4>How to</h4> +</a> +<ol> +<li>Make sure the plugin is loaded. +<li>Click on <label>Plugins > Decorations > Copyright Label</label> or use the <label>Copyright Label</label> button from the Toolbar. +<li>Enter the text you want to place on the map. You can use HTML. +<li>Choose the placement of the label from the <label>Placement Bottom Right</label> drop-down box. +<li>Make sure the <label>Enable Copyright Label check box</label> is checked. +<li>Click <label>OK</label>. +</ol> +<a name="text"> +<h4> Text formatting </h4> +</a> +This plugin supports basic HTML markup tags for formatting text. For example: + +<ul> +<li>&lt;B&gt;<b> Bold text </b>&lt;/B&gt; +</li> +<li>&lt;I&gt;<i> Italics </i>&lt;/I&gt; +</li> +<li>&lt;U&gt;<u> Underlined text </u>&lt;/U&gt; +</li> +</ul> + + + + + + <h3>Python Plugin Installer</h3> +Downloads and installs plugins from remote repositories. +<br/><br/> +<a href="#pltab">Plugins tab</a><br/> +<a href="#retab">Repositories tab</a><br/> +<a href="#optab">Options tab</a><br/> + +<a name="pltab"> +<h4>Plugins tab</h4> +</a> + +<p align='justify'> +The <label>Plugins</label> tab contains a list of all locally installed Python plugins, as well as plugins available in +remote repositories. Each plugin can be either: +<dl> +<dt>not installed</dt><dd>this means the plugin is available in the repository, but is not installed yet. In order to install it, select the plugin from the list and click the <label>Install plugin</label> button.</dd> +<dt>new</dt><dd>this means that the plugin is newly available in the repository.</dd> +<dt>installed</dt><dd>this indicates that the plugin is already installed. If it is also available in any repository the <label>Reinstall plugin</label> button will be enabled. If the available version is older than the installed version, the <label>Downgrade plugin</label> button will appear instead.</dd> +<dt>upgradeable</dt><dd>this means that the plugin is installed, but there is an updated version available. In this case, the <label>Upgrade plugin</label> button will be enabled.</dd> +<dt>invalid</dt><dd>this means that the plugin is installed, but is unavailable or broken. The reason will be explained in the plugin description field.</dd> +</dl> +</p> + +To install a plugin, select it from the list and click the <label>Install plugin</label> button. The plugin is installed in its own directory in: +<table border=1> +<tr><th>OS</th><th>system plugins</th><th>plugins installed by user</th></tr> +<tr><td>Linux and other unices</td><td>./share/qgis/python/plugins</td><td rowspan=2>$HOME/qgis/python/plugins</td></tr> +<tr><td>Mac OS X</td><td>./Contents/MacOS/share/qgis/python/plugins</td></tr> +<tr><td>Windows</td><td>(QGIS install directory)&#92;python&#92;plugins</td><td>%USERPROFILE%&#92;.qgis&#92;python&#92;plugins</td></tr> +</table> +<br/> + +<p align='justify'> +If the installation is successful, a confirmation message will appear. The plugin is ready to use. +</p> + +<p align='justify'> +If the installation fails, the reason for the failure will be displayed in a warning dialog. Most often, errors are the result of connection problems and/or missing Python modules. In the former case you will likely need to wait before trying the install again, in the latter case, you should install the missing modules relevant to your operating system prior to using the plugin. For Linux, most required modules should be available via a package manager. For install instructions in Windows visit the module home page. If you are using a proxy, you may need to configure it under <label>Edit</label> > <label>Options</label> (Gnome, OSX) or <label>Settings</label> > <label>Options</label> (KDE, Windows) on the <label>Proxy</label> tab.</p> + +<p align='justify'> +The <label>Uninstall plugin</label> button is enabled only if the selected plugin is installed and is not a core plugin. Note that if you have installed an update to a core plugin, you can uninstall this update with the <label>Uninstall plugin</label> and revert to the version shipped with Quantum GIS. This default version however, cannot be uninstalled.</p> + +<a name="retab"> +<h4>Repositories tab</h4> +</a> +<p align='justify'> +The second tab <label>Repositories</label>, contains a list of plugin repositories available for the Plugin Installer. By default, only the QGIS Official Repository is enabled. You can add several user-contributed repositories, including the central QGIS Contributed Repository and other external repositories by clicking the <label>Add 3rd party repositories</label> button. The added repositories contain a large number of useful plugins which are not maintained by the QGIS Development Team. As such, we cannot take any responsibility for them. You can also manage the repository list manually, that is add, remove, and edit the entries. Temporarily disabling a particular repository is possible by clicking the <label>Edit...</label> button.</p> + +<a name="optab"> +<h4>Options tab</h4> +</a> +<p align='justify'> +The <label>Options</label> tab is where you can configure the settings of the Plugin Installer. The <label>x Check for updates on start up</label> check box tells QGIS to automatically look for plugin updates and news. By default, if this feature is enabled all repositories listed and enabled in the <label>Repositories</label> tab are checked for updates each time the program is started. The frequency of update checking can be adjusted using the drop down menu, and may be adjusted from once a day right up to once a month. If a new plugin or update is available for one of the installed plugins, a notification will appear in the Status Bar. If the check box is disabled, looking for updates and news is performed only when the Plugin Installer is manually launched from the menu.</p> + +<p align='justify'> +Some Internet connections will cause problems when attempting to automatically check for updates. In these cases, a <i>Looking for new plugins...</i> indicator will remain visible in the Status Bar during your entire QGIS session, and may cause a program crash when exiting. In this case please disable the check box.</p> + +In addition, you may specify the type of plugins that are displayed by the Plugin Installer. Under <i>Allowed plugins</i>, you can specify whether you would like to: +<ul> +<li> Only show plugins from the official repository</li> +<li> Show all plugins except those marked as experimental,</li> +<li> or Show all plugins, even those marked as experimental.</li> +</ul> + +<br/> +<table border=1 width='95%' align='center'><tr><td> +Note: Experimental plugins are generally unsuitable for production use. These plugins are in the early stages of development, and should be considered "incomplete" or "proof of concept" tools. The QGIS development team does not recommend installing these plugins unless you intend to use them for testing purposes. +</td></tr></table> + + + + + + <h3>Attribute table</h3> +The attribute table displays features of a selected layer. Each row in the table represents one map feature with its attributes shown in several columns. The features in the table can be searched, selected, moved or even edited. By default the attribute table is a separate window. If you opened it and cannot see it anymore, it is most likely hidden under the main QGIS window. You can make it also a docked window, by checking <label>Open attribute table in a dock window</label> in <label>Settings > Options > General</label>.<p> + +The number of total number of layer features, filtered features and selected features is printed on the window header.<p> +<p> +<a href="#Selecting">Selecting</a><br/> +<a href="#Sorting">Sorting</a><br/> +<a href="#Filtering">Filtering</a><br/> +<a href="#Editing">Editing</a><br/> +<a href="#FieldCalc">Field Calculator</a><br/> + +<a name="Selecting"> +<h4>Selecting</h4> +</a> +Rows can be selected by clicking on the row number on the left side of the row. Subsequent rows can be selected by holding the mouse button down and moving the mouse to the other end of the selection. Multiple non-subsequent rows can be selected by holding the <label>Ctrl</label> key.<br> +A continuous selection can be made by holding the <label>Shift</label> key and clicking on several row headers on the left side of the rows. All rows between the current cursor position and the clicked row are selected. + +<a name="Sorting"> +<h4>Sorting</h4> +</a> +Each column can be sorted by clicking on its column header. A small arrow indicates the sort order (downward pointing means descending values from the top row down, upward pointing means ascending values from the top row down).<br> +Activate the <label>Selected on top</label> button to show the selected rows always on top, regardless of the current sort column. + +<a name="Filtering"> +<h4>Filtering</h4> +</a> +To only navigate through parts of your data, you can use the filter button on the bottom left. The following options are available. +<h5>Show All Features</h5> +Shows all features of the layer. +<h5>Show Selected Features</h5> +Shows all features which are currently selected. +<h5>Show Features Visible on Map</h5> +Shows all features which are currently visible on the map canvas, taking the currently visible extent and scale based visibility into account. +<h5>Show Edited and New Features</h5> +Shows only edited and new features. In this mode, features with uncommitted changes are shown and this is therefore a good filter to review changes, before committing them. Please note, that deleted features are not shown in this mode. +<h5>Column Filter</h5> +A simple filter, which lets you filter by an attribute. If the attribute contains text, it looks for sub-strings also. Searching for <b>man</b> will therefore also show records containing <b>woman</b>. After changing the filter text, press <label>Enter</label> or click on <label>Apply</label>. You can also toggle the check-box <label>Case sensitive</label>, so your filter will also match <b>Night</b> when your search text is <b>night</b>. +<h5>Advanced Filter</h5> +For more complex searches, this mode offers a powerful expression builder, which is similar to a SQL WHERE clause. Please refer to the built-in help of the expression builder for details on the syntax. + +<a name="Editing"> +<h4>Editing</h4> +</a> +To edit values, you first have to switch the layer to editing mode. To switch to editing mode click on the <label>Toggle editing mode</label> (pencil) button or press <label>Ctrl + E</label>. Afterwards double-click on the value you want to edit or place the cursor on it and use the <label>Space</label>-Key. You can customize the widgets used for field editing in <label>Vector Layer Properties > Fields</label> + +<a name="FieldCalc"> +<h4>Field Calculator</h4> +</a> +The <label>Field Calculator</label> button in the attribute table allows to perform calculations on basis of existing attribute values or defined functions, e.g. to calculate length or area of geometry features.<br> +The results can be written to a new attribute column or it can be used to update values in an already existing column.<br> +The vector layer needs to be in editing mode, before you can click on the <label>Field calculator</label> icon to open the dialog. + + + + + + <h3>Project Properties</h3> +This dialog allows you to set a number of properties related to the <label>Project</label>. A Project is a saved set of layers and their settings, as well as other information required to restore the project from disk.<p> + +<a href="#general">General Tab</a><br/> +<a href="#crs">Coordinate Reference System (CRS) Tab</a><br/> +<a href="#layers">Identifiable layers Tab</a><br/> + +<a name="general"> +<h4>General Tab</h4> +</a> +<table border=1> +<tr><td><label>Project title</label></td><td>A descriptive title for the project. This title will be displayed in the title bar of the QGIS window</td></tr> +<tr><td><label>Selection color</label></td><td>Selected features are displayed on the map using this color.</td></tr> +<tr><td><label>Background color</label></td><td>The color of the map canvas.</td></tr> +<tr><td><label>Save paths</label></td><td>Ability to save the paths as absolute or relative.</td></tr> +<tr><td><label>Layer units</label></td><td>Choose the units appropriate for the layers in the project.</td></tr> +<tr><td><label>Precision</label></td><td>Use the manual setting to set the precision of the display in the status bar. As the mouse is moved over the map canvas, the coordinates are updated and displayed in the status bar using the precision you choose. Automatic (the default) results in a default precision based on the map units.</td></tr> +<tr><td><label>Digitizing</label></td><td>The option <label> Enable topological editing</label> enables editing and maintaining common boundaries in polygon mosaics. Editing a vertex in shared boundary will result in updating both boundaries.<p> +To avoid digitizing all vertices of the common boundary select <label>Avoid intersections of new polygons</label>. In the dialog window tick appropriate layers to which the new polygon will be adjusted. Draw the new polygon in the way it overlap the existing one, it will be cut automatically. <p> +<label>Snapping options</label> allows you to set the snapping tolerance in pixels or map units and the snapping mode: <label>to vertex</label>, <label>to segment</label>, <label>to vertex and segment</label> for every layer separately.</td></tr> + +</table> +<a name="crs"> +<h4>Coordinate Reference System (CRS) Tab</h4> +</a> +The Coordinate Reference System (CRS) tab allows you to set the projection for the current project and enable on the fly transformation. You do not need to have a saved project to setup and enable 'on the fly' CRS transformation. +<p>To use 'on the fly' CRS transformation, click the <label>Enable 'on the fly' CRS transformation</label> check box. Then choose the projection for the project (map canvas) from the list of Geographic or Projected coordinate systems. +<p>You can find a coordinate system by entering its name, EPSG code or the QGIS ID and clicking the <label>Find</label> button. +<p>The list of recently used coordinate systems will be available on the bottom for quick access. + +<a name="layers"> +<h4>Identifiable layers Tab</h4> +</a> +On this tab you can choose on which layers the identify tool will work. + + + + + + <h3>Add SpatiaLite Tables</h3> +To define a new connection, click on <label>New</label> button and use the file browser to point to your SpatiaLite database, which is a file with a <i>.sqlite</i> extension.<p> +The connections you define will be remembered for further use and available to choose from the drop down menu. + + + + + + <h3>Spatial Bookmarks</h3> +Spatial Bookmarks allow you to "bookmark" a geographic location and return to it later. +<p> +<a href="#creating">Creating a Bookmark</a><br/> +<a href="#working">Working with Bookmarks</a><br/> +<a href="#zooming">Zooming to a Bookmark</a><br/> +<a href="#deleting">Deleting a Bookmark</a><br/> +<a href="#updating">Updating a Bookmark</a><br/> + +<a name="creating"> +<h4>Creating a Bookmark</h4> +</a> +To create a bookmark: +<ol> +<li>Zoom or pan to the area of interest. +<li>Click on the <label>New bookmark</label> or type Ctrl-B. +<li>Enter a descriptive name for the bookmark (up to 255 characters). +<li>Click <label>OK</label> to add the bookmark or <label>Cancel</label> to exit without adding the bookmark. +</ol> +Note that you can have multiple bookmarks with the same name. +<a name="working"> +<h4>Working with Bookmarks</h4> +</a> +To use or manage bookmarks, click on the <label>Show bookmarks</label> button or choose <label>Show Bookmarks</label> from the <label>View</label> menu. The bookmarks dialog allows you to zoom to or delete a bookmark. You can not edit the bookmark name or coordinates. +<a name="zooming"> +<h5>Zooming to a Bookmark</h5> +</a> +From the Geo spatial Bookmarks dialog, select the desired bookmark by clicking on it, then click the <label>Zoom to</label> button. +<p> +You can also zoom to a bookmark by double-clicking on it. +<a name="deleting"> +<h5>Deleting a Bookmark</h5> +</a> +To delete a bookmark from the Bookmarks dialog, click on it then click the <label>Delete</label> button. Confirm your choice by clicking <label>OK</label> or cancel the delete by clicking <label>Cancel</label>. +<a name="updating"> +<h5>Updating a Bookmark</h5> +</a> +To update the extent of a bookmark, click on it then click the <label>Update</label> button. Confirm your choice by clicking <label>OK</label> or cancel the update by clicking <label>Cancel</label>. + + + + + + + <h3>Road graph plugin settings</h3> +<p>Road graph is a C++ plugin for QGIS, that calculates the shortest path between two points on any polyline layer and plots this path over the road network.</p> +<p> +<a href="#creating">Plugin units</a><br/> +<a href="#topologyTolerance">Topology tolerance</a><br/> +<a href="#layerSettings">Transport layer settings</a><br/> +</p> + +<a name="creating"> +<h4>Plugin units</h4> +</a> +<p>You can adjust the units of the calculated distance and time of the path. Select the units in <label>Distance unit</label> and <label>Time unit</label>.</p> + +<a name="topologyTolerance"> +<h4>Topology tolerance</h4> +</a> +<p><label>Topology tolerance</label> - the distance in units of the project. If the distance of two points falls short the topological tolerance, they are considered to be the vertex. A topological tolerance value greater than zero slows down the plugin, but you can use not ideal data sources.</p> + +<h5>Note</h5> +<p>The Road graph plugin considers two roads as linked, if they have a common node. A Node is uniquely identified by it's coordinates. However, in the process of digitizing errors may occur. The errors sometimes occur when the network is transformed from one coordinate reference system to another. This might cause the Road graph plugin to consider connected roads as disconnected. In that case the topological tolerance should be set to a value greater than zero.</p> + +<a name="LayerSettings"> +<h4>Transport layer settings</h4> +</a> +<p><label>Layer</label> - the data layer of roads.</p> +<p><label>Field direction</label> - the value of this field indicates how to interpret the Road graph plugin layers feature. <label>Value for forward direction</label> - the direction of movement corresponds to the order of points in a feature. <label>Value for reverse direction</label> - the direction of movement corresponds to the reverse order of points in the feature. <label>Value for two-way direction</label> - both possible.</p> +<p>Speed field</p> - field containing the recorded speed on the road.</p> + +<h5>Default settings</h5> +<p>If the attribute table of your linear layer does not contain the required fields or fields contain unexpected values, the plugin will use default values. You can set them in the default tab <label>Default settings</label>.</p> + + + + + + <h3>Create a New SQL Anywhere Connection</h3> +This dialog allows you to define the settings for a connection to a +SQL Anywhere database. +<p> +<ul> +<li> <label>Name</label> A name to identify the connection settings. + +<li> <label>Host</label> Name or IP address of the computer hosting the database server (leave blank for local connections). + +<li> <label>Port</label> IP port used by the database server (leave blank for local connections or to use default port 2638). + +<li> <label>Server</label> Name of the database server (leave blank for default server on host). + +<li> <label>Database</label> Name of the database (leave blank for default database on server). + +<li> <label>Connection Parameters</label> Additional parameters to add to the connection string (semi-colon delimitted list). See the SQL Anywhere documentation for a list and description of available connection parameters. + +<li> <label>Username</label> Database user name. +<li> <label>Password</label> Database password. + +<li> <label>Save Username</label> Indicates whether to save the database user name in the connection configuration. + +<li> <label>Save Password</label> Indicates whether to save the database password in the connection settings. <em>Passwords are saved in <strong>clear text</strong> in the system configuration!</em> + +<li> <label>Simple Encryption</label> Secure the connection to the database using simple encryption. + +<li> <label>Estimate table metadata</label> When initializing layers, various queries may be needed to establish the characteristics of the geometries stored in the database table. When this option is checked, these queries examine only a sample of the rows, rather than the entire table. This can significantly speed up layer initialization, but may result in incorrect characterization of layers containing heterogenous types. + +<li> <label>Search other users' tables</label> Indicates that the layer list should be populated from all layers stored in the database. When unchecked (the default), only layers stored in tables owned by the connected user are displayed. + +</ul> + + + + + + <h3>Open Vector Layer Dialog</h3> + +The open vector layer dialog is used to add vector data to the QGIS map view. Vector data are spatial data described using geometries of points, lines and polygons (enclosed areas).</p> +QGIS supports vector data in a number of formats, including those supported by the OGR library data provider plugin, such as ESRI shape files, MapInfo MIF (interchange format) and MapInfo TAB (native format).</p> +QGIS supports PostGIS layers in a PostgreSQL database and SpatiaLite layers. Support for additional data types (eg. delimited text) is provided by additional data provider plugins. A list of OGR supported vector formats can be found in Appendix A.1 of the User Guide.</p> +Detailed description how to proceed with vector data is described in chapter 5 'Working with Vector Data'. + + + + + + <h3>Style Manager</h3> + + + + + + <h3>Options</h3> +This dialog allows you to select some basic options for QGIS. There are eight tabs: +<p> + +<a href="#general">General</a><br/> +<a href="#ren">Rendering & SVG</a><br/> +<a href="#map">Map tools</a><br/> +<a href="#over">Overlay</a><br/> +<a href="#digit">Digitizing</a><br/> +<a href="#crs">CRS</a><br/> +<a href="#loc">Locale</a><br/> +<a href="#net">Network & Proxy</a><br/> + +<a name="general"> +<h4>General</h4> +</a> +On this tab you can set general options for project behavior on opening/saving, default map appearance, your favorite icon theme and many others. +<a name="ren"> +<h4>Rendering & SVG</h4> +</a> +Within this tab you can set general rendering options for map layers.<br> +By default, QGIS renders all visible layers whenever the map canvas must be refreshed. The events that trigger a refresh of the map canvas include: +<ul> +<li>Adding a layer +<li>Panning or zooming +<li>Resizing the QGIS window +<li>Changing the visibility of a layer or layers +</ul> +QGIS allows you to control the rendering process in a number of ways:<p> +You can set an option to always load new layers without drawing them.<br> +This means the layer will be added to the map, but its visibility check box in the legend will be unchecked by default. To set this option, uncheck the <label>By default new layers added to the map should be displayed</label> check box.<p> +You can set an option to update the map display as features are drawn. <br> +By default, QGIS does not display any features for a layer until the entire layer has been rendered. To update the display as features are read from the data store, set the <label>Number of features to draw before updating the display</label> to an appropriate value. Setting a value of 0 disables update during drawing (this is the default). Setting a value too low will result in poor performance as the map canvas is continually updated during the reading of the features. A suggested value to start with is 500. +<a name="map"> +<h4>Map tools</h4> +</a> +<h5>Identify</h5> +The <label>Mode</label> setting determines which layers will be shown by the <label>Identify</label> tool. By switching to <label>Top down</label> instead of <label>Current layer</label> attributes for all identifiable layers will be shown with the <label>Identify</label> tool. +<h5>Measure tool</h5> +Here you can set an ellipsoid for distance calculations, measurement units and preferred color of rubber band. +<h5>Panning and zooming</h5> +Allows to define mouse wheel action and zoom factor. +<a name="over"> +<h4>Overlay</h4> +</a> +Define placement algorithm for labels. Choose between <label>central point (fastest)</label>, <label>chain (fast)</label>, <label>popmusic tabu chain (slow)</label>, <label>popmusic tabu (slow)</label> and <label>popmusic chain (very slow)</label>. + +<a name="digit"> +<h4>Digitizing</h4> +</a> +<h5>Rubber band</h5> +In the <label>Digitizing</label> tab you can define settings for digitizing line width and color. +<h5>Snapping</h5> +Here you can define a general, project wide snapping tolerance. <p> +You can select between <label>To vertex</label>, <label>To segment</label> or <label>To vertex and segment</label> as default snap mode. You can also define a default snapping tolerance and a search radius for vertex edits. The tolerance can be set either in map units or in pixels. The advantage of choosing pixels, is that the snapping tolerance doesn't have to be changed after zoom operations.<p> +A layer based snapping tolerance can be defined by choosing <label>Settings</label> (or <label>File</label>) > <label>Project Properties...</label>. In the <label>General</label> tab, section <label>Digitize</label> you can click on <label>Snapping options...</label> to enable and adjust snapping mode and tolerance on a layer basis. +<h5>Vertex markers</h5> +You can define marker style as <label>Semi transparent circle</label>, <label>Cross</label> or <label>None</label> and size; you can also set showing markers only for selected features. +<h5>Enter attribute values</h5> +By default, after digitizing a new feature, QGIS asks you to enter attribute values for that feature. Ticking <label>Suppress attributes pop-up windows after each created feature</label> allows you to enter the attributes later. +<a name="crs"> +<h4>CRS</h4> +</a> +QGIS no longer sets the map CRS to the coordinate reference system of the first layer loaded. When you start a QGIS session with layers that do not have a CRS, you need to check and define the CRS definition for these layers. This can be done globally on this tab.<p> +The global default CRS <i>proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs</i> comes predefined in QGIS but can of course be changed, and the new definition will be saved for subsequent QGIS sessions. +<a name="lov"> +<h4>Locale</h4> +</a> +Informs you about active system locale. To change it tick <label>Override system locale</label> and restart QGIS. +<a name="net"> +<h4>Network & Proxy</h4> +</a> +Tick <label>Use proxy for web access</label> to define host, port, user, and password. + + + + + + <h3>Create New Vector Layer</h3> +To create a new layer for editing, choose <label>New Vector Layer</label> from the <label>Layer</label> menu.<br/> +With this dialog you can create a shape file layer. +<h4>Type</h4> +Choose the type of layer <label>Point</label>, <label>Line</label> or <label>Polygon</label>.<br/> +Click on <label>Specify CRS</label> button to change the coordinate reference system of the layer if needed. +<h4>New attribute</h4> +Add the desired attributes by clicking on the <label>Add to attributes list</label> button after you have specified a name and type for the attribute. Only real, integer, and string attributes are supported.<br/> +You can also define the width and precision of the new attribute column. +<h4>Attributes list</h4> +In this section you can see the list of attributes. To delete one of them, click on it and choose <label>Remove selected attribute</label> button. + + + + + + <h3>Add SQL Anywhere Tables</h3> +This dialog allows you to add SQL Anywhere layers (tables with a geometry column) to the QGIS map canvas. +<p> +<a href="#connect">Connections</a><br/> +<a href="#add">Adding Layers</a><br/> +<a href="#filter">Filtering a Layer</a><br/> +<a href="#search">Search options</a><br/> + +<a href="#connect"> +<h4>Connections</h4> +</a> +<ul> +<li>Choose the connection to use from the drop-down box and click <label>Connect</label>. +<li>If there are no connections, use the <label>New</label> button to create a connection. +<li>To modify or delete the selected connection, click the <label>Edit</label> or <label>Delete</label> buttons, respectively. +</ul> +<a name="add"> +<h4>Adding Layers</h4> +</a> +To add a layer: +<ol> +<li>Choose the desired connection from the drop-down box. +<li>Click <label>Connect</label>, which will populate the list of layers from the database. Options that affect how this list is populated are described in the help for the new connection dialogue box. + +<li>Find the layer you want to add in the list and click on it to select it. +<li>You can select additional layers by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking. +<li>Click <label>Add</label> to add the layer(s) to the map. +</ol> +<a name="filter"> +<h4>Filtering a Layer</h4> +</a> +To filter a layer before adding it to the map, either double click on its name or select it and click the <label>Build query</label> button. This will open the Query Builder, allowing you to build up a SQL statement to use in filtering the records. + +<a name="search"> +<h4>Search options</h4> +</a> +Ticking <label>Search options</label> enables additional options for searching in different column types and using 2 search modes: <label>Wildcard</label> or <label>RegExp</label>. + + + + + + <h3>Save vector layer as...</h3> + +<p>This dialog allows you to save vector data in various formats using GDAL/OGR. + +<ul> +<li>From the <label>Format</label> list you can select the destination format (as advertised by OGR). +<li>At <label>Save as</label> you can enter a destination files name or select one using the <label>Browse</label> button. +<li>In the <label>Encoding</label> list you can define in which encoding the data should be saved. +<li>Using the <label>CRS</label> you can select a CRS into which the data about to be saved should be reprojected. +<li>OGR also has various options for the different formats it supports. Use the <label>datasource</label> creation field to set the datasource options and the <label>layer</label> creation options. Enter one options per line (e.g. <code>SPATIALITE=yes</code> in the <label>datasource</label> to create a spatialite database using the SQLite driver). +</ul> + +See <a href="">OGR Vector formats</a> for a list of supported formats and the available options. + + + + + + <h1>Heatmap Plugin Help</h1> +<p>The Heatmap plugin uses Kernel Density Estimation to create a density (heatmap) +raster of an input point vector layer. The density is calculated based on the +number of points in a location, with larger numbers of clustered points resulting +in larger values. Heatmaps allow easy identification of "hotspots" and +clustering of points.</p> + +<h2>Dialog Parameters</h2> + +<h3>Input point layer</h3> +<p>The input is always a vector layer of point type. All the point vector layers that are currently loaded in the canvas are shown in the drop-down list. Click the dropdown button and select the desired layer.</p> + +<h3>Output raster</h3> +<p>The output raster location and filename can be set by clicking the <label>...</label> button next to the output raster textbox.<br/> +<b>Note:</b> The file format is automatically added depending upon the output format selected, if not explicitly given.</p> + +<h3>Output format</h3> +<p>All the file creation supporting GDAL formats are available in the drop down list. Click and select the required output format for your file.<br/> +<b>Note:</b> GeoTiff and ERDAS Imagine .img formats are recommended. Some formats make the application crash. Kindly stick to the recommended formats until the crash issue is resolved or use other formats if you know GDAL supports it completely.</p> + +<h3>Radius (bandwidth)</h3> +<p>Used to specify the heatmap search radius (or kernel bandwidth) in meters or map units. The radius specifies the distance around a point at which the influence + of the point will be felt. Larger values result in greater smoothing, but smaller values may show finer details and variation in point density.</p> + +<h3>Advanced Options</h3> + +<h4>Rows and Columns</h4> +<p>Used to change the dimensions of the output raster file. These values are also linked to the <b>Cell size X</b> and <b>Cell size Y</b> values. +Increasing the number of rows or colums will decrease the cell size and increase the file size of the output file. The values in Rows and Columns +are also linked, so doubling the number of rows will automatically double the number of columns and the cell sizes will also be halved. The geographical area of the output raster will remain the same!</p> + +<h4>Cell size X and Y</h4> +<p>Control the geographic size of each pixel in the output raster. Changing these values will also change the number of Rows and Columns in the output + raster.</p> + +<h4>Kernel shape</h4> +<p>The kernel shape controls the rate at which the influence of a point decreases as the distance from the point increases. Different kernels decay at +different rates, so a triweight kernel gives features greater weight for distances closer to the point then the Epanechnikov kernel does. Consequently, +triweight results in "sharper" hotspots, and Epanechnikov results in "smoother" hotspots. A number of standard kernel functions are available in QGIS, +which are described and illustrated on <a href="">Wikipedia</a>.</p> + +<h4>Decay ratio</h4> +<p>For triangular kernels, the decay ratio defines amount of influence that applies to the outermost pixels in the buffer radius. A value of 0 reflects a standard triangular kernel, where the influences drops to zero as the distance from the pixel to the point approaches the specified radius. In contrast, a value of 1 indicates that no falloff occurs as the distance from the point increases.</p> + +<h4>Use radius from field</h4> +<p>Optionally, the value in a specified field can be used to control the kernel radius for each point in the input layer.</p> + +<h4>Use weight from field</h4> +<p>Optionally, a attribute containing weights for points can be used to weight some points in the input layer more than others.</p> + +<h2>Further Details</h2> +<p>Contact the author through aruntheguy at gmail dot com</p> + + + + + + + <h3>Delimited Text File Layer</h3> +Loads and displays delimited text files +<p> +<a href="#re">Overview</a><br/> +<a href="#creating">Creating a delimited text layer</a><br/> +<a href="#csv">How the delimiter, quote, and escape characters work</a><br /> +<a href="#regexp">How regular expression delimiters work</a><br /> +<a href="#wkt">How WKT text is interpreted</a><br /> +<a href="#attributes">Attributes in delimited text files</a><br /> +<a href="#example">Example of a text file with X,Y point coordinates</a><br/> +<a href="#wkt_example">Example of a text file with WKT geometries</a><br/> +<a href="#python">Using delimited text layers in Python</a><br/> +</p> + +<h4><a name="re">Overview</a></h4> +<p>A &quot;delimited text file&quot; contains data in which each record starts on a new line, and +is split into fields by a delimiter such as a comma. +This type of file is commonly exported from spreadsheets (for example CSV files) or databases. +Typically the first line of a delimited text file contains the names of the fields. +</p> +<p> +Delimited text files can be loaded into QGIS as a layer. +The records can be displayed spatially either as a point +defined by X and Y coordinates, or using a Well Known Text (WKT) definition of a geometry which may +describe points, lines, and polygons of arbitrary complexity. The file can also be loaded as an attribute +only table, which can then be joined to other tables in QGIS. +</p> +<p> +In addition to the geometry definition the file can contain text, integer, and real number fields. By default +QGIS will choose the type of field based on its the non blank values of the field. If all can be interpreted +as integer then the type will be integer, if all can be interpreted as real numbers then the type will +be double, otherwise the type will be text. +</p> +<p> +QGIS can also read the types from an OGR CSV driver compatible &quot;csvt&quot; file. +This is a file alongside the data file, but with a &quot;t&quot; appended to the file name. +The file should just contain one linewhich lists the type of each field. +Valid types are &quot;integer&quot;, &quot;real&quot;, &quot;string&quot;, &quot;date&quot;, &quot;time&quot;, and &quot;datetime&quot;. The date, time, and datetime types are treated as strings in QGIS. +Each type may be followed by a width and precision, for example &quot;real(10.4)&quot;. +The list of types are separated by commas, regardless of the delimiter used in the data file. An +example of a valid format file would be: +</p> + +<pre> +&quot;integer&quot;,&quot;string&quot;,&quot;string(20)&quot;,&quot;real(20.4)&quot; +</pre> + +<h4><a name="creating">Creating a delimited text layer</a></h4> +<p>Creating a delimited text layer involves choosing the data file, defining the format (how each record is to +be split into fields), and defining the geometry is represented. +This is managed with the delimited text dialog as detailed below. +The dialog box displays a sample from the beginning of the file which shows how the format +options have been applied. +</p> +<h5>Choosing the data file</h5> +<p>Use the &quot;Browse...&quot; button to select the data file. Once the file is selected the +layer name will automatically be populated based on the file name. The layer name is used to represent +the data in the QGIS legend. +</p> +<p> +By default files are assumed to be encoded as UTF-8. However other file +encodings can be selected. For example &quot;System&quot; uses the default encoding for the operating system. +It is safer to use an explicit coding if the QGIS project needs to be portable. +</p> +<h5>Specifying the file format</h5> +<p>The file format can be one of +<ul> + <li>CSV file format. This is a format commonly used by spreadsheets, in which fields are delimited + by a comma character, and quoted using a &quot;(quote) character. Within quoted fields, a quote + mark is entered as &quot;&quot;.</li> + <li>Selected delimiters. Each record is split into fields using one or more delimiter character. + Quote characters are used for fields which may contain delimiters. Escape characters may be used + to treat the following character as a normal character (ie to include delimiter, quote, and + new line characters in text fields). The use of delimiter, quote, and escape characters is detailed <a href="#csv">below</a>. + <li>Regular expression. Each line is split into fields using a &quot;regular expression&quot; delimiter. + The use of regular expressions is details <a href="#regexp">below</a>. +</ul> +<h5>Record and field options</h5> +<p>The following options affect the selection of records and fields from the data file</p> +<ul> + <li>Number of header lines to discard: used to ignore header lines at the beginning of the text file</li> + <li>First record has fields names: if selected then the first record in the file (after the discarded lines) is interpreted as names of fields, rather than as a data record.</li> + <li>Trim fields: if selected then leading and trailing whitespace characters will be removed from each field (except quoted fields). </li> + <li>Discard empty fields: if selected then empty fields (after trimming) will be discard. This + affects the alignment of data into fields and is equivalent to treating consecutive delimiters as a + single delimiter. Quoted fields are never discarded.</li> + <li>Decimal separator is comma: if selected then commas instead of points are used as the decimal separator in real numbers. For + example <tt>-51,354</tt> is equivalent to -51.354. + </li> +</ul> +<h5>Geometry definition</h5> +<p>The geometry is can be define as one of</p> +<ul> + <li>Point coordinates: each feature is represented as a point defined by X and Y coordinates.</li> + <li>Well known text (WKT) geometry: each feature is represented as a well known text string, for example + <tt>POINT(1.525622 51.20836)</tt>. See details of the <a href="#wkt">well known text</a> format. + <li>No geometry (attribute only table): records will not be displayed on the map, but can be viewed + in the attribute table and joined to other layers in QGIS</li> +</ul> +<p>For point coordinates the following options apply:</p> +<ul> + <li>X field: specifies the field containing the X coordinate</li> + <li>Y field: specifies the field containing the Y coordinate</li> + <li>DMS angles: if selected coordinates are represented as degrees/minutes/seconds + or degrees/minutes. QGIS is quite permissive in its interpretation of degrees/minutes/seconds. + A valid DMS coordinate will contain three numeric fields with an optional hemisphere prefix or suffix + (N, E, or + are positive, S, W, or - are negative). Additional non numeric characters are + generally discarded. For example <tt>N41d54'01.54&quot;</tt> is a valid coordinate. + </li> +</ul> +<p>For well known text geometry the following options apply:</p> +<ul> + <li>Geometry field: the field containing the well known text definition.</li> + <li>Geometry type: one of &quot;Detect&quot; (detect), &quot;Point&quot;, &quot;Line&quot;, or &quot;Polygon&quot;. + QGIS layers can only display one type of geometry feature (point, line, or polygon). This option selects + which geometry type is displayed in text files containing multiple geometry types. Records containing + other geometry types are discarded. + If &quot;Detect&quot; is selected then the type of the first geometry in the file will be used. + &quot;Point&quot; includes POINT and MULTIPOINT WKT types, &quot;Line&quot; includes LINESTRING and + MULTLINESTRING WKT types, and &quot;Polygon&quot; includes POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON WKT types. +</ul> +<h5>Layer settings</h5> +<p>Layer settings control the way the layer is managed in QGIS. The options available are:</p> +<ul> +<li>Use spatial index. Create a spatial index to improve the performance of displaying and selecting spatial objects. +This option may be useful for files larger than a few megabytes in size.</li> +<li>Use subset index. Create an index if a subset of records is being used (either by explicitly setting a subset string +from the layer properties dialog, or an implicit subset of features for which the geometry is valid in files +for which all not geometries are valid). The index will only be created when a subset is defined.</li> +<li>Watch file. If this options is selected QGIS will watch the file for changes by other applications, and +reload the file when it is changed. The map will not be updated until refreshed by the user, but indexes and +extents will be reloaded. This option should be selected if indexes are used and it is likely that another +application will change the file. </li> +</ul> + +<h4><a name="csv">How the delimiter, quote, and escape characters work</a></h4> +<p>Records are split into fields using three character sets: +delimiter characters, quote characters, and escape characters. +Other characters in the record are considered as data, split into +fields by delimiter characters. +Quote characters occur in pairs and cause the text between them to be treated as a data. Escape characters cause the character following them to be treated as data. +</p> +<p> +Quote and escape characters cannot be the same as delimiter characters - they +will be ignored if they are. Escape characters can be the same as quote characters, but behave differently +if they are.</p> +<p>The delimiter characters are used to mark the end of each field. If more than one delimiter character +is defined then any one of the characters can mark the end of a field. The quote and escape characters +can override the delimiter character, so that it is treated as a normal data character.</p> +<p>Quote characters may be used to mark the beginning and end of quoted fields. Quoted fields can +contain delimiters and may span multiple lines in the text file. If a field is quoted then it must +start and end with the same quote character. Quote characters cannot occur within a field unless they +are escaped.</p> +<p>Escape characters which are not quote characters force the following character to be treated as data. +(that is, to stop it being treated as a new line, delimiter, or quote character). +</p> +<p>Escape characters that are also quote characters have much more limited effect. They only apply within quotes and only escape themselves. For example, if +<tt>'</tt> is a quote and escape character, then the string +<tt>'Smith''s&nbsp;Creek'</tt> will represent the value Smith's&nbsp;Creek. +</p> + + +<h4><a name="regexp">How regular expression delimiters work</a></h4> +<p>Regular expressions are mini-language used to represent character patterns. There are many variations +of regular expression syntax - QGIS uses the syntax provided by the <a href="">QRegExp</a> class of the <a href="">Qt</a> framework.</p> +<p>In a regular expression delimited file each line is treated as a record. Each match of the regular expression in the line is treated as the end of a field. +If the regular expression contains capture groups (eg <tt>(cat|dog)</tt>) + then these are extracted as fields. + If this is not desired then use non-capturing groups (eg <tt>(?:cat|dog)</tt>). +</p> +<p>The regular expression is treated differently if it is anchored to the start of the line (that is, the pattern starts with <tt>^</tt>). +In this case the regular expression is matched against each line. If the line does not match it is discarded +as an invalid record. Each capture group in the expression is treated as a field. The regular expression +is invalid if it does not have capture groups. As an example this can be used as a (somewhat +unintuitive) means of loading data with fixed width fields. For example the +expression +<pre> +^(.{5})(.{10})(.{20})(.{20}) +</pre> +<p>will extract four fields of widths 5, 10, 20, and 20 characters from each line. +Lines less than 55 characters long will be discarded. +</p> + + +<h4><a name="wkt">How WKT text is interpreted</a></h4> +<p> +The delimited text layer recognizes the following +<a href="">well known text</a> types - +<tt>POINT</tt>, <tt>MULTIPOINT</tt>, <tt>LINESTRING</tt>, <tt>MULTILINESTRING</tt>, <tt>POLYGON</tt>, and <tt>MULTIPOLYGON</tt>. +It will accept geometries with +a Z coordinate (eg <tt>POINT&nbsp;Z</tt>), a measure (<tt>POINT&nbsp;M</tt>), or both (<tt>POINT&nbsp;ZM</tt>). +</p> +<p> +It can also handle the PostGIS EWKT variation, in which the geometry is preceded by an spatial reference +system id (eg <tt>SRID=4326;POINT(175.3&nbsp;41.2)</tt>), and a variant used by Informix in which the WKT is +preceded by an integer spatial reference id (eg <tt>1 POINT(175.3&nbsp;41.2)</tt>). +In both cases the SRID is ignored. +</p> + + + +<h4><a name="attributes">Attributes in delimited text files</a></h4> +<p>Each record in the delimited text file is split into fields representing +attributes of the record. Usually the attribute names are taken from the first +data record in the file. However if this does not contain attribute names, then they will be named <tt>field_1</tt>, <tt>field_2</tt>, and so on. +Also if records have more fields than are defined in the header record then these +will be named <tt>field_#</tt>, where # is the field number (note that empty fields at the end of a record are ignored). +QGIS may override +the names in the text file if they are numbers, or have names like <tt>field_#</tt>, +or are duplicated. +</p> +<p> +In addition to the attributes explicitly in the data file QGIS assigns a unique +feature id to each record which is the line number in the source file on which +the record starts. +</p> +<p> +Each attribute also has a data type, one of string (text), integer, or real number. +The data type is inferred from the content of the fields - if every non blank value +is a valid integer then the type is integer, otherwise if it is a valid real +number then the type is real, otherwise the type is string. Note that this is +based on the content of the fields - quoting fields does not change the way they +are interpreted. +</p> + + +<h4><a name="example">Example of a text file with X,Y point coordinates</a></h4> +<pre> +X;Y;ELEV +-300120;7689960;13 +-654360;7562040;52 +1640;7512840;3 +</pre> +<p>This file:</p> +<ul> +<li> Uses <b>;</b> as delimiter. Any character can be used to delimit the fields.</li> +<li>The first row is the header row. It contains the field names X, Y and ELEV.</li> +<li>The x coordinates are contained in the X field.</li> +<li>The y coordinates are contained in the Y field.</li> +</ul> +<h4><a name="wkt_example">Example of a text file with WKT geometries</a></h4> +<pre> +id|wkt +1|POINT(172.0702250 -43.6031036) +2|POINT(172.0702250 -43.6031036) +3|POINT(172.1543206 -43.5731302) +4|POINT(171.9282585 -43.5493308) +5|POINT(171.8827359 -43.5875983) +</pre> +<p>This file:</p> +<ul> + <li>Has two fields defined in the header row: id and wkt. + <li>Uses <b>|</b> as a delimiter.</li> + <li>Specifies each point using the WKT notation +</ul> + +<h4><a name="python">Using delimited text layers in Python</a></h4> +<p>Delimited text data sources can be creating from Python in a similar way to other vector layers. +The pattern is: +</p> +<pre> +from PyQt4.QtCore import QUrl, QString +from qgis.core import QgsVectorLayer, QgsMapLayerRegistry + +# Define the data source +filename="test.csv" +uri=QUrl.fromLocalFile(filename) +uri.addQueryItem("type","csv") +uri.addQueryItem("delimiter","|") +uri.addQueryItem("wktField","wkt") +# ... other delimited text parameters +layer=QgsVectorLayer(QString(uri.toEncoded()),"Test CSV layer","delimitedtext") +# Add the layer to the map +if layer.isValid(): + QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer( layer ) +</pre> +<p>This could be used to load the second example file above.</p> +<p>The configuration of the delimited text layer is defined by adding query items to the uri. +The following options can be added +</p> +<ul> + <li><tt>encoding=..</tt> defines the file encoding. The default is &quot;UTF-8&quot;</li> + <li><tt>type=(csv|regexp|whitespace)</tt> defines the delimiter type. Valid values are csv, + regexp, and whitespace (which is just a special case of regexp). The default is csv.</li> + <li><tt>delimiter=...</tt> defines the delimiters that will be used for csv formatted files, + or the regular expression for regexp formatted files. The default is , for CSV files. There is + no default for regexp files.</li> + <li><tt>quote=..</tt> (for csv files) defines the characters used to quote fields. The default is &quot;</li> + <li><tt>escape=..</tt> (for csv files) defines the characters used to escape the special meaning of the next character. The default is &quot;</li> + <li><tt>skipLines=#</tt> defines the number of lines to discard from the beginning of the file. The default is 0.</li> + <li><tt>useHeader=(yes|no)</tt> defines whether the first data record contains the names of the data fields. The default is yes.</li> + <li><tt>trimFields=(yes|no)</tt> defines whether leading and trailing whitespace is to be removed from unquoted fields. The default is no.</li> + <li><tt>maxFields=#</tt> defines the maximum number of fields that will be loaded from the file. + Additional fields in each record will be discarded. The default is 0 - include all fields. + (This option is not available from the delimited text layer dialog box).</li> + <li><tt>skipEmptyFields=(yes|no)</tt> defines whether empty unquoted fields will be discarded (applied after trimFields). The default is no.</li> + <li><tt>decimalPoint=.</tt> specifies an alternative character that may be used as a decimal point in numeric fields. The default is a point (full stop) character.</li> + <li><tt>wktField=fieldname</tt> specifies the name or number (starting at 1) of the field containing a well known text geometry definition</li> + <li><tt>xField=fieldname</tt> specifies the name or number (starting at 1) of the field the X coordinate (only applies if wktField is not defined)</li> + <li><tt>yField=fieldname</tt> specifies the name or number (starting at 1) of the field the Y coordinate (only applies if wktField is not defined)</li> + <li><tt>geomType=(auto|point|line|polygon|none)</tt> specifies type of geometry for wkt fields, or none to load the file as an attribute-only table. The default is auto.</li> + <li><tt>subset=expression</tt> specifies an expression used to identify a subset of the records that will be + used.</li> + <li><tt>crs=...</tt> specifies the coordinate system to use for the vector layer, in a format accepted by QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.createFromString (for example &quot;EPSG:4167&quot;). If this is not + specified then a dialog box may request this information from the user + when the layer is loaded (depending on QGIS CRS settings).</li> + <li><tt>subsetIndex=(yes|no)</tt> specifies whether the provider should build an index to define subset during the initial file scan. The index will apply both for explicitly defined subsets, and for the implicit subset of features for which the geometry definition is valid. By default the subset index is built if it is applicable.</li> + <li><tt>spatialIndex=(yes|no)</tt> specifies whether the provider should build a spatial index during the initial file scan. By default the spatial index is not built. </li> + <li><tt>watchFile=(yes|no)</tt> specifies whether the provider should use a file system watcher to monitor for changes to the file.</li> + <li><tt>quiet=(yes|no)</tt> specifies whether errors encountered loading the layer are presented in a dialog box (they will be written to the QGIS log in any case). The default is no. This option is not available from the GUI</li> +</ul> + + + + + + + + <h3>Print Composer</h3> + +<p> +The print composer lets you arrange items onto a page, which can then be printed. Items include the content of the map canvas, the scale bar, the legend, and arbitrary images. +</p> + +<p> +Click on one of the icons along the top of the composer window to select what type of item to place on the page, then click and draw on the page to place the item. The size of some items, such as the map canvas and scale bar can be set by clicking and dragging on the page. Other items have a fixed size, but which can be changed later on by highlighting the item and then adjusting the size fields in the left hand pane. + +</p> + + - - Abort + + <h3>Identify Features</h3> +<p> +The results dialog shows all the features identified within the search tolerance. To see the results details, expand the feature information on the left of each feature. +</p> +<p> +The search radius can be set in the options dialog <label>Settings > Options > Map tools</label>, Identify section, as a percentage of map width. In this section you may also set identify mode to <label>Current layer</label>, <label>Top down, stop at first</label>, <label>Top down</label>. <br> +You may also tick an <label>Open feature form, if a single feature is identified</label> option.<br> +Identifiable layers can be set in the Project Properties dialog <label>Settings > Project Properties > Identifiable layers</label> where all the layers names are listed, their type (vector, raster, etc.) and ability to be identified. +</p> + @@ -46960,13 +51239,13 @@ Run topology check again. Converts DXF files in Shapefile format - + DXF fitxategiak shapefile formatura bihurtzen ditu &Dxf2Shp - + &Dxf2Shp @@ -46974,59 +51253,59 @@ Run topology check again. Dxf Importer - + DXF inportatzailea Input and output - + Sarrera eta irteera Input DXF file - + Sarrerako DXF fitxategia ... - + ... Output file - + Irteera-fitxategia Export text labels - + Esportatu testu-etiketak Output file type - + Irteerako fitxategi-mota Polyline - + Polilerroa Polygon - + Poligonoa Point - + Puntua Warning - + Abisua @@ -47113,7 +51392,7 @@ For support send a mail to Undefined - + Definitu gabea @@ -47157,7 +51436,7 @@ For support send a mail to connected - + konektatua @@ -47264,7 +51543,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Username - + Erabiltzaile-izena @@ -47279,7 +51558,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Connect - + Konektatu @@ -47299,7 +51578,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Password - + Pasahitza @@ -47309,7 +51588,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Port - + Ataka @@ -47367,12 +51646,12 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Y Coordinate - + Y koordenatua X Coordinate - + X koordenatua @@ -47390,12 +51669,12 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Field - + Eremua Value - + Balioa @@ -47403,25 +51682,25 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Warning - + Abisua This tool only supports vector data - + Tresna honek datu bektorialak soilik onartzen ditu No active layers found - + Ez da geruza aktiborik aurkitu Error - + Errorea @@ -47441,7 +51720,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Attribute Contents - + Atributu-edukiak @@ -47452,12 +51731,12 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Select Application - + Hautatu aplikazioa All ( * ) - + Dena ( * ) @@ -47465,7 +51744,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Display - + Bistaratzea @@ -47495,7 +51774,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } 1 - + 1 @@ -47510,7 +51789,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Options - + Aukerak @@ -47576,7 +51855,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Reset - + Berrezarri @@ -47621,7 +51900,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Manual - + Eskuz @@ -47654,346 +51933,2312 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } - - Relative paths + + Relative paths + + + + + The base path or url from which images and documents can be “relative” + + + + + + Base Path + + + + + The Base Path onto which the relative path defined above will be appended. + + + + + If checked, the Base Path will be saved for the next session. + + + + + Enters the default “Base Path” which is the path to the directory of the vector layer containing the image information. + + + + + If checked, the Base Path will append only the file name instead of the entire relative path (defined above) to create the full directory path to the file. + + + + + Replace entire path/url stored in image path attribute with user defined +Base Path (i.e. keep only filename from attribute) + + + + + + If checked, the current check-box setting will be saved for the next session. + + + + + + Clears the check-box on this line. + + + + + If checked, the same path rules that are defined for images will be used for non-image documents such as movies, text documents, and sound files. If not checked the path rules will only apply to images and other documents will ignore the Base Path parameter. + + + + + Apply Path to Image rules when loading docs in external applications + + + + + Clicking on Save will save the settings without closing the Options pane. Clicking on Restore Defaults will reset all of the fields to their default settings. It has the same effect as clicking all of the “Reset to default” buttons. + + + + + Configure External Applications + + + + + File extension and external application in which to load a document of that type + + + + + A table containing file types that can be opened using eVis. Each file type needs a file extension and the path to an application that can open that type of file. This provides the capability of opening a broad range of files such as movies, sound recording, and text documents instead of only images. + + + + + Extension + + + + + Application + Aplikazioa + + + + Add new file type + + + + + Add a new file type with a unique extension and the path for the application that can open the file. + + + + + Delete current row + + + + + Delete the file type highlighted in the table and defined by a file extension and a path to an associated application. + + + + + eVisImageDisplayWidget + + + Zoom in + Handiagotu + + + + Zoom in to see more detail. + + + + + Zoom out + Txikiagotu + + + + Zoom out to see more area. + + + + + Zoom to full extent + + + + + Zoom to display the entire image. + + + + + fTools + + Quantum GIS version detected: + Detektatutako Quantum GIS bertsioa: + + + QGIS version detected: + + + + This version of fTools requires at least QGIS version 1.0.0 +Plugin will not be enabled. + fTools tresnaren bertsio honek gutxienez QGIS 1.0.0 bertsioa behar du. +Plugina ez da gaituko. + + + &Analysis Tools + &Analisi-tresnak + + + Distance matrix + Distantzia-matrizea + + + Sum line lengths + Batu lerro-luzerak + + + Points in polygon + Puntuak poligonoetan + + + Basic statistics + Oinarrizko estatistikak + + + List unique values + Zerrendatu balio bakarrak + + + Nearest neighbour analysis + Gertueneko balioen analisia + + + Mean coordinate(s) + Batez besteko koordenatua(k) + + + Line intersections + Lerro-ebakidurak + + + &Research Tools + &Ikerketa-tresnak + + + Random selection + Ausazko hautaketa + + + Random selection within subsets + Ausazko hautateko azpimultzoetan + + + Random points + Ausazko puntuak + + + Regular points + Puntu erregularrak + + + Vector grid + Sareta bektoriala + + + Select by location + Hautatu kokapenaren arabera + + + Polygon from layer extent + Poligonoa geruza-hedaduratik + + + &Geoprocessing Tools + &Geoprozesatze-tresnak + + + Convex hull(s) + Kono ganbila(k) + + + Buffer(s) + Bufferra(k) + + + Intersect + Ebaketa + + + Union + Batuketa + + + Symetrical difference + Diferentzia simetrikoa + + + Clip + Mozketa + + + Dissolve + Disolbaketa + + + Difference + Diferentzia + + + Eliminate sliver polygons + Ezabatu ezpal-poligonoak + + + G&eometry Tools + G&eometria-tresnak + + + Export/Add geometry columns + Esportatu edo gehitu geometria-zutabea + + + Check geometry validity + Egiaztatu geometriaren baliozkotasuna + + + Polygon centroids + Poligono-zentroideak + + + Delaunay triangulation + Delaunay triangelaketa + + + Voronoi Polygons + Voronoi poligonoa + + + Extract nodes + Erauzi nodoak + + + Simplify geometries + Sinplifikatu geometriak + + + Densify geometries + Trinkotu geometriak + + + Multipart to singleparts + Zati anitzekoak zati bakarrekoetara + + + Singleparts to multipart + Zati bakarrekoak zati anitzekoetara + + + Polygons to lines + Poligonoak lerroetara + + + Lines to polygons + Lerroak poligonoetara + + + &Data Management Tools + &Datuak kudeatzeko tresnak + + + Define current projection + Definitu uneko proiekzioa + + + Join attributes by location + Elkartu atributuak kokapenaren arabera + + + Split vector layer + Zatitu geruza bektoriala + + + Merge shapefiles to one + Fusionatu shapefile-ak batean + + + Create spatial index + Sortu indize espaziala + + + + function_help + + + <h3>week() function</h3> +Extract the week number from a date, or the number of weeks +from a <code>Interval</code> + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>week(date)</code><br> +<code>week(Interval)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>date</code> - is date or datetime. The date to extract the week from. +<br> +<code>Interval</code> - is Interval. The Interval to return the number of weeks from. + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>week('2012-05-12') &rarr; 19</code><br> +<code>week(tointerval('3 weeks')) &rarr; 3</code><br> +<code>week(age('2012-01-01','2010-01-01')) &rarr; 104.285...</code><br> + + + + + + + <h3>CASE expression</h3> +A conditional expression that can be used to evaluate multiple expressions and +return a result. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<pre> + CASE + WHEN <i>condition</i> THEN <i>result</i> + [ ...n ] + [ ELSE <i>result</i> ] + END +</pre> +[ ] marks optional components + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> WHEN condition</i> - The condition expression to evaluate. <br> +<i> THEN result</i> - If <i>condition</i> evaluates to True then <i>result</i> is evaluated and returned. <br> +<i> ELSE result</i> - If none of the above conditions evaluated to True then <i>result</i> is evaluated and returned. <br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<pre> + CASE + WHEN <i>"column" IS NULL</i> THEN <i>'None'</i> + ELSE <i>"column"</i> + END +</pre> + + + + + + <h3>right() function</h3> +Returns a substring that contains the <i>n</i> rightmost characters of the string. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>right(string, pos)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>string</code> - is string. The string. +<br> +<code>length</code> - is int. The number of characters from the right to return. + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>right('Hello World',5) &rarr; 'World'</code><br> + + + + + + + +<h3>Color Group</h3> +This group contains functions for manipulating colors + + + + + + <h3>length() function</h3> +Returns the length of a string. + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + length(<i>string</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The String to count the length of.</p> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + length('HELLO') &rarr; 5</p> + + + + + + <h3>upper() function</h3> +Converts a string to upper case letters. + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + upper(<i>string</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The String to convert to upper case.</p> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + upper('hello WOrld') &rarr; 'HELLO WORLD'</p> + + + + + + <h3>left() function</h3> +Returns a substring that contains the <i>n</i> leftmost characters of the string. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>left(string, length)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>string</code> - is string. The string. +<br> +<code>length</code> - is int. The number of characters from the left to return. + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>left('Hello World',5) &rarr; 'Hello'</code><br> + + + + + + + <h3>regexp_replace() function</h3> +Returns a string with the supplied regular expression replaced. + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + regexp_replace(<i>string,regex,after</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The start string.<br> +<i> regex</i> &rarr; is string. The regular expression to replace. Backslash characters must be double escaped (eg "&#92;&#92;s" to match a white space character).<br> +<i> after</i> &rarr; is string. The string that will replace any matching occurences of the supplied regular expression. Captured groups can be inserted into the replacement string using &#92;&#92;1, &#92;&#92;2, etc. <br></p> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + regexp_replace('QGIS SHOULD ROCK','&#92;&#92;sSHOULD&#92;&#92;s',' DOES ') &rarr; 'QGIS DOES ROCK'</p> + + + + + + <h3>$scale function</h3> +Returns the current scale of the map canvas. +<br> +Note: This function is only available in some contexts and will be 0 otherwise. +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>$scale</code><br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>$scale &rarr; 10000</code><br> + + + + + + + + +<h3>color_rgb() function</h3> +Returns a string representation of a color based on its red, green, and blue components + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + color_rgb(<i>red, green, blue</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> red</i> &rarr; the red component as an integer value from 0 to 255.<br> +<i> green</i> &rarr; the green component as an integer value from 0 to 255.<br> +<i> blue</i> &rarr; the blue component as an integer value from 0 to 255.<br> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + color_rgb(255,127,0) &rarr; '#ff7f00'</p> + + + + + + <h3>$numpages function</h3> +Returns the total number of pages in the composition. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<pre>$numpages</pre> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +None + +<h4>Example</h4> +<pre>$numpages &rarr; 42</pre> + + + + + + + <h3>rand() function</h3> +Returns a random integer within the range specified by the minimum and +maximum argument (inclusive). +<br> +This function takes two arguments. +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>rand(min, max)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>min</code> - an integer representing the smallest possible random number desired.<br> +<code>max</code> - an integer representing the largest possible random number desired. +<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>rand(1, 10) &rarr; 8</code><br> + + + + + + <h3>$rownum function</h3> +Returns the number of the current row. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<pre>$rownum</pre> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +None + +<h4>Example</h4> +<pre>$rownum &rarr; 4711</pre> + + + + + + + <h3>atan2() function</h3> +Returns arcustangens of y/x using the signs of the two +arguments to determine the quadrant of the result + + + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + atan2(<i>real</i>, <i>real</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<i>real</i> &rarr; y coordinate difference<br> +<i>real</i> &rarr; x coordinate difference</p> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> + atan2(1.0, 1.732) &rarr; 0.523611477769969</p> + + + + + + <h3>sin() function</h3> +Returns sinus of an angle. + + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + sin(<i>real</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<i>real</i> &rarr; angle in radians.</p> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> + sin(1.571) &rarr; 0.999999682931835</p> + + + + + + <h3>clamp() function</h3> +Restricts an input value to a specified range. + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + clamp(<i>minimum</i>,<i>input</i>,<i>maximum</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> minimum</i> &rarr; The smallest value <i>input</i> is allowed to take.<br> +<i> input</i> &rarr; a value which will be restricted to the range specified by <i>minimum</i> and <i>maximum</i>.<br> +<i> maximum</i> &rarr; The largest value <i>input</i> is allowed to take.<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + clamp(1,5,10) &rarr; 5 (<i>input</i> is between 1 and 10 so is returned unchanged)<br> + clamp(1,0,10) &rarr; 1 (<i>input</i> is less than minimum value of 1, so function returns 1)<br> + clamp(1,11,10) &rarr; 10 (<i>input</i> is greater than maximum value of 10, so function returns 11)<br> + + + + + + + + <h3>month() function</h3> +Extract the month part from a date, or the number of months +from a <code>Interval</code> + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>month(date)</code><br> +<code>month(Interval)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>date</code> - is date or datetime. The date to extract the month from. +<br> +<code>Interval</code> - is Interval. The Interval to return the number of months from. + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>month('2012-05-12') &rarr; 05</code><br> +<code>month(tointerval('3 months')) &rarr; 3</code><br> +<code>month(age('2012-01-01','2010-01-01')) &rarr; 4.033...</code><br> + + + + + + + <h3>$area function</h3> +Returns the area size of the current feature. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<pre>$area</pre> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +None + +<h4>Example</h4> +<pre>$area &rarr; 42</pre> + + + + + + + <h3>day() function</h3> +Extract the day from a date, or the number of days +from a <code>Interval</code> + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>day(date)</code><br> +<code>day(Interval)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>date</code> - is date or datetime. The date to extract the day from. +<br> +<code>Interval</code> - is Interval. The Interval to return the number of days from. + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>day('2012-05-12') &rarr; 12</code><br> +<code>day(tointerval('3 days')) &rarr; 3</code><br> +<code>day(age('2012-01-01','2010-01-01')) &rarr; 730</code><br> + + + + + + + <h3>toreal function</h3> +Converts a string to real number. Nothing changed if a value cannot be converted to real (e.g '123.56asd' is invalid). Numbers are rounded after saving changes if the precision is smaller than the result of the conversion. + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + toreal(<i>string</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The String to convert to real number.</p> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + toreal('123.45') &rarr; 123.45</p> + + + + + + <h3>todate() function</h3> +Convert a string into Qt data type. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>todate('string')</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>string</code> - is string in Qt date format. +<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>todate('2012-05-04') &rarr; 2012-05-04</code><br> + + + + + <h3>lpad() function</h3> +Returns a string with supplied width padded +using the fill character. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>lpad(string, length, fill)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>string</code> - is string. The string. +<br> +<code>length</code> - is int. The length of the new string. +<br> +<code>fill</code> - is char. The character to padd the remaining space with. + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>lpad('Hello', 10, 'x') &rarr; 'Helloxxxxx'</code><br> + - - - The base path or url from which images and documents can be “relative” + + + <h3>acos() function</h3> +Returns arcuscosinus of a value in radians. + + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + acos(<i>real</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<i>real</i> &rarr; cos of an angle.</p> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> + acos(0.5) &rarr; 1.0471975511966</p> + - - - Base Path + + <h3>log() function</h3> +Returns the value of the logarithm of the passed value and base. +<br> +This function takes two arguments. +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>log(base, value)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>base</code> - any positive number.<br> +<code>value</code> - any positive number. +<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>log(2, 32) &rarr; 5</code><br> +<code>log(0.5, 32) &rarr; -5</code><br> + - - The Base Path onto which the relative path defined above will be appended. + + <h3>Geometry Group</h3> +This group contains functions that operate on geometry objects e.g length, area. + - - If checked, the Base Path will be saved for the next session. + + <h3>$page function</h3> +Returns the current page number within a composition. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<pre>$page</pre> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +None + +<h4>Example</h4> +<pre>$page &rarr; 2</pre> + + - - - Enters the default “Base Path” which is the path to the directory of the vector layer containing the image information. + + + <h3>strpos() function</h3> +Return the index of a regular expression in a string. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> + strpos(<i>haystack</i>, <i>needle</i>) +<br><br> +Returns -1 if the expression isn't found. + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> haystack</i> &rarr; is string. The string that is to be searched.<br> +<i> needle</i> &rarr; is number. The regular expression to look for.<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + strpos('HELLO WORLD','WORLD') &rarr; 6<br> + strpos('HELLO WORLD','GOODBYE') &rarr; -1<br> + - - If checked, the Base Path will append only the file name instead of the entire relative path (defined above) to create the full directory path to the file. + + <h3>Funktion ln()</h3> +Returns the value of the natural logarithm of the passed expression. +<br> +This function takes one argument. +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>ln(value)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>value</code> - any positive number. +<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>ln(1) &rarr; 0</code><br> +<code>ln(2.7182818284590452354) &rarr; 1</code><br> + - - Replace entire path/url stored in image path attribute with user defined -Base Path (i.e. keep only filename from attribute) + + <h3>exp() function</h3> +Returns exponential of an value. + + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + exp(<i>real</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<i>real</i> &rarr; number.</p> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> + exp(1.0) &rarr; 2.71828182845905</p> + - - - If checked, the current check-box setting will be saved for the next session. + + <h3>regexp_substr() function</h3> +Returns the portion of a string which matches a supplied regular expression. + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + regexp_substr(<i>string,regex</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The input string.<br> +<i> regex</i> &rarr; is string. The regular expression to match against. Backslash characters must be double escaped (eg "&#92;&#92;s" to match a white space character).<br> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + regexp_substr('abc123','(&#92;&#92;d+)') &rarr; '123'</p> + - - - Clears the check-box on this line. + + <h3>rpad() function</h3> +Returns a string with supplied width padded +using the fill character. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>rpad(string, width, fill)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>string</code> - is string. The string. +<br> +<code>width</code> - is int. The length of the new string. +<br> +<code>fill</code> - is char. The character to padd the remaining space with. + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>rpad('Hello', 10, 'x') &rarr; 'xxxxxHello'</code><br> + + - - If checked, the same path rules that are defined for images will be used for non-image documents such as movies, text documents, and sound files. If not checked the path rules will only apply to images and other documents will ignore the Base Path parameter. + + <h3>tostring function</h3> +Converts a number to string. + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + tostring(<i>number</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i>number</i> &rarr; is integer or real. The number to convert to string.</p> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + tostring(123) &rarr; '123'</p> + - - Apply Path to Image rules when loading docs in external applications + + <h3>round() function</h3> +Rounds a number to number of decimal places. +<br> +This function can take one or two arguments depending on what is needed. +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>round(decimal,places)</code><br> +<code>round(decimal)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>decimal</code> - is decimal. The decimal number to be rounded. +<br> +<code>places</code> - is int. The number of places to round decimal too. Can be negative. + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>round(1234.567, 2 ) &rarr; 1234.57</code><br> +use <code>round(decimal)</code> to round to the nearest integer<br> +<code>round(1234.567) &rarr; 1235</code><br> + + + - - - Clicking on Save will save the settings without closing the Options pane. Clicking on Restore Defaults will reset all of the fields to their default settings. It has the same effect as clicking all of the “Reset to default” buttons. + + + <h3>$now function</h3> +Returns the current date and time + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<pre>$now</pre> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +None + +<h4>Example</h4> +<pre>$now &rarr; 2012-07-22T13:24:57</pre> + + - - Configure External Applications + + <h3>scale_exp() function</h3> +Transforms a given value from an input domain to an output range using an exponential curve. This function can be used to ease values in or out +of the specified output range. + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + scale_exp(<i>val</i>,<i>domain_min</i>,<i>domain_max</i>,<i>range_min</i>,<i>range_max</i>,<i>exponent</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> val</i> &rarr; is a value in the input domain. The function will return a corresponding scaled value in the output range.<br> +<i> domain_min, domain_max</i> &rarr; specify the input domain, the smallest and largest values the input <i>val</i> should take.<br> +<i> range_min, range_max</i> &rarr; specify the output range, the smallest and largest values which should be output by the function.<br> +<i> exponent</i> &rarr; a positive value (greater than 0), which dictates the way input values are mapped to the output range. Large exponents will cause the output values to 'ease in', starting slowly before +accelerating as the input values approach the domain maximum. Smaller exponents (less than 1) will cause output values to 'ease out', where the mapping starts quickly but slows as it approaches the domain maximum.<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<b>Easing in, using an exponent of 2:</b><br> + scale_exp(5,0,10,0,100,2) &rarr; 25<br> + scale_exp(7.5,0,10,0,100,2) &rarr; 56.25<br> + scale_exp(9.5,0,10,0,100,2) &rarr; 90.25<br> + <br> +<b>Easing out, using an exponent of 0.5:</b><br> + scale_exp(3,0,10,0,100,0.5) &rarr; 54.772<br> + scale_exp(6,0,10,0,100,0.5) &rarr; 77.459<br> + scale_exp(9,0,10,0,100,0.5) &rarr; 94.868<br> + + + - - File extension and external application in which to load a document of that type + + <h3>Date and Time Group</h3> +This group contains functions for handling date and time data. + - - A table containing file types that can be opened using eVis. Each file type needs a file extension and the path to an application that can open that type of file. This provides the capability of opening a broad range of files such as movies, sound recording, and text documents instead of only images. + + <h3>$id function</h3> +Returns the feature id of the current row. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<pre>$id</pre> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +None + +<h4>Example</h4> +<pre>$id &rarr; 42</pre> + + - - Extension + + <h3>$perimeter function</h3> +Returns the perimeter length of the current feature. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<pre>$perimeter</pre> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +None + +<h4>Example</h4> +<pre>$perimeter &rarr; 42</pre> + + - - Application + + <h3>regexp_match() function</h3> +Returns true if any part of a string matches the supplied regular expression. + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + regexp_match(<i>string,regex</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The string to test against the regular expression.<br> +<i> regex</i> &rarr; is string. The regular expression to test against. Backslash characters must be double escaped (eg "&#92;&#92;s" to match a white space character).<br> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + regexp_match('QGIS ROCKS','&#92;&#92;sROCKS') &rarr; 1</p> + - - Add new file type + + <h3>tointerval() function</h3> +Converts a string to a interval type. Can be used to take days, hours, month, etc off a date. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>tointerval('string')</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>string</code> - is string. Format {n} days {n} hours {n} months +<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>todatetime('2012-05-05 12:00:00') - tointerval('1 day 2 hours') &rarr; 2012-05-04T10:00:00</code><br> - - Add a new file type with a unique extension and the path for the application that can open the file. + + <h3>hour() function</h3> +Extract the hour from a datetime or time, or the number of hours +from a <code>Interval</code> + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>hour(datetime)</code><br> +<code>hour(Interval)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>date</code> - is datetime or time. The date to extract the hour from. +<br> +<code>Interval</code> - is Interval. The Interval to return the number of hours from. + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>hour('2012-07-22T13:24:57') &rarr; 13</code><br> +<code>hour(tointerval('3 hours')) &rarr; 3</code><br> +<code>hour(age('2012-07-22T13:00:00','2012-07-22T10:00:00')) &rarr; 3</code><br> +<code>hour(age('2012-01-01','2010-01-01')) &rarr; 17520</code><br> + + - - Delete current row + + <h3>color_hsla() function</h3> +Returns a string representation of a color based on its hue, saturation, lightness and alpha (transparency) attributes + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + color_hsla(<i>hue, saturation, lightness, alpha</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> hue</i> &rarr; the hue of the color, as an integer value from 0 to 360.<br> +<i> saturation</i> &rarr; the saturation percentage of the color as an integer value from 0 to 100.<br> +<i> lightness</i> &rarr; the lightness percentage of the color as an integer value from 0 to 100.<br> +<i> alpha</i> &rarr; the alpha component as an integer value from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (opaque).<br> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + color_hsla(100,50,70,200) &rarr; '166,217,140,200'</p> + - - Delete the file type highlighted in the table and defined by a file extension and a path to an associated application. + + <h3>$pi constant</h3> +Returns pi as value for calculations + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<pre>$pi</pre> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +None + +<h4>Example</h4> +<pre>$pi &rarr; 3.14159265358979</pre> + - - - eVisImageDisplayWidget - - Zoom in + + <h3>Record Group</h3> +This group contains functions that operate on record identifiers. + - - Zoom in to see more detail. + + <h3>totime() function</h3> +Convert a string into Qt time type. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>totime('string')</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>string</code> - is string in Qt time format. +<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>totime('12:30:01') &rarr; 12:30:01</code><br> - - Zoom out + + <h3>replace() function</h3> +Returns a string with the the supplied string replaced. + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + replace(<i>string,before,after</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The start string.<br> +<i> before</i> &rarr; is string. The string to replace.<br> +<i> after</i> &rarr; is string. The string that will replace <i>before</i><br></p> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + replace('QGIS SHOULD ROCK','SHOULD','DOES') &rarr; 'QGIS DOES ROCK'</p> + - - Zoom out to see more area. + + <h3>Conditionals Group</h3> +This group contains functions to handle conditional checks in expressions. + - - Zoom to full extent + + <h3>abs() function</h3> +Returns the absolute value of a number.<br> + + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +abs(<i>value</i>)<br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>value</code> - a number.<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<code>abs(-2) &rarr; 2</code><br> + - - Zoom to display the entire image. + + <h3>max() function</h3> +Returns the largest value in a set of values. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> + max(<i>value<i>[,<i>value</i>...]) + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> value</i> &rarr; a number.<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + max(2,10.2,5.5) &rarr; 10.2 + - - - fTools - Quantum GIS version detected: + + +<h3>color_cmyk() function</h3> +Returns a string representation of a color based on its cyan, magenta, yellow and black components + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + color_cmyk(<i>cyan, magenta, yellow, black</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> cyan</i> &rarr; the cyan component of the color, as a percentage integer value from 0 to 100.<br> +<i> magenta</i> &rarr; the magenta component of the color, as a percentage integer value from 0 to 100.<br> +<i> yellow</i> &rarr; the yellow component of the color, as a percentage integer value from 0 to 100.<br> +<i> black</i> &rarr; the black component of the color, as a percentage integer value from 0 to 100.<br> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + color_cmyk(100,50,0,10) &rarr; '#0073e6'</p> + - This version of fTools requires at least QGIS version 1.0.0 -Plugin will not be enabled. + + <h3>sqrt() function</h3> +Returns square root of a value + + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + sqrt(<i>real</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<i>real</i> &rarr; number.</p> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> + sqrt(9) &rarr; 3</p> + - &Analysis Tools + + +<h3>ramp_color() function</h3> +Returns a string representing a color from a color ramp. + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + ramp_color(<i>ramp_name,value</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> ramp_name</i> &rarr; the name of the color ramp as a string, for example 'Spectral'.<br> +<i> value</i> &rarr; the position on the ramp to select the color from as a real number between 0 and 1.<br> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + ramp_color('Spectral',0.3) &rarr; '#fdbe73'</p> + +<p><h4>Note:</h4> +The color ramps available vary between QGIS installations. This function +may not give the expected results if you move your Quantum project. +</p> + - Distance matrix + + <h3>Conditions Group</h3> +This group contains functions that operate on condition. + - Sum line lengths + + +<h3>color_cmyka() function</h3> +Returns a string representation of a color based on its cyan, magenta, yellow, black and alpha (transparency) components + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + color_cmyka(<i>cyan, magenta, yellow, black, alpha</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> cyan</i> &rarr; the cyan component of the color, as a percentage integer value from 0 to 100.<br> +<i> magenta</i> &rarr; the magenta component of the color, as a percentage integer value from 0 to 100.<br> +<i> yellow</i> &rarr; the yellow component of the color, as a percentage integer value from 0 to 100.<br> +<i> black</i> &rarr; the black component of the color, as a percentage integer value from 0 to 100.<br> +<i> alpha</i> &rarr; the alpha component as an integer value from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (opaque).<br> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + color_cmyka(100,50,0,10,200) &rarr; '0,115,230,200'</p> + - Points in polygon + + <h3>format_number() function</h3> +Returns a number formatted with the locale separator for thousands. +Also truncates the number to the number of supplied places. +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>format_number(number,places)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>number</code> - is number. The number to be formatted. +<br> +<code>places</code> - is int. The number of decimal places to truncate the string +to. + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>format_number(10000000.332,2) &rarr; 10,000,000.33</code> + + - Basic statistics + + <h3>year() function</h3> +Extract the year part from a date, or the number of years +from a <code>Interval</code> + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>year(date)</code><br> +<code>year(Interval)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>date</code> - is date or datetime. The date to extract the year from. +<br> +<code>Interval</code> - is Interval. The Interval to return the number of years from. + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>year('2012-05-12') &rarr; 2012</code><br> +<code>year(tointerval('3 Years')) &rarr; 3</code><br> +<code>year(age('2012-01-01','2010-01-01')) &rarr; 1.9986..</code><br> + + - List unique values + + <h3>CASE expression</h3> +A conditional expression that can be used to evaluate multiple expressions and +return a result. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<pre> + CASE + WHEN <i>condition</i> THEN <i>result</i> + [ ...n ] + [ ELSE <i>result</i> ] + END +</pre> +[ ] marks optional components + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> WHEN condition</i> - The condition expression to evaluate. <br> +<i> THEN result</i> - If <i>condition</i> evaluates to True then <i>result</i> is evaluated and returned. <br> +<i> ELSE result</i> - If none of the above conditions evaluated to True then <i>result</i> is evaluated and returned. <br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<pre> + CASE + WHEN <i>"column" IS NULL</i> THEN <i>'None'</i> + END +</pre> + - Nearest neighbour analysis + + <h3>randf() function</h3> +Returns a random float within the range specified by the minimum and +maximum argument (inclusive). +<br> +This function takes two arguments. +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>randf(min, max)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>min</code> - a float representing the smallest possible random number desired.<br> +<code>max</code> - a float representing the largest possible random number desired. +<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>randf(1, 10) &rarr; 4.59258286403147</code><br> + - Mean coordinate(s) + + <h3>scale_linear() function</h3> +Transforms a given value from an input domain to an output range using linear interpolation. + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + scale_linear(<i>val</i>,<i>domain_min</i>,<i>domain_max</i>,<i>range_min</i>,<i>range_max</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> val</i> &rarr; is a value in the input domain. The function will return a corresponding scaled value in the output range.<br> +<i> domain_min, domain_max</i> &rarr; specify the input domain, the smallest and largest values the input <i>val</i> should take.<br> +<i> range_min, range_max</i> &rarr; specify the output range, the smallest and largest values which should be output by the function.<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + scale_linear(5,0,10,0,100) &rarr; 50<br> + scale_linear(0.2,0,1,0,360) &rarr; 72 <i>(eg, scaling a value between 0 and 1 to an angle between 0 and 360)</i><br> + scale_linear(1500,1000,10000,9,20) &rarr; 10.22 <i>(eg, scaling a population which varies between 1000 and 10000 to a font size between 9 and 20)</i><br> + + + - Line intersections + + <h3>trim() function</h3> +Removes all leading and trailing whitespace (spaces, tabs, etc) from a string. + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + trim(<i>string</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The string to trim.</p> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + trim(' hello world ') &rarr; 'hello world'</p> + - &Research Tools + + <h3>minute() function</h3> +Extract the minute from a datetime or time, or the number of minutes +from a <code>Interval</code> + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>minute(datetime)</code><br> +<code>minute(Interval)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>date</code> - is datetime or time. The date to extract the minute from. +<br> +<code>Interval</code> - is Interval. The Interval to return the number of minutes from. + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>minute('2012-07-22T13:24:57') &rarr; 24</code><br> +<code>minute(tointerval('3 minutes')) &rarr; 3</code><br> +<code>minute(age('2012-07-22T00:20:00','2012-07-22T00:00:00')) &rarr; 20</code><br> +<code>minute(age('2012-01-01','2010-01-01')) &rarr; 1051200</code><br> + + - Random selection + + <h3>age() function</h3> +Returns the difference between two dates. +<br><br> +The difference is returned as a <code>Interval</code> +and needs to be used with one of the following functions +in order to extract useful information: +<ul> +<li><code>year</code> +<li><code>month</code> +<li><code>week</code> +<li><code>day</code> +<li><code>hour</code> +<li><code>minute</code> +<li><code>second</code> +</ul> +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>age(string,string)</code><br> +<code>age(datetime,datetime)</code><br> +<code>age(string,datetime)</code><br> +<code>age(datetime,string)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>string</code> - is string. A string in date format. +<br> +<code>datetime</code> - is date or datetime. A date or datetime type. + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>age('2012-05-12','2012-05-2') &rarr; Interval</code><br> +use <code>day</code> to extract number of days<br> +<code>day(age('2012-05-12','2012-05-2')) &rarr; 10</code><br> + + - Random selection within subsets + + <h3>log10() function</h3> +Returns the value of the base 10 logarithm of the passed expression. +<br> +This function takes one argument. +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>log10(value)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>value</code> - any positive number. +<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>log10(1) &rarr; 0</code><br> +<code>log10(100) &rarr; 2</code><br> + - Random points + + <h3>Conversions Group</h3> +This group contains functions to convert on data type to another e.g string to integer, integer to string. + - Regular points + + <h3>yat function</h3> +Retrieves a y coordinate of the current feature + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>yat(i)</code> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>i<code> - is int. index of point of a line (indices start at 0; negative values apply to the last index). + +<h4>Example</h4> +<pre>yat(1) &rarr; 5</pre> + - Vector grid + + <h3>cos() function</h3> +Returns cosinus of an angle. + + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + cos(<i>real</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<i>real</i> &rarr; angle in radians.</p> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> + cos(1.571) &rarr; 0.000796326710733263</p> + - Select by location + + <h3>Operators Group</h3> +This group contains operators e.g + - * + - Polygon from layer extent + + <h3>Fields and Values</h3> +Contains a list of fields from the layer. Sample values can also be accessed via right-click. +<br><br> +Select the field name from the list then right-click to access context menu with options to load sample values from the selected field. + + - &Geoprocessing Tools + + <h3>Function floor()</h3> +Rounds a number downwards. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>floor(value)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>value</code> - a number. +<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>floor(4.9) &rarr; 4</code><br> +<code>floor(-4.9) &rarr; -5</code><br> + - Convex hull(s) + + <h3>second() function</h3> +Extract the seconds from a datetime or time, or the number of seconds +from a <code>Interval</code> + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>second(datetime)</code><br> +<code>second(Interval)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>date</code> - is datetime or time. The date to extract the second from. +<br> +<code>Interval</code> - is Interval. The Interval to return the number of seconds from. + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>second('2012-07-22T13:24:57') &rarr; 57</code><br> +<code>second(tointerval('3 seconds')) &rarr; 3</code><br> +<code>second(age('2012-07-22T00:20:00','2012-07-22T00:00:00')) &rarr; 1200</code><br> +<code>second(age('2012-01-01','2010-01-01')) &rarr; 63072000</code><br> + + - Buffer(s) + + <h3>atan() function</h3> +Returns arcustanget of a value in radians. + + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + atan(<i>real</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<i>real</i> &rarr; tan of an angle.</p> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> + atan(0.5) &rarr; 0.463647609000806</p> + - Intersect + + <h3>$length function</h3> +Returns the length of the current feature. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<pre>$length</pre> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +None + +<h4>Example</h4> +<pre>$length &rarr; 42.4711</pre> + - Union + + <h3>title() function</h3> +Converts all words of a string to title case (all words lower case with leading +capital letter). + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + title(<i>string</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The string to convert to title case.</p> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + upper('hello WOrld') &rarr; 'Hello World'</p> + - Symetrical difference + + <h3>substr() function</h3> +Return a part of a string + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + substr(<i>string,startpos,length</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The full string.<br> +<i> startpos</i> &rarr; is number. The start position to extract from.<br> +<i> length</i> &rarr; is number. The length of the string to extract.<br></p> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + substr('HELLO WORLD',3,5) &rarr; 'LLO W'</p> + - Clip + + <h3>format() function</h3> +Format a string using supplied arguments. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>format('string', arg, [arg...n])</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>string</code> - is string. String with Qt QString place holders. Use %1, %2, etc for placeholders. Placeholders can be repeated. +<br> +<code>arg [arg...n]</code> - any type. Any number of args. + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>format('This %1 a %2','is', 'test') &rarr; This is a test</code><br> - Dissolve + + <h3>$y function</h3> +Returns the y coordinate of the current feature. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<pre>$y</pre> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +None + +<h4>Example</h4> +<pre>$y &rarr; 42</pre> + + - Difference + + +<h3>color_rgba() function</h3> +Returns a string representation of a color based on its red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) components + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + color_rgba(<i>red, green, blue, alpha</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> red</i> &rarr; the red component as an integer value from 0 to 255.<br> +<i> green</i> &rarr; the green component as an integer value from 0 to 255.<br> +<i> blue</i> &rarr; the blue component as an integer value from 0 to 255.<br> +<i> alpha</i> &rarr; the alpha component as an integer value from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (opaque).<br> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + color_rgba(255,127,0,200) &rarr; '255,127,0,200'</p> + - Eliminate sliver polygons + + <h3>$x function</h3> +Returns the x coordinate of the current feature. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<pre>$x</pre> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +None + +<h4>Example</h4> +<pre>$x &rarr; 42</pre> + + - G&eometry Tools + + <h3>xat function</h3> +Retrieves a x coordinate of the current feature + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>xat(i)</code> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>i<code> - is int. index of point of a line (indices start at 0; negative values apply to the last index). + +<h4>Example</h4> +<pre>xat(1) &rarr; 5</pre> + - Export/Add geometry columns + + <h3>Function ceil()</h3> +Rounds a number upwards. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>ceil(value)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>value</code> - a number. +<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>ceil(4.9) &rarr; 5</code><br> +<code>ceil(-4.9) &rarr; -4</code><br> + - Check geometry validity + + <h3>color_hsv() function</h3> +Returns a string representation of a color based on its hue, saturation, and value attributes + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + color_hsv(<i>hue, saturation, value</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> hue</i> &rarr; the hue of the color, as an integer value from 0 to 360.<br> +<i> saturation</i> &rarr; the saturation percentage of the color as an integer value from 0 to 100.<br> +<i> value</i> &rarr; the value percentage of the color as an integer from 0 to 100.<br> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + color_hsv(40,100,100) &rarr; '#ffaa00'</p> + - Polygon centroids + + <h3>Math Group</h3> +This group contains math functions e.g square root, sin and cos + - Delaunay triangulation + + <h3>min() function</h3> +Returns the smallest value in a set of values. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> + min(<i>value<i>[,<i>value</i>...]) + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> value</i> &rarr; a number.<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + min(20.5,10,6.2) &rarr; 6.2 + - Voronoi Polygons + + <h3>lower() function</h3> +Converts a string to lower case letters. + +<p><h4> Syntax</h4> + lower(<i>string</i>)</p> + +<p><h4> Arguments</h4> +<i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The String to convert to lower case.</p> + +<p><h4> Example</h4> + lower('HELLO World') &rarr; 'hello world'</p> + - Extract nodes + + <h3>$numfeatures function</h3> +In atlas generation, returns the total number of features within the coverage layer. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<pre>$numfeatures</pre> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +None + +<h4>Example</h4> +<pre>$numfeatures &rarr; 42</pre> + + - Simplify geometries + + <h3>String Group</h3> +This group contains functions that operate on strings e.g replace, convert to upper case. + - Densify geometries + + <h3>concat() function</h3> +Concatenates several strings to one. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> + concat(<i>string<i>[,<i>string</i>...]) + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> string</i> &rarr; is string. a string.<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + concat('a','b','c','d','e') &rarr; 'abcde' + - Multipart to singleparts + + <h3>coalesce() function</h3> +Returns the first non-NULL value from the expression list. +<br> +This function can take any number of arguments. +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>coalesce(expression1, expression2 ...)</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>expression</code> - any valid expression or value, irregardless of type. +<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>coalesce(NULL, 2) &rarr; 2</code><br> +<code>coalesce(NULL, 2, 3) &rarr; 2</code><br> +<code>coalesce(7, NULL, 3*2) &rarr; 7</code><br><br> +<code>coalesce("fieldA", "fallbackField", 'ERROR') &rarr; value of fieldA if it is non-NULL + else the value of "fallbackField" or the string 'ERROR' if both are NULL</code><br> + + - Singleparts to multipart + + <h3>color_hsl() function</h3> +Returns a string representation of a color based on its hue, saturation, and lightness attributes + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + color_hsl(<i>hue, saturation, lightness</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> hue</i> &rarr; the hue of the color, as an integer value from 0 to 360.<br> +<i> saturation</i> &rarr; the saturation percentage of the color as an integer value from 0 to 100.<br> +<i> lightness</i> &rarr; the lightness percentage of the color as an integer value from 0 to 100.<br> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + color_hsl(100,50,70) &rarr; '#a6d98c'</p> + - Polygons to lines + + <h3>asin() function</h3> +Returns arcussinus of a value in radians. + + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + asin(<i>real</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<i>real</i> &rarr; sin of an angle.</p> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> + asin(1.0) &rarr; 1.5707963267949</p> + - Lines to polygons + + <h3>todatetime() function</h3> +Convert a string into Qt data time type. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>todatetime('string')</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>string</code> - is string in Qt date time format. +<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>todatetime('2012-05-04 12:50:00') &rarr; 2012-05-04T12:50:00</code><br> - &Data Management Tools + + <h3>toint function</h3> +Converts a string to integer number. Nothing changed if a value cannot be converted to integer (e.g '123asd' is invalid). + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + toint(<i>string</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The String to convert to integer number.</p> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + toint('123') &rarr; 123</p> + - Define current projection + + <h3>format_date() function</h3> +Format a date type or string into a custom string format. Uses Qt data time format strings. See <a href=''>QDateTime::toString</a> + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<code>format_date('string', 'format_string')</code><br> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +<code>string</code> - is string. Date/Time/DateTime string. +<br> +<code>format_string</code> - is string. String template used to format the string. + + <table> + <thead> + <tr> + <th>Expression</th> + + <th>Output</th> + </tr> + </thead> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>d</td> + + <td>the day as number without a leading zero (1 to 31)</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>dd</td> + + <td>the day as number with a leading zero (01 to 31)</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>ddd</td> + + <td>the abbreviated localized day name (e.g. 'Mon' to 'Sun'). Uses <a href= + "qdate.html#shortDayName">QDate::shortDayName</a>().</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>dddd</td> + + <td>the long localized day name (e.g. 'Monday' to 'Sunday'). Uses <a href= + "qdate.html#longDayName">QDate::longDayName</a>().</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>M</td> + + <td>the month as number without a leading zero (1-12)</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>MM</td> + + <td>the month as number with a leading zero (01-12)</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>MMM</td> + + <td>the abbreviated localized month name (e.g. 'Jan' to 'Dec'). Uses <a href= + "qdate.html#shortMonthName">QDate::shortMonthName</a>().</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>MMMM</td> + + <td>the long localized month name (e.g. 'January' to 'December'). Uses <a href= + "qdate.html#longMonthName">QDate::longMonthName</a>().</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>yy</td> + + <td>the year as two digit number (00-99)</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>yyyy</td> + + <td>the year as four digit number</td> + </tr> + </table> + + <p>These expressions may be used for the time part of the format string:</p> + + <table> + <thead> + <tr> + <th>Expression</th> + + <th>Output</th> + </tr> + </thead> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>h</td> + + <td>the hour without a leading zero (0 to 23 or 1 to 12 if AM/PM display)</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>hh</td> + + <td>the hour with a leading zero (00 to 23 or 01 to 12 if AM/PM display)</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>H</td> + + <td>the hour without a leading zero (0 to 23, even with AM/PM display)</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>HH</td> + + <td>the hour with a leading zero (00 to 23, even with AM/PM display)</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>m</td> + + <td>the minute without a leading zero (0 to 59)</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>mm</td> + + <td>the minute with a leading zero (00 to 59)</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>s</td> + + <td>the second without a leading zero (0 to 59)</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>ss</td> + + <td>the second with a leading zero (00 to 59)</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>z</td> + + <td>the milliseconds without leading zeroes (0 to 999)</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>zzz</td> + + <td>the milliseconds with leading zeroes (000 to 999)</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>AP or A</td> + + <td>interpret as an AM/PM time. <i>AP</i> must be either "AM" or "PM".</td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> + <td>ap or a</td> + + <td>Interpret as an AM/PM time. <i>ap</i> must be either "am" or "pm".</td> + </tr> + </table> + +<br> + +<h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> +<code>format_date('2012-05-15','') &rarr; 15.05.2012</code><br> + - Join attributes by location + + <h3>tan() function</h3> +Returns tangent of an angle. + + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + tan(<i>real</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<i>real</i> &rarr; angle in radians.</p> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> + tan(1.0) &rarr; 1.5574077246549</p> + - Split vector layer + + <h3>Field</h3> +Double click to add field name to expression string. +<br><br> +Right-Click on field name to open context menu sample value loading options. + - Merge shapefiles to one + + <h3>$feature function</h3> +In atlas generation, returns the current feature number that is iterated over on the coverage layer. + +<h4>Syntax</h4> +<pre>$feature</pre> + +<h4>Arguments</h4> +None + +<h4>Example</h4> +<pre>$feature &rarr; 2</pre> + + - Create spatial index + + <h3>color_hsva() function</h3> +Returns a string representation of a color based on its hue, saturation, value and alpha (transparency) attributes + +<p><h4>Syntax</h4> + color_hsva(<i>hue, saturation, value, alpha</i>)</p> + +<p><h4>Arguments</h4> +<!-- List args for functions here--> +<i> hue</i> &rarr; the hue of the color, as an integer value from 0 to 360.<br> +<i> saturation</i> &rarr; the saturation percentage of the color as an integer value from 0 to 100.<br> +<i> value</i> &rarr; the value percentage of the color as an integer from 0 to 100.<br> +<i> alpha</i> &rarr; the alpha component as an integer value from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (opaque).<br> + +<p><h4>Example</h4> +<!-- Show example of function.--> + color_hsva(40,100,100,200) &rarr; '255,170,0,200'</p> + @@ -48001,27 +54246,27 @@ Plugin will not be enabled. geometryThread Merge all - + Batu denak Polygon area - + Poligono-azalera Polygon perimeter - + Poligono-perimetroa Line length - + Lerro-luzera Point x ordinate - + Puntuaren x ordenatua Point y ordinate - + Puntuaren y ordenatua @@ -48094,7 +54339,7 @@ Plugin will not be enabled. 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LanguageFinished %Translators
Jürgen E. Fischer, Stephan Holl, Otto Dassau, Werner Macho
BABA Yoshihiko, Yoichi Kayama, Minoru Akagi, Takayuki Nuimura, Takayuki Mizutani, Norihiro Yamate
Galician (Spain)
Xan Vieiro
BABA Yoshihiko, Yoichi Kayama
Danish (Denmark)
Jacob Overgaard Madsen, Preben Lisby
Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Almir Karabegovic
Czech (Czech Republic)
Martin Landa, Peter Antolik, Martin Dzurov, Jan Helebrant
Polish (Poland)
Robert Szczepanek, Milena Nowotarska, Borys Jurgiel, Mateusz Loskot, Tomasz Paul, Andrzej Swiader
Estonian (Estonia)
Veiko Viil
Paolo Cavallini, Flavio Rigolon, Maurizio Napolitano, Roberto Angeletti, Alessandro Fanna, Michele Beneventi, Marco Braida, Luca Casagrande, Luca Delucchi, Anne Gishla
Asier Sarasua Garmendia, Irantzu Alvarez
Portuguese (Brazil)
Arthur Nanni
Zoltan Siki
Artem Popov
Korean (Korea, Republic of)
BJ Jang
Slovenian (Slovenia)
Jože Detečnik, Dejan Gregor
Maris Nartiss, Pēteris Brūns
Portuguese (Portugal)
Giovanni Manghi, Joana Simoes, Duarte Carreira, Alexandre Neto, Pedro Pereira, Pedro Palheiro, Nelson Silva
Serbian ()
Goran Ivanković
Serbian ()
Goran Ivanković
Portuguese (Portugal)
Giovanni Manghi, Joana Simoes, Duarte Carreira, Alexandre Neto, Pedro Pereira, Pedro Palheiro, Nelson Silva
Central Khmer
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Januar V. Simarmata, I Made Anombawa
Croatian (Croatia)
Zoran Jankovic
Catalan (Spain)
Xavier Roijals
Basque (Spain)
Irantzu Alvarez
Yohana Mapala