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update for Snow Leopard
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git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
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kyngchaos committed Sep 3, 2009
1 parent becf3ac commit 701b25a
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Showing 4 changed files with 49 additions and 35 deletions.
12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions mac/xcode/Qgis.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1789,6 +1789,7 @@
72EBCB3B0F49E8240016BA3C /* favicon.ico in Copy - doc */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7209F0160F39E5DA003DC336 /* favicon.ico */; };
72EBCB3C0F49E8240016BA3C /* index.html in Copy - doc */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7209F01B0F39E5DA003DC336 /* index.html */; };
72EBCB3D0F49E8240016BA3C /* qgisdoc.css in Copy - doc */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7209F0370F39E5DA003DC336 /* qgisdoc.css */; };
72EFB924105068590050AC82 /* osmprovider.h in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 72DB68D41021D06C00ED5F3A /* osmprovider.h */; };
72F22FB70FDAC209000E8CB0 /* qgsmaptoolnodetool.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 72F22FB50FDAC1F4000E8CB0 /* qgsmaptoolnodetool.cpp */; };
72F22FB90FDAC249000E8CB0 /* mActionNodeTool.png in Copy - theme-default */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 72F22FB80FDAC236000E8CB0 /* mActionNodeTool.png */; };
72F8D9450F89251100D10CE5 /* qgstolerance.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 72F8D9430F8924F100D10CE5 /* qgstolerance.cpp */; };
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -13151,7 +13152,7 @@
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
shellPath = /bin/sh;
shellScript = "echo \"Setting up Python target...\"\n\n# setup dirs\n\nmkdir -p \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/python/core\"\nmkdir -p \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/python/gui\"\nmkdir -p \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/core\"\nmkdir -p \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/gui\"\n\n# setup some symlinks to make compilation happy\n\nln -sf \"$PROJECT_TARGET_DIR/include/qgsconfig.h\" \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/\"\nln -sf \"$PROJECT_TARGET_DIR/include/qgssvnversion.h\" \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/\"\n\nln -sf \"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_LIB_SUBDIR/libqgis_core.dylib\" \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/core/\"\nln -sf \"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_LIB_SUBDIR/libqgis_gui.dylib\" \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/gui/\"\n\ncd \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/../\"\nuih=`ls ui_*.h`\ncd \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/gui\"\nfor h in $uih\ndo\n\tln -sf ../../../../$h $h\ndone\n\nexit 0\n";
shellScript = "echo \"Setting up Python target...\"\n\n# setup dirs\n\nmkdir -p \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/python/core\"\nmkdir -p \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/python/gui\"\nmkdir -p \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/core\"\nmkdir -p \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/gui\"\n\n# setup some symlinks to make compilation happy\n\nln -sf \"$PROJECT_TARGET_DIR/include/qgsconfig.h\" \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/\"\nln -sf \"$PROJECT_TARGET_DIR/include/qgssvnversion.h\" \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/\"\n\nln -sf \"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_LIB_SUBDIR/libqgis_core.dylib\" \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/core/\"\nln -sf \"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_LIB_SUBDIR/libqgis_gui.dylib\" \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/gui/\"\n\ncd \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/../\"\nuih=`ls ui_*.h`\ncd \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/gui\"\nfor h in $uih\ndo\n\tln -sf ../../../../$h $h\ndone\n\n# workaround for broken arch command on Snow - we need to run python 32bit (from pyuic4)\n\nif [ \"$SDKSYS\" = \"snow\" ] && [ \"$PYTHON_FORM\" = \"system\" ] ; then\n\tmkdir -p \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/bin/\"\n\tditto -arch i386 /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/bin/pythonw2.6 \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/bin/pythonw\"\nfi\n\nexit 0\n";
showEnvVarsInLog = 0;
7256F2760F413B400022BE1F /* make */ = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -13256,7 +13257,7 @@
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
shellPath = /bin/sh;
shellScript = "plug=\"osm\"\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\n\ncd ../../python/plugins/$plug/ui_files\n\n# generate ui py files\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\n# generate rc py files\n# qrc may not change, but referenced resources might. for now, regenerate always.\n# TODO: need to list qrc resources and check them all if changed\n\ncd ..\nRCRC=`ls *.qrc`\n\nfor r in $RCRC\ndo\n\trpy=`echo $r | sed 's,\\.qrc$,,'`\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\t#if [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] || [ $r -nt \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \\\"$targetdir/$rpy\\\" $r\"\n\t\t$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \"$targetdir/$rpy\" $r\n\t#fi\ndone\n\nexit 0\n";
shellScript = "plug=\"osm\"\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\n\ncd ../../python/plugins/$plug/ui_files\n\n# workaround for broken arch command on Snow - we need to run python 32bit (from pyuic4)\n\nif [ \"$SDKSYS\" = \"snow\" ] && [ \"$PYTHON_FORM\" = \"system\" ] ; then\n\texport PATH=\"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/bin:$PATH\"\nfi\n\n# generate ui py files\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\n# generate rc py files\n# qrc may not change, but referenced resources might. for now, regenerate always.\n# TODO: need to list qrc resources and check them all if changed\n\ncd ..\nRCRC=`ls *.qrc`\n\nfor r in $RCRC\ndo\n\trpy=`echo $r | sed 's,\\.qrc$,,'`\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\t#if [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] || [ $r -nt \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \\\"$targetdir/$rpy\\\" $r\"\n\t\t$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \"$targetdir/$rpy\" $r\n\t#fi\ndone\n\nexit 0\n";
showEnvVarsInLog = 0;
729287A60F71D4FE006D9489 /* Script - ui */ = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -13556,7 +13557,7 @@
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
shellPath = /bin/sh;
shellScript = "plug=\"fTools\"\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\n\ncd ../../python/plugins/$plug\n\n# generate ui py files\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\n# generate rc py files\n# qrc may not change, but referenced resources might. for now, regenerate always.\n# TODO: need to list qrc resources and check them all if changed\n\nRCRC=`ls *.qrc`\n\nfor r in $RCRC\ndo\n\trpy=`echo $r | sed 's,\\.qrc$,,'`\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\t#if [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] || [ $r -nt \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \\\"$targetdir/$rpy\\\" $r\"\n\t\t$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \"$targetdir/$rpy\" $r\n\t#fi\ndone\n\n# generate tools ui py files\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug/tools\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\ncd tools\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\nexit 0\n";
shellScript = "plug=\"fTools\"\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\n\ncd ../../python/plugins/$plug\n\n# workaround for broken arch command on Snow - we need to run python 32bit (from pyuic4)\n\nif [ \"$SDKSYS\" = \"snow\" ] && [ \"$PYTHON_FORM\" = \"system\" ] ; then\n\texport PATH=\"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/bin:$PATH\"\nfi\n\n# generate ui py files\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\n# generate rc py files\n# qrc may not change, but referenced resources might. for now, regenerate always.\n# TODO: need to list qrc resources and check them all if changed\n\nRCRC=`ls *.qrc`\n\nfor r in $RCRC\ndo\n\trpy=`echo $r | sed 's,\\.qrc$,,'`\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\t#if [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] || [ $r -nt \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \\\"$targetdir/$rpy\\\" $r\"\n\t\t$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \"$targetdir/$rpy\" $r\n\t#fi\ndone\n\n# generate tools ui py files\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug/tools\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\ncd tools\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\nexit 0\n";
showEnvVarsInLog = 0;
72C535941038E16500A9CC02 /* Script - mapserver ui+rc */ = {
Expand All @@ -13571,7 +13572,7 @@
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
shellPath = /bin/sh;
shellScript = "plug=\"mapserver_export\"\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\n\ncd ../../python/plugins/$plug\n\n# generate ui py files\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\n# generate rc py files\n# qrc may not change, but referenced resources might. for now, regenerate always.\n# TODO: need to list qrc resources and check them all if changed\n\nRCRC=`ls *.qrc`\n\nfor r in $RCRC\ndo\n\trpy=`echo $r | sed 's,\\.qrc$,,'`\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\t#if [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] || [ $r -nt \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \\\"$targetdir/$rpy\\\" $r\"\n\t\t$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \"$targetdir/$rpy\" $r\n\t#fi\ndone\n\nexit 0\n";
shellScript = "plug=\"mapserver_export\"\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\n\ncd ../../python/plugins/$plug\n\n# workaround for broken arch command on Snow - we need to run python 32bit (from pyuic4)\n\nif [ \"$SDKSYS\" = \"snow\" ] && [ \"$PYTHON_FORM\" = \"system\" ] ; then\n\texport PATH=\"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/bin:$PATH\"\nfi\n\n# generate ui py files\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\n# generate rc py files\n# qrc may not change, but referenced resources might. for now, regenerate always.\n# TODO: need to list qrc resources and check them all if changed\n\nRCRC=`ls *.qrc`\n\nfor r in $RCRC\ndo\n\trpy=`echo $r | sed 's,\\.qrc$,,'`\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\t#if [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] || [ $r -nt \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \\\"$targetdir/$rpy\\\" $r\"\n\t\t$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \"$targetdir/$rpy\" $r\n\t#fi\ndone\n\nexit 0\n";
72C535961038E22700A9CC02 /* Script - plugininstall ui+rc */ = {
isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
Expand All @@ -13585,7 +13586,7 @@
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
shellPath = /bin/sh;
shellScript = "plug=\"plugin_installer\"\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\n\ncd ../../python/plugins/$plug\n\n# generate ui py files\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\n# generate rc py files\n# qrc may not change, but referenced resources might. for now, regenerate always.\n# TODO: need to list qrc resources and check them all if changed\n\nRCRC=`ls *.qrc`\n\nfor r in $RCRC\ndo\n\trpy=`echo $r | sed 's,\\.qrc$,,'`\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\t#if [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] || [ $r -nt \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \\\"$targetdir/$rpy\\\" $r\"\n\t\t$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \"$targetdir/$rpy\" $r\n\t#fi\ndone\n\nexit 0\n";
shellScript = "plug=\"plugin_installer\"\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\n\ncd ../../python/plugins/$plug\n\n# workaround for broken arch command on Snow - we need to run python 32bit (from pyuic4)\n\nif [ \"$SDKSYS\" = \"snow\" ] && [ \"$PYTHON_FORM\" = \"system\" ] ; then\n\texport PATH=\"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/bin:$PATH\"\nfi\n\n# generate ui py files\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\n# generate rc py files\n# qrc may not change, but referenced resources might. for now, regenerate always.\n# TODO: need to list qrc resources and check them all if changed\n\nRCRC=`ls *.qrc`\n\nfor r in $RCRC\ndo\n\trpy=`echo $r | sed 's,\\.qrc$,,'`\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\t#if [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] || [ $r -nt \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \\\"$targetdir/$rpy\\\" $r\"\n\t\t$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \"$targetdir/$rpy\" $r\n\t#fi\ndone\n\nexit 0\n";
showEnvVarsInLog = 0;
72E706ED0F42589900142011 /* fix linking */ = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -14289,6 +14290,7 @@
72DB68EF1021D0BD00ED5F3A /* osmprovider.cpp in Sources */,
72DB68F11021D0BD00ED5F3A /* osmrenderer.cpp in Sources */,
72DB68F31021D0BD00ED5F3A /* osmstyle.cpp in Sources */,
72EFB924105068590050AC82 /* osmprovider.h in Sources */,
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
Expand Down

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