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[FEATURE] Visibility groups of map layers in layer tree
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New toolbar button allows quick changes between the groups of layers that should be visible.
Also features a simple way for management of the groups (add/remove)
  • Loading branch information
wonder-sk committed Sep 4, 2014
1 parent dd78876 commit e3c2711
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 4 changed files with 406 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/app/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ SET(QGIS_APP_SRCS

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -246,6 +247,7 @@ SET (QGIS_APP_MOC_HDRS

Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/app/qgisapp.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -195,6 +195,7 @@
#include "qgsvectorfilewriter.h"
#include "qgsvectorlayer.h"
#include "qgsvectorlayerproperties.h"
#include "qgsvisibilitygroups.h"
#include "qgsmessagelogviewer.h"
#include "qgsdataitem.h"
#include "qgsmaplayeractionregistry.h"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1654,6 +1655,14 @@ void QgisApp::createToolBars()
newLayerAction->setObjectName( "ActionNewLayer" );
connect( bt, SIGNAL( triggered( QAction * ) ), this, SLOT( toolButtonActionTriggered( QAction * ) ) );

// visibility groups tool button

bt = new QToolButton();
bt->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionShowAllLayers.png" ) );
bt->setPopupMode( QToolButton::InstantPopup );
bt->setMenu( QgsVisibilityGroups::instance()->menu() );
mMapNavToolBar->addWidget( bt );

// Help Toolbar

QAction* actionWhatsThis = QWhatsThis::createAction( this );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3447,6 +3456,8 @@ void QgisApp::fileNew( bool thePromptToSaveFlag, bool forceBlank )


// set the initial map tool
#ifndef HAVE_TOUCH
mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools.mPan );
Expand Down
295 changes: 295 additions & 0 deletions src/app/qgsvisibilitygroups.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
Date : September 2014
Copyright : (C) 2014 by Martin Dobias
Email : wonder dot sk at gmail dot com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *

#include "qgsvisibilitygroups.h"

#include "qgslayertree.h"
#include "qgsproject.h"
#include "qgisapp.h"

#include <QInputDialog>

QgsVisibilityGroups* QgsVisibilityGroups::sInstance;

: mMenu( new QMenu )
, mMenuDirty( false )

mMenu->addAction( QgisApp::instance()->actionShowAllLayers() );
mMenu->addAction( QgisApp::instance()->actionHideAllLayers() );

mMenu->addAction( tr( "Add group..." ), this, SLOT( addGroup() ) );
mMenuSeparator = mMenu->addSeparator();

mActionRemoveCurrentGroup = mMenu->addAction( tr( "Remove current group" ), this, SLOT( removeCurrentGroup() ) );

connect( mMenu, SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), this, SLOT( menuAboutToShow() ) );

QgsLayerTreeGroup* root = QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRoot();
connect( root, SIGNAL( visibilityChanged( QgsLayerTreeNode*, Qt::CheckState ) ),
this, SLOT( layerTreeVisibilityChanged( QgsLayerTreeNode*, Qt::CheckState ) ) );
connect( root, SIGNAL( addedChildren( QgsLayerTreeNode*, int, int ) ),
this, SLOT( layerTreeAddedChildren( QgsLayerTreeNode*, int, int ) ) );
connect( root, SIGNAL( willRemoveChildren( QgsLayerTreeNode*, int, int ) ),
this, SLOT( layerTreeWillRemoveChildren( QgsLayerTreeNode*, int, int ) ) );

connect( QgsProject::instance(), SIGNAL( readProject( const QDomDocument & ) ),
this, SLOT( readProject( const QDomDocument & ) ) );
connect( QgsProject::instance(), SIGNAL( writeProject( QDomDocument & ) ),
this, SLOT( writeProject( QDomDocument & ) ) );

void QgsVisibilityGroups::addVisibleLayersToGroup( QgsLayerTreeGroup* parent, QgsVisibilityGroups::GroupRecord& rec )
foreach ( QgsLayerTreeNode* node, parent->children() )
if ( QgsLayerTree::isGroup( node ) )
addVisibleLayersToGroup( QgsLayerTree::toGroup( node ), rec );
else if ( QgsLayerTree::isLayer( node ) )
QgsLayerTreeLayer* nodeLayer = QgsLayerTree::toLayer( node );
if ( nodeLayer->isVisible() )
rec.mVisibleLayerIDs << nodeLayer->layerId();

QgsVisibilityGroups::GroupRecord QgsVisibilityGroups::currentState()
GroupRecord rec;
QgsLayerTreeGroup* root = QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRoot();
addVisibleLayersToGroup( root, rec );
return rec;

QgsVisibilityGroups* QgsVisibilityGroups::instance()
if ( !sInstance )
sInstance = new QgsVisibilityGroups();

return sInstance;

void QgsVisibilityGroups::addGroup( const QString& name )
mGroups.insert( name, currentState() );

mMenuDirty = true;

void QgsVisibilityGroups::updateGroup( const QString& name )
if ( !mGroups.contains( name ) )

mGroups[name] = currentState();

mMenuDirty = true;

void QgsVisibilityGroups::removeGroup( const QString& name )
mGroups.remove( name );

mMenuDirty = true;

void QgsVisibilityGroups::clear()

mMenuDirty = true;

QStringList QgsVisibilityGroups::groups() const
return mGroups.keys();

QMenu* QgsVisibilityGroups::menu()
return mMenu;

void QgsVisibilityGroups::addGroup()
bool ok;
QString name = QInputDialog::getText( 0, tr( "Visibility groups" ), tr( "Name of the new group" ), QLineEdit::Normal, QString(), &ok );
if ( !ok && name.isEmpty() )

addGroup( name );

void QgsVisibilityGroups::groupTriggerred()
QAction* actionGroup = qobject_cast<QAction*>( sender() );
if ( !actionGroup )

applyState( actionGroup->text() );

void QgsVisibilityGroups::applyStateToLayerTreeGroup( QgsLayerTreeGroup* parent, const QSet<QString>& visibleLayerIDs )
foreach ( QgsLayerTreeNode* node, parent->children() )
if ( QgsLayerTree::isGroup( node ) )
applyStateToLayerTreeGroup( QgsLayerTree::toGroup( node ), visibleLayerIDs );
else if ( QgsLayerTree::isLayer( node ) )
QgsLayerTreeLayer* nodeLayer = QgsLayerTree::toLayer( node );
nodeLayer->setVisible( visibleLayerIDs.contains( nodeLayer->layerId() ) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked );

void QgsVisibilityGroups::applyState( const QString& groupName )
if ( !mGroups.contains( groupName ) )

const GroupRecord& rec = mGroups[groupName];
applyStateToLayerTreeGroup( QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRoot(), QSet<QString>::fromList( rec.mVisibleLayerIDs ) );

mMenuDirty = true;

void QgsVisibilityGroups::removeCurrentGroup()
foreach ( QAction* a, mMenuGroupActions )
if ( a->isChecked() )
removeGroup( a->text() );

void QgsVisibilityGroups::menuAboutToShow()
if ( !mMenuDirty )

// lazy update of the menu only when necessary - so that we do not do too much work when it is not necessary

qDeleteAll( mMenuGroupActions );

GroupRecord rec = currentState();
bool hasCurrent = false;

foreach ( const QString& grpName, mGroups.keys() )
QAction* a = new QAction( grpName, mMenu );
a->setCheckable( true );
if ( rec == mGroups[grpName] )
a->setChecked( true );
hasCurrent = true;
connect( a, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( groupTriggerred() ) );
mMenuGroupActions.append( a );
mMenu->insertActions( mMenuSeparator, mMenuGroupActions );

mActionRemoveCurrentGroup->setEnabled( hasCurrent );

mMenuDirty = false;

void QgsVisibilityGroups::layerTreeVisibilityChanged( QgsLayerTreeNode* node, Qt::CheckState state )
Q_UNUSED( node );
Q_UNUSED( state );

mMenuDirty = true;

void QgsVisibilityGroups::layerTreeAddedChildren( QgsLayerTreeNode* node, int indexFrom, int indexTo )
Q_UNUSED( node );
Q_UNUSED( indexFrom );
Q_UNUSED( indexTo );

mMenuDirty = true;

void QgsVisibilityGroups::layerTreeWillRemoveChildren( QgsLayerTreeNode* node, int indexFrom, int indexTo )
Q_UNUSED( node );
Q_UNUSED( indexFrom );
Q_UNUSED( indexTo );

mMenuDirty = true;

void QgsVisibilityGroups::readProject( const QDomDocument& doc )

QDomElement visGroupsElem = doc.firstChildElement( "qgis" ).firstChildElement( "visibility-groups" );
if ( visGroupsElem.isNull() )

QDomElement visGroupElem = visGroupsElem.firstChildElement( "visibility-group" );
while ( !visGroupElem.isNull() )
QString groupName = visGroupElem.attribute( "name" );
GroupRecord rec;
QDomElement visGroupLayerElem = visGroupElem.firstChildElement( "layer" );
while ( !visGroupLayerElem.isNull() )
rec.mVisibleLayerIDs << visGroupLayerElem.attribute( "id" );
visGroupLayerElem = visGroupLayerElem.nextSiblingElement( "layer" );
mGroups.insert( groupName, rec );

visGroupElem = visGroupElem.nextSiblingElement( "visibility-group" );

void QgsVisibilityGroups::writeProject( QDomDocument& doc )
QDomElement visGroupsElem = doc.createElement( "visibility-groups" );
foreach ( const QString& grpName, mGroups.keys() )
QDomElement visGroupElem = doc.createElement( "visibility-group" );
visGroupElem.setAttribute( "name", grpName );
foreach ( QString layerID, mGroups[grpName].mVisibleLayerIDs )
QDomElement layerElem = doc.createElement( "layer" );
layerElem.setAttribute( "id", layerID );
visGroupElem.appendChild( layerElem );

visGroupsElem.appendChild( visGroupElem );

doc.firstChildElement( "qgis" ).appendChild( visGroupsElem );

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