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Bugfixes and improvements to the bash scripts
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Current profile re-plotted when crit_pts is called

Fixed: the y axis on the plot is divided by slice width

The y axis, not the x axis should be scaled by delta

typo in the plotting command

Renamed the parameter MF to B in the scripts; another way of calculating the guess for the fixed point

Changed the label diatropic and paratropic to positive and negative
  • Loading branch information
mariavd committed May 22, 2019
1 parent 554d8e6 commit 3141775
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Showing 5 changed files with 137 additions and 99 deletions.
59 changes: 54 additions & 5 deletions jobscripts/src/
Expand Up @@ -138,6 +138,60 @@ cat /dev/null > $wrkdir/profile-points.out
cat /dev/null > $wrkdir/profile-points-paraview.dat
#cat /dev/null > $wrkdir/

delta=$( sed -n -e 's/^.*delta=//p' $wrkdir/calculation.dat | awk '{print $1}')
checkIfEmpty delta $delta
echo "Slice thickness: " $delta

echo "Plotting the current profile"

gnuplot << EOF
# diatropic (green)
set style line 1 lt 1 lw 5 lc rgb "#007F00"
# paratropic (blue)
set style line 2 lt 3 lw 5 lc rgb "#1E46FF"
# vertical lines (cyan)
set style line 3 lt 1 lw 2 lc rgb "#00DCFF"
# vertical zero line
set style line 4 lt 1 lw 5 lc rgb "#000000"
set format x "%5.2f"
set format y "%5.2f"
unset label
set xlabel "Distance [bohr]"
set ylabel "dJ/dx [nA/T / bohr]"
set terminal postscript eps enhanced color 'Helvetica' 22
set output "$wrkdir/$dirname\_current-profile.eps"
set title $heading
plot "$wrkdir/current_profile.dat" u 1:(\$2/delta) w l lc 0 lw 2 notitle
set output "$wrkdir/$dirname\_current-dia-para.eps"
set title $heading
plot "$wrkdir/current_profile.dat" u 1:(\$3/delta) w l ls 1 title "Positive", "$wrkdir/current_profile.dat" u 1:(\$4/delta) w l ls 2 title "Negative"

echo "Plots generated at "
echo $wrkdir/$dirname\_current-profile.eps
echo $wrkdir/$dirname\_current-dia-para.eps

# convert eps to pdf
epspdf=$(which epstopdf)
if [ -e $epspdf ]
echo "Converting eps to pdf"; echo
epstopdf $wrkdir/$dirname\_current-profile.eps
epstopdf $wrkdir/$dirname\_current-dia-para.eps

echo "Calculating the coordinates of the starting point of integration"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,11 +299,6 @@ echo >> $wrkdir/profile-points-paraview.dat
alpha=$( (echo $x0 $x1 | angle) ) # calls the angle() function to find the angle of the slope of the line
#echo "alpha = " $alpha

delta=$( sed -n -e 's/^.*delta=//p' $wrkdir/calculation.dat | awk '{print $1}')
checkIfEmpty delta $delta
#echo "Slice thickness: " $delta

#echo x0 x,y: $x0x $x0y

# Write the coordinates and currents data
Expand Down
100 changes: 55 additions & 45 deletions jobscripts/src/current-profile-header
Expand Up @@ -10,13 +10,11 @@ function createInpTemplate()

string1="s/@bond@/$bond/; s/@distance@/$distance/; s/@spacingX@/$spacingX/; s/@spacingY@/$spacingY/; s/@spacingZ@/$spacingZ/ "
string2="s/@rotX@/$rotX/; s/@rotY@/$rotY/; s/@rotZ@/$rotZ/; s/@origX@/$origX/; s/@origY@/$origY/; s/@origZ@/$origZ/ "
string3="s/@MFx@/$MFx/; s/@MFy@/$MFy/; s/@MFz@/$MFz/; s/@FX@/$Fx/; s/@FY@/$Fy/; s/@FZ@/$Fz/ "
sed -i "$fixedstring" ./$dirname/gimic.Inp
string3="s/@Bx@/$Bx/; s/@By@/$By/; s/@Bz@/$Bz/; s/@FX@/$Fx/; s/@FY@/$Fy/; s/@FZ@/$Fz/; s/@fixed@/$fixed/;"

sed -i "$string1" ./$dirname/gimic.Inp
sed -i -e "$string1" ./$dirname/gimic.Inp
sed -i -e "$string2" ./$dirname/gimic.Inp
sed -i "$string3" ./$dirname/gimic.Inp
sed -i -e "$string3" ./$dirname/gimic.Inp

if [ ! -z $enableRotationerigin ] && [ $enableRotationerigin == "y" ]
Expand All @@ -26,7 +24,7 @@ function createInpTemplate()
if [ ! -z $enableMF_X ] && [ $enableMF_X == "y" ]
sed -i -e '/s/magnet=/#magnet=/' ./$dirname/gimic.Inp
sed -i -e '/s/#magnet_axis=/magnet_axis=/' ./$dirname/gimic.Inp
sed -i -e '/s/#magnet_axis=/magnet_axis=X/' ./$dirname/gimic.Inp

Expand All @@ -39,8 +37,8 @@ echo in=$start out=$out up=$up down=$down >> ./$dirname/calculation.dat
echo fixed point: Fx=$Fx Fy=$Fy Fz=$Fz >> ./$dirname/calculation.dat
echo delta=$delta nsteps=$nsteps >> ./$dirname/calculation.dat
#echo spacing: spacingX=$spacingX spacingY=$spacingY spacingZ=$spacingZ >> ./$dirname/calculation.dat
echo magnetic field: Bx=$Bx By=$By Bz=$Bz >> ./$dirname/calculation.dat
echo spacing: spacingX=$spacingX spacingY=$spacingY >> ./$dirname/calculation.dat
echo magnetic field: MFx=$MFx MFy=$MFy MFz=$MFz >> ./$dirname/calculation.dat
echo rotation angles: rotX=$rotX rotY=$rotY rotZ=$rotZ >> ./$dirname/calculation.dat

Expand All @@ -51,7 +49,7 @@ echo "Integration plane coordinates"
printf "in = $start out = $out up = $up down = $down \n"
printf "Split into $nsteps slices with width $delta and grid spacing [$spacingX; $spacingY] \n"
printf "Fixed coordinate: ( $Fx; $Fy; $Fz )\n"
printf "Magnetic field direction: ( $MFx; $MFy; $MFz ) \n"
printf "Magnetic field direction: ( $Bx; $By; $Bz ) \n"
printf "Rotation angles: ( $rotX; $rotY; $rotZ ) \n\n"

printf "\n*****************************************************************************\n\n"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,12 +102,12 @@ valueDimInp distance $distance "bohr"
BOND=$(centroid $atom1 $atom2)

Bx=$( echo $BOND | awk '{print $1} ' )
By=$( echo $BOND | awk '{print $2} ' )
Bz=$( echo $BOND | awk '{print $3} ' )
bx=$( echo $BOND | awk '{print $1} ' )
by=$( echo $BOND | awk '{print $2} ' )
bz=$( echo $BOND | awk '{print $3} ' )

#echo "Bond centre coordinates:"
#printf "("$Bx";"$By";"$Bz")\n"
#printf "("$bx";"$by";"$bz")\n"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,13 +160,13 @@ fi

# default along the Z axis
enableMF_X=n # do not use MF=X unless asked for

echo "Do you accept the default MF orientation along the Z axis (0, 0, -1)?"
echo "Press [a] to calculate the direction automatically, [m] to enter manually or [X] for the MF=X option."
echo "Do you accept the default B orientation along the Z axis (0, 0, -1)?"
echo "Press [a] to calculate the direction automatically, [m] to enter manually or [X] for the B=X option."

read accept;
Expand All @@ -183,19 +181,19 @@ then
echo "The program for orienting with respect a plane is not found. Switching to manual input of the magnetic field components."
echo "Enter the indices of the atoms defining a plane perpendicular to the MF"
echo "Enter the indices of the atoms defining a plane perpendicular to the magnetic field."
echo "Due to a known bug, the last atom in the coord file may not be used."
read MFatoms
echo $MFatoms > ./$dirname/MF_idx.dat
MFcoords=$( /homeappl/home/mariavd/scripts/normalise_plane ./$dirname/MF_idx.dat 2>&1 > /dev/null | awk '{ if (NR ==2) {print $2, $3, $4} }')
echo "MFcoords: " $MFcoords
MFx=$(echo $MFcoords | awk '{print $1}')
MFy=$(echo $MFcoords | awk '{print $2}')
MFz=$(echo $MFcoords | awk '{print $3}')
checkIfEmpty MFx $MFx
checkIfEmpty MFy $MFy
checkIfEmpty MFz $MFz
Bx=$(echo $MFcoords | awk '{print $1}')
By=$(echo $MFcoords | awk '{print $2}')
Bz=$(echo $MFcoords | awk '{print $3}')
checkIfEmpty Bx $Bx
checkIfEmpty By $By
checkIfEmpty Bz $Bz
Expand All @@ -205,34 +203,33 @@ then
# echo "The program maximise_projection is not found. Switching to manual input of the magnetic field components."
# else
# maximise_projection > $dirname/field.dat
# MFx=$( cat $dirname/field.dat | sed -e 's#{#_#g; s#}#_#g; s#,#_#g' | awk -F [_] '{ {print -$2} }')
# MFy=$( cat $dirname/field.dat | sed -e 's#{#_#g; s#}#_#g; s#,#_#g' | awk -F [_] '{ {print -$3} }')
# MFz=$( cat $dirname/field.dat | sed -e 's#{#_#g; s#}#_#g; s#,#_#g' | awk -F [_] '{ {print -$4} }')
# Bx=$( cat $dirname/field.dat | sed -e 's#{#_#g; s#}#_#g; s#,#_#g' | awk -F [_] '{ {print -$2} }')
# By=$( cat $dirname/field.dat | sed -e 's#{#_#g; s#}#_#g; s#,#_#g' | awk -F [_] '{ {print -$3} }')
# Bz=$( cat $dirname/field.dat | sed -e 's#{#_#g; s#}#_#g; s#,#_#g' | awk -F [_] '{ {print -$4} }')
# fi
#if [ $accept == "m" ] || [ -z $checkMaxProj ]
if [ $accept == "m" ] || [ -z $checkPlaneDir ]
echo "Please enter numeric values."
valueDimInp MFx $MFx "bohr"
valueDimInp MFy $MFy "bohr"
valueDimInp MFz $MFz "bohr"
valueDimInp Bx $Bx "bohr"
valueDimInp By $By "bohr"
valueDimInp Bz $Bz "bohr"
echo "Magnetic field vector coordinates: ($MFx; $MFy; $MFz)"
echo "Magnetic field vector coordinates: ($Bx; $By; $Bz)"

if [ ! -z $accept ] && [ $accept == "X" ]
sed -i '/s/magnet=/#magnet=/' ./$dirname/gimic.Inp
sed -i '/s/#magnet_axis=/magnet_axis=/' ./$dirname/gimic.Inp
sed -i '/s/#magnet_axis=/magnet_axis=X/' ./$dirname/gimic.Inp


# Calculating the fixed point depends on the MF direction. If X is selected, then there is no MF defined.
# Calculating the fixed point depends on the B direction. If X is selected, then there is no B defined.
if [ ! -z $enableMF_X ] && [ $enableMF_X == "n" ]

Expand All @@ -244,34 +241,47 @@ then
#Fz=$( awk -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z 'BEGIN{ print (A1z+A2z)*0.5 }')
#Fz=$( awk -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z 'BEGIN{ print A2z }')

# use the coords of atom 1 and the MF vector
# use the coords of atom 1 and the B vector
# vector OA and OF defined with the coords of atom1 and the fixed point
# vector AB.MF = 0
#Fz=$( awk -v A1x=$A1x -v A2x=$A2x -v A1y=$A1y -v A2y=$A2y -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z -v mx=$MFx -v my=$MFy -v mz=$MFz 'BEGIN{ print( ( (mx*(A2x-A1x) + my*(A2y-A1y) + mz*(A2z-A1z) ))) }')
# vector AB.B = 0
#Fz=$( awk -v A1x=$A1x -v A2x=$A2x -v A1y=$A1y -v A2y=$A2y -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z -v bx=$Bx -v by=$By -v mz=$Bz 'BEGIN{ print( ( (bx*(A2x-A1x) + by*(A2y-A1y) + mz*(A2z-A1z) ))) }')
# previous HEAD
#Fz=$( awk -v Ax=$A2x -v Fx=$Fx -v Ay=$A2y -v Fy=$Fy -v Az=$A2z -v mx=$MFx -v my=$MFy -v mz=$MFz 'BEGIN{ print( ( (mx*(Fx-Ax) + my*(Fy-Ay)) / mz) + Az )}')
#Fz=$( awk -v Ax=$A2x -v Fx=$Fx -v Ay=$A2y -v Fy=$Fy -v Az=$A2z -v mx=$MFx -v my=$MFy -v mz=$MFz 'BEGIN{ print( ( (mx*(Fx-Ax) + my*(Fy-Ay)) / mz) + Az )}')
#Fz=$( awk -v Ax=$A2x -v Fx=$Fx -v Ay=$A2y -v Fy=$Fy -v Az=$A2z -v bx=$Bx -v by=$By -v mz=$Bz 'BEGIN{ print( ( (bx*(Fx-Ax) + by*(Fy-Ay)) / mz) + Az )}')
#Fz=$( awk -v Ax=$A2x -v Fx=$Fx -v Ay=$A2y -v Fy=$Fy -v Az=$A2z -v bx=$Bx -v by=$By -v mz=$Bz 'BEGIN{ print( ( (bx*(Fx-Ax) + by*(Fy-Ay)) / mz) + Az )}')
# eq of a plane: a*(x-x0) + b*(y-y0) + c*(z-z0) = 0
# <=> ax + by + cz - (a*x0 + b*y0 + c*z0) = 0
# ax + by + cz = D
# where the normal to the plane n(a,b,c) = A1 - B (vectors)
# and P(x0,y0,z0) = A2
# Fx and Fy are any two points and Fz is what fixes the "fixed point" onto the plane
#Fz=$( awk -v A1x=$A1x -v A2x=$A2x -v Fx=$Fx -v A1y=$A1y -v A2y=$A2y -v Fy=$Fy -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z -v mx=$MFx -v my=$MFy -v mz=$MFz 'BEGIN{ Bx = mx + A1x; By = my + A1y; Bz = mz + A1z; a = A1x - Bx; b = A1y - By; c = A1z - Bz; D = a*A2x + b*A2y + c*A2z; Fz = D/(a*Fx + b*Fy ); print Fz }')
#Fz=$( awk -v A1x=$A1x -v A2x=$A2x -v Fx=$Fx -v A1y=$A1y -v A2y=$A2y -v Fy=$Fy -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z -v bx=$Bx -v by=$By -v mz=$Bz 'BEGIN{ Bx = bx + A1x; By = by + A1y; Bz = mz + A1z; a = A1x - Bx; b = A1y - By; c = A1z - Bz; D = a*A2x + b*A2y + c*A2z; Fz = D/(a*Fx + b*Fy ); print Fz }')
# Plane defined by A1, A2 and B
# Vectors u = A1B and v = A1A2
# Use: n = u x v
# The fixed point is the normal
#Fcoords=$( awk -v A1x=$A1x -v A2x=$A2x -v A1y=$A1y -v A2y=$A2y -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z -v mx=$MFx -v my=$MFy -v mz=$MFz -v my=$MFy -v mz=$MFz 'BEGIN{ Bx = A1x + mx; By = A1y + my; Bz = A1z + mz; ux = Bx - A1x; uy = By - A1y; uz = Bz - A1z; vx = A2x - A1x; vy = A2y - A1y; vz = A2z - A1z; nx = uy*vz - uz*vy; ny = uz*vx - ux*vz; nz = ux*vy - uy*vx; print nx + A2x, ny + A2y, nz + A2z }' )
#Fcoords=$( awk -v A1x=$A1x -v A2x=$A2x -v A1y=$A1y -v A2y=$A2y -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z -v bx=$Bx -v by=$By -v mz=$Bz -v by=$By -v mz=$Bz 'BEGIN{ Bx = A1x + bx; By = A1y + by; Bz = A1z + mz; ux = Bx - A1x; uy = By - A1y; uz = Bz - A1z; vx = A2x - A1x; vy = A2y - A1y; vz = A2z - A1z; nx = uy*vz - uz*vy; ny = uz*vx - ux*vz; nz = ux*vy - uy*vx; print nx + A2x, ny + A2y, nz + A2z }' )
#Fx=$(echo $Fcoords | awk '{print $1}')
#Fy=$(echo $Fcoords | awk '{print $2}')
#Fz=$(echo $Fcoords | awk '{print $3}')

Fx=$( awk -v A1x=$A1x -v A2x=$A2x -v A1y=$A1y -v A2y=$A2y -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z -v mx=$MFx -v my=$MFy -v mz=$MFz 'BEGIN{ Fx = (my*(A2z-A1z) - mz*(A2y-A1y)); print Fx }' )
Fy=$( awk -v A1x=$A1x -v A2x=$A2x -v A1y=$A1y -v A2y=$A2y -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z -v mx=$MFx -v my=$MFy -v mz=$MFz 'BEGIN{ Fy = (mz*(A2x-A1x) - mx*(A2z-A1z)); print Fy }' )
Fz=$( awk -v A1x=$A1x -v A2x=$A2x -v A1y=$A1y -v A2y=$A2y -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z -v mx=$MFx -v my=$MFy -v mz=$MFz 'BEGIN{ Fz = (mx*(A2y-A1y) - my*(A2x-A1x)); print Fz }' )
# cross product of the basis vectors v3 and v1 (we want v1 colinear to B)
# beware the sign! v1 ~ -B
# v3 = A1 - A2
#Fx=$( awk -v A1x=$A1x -v A2x=$A2x -v A1y=$A1y -v A2y=$A2y -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z -v bx=$Bx -v by=$By -v mz=$Bz 'BEGIN{ Fx = (by*(A2z-A1z) - mz*(A2y-A1y)); print -(Fx)+A2x }' )
#Fy=$( awk -v A1x=$A1x -v A2x=$A2x -v A1y=$A1y -v A2y=$A2y -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z -v bx=$Bx -v by=$By -v mz=$Bz 'BEGIN{ Fy = (mz*(A2x-A1x) - bx*(A2z-A1z)); print -(Fy)+A2y }' )
#Fz=$( awk -v A1x=$A1x -v A2x=$A2x -v A1y=$A1y -v A2y=$A2y -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z -v bx=$Bx -v by=$By -v mz=$Bz 'BEGIN{ Fz = (bx*(A2y-A1y) - by*(A2x-A1x)); print -(Fz)+A2z }' )

## cross product but set Fz as the average of the z coords of A1 and A2
#Fx=$( awk -v A1x=$A1x -v A2x=$A2x -v A1y=$A1y -v A2y=$A2y -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z -v bx=$Bx -v by=$By -v mz=$Bz 'BEGIN{ Fx = (by*(A2z-A1z) - mz*(A2y-A1y)); print -(Fx)+A1x }' )
#Fy=$( awk -v A1x=$A1x -v A2x=$A2x -v A1y=$A1y -v A2y=$A2y -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z -v bx=$Bx -v by=$By -v mz=$Bz 'BEGIN{ Fy = (mz*(A2x-A1x) - bx*(A2z-A1z)); print -(Fy)+A1y }' )
#Fz=$( awk -v A1x=$A1x -v A2x=$A2x -v A1y=$A1y -v A2y=$A2y -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z -v bx=$Bx -v by=$By -v mz=$Bz 'BEGIN{ av_z = 0.5*(A1z+A2z); Fz = (bx*(A2y-A1y) - by*(A2x-A1x)); print -(Fz)+av_z }' )

# use average z coords for A1 and A2 for the calculation of the cross product
Fx=$( awk -v A1x=$A1x -v A2x=$A2x -v A1y=$A1y -v A2y=$A2y -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z -v bx=$Bx -v by=$By -v mz=$Bz 'BEGIN{ Az = 0.5*(A1z+A2z); A1z = Az; A2z = Az; Fx = (by*(A2z-A1z) - mz*(A2y-A1y)); print -(Fx) + Ax }' )
Fy=$( awk -v A1x=$A1x -v A2x=$A2x -v A1y=$A1y -v A2y=$A2y -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z -v bx=$Bx -v by=$By -v mz=$Bz 'BEGIN{ Az = 0.5*(A1z+A2z); A1z = Az; A2z = Az; Fy = (mz*(A2x-A1x) - bx*(A2z-A1z)); print -(Fy) + Ay }' )
Fz=$( awk -v A1x=$A1x -v A2x=$A2x -v A1y=$A1y -v A2y=$A2y -v A1z=$A1z -v A2z=$A2z -v bx=$Bx -v by=$By -v mz=$Bz 'BEGIN{ Az = 0.5*(A1z+A2z); A1z = Az; A2z = Az; Fz = (bx*(A2y-A1y) - by*(A2x-A1x)); print -(Fz) + Az }' )

echo "Fixed coordinate: ($Fx; $Fy; $Fz)"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -376,7 +386,7 @@ do
if [ ! -z $doDryRun ] && [ $doDryRun == "1" ]
dryRun 'gimic.0.inp'
echo dryrun done >> calculation.dat
echo dryrun done >> $dirname/calculation.dat

# sanity check for the integration plane
Expand Down
39 changes: 26 additions & 13 deletions jobscripts/src/functions-def
Expand Up @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ function userInp()
Cz=$( echo $CENTROID | awk '{print $3} ' )
#echo "Centroid:"; printf "("$Cx"; "$Cy"; "$Cz")\n"

__varValue=$( awk -v Cx=$Cx -v Cy=$Cy -v Cz=$Cz -v Bx=$Bx -v By=$By -v Bz=$Bz BEGIN'{dist=sqrt( (Bx-Cx)*(Bx-Cx) + (By-Cy)*(By-Cy) + (Bz-Cz)*(Bz-Cz) ); print dist}' )
__varValue=$( awk -v Cx=$Cx -v Cy=$Cy -v Cz=$Cz -v bx=$bx -v by=$by -v bz=$bz BEGIN'{dist=sqrt( (bx-Cx)*(bx-Cx) + (by-Cy)*(by-Cy) + (bz-Cz)*(bz-Cz) ); print dist}' )

printf "\nDo you accept $__resultVar = $__varValue bohr?\nPress [n] to change\n"
read accept;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ function checkIfPreviousCalculationExists() {
echo "Directory $dirname already exists"
# printf "\nDirectory already exists.\nCalculation parameters:\n"
# grep "bond=\|in=\|out=\|up=\|down=\|MF=" $dirname/gimic.inp
# grep "bond=\|in=\|out=\|up=\|down=\|B=" $dirname/gimic.inp
echo "Enter [y] to overwrite or any other key to exit."; read accept
if [ -z $accept ] || [ ! $accept == "y" ] # if the variable is empty or different from "y", exit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -276,8 +276,6 @@ compareSmaller() {

function planeSanityCheck() {
# sanity check for the integration plane

echo starting sanity check

printf "\nPreparing the plane...\n"
Expand All @@ -293,16 +291,31 @@ function planeSanityCheck() {

# take the coords of the end of the int plane
grep X ./$dirname/ | awk '{ if (NR <=2) {print $0} }' >> ./$dirname/
# copy the MF direction "Be" atom
# copy the B direction "Be" atom
#grep Be ./$dirname/ >> ./$dirname/
readParameter MFx $dirname
readParameter MFy $dirname
readParameter MFz $dirname
printf "Be\t$MFx\t$MFy\t$MFz\n" >> ./$dirname/
readParameter Bx $dirname
readParameter By $dirname
readParameter Bz $dirname

readParameter Fx $dirname
readParameter Fy $dirname
readParameter Fz $dirname

checkIfEmpty Bx $Bx
checkIfEmpty By $By
checkIfEmpty Bz $Bz
printf "Be\t$Bx\t$By\t$Bz\n" >> ./$dirname/

# for debugging the fixed coord:
# fixedCrd=$(awk -v x=$Fx -v y=$Fy -v z=$Fz 'BEGIN{bohr=0.5291772490; printf("U\t%f%f%f\n", bohr*x, bohr*y, bohr*z); }')

#fixedCrd=$(awk -v x="$Fx" -v y="$Fy" -v z="$Fz" 'BEGIN{bohr=0.5291772490; printf("U \t %.4f \t %.4f \t %.4f \n", bohr*x, bohr*y, bohr*z); }')
#echo "fixed coord U: " $fixedCrd
#echo $fixedCrd >> ./$dirname/
#nAtoms=$(head -n 1 ./#$dirname/
#sedstring=$(echo "1s/$nAtoms/$(($nAtoms+1))/")
#echo sedstring:
#echo $sedstring
#sed -i -e "$sedstring" ./$dirname/

echo "The file created."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -340,7 +353,7 @@ then
# take the coords of the end of the int plane
grep X ./$dirname/ | awk '{ if (NR ==1) {print $0} }' >> ./$dirname/
grep X ./$dirname/ | awk '{ if (NR ==4) {print $0} }' >> ./$dirname/
# copy the MF direction "Be" atom
# copy the B direction "Be" atom
grep Be ./$dirname/ >> ./$dirname/

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -382,7 +395,7 @@ then
grep X ./$dirname/gimic.$idxH/ | awk '{ if (NR ==4) {print $0} }' >> ./$dirname/

# copy the MF direction "Be" atom
# copy the B direction "Be" atom
grep Be ./$dirname/ >> ./$dirname/

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -424,7 +437,7 @@ then
grep X ./$dirname/gimic.$idxH/ | awk '{ if (NR ==4) {print $0} }' >> ./$dirname/

# copy the MF direction "Be" atom
# copy the B direction "Be" atom
grep Be ./$dirname/ >> ./$dirname/

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions jobscripts/src/gimic.Inp
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ debug=1 # debug print level
#show_axis=true # mark "up" axis in .xyz files
#magnet_axis=X # @MF@ #[-] i,j,k || x,y,z -> align magnet along axis
magnet=[ @MFx@, @MFy@, @MFz@ ] # magnet vector
magnet=[ @Bx@, @By@, @Bz@ ] # magnet vector

Grid(bond) { # define grid orthogonal to a bond
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,5 +42,5 @@ Advanced {

Essential {

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