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oscarh committed Jun 16, 2010
1 parent 2c68d8d commit 021a84f
Showing 1 changed file with 43 additions and 33 deletions.
76 changes: 43 additions & 33 deletions src/lhttpc.erl
Expand Up @@ -111,8 +111,9 @@ stop() ->
%% ResponseBody = binary()
%% Reason = connection_closed | connect_timeout | timeout
%% @doc Sends a request without a body.
%% Would be the same as calling `request(URL, Method, Hdrs, [], Timeout)',
%% that is {@link request/5} with an empty body (`Body' could also be `<<>>').
%% Would be the same as calling {@link request/5} with an empty body,
%% `request(URL, Method, Hdrs, [], Timeout)' or
%% `request(URL, Method, Hdrs, <<>>, Timeout)'.
%% @end
%% @see request/9
-spec request(string(), string() | atom(), headers(), pos_integer() |
Expand All @@ -135,9 +136,8 @@ request(URL, Method, Hdrs, Timeout) ->
%% ResponseBody = binary()
%% Reason = connection_closed | connect_timeout | timeout
%% @doc Sends a request with a body.
%% Would be the same as calling
%% `request(URL, Method, Hdrs, Body, Timeout, [])', that is {@link request/6}
%% with no options.
%% Would be the same as calling {@link request/6} with no options,
%% `request(URL, Method, Hdrs, Body, Timeout, [])'.
%% @end
%% @see request/9
-spec request(string(), string() | atom(), headers(), iolist(),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,13 +232,17 @@ request(URL, Method, Hdrs, Body, Timeout, Options) ->
%% `Method' is either a string, stating the HTTP method exactly as in the
%% protocol, i.e: `"POST"' or `"GET"'. It could also be an atom, which is
%% then made in to uppercase, if it isn't already.
%% then coverted to an uppercase (if it isn't already) string.
%% `Hdrs' is a list of headers to send. Mandatory headers such as
%% `Host', `Content-Length' or `Transfer-Encoding' (for some requests)
%% are added.
%% are added automatically.
%% `Body' is the entity to send in the request. Please don't include entity
%% bodies where there shouldn't be any (such as for `GET').
%% `Timeout' is the timeout for the request in milliseconds.
%% `Options' is a list of options.
%% Options:
Expand All @@ -254,14 +258,16 @@ request(URL, Method, Hdrs, Body, Timeout, Options) ->
%% `{connect_options, Options}' specifies options to pass to the socket at
%% connect time. This makes it possible to specify both SSL options and
%% regular socket options, such as which IP/Port to connect from etc. Note
%% that some options shouldn't be included here, namely the mode, `binary'
%% regular socket options, such as which IP/Port to connect from etc.
%% Some options must not be included here, namely the mode, `binary'
%% or `list', `{active, boolean()}', `{active, once}' or `{packet, Packet}'.
%% These options would confuse the client if they are included.
%% Please note that these options will only be included for *new*
%% Please note that these options will only have an effect on *new*
%% connections, and it isn't possible for different requests
%% to the same host uses different options, unless using HTTP/1.0 since tha
%% would open a new socket for each request.
%% to the same host uses different options unless the connection is closed
%% between the requests. Using HTTP/1.0 or including the "Connection: close"
%% header would make the client close the connection after the first
%% response is received.
%% `{send_retry, N}' specifies how many times the client should retry
%% sending a request if the connection is closed after the data has been
Expand All @@ -270,16 +276,17 @@ request(URL, Method, Hdrs, Body, Timeout, Options) ->
%% of the body has been sent since it doesn't keep the whole entitity body
%% in memory.
%% `{partial_upload, WindowSize}' means that the body will be supplied in
%% parts to the client by the calling process. The `WindowSize' specifies how
%% many parts can be sent to the process controlling the socket before waiting
%% for an acknowledgement. This is to create a kind of internal flow control
%% if the network is slow and the process is blocked by the TCP stack. Flow
%% control is disabled if `WindowSize' is `infinity'. If `WindowSize' is an
%% integer, it must be >= 0. If partial upload is specified and no
%% `Content-Length' is specified in `Hdrs' the client will use chunked
%% transfer encoding to send the entity body. If a content length is
%% specified, this must be the total size of the entity body.
%% `{partial_upload, WindowSize}' means that the request entity body will be
%% supplied in parts to the client by the calling process. The `WindowSize'
%% specifies how many parts can be sent to the process controlling the socket
%% before waiting for an acknowledgement. This is to create a kind of
%% internal flow control if the network is slow and the client process is
%% blocked by the TCP stack. Flow control is disabled if `WindowSize' is
%% `infinity'. If `WindowSize' is an integer, it must be >= 0. If partial
%% upload is specified and no `Content-Length' is specified in `Hdrs' the
%% client will use chunked transfer encoding to send the entity body.
%% If a content length is specified, this must be the total size of the entity
%% body.
%% The call to {@link request/6} will return `{ok, UploadState}'. The
%% `UploadState' is supposed to be used as the first argument to the {@link
%% send_body_part/2} or {@link send_body_part/3} functions to send body parts.
Expand All @@ -292,22 +299,25 @@ request(URL, Method, Hdrs, Body, Timeout, Options) ->
%% download option `{window_size, WindowSize}' specifies how many part will be
%% sent to the calling process before waiting for an acknowledgement. This is
%% to create a kind of internal flow control if the calling process is slow to
%% process the body part and the network is considerably faster. Flow control
%% is disabled if `WindowSize' is `infinity'. If `WindowSize' is an integer it
%% must be >=0. The partial download option `{part_size, PartSize}' specifies
%% the size the body parts should come in. Note however that if the body size
%% is not determinable (e.g entity body is termintated by closing the socket)
%% it will be delivered in pieces as it is read from the wire. There is no
%% caching of the body parts until the amount reaches body size. If the body
%% size is bounded (e.g `Content-Length' specified or
%% process the body part and the network and server are considerably faster.
%% Flow control is disabled if `WindowSize' is `infinity'. If `WindowSize'
%% is an integer it must be >=0. The partial download option `{part_size,
%% PartSize}' specifies the size the body parts should come in. Note however
%% that if the body size is not determinable (e.g entity body is termintated
%% by closing the socket) it will be delivered in pieces as it is read from
%% the wire. There is no caching of the body parts until the amount reaches
%% body size. If the body size is bounded (e.g `Content-Length' specified or
%% `Transfer-Encoding: chunked' specified) it will be delivered in `PartSize'
%% pieces. Note however that the last piece might be smaller than `PartSize'.
%% Size bounded entity bodies are handled the same way as unbounded ones if
%% `PartSize' is `infinity'. If `PartSize' is integer it must be >= 0.
%% If `{partial_download, PartialDownloadOptions}' is specified the
%% `ResponseBody' is going to be a `pid()' unless the response has no body
%% (for example in case of `HEAD' requests). In that case it is going to be
%% `ResponseBody' will be a `pid()' unless the response has no body
%% (for example in case of `HEAD' requests). In that case it will be be
%% `undefined'.
%% The functions {@link get_body_part/2} can be used to read body parts in
%% the calling process.
%% @end
-spec request(string(), 1..65535, true | false, string(), atom() | string(),
headers(), iolist(), pos_integer(), [option()]) -> result().
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -412,7 +422,7 @@ send_body_part({Pid, Window}, IoList, _Timeout) when Window > 0, is_pid(Pid) ->
%% Reason = connection_closed | connect_timeout | timeout
%% @doc Sends trailers to an ongoing request when `{partial_upload,
%% WindowSize}' is used and no `Content-Length' was specified. The default
%% timout `infinity' will be used. Note that after this the request is
%% timout `infinity' will be used. Plase note that after this the request is
%% considered complete and the response will be read from the socket.
%% Would be the same as calling
%% `send_trailers(UploadState, BodyPart, infinity)'.
Expand Down

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