diff --git a/app/ms1/WebApp_plotter.py b/app/ms1/WebApp_plotter.py index fbca95b..9342601 100644 --- a/app/ms1/WebApp_plotter.py +++ b/app/ms1/WebApp_plotter.py @@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ def make_seq_scatter( # Sort dataframe columns alphabetically prior to parsing headers df_in = df_in.reindex(sorted(df_in.columns), axis=1) # Remove sorting to df_in = df_in[ - ["Mass"] + [col for col in df_in.columns if col != "Mass"] + ["Feature_ID"] + [col for col in df_in.columns if col != "Feature_ID"] ] # Move mass column to front of dataframe; if a sample replicate is the first column when parsing headers it loses that replicate from the group # Debug_list