- nucleo64 stm32f446
- rust
- GPIO PA15 square phase modulation ~100 kHz
- has zeros at even harmonics (dick-effect)
- maximum power in the relevant sidebands (especially given fixed amplitude, not fixed rms power), zero carrier, zero even harmonics
- PA0 ADC input
- sample rate ~1 MHz
- frequency shifted rectangular window
- has zeros at multiples of the modulation (especially 2f/3f/dick-like effect)
- highest gain
- lowest noise bw
- scallopping loss not problematic
- sidelobes not problematic
- demodulation IQ or higher orders, or square, or dc/zero/avg
- anything goes
- DAC output PA4, PA5
- itm: use the ITM cell for debugging output
- simd: use DSP SIMDs for MACC
- bkpt: place breakpoints around the ISR for timing
rustup override add nightly
rustup install nightly
rustup target add thumbv7em-none-eabi
cargo install itm # features=itm
mkfifo itm.fifo # features=itm
openocd -f stm32f446-nucleo64.cfg
cargo run --release
itmdump -f itm.fifo
- ADC1,2 should be interleaved
- use 15 sample+acquisition cycles, 17+x sample interval
- use either
- continuous mode with DDS
- alternate trigger mode and a 1/n trigger from TIMx, TIMx synced to TIM2
- maybe:
- interpolate DAC samples
- DMA double buffer write to DAC with TIMy, TIMy synced to TIM2