WeiDU v 24900 Log B:\EET\BGEE-SOD\Setup-EEUITweaks.exe [.\chitin.key] loaded, 781382 bytes [.\chitin.key] 121 BIFFs, 55555 resources [./goggame-galaxyFileList.ini] loaded, 80662 bytes [./goglog.ini] loaded, 91 bytes [./unins000.ini] loaded, 41 bytes [./unins001.ini] loaded, 41 bytes [./unins002.ini] loaded, 41 bytes [.\engine.lua] loaded, 101 bytes [.\weidu.conf] loaded, 17 bytes [.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] loaded, 13488229 bytes [.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] 105652 string entries Using Language [English] [English] has 1 top-level TRA files [EEUITweaks/languages/english/setup.tra] has 457 translation strings Using .\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk Would you like to display the components from [Startup/Options/Character Gen]? [Y]es, [N]o? Would you like to display the components from [Game World/Maps/Travel]? [Y]es, [N]o? Would you like to display the components from [Record/Inventory/Journal]? [Y]es, [N]o? Would you like to display the components from [Stores/Dialogs/Spell Books]? [Y]es, [N]o? Would you like to display the components from [Multiplayer/General/Other]? [Y]es, [N]o? DLCMERGER/DLCMERGER.TP2 0 1 Installed LEUI/LEUI.TP2 0 0 Installed Install Component [Mods Options]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Mods Options] SKIPPING: [Hidden Game Options] SKIPPING: [lefreut's Character Creation Screens -> Default Button Position] Already Asked About [lefreut's Character Creation Screens] Install Component [Mr2150's Random PC Generator]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Mr2150's Random PC Generator] Install Component [Portrait Selectors]? [N]o, [Q]uit or choose one: 1] BillyYank's Multi-Portrait Mod 2] Mr2150's Portrait Picker (Scaleable UI) Already Asked About [Portrait Selectors] Already Asked About [Portrait Selectors] Already Asked About [Portrait Selectors] SKIPPING: [Mr2150's Backup M_BG.lua] SKIPPING: [Mr2150's Update Portraits] Install Component [Adul's Unhide Chargen Options]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Adul's Unhide Chargen Options] Install Component [Faydark's Abilities Auto-Roller/GrimLefourbe's BG2 UI]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Faydark's Abilities Auto-Roller/GrimLefourbe's BG2 UI] [4.0.5] IsLeUISOD Opening UI.MENU Copying 1 file ... Copying 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/UI.MENU] loaded, 497805 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Patching CHARGEN_RACE menu Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Match1 = "%v1%", Match2 = "%v2%" In FaydarkAutoRoll.ChargenRacePatch1 - failed to find target code Copying 1 file ... FAILURE: Unable to patch CHARGEN_RACE menu Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Copying 1 file ... Copying 1 file ... Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. ERROR Installing [Faydark's Abilities Auto-Roller/GrimLefourbe's BG2 UI], rolling back to previous state Unable to Unlink [EEUITweaks/backup/1070/OTHER.1070]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "EEUITweaks/backup/1070/OTHER.1070") [EEUITweaks/backup/1070/UNSETSTR.1070] SET_STRING uninstall info not found Will uninstall 0 files for [EEUITWEAKS/EEUITWEAKS.TP2] component 1070. Uninstalled 0 files for [EEUITWEAKS/EEUITWEAKS.TP2] component 1070. Unable to Unlink [EEUITweaks/backup/1070/READLN.1070]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EEUITweaks/backup/1070/READLN.1070") Unable to Unlink [EEUITweaks/backup/1070/READLN.1070.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EEUITweaks/backup/1070/READLN.1070.TEXT") DLCMERGER/DLCMERGER.TP2 0 1 Installed LEUI/LEUI.TP2 0 0 Installed ERROR: Failure("Unable to patch CHARGEN_RACE menu") PLEASE zip/rar the file SETUP-EEUITWEAKS.DEBUG along with UI.MENU and send via message to lefreut at https://www.gibberlings3.net/forums/topic/30832-ui-eeuitweaks-mod-collection-all-ees Using Language [English] [English] has 1 top-level TRA files [EEUITweaks/languages/english/setup.tra] has 457 translation strings Install Component [Faydark's Abilities Auto-Roller/GrimLefourbe's BG2 UI]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Faydark's Abilities Auto-Roller/GrimLefourbe's BG2 UI] SKIPPING: [Mr2150's Roll First] Install Component [Display max proficiency limits]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Display max proficiency limits] Install Component [Transparent Sidebars]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Transparent Sidebars] SKIPPING: [LavaDelVortel's Sculpted Transparent Sidebars] Install Component [Feedback Message Box Re-sizers]? [N]o, [Q]uit or choose one: 1] Feedback Message Box Buttons Hack Already Asked About [Feedback Message Box Re-sizers] Install Component [Adul's Better Quick Loot]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Adul's Better Quick Loot] SKIPPING: [lefreut's Better Level Up Indicators -> lefreut's Level Up Glow no Click] Already Asked About [lefreut's Better Level Up Indicators] Already Asked About [lefreut's Better Level Up Indicators] SKIPPING: [lefreut's 1.3-ish Dialog Box] Install Component [Simple Centered Dialog]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Simple Centered Dialog] Install Component [Dee's Permanent Thieving Button]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Dee's Permanent Thieving Button] Install Component [elminster's Easier Area Cheats]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [elminster's Easier Area Cheats] SKIPPING: [LavaDelVortel's Red Healthbar] SKIPPING: [lefreut's Keep Dialog Box active after death] Install Component [CLUAConsole for mobile]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [CLUAConsole for mobile] Install Component [Clickable dialog box]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Clickable dialog box] SKIPPING: [lefreut's Improved Record Screen] Install Component [Leveling Progress Bars Tweaks]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Leveling Progress Bars Tweaks] SKIPPING: [Leveling Progress Bars Options] SKIPPING: [Journal Fixes and Tweaks -> Mr2150's Journal Fixes] Already Asked About [Journal Fixes and Tweaks] Already Asked About [Journal Fixes and Tweaks] SKIPPING: [lefreut's Simple Journal Fixes] SKIPPING: [lefreut's Customize Screens Tweaks] SKIPPING: [lefreut's Customize All Characters] SKIPPING: [Mr2150's Auto-Identify Items -> No charge to identify items] Already Asked About [Mr2150's Auto-Identify Items] Already Asked About [Mr2150's Auto-Identify Items] Already Asked About [Mr2150's Auto-Identify Items] Already Asked About [Mr2150's Auto-Identify Items] Already Asked About [Mr2150's Auto-Identify Items] SKIPPING: [lefreut's Improved Inventory Screen -> With Item Comparison] Already Asked About [lefreut's Improved Inventory Screen] SKIPPING: [lefreut's Store Screen Tweaks -> Default Button Position] Already Asked About [lefreut's Store Screen Tweaks] SKIPPING: [lefreut's Steal Multiple Items] SKIPPING: [Adul's Smooth Selling] SKIPPING: [Bubb's Store Extension] Install Component [Spell Books]? [N]o, [Q]uit or choose one: 1] Kilivitz's Classic Spellbooks Already Asked About [Spell Books] SKIPPING: [lefreut's Tooltip Scroll] Install Component [lefreut's Box 5 (Dialog Box) Override]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [lefreut's Box 5 (Dialog Box) Override] SKIPPING: [lefreut's Scroll Bar Override] SKIPPING: [lefreut's Improved Fonts -> Non-Italicized fonts for descriptions] Already Asked About [lefreut's Improved Fonts] Saving This Log: DLCMERGER/DLCMERGER.TP2 0 1 Installed LEUI/LEUI.TP2 0 0 Installed [DlcMerger/languages/english/setup.tra] has 22 translation strings [LeUI/lang/en_US/setup.tra] has 4 translation strings NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Faydark's Abilities Auto-Roller/GrimLefourbe's BG2 UI WeiDU Timings OUTER_INNER_PATCH_SAVE 0.000 <<<<<<<< 0.000 adding translation strings 0.000 load TLK 0.000 tp2 uninstall 0.000 DEFINE_PATCH_FUNCTION 0.000 LAUNCH_ACTION_MACRO 0.000 DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION 0.000 OUTER_SPRINT 0.000 OUTER_SET 0.000 INCLUDE 0.000 BUT_ONLY 0.000 ACTION_DEFINE_ASSOCIATIVE_ARRAY 0.000 ACTION_TRY 0.000 ACTION_PHP_EACH 0.000 parsing .log files 0.000 FAIL 0.000 DEFINE_ACTION_MACRO 0.000 OUTER_INNER_PATCH 0.000 ACTION_IF 0.000 ACTION_RERAISE 0.000 Resolving LABELs 0.000 READ_* 0.000 ACTION_CLEAR_ARRAY 0.000 SILENT 0.000 loading files 0.000 LOG 0.000 saving files 0.000 DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO 0.000 parsing .tra files 0.016 eval_pe 0.016 COPY 0.016 Parsing TP2 files 0.031 unmarshal KEY 0.063 Parsing TPA files 0.078 unmarshal TLK 0.109 stuff not covered elsewhere 0.344 process_patch2 1.563 TOTAL 2.234