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How to estimate shortest-path distance on a network and related issues #966
Somewhat out of scope: I think a relatively easy way to go with |
Shortest paths on route networks defined in Note: may also be worth checking out the dodgr package which is also for routing. |
Here's the reprex, building on your reproducible code (many thanks for that) showing how it can be done with library(dplyr)
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Linking to GEOS 3.7.0, GDAL 2.3.2, PROJ 5.2.0
#> Data (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright
X = c(1513037, 1513008, 1515473, 1514039, 1515748)
Y = c(5034945, 5034750, 5036177, 5036820, 5037396)
milan_car_crashes <- data.frame(
ID = 1:5,
X = X,
Y = Y
) %>%
# Transform as sf and set the CRS (Gauss-Boaga)
st_as_sf(coords = c("X", "Y"),
crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=9 +k=0.9996 +x_0=1500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs")
milan_primary_highways <- opq("Milan, Italy") %>%
add_osm_feature(key = "highway", value = "primary") %>%
osmdata_sf() %>%
trim_osmdata(bb_poly = getbb("Milan, Italy", format_out = "polygon")[[1]])
highways_sf <- milan_primary_highways$osm_lines %>%
st_transform(crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=9 +k=0.9996 +x_0=1500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs")
# Create a matrix of touching streets
touching_highways <- st_touches(highways_sf, sparse = FALSE)
# Merge all streets that touch each other converting all
highways_hclust <- hclust(as.dist(!touching_highways), method = "single")
# Cut the dendrogram at heigh 0.5 so that all touching
# streets stay in the same group
highways_groups <- cutree(highways_hclust, h = 0.5)
# Result
#> highways_groups
#> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
#> 1444 21 18 8 4 5 8 2 3 5 2 2
highways_sf <- highways_sf[highways_groups == 1, ]
# Estimate the nearest point
nearest_point <- milan_car_crashes %>%
index_of_nearest_feature = st_nearest_feature(., highways_sf),
nearest_feature = st_geometry(highways_sf[index_of_nearest_feature,]),
nearest_point = purrr::pmap(
list(geometry, nearest_feature),
~ st_nearest_points(.x, .y) %>% st_cast("POINT") %>% magrittr::extract2(2)
) %>%
pull(nearest_point) %>%
st_sfc(crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=9 +k=0.9996 +x_0=1500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs")
milan_car_crashes <- milan_car_crashes %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
st_as_sf(., geometry = nearest_point)
plot(milan_car_crashes$geometry, add = TRUE)
rnet = SpatialLinesNetwork(highways_sf)
# calculate route from node 1 to 2:
simple_od_data = data.frame(start = 1, end = 2)
route_1_2 = sum_network_links(sln = rnet, routedata = simple_od_data)
plot(route_1_2, add = TRUE, col = "red", lwd = 3)
#> Warning in plot.sf(route_1_2, add = TRUE, col = "red", lwd = 3): ignoring
#> all but the first attribute
# from 5 random nodes to 5 random nodes
n = length(rnet@nb)
bigger_od_data = data.frame(
start = c(1, mean(n), max(n)),
end = c(sample(n, size = 3))
route_3_3 = sum_network_links(sln = rnet, routedata = bigger_od_data)
plot(route_3_3$geometry, col = "blue", add = TRUE, lwd = route_3_3$count^2) # from all locations to all locations
nodes_near = stplanr::find_network_nodes(sln = rnet, x = X, y = Y, maxdist = 2000)
plot(milan_car_crashes$geometry[c(1, 3)], add = TRUE)
crash_od_data = data.frame(start = nodes_near[1], end = nodes_near[3])
route_1_3_crashes = sum_network_links(sln = rnet, routedata = crash_od_data)
plot(route_1_3_crashes$geometry, col = "blue", add = TRUE, lwd = 5) Created on 2019-01-28 by the reprex package (v0.2.1) |
Thank you very much for your responses, they are extremely helpful. I wasn’t aware of any of the packages and approaches that you mentioned and I’ll study them in greater detail in the next days. Could you also help me with the first question of the first post (i.e. how to determine which cluster of highways are connected) ? I’m not sure if I’m simply using the wrong function or the approach is completely off base. I’m pretty sure that I cannot just skip this part of the analysis because I don’t see how it’s possible to estimate a distance between two points that don’t belong to the same connected network. Moreover I’m not sure how this problem is handled in these packages (maybe the distance is set as Inf?) |
First impression: not sure, an extended reproducible example in which you show your attempts and reasoning building on the above code could help. This issue is better suited for a question and answer system such as stackoverflow, the r-sig-geo email list or RStudio's popular discourse site. This issue tracker is designed to report bugs and request features for the |
Ok, thank you very much for your help and your patience. It was a really useful post (at least for me). I'll try to create a better example for the problem and post it on SO or somewhere else. |
Hi! I tried to reproduce this code and I get an error. milan_primary_highways <- opq("Milan, Italy") %>%
Error in rcpp_osmdata_sf(doc) : node can not be found Also, with bb_poly I can just use the place name to obtain the trimmed polygons but if I have 4 coordinates thar cover a little more than the city, what would you sudgest? |
Hi. I'm sure that @Robinlovelace or someone else can answer you much better than me but I don't get any error with the following code. library(osmdata)
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'rvest':
#> method from
#> read_xml.response xml2
#> Data (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright
milan_primary_highways <- opq("Milan, Italy") %>%
add_osm_feature(key = "highway", value = "primary") %>%
osmdata_sf() %>%
trim_osmdata(bb_poly = getbb("Milan, Italy", format_out = "polygon")[[1]])
#> Loading required namespace: sf
#> Object of class 'osmdata' with:
#> $bbox : 45.3867381,9.0408867,45.5358482,9.2781103
#> $overpass_call : The call submitted to the overpass API
#> $meta : metadata including timestamp and version numbers
#> $osm_points : 'sf' Simple Features Collection with 4242 points
#> $osm_lines : 'sf' Simple Features Collection with 1662 linestrings
#> $osm_polygons : 'sf' Simple Features Collection with 0 polygons
#> $osm_multilines : NULL
#> $osm_multipolygons : NULL Created on 2019-07-04 by the reprex package (v0.2.1) |
Thanks for your reprex, @Robinlovelace. But, I run into an issue with these few lines.
When > rnet = SpatialLinesNetwork(highways_sf)
Error in validityMethod(object) :
nrow(object@sl) == length(igraph::E(object@g)) is not TRUE When > route_1_2 = sum_network_links(sln = rnet, routedata = simple_od_data)
Error in stplanr::sum_network_links(sln = net, routedata = simple_od_data) :
SpatialLinesNetwork not supported. Use newer sfNetwork class instead Any clue how to create an |
Please open/continue this issue at the right repo. |
@jonoyuan this is the repo Edzer refers to: https://github.com/ropensci/stplanr/issues |
I'm trying to code a spatial logistic model of car crashes in the municipality of Milan using
and, in particular,sf
( and some related packages), but I'm facing some problems. I'm not too sure about my approach and I think that the best way to explain the difficulties I'm finding is to provide a small and reproducible example (sorry for this long post). I decided to report this issue here (and not on SO or GIS stackexchange) since it's strictly related tosf
, tell me if this is not the right place.I have a dataset containing the location of all car accidents that occurred in Milan during 2015 and these are the coordinates of the first 5 events (out of 8000 car crashes approximately).
Car crashes are an example of a spatial point pattern constrained to lie on a network of lines and, since I don't have an up to date shapefile of the highways of Milan, I decided to use the package
to download it from OpenStreetMap. Looking at the wiki page of the Map Features of OSM, I chose to download the data of primary highways (while, on the real model, I will use also secondary, tertiary, unclassified, residential, motorways and trunk) as a simple feature and extract the LINESTRING geometry, setting the same CRS as my data.Moreover, since car crashes represent a spatial point pattern that lie on a linear network, I think that the most appropriate way to measure the distance between any two points on the network is the shortest-path distance (and this is the biggest problem I'm facing as explained later). Firstly I want to check if the network of lines that I downloaded is connected or not (otherwise I don't think it's possible to measure a shortest-path distance), i.e. I have to verify that every highway is reachable from every other highway in the network. I coded this check using a combination of
since I want to merge all streets touching each other (i.e. not only directly touching ones). This approach is really unsatisfactory since I can't use the sparse property of the matrix generated byst_touches
(I don't know how to usehclust()
on asgbp
object) therefore it's very memory consuming and it does not work if there are much more highways (i.e. I cannot use this approach if I consider also secondary, tertiary, unclassified and residentia highways) since the resulting matrix is too big. What's a better approach?There are 12 groups of connected highways and I filter out those streets not belonging to the big group otherwise I cannot calculate the shortest-path distance if two points belong to two distinct networks.
The second step for the estimate of the shortest-path distance is the projection of the car crashes on the network and I performed this task using
. This step is necessary since not every car crash belongs to the network due to approximation and rounding errors. Then again I'm not sure this is the right approach but I simply followed the examples reported on the help page ofst_nearest_points
. Is there a better alternative?I can now replace the geometry of the
object with the new geometry of projected points.This is a plot of the result
The biggest and most important problem is that I have no clue on how to estimate the shortest-path distance between two points belonging to the network of highways. How can I do that using
?My sessionInfo.
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