Java Development Kit for Java 7 (get it here)
An IDE like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, or NetBeans
- Ensure you have Java SDK 7 and in your PATH
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/ra4king/LWJGL-OpenGL-Tutorials.git
- Create a project, specifying 'src' as the source folder, and adding the JARs in the 'libs' folder as dependencies
- Setup natives properly. The natives are located in /libs/lwjgl/natives/
Every section is found in the source under src/com/ra4king/opengl
arcsynthesis: Java ports of the excellent C++ tutorials from "Learning Modern 3d Graphics Programming"
redbook: A collection of examples from the OpenGL Programming Guide first edition (warning: uses very obsolete OpenGL)
superbible: A collection of examples from the OpenGL SuperBible fourth edition (Also old-fashioned in parts, but fifth edition examples are coming soon!)
test: Miscellaneous test programs.