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STAC API - Collections and Features Specification



The STAC API - Collections and Features specification extends the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core (OAFeat) specification. OAFeat allows returning any content type from its endpoints, whereas STAC API - Features requires support for returning STAC Item and STAC Collection entities. As these entities are also GeoJSON types, the GeoJSON conformance class of OGC API - Features is supported (

Conformance Classes

While OAFeat defines a single conformance class for its endpoints, STAC API divides these behaviors into two conformance classes -- Collections and Features. The STAC API - Features ( conformance class includes and extends the behavior of OAFeat, while the STAC API - Collections ( conformance class is the subset of Features that pertains only to Collections.

STAC API - Features

The STAC API - Features ( conformance class encompasses all of the behavior described in this specification, as derived from OAFeat.

STAC API - Collections

The STAC API - Collections ( conformance class requires only the subset of the behavior of Features that relates to Collections.

This subset is:

  • the data link relation on the landing page
  • the /collections and /collections/{collection_id} endpoints

This subset of behavior is useful in conjunction with the STAC API - Item Search conformance class to allow the description of STAC Collections without needing to implement the entire STAC API - Features conformance class.

OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core

A STAC API implementation that conforms to STAC API - Features ( also conforms to OGC API - Features - Part 1 Requirements Class Core conformance class ( This conformance class should be advertised to OAFeat clients so they will also work with the STAC API.

OGC API - Features - Part 1: GeoJSON

A STAC API implementation that conforms to STAC API - Features also conforms to OGC API - Features - Part 1 Requirements Class GeoJSON ( This conformance class should be advertised to OAFeat clients so they will know of the support for GeoJSON.

OGC API - Features - Part 1: OpenAPI 3.0

If OpenAPI 3.0 is used for the endpoint referenced by the service-desc link relation in the landing page defined by STAC API - Core, the OGC API - Features - Part 1 Requirements Class OpenAPI 3.0 ( can be advertised.

Link Relations

These conformance classes also requires implementation of the link relations in the STAC API - Core conformance class.

The STAC definition of Link does not require the type field, but it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that this field exists. If the target of a Link's type is unknown, type SHOULD be set to application/octet-stream or text/plain.

Landing Page (/)

The following Link relations are defined for the Landing Page (root).

rel href Media Type From Description
conformance /conformance application/json OAFeat REQUIRED Conformance URI
data /collections application/json OAFeat REQUIRED List of Collections

Collections (/collections)

The following Link relations are defined for the /collections endpoint response.

rel href Media Type From Description
root / application/json STAC API - Features, STAC API - Collections REQUIRED The root URI
self /collections application/json OAFeat REQUIRED Self reference

Collection (/collections/{collectionId})

The following Link relations are defined for the Collection object returned from the /collections/{collectionId} endpoint.

rel href Media Type From Description
root / application/json STAC API - Features, STAC API - Collections REQUIRED The root URI
self /collections/{collectionId} application/json OAFeat REQUIRED Self reference
parent / application/json STAC Collection Parent reference, usually the root Catalog
items /collections/{collectionId}/items application/geo+json OAFeat REQUIRED in STAC API - Features List of Items.
canonical various various STAC API - Core Provides the preferred paths to get to STAC Collection and Item objects, if they differ from the URL that was used to retrieve the STAC object and thus duplicate other content. This can be useful in federated catalogs that present metadata that has a different location than the source metadata.

Usually, the self link in a Collection must link to the same URL that was used to request it. However, implementations may choose to have the canonical location of the Collection be elsewhere. If this is done, it is recommended to include a rel of canonical to that location.

Note that the parent link for a Collection should be point to the parent Catalog (such as the root Catalog, /) or Collection of that Collection, rather than the API sub-path of /collections.

Collection Items (/collections/{collectionId}/items)

The following Link relations are defined for the ItemCollection object returned from the /collections/{collectionId}/items endpoint.

rel href Media Type From Description
root / application/json STAC API - Features REQUIRED The root URI
self /collections/{collectionId}/items application/geo+json OAFeat REQUIRED Self reference
collection /collections/{collectionId} application/json OAFeat REQUIRED Collection reference

Items (/collections/{collectionId}/items/{itemId})

The following Link relations are defined for the Item object returned from the /collections/{collectionId}/items/{itemId} endpoint.

rel href Media Type From Description
root / application/json STAC API - Features REQUIRED The root URI
self /collections/{collectionId}/items/{itemId} application/geo+json OAFeat REQUIRED Self reference
collection /collections/{collectionId} application/json STAC Item REQUIRED The containing Collection
parent /collections/{collectionId} application/json STAC Item Parent reference, usually the containing Collection

The parent link for an Item may point to a Collection or a Catalog. The collection link for an Item will always point to the containing Collection. Links to a Collection must point to the /collections/{collectionId} endpoint, rather than the API sub-path of /collections/{collectionId}/items/.


This conformance class also requires for the endpoints in the STAC API - Core conformance class to be implemented.

The OGC API - Features endpoints are shown below, with details provided in the OpenAPI specifications for Features or Collections.

Endpoint Returns Media Type Description
/collections application/json JSON Object containing an array of Collection objects in the Catalog, and Link relations
/collections/{collectionId} application/json Collection Returns single Collection JSON
/collections/{collectionId}/items application/geo+json ItemCollection GeoJSON FeatureCollection-conformant entity of Item objects in collection
/collections/{collectionId}/items/{featureId} application/geo+json Item Returns single Item (GeoJSON Feature)

The OGC API - Features is a standard API that represents collections of geospatial data. It defines a RESTful interface to query geospatial data, with GeoJSON as a main return type. With OAFeat you can return any Feature, which is a geometry plus any number of properties. The core STAC Item spec enhances the core Feature with additional requirements and options to enable cataloging of spatiotemporal 'assets' like satellite imagery.

OAFeat also defines the concept of a Collection, which contains Features. In OAFeat, a Collection is a set of data that can be queried (7.11), and each describes basic information about the geospatial dataset, like its name and description, as well as the spatial and temporal extents of all the data contained. A STAC Collection contains this same information, along with other STAC-specific fields to provide additional metadata for searching spatiotemporal assets, and thus are compliant with both OAFeat Collection and STAC Collection, and are returned from the /collections/{collectionId} endpoint.

In OAFeat, Features are the individual records within a Collection and are usually provided in GeoJSON format. STAC Item objects are compliant with the OAFeat Features GeoJSON requirements class, and are returned from the /collections/{collectionId}/items/{itemId} endpoint. The return of other encodings (html, gml) is outside the scope of STAC API, as the STAC Item is specified in GeoJSON.

A typical OAFeat will have multiple collections. Simple search for items within a collection can be done with the resource endpoint GET /collections/{collectionId}/items. This endpoint must be exposed via a link in the individual collection's endpoint with rel=items, as shown in the Example Landing Page diagram. Note that this relation is items, which is distinct from the item relation defined in STAC for linking to a single Item. The part of the API implementing OAFeat will usually not use item relations directly, but instead rely on the collection resource linking to a paginated endpoint returning items through a link relation items, e.g., /collections/{collectionId} has a link with relation items linking to /collections/{collectionId}/items. However, static catalogs and other parts of the API may contain item relations.

It is recommended to have each OAFeat Collection correspond to a STAC Collection, and the /collections/{collectionId}/items endpoint can be used as a single collection search. Implementations may optionally provide support for the full superset of STAC API query parameters to the /collections/{collectionId}/items endpoint, where the collection ID in the path is equivalent to providing that single value in the `Collections* query parameter in STAC API.

Implementing OAFeat enables a wider range of clients to access the API's STAC Item objects, as it is a more widely implemented protocol than STAC.

Item Pagination

OAFeat supports paging through hypermedia links for the Items resource (/collections/{collectionId}/items). Since only GET requests are allowed for this endpoint, it is possible to provide a Link with rel type next and the href of the full URL of the next page of results. This link href must contain any URL parameters that are necessary for the implementation to understand how to provide the next page of results, e.g., the query parameters page, next, or token and any additional filter parameters if given and required. For example, the links array will have an object like:

    "links": [
            "rel": "next",
            "type": "application/geo+json",
            "href": ""

The href may contain any arbitrary URL parameter, which is implementation-specific:


In addition to supporting query parameters in the URL value of the href field, STAC has extended the Link object with additional fields to support more complex HTTP requests. These include method to specify an HTTP method GET or POST, headers to add HTTP headers in the request, and body with either the entire body for the request or only the body fields that must be changed from the previous request, as determined by the merge field. These fields are described in detail in the Item Search spec.

Implementations may also add link relations prev, first, and last. Most API implementations should be able to support first, though last may be infeasible to implement in some data stores.

See the paging examples for additional insight.

Collection Pagination

OAFeat does not define a specific mechanism for how clients may access all collections from servers with many collections. STAC API - Features adds support for this with pagination (similar to the Item pagination mechanism) through hypermedia links for the Collections resource (/collections). This mechanism aligns with pagination of collections in the OGC API - Common - Part 2: Geospatial Data specification. With this, a link with relation next is included in the links array, and this is used to navigate to the next page of Collection objects. The specific query parameter used for paging is implementation specific and not defined by STAC API. For example, an implementation may take a parameter (e.g., page) indicating the numeric page of results, a base64-encoded value indicating the last result returned for the current page (e.g., search_after as in Elasticsearch), or a cursor token representing backend state.

In our simple example of numerical pages, the response for page=3 would have a links array containing these two Links indicating the URLs for the next (page=4) and previous (page=2) pages:

    "links": [
        "rel": "prev",
        "type": "application/json",
        "href": ""
        "rel": "next",
        "type": "application/json",
        "href": ""

In addition to supporting query parameters in the URL value of the href field, STAC has extended the Link object with additional fields to support more complex HTTP requests. These include method to specify an HTTP method GET or POST, headers to add HTTP headers in the request, and body with either the entire body for the request or only the body fields that must be changed from the previous request, as determined by the merge field. These fields are described in detail in the Item Search spec.

Implementations may also add link relations prev, first, and last. Most API implementations should be able to support first, though last may be infeasible to implement in some data stores.


Note that the OAFeat endpoints only allow HTTP GET. HTTP POST requests are not supported. If POST is required, it is recommended to use STAC Item Search, as it can be constrained to a single collection to act the same as an OAFeat items endpoint.

Request all the data in mycollection that is in New Zealand:

GET /collections/mycollection/items?bbox=160.6,-55.95,-170,-25.89

Request 100 results in mycollection from New Zealand:

GET /collections/mycollection/items?bbox=160.6,-55.95,-170,-25.89&limit=100

Request all the data in mycollection that is in New Zealand at anytime on January 1st, 2019:

GET /collections/mycollection/items?bbox=160.6,-55.95,-170,-25.89&datetime=2019-01-01T00:00:00Z/2019-01-01T23:59:59Z

Request 10 results from the data in mycollection from between January 1st (inclusive) and April 1st, 2019 (exclusive):

GET /collections/mycollection/items?datetime=2019-01-01T00:00:00Z/2019-03-31T23:59:59Z&limit=10

Example Landing Page

This JSON is what would be expected from an api that implements only STAC API - Core and STAC API - Features. In practice, most APIs will also implement other conformance classes, and those will be reflected in the links and conformsTo fields. A more typical Landing Page example is in the overview document.

    "stac_version": "1.0.0",
    "id": "example-stac",
    "title": "A simple STAC API Example",
    "description": "This Catalog aims to demonstrate the a simple landing page",
    "type": "Catalog",
    "conformsTo" : [
    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "type": "application/json",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "root",
            "type": "application/json",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "conformance",
            "type": "application/json",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "service-desc",
            "type": "application/vnd.oai.openapi+json;version=3.0",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "service-doc",
            "type": "text/html",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "data",
            "type": "application/json",
            "href": ""

Example Collection Endpoint

The landing page data relation points to an endpoint to retrieve all collections. Each collection then has a link relation to its items resource through the link with a rel value items. Note here that, unlike as is typical with a static STAC Collection, there are no links here with rel value item.

  "id": "aster-l1t",
  "type": "Collection",
  "title": "ASTER L1T",
  "links": [
      "rel": "items",
      "type": "application/geo+json",
      "href": ""
      "rel": "parent",
      "type": "application/json",
      "href": ""
      "rel": "root",
      "type": "application/json",
      "href": ""
      "rel": "self",
      "type": "application/json",
      "href": ""


STAC API Extensions can be found at