Squidy is an open-source interaction library that unifies various device drivers and toolkits by integrating those in a homogeneous design environment. The project was initiated at the Human-Computer Interaction Group at the University of Konstanz and published under the LGPLv3 open-source license. Please consider that Squidy is a prototype and not mentioned to be a product. If you have any questions concerning Squidy, the source code, Squidy runtime, etc. feel free to contact the authors e.g. [Roman (dot) Raedle (at) uni-konstanz (dot) de]. We will try our best to help solving your problems.
Squidy UI Design:
!!! The build does not work anymore since we had to shutdown our Maven package server !!! Use the binaries v. 1.1.0 for now.
To build a Squidy binary install Apache Maven and run the following command in Squidy checkout directory:
$> mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true -P assembly
Then run Squidy with the following command:
$> java -ms256m -mx1024m -jar squidy-nodes/target/squidy-nodes-1.5.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar