Tapas2Go is a web application built with the aim to showcase the Sping Integration framework. It can be considered as a new rendition of the Widgets & Gadgets ‘R Us (WGRUS) example described on the "Enterprise Integration Patterns" and a homage to the traditional Spanish Bar.
- Run with
mvn tomcat7:run
- Send a tweet to @Tapas2Go mentioning the word "menu"
- To order something tweet as follows, for example,
@Tapas2Go oder tortilla calamares
Please note that the first time you run this application, your local app will process all tweets mentioning @Tapas2Go. We will fix this ASAP.
- Tapas pictures are links to Wikipedia resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tapas
- The initial project was generated with the Spring Tool Suite:
New -> String Template Project -> Itegration -> Spring Integration Project (WAR)
This project is work in progress and was created for a demo at the BarcelonaJUG. Expect changes!