Personal Website, mark 2
- Create Git Repo
- Set up EditorConfig
- Set up NPM Project
- Set up Directory Structure
- Install and setup Webpack (and config file)
- Install and setup ESLint (and rc file)
- Install and setup Babel (and rc file)
- Set up dev/dist servers
- Set up NPM scripts
- Set up framework (e.g. React)
- Use for favicons
- Finish Basic Site Styles
- Use React for animation stuff instead of vanilla CSS
- Create Responsive Setup (Grid System?)
- Make the PageWrapper change the document.title
- Style typography, site colors - make it responsive and get bigger/smaller with screen size, similar to banner on homePage
- consolidate variables (don't set actual colors anywhere: move everything to variables)
Style Navbar
- Basic responsiveness
- Mobile Navigation Drawer
- Make navigation bar disable rest of website
- Make navigation bar close after page change
- Fix z-indices
Projects Page
- Make Project Footer have links to the GitHub/DevPost/Project (based on type (Github/Devpost/Project) and link props)
- Make the ProjectLinks react to hover
On all animations, use will-change and instead of 'all' only put the values that will change
Make all .column elements into divs, rather than text-level elements
Include fallbacks for rgba values
- Figure out svg, png, jpg packaging with Webpack - use require() when specifying src in JSX
- Update graphics (desk picture, projects pictures)
- Make the projects pictures all the same size square (350x350 px?) - used for resizing and for optimization
- Use PostCSS or some autoprefixer or something
- Update Production Stack
- Figure out why React Router adds a new history state when I click the link to the page I am already on
- Figure out Favicon packaging with Webpack
- Fix iPhone styling errors, add browserslistrc!!!
- Clean up project
- Learn how to make svg assets (personal logo, etc.)
- Update page transitions to TransitionGroup so that I can make a 404 Page
- Cubic bezier custom transition functions