With Litteris you can organize your penpal contacts and keep track of your letters and postcards exchange.
You can star your most frequent friends and search for that one you haven't talked much lately.
- libgtk-3-0
- libgranite-dev
- libsqlite3-dev
- libgee-0.8-dev
- meson
- valac
$ sudo apt-get install elementary-sdk libsqlite3-dev libgee-0.8-dev -y
$ git clone https://github.com/raibtoffoletto/litteris.git
$ cd litteris
$ meson build --prefix=/usr
$ cd build
$ ninja
$ sudo ninja install
# in ./build directory
$ ninja com.github.raibtoffoletto.litteris-pot
$ ninja com.github.raibtoffoletto.litteris-update-po
$ ninja extra-pot
$ ninja extra-update-po
All contributions, code improvements, translation, bug solving, etc. are defenitly welcome. The pull requests should be made to the branch unstable.