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MMSequeira committed Oct 1, 2011
1 parent 059c04d commit a917c2b
Showing 1 changed file with 31 additions and 30 deletions.
61 changes: 31 additions & 30 deletions railties/guides/source/getting_started.textile
Expand Up @@ -1109,19 +1109,20 @@ h4. Generating a Model

Models in Rails use a singular name, and their corresponding database tables use
a plural name. For the model to hold comments, the convention is to use the name
Comment. Even if you don't want to use the entire apparatus set up by
+Comment+. Even if you don't want to use the entire apparatus set up by
scaffolding, most Rails developers still use generators to make things like
models and controllers. To create the new model, run this command in your

$ rails generate model Comment commenter:string body:text post:references
$ rails generate model Comment commenter:string body:text \
> post:references

This command will generate four files:

* +app/models/comment.rb+ - The model
* +db/migrate/20100207235629_create_comments.rb+ - The migration
* +app/models/comment.rb+ - The model.
* +db/migrate/20100207235629_create_comments.rb+ - The migration.
* +test/unit/comment_test.rb+ and +test/fixtures/comments.yml+ - The test harness.

First, take a look at +comment.rb+:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1179,8 +1180,8 @@ Active Record associations let you easily declare the relationship between two
models. In the case of comments and posts, you could write out the relationships
this way:

* Each comment belongs to one post
* One post can have many comments
* Each comment belongs to one post.
* One post can have many comments.

In fact, this is very close to the syntax that Rails uses to declare this
association. You've already seen the line of code inside the Comment model that
Expand All @@ -1206,7 +1207,7 @@ end

These two declarations enable a good bit of automatic behavior. For example, if
you have an instance variable +@post+ containing a post, you can retrieve all
the comments belonging to that post as the array +@post.comments+.
the comments belonging to that post as an array using +@post.comments+.

TIP: For more information on Active Record associations, see the "Active Record
Associations":association_basics.html guide.
Expand All @@ -1215,9 +1216,9 @@ h4. Adding a Route for Comments

As with the +home+ controller, we will need to add a route so that Rails knows
where we would like to navigate to see +comments+. Open up the
+config/routes.rb+ file again, you will see an entry that was added
automatically for +posts+ near the top by the scaffold generator, +resources
:posts+, edit it as follows:
+config/routes.rb+ file again. Near the top, you will see the entry for +posts+
that was added automatically by the scaffold generator: <tt>resources
:posts</tt>. Edit it as follows:

resources :posts do
Expand All @@ -1243,19 +1244,19 @@ $ rails generate controller Comments

This creates six files and one empty directory:

* +app/controllers/comments_controller.rb+ - The controller
* +app/helpers/comments_helper.rb+ - A view helper file
* +test/functional/comments_controller_test.rb+ - The functional tests for the controller
* +test/unit/helpers/comments_helper_test.rb+ - The unit tests for the helper
* +app/views/comments/+ - Views of the controller are stored here
* +app/assets/stylesheets/comment.css.scss+ - Cascading style sheet for the controller
* +app/assets/javascripts/ - CoffeeScript for the controller
* +app/controllers/comments_controller.rb+ - The controller.
* +app/helpers/comments_helper.rb+ - A view helper file.
* +test/functional/comments_controller_test.rb+ - The functional tests for the controller.
* +test/unit/helpers/comments_helper_test.rb+ - The unit tests for the helper.
* +app/views/comments/+ - Views of the controller are stored here.
* +app/assets/stylesheets/comment.css.scss+ - Cascading style sheet for the controller.
* +app/assets/javascripts/ - CoffeeScript for the controller.

Like with any blog, our readers will create their comments directly after
reading the post, and once they have added their comment, will be sent back to
the post show page to see their comment now listed. Due to this, our
+CommentsController+ is there to provide a method to create comments and delete
SPAM comments when they arrive.
spam comments when they arrive.

So first, we'll wire up the Post show template
(+/app/views/posts/show.html.erb+) to let us make a new comment:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1297,8 +1298,8 @@ So first, we'll wire up the Post show template
<%= link_to 'Back to Posts', posts_path %> |

This adds a form on the Post show page that creates a new comment, which will
call the +CommentsController+ +create+ action, so let's wire that up:
This adds a form on the +Post+ show page that creates a new comment by
calling the +CommentsController+ +create+ action. Let's wire that up:

class CommentsController < ApplicationController
Expand All @@ -1311,9 +1312,9 @@ end

You'll see a bit more complexity here than you did in the controller for posts.
That's a side-effect of the nesting that you've set up; each request for a
That's a side-effect of the nesting that you've set up. Each request for a
comment has to keep track of the post to which the comment is attached, thus the
initial find action to the Post model to get the post in question.
initial call to the +find+ method of the +Post+ model to get the post in question.

In addition, the code takes advantage of some of the methods available for an
association. We use the +create+ method on +@post.comments+ to create and save
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1383,9 +1384,9 @@ right places.

h3. Refactoring

Now that we have Posts and Comments working, if we take a look at the
+app/views/posts/show.html.erb+ template, it's getting long and awkward. We can
use partials to clean this up.
Now that we have posts and comments working, take a look at the
+app/views/posts/show.html.erb+ template. It is getting long and awkward. We can
use partials to clean it up.

h4. Rendering Partial Collections

Expand All @@ -1405,7 +1406,7 @@ following into it:

Then in the +app/views/posts/show.html.erb+ you can change it to look like the
Then you can change +app/views/posts/show.html.erb+ to look like the

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1458,8 +1459,8 @@ comment to a local variable named the same as the partial, in this case

h4. Rendering a Partial Form

Let's also move that new comment section out to its own partial. Again, you
create a file +app/views/comments/_form.html.erb+ and in it you put:
Let us also move that new comment section out to its own partial. Again, you
create a file +app/views/comments/_form.html.erb+ containing:

<%= form_for([@post,]) do |f| %>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1510,7 +1511,7 @@ Then you make the +app/views/posts/show.html.erb+ look like the following:

The second render just defines the partial template we want to render,
<tt>comments/form</tt>, Rails is smart enough to spot the forward slash in that
<tt>comments/form</tt>. Rails is smart enough to spot the forward slash in that
string and realize that you want to render the <tt>_form.html.erb</tt> file in
the <tt>app/views/comments</tt> directory.

Expand All @@ -1519,7 +1520,7 @@ defined it as an instance variable.

h3. Deleting Comments

Another important feature on a blog is being able to delete SPAM comments. To do
Another important feature of a blog is being able to delete SPAM comments. To do
this, we need to implement a link of some sort in the view and a +DELETE+ action
in the +CommentsController+.

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