diff --git a/railties/guides/source/getting_started.textile b/railties/guides/source/getting_started.textile index 092ca90a30eaf..d2bfcfdbb4c7d 100644 --- a/railties/guides/source/getting_started.textile +++ b/railties/guides/source/getting_started.textile @@ -1890,7 +1890,7 @@ h3. Changelog * April 26, 2011: Change migration code from +up+, +down+ pair to +change+ method by "Prem Sichanugrist":http://sikachu.com * April 11, 2011: Change scaffold_controller generator to create format block for JSON instead of XML by "Sebastian Martinez":http://www.wyeworks.com -* August 30, 2010: Minor editing after Rails 3 release by "Joost Baaij":http://www.spacebabies.nl +* August 30, 2010: Minor editing after Rails 3 release by Joost Baaij * July 12, 2010: Fixes, editing and updating of code samples by "Jaime Iniesta":http://jaimeiniesta.com * May 16, 2010: Added a section on configuration gotchas to address common encoding problems that people might have by "Yehuda Katz":http://www.yehudakatz.com * April 30, 2010: Fixes, editing and updating of code samples by "Rohit Arondekar":http://rohitarondekar.com