It's called Do It With Greensboro and it's a way for citizens to find out information on contractors. You can search for contractors, rate them, share project photos and see decades worth of permits they applied for.
The DIW Greensboro project combines Building Inspection Permits datasets from Greensboro Open Data with data visualization tools from OpenDataSoft, to provide an online community powered by Concursive's Open City Platform.
The demo site was built in 2 days at Code for Greensboro • Civicon 2015 and the effort received 3rd place. The finished demo is available at
Thanks to everyone involved who made this a fun and challenging event!
Use government data to review projects in your area which required a permit...
- Explore permits issued to contractors
- See how active contractors have been
- See permits issued to owners
- Search for contractors
- Sign in to rate and review contractors you've used
- Share photos of your projects
- Look through decades of permit data
The team hopes that the project will continue to live on in Greensboro and we would like to see additional datasets added.