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39 lines (27 loc) · 1.15 KB


File metadata and controls

39 lines (27 loc) · 1.15 KB

Rakudo "nom" Branch Low Hanging Fruit

Want to help? Want something that (hopefully) doesn't require deep guts skillz? Take a task from this list. Delete it from here when you commit; maybe announce on #perl6 that you're working on it too.

Note - do not just copy stuff from the master setting! Often things need to be done differently in the "nom" branch, to take advantage of new possible performance.


Fix Str.chomp to work with strings of less than 2 characters.

Implement %% operator

Make S03-operators/is-divisible-by.t pass

Implement minmax operator

Make S03-operators/minmax.t pass

More Smart-matching

See S03-smartmatch tests, especially array-array.t, hash-hash.t and so forth.

Basic IO

the stat calls should be pretty straight-forward to port from master

also: IO::ArgFiles, $*ARGFILES, get() and lines()

Nil assignment

my Int $b = 3; $b = Nil;

Built-in functions

Often builtins are only added as methods, even when the corresponding function should exist. Go through src/core/ and write functions that re-dispatch to the methods where necessary


Implement Str.ords and the sub form (returns a list of codepoints)