Simple FAQ generator for Kite connect Forum. We use this package periodically to look at latest frequently asked question on Connect API Public Forum and update our FAQ page accordingly.
It accepts below two field from user:
-- number of recent pages to look for questions to generate FAQs
-- % text matching for each question
git clone
from forum_faq import FaqGenerator
forum_input = FaqGenerator(pages=3, match_factor=80)
faq_list = forum_input.question_match()
Output in descending order by sub-list size
[['Option Chain Data', 'I wana option chain via zerodha api', 'Historical Option Chain 10 min interval data from where we get']
['ERROR IN ORDER', 'Placing CO order failed with error', 'if condition error while placing order']
['Websocket API issue', 'Is there anyone who is using Azure data analytics service for websocket api?', 'Issue with Websockets API']
['Stoploss order - InputException', 'InputException in API call kiteConnect.placeOrder for a VARIETY_CO order']
['Renew the APP only to get Historical Data', 'Historical API']
['API key, Access token not working', 'incorrect api key or access token']
['Invalid API key or access token', 'Invalid API Key or Access Token - Historical Data']
['raise error.ReactorNotRestartable()', 'WEBSOCKET STREAMING ERROR - ReactorNotRestartable']
['Limit Order placing', 'Order was placed outside of trading hours (adapter off). Try placing an AMO']
['Historical api returning none', 'Historical data returning null']
['ERROR:kiteconnect.ticker:Connection error: 1006', 'ERROR:kiteconnect.ticker:Connection closed: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (WebSocket connec']
['Login URL {"status":"error","message":"The user is not enabled on the app.","data":null,"error_type', 'Error: the user is not enabled on the app.']
['Cancelling Historical Data API', 'Historical data Api Limit']
['Historical Data for Futures', 'Python Client is failing to get CONTINUOUS historical data for instrument']
['Kite Connect WebSocket Connection', 'Connection error Websocket']]