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File metadata and controls

61 lines (53 loc) · 3.14 KB


banias is a simple MIT-licensed shellfire script wrapping pandoc to make it easy to create PDF and Latex documents directly from markdown stored in Git. It's intended to be used as a git submodule.

Notes on Behaviour

  • If there is a Pandoc extension pandoc_title_block then the values of Author, Title and Date from this will take preference over those in a REPORT.yaml metadata section
  • When concatentating markdown files, we insert a line feed between each file
  • If there is a file called REPORT.FORMAT.yaml, then this will be concatenated before REPORT.yaml
    • This allows one to have format-specific settings and overrides
  • Only files ending .md are included
  • The metadata .yaml files are included before any markdown


  • banias is designed so that most of what you want can be achieved using symlinks.
    • Use symlinks to re-use template fragements that are common to only a subset of documents
    • Use folder symlinks to share common sets of templates
    • Use symlinks to re-use per-report YAML metadata
  • Settings for PDF and Latex documents are frequently the same. Use a symlink from REPORT.latex.yaml to REPORT.pdf.yaml to keep these in-sync


  • Pandoc-as-a-service (solves a lot of deployment issues)
  • Add in --- before and after YAML documents in case it's missing
    • Could use the file command to detect YAML
  • Yaml Metadata
  • Templates
    • Re-use the pandoc data-dir approach (overriding the user data dir or merging the pandoc directories together)
  • Pre-Processing
    • Generation of images (eg stormmq logo from vector graphics)
  • Images
    • What about when using HTML? Can we differentiate between embedded and re-used?
  • Formatting
    • Nice borders for figures in PDFs (but not inline images, perhaps)
  • Bibliography
  • Embed revision history, authors from git
  • Explore default yaml for documents
    • Default the 'lang' to english (en)
    • Default the date from git revision
    • Likewise, default the author [this is first author, not last author]
    • ?default title to something obviously wrong?
    • Could have default-per-format, too
    • Consider generating 'lot: true' and 'lof: true' by detecting presence of tables with captions and figures
  • More formats
    • latex-snippet
    • html-snippet
    • html
  • Explore: Unlike pandoc, banias has separate templates for PDFs and Latex; this is because they differ in needs
  • Review:-