Near Zero CVE images available at hub.rapidfort.com/repositories
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RapidFort is a solution for building secure, optimized Docker containers.
RapidFort provides free, Hardened Images on its GitHub community page, empowering developers to build secure and reliable applications effortlessly. These Hardened Images are optimized versions of popular base images, significantly reducing vulnerabilities and attack surfaces. Leveraging its innovative optimization and vulnerability management tools, RapidFort analyzes container images, removes unnecessary components, and ensures that only essential, secure elements remain. This proactive approach removes 60-70% of Common Known Vulnerabilities (CVEs), minimizes potential entry points for attackers, enhances compliance, and improves overall security posture.
To explore RapidFort's Near-Zero CVE Curated Images (and start building with confidence, visit hub.rapidfort.com.
RapidFort’s RapidFort Platform and Near-Zero CVE Curated Images remediate 95% of software vulnerabilities.
For more information please visit rapidfort.com.
RapidFort scans your Docker containers for vulnerabilities and looks for unused components that can be removed.
We’ve optimized and hardened some of the most popular container images on Docker Hub and are making them available to the community.
We’ve optimized and hardened some of the most popular container images on IronBank and are making them available to the community.
Here’s what you can do with Community Images.
# Docker
$ docker run --name redis -e ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes rapidfort/redis:latest
# Docker compose
$ docker-compose up -d
# Kubernetes Helm
$ helm repo add argo https://argoproj.github.io/argo-helm
# install argocd, just replace repository with RapidFort registry
$ helm install my-argocd argo/argo-cd --set image.repository=rapidfort/argocd
# install nats
$ helm install my-nats nats/nats --set image.repository=rapidfort/nats
Source images are run through an optimization process that identifies and removes unused components from the image. You can contribute to this project by adding new images, improving coverage scripts, and adding regression and benchmark tests.

If you believe this project has potential, feel free to star this repo just like many amazing people have.
Learn more about container optimization at RapidFort.com.