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Leonid Bobrov edited this page Oct 10, 2018 · 6 revisions

Quickstart guide for MacOS/Darwin users

Ravenports requires bootstrapping on each supported platform. For MacOS, the only supported platform is x86_64 (forward compatible from High Sierra (10.13.6) and later).

NOTE: For MacOS/Darwin, Ravenports is effectively binary packages ONLY RIGHT NOW

The Mac operating system is missing some key technologies found in FreeBSD, DragonFly, Linux and Solaris. Namely these are null mounts (mount --bind in linux) and tmpfs. The initial version of ravenadm works around this by using OSX FUSE with bindfs and building without any RAM filesystems. The OSX FUSE is not robust and causes freezes after a couple of ports are built, and it freezes more during parallel building. Building thus is currently usable for regular users.

The plan is to add capability for Ravenports to function on non-NULL mount systems (like MacOS and OpenBSD) by creating semi-permanent build environments using NFS mounts for common resources. Once this is complete, building on MacOS should be robust and suitable for anyone.

Quickstep 1. Obtain bootstrap pkg(8) for Darwin

A static version of pkg(8) has been built for Mac High Sierra and later. It has been prepackaged along with an initial configuration file to allow for quick installation. To obtain the tarball, grab it at

Quickstep 2: Extract contents

To extract the contents to /raven, e.g:

cd ~/Downloads
sudo tar -xzf raven-darwin-bootstrap.tar.gz -C /

The following files should be installed now:


Quickstep 3: Update search paths

As root, edit the profile to alter path

vi ~/.bash_profile

append with line something like:

export PATH=$PATH:/raven/sbin:/raven/bin

Then open a new terminal and check:

printenv PATH

It's important to set the path now because some installation scripts may assume raven-specific executables are available during install time.

Quickstep 4. Fetch repository information

sudo pkg upgrade

Quickstep 5. Install a package

sudo pkg install -y gmake-single-standard

Additional references:

  1. Current list of available ports
  2. Current packages (subset of available ports)
  3. standard command descriptions
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