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R Visualizations Gallery

This repository is a personal scratchpad that I'm working on that documents how to implement data visualizations in R for problems I've encountered. Where I've based (or simply copied) work done by others I've referenced the original source.

Plot with data table

Bar and column plots are often abused when the origin is not anchored at zero. Dot-plots are the recommended solution for situations where comparisons need to be made between values but the axis origin needs to begin somewhere other than zero in order to differentiate between close values.

Faceted Dot-plot

Time series data with a cyclical component, such as monthly sales or page views, can have a seasonal component. Examples might include a backend-loaded sales forecast or page views that drop on the weekend. Cycle plots can help to display both the trend and compare the variations between sub-periods.

Cycle Plot

Ideas on how to make prettier tables in knitr/markdown documents.

Fancy table

I don't read German but this looks like a great book. I ran one of the examples locally and learned some new tricks about how to import fonts and pull SVG into knitr.

Quartal Line

An quick and crude attempt to mimic in Excel:

Quartal Line Excel


Scratchpad for R visualizations I've found around the web.






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