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Table of Contents


Installation prerequisites:

  • recent numpy, scipy (with umfpack wrapper, or umfpack scikit), cython


  • matplotlib, pyparsing, umfpack, pytables
  • some tests and functions use sympy
  • requires pysparse, pexpect, gmsh (2D), tetgen (3D)
  • (live plotting) requires multiprocessing, matplotlib with GTKAgg
  • isfepy requires ipython, matplotlib with WXAgg
  • requires mayavi2
  • to be able to (re)generate the documentation: sphinx, numpydoc, LaTeX, see how_to_regenerate_documentation

SfePy is known to work on various flavours of Linux, on Intel Macs and Windows.

On Linux, consult the package manager of your favourite distribution, see Platform-specific notes.

On Windows, all the required packages are part of the Enthought Python Distribution (EPD), which is free for academic purposes. A completely free Python(x,y) can be used too, but pyparsing has to be installed manually. Instructions for installing Python(x,y) can be found in Windows using Python(x,y).

SfePy can be used without any installation by running the scripts from the top-level directory of the distribution (TOPDIR), or can be installed locally or system-wide.

SfePy should work both with bleeding edge (Git) and last released versions of NumPy and SciPy. Submit an issue at Issues page in case this does not hold.

Generic Installation Instructions

Download the latest source release or the development version from SfePy git repository:

git clone git://

See the download page for additional download options.

In-place compilation of C extension modules

  1. Look at and follow the instructions therein. Usually no changes are necessary.
  2. Run:

    python build_ext --inplace


(As mentioned above, this step is not required to use SfePy.)

  • System-Wide (may require root privileges):

    python install
  • Local (requires write access to <installation prefix>):

    python install --root=<installation prefix>

See also INSTALL and RELEASE_NOTES files in the tarball.

If all went well, proceed with Checking the SfePy installation.

Checking the SfePy installation

After installing SfePy you can check if all the functionalities are working by running the automated tests. From the source directory type:


If a particular test fails, please run it in debug mode:

./ --debug tests/

and report the output to the sfepy-devel mailing list.

Platform-specific notes


emerge -va pytables pyparsing numpy scipy matplotlib ipython mayavi


pacman -S python2-numpy python2-scipy python2-matplotlib ipython2 python2-sympy
yaourt -S python-pytables python2-mayavi


Edit Makefile and change all references from python to python2. Edit scripts and change shebangs to point to python2.


(old instructions, check also Ubuntu below)

apt-get install python-tables python-pyparsing python-matplotlib python-scipy


(tested on Ubuntu 11.10)


First, you have to install the dependencies packages:

sudo aptitude install python-scipy python-matplotlib python-tables python-pyparsing libsuitesparse-dev python-setuptools mayavi2 python-dev ipython python-sympy cython python-sparse

The same packages work also in Kubuntu 11.10. If aptitude is not installed, install it, or try apt-get instead.

Older Versions of Ubuntu

(tested on Jaunty Jackalope 9.04 and Lucid Lynx 10.04)

The following is required to get working umfpack. Download and install the umfpack scikits in some local dir. In the following example it will be installed in $HOME/local:

svn checkout
cd umfpack
mkdir -p ${HOME}/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages
python install --prefix=${HOME}/local

Add to your .bashrc the line:

export PYTHONPATH="${HOME}/local"

then re-open a terminal and if the scikits was installed correctly importing scikits.umfpack in python should give no error:

>>> import scikits.umfpack

Next Download sympy 6.7 or later. Extract the contents.

cd sympy-0.6.7

python install --prefix=${HOME}/local

Installing SfePy

Now download the latest SfePy tarball release (or the latest development version).

Uncompress the archive and enter the SfePy dir, then type:

python build_ext --inplace

after a few minutes the compilation finishes.

Finally you can test SfePy with:


If some test fails see Checking the SfePy installation section for further details.

Fedora 8

Notes on using umfpack (contributed by David Huard).

entry in numpy site.cfg:

include_dirs = /usr/include/suitesparse

Comment by david.huard, Mar 26, 2008:

Of course, suitesparse and suitesparse-devel must be installed.

Intel Mac

(thanks to Dominique Orban for his advice)

To build SfePy on an Intel Mac the following options need to be set in

opt_flags = '-g -O2 -fPIC -DPIC -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -dynamic'
link_flags = '-dynamiclib -undefined dynamic_lookup -fPIC -DPIC'

Windows using Python(x,y)

(tested on Windows 7)

Here we provide instructions for using SfePy on Windows through Python(x,y). We will also use msysgit to install the umfpack scikit to speed performance.

This procedure was tested on a Windows 7 machine. It should work in theory for any Windows machine supported by Python(x,y) and msysgit, but your milage may vary.

There several steps, but hopefully it is straightforward to follow this procedure. If you have any questions or difficulties please feel free to ask on the sfepy-devel mailing list (see SfePy web site). Also, if you have any suggestions for improving or streamlining this process, it would be very beneficial as well!

We assume the installation to be done in C:/ - substitute your path where appropriate.

Steps to get a working SfePy on Windows using Python(x,y)

  1. Minimum 4 Gigabytes of free disk space is required, Due to the installed size of python(x,y) and msysgit.
  2. Download the latest Python(x,y) windows installer (version 2.7.X.X), and make a Full installation in the default installation directory.
  3. Download the latest pyparsing windows installer (Python version 2.7) and install it in the default installation directory.
  4. Download the latest msysgit windows installer and install it in the default installation directory:

    • either get the file that begins with "Git-", which gives you gitbash - a bash shell in Windows,
    • or get the file that begins with "msysGit-fullinstall".

    Below we refer to either gitbash or msys as "shell".

  5. Download the latest umfpackpy zip archive and follow the instructions below:
    1. Extract the umfpackpy_<version>.zip to your convenient location in Hard disk, Lets assume it's extracted in C:/. Now there will be two files on the extracted folder, and scikits.umfpack-5.1.0-py2.7-win32.egg.
    2. Start a shell (gitbash or msys, depending on the previous step) and write the following to go to the extracted folder:

      cd /c/umfpackpy_<version>/
    3. Install the UMFPACK library for python: scikits.umfpack-5.1.0-py2.7-win32.egg
  6. Either download the latest sfepy tarball and extract it to your convenient location in Hard disk, Lets assume it's extracted in C:/.

    Or, If you want to use the latest features and contribute to the development of SfePy, clone the git development repository

    • In shell, type:

      cd /c/
      git clone git://

    Then follow the instructions below:

    1. In shell, go to the extracted folder:

      cd /c/sfepy_folder_name/
    2. Compile SfePy C extensions:

      python build_ext --inplace --compiler=mingw32
  7. You should now have a working copy of SfePy on Windows, Please help aid SfePy development by running the built-in tests. Run the in python IDLE or Write the following code in the shell:

    ./ --filter-less