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Found this size-based benchmark lying around. Committed so it'll be
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rcaputo committed Feb 13, 2004
1 parent 2d40523 commit 627fbd8
Showing 1 changed file with 109 additions and 0 deletions.
109 changes: 109 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@

use warnings;
use strict;


use lib ".";
use POE::Queue;

# The sequence length should be at least as many items as there are
# priorities.

sub MAX_SEQ_LENGTH () { 800 }

# Fisher-Yates shuffle them, for extra yummy randomness. Use srand
# with the same seed each time so every @seq list represents different
# lengths of the same "random" sequence.

my @seq;
sub build_list {
my $priorities = shift;

@seq = map { [ $_, $_ ] } (0..($priorities-1));

{ srand(1);
my $i = @seq;
while (--$i) {
my $j = int rand($i+1);
@seq[$i,$j] = @seq[$j,$i];

# Run through the list for a number of benchmarks. Each benchmark has
# a different number of priorities.

for my $priorities (1..MAX_SEQ_LENGTH) {


# One for each queue implementation.
for my $impl (qw(Array PriorityHeap)) {

my $queue = POE::Queue->new($impl);

### Plain enqueue/dequeue.

my ($begin_usr, $begin_sys) = (times)[0,1];
$queue->enqueue(@$_) for @seq;
my ($cease_usr, $cease_sys) = (times)[0,1];

my $elapsed = ($cease_usr - $begin_usr) + ($cease_sys - $begin_sys);

print( join( "\t",
$impl, "enqueue-plain",
$elapsed/$priorities, # Time per operation.

($begin_usr, $begin_sys) = (times)[0,1];
1 while $queue->dequeue;
($cease_usr, $cease_sys) = (times)[0,1];

$elapsed = ($cease_usr - $begin_usr) + ($cease_sys - $begin_sys);

print( join( "\t",
$impl, "dequeue-plain",
$elapsed/$priorities, # Time per operation.

### Next-priority enqueue/dequeue. The enqueue is actually just a
### plain one, but we get to see the effect of internal data
### structure freeing tradeoffs.

($begin_usr, $begin_sys) = (times)[0,1];
$queue->enqueue(@$_) for @seq;
($cease_usr, $cease_sys) = (times)[0,1];

$elapsed = ($cease_usr - $begin_usr) + ($cease_sys - $begin_sys);

print( join( "\t",
$impl, "enqueue-np",
$elapsed/$priorities, # Time per operation.

($begin_usr, $begin_sys) = (times)[0,1];
1 while scalar(@{$queue->dequeue_next_priority});
($cease_usr, $cease_sys) = (times)[0,1];

$elapsed = ($cease_usr - $begin_usr) + ($cease_sys - $begin_sys);

print( join( "\t",
$impl, "dequeue-np",
$elapsed/$priorities, # Time per operation.

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