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modified to merger more than one server access log
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jittakal authored and rchokkam committed Dec 8, 2011
1 parent 39cf442 commit ba78843
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Showing 2 changed files with 78 additions and 121 deletions.
162 changes: 78 additions & 84 deletions src/log2json/core.clj
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
(:use [ :only (json-str write-json read-json)])
(:import [ BufferedReader FileReader BufferedWriter FileWriter PrintWriter]))

(def re-expn #"^([\d.]+) (\S+) (\S+) \[([\w:/]+\s[+\-]\d{4})\] \"(.+?)\" (\d{3}) (\d+) \"(.+?)\" \"(.+?)\" (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)")

(def servers (atom '()))

(def module-names '("abonnement"
Expand All @@ -14,60 +18,66 @@

(def method-names '("GET" "PUT" "POST" "DELETE"))
(defn init-servers
"Initialize the servers list"
[^Integer count]
(loop [i count]
(if (= i 0)
(recur (do (swap! servers conj i) (dec i))))))

(def status-codes '("200" "201" "204" "207" "400" "403" "404" "406" "500" "503"))

(def json-map {:chart {:renderTo "container"
:plotBackgroundColor "none"
:backgroundColor "none"
:defaultSeriesType "column"}
:credits {:enabled false}
:xAxis {:categories (vec method-names)}
:credits {:enabled false}
:xAxis {:categories (vec status-codes)}
:yAxis {:gridLineColor "rgba(255,255,255,0.05)"
:title {:text "SERVER HITS"}}
:tooltip {:crosshairs true
:shared true}
:subtitle {:text "KASIA2"}
:plotOptions {:column {:pointPadding 0.2
:borderWidth 0}}})

(defn init-method-count
"Returns the map"
(defn init-status-code-map
"Returns the initial map for status codes"
(loop [m-map {} m-names method-names]
(if (empty? m-names)
(recur (assoc m-map (first m-names) 0) (rest m-names)))))
(loop [s-map {} s-codes status-codes]
(if (empty? s-codes)
(recur (assoc s-map (first s-codes) 0) (rest s-codes)))))

(defn init-s-keys
(defn init-server-keys
[^String module-name]
(loop [rvec [] scodes status-codes]
(if (empty? scodes)
(loop [rvec [] s @servers]
(if (empty? s)
(recur (conj rvec (str module-name ":" (first scodes)))
(rest scodes)))))
(recur (conj rvec (str module-name ":" (first s)))
(rest s)))))

(defn init-keys
(defn init-map-keys
"Initialize the map keys"
(loop [rvec [] modules module-names]
(if (empty? modules)
(recur (into rvec (init-s-keys (first modules)))
(recur (into rvec (init-server-keys (first modules)))
(rest modules)))))

(defn init-structure
"This return the initial data structure"
(defn init-column-map
"This return the initial data structure for column graph"
(let [m-counts (init-method-count)]
(loop [rmap {} keys (init-keys)]
(let [s-counts (init-status-code-map)]
(loop [rmap {} keys (init-map-keys)]
(if (empty? keys)
(recur (assoc rmap (first keys) m-counts)
(recur (assoc rmap (first keys) s-counts)
(rest keys))))))

(def re-expn #"^([\d.]+) (\S+) (\S+) \[([\w:/]+\s[+\-]\d{4})\] \"(.+?)\" (\d{3}) (\d+) \"(.+?)\" \"(.+?)\" (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)")

(defn skip-line?
[^String line]
(or (= "" (.trim line))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,74 +105,63 @@
(.replace (get tokens2 1) "-v1" ""))))

(defn get-method-name
"Returns map containing module and method name"
[^String req-str]
(let [tokens (.split req-str " ")]
(get tokens 0)))

(defn parse-log-line
"Returns map object after parsing the line"
[^String line]
[^Integer i ^String line]
(let [tokens (re-find re-expn line)
request-uri (get tokens 5)
status-code (get tokens 6)
response-time (get tokens 7)
status-code (get tokens 6)
module-name (get-module-name request-uri)
method-name (get-method-name request-uri)
key (str (.toLowerCase module-name) ":" status-code)]
[key method-name]))
key (str (.toLowerCase module-name) ":" i)]
[key status-code]))

(defn parse-log-file
"Returns an array of Lines of log file"
[r-map ^String file-path]
(loop [rmap r-map
lines (line-seq (BufferedReader. (FileReader. file-path)))]
(if (empty? lines)
(if (skip-line? (first lines))
(recur rmap (rest lines))
(let [line-vec (parse-log-line (first lines))
tcount (get-in rmap line-vec)
acount (if (nil? tcount) 0 tcount)]
(recur (assoc-in rmap line-vec (inc acount))
(rest lines)))))))
[^Integer i r-map ^String file-path]
(with-open [fr (FileReader. file-path)
br (BufferedReader. fr)]
(loop [rmap r-map
lines (line-seq br)]
(if (empty? lines)
(if (skip-line? (first lines))
(recur rmap (rest lines))
(let [line-vec (parse-log-line i (first lines))
tcount (get-in rmap line-vec)
acount (if (nil? tcount) 0 tcount)]
(recur (assoc-in rmap line-vec (inc acount))
(rest lines))))))))

(defn parse-log-files
"Returns the map datastructure"
[& file-paths]
(loop [r-map (init-structure) f-paths file-paths]
(if (empty? f-paths)
[^String base-path file-names]
(loop [r-map (init-column-map) f-names file-names i 1]
(if (empty? f-names)
(recur (parse-log-file r-map (first f-paths))
(rest f-paths)))))
(recur (parse-log-file i r-map (str base-path (first f-names)))
(rest f-names)
(inc i)))))

(defn get-method-count-data
(defn get-status-code-data
"Return vector"
(loop [rvec [] methods method-names]
(if (empty? methods)
(loop [rvec [] s-codes status-codes]
(if (empty? s-codes)
(recur (conj rvec (get m-map (first methods)))
(rest methods)))))
(recur (conj rvec (get m-map (first s-codes)))
(rest s-codes)))))

(defn get-module-data
[^String env-name ^String module-name d-map]
(loop [r-vec [] s-codes status-codes]
(if (empty? s-codes)
[^String module-name d-map]
(loop [r-vec [] s @servers]
(if (empty? s)
(merge json-map
{:title {:text (.toUpperCase module-name)}
:subtitle {:text (str "KASIA2-" (.toUpperCase env-name))}
{:title {:text (.toUpperCase module-name)}
:series r-vec})
(recur (conj r-vec {:name (first s-codes)
:data (get-method-count-data (get d-map (str module-name ":" (first s-codes))))})
(rest s-codes)))))

(defn map-to-json
"Return json string representation"
(json-str m-data))
(recur (conj r-vec {:name (str "SERVER-" (first s))
:data (get-status-code-data (get d-map (str module-name ":" (first s))))})
(rest s)))))

(defn write-to-file
"Create new File and write the string content."
Expand All @@ -173,25 +172,20 @@
(.write out data)))

(defn for-each-module
[^String env-name ^String base-path ^String file-name-1 ^String file-name-2]
(let [file-path-1 (str base-path file-name-1)
file-path-2 (str base-path file-name-2)
d-map (parse-log-files file-path-1 file-path-2)
out-file-name (str file-name-1 ".json")]
"Process for each module"
[^String base-path file-names]
(let [d-map (parse-log-files base-path file-names)
out-file-name (str "access_log.json")]
(loop [rpath [] modules module-names]
(if (empty? modules)
(recur (conj rpath (str base-path (first modules) "_" out-file-name))
(do (write-to-file (str base-path (first modules) "_" out-file-name)
(json-str (get-module-data env-name
(first modules)
(do (write-to-file (str base-path (first modules) "_" out-file-name)
(json-str (get-module-data (first modules) d-map)))
(rest modules)))))))

;; (for-each-module "/home/jitendra/" "access_log")

(defn -main
"Main function"
[^String env-name ^String base-path ^String file-name-1 ^String file-name-2]
(for-each-module env-name base-path file-name-1 file-name-2))
[^String base-path & file-names]
(init-servers (count file-names))
(for-each-module base-path file-names))
37 changes: 0 additions & 37 deletions test/log2json/test/core.clj
Expand Up @@ -8,40 +8,3 @@

(def line2 " - - [18/Nov/2011:11:20:31 +0100] \"GET /kunde-v1/alive?_=1321611632099 HTTP/1.1\" 200 2026 \"\" \"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0\" 616 2301 509399")

(deftest test-get-names
(is (= "GET" (get-method-name "GET /abc/xyz/")))
(is (= "abc" (get-module-name "GET /abc/xyz/"))))

(deftest test-parse-log-line
(is (= "GET" (get (parse-log-line line1) 1)))
(is (= "GET" (get (parse-log-line line1) 1)))
(is (= "abonnement:500" (get (parse-log-line line1) 0)))
(is (= "abonnement:500" (get (parse-log-line line1) 0)))
(is (= "kunde:200" (get (parse-log-line line2) 0))))

(deftest test-parse-log-file
(is (= 80 (count
(parse-log-file "/home/jitendra/Workspaces/")]
(do (println vectors)

(deftest test-init-method-count
(is (= 4 (count (init-method-count))))
(is (= 0 (get (init-method-count) "GET"))))

(deftest test-init-keys
(is (= 80 (count (init-keys)))))

(deftest test-init-structure
(is (= 80 (count (init-structure)))))

(deftest test-get-method-count-data
(is (= [1 2 3 4]
(get-method-count-data {"GET" 1
"PUT" 2
"POST" 3
"DELETE" 4}))))

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