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Package manager with stow.


Set your PATHand LD_LIBRARY_PATH (and PYTHONPATH, if necessary) for the stow directory.

Default installation directory is:


Therefore, set like:

export STOW_TOP=$HOME/usr/local
export PATH=$STOW_TOP/bin:$PATH


stow-get can be installed by using curl: You can also use an install script on the web like:

$ curl -fsSL| bash

This will install stow-get in $HOME/usr/local

If you want to install other directory, do like:

$ curl -fsSL|  prefix=/usr/local bash

Or, simply download (or git clone) the script and set where you like.


To install package, do like:

$ stow-get install vim

Available packages can be found by:

$ stow-get packages

For GNU Project packages, you can install them even if there is no configuration file (i.e. not found in stow-get packages). To install these packages, do like:

$ stow-get install -t gnu wdiff

To uninstall, do like:

$ stow-get uninstall vim

Personal configuration file

Personal settings can be set by $HOME/.stow-get.

If you use, you will have .stow-get like:

set_inst_dir /home/USER/usr/local

set_inst_dir sets installed directory (inst_dir). Substances of packages for stow are placed in $inst_dir/stow (stow_dir).

Default directory for package configuration files is /PATH/TO/stow-get/../share/stow-get.

If you have own package configuration files, set the directory like:


conf_dir is an array of package configuration directories.

If you set packages variable in your configuration file like:

packages=(git screen vim)

you can easily install them by:

$ stow-get install

Package configuration file

All configuration file must have a name of <package>.sh.

Following parameters can be set as shell script.

Parameter Description Default
inst_type Type of installation. Available types are: gnu, tarball, github or github_direct. This parameter is mandatory. gnu
version Version of th package. ""
target_postfix By default, a package is installed in $stow_dir/<package>-STOW-<version>(=$stow_dir/$target).
If target_postfix is defined, a directory name is changed to <package>-STOW-<target_postfix>.
tarball tarball name. <package>-<version>.tar.gz
url_prefix URL where tarball file is placed. For gnu:<package>.
For github:<package>/<package>/archive
configure_file Configure command. Most of packages have configure file to be executed first. ./configure
config_options Options for configure command.
Note: --prefix="$stow_dir/$target/" (where the package substance is installed) option is automatically added if configure is executed.
bin_dep Array of depending executable packages.
If the package and executable are the same name, just put the name. Otherwise put <exe>_package_<package>.
e.g. lib_dep=(my-exe exe-name_package_package-name)
lib_dep Array of depending library packages.
If the library file has such lib<package>.so, just put the package name. Otherwise put <lib>_package_<package>.
e.g. lib_dep=(my-lib lib-name_package_package-name)

Followings are function which can be re-assigned in each package configuration file:

Parameter Description Default
stow_install A function to define how to install the package.
If stow_isntall is defined, other installation functions (including before_configure and make_cmd) for each inst_type are ignored.
before_configure A function which has command list to be executed before configure. (Use for such ./ function before_configure {
configure_cmd A function for configure command.
If configure doesn't have --prefix but it set prefix in other way, then change this function to give proper arguments.
function configure_cmd {
if [ -x "$configure_file" ];then
execute $configure_flags $configure_file --prefix="$stow_dir/$target" $configure_options
make_cmd Make commands. function make_cmd {
execute make all && execute make install
get_latest A function to get the latest version of the package. It is used if version is not specified, or latest command is executed. Only gnu type has default method.

For these functions, give commands to execute function, to enable dry run mode.

function execute {
  if [ $dryrun -eq 1 ];then
    echo  "$@"
    echo  "$" "$@"
    eval "$@"


Available inst_type are gnu, tarball, github and github_direct:

  • gnu

For GNU Project packages, if it can be obtained from ftp repository and it has tar.gz file with <package>-<version>.tar.gz naming convention, you need only one line:


If you want to specify a version, add

  • tarball

Set inst_type:


version must be specified for tarball case.

In addition, url_prefix, which is URL where tarball file is placed, is needed, like:


The default tarball name is <package>-<version>.tar.gz. If the naming convention is different, specify tarball name with tarball, like:


tar.gz, tar.xz, tar.bz2 and zip files are available as tarball.

  • github

If the package is distributed by GitHub and it has releases, use inst_type=github.

Most of cases, GitHub releases have version with naming convention of v<version>.

For this case, set version without v, like:


GitHub's releases' url is normally like:<user>/<repository>/archive/v<version>.tar.gz

If the repository and GitHub user name is same as package (like git, you need to set only version.

If user or repository is different from package name, specify them in the configuration file.


If archive file naming convention is different from v<version>, it may be better to use tarball instead of github.

  • github_direct

Like github, but useful if the repository has simple structure with such bin or lib directories.

The repository is directory copied into stow directory.

See more examples in stow-get/share/stow-get.


Usage: stow-get <sub command> [-fDVvh] [-c <conf file>] [-d <conf dir>] [-i <inst dir> ] [-t <inst type>] [package [package [...]]]

Sub commands:
   install [package [package...]]
                  Install packages (all packages in the configuration file if no package is given).
   reinstall [package [package...]]
                  Reinstall packages (same as 'install -f')
   uninstall [package [package...]]
                  Remove packages.
   rm/remove      Aliases of uninstall.
   unlink [package [Package...]]
                  Like uninstall, but remain files. (install will be done w/o download codes.)
   upgrade/update [package [package...]]
                  Upgrade packages (all packages in the list if no package is given).
   list           List up installed packages.
   packages       List up available packages which have configuration files.
   clean/cleanup  Clean up old packages
   info <package> Show configuration file of package.
   latest <package>
                  Show the latest version of package.
   version        Show version.
   license        Show license.
   help           Show this help.

   -c <conf file> Configuration file (default: $HOME/.stow-get).
   -d <conf dir>  Additional directory of package configuration files (default: $HOME/usr/local/share/stow-get).
                  Multi directories can be specified by separating with ",".
   -i <inst dir>  Directory to install packages (default: $HOME/usr/local).
   -t <inst type> Set install type (default: gnu).
   -f             Force to reinstall.
   -D             Dry run mode.
   -V             Verbose mode.
   -v             Show version.
   -l             Show license.
   -h             Show this help.

See more details at:


Package manager with stow.






No packages published
