import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk import tkinterDnD # Importing the tkinterDnD module # You have to use the tkinterDnD.Tk object for super easy initialization, # and to be able to use the main window as a dnd widget root = tkinterDnD.Tk() root.title("tkinterDnD example") stringvar = tk.StringVar() stringvar.set('Drop here or drag from here!') def drop(event): # This function is called, when stuff is dropped into a widget stringvar.set( def drag_command(event): # This function is called at the start of the drag, # it returns the drag type, the content type, and the actual content return (tkinterDnD.COPY, "DND_Text", "Some nice dropped text!") # Without DnD hook you need to register the widget for every purpose, # and bind it to the function you want to call label_1 = tk.Label(root, textvar=stringvar, relief="solid") label_1.pack(fill="both", expand=True, padx=10, pady=10) label_1.register_drop_target("*") label_1.bind("<>", drop) label_1.register_drag_source("*") label_1.bind("<>", drag_command) # With DnD hook you just pass the command to the proper argument, # and tkinterDnD will take care of the rest # NOTE: You need a ttk widget to use these arguments label_2 = ttk.Label(root, ondrop=drop, ondragstart=drag_command, textvar=stringvar, padding=50, relief="solid") label_2.pack(fill="both", expand=True, padx=10, pady=10) tk.Button(text="Call messagebox", command=lambda: tk.messagebox.showinfo("Check it.")).pack() # New from JS tk.Button(text="Press Test", command=lambda: print("Hi")).pack() # New from JS root.mainloop()