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Modify EvalWithOpt
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rdpeng committed Jun 29, 2011
1 parent ecd813a commit 9f1fd17
Showing 1 changed file with 86 additions and 17 deletions.
103 changes: 86 additions & 17 deletions R/SweaveCache.R
Expand Up @@ -177,45 +177,114 @@ hashExpr <- function(expr) {
## evaluation is skipped.

cacheSweaveEvalWithOpt <- function (expr, options) {
cacheSweaveEvalWithOpt <- function (expr, options, tmpcon) {
chunkDigest <- options$chunkDigest

## 'expr' is a single expression, so something like 'a <- 1'
res <- NULL

if(options$cache) {
cachedir <- getCacheDir()

## Create database name from chunk label and MD5
## digest
dbName <- makeChunkDatabaseName(cachedir, options, chunkDigest)
exprDigest <- mangleDigest(hashExpr(expr))

## Create 'stashR' database
db <- new("localDB", dir = dbName, name = basename(dbName))
return(list(res=res, updated=F))

# tabenius
cachedir <- getCacheDir()
## Create database name from chunk label and MD5
## digest
dbName <- makeChunkDatabaseName(cachedir, options, chunkDigest)
exprDigest <- mangleDigest(hashExpr(expr))

## Create 'stashR' database
db <- new("localDB", dir = dbName, name = basename(dbName))

trace <- options$trace & as.logical(options$trace)

chunkName <- metaChunkName(options)
dbMetaName <- makeMetaDatabaseName(cachedir)
dbMeta <- new("localDB", dir = dbMetaName, name = basename(dbMetaName))
creationTimes <- metaGetCreationTime(dbMeta)
fresh = dbExists(db, exprDigest)

# NOTE: Currently doesn't cache un-labeled chunks
if (!is.null(creationTimes[[chunkName]])) {
chunkCreationTime <- creationTimes[[chunkName]]
if(trace) cat("%",chunkName,"has creationTime:",format.Date(chunkCreationTime),"\n")
} else
chunkCreationTime <- NULL


fresh = fresh & !is.null(chunkCreationTime)
if (!is.null(options$dependson)){
depends <- unlist(strsplit(options$dependson,';'))
if (fresh)
for (dep in depends) {
dirty1 = is.null(creationTimes[[dep]])
dirty1 = creationTimes[[dep]] > chunkCreationTime
if (trace)
if (dirty1)
cat("% in",chunkName,"dependency",dep,"is newer\n")
cat("% in",chunkName,"dependency",dep,"is older\n")
fresh = fresh & !dirty1
} else {
depends = NULL
if (trace)
if (fresh) {
cat("%",chunkName,"is fresh\n")
} else {
cat("%",chunkName,"is dirty\n")
updated <- FALSE
##### /tabenius

if(options$cache) {
## If the current expression is not cached, then
## evaluate the expression and dump the resulting
## objects to the database. Otherwise, just read the
## vector of keys from the database

if(!dbExists(db, exprDigest)) {
if(!fresh) {
keys <- try({
evalAndDumpToDB(db, expr, exprDigest)
evalAndDumpToDB(db, expr, exprDigest, chunkDigest)
}, silent = TRUE)

if(trace) { # tabenius
out <- "% evaluating and storing"
out <- paste(out,chunkName)
if (!is.null(depends)) {
out <- paste(out," depends (",sep='')
out <- paste(out, paste(depends,collapse=', '),sep='')
out <- paste(out,")",sep='')
out <- paste(out,Sys.time())
#### /tabenius

## If there was an error then just return the
## condition object and let Sweave deal with it.
if(inherits(keys, "try-error"))

updated <- TRUE # tabenius
else {
keys <- dbFetch(db, exprDigest)
if(trace) { # tabenius
cat("% fetching object",chunkName)
keys <- dbFetch(db, exprDigest)
dbLazyLoad(db, globalenv(), keys)
if(trace) { # tabenius
if (!is.null(depends)) {
cat(" depending on",paste(depends,collapse=', '))
res <- keys
else {
## If caching is turned off, just evaluate the expression
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