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Fix various RoutedViewHost issues.
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kentcb committed Mar 18, 2016
1 parent fd93a75 commit 317bffb
Showing 1 changed file with 172 additions and 18 deletions.
190 changes: 172 additions & 18 deletions ReactiveUI/Cocoa/RoutedViewHost.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
using System;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using ReactiveUI;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Reactive.Disposables;

using UIKit;
Expand All @@ -18,6 +20,157 @@

namespace ReactiveUI
/// <summary>
/// RoutedViewHost is a ReactiveNavigationController that monitors its RoutingState
/// and keeps the navigation stack in line with it.
/// </summary>
public class RoutedViewHost : ReactiveNavigationController
private readonly SerialDisposable titleUpdater;
private RoutingState router;
private IObservable<string> viewContractObservable;
private IViewLocator viewLocator;
private bool routerInstigated;

public RoutingState Router {
get { return router; }
set { this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged (ref router, value); }

public IObservable<string> ViewContractObservable {
get { return viewContractObservable; }
set { this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged (ref viewContractObservable, value); }

public IViewLocator ViewLocator {
get { return this.viewLocator; }
set { this.viewLocator = value; }

public RoutedViewHost ()
this.ViewContractObservable = Observable.Return<string> (null);
this.titleUpdater = new SerialDisposable ();

this.WhenActivated (
d => {
d (this
.WhenAnyValue (x => x.Router)
.Where (x => x != null && x.NavigationStack.Count > 0 && this.ViewControllers.Length == 0)
.Subscribe (x => {
this.routerInstigated = true;
NSViewController view = null;
foreach (var viewModel in x.NavigationStack) {
view = this.ResolveView (this.Router.GetCurrentViewModel (), null);
this.PushViewController (view, false);
this.titleUpdater.Disposable = this.Router.GetCurrentViewModel ()
.WhenAnyValue (y => y.UrlPathSegment)
.Subscribe (y => view.NavigationItem.Title = y);
this.routerInstigated = false;
d (this
.WhenAnyValue (x => x.Router)
.Where (x => x != null)
.Select (x => x.NavigationStack.ItemsAdded)
.Switch ()
.Where (x => x != null)
.Select (contract => new { View = this.ResolveView (this.Router.GetCurrentViewModel (), /*contract*/null), Animate = this.Router.NavigationStack.Count > 1 })
.Subscribe (x => {
if (this.routerInstigated) {
this.titleUpdater.Disposable = this.Router.GetCurrentViewModel ()
.WhenAnyValue (y => y.UrlPathSegment)
.Subscribe (y => x.View.NavigationItem.Title = y);
this.routerInstigated = true;
// super important that animate is false if it's the first view being pushed, otherwise iOS gets hella confused
// and calls PushViewController twice
this.PushViewController (x.View, x.Animate);
this.routerInstigated = false;
d (this
.WhenAnyObservable (x => x.Router.NavigationStack.Changed)
.Where (x => x.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset)
.Subscribe (_ => {
this.routerInstigated = true;
this.PopToRootViewController (true);
this.routerInstigated = false;
d (this
.WhenAnyObservable (x => x.Router.NavigateBack)
.Subscribe (x => {
this.routerInstigated = true;
this.PopViewController (true);
this.routerInstigated = false;

public override void PushViewController (NSViewController viewController, bool animated)
base.PushViewController (viewController, animated);

if (!this.routerInstigated) {
// code must be pushing a view directly against nav controller rather than using the router, so we need to manually sync up the router state
// TODO: what should we _actually_ do here? Soft-check the view and VM type and ignore if they're not IViewFor/IRoutableViewModel?
var view = (IViewFor)viewController;
var viewModel = (IRoutableViewModel)view.ViewModel;
this.Router.NavigationStack.Add (viewModel);

public override NSViewController PopViewController (bool animated)
if (!this.routerInstigated) {
// user must have clicked Back button in nav controller, so we need to manually sync up the router state
this.Router.NavigationStack.RemoveAt (this.router.NavigationStack.Count - 1);

return base.PopViewController (animated);

private UIViewController ResolveView (IRoutableViewModel viewModel, string contract)
if (viewModel == null) {
return null;

var viewLocator = this.ViewLocator ?? ReactiveUI.ViewLocator.Current;
var view = viewLocator.ResolveView (viewModel, contract);

if (view == null) {
throw new Exception (
string.Format (
"Couldn't find a view for view model. You probably need to register an IViewFor<{0}>",
viewModel.GetType ().Name));

view.ViewModel = viewModel;
var viewController = view as UIViewController;

if (viewController == null) {
throw new Exception (
string.Format (
"View type {0} for view model type {1} is not a UIViewController",
view.GetType ().Name,
viewModel.GetType ().Name));

return viewController;

/// <summary>
/// RoutedViewHost is a helper class that will connect a RoutingState
/// to an arbitrary NSView and attempt to load the View for the latest
Expand All @@ -27,62 +180,63 @@ namespace ReactiveUI
/// This is a bit different than the XAML's RoutedViewHost in the sense
/// that this isn't a Control itself, it only manipulates other Views.
/// </summary>
public class RoutedViewHost : ReactiveObject
[Obsolete ("Use RoutedViewHost instead. This class will be removed in a later release.")]
public class RoutedViewHostLegacy : ReactiveObject
RoutingState _Router;
public RoutingState Router {
get { return _Router; }
set { this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _Router, value); }
set { this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged (ref _Router, value); }

IObservable<string> _ViewContractObservable;
public IObservable<string> ViewContractObservable {
get { return _ViewContractObservable; }
set { this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _ViewContractObservable, value); }
set { this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged (ref _ViewContractObservable, value); }

NSViewController _DefaultContent;
public NSViewController DefaultContent {
get { return _DefaultContent; }
set { this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _DefaultContent, value); }
set { this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged (ref _DefaultContent, value); }

public IViewLocator ViewLocator { get; set; }

public RoutedViewHost(NSView targetView)
public RoutedViewHostLegacy (NSView targetView)
NSView viewLastAdded = null;

ViewContractObservable = Observable.Return(default(string));
var vmAndContract = Observable.CombineLatest(
this.WhenAnyObservable(x => x.Router.CurrentViewModel),
this.WhenAnyObservable(x => x.ViewContractObservable),
ViewContractObservable = Observable.Return (default (string));

var vmAndContract = Observable.CombineLatest (
this.WhenAnyObservable (x => x.Router.CurrentViewModel),
this.WhenAnyObservable (x => x.ViewContractObservable),
(vm, contract) => new { ViewModel = vm, Contract = contract, });

vmAndContract.Subscribe(x => {
vmAndContract.Subscribe (x => {
if (viewLastAdded != null)
viewLastAdded.RemoveFromSuperview ();
if (x.ViewModel == null) {
if (DefaultContent != null)
targetView.AddSubview (DefaultContent.View);
var viewLocator = ViewLocator ?? ReactiveUI.ViewLocator.Current;
var view = viewLocator.ResolveView(x.ViewModel, x.Contract) ?? viewLocator.ResolveView(x.ViewModel, null);
var view = viewLocator.ResolveView (x.ViewModel, x.Contract) ?? viewLocator.ResolveView (x.ViewModel, null);
view.ViewModel = x.ViewModel;
if (view is NSViewController) {
viewLastAdded = ((NSViewController)view).View;
} else if (view is NSView) {
viewLastAdded = (NSView)view;
} else {
throw new Exception(String.Format("'{0}' must be an NSViewController or NSView", view.GetType().FullName));
throw new Exception (String.Format ("'{0}' must be an NSViewController or NSView", view.GetType ().FullName));
targetView.AddSubview (viewLastAdded);
}, RxApp.DefaultExceptionHandler.OnNext);
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