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Adding "Edit Source" links on your Sphinx theme

Read the Docs injects some extra variables in the Sphinx html_context that are used by our Sphinx theme to display "edit source" links at the top of all pages. You can use these variables in your own Sphinx theme as well.

More information can be found on Sphinx documentation.


If you want to integrate GitHub, these are the required variables to put into your

html_context = {
    "display_github": True, # Integrate GitHub
    "github_user": "MyUserName", # Username
    "github_repo": "MyDoc", # Repo name
    "github_version": "master", # Version
    "conf_py_path": "/source/", # Path in the checkout to the docs root

They can be used like this:

{% if display_github %}
    <li><a href="{{ github_user }}/{{ github_repo }}
    /blob/{{ github_version }}{{ conf_py_path }}{{ pagename }}.rst">
    Show on GitHub</a></li>
{% endif %}


If you want to integrate Bitbucket, these are the required variables to put into your

html_context = {
    "display_bitbucket": True, # Integrate Bitbucket
    "bitbucket_user": "MyUserName", # Username
    "bitbucket_repo": "MyDoc", # Repo name
    "bitbucket_version": "master", # Version
    "conf_py_path": "/source/", # Path in the checkout to the docs root

They can be used like this:

{% if display_bitbucket %}
    <a href="{{ bitbucket_user }}/{{ bitbucket_repo }}
    /src/{{ bitbucket_version}}{{ conf_py_path }}{{ pagename }}.rst'"
    class="icon icon-bitbucket"> Edit on Bitbucket</a>
{% endif %}


If you want to integrate Gitlab, these are the required variables to put into your

html_context = {
    "display_gitlab": True, # Integrate Gitlab
    "gitlab_user": "MyUserName", # Username
    "gitlab_repo": "MyDoc", # Repo name
    "gitlab_version": "master", # Version
    "conf_py_path": "/source/", # Path in the checkout to the docs root

They can be used like this:

{% if display_gitlab %}
    <a href="https://{{ gitlab_host|default("") }}/
    {{ gitlab_user }}/{{ gitlab_repo }}/blob/{{ gitlab_version }}
    {{ conf_py_path }}{{ pagename }}{{ suffix }}" class="fa fa-gitlab">
    Edit on GitLab</a>
{% endif %}

Additional variables

  • 'pagename' - Sphinx variable representing the name of the page you're on.