2017-06-06 11:24:20.430919272 Relax-and-Recover 2.00 / Git 2017-06-06 11:24:20.444688784 Command line options: /usr/sbin/rear -v -d -D mkrescue 2017-06-06 11:24:20.457303587 Using log file: /var/log/rear/rear-devlamp2.log 2017-06-06 11:24:20.470100850 Current set of flags is 'hB' 2017-06-06 11:24:20.482163163 The debugscripts flags are 'x' 2017-06-06 11:24:20.494049344 Combining configuration files 2017-06-06 11:24:20.505342873 Including /etc/rear/os.conf 2017-06-06 11:24:20.516001741 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /etc/rear/os.conf ++ OS_VENDOR=RedHatEnterpriseServer ++ OS_VERSION=5 + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:20.556786979 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:20.556786979 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:20.570710387 Including conf/Linux-i386.conf 2017-06-06 11:24:20.581902745 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/conf/Linux-i386.conf ++ REQUIRED_PROGS=("${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]:-}" parted sfdisk) ++ PROGS=("${PROGS[@]:-}" grub partprobe lilo fdisk cfdisk) + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:20.624559474 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:20.624559474 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:20.637981124 Including conf/GNU/Linux.conf 2017-06-06 11:24:20.649613885 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/conf/GNU/Linux.conf ++ PROGS=(${PROGS[@]:-} rpc.statd rpcbind bash mknod blkid vol_id udev_volume_id portmap readlink rpcinfo grep cat tac tr reboot halt shutdown killall5 killall chroot tee awk ip ifconfig nslookup route ifenslave ifrename nameif klogd syslog-ng syslogd rsyslogd echo cp date wc cut rm rmdir test init telinit ethtool expand sed mount umount insmod modprobe lsmod true false mingetty agetty getty rmmod hostname uname sleep logger ps ln dirname basename mkdir tty ping netstat free traceroute less vi pico nano rmmod df ls dmesg du tar gzip netcat top iptraf joe pico getent id ldd strace rsync tail head find md5sum mkfs mkfs.ext2 mkfs.ext3 mkfs.ext4 mkfs.ext4dev mkfs.jfs mkfs.xfs mkfs.reiserfs mkfs.vfat mkfs.btrfs mkreiserfs fsck fsck.ext2 fsck.ext3 fsck.ext4 fsck.ext4dev fsck.xfs fsck.reiserfs reiserfsck fsck.btrfs findmnt btrfsck tune2fs tune4fs xfs_admin xfs_db btrfs jfs_tune reiserfstune expr egrep grep fgrep chmod chown stat mkswap swapon swapoff mknod touch scsi_id lsscsi logd initctl lspci usleep mktemp /bin/true strace which mkfifo seq openvt poweroff chacl getfacl setfacl attr getfattr setfattr mpath_wait strings xargs sg_inq env w dosfslabel sysctl) ++ LIBS=(${LIBS[@]:-} /lib*/libnss_dns* /lib*/libnss_files* /lib/*/libnss_dns* /lib/*/libnss_files* /lib*/libgcc_s* /lib*/libresolv* /usr/lib*/rsyslog/*so /lib*/rsyslog/*so /usr/lib*/syslog-ng/*) ++ MODULES=(${MODULES[@]:-} vfat nls_iso8859_1 nls_utf8 nls_cp437 af_packet unix nfs nfsv4 nfsv3 lockd sunrpc cifs usbcore usb_storage usbhid sr_mod ide_cd cdrom uhci_hcd ehci_hcd xhci_hcd ohci_hcd zlib zlib-inflate zlib-deflate libcrc32c crc32c crc32c-intel) ++ COPY_AS_IS=(${COPY_AS_IS[@]:-} /dev /etc/inputr[c] /etc/protocols /etc/services /etc/rpc /etc/termcap /etc/terminfo /lib*/terminfo /usr/share/terminfo /etc/netconfig /etc/mke2fs.conf /etc/*-release /lib*/firmware /etc/localtime /etc/magic /usr/share/misc/magic /etc/dracut.conf /etc/dracut.conf.d /usr/lib/dracut /sbin/modprobe.ksplice-orig /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.d /etc/e2fsck.conf) ++ COPY_AS_IS_EXCLUDE=(${COPY_AS_IS_EXCLUDE[@]:-} dev/shm/\*) ++ KERNEL_CMDLINE=' selinux=0' ++ CLONE_USERS=("${CLONE_USERS[@]:-}" daemon rpc usbmuxd usbmux vcsa nobody) ++ CLONE_GROUPS=("${CLONE_GROUPS[@]:-}" tty usbmuxd usbmux fuse kvm oinstall) + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:20.736455106 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:20.736455106 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:20.749983230 Including /etc/rear/local.conf 2017-06-06 11:24:20.761966545 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /etc/rear/local.conf ++ OUTPUT=USB ++ USB_DEVICE=/dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 ++ BACKUP=BAREOS ++ BAREOS_CLIENT=devlamp2-fd ++ BAREOS_FILESET='Linux - All Filesystems' ++ GRUB_RESCUE=1 + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:20.809173005 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:20.809173005 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:20.829482650 Running 'init' stage 2017-06-06 11:24:20.878720586 Including init/default/010_set_drlm_env.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:20.889727108 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/init/default/010_set_drlm_env.sh ++ drlm_is_managed ++ [[ n == \y ]] ++ return 1 ++ return 0 + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:20.933186306 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:20.933186306 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:20.945766986 Including init/default/030_update_recovery_system.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:20.957815564 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/init/default/030_update_recovery_system.sh ++ test mkrescue '!=' recover ++ return + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:21.000692433 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:21.000692433 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:21.013807417 Including init/default/050_check_rear-recover_mode.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:21.025183127 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/init/default/050_check_rear-recover_mode.sh ++ test -f /etc/rear-release + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:21.069027834 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:21.069027834 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:21.082074524 Finished running 'init' stage in 1 seconds 2017-06-06 11:24:21.134775133 Using build area '/tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342' mkdir: created directory `/tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/rootfs' mkdir: created directory `/tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp' 2017-06-06 11:24:21.160061486 Running mkrescue workflow 2017-06-06 11:24:21.172129454 Running 'prep' stage 2017-06-06 11:24:21.286517039 Including prep/default/005_remove_workflow_conf.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:21.299337497 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/default/005_remove_workflow_conf.sh ++ mkdir -p -v /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/rootfs/etc/rear mkdir: created directory `/tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/rootfs/etc' mkdir: created directory `/tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/rootfs/etc/rear' ++ rm -f -v /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/rootfs/etc/rear/rescue.conf + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:21.354640392 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:21.354640392 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:21.367525627 Including prep/default/020_translate_url.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:21.379137821 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/default/020_translate_url.sh ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ -z '' ]] ++ [[ -z '' ]] ++ [[ -z '' ]] ++ OUTPUT_OPTIONS= ++ [[ -z '' ]] ++ [[ -n /dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 ]] ++ OUTPUT_URL=usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 ++ [[ -z '' ]] ++ [[ -z usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 ]] ++ [[ -z '' ]] ++ [[ -z usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 ]] + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:21.425787678 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:21.425787678 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:21.438721857 Including prep/default/030_translate_tape.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:21.450032898 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/default/030_translate_tape.sh ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ -z '' ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ -z usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:21.510292181 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:21.510292181 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:21.524655554 Including prep/default/040_check_output_scheme.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:21.536629249 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/default/040_check_output_scheme.sh ++ [[ -n usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 ]] +++ url_scheme usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ local url=usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ local scheme=usb +++ echo usb +++ grep -q : +++ echo usb ++ output_scheme=usb ++ case $output_scheme in + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:21.600037897 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:21.600037897 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:21.613204855 Including prep/USB/default/040_set_NETFS_requirements.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:21.624473321 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/USB/default/040_set_NETFS_requirements.sh ++ [[ -z '' ]] ++ [[ -n /dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 ]] ++ StopIfError 'You must specify either BACKUP_URL or USB_DEVICE !' ++ (( 0 != 0 )) ++ BACKUP_URL=usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 ++ [[ -z usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 ]] + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:21.668794630 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:21.668794630 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:21.683033692 Including prep/default/050_check_keep_old_output_copy_var.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:21.695490164 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/default/050_check_keep_old_output_copy_var.sh ++ [[ ! -z '' ]] ++ [[ -z '' ]] ++ [[ ! -z '' ]] + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:21.741371433 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:21.741371433 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:21.755337115 Including prep/USB/default/060_set_usb_device.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:21.767513852 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/USB/default/060_set_usb_device.sh ++ [[ -z /dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 ]] +++ date +%Y%m%d.%H%M ++ USB_PREFIX=rear/devlamp2/20170606.1124 ++ [[ -n usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 ]] +++ url_scheme usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ local url=usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ local scheme=usb +++ echo usb +++ grep -q : +++ echo usb ++ local scheme=usb ++ case $scheme in ++ NETFS_PREFIX=rear/devlamp2/20170606.1124 + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:21.842515088 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:21.842515088 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:21.855592605 Including prep/default/100_init_workflow_conf.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:21.867496448 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/default/100_init_workflow_conf.sh ++ cat - + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:21.920690579 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:21.920690579 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:21.934686753 Including prep/GNU/Linux/200_include_getty.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:21.946572922 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/200_include_getty.sh ++ pgrep -nx mingetty ++ REQUIRED_PROGS=("${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}" mingetty) ++ pgrep -nx agetty ++ pgrep -nx getty + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:22.083576755 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:22.083576755 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:22.096692780 Including prep/GNU/Linux/200_include_serial_console.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:22.109065372 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/200_include_serial_console.sh ++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ ls /dev/ttyS0 /dev/ttyS1 /dev/ttyS2 /dev/ttyS3 +++ sort ++ for devnode in '$(ls /dev/ttyS[0-9]* | sort)' ++ stty -F /dev/ttyS0 ++ USE_SERIAL_CONSOLE=y ++ for devnode in '$(ls /dev/ttyS[0-9]* | sort)' ++ stty -F /dev/ttyS1 ++ USE_SERIAL_CONSOLE=y ++ for devnode in '$(ls /dev/ttyS[0-9]* | sort)' ++ stty -F /dev/ttyS2 ++ for devnode in '$(ls /dev/ttyS[0-9]* | sort)' ++ stty -F /dev/ttyS3 ++ has_binary getty ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type getty ++ return 1 ++ has_binary agetty ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type agetty ++ return 0 ++ GETTY=agetty ++ REQUIRED_PROGS=("${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}" "${GETTY}" stty) + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:22.281269726 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:22.281269726 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:22.294378891 Including prep/GNU/Linux/210_include_dhclient.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:22.307092014 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/210_include_dhclient.sh ++ DHCLIENT_BIN= ++ DHCLIENT6_BIN= ++ define_dhclients_variable ++ local x ++ dhclients=() ++ for x in '"${DHCLIENT_BIN##*/}"' '"${DHCLIENT6_BIN##*/}"' dhcpcd dhclient dhcp6c dhclient6 ++ '[' x == x ']' ++ continue ++ for x in '"${DHCLIENT_BIN##*/}"' '"${DHCLIENT6_BIN##*/}"' dhcpcd dhclient dhcp6c dhclient6 ++ '[' x == x ']' ++ continue ++ for x in '"${DHCLIENT_BIN##*/}"' '"${DHCLIENT6_BIN##*/}"' dhcpcd dhclient dhcp6c dhclient6 ++ '[' xdhcpcd == x ']' ++ dhclients=(${dhclients[@]} "$x") ++ for x in '"${DHCLIENT_BIN##*/}"' '"${DHCLIENT6_BIN##*/}"' dhcpcd dhclient dhcp6c dhclient6 ++ '[' xdhclient == x ']' ++ for d in '${dhclients[@]}' ++ '[' xdhcpcd = xdhclient ']' ++ dhclients=(${dhclients[@]} "$x") ++ for x in '"${DHCLIENT_BIN##*/}"' '"${DHCLIENT6_BIN##*/}"' dhcpcd dhclient dhcp6c dhclient6 ++ '[' xdhcp6c == x ']' ++ for d in '${dhclients[@]}' ++ '[' xdhcpcd = xdhcp6c ']' ++ for d in '${dhclients[@]}' ++ '[' xdhclient = xdhcp6c ']' ++ dhclients=(${dhclients[@]} "$x") ++ for x in '"${DHCLIENT_BIN##*/}"' '"${DHCLIENT6_BIN##*/}"' dhcpcd dhclient dhcp6c dhclient6 ++ '[' xdhclient6 == x ']' ++ for d in '${dhclients[@]}' ++ '[' xdhcpcd = xdhclient6 ']' ++ for d in '${dhclients[@]}' ++ '[' xdhclient = xdhclient6 ']' ++ for d in '${dhclients[@]}' ++ '[' xdhcp6c = xdhclient6 ']' ++ dhclients=(${dhclients[@]} "$x") ++ dhclients='dhcpcd dhclient dhcp6c dhclient6' ++ dhcp_interfaces_active ++ local my_dhclients ++ my_dhclients='dhcpcd dhclient dhcp6c dhclient6' ++ my_dhclients='dhcpcd|dhclient|dhcp6c|dhclient6' ++ ps -e ++ grep -qEs '[ /](dhcpcd|dhclient|dhcp6c|dhclient6)' ++ '[' 0 -eq 0 ']' ++ Log 'Running DHCP client found, enabling USE_DHCLIENT' ++ test 1 -gt 0 +++ Stamp +++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' ++ echo '2017-06-06 11:24:22.387611191 Running DHCP client found, enabling USE_DHCLIENT' 2017-06-06 11:24:22.387611191 Running DHCP client found, enabling USE_DHCLIENT ++ USE_DHCLIENT=y ++ '[' '!' -z '' ']' ++ '[' '!' -z '' ']' ++ '[' -z '' ']' ++ for x in '${dhclients}' ++ has_binary dhcpcd ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type dhcpcd ++ return 1 ++ for x in '${dhclients}' ++ has_binary dhclient ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type dhclient ++ return 0 +++ get_path dhclient +++ type -P dhclient ++ define_dhclient_bins /sbin/dhclient ++ case ${1##*/} in ++ DHCLIENT_BIN=dhclient ++ for x in '${dhclients}' ++ has_binary dhcp6c ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type dhcp6c ++ return 0 +++ get_path dhcp6c +++ type -P dhcp6c ++ define_dhclient_bins /sbin/dhcp6c ++ case ${1##*/} in ++ DHCLIENT6_BIN=dhcp6c ++ for x in '${dhclients}' ++ has_binary dhclient6 ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type dhclient6 ++ return 1 ++ COPY_AS_IS=("${COPY_AS_IS[@]}" "/etc/localtime" "/usr/lib/dhcpcd/*") ++ PROGS=("${PROGS[@]}" arping ipcalc usleep "${dhclients[@]}") ++ '[' '!' -z y ']' ++ REQUIRED_PROGS=("${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}" $DHCLIENT_BIN $DHCLIENT6_BIN) ++ cat - + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:22.425540925 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:22.425540925 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:22.438920398 Including prep/GNU/Linux/220_include_lvm_tools.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:22.450239879 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/220_include_lvm_tools.sh +++ get_path lvm +++ type -P lvm ++ test -c /dev/mapper/control -a -x /sbin/lvm ++ Log 'Device mapper found enabled. Including LVM tools.' ++ test 1 -gt 0 +++ Stamp +++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' ++ echo '2017-06-06 11:24:22.501903553 Device mapper found enabled. Including LVM tools.' 2017-06-06 11:24:22.501903553 Device mapper found enabled. Including LVM tools. ++ PROGS=("${PROGS[@]}" lvm dmsetup dmeventd fsadm) ++ COPY_AS_IS=("${COPY_AS_IS[@]}" /etc/lvm) + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:22.514898117 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:22.514898117 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:22.527748147 Including prep/GNU/Linux/230_include_md_tools.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:22.538776445 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/230_include_md_tools.sh ++ grep -q blocks /proc/mdstat ++ return + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:22.590101657 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:22.590101657 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:22.603117558 Including prep/GNU/Linux/240_include_multipath_tools.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:22.614646303 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/240_include_multipath_tools.sh ++ [[ '' != ^[yY1] ]] ++ return + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:22.658338389 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:22.658338389 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:22.671215359 Including prep/GNU/Linux/280_include_systemd.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:22.682750348 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/280_include_systemd.sh ++ ps ax ++ grep -v grep ++ grep -q systemd + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:22.754980309 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:22.754980309 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:22.768031200 Including prep/GNU/Linux/280_include_vmware_tools.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:22.779964882 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/280_include_vmware_tools.sh ++ lsmod ++ grep -q -E '^vmxnet\b' ++ modinfo vmxnet + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:22.851881109 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:22.851881109 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:22.864533822 Including prep/GNU/Linux/290_include_drbd.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:22.876531886 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/290_include_drbd.sh ++ lsmod ++ grep -q drbd + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:22.934020670 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:22.934020670 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:22.946786307 Including prep/GNU/Linux/300_check_backup_and_output_url.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:22.957888607 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/300_check_backup_and_output_url.sh ++ local url= ++ for url in '"$BACKUP_URL"' '"$OUTPUT_URL"' ++ test usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ url_scheme usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ local url=usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ local scheme=usb +++ echo usb +++ grep -q : +++ echo usb ++ local scheme=usb +++ url_host usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ local url=usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ local url_without_scheme=/dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ local authority_part= +++ echo ++ local authority= +++ url_path usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ local url=usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ local url_without_scheme=/dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ echo /dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 ++ local path=/dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 ++ case "$scheme" in ++ test '' ++ test /dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 ++ for url in '"$BACKUP_URL"' '"$OUTPUT_URL"' ++ test usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ url_scheme usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ local url=usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ local scheme=usb +++ echo usb +++ grep -q : +++ echo usb ++ local scheme=usb +++ url_host usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ local url=usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ local url_without_scheme=/dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ local authority_part= +++ echo ++ local authority= +++ url_path usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ local url=usb:///dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ local url_without_scheme=/dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ echo /dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 ++ local path=/dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 ++ case "$scheme" in ++ test '' ++ test /dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:23.058719932 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:23.058719932 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:23.071695252 Including prep/GNU/Linux/300_include_grub_tools.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:23.083141952 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/300_include_grub_tools.sh ++ [[ ! -d /var/lib/rear/recovery ]] +++ ls -d /boot/grub ++ grubdir=/boot/grub ++ [[ ! -d /boot/grub ]] ++ has_binary grub-probe ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type grub-probe ++ return 1 ++ has_binary grub2-probe ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type grub2-probe ++ return 1 ++ PROGS=("${PROGS[@]}" grub-install grub-mkdevicemap grub-probe grub-set-default grub-mkconfig grub-reboot grub-setup grub-mkimage grub-mkrelpath grub-mkpasswd-pbkdf2 grub2-install grub2-mkdevicemap grub2-probe grub2-set-default grub2-mkconfig grub2-reboot grub2-setup grub2-mkimage grub2-mkrelpath grub2-mkpasswd-pbkdf2 grub-bios-setup grub2-bios-setup) ++ COPY_AS_IS=("${COPY_AS_IS[@]}" /etc/default/grub /etc/grub.d/* /etc/grub*.cfg /boot/grub* /usr/lib/grub* /usr/share/grub*) + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:23.144940528 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:23.144940528 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:23.157490607 Including prep/GNU/Linux/310_include_cap_utils.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:23.169354531 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/310_include_cap_utils.sh ++ is_true n ++ case "$1" in ++ return 1 + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:23.213368246 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:23.213368246 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:23.226310726 Including prep/default/310_include_uefi_tools.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:23.237417783 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/default/310_include_uefi_tools.sh ++ grep -qw noefi /proc/cmdline ++ [[ ! -d /boot/efi ]] ++ return + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:23.288647672 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:23.288647672 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:23.301586020 Including prep/default/320_include_uefi_env.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:23.313230132 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/default/320_include_uefi_env.sh ++ grep -qw noefi /proc/cmdline ++ is_false ++ case "$1" in ++ return 1 ++ modprobe -q efivars ++ SYSFS_DIR_EFI_VARS= ++ [[ -d /sys/firmware/efi/vars ]] ++ [[ -d /sys/firmware/efi/efivars ]] ++ return + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:23.381199997 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:23.381199997 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:23.394394612 Including prep/USB/Linux-i386/340_find_mbr_bin.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:23.406005652 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/USB/Linux-i386/340_find_mbr_bin.sh +++ find_syslinux_file mbr.bin +++ local syslinux_file= +++ for file in '/usr/{share,lib,libexec,lib/syslinux}/*/"$1"' +++ [[ -s /usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin ]] +++ syslinux_file=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin +++ break +++ echo /usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin ++ SYSLINUX_MBR_BIN=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin ++ [[ -s /usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin ]] +++ dirname /usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin ++ StopIfError 'Could not find '\''mbr.bin'\'' in /usr/lib/syslinux. Syslinux version 3.08 or newer is required, 4.x prefered !' ++ (( 0 != 0 )) + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:23.478534155 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:23.478534155 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:23.491357808 Including prep/USB/Linux-i386/350_check_usb_disk.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:23.503343385 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/USB/Linux-i386/350_check_usb_disk.sh ++ '[' /dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 ']' ++ StopIfError 'USB device ($USB_DEVICE) is not set.' ++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ readlink -f /dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 ++ REAL_USB_DEVICE=/dev/sdb1 ++ '[' -b /dev/sdb1 ']' ++ StopIfError 'USB device '\''/dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000'\'' is not a block device' ++ (( 0 != 0 )) ++ grep -q '^/dev/sdb1 ' /proc/mounts +++ grep -E '^/dev/sdb1\s' /proc/mounts +++ cut '-d ' -f2 +++ tail -1 ++ StopIfError 'USB device '\''/dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000'\'' is already mounted on ' ++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++++ my_udevinfo -q path -n /dev/sdb1 +++++ has_binary udevadm +++++ for bin in '$@' +++++ type udevadm +++++ return 1 +++++ udevinfo -q path -n /dev/sdb1 ++++ dirname /block/sdb/sdb1 +++ basename /block/sdb ++ TEMP_USB_DEVICE=sdb ++ '[' sdb -a -b /dev/sdb ']' +++ my_udevinfo -q name -n sdb +++ has_binary udevadm +++ for bin in '$@' +++ type udevadm +++ return 1 +++ udevinfo -q name -n sdb ++ RAW_USB_DEVICE=/dev/sdb ++ '[' /dev/sdb -a -b /dev/sdb ']' ++ StopIfError 'Unable to determine raw USB device for /dev/sdb1' ++ (( 0 != 0 )) + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:23.694734876 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:23.694734876 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:23.708198450 Including prep/USB/Linux-i386/350_find_syslinux_modules.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:23.719804213 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/USB/Linux-i386/350_find_syslinux_modules.sh ++ local syslinux_modules_dir= +++ find_syslinux_modules_dir menu.c32 ++++ get_syslinux_version ++++ local syslinux_version +++++ get_version extlinux --version +++++ TERM=dumb +++++ extlinux --version +++++ sed -rn 's/^[^0-9\.]*([0-9]+\.[-0-9a-z\.]+).*$/\1/p' +++++ head -1 ++++ syslinux_version=3.11 ++++ [[ -z 3.11 ]] ++++ [[ -z 3.11 ]] ++++ [[ -z 3.11 ]] ++++ echo 3.11 +++ local syslinux_version=3.11 +++ local syslinux_modules_dir= +++ [[ -n '' ]] +++ version_newer 3.11 5.00 +++ v1list=(${1//[-.]/ }) +++ local v1list +++ v2list=(${2//[-.]/ }) +++ local v2list +++ local max=2 +++ (( 2 < 2 )) +++ local pos ++++ seq 0 1 +++ for pos in '$(seq 0 $(( max -1 )))' +++ (( 10#03 < 10#05 )) +++ return 1 +++ echo '' ++ syslinux_modules_dir= ++ [[ -n '' ]] + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:23.812760468 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:23.812760468 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:23.825643328 Including prep/USB/default/380_copy_usb_fs_module.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:23.837764532 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/USB/default/380_copy_usb_fs_module.sh ++ local usb_fs_type +++ fsck -N /dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 +++ tail -1 +++ awk '{print $1}' +++ cut -d. -f2 ++ usb_fs_type=ext3 ++ [[ -z ext3 ]] ++ MODULES=("${MODULES[@]}" "$usb_fs_type") ++ MODULES_LOAD=("${MODULES_LOAD[@]}" "$usb_fs_type") ++ Log 'Added USB Device /dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 file system type ext3 to MODULES/MODULES_LOAD' ++ test 1 -gt 0 +++ Stamp +++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' ++ echo '2017-06-06 11:24:24.123233254 Added USB Device /dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 file system type ext3 to MODULES/MODULES_LOAD' 2017-06-06 11:24:24.123233254 Added USB Device /dev/disk/by-label/REAR-000 file system type ext3 to MODULES/MODULES_LOAD + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:24.135306865 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:24.135306865 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:24.149001465 Including prep/USB/Linux-i386/400_check_extlinux.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:24.160984688 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/USB/Linux-i386/400_check_extlinux.sh ++ has_binary extlinux ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type extlinux ++ return 0 + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:24.206850596 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:24.206850596 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:24.220275072 Including prep/BAREOS/default/400_prep_bareos.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:24.231943644 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/BAREOS/default/400_prep_bareos.sh ++ CLONE_GROUPS=("${CLONE_GROUPS[@]}" bareos) ++ COPY_AS_IS=("${COPY_AS_IS[@]}" "${COPY_AS_IS_BAREOS[@]}") ++ COPY_AS_IS_EXCLUDE=("${COPY_AS_IS_EXCLUDE[@]}" "${COPY_AS_IS_EXCLUDE_BAREOS[@]}") ++ PROGS=("${PROGS[@]}" "${PROGS_BAREOS[@]}") ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:24.277753423 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:24.277753423 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:24.291203870 Including prep/default/400_save_mountpoint_details.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:24.302963938 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/default/400_save_mountpoint_details.sh ++ : ++ read junk junk userid groupid junk junk junk junk dir ++++ mount ++++ grep -vE '(cgroup|fuse|nfsd|/sys/|REAR-000)' ++++ awk '{print $3}' +++ ls -ld / /proc /sys /dev/pts /boot /dev/shm /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs ++ [[ / = / ]] ++ continue ++ read junk junk userid groupid junk junk junk junk dir ++ [[ /boot = / ]] +++ stat -c %a /boot ++ echo boot 755 root root ++ read junk junk userid groupid junk junk junk junk dir ++ [[ /dev/pts = / ]] +++ stat -c %a /dev/pts ++ echo dev/pts 755 root root ++ read junk junk userid groupid junk junk junk junk dir ++ [[ /dev/shm = / ]] +++ stat -c %a /dev/shm ++ echo dev/shm 1777 root root ++ read junk junk userid groupid junk junk junk junk dir ++ [[ /proc = / ]] +++ stat -c %a /proc ++ echo proc 555 root root ++ read junk junk userid groupid junk junk junk junk dir ++ [[ /sys = / ]] +++ stat -c %a /sys ++ echo sys 755 root root ++ read junk junk userid groupid junk junk junk junk dir ++ [[ /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs = / ]] +++ stat -c %a /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs ++ echo var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs 755 root root ++ read junk junk userid groupid junk junk junk junk dir + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:24.510588355 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:24.510588355 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:24.551584543 Including prep/BAREOS/default/450_check_BAREOS_client_configured.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:24.564028873 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/BAREOS/default/450_check_BAREOS_client_configured.sh ++ '[' '' -o '' ']' ++ has_binary bareos-fd ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type bareos-fd ++ return 0 ++ StopIfError 'Bareos File Daemon is missing' ++ (( 0 != 0 )) ++ '[' -s /etc/bareos/bareos-fd.conf ']' ++ '[' -s /etc/bareos/bareos-fd.d/client/myself.conf ']' ++ StopIfError 'Bareos configuration file (bareos-fd.conf) missing' ++ (( 0 != 0 )) ++ has_binary bconsole ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type bconsole ++ return 0 ++ StopIfError 'Bareos console executable is missing' ++ (( 0 != 0 )) ++ '[' -s /etc/bareos/bconsole.conf ']' ++ StopIfError 'Bareos configuration file (bconsole.conf) missing' ++ (( 0 != 0 )) + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:24.613996375 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:24.613996375 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:24.627441458 Including prep/BAREOS/default/500_check_BAREOS_bconsole_results.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:24.638884903 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/BAREOS/default/500_check_BAREOS_bconsole_results.sh ++ '[' '' -o '' ']' +++ grep -i address /etc/bareos/bconsole.conf +++ awk '{ print $3 }' ++ BAREOS_DIRECTOR=niihau.srv.isomedia.courttrax.com ++ '[' niihau.srv.isomedia.courttrax.com ']' ++ StopIfError 'Director not defined in /etc/bareos/bconsole.conf' ++ (( 0 != 0 )) ++ test '' ++ Log 'Skipping ping test' ++ test 1 -gt 0 +++ Stamp +++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' ++ echo '2017-06-06 11:24:24.809634307 Skipping ping test' 2017-06-06 11:24:24.809634307 Skipping ping test ++ '[' -z devlamp2-fd ']' ++ '[' devlamp2-fd ']' +++ hostname -s ++ StopIfError 'Client devlamp2 not defined in /etc/bareos/bareos-fd.conf' ++ (( 0 != 0 )) ++ BAREOS_RESULT=(`echo -e " status client=${BAREOS_CLIENT}" | bconsole |grep Connect `) +++ echo -e ' status client=devlamp2-fd' +++ bconsole +++ grep Connect ++ director=niihau.srv.isomedia.courttrax.com:9101 ++ client=devlamp2.courttrax.com:9102 ++ '[' niihau.srv.isomedia.courttrax.com:9101 ']' ++ StopIfError 'Bareos director not reachable.' ++ (( 0 != 0 )) ++ '[' devlamp2.courttrax.com:9102 ']' ++ StopIfError 'Bareos client status unknown on director.' ++ (( 0 != 0 )) ++ Log 'Bareos director = niihau.srv.isomedia.courttrax.com:9101, client = devlamp2.courttrax.com:9102' ++ test 1 -gt 0 +++ Stamp +++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' ++ echo '2017-06-06 11:24:25.665681842 Bareos director = niihau.srv.isomedia.courttrax.com:9101, client = devlamp2.courttrax.com:9102' 2017-06-06 11:24:25.665681842 Bareos director = niihau.srv.isomedia.courttrax.com:9101, client = devlamp2.courttrax.com:9102 + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:25.678445631 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:25.678445631 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:25.691697663 Including prep/default/500_guess_bootloader.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:25.704414289 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/default/500_guess_bootloader.sh ++ [[ -f /etc/sysconfig/bootloader ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=dm-0 ++ [[ dm-0 = hd* ]] ++ [[ dm-0 = sd* ]] ++ [[ dm-0 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ dm-0 = vd* ]] ++ [[ dm-0 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=dm-1 ++ [[ dm-1 = hd* ]] ++ [[ dm-1 = sd* ]] ++ [[ dm-1 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ dm-1 = vd* ]] ++ [[ dm-1 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=fd0 ++ [[ fd0 = hd* ]] ++ [[ fd0 = sd* ]] ++ [[ fd0 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ fd0 = vd* ]] ++ [[ fd0 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=hdc ++ [[ hdc = hd* ]] +++ get_device_name /sys/block/hdc +++ local name=/sys/block/hdc +++ name=hdc +++ [[ -n hdc ]] +++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ local device dev_number mapper_number +++ [[ -d /sys/block/hdc ]] +++ [[ -r /sys/block/hdc/dm/name ]] +++ dev_number=22:0 +++ for device in '/dev/mapper/*' ++++ dmsetup info -c --noheadings -o major,minor VolGroup00-LogVol00 +++ mapper_number=253:0 +++ '[' 22:0 = 253:0 ']' +++ for device in '/dev/mapper/*' ++++ dmsetup info -c --noheadings -o major,minor VolGroup00-LogVol01 +++ mapper_number=253:1 +++ '[' 22:0 = 253:1 ']' +++ for device in '/dev/mapper/*' ++++ dmsetup info -c --noheadings -o major,minor control +++ mapper_number= +++ '[' 22:0 = '' ']' +++ [[ hdc =~ ^mapper/ ]] ++++ readlink /dev/hdc +++ my_dm= +++ name=hdc +++ echo /dev/hdc +++ return 1 ++ devname=/dev/hdc +++ file -s /dev/hdc +++ grep ID=0x41 ++ dd if=/dev/hdc bs=512 count=4 ++ strings dd: opening `/dev/hdc': No medium found ++ grep -q EFI /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/bootloader ++ grep -q GRUB /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/bootloader ++ grep -q LILO /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/bootloader ++ Log 'Displaying the raw bootloader info of device /dev/hdc:' ++ test 1 -gt 0 +++ Stamp +++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' ++ echo '2017-06-06 11:24:26.060694582 Displaying the raw bootloader info of device /dev/hdc:' 2017-06-06 11:24:26.060694582 Displaying the raw bootloader info of device /dev/hdc: ++ cat /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/bootloader ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=md0 ++ [[ md0 = hd* ]] ++ [[ md0 = sd* ]] ++ [[ md0 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ md0 = vd* ]] ++ [[ md0 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram0 ++ [[ ram0 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram0 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram0 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram0 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram0 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram1 ++ [[ ram1 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram1 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram1 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram1 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram1 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram10 ++ [[ ram10 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram10 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram10 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram10 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram10 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram11 ++ [[ ram11 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram11 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram11 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram11 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram11 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram12 ++ [[ ram12 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram12 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram12 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram12 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram12 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram13 ++ [[ ram13 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram13 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram13 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram13 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram13 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram14 ++ [[ ram14 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram14 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram14 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram14 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram14 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram15 ++ [[ ram15 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram15 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram15 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram15 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram15 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram2 ++ [[ ram2 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram2 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram2 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram2 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram2 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram3 ++ [[ ram3 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram3 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram3 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram3 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram3 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram4 ++ [[ ram4 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram4 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram4 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram4 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram4 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram5 ++ [[ ram5 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram5 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram5 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram5 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram5 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram6 ++ [[ ram6 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram6 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram6 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram6 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram6 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram7 ++ [[ ram7 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram7 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram7 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram7 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram7 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram8 ++ [[ ram8 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram8 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram8 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram8 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram8 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram9 ++ [[ ram9 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram9 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram9 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram9 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram9 = xvd* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=sda ++ [[ sda = hd* ]] ++ [[ sda = sd* ]] +++ get_device_name /sys/block/sda +++ local name=/sys/block/sda +++ name=sda +++ [[ -n sda ]] +++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ local device dev_number mapper_number +++ [[ -d /sys/block/sda ]] +++ [[ -r /sys/block/sda/dm/name ]] +++ dev_number=8:0 +++ for device in '/dev/mapper/*' ++++ dmsetup info -c --noheadings -o major,minor VolGroup00-LogVol00 +++ mapper_number=253:0 +++ '[' 8:0 = 253:0 ']' +++ for device in '/dev/mapper/*' ++++ dmsetup info -c --noheadings -o major,minor VolGroup00-LogVol01 +++ mapper_number=253:1 +++ '[' 8:0 = 253:1 ']' +++ for device in '/dev/mapper/*' ++++ dmsetup info -c --noheadings -o major,minor control +++ mapper_number= +++ '[' 8:0 = '' ']' +++ [[ sda =~ ^mapper/ ]] ++++ readlink /dev/sda +++ my_dm= +++ name=sda +++ echo /dev/sda +++ return 1 ++ devname=/dev/sda +++ file -s /dev/sda +++ grep ID=0x41 ++ dd if=/dev/sda bs=512 count=4 ++ strings 4+0 records in 4+0 records out 2048 bytes (2.0 kB) copied, 0.000321556 seconds, 6.4 MB/s ++ grep -q EFI /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/bootloader ++ grep -q GRUB /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/bootloader ++ echo GRUB ++ return + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:26.201739006 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:26.201739006 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:26.215144314 Including prep/BAREOS/default/550_check_bareos_restore_jobs.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:26.226422290 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/BAREOS/default/550_check_bareos_restore_jobs.sh ++ [[ ! -z '' ]] ++ echo 'show jobs' ++ bconsole ++ grep 'Name =' ++ grep restore ++ grep devlamp2 ++ cut -d= -f2 ++ '[' -s /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/bareos_restorejobs ']' ++ echo 'show jobs' ++ bconsole ++ grep 'Name =' ++ grep -i restore ++ cut -d= -f2 ++ nr_of_restore_jobs=($(wc -l $TMP_DIR/bareos_restorejobs)) +++ wc -l /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/bareos_restorejobs ++ case "$nr_of_restore_jobs" in ++ BAREOS_RESTORE_JOB= +++ sed -e 's/"//g' /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/bareos_restorejobs ++ Log 'We found Bareos restore job : Restore Files' ++ test 1 -gt 0 +++ Stamp +++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' ++ echo '2017-06-06 11:24:27.445503835 We found Bareos restore job : Restore Files' 2017-06-06 11:24:27.445503835 We found Bareos restore job : Restore Files + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:27.459359648 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:27.459359648 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:27.473959115 Including prep/BAREOS/default/560_check_bareos_filesets.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:27.486518419 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/BAREOS/default/560_check_bareos_filesets.sh ++ [[ ! -z Linux - All Filesystems ]] ++ return + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:27.534024242 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:27.534024242 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:27.546964065 Including prep/default/950_check_missing_programs.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:27.558550528 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/prep/default/950_check_missing_programs.sh ++ declare -a MISSING_PROGS ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary /usr/sbin/rear ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type /usr/sbin/rear ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary bash ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type bash ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary awk ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type awk ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary cpio ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type cpio ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary dd ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type dd ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary df ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type df ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary getopt ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type getopt ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary ip ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type ip ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary tar ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type tar ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary sort ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type sort ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary mv ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type mv ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary uniq ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type uniq ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary grep ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type grep ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary loadkeys ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type loadkeys ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary kbd_mode ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type kbd_mode ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary dumpkeys ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type dumpkeys ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary diff ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type diff ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary join ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type join ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary pwd ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type pwd ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary file ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type file ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary pidof ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type pidof ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary sync ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type sync ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary strings ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type strings ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary parted ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type parted ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary sfdisk ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type sfdisk ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary mingetty ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type mingetty ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary agetty ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type agetty ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary stty ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type stty ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary dhclient ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type dhclient ++ return 0 ++ for f in '"${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}"' ++ has_binary dhcp6c ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type dhcp6c ++ return 0 ++ test -n '' + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:27.610796667 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:27.610796667 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:27.624179351 Finished running 'prep' stage in 6 seconds 2017-06-06 11:24:27.636917885 Running 'layout/save' stage 2017-06-06 11:24:27.694419151 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/100_create_layout_file.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:27.706055133 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/100_create_layout_file.sh ++ LogPrint 'Creating disk layout' ++ Log 'Creating disk layout' ++ test 1 -gt 0 +++ Stamp +++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' ++ echo '2017-06-06 11:24:27.776756578 Creating disk layout' 2017-06-06 11:24:27.776756578 Creating disk layout ++ Print 'Creating disk layout' ++ test 1 ++ echo -e 'Creating disk layout' ++ Log 'Preparing layout directory.' ++ test 1 -gt 0 +++ Stamp +++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' ++ echo '2017-06-06 11:24:27.788577158 Preparing layout directory.' 2017-06-06 11:24:27.788577158 Preparing layout directory. ++ mkdir -p -v /var/lib/rear/layout ++ mkdir -p -v /var/lib/rear/recovery ++ mkdir -p -v /var/lib/rear/layout/config ++ DISKLAYOUT_FILE=/var/lib/rear/layout/disklayout.conf ++ '[' -e /var/lib/rear/layout/disklayout.conf ']' ++ Log 'Removing old layout file.' ++ test 1 -gt 0 +++ Stamp +++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' ++ echo '2017-06-06 11:24:27.820384056 Removing old layout file.' 2017-06-06 11:24:27.820384056 Removing old layout file. ++ : ++ LAYOUT_FILE=/var/lib/rear/layout/disklayout.conf ++ LAYOUT_DEPS=/var/lib/rear/layout/diskdeps.conf ++ LAYOUT_TODO=/var/lib/rear/layout/disktodo.conf ++ : ++ : + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:27.832919116 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:27.832919116 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:27.846325056 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/150_save_diskbyid_mappings.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:27.858231151 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/150_save_diskbyid_mappings.sh ++ UdevQueryName= ++ type -p udevinfo ++ UdevQueryName='udevinfo -r -q name -n' ++ type -p udevadm ++ [[ -z udevinfo -r -q name -n ]] ++ ls /dev/disk/by-id ++ read ID +++ udevinfo -r -q name -n /dev/disk/by-id/ata-VMware_Virtual_IDE_CDROM_Drive_10000000000000000001 ++ ID_NEW=/dev/hdc ++ echo ata-VMware_Virtual_IDE_CDROM_Drive_10000000000000000001 /dev/hdc ++ read ID +++ udevinfo -r -q name -n /dev/disk/by-id/usb-Generic_Flash_Disk_05E722DA ++ ID_NEW=/dev/sdb ++ echo usb-Generic_Flash_Disk_05E722DA /dev/sdb ++ read ID +++ udevinfo -r -q name -n /dev/disk/by-id/usb-Generic_Flash_Disk_05E722DA-part1 ++ ID_NEW=/dev/sdb1 ++ echo usb-Generic_Flash_Disk_05E722DA-part1 /dev/sdb1 ++ read ID ++ [[ -f /var/lib/rear/recovery/diskbyid_mappings ]] ++ Log 'Saved diskbyid_mappings' ++ test 1 -gt 0 +++ Stamp +++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' ++ echo '2017-06-06 11:24:27.959884704 Saved diskbyid_mappings' 2017-06-06 11:24:27.959884704 Saved diskbyid_mappings + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:27.971529937 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:27.971529937 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:27.985556360 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/200_partition_layout.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:27.997303794 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/200_partition_layout.sh ++ FEATURE_PARTED_MACHINEREADABLE= ++ FEATURE_PARTED_OLDNAMING= +++ get_version parted -v +++ TERM=dumb +++ parted -v +++ sed -rn 's/^[^0-9\.]*([0-9]+\.[-0-9a-z\.]+).*$/\1/p' +++ head -1 ++ parted_version=1.8.1 ++ [[ -n 1.8.1 ]] ++ BugIfError 'Function get_version could not detect parted version.' ++ (( 0 != 0 )) ++ version_newer 1.8.1 1.8.2 ++ v1list=(${1//[-.]/ }) ++ local v1list ++ v2list=(${2//[-.]/ }) ++ local v2list ++ local max=3 ++ (( 3 < 3 )) ++ local pos +++ seq 0 2 ++ for pos in '$(seq 0 $(( max -1 )))' ++ (( 10#01 < 10#01 )) ++ (( 10#01 > 10#01 )) ++ for pos in '$(seq 0 $(( max -1 )))' ++ (( 10#08 < 10#08 )) ++ (( 10#08 > 10#08 )) ++ for pos in '$(seq 0 $(( max -1 )))' ++ (( 10#01 < 10#02 )) ++ return 1 ++ version_newer 1.8.1 1.6.23 ++ v1list=(${1//[-.]/ }) ++ local v1list ++ v2list=(${2//[-.]/ }) ++ local v2list ++ local max=3 ++ (( 3 < 3 )) ++ local pos +++ seq 0 2 ++ for pos in '$(seq 0 $(( max -1 )))' ++ (( 10#01 < 10#01 )) ++ (( 10#01 > 10#01 )) ++ for pos in '$(seq 0 $(( max -1 )))' ++ (( 10#08 < 10#06 )) ++ (( 10#08 > 10#06 )) ++ return 0 ++ Log 'Saving disk partitions.' ++ test 1 -gt 0 +++ Stamp +++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' ++ echo '2017-06-06 11:24:28.209707491 Saving disk partitions.' 2017-06-06 11:24:28.209707491 Saving disk partitions. ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=dm-0 ++ [[ dm-0 = hd* ]] ++ [[ dm-0 = sd* ]] ++ [[ dm-0 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ dm-0 = vd* ]] ++ [[ dm-0 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ dm-0 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ dm-0 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=dm-1 ++ [[ dm-1 = hd* ]] ++ [[ dm-1 = sd* ]] ++ [[ dm-1 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ dm-1 = vd* ]] ++ [[ dm-1 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ dm-1 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ dm-1 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=fd0 ++ [[ fd0 = hd* ]] ++ [[ fd0 = sd* ]] ++ [[ fd0 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ fd0 = vd* ]] ++ [[ fd0 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ fd0 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ fd0 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=hdc ++ [[ hdc = hd* ]] +++ get_device_name /sys/block/hdc +++ local name=/sys/block/hdc +++ name=hdc +++ [[ -n hdc ]] +++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ local device dev_number mapper_number +++ [[ -d /sys/block/hdc ]] +++ [[ -r /sys/block/hdc/dm/name ]] +++ dev_number=22:0 +++ for device in '/dev/mapper/*' ++++ dmsetup info -c --noheadings -o major,minor VolGroup00-LogVol00 +++ mapper_number=253:0 +++ '[' 22:0 = 253:0 ']' +++ for device in '/dev/mapper/*' ++++ dmsetup info -c --noheadings -o major,minor VolGroup00-LogVol01 +++ mapper_number=253:1 +++ '[' 22:0 = 253:1 ']' +++ for device in '/dev/mapper/*' ++++ dmsetup info -c --noheadings -o major,minor control +++ mapper_number= +++ '[' 22:0 = '' ']' +++ [[ hdc =~ ^mapper/ ]] ++++ readlink /dev/hdc +++ my_dm= +++ name=hdc +++ echo /dev/hdc +++ return 1 ++ devname=/dev/hdc +++ get_disk_size hdc +++ local disk_name=hdc ++++ get_block_size hdc ++++ '[' -r /sys/block/hdc/queue/logical_block_size ']' ++++ echo 512 +++ local block_size=512 +++ '[' -r /sys/block/hdc/size ']' +++ BugIfError 'Could not determine size of disk hdc, please file a bug.' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ local nr_blocks=8388604 +++ local disk_size=4294965248 +++ echo 4294965248 ++ devsize=4294965248 ++ is_multipath_path hdc ++ '[' hdc ']' ++ type multipath ++ multipath -c /dev/hdc +++ grep -E 'Partition Table|Disk label' +++ parted -s /dev/hdc print +++ cut -d : -f 2 +++ tr -d ' ' ++ disktype= ++ echo '# Disk /dev/hdc' ++ echo '# Format: disk ' ++ echo 'disk /dev/hdc 4294965248 ' ++ echo '# Partitions on /dev/hdc' ++ echo '# Format: part /dev/' ++ extract_partitions /dev/hdc ++ declare device=/dev/hdc +++ get_sysfs_name /dev/hdc +++ local name=hdc +++ name=hdc +++ [[ -e /sys/block/hdc ]] +++ echo hdc +++ return 0 ++ declare sysfs_name=hdc ++ sysfs_paths=(/sys/block/$sysfs_name/$sysfs_name*) ++ declare -a sysfs_paths ++ declare path sysfs_path ++ [[ 0 -eq 0 ]] ++ [[ /dev/hdc != /dev/hdc ]] ++ : ++ declare partition_name partition_prefix start_block ++ declare partition_nr size start ++ sort -n /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/partitions_unsorted ++ [[ ! -s /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/partitions ]] ++ Debug 'No partitions found on /dev/hdc.' ++ test 1 ++ Log 'No partitions found on /dev/hdc.' ++ test 1 -gt 0 +++ Stamp +++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' ++ echo '2017-06-06 11:24:28.385435589 No partitions found on /dev/hdc.' 2017-06-06 11:24:28.385435589 No partitions found on /dev/hdc. ++ return ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=md0 ++ [[ md0 = hd* ]] ++ [[ md0 = sd* ]] ++ [[ md0 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ md0 = vd* ]] ++ [[ md0 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ md0 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ md0 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram0 ++ [[ ram0 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram0 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram0 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram0 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram0 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ ram0 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ ram0 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram1 ++ [[ ram1 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram1 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram1 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram1 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram1 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ ram1 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ ram1 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram10 ++ [[ ram10 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram10 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram10 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram10 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram10 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ ram10 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ ram10 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram11 ++ [[ ram11 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram11 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram11 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram11 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram11 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ ram11 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ ram11 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram12 ++ [[ ram12 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram12 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram12 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram12 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram12 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ ram12 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ ram12 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram13 ++ [[ ram13 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram13 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram13 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram13 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram13 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ ram13 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ ram13 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram14 ++ [[ ram14 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram14 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram14 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram14 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram14 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ ram14 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ ram14 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram15 ++ [[ ram15 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram15 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram15 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram15 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram15 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ ram15 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ ram15 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram2 ++ [[ ram2 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram2 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram2 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram2 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram2 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ ram2 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ ram2 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram3 ++ [[ ram3 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram3 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram3 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram3 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram3 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ ram3 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ ram3 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram4 ++ [[ ram4 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram4 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram4 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram4 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram4 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ ram4 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ ram4 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram5 ++ [[ ram5 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram5 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram5 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram5 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram5 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ ram5 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ ram5 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram6 ++ [[ ram6 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram6 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram6 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram6 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram6 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ ram6 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ ram6 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram7 ++ [[ ram7 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram7 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram7 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram7 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram7 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ ram7 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ ram7 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram8 ++ [[ ram8 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram8 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram8 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram8 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram8 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ ram8 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ ram8 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=ram9 ++ [[ ram9 = hd* ]] ++ [[ ram9 = sd* ]] ++ [[ ram9 = cciss* ]] ++ [[ ram9 = vd* ]] ++ [[ ram9 = xvd* ]] ++ [[ ram9 = dasd* ]] ++ [[ ram9 = nvme* ]] ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=sda ++ [[ sda = hd* ]] ++ [[ sda = sd* ]] +++ get_device_name /sys/block/sda +++ local name=/sys/block/sda +++ name=sda +++ [[ -n sda ]] +++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ local device dev_number mapper_number +++ [[ -d /sys/block/sda ]] +++ [[ -r /sys/block/sda/dm/name ]] +++ dev_number=8:0 +++ for device in '/dev/mapper/*' ++++ dmsetup info -c --noheadings -o major,minor VolGroup00-LogVol00 +++ mapper_number=253:0 +++ '[' 8:0 = 253:0 ']' +++ for device in '/dev/mapper/*' ++++ dmsetup info -c --noheadings -o major,minor VolGroup00-LogVol01 +++ mapper_number=253:1 +++ '[' 8:0 = 253:1 ']' +++ for device in '/dev/mapper/*' ++++ dmsetup info -c --noheadings -o major,minor control +++ mapper_number= +++ '[' 8:0 = '' ']' +++ [[ sda =~ ^mapper/ ]] ++++ readlink /dev/sda +++ my_dm= +++ name=sda +++ echo /dev/sda +++ return 1 ++ devname=/dev/sda +++ get_disk_size sda +++ local disk_name=sda ++++ get_block_size sda ++++ '[' -r /sys/block/sda/queue/logical_block_size ']' ++++ echo 512 +++ local block_size=512 +++ '[' -r /sys/block/sda/size ']' +++ BugIfError 'Could not determine size of disk sda, please file a bug.' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ local nr_blocks=209715200 +++ local disk_size=107374182400 +++ echo 107374182400 ++ devsize=107374182400 ++ is_multipath_path sda ++ '[' sda ']' ++ type multipath ++ multipath -c /dev/sda +++ parted -s /dev/sda print +++ grep -E 'Partition Table|Disk label' +++ cut -d : -f 2 +++ tr -d ' ' ++ disktype=msdos ++ echo '# Disk /dev/sda' ++ echo '# Format: disk ' ++ echo 'disk /dev/sda 107374182400 msdos' ++ echo '# Partitions on /dev/sda' ++ echo '# Format: part /dev/' ++ extract_partitions /dev/sda ++ declare device=/dev/sda +++ get_sysfs_name /dev/sda +++ local name=sda +++ name=sda +++ [[ -e /sys/block/sda ]] +++ echo sda +++ return 0 ++ declare sysfs_name=sda ++ sysfs_paths=(/sys/block/$sysfs_name/$sysfs_name*) ++ declare -a sysfs_paths ++ declare path sysfs_path ++ [[ 2 -eq 0 ]] ++ : ++ declare partition_name partition_prefix start_block ++ declare partition_nr size start ++ for path in '"${sysfs_paths[@]}"' +++ get_device_name sda1 +++ local name=sda1 +++ name=sda1 +++ [[ -n sda1 ]] +++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ local device dev_number mapper_number +++ [[ -d /sys/block/sda1 ]] +++ [[ sda1 =~ ^mapper/ ]] ++++ readlink /dev/sda1 +++ my_dm= +++ name=sda1 +++ echo /dev/sda1 +++ return 1 ++ partition_name=/dev/sda1 ++ partition_name=sda1 ++ partition_name=sda1 +++ get_partition_number sda1 +++ local partition=sda1 ++++ grep -o -E '[0-9]+$' ++++ echo sda1 +++ local number=1 +++ '[' 1 -gt 0 ']' +++ StopIfError 'Partition number '\''1'\'' of partition sda1 is not a valid number.' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ (( 1 <= 128 )) +++ StopIfError 'Partition sda1 is numbered '\''1'\''. More than 128 partitions is not supported.' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ echo 1 ++ partition_nr=1 ++ partition_prefix=sda +++ get_disk_size sda/sda1 +++ local disk_name=sda/sda1 ++++ get_block_size sda ++++ '[' -r /sys/block/sda/queue/logical_block_size ']' ++++ echo 512 +++ local block_size=512 +++ '[' -r /sys/block/sda/sda1/size ']' +++ BugIfError 'Could not determine size of disk sda/sda1, please file a bug.' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ local nr_blocks=208782 +++ local disk_size=106896384 +++ echo 106896384 ++ size=106896384 +++ get_partition_start sda/sda1 +++ local disk_name=sda/sda1 +++ local start_block start ++++ get_block_size sda ++++ '[' -r /sys/block/sda/queue/logical_block_size ']' ++++ echo 512 +++ local block_size=512 +++ [[ -r /sys/block/sda/sda1/start ]] +++ start_block=63 +++ [[ -z 63 ]] +++ start=32256 +++ echo 32256 ++ start=32256 ++ echo '1 106896384 32256' ++ for path in '"${sysfs_paths[@]}"' +++ get_device_name sda2 +++ local name=sda2 +++ name=sda2 +++ [[ -n sda2 ]] +++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ local device dev_number mapper_number +++ [[ -d /sys/block/sda2 ]] +++ [[ sda2 =~ ^mapper/ ]] ++++ readlink /dev/sda2 +++ my_dm= +++ name=sda2 +++ echo /dev/sda2 +++ return 1 ++ partition_name=/dev/sda2 ++ partition_name=sda2 ++ partition_name=sda2 +++ get_partition_number sda2 +++ local partition=sda2 ++++ echo sda2 ++++ grep -o -E '[0-9]+$' +++ local number=2 +++ '[' 2 -gt 0 ']' +++ StopIfError 'Partition number '\''2'\'' of partition sda2 is not a valid number.' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ (( 2 <= 128 )) +++ StopIfError 'Partition sda2 is numbered '\''2'\''. More than 128 partitions is not supported.' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ echo 2 ++ partition_nr=2 ++ partition_prefix=sda +++ get_disk_size sda/sda2 +++ local disk_name=sda/sda2 ++++ get_block_size sda ++++ '[' -r /sys/block/sda/queue/logical_block_size ']' ++++ echo 512 +++ local block_size=512 +++ '[' -r /sys/block/sda/sda2/size ']' +++ BugIfError 'Could not determine size of disk sda/sda2, please file a bug.' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ local nr_blocks=209503665 +++ local disk_size=107265876480 +++ echo 107265876480 ++ size=107265876480 +++ get_partition_start sda/sda2 +++ local disk_name=sda/sda2 +++ local start_block start ++++ get_block_size sda ++++ '[' -r /sys/block/sda/queue/logical_block_size ']' ++++ echo 512 +++ local block_size=512 +++ [[ -r /sys/block/sda/sda2/start ]] +++ start_block=208845 +++ [[ -z 208845 ]] +++ start=106928640 +++ echo 106928640 ++ start=106928640 ++ echo '2 107265876480 106928640' ++ sort -n /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/partitions_unsorted ++ [[ ! -s /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/partitions ]] ++ declare disk_label ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ parted -s /dev/sda print +++ grep -E 'Partition Table|Disk label' /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/parted +++ cut -d : -f 2 +++ tr -d ' ' ++ disk_label=msdos ++ cp /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/partitions /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/partitions-data ++ declare type ++ [[ msdos = \m\s\d\o\s ]] ++ declare -i has_logical ++ read partition_nr size start junk ++ (( 1 > 4 )) ++ declare type=primary ++ sed -i '/^1 /s/$/ primary/' /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/partitions ++ read partition_nr size start junk ++ (( 2 > 4 )) ++ declare type=primary ++ sed -i '/^2 /s/$/ primary/' /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/partitions ++ read partition_nr size start junk ++ [[ msdos = \g\p\t ]] ++ [[ msdos == \g\p\t\_\s\y\n\c\_\m\b\r ]] ++ declare flags flaglist ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ declare line line_length number numberfield +++ grep Flags /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/parted ++ init_columns 'Number Start End Size Type File system Flags' ++ local 'line=Number Start End Size Type File system Flags' ++ columns= ++ local word= ++ local wasspace= ++ local len=57 ++ local i=0 ++ (( 0 < 57 )) ++ local char=N ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=N ++ [[ N = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 1 < 57 )) ++ local char=u ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Nu ++ [[ u = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 2 < 57 )) ++ local char=m ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Num ++ [[ m = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 3 < 57 )) ++ local char=b ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Numb ++ [[ b = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 4 < 57 )) ++ local char=e ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Numbe ++ [[ e = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 5 < 57 )) ++ local char=r ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Number ++ [[ r = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 6 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='Number ' ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 7 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n Number ]] ++ let start=7-7 +++ echo 'Number ' +++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ++ word='number ' ++ columns='number=0;' ++ word= ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 8 < 57 )) ++ local char=S ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ S = \ ]] ++ word=S ++ [[ S = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 9 < 57 )) ++ local char=t ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=St ++ [[ t = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 10 < 57 )) ++ local char=a ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Sta ++ [[ a = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 11 < 57 )) ++ local char=r ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Star ++ [[ r = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 12 < 57 )) ++ local char=t ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Start ++ [[ t = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 13 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='Start ' ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 14 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n Start ]] ++ let start=14-6 +++ echo 'Start ' +++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ++ word='start ' ++ columns='number=0;start=8;' ++ word= ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 15 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 16 < 57 )) ++ local char=E ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ E = \ ]] ++ word=E ++ [[ E = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 17 < 57 )) ++ local char=n ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=En ++ [[ n = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 18 < 57 )) ++ local char=d ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=End ++ [[ d = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 19 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='End ' ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 20 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n End ]] ++ let start=20-4 +++ echo 'End ' +++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ++ word='end ' ++ columns='number=0;start=8;end=16;' ++ word= ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 21 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 22 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 23 < 57 )) ++ local char=S ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ S = \ ]] ++ word=S ++ [[ S = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 24 < 57 )) ++ local char=i ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Si ++ [[ i = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 25 < 57 )) ++ local char=z ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Siz ++ [[ z = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 26 < 57 )) ++ local char=e ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Size ++ [[ e = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 27 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='Size ' ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 28 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n Size ]] ++ let start=28-5 +++ echo 'Size ' +++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ++ word='size ' ++ columns='number=0;start=8;end=16;size=23;' ++ word= ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 29 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 30 < 57 )) ++ local char=T ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ T = \ ]] ++ word=T ++ [[ T = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 31 < 57 )) ++ local char=y ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Ty ++ [[ y = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 32 < 57 )) ++ local char=p ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Typ ++ [[ p = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 33 < 57 )) ++ local char=e ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Type ++ [[ e = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 34 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='Type ' ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 35 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n Type ]] ++ let start=35-5 +++ echo 'Type ' +++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ++ word='type ' ++ columns='number=0;start=8;end=16;size=23;type=30;' ++ word= ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 36 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 37 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 38 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 39 < 57 )) ++ local char=F ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ F = \ ]] ++ word=F ++ [[ F = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 40 < 57 )) ++ local char=i ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Fi ++ [[ i = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 41 < 57 )) ++ local char=l ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Fil ++ [[ l = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 42 < 57 )) ++ local char=e ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=File ++ [[ e = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 43 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='File ' ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 44 < 57 )) ++ local char=s ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ s = \ ]] ++ word='File s' ++ [[ s = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 45 < 57 )) ++ local char=y ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='File sy' ++ [[ y = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 46 < 57 )) ++ local char=s ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='File sys' ++ [[ s = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 47 < 57 )) ++ local char=t ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='File syst' ++ [[ t = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 48 < 57 )) ++ local char=e ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='File syste' ++ [[ e = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 49 < 57 )) ++ local char=m ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='File system' ++ [[ m = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 50 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='File system ' ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 51 < 57 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n File system ]] ++ let start=51-12 +++ echo 'File system ' +++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ++ word='file system ' ++ columns='number=0;start=8;end=16;size=23;type=30;file system=39;' ++ word= ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 52 < 57 )) ++ local char=F ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ F = \ ]] ++ word=F ++ [[ F = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 53 < 57 )) ++ local char=l ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Fl ++ [[ l = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 54 < 57 )) ++ local char=a ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Fla ++ [[ a = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 55 < 57 )) ++ local char=g ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Flag ++ [[ g = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 56 < 57 )) ++ local char=s ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Flags ++ [[ s = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 57 < 57 )) ++ let start=57-5 +++ echo Flags +++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ++ word=flags ++ columns='number=0;start=8;end=16;size=23;type=30;file system=39;flags=52;' ++ read line +++ grep -E '^[ ]*[0-9]' /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/parted ++ line_length=1 ++ (( 1 < 10 )) ++ line=' 1 32.3kB 107MB 107MB primary ext3 boot' ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ numberfield=number +++ get_columns ' 1 32.3kB 107MB 107MB primary ext3 boot' number +++ local 'line= 1 32.3kB 107MB 107MB primary ext3 boot' +++ shift +++ local headers=number +++ local value= +++ for header in '$headers' ++++ get_column_start number ++++ local pair ++++ set_separator ';' ++++ OIFS=' ' ++++ IFS=';' ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=number ++++ local hstart=0 ++++ [[ number = \n\u\m\b\e\r ]] ++++ echo 0 ++++ restore_separator ++++ IFS=' ' ++++ return 0 +++ local start=0 +++ tr -d ' ' ++++ get_column_size number +++++ get_column_start number +++ tr -d ';' +++++ local pair +++++ set_separator ';' +++++ OIFS=' ' +++++ IFS=';' +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=number +++++ local hstart=0 +++++ [[ number = \n\u\m\b\e\r ]] +++++ echo 0 +++++ restore_separator +++++ IFS=' ' +++++ return 0 ++++ local start=0 +++++ get_next_header number +++++ local pair +++++ local previous +++++ set_separator ';' +++++ OIFS=' ' +++++ IFS=';' +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=number +++++ local hstart=0 +++++ [[ '' = \n\u\m\b\e\r ]] +++++ previous=number +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=start +++++ local hstart=8 +++++ [[ number = \n\u\m\b\e\r ]] +++++ echo start +++++ restore_separator +++++ IFS=' ' +++++ return 0 ++++ local nextheader=start ++++ [[ -z start ]] +++++ get_column_start start +++++ local pair +++++ set_separator ';' +++++ OIFS=' ' +++++ IFS=';' +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=number +++++ local hstart=0 +++++ [[ number = \s\t\a\r\t ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=start +++++ local hstart=8 +++++ [[ start = \s\t\a\r\t ]] +++++ echo 8 +++++ restore_separator +++++ IFS=' ' +++++ return 0 ++++ local end=8 ++++ let local size=8-0 ++++ echo 8 +++ local size=8 +++ value=' 1 ;' +++ echo ' 1 ;' ++ number=1 +++ get_columns ' 1 32.3kB 107MB 107MB primary ext3 boot' flags +++ local 'line= 1 32.3kB 107MB 107MB primary ext3 boot' +++ shift +++ local headers=flags +++ local value= +++ for header in '$headers' ++++ get_column_start flags ++++ local pair ++++ set_separator ';' ++++ OIFS=' ' ++++ IFS=';' ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=number ++++ local hstart=0 ++++ [[ number = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=start ++++ local hstart=8 ++++ [[ start = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=end ++++ local hstart=16 ++++ [[ end = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=size ++++ local hstart=23 ++++ [[ size = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=type ++++ local hstart=30 ++++ [[ type = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local 'header=file system' ++++ local hstart=39 ++++ [[ file system = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=flags ++++ local hstart=52 ++++ [[ flags = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ echo 52 +++ tr -d , ++++ restore_separator ++++ IFS=' ' ++++ return 0 +++ local start=52 ++++ get_column_size flags +++ tr -d ';' +++++ get_column_start flags +++++ local pair +++++ set_separator ';' +++++ OIFS=' ' +++++ IFS=';' +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=number +++++ local hstart=0 +++++ [[ number = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=start +++++ local hstart=8 +++++ [[ start = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=end +++++ local hstart=16 +++++ [[ end = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=size +++++ local hstart=23 +++++ [[ size = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=type +++++ local hstart=30 +++++ [[ type = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local 'header=file system' +++++ local hstart=39 +++++ [[ file system = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=flags +++++ local hstart=52 +++++ [[ flags = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ echo 52 +++++ restore_separator +++++ IFS=' ' +++++ return 0 ++++ local start=52 +++++ get_next_header flags +++++ local pair +++++ local previous +++++ set_separator ';' +++++ OIFS=' ' +++++ IFS=';' +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=number +++++ local hstart=0 +++++ [[ '' = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous=number +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=start +++++ local hstart=8 +++++ [[ number = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous=start +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=end +++++ local hstart=16 +++++ [[ start = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous=end +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=size +++++ local hstart=23 +++++ [[ end = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous=size +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=type +++++ local hstart=30 +++++ [[ size = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous=type +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local 'header=file system' +++++ local hstart=39 +++++ [[ type = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous='file system' +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=flags +++++ local hstart=52 +++++ [[ file system = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous=flags +++++ restore_separator +++++ IFS=' ' +++++ return 1 ++++ local nextheader= ++++ [[ -z '' ]] ++++ echo 255 ++++ return 0 +++ local size=255 +++ value='boot;' +++ echo 'boot;' ++ flaglist=boot ++ flags= ++ for flag in '$flaglist' ++ [[ boot = boot ]] ++ flags=boot, ++ [[ -z boot, ]] ++ sed -i '/^1 /s/$/ boot/' /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/partitions ++ read line ++ line_length=2 ++ (( 2 < 10 )) ++ line=' 2 107MB 107GB 107GB primary lvm' ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ numberfield=number +++ get_columns ' 2 107MB 107GB 107GB primary lvm' number +++ local 'line= 2 107MB 107GB 107GB primary lvm' +++ shift +++ local headers=number +++ local value= +++ for header in '$headers' ++++ get_column_start number ++++ local pair ++++ set_separator ';' ++++ OIFS=' ' ++++ IFS=';' ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=number ++++ local hstart=0 ++++ [[ number = \n\u\m\b\e\r ]] ++++ echo 0 ++++ restore_separator ++++ IFS=' ' ++++ return 0 +++ local start=0 ++++ get_column_size number +++ tr -d ';' +++++ get_column_start number +++++ local pair +++++ set_separator ';' +++++ OIFS=' ' +++++ IFS=';' +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=number +++++ local hstart=0 +++++ [[ number = \n\u\m\b\e\r ]] +++++ echo 0 +++++ restore_separator +++++ IFS=' ' +++++ return 0 ++++ local start=0 +++ tr -d ' ' +++++ get_next_header number +++++ local pair +++++ local previous +++++ set_separator ';' +++++ OIFS=' ' +++++ IFS=';' +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=number +++++ local hstart=0 +++++ [[ '' = \n\u\m\b\e\r ]] +++++ previous=number +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=start +++++ local hstart=8 +++++ [[ number = \n\u\m\b\e\r ]] +++++ echo start +++++ restore_separator +++++ IFS=' ' +++++ return 0 ++++ local nextheader=start ++++ [[ -z start ]] +++++ get_column_start start +++++ local pair +++++ set_separator ';' +++++ OIFS=' ' +++++ IFS=';' +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=number +++++ local hstart=0 +++++ [[ number = \s\t\a\r\t ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=start +++++ local hstart=8 +++++ [[ start = \s\t\a\r\t ]] +++++ echo 8 +++++ restore_separator +++++ IFS=' ' +++++ return 0 ++++ local end=8 ++++ let local size=8-0 ++++ echo 8 +++ local size=8 +++ value=' 2 ;' +++ echo ' 2 ;' ++ number=2 +++ get_columns ' 2 107MB 107GB 107GB primary lvm' flags +++ local 'line= 2 107MB 107GB 107GB primary lvm' +++ shift +++ local headers=flags +++ local value= +++ for header in '$headers' +++ tr -d , ++++ get_column_start flags ++++ local pair ++++ set_separator ';' ++++ OIFS=' ' ++++ IFS=';' ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=number ++++ local hstart=0 ++++ [[ number = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=start ++++ local hstart=8 ++++ [[ start = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=end ++++ local hstart=16 ++++ [[ end = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=size ++++ local hstart=23 ++++ [[ size = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=type ++++ local hstart=30 ++++ [[ type = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local 'header=file system' ++++ local hstart=39 ++++ [[ file system = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=flags ++++ local hstart=52 ++++ [[ flags = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ echo 52 ++++ restore_separator ++++ IFS=' ' ++++ return 0 +++ tr -d ';' +++ local start=52 ++++ get_column_size flags +++++ get_column_start flags +++++ local pair +++++ set_separator ';' +++++ OIFS=' ' +++++ IFS=';' +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=number +++++ local hstart=0 +++++ [[ number = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=start +++++ local hstart=8 +++++ [[ start = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=end +++++ local hstart=16 +++++ [[ end = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=size +++++ local hstart=23 +++++ [[ size = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=type +++++ local hstart=30 +++++ [[ type = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local 'header=file system' +++++ local hstart=39 +++++ [[ file system = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=flags +++++ local hstart=52 +++++ [[ flags = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ echo 52 +++++ restore_separator +++++ IFS=' ' +++++ return 0 ++++ local start=52 +++++ get_next_header flags +++++ local pair +++++ local previous +++++ set_separator ';' +++++ OIFS=' ' +++++ IFS=';' +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=number +++++ local hstart=0 +++++ [[ '' = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous=number +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=start +++++ local hstart=8 +++++ [[ number = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous=start +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=end +++++ local hstart=16 +++++ [[ start = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous=end +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=size +++++ local hstart=23 +++++ [[ end = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous=size +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=type +++++ local hstart=30 +++++ [[ size = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous=type +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local 'header=file system' +++++ local hstart=39 +++++ [[ type = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous='file system' +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=flags +++++ local hstart=52 +++++ [[ file system = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous=flags +++++ restore_separator +++++ IFS=' ' +++++ return 1 ++++ local nextheader= ++++ [[ -z '' ]] ++++ echo 255 ++++ return 0 +++ local size=255 +++ value='lvm;' +++ echo 'lvm;' ++ flaglist=lvm ++ flags= ++ for flag in '$flaglist' ++ [[ lvm = boot ]] ++ [[ lvm = root ]] ++ [[ lvm = swap ]] ++ [[ lvm = hidden ]] ++ [[ lvm = raid ]] ++ [[ lvm = lvm ]] ++ flags=lvm, ++ [[ -z lvm, ]] ++ sed -i '/^2 /s/$/ lvm/' /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/partitions ++ read line ++ [[ msdos = \m\s\d\o\s ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ read partition_nr size start type flags junk ++ partition_name=/dev/sda1 +++ get_device_name /dev/sda1 +++ local name=sda1 +++ name=sda1 +++ [[ -n sda1 ]] +++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ local device dev_number mapper_number +++ [[ -d /sys/block/sda1 ]] +++ [[ sda1 =~ ^mapper/ ]] ++++ readlink /dev/sda1 +++ my_dm= +++ name=sda1 +++ echo /dev/sda1 +++ return 1 ++ echo 'part /dev/sda 106896384 32256 primary boot /dev/sda1' ++ read partition_nr size start type flags junk ++ partition_name=/dev/sda2 +++ get_device_name /dev/sda2 +++ local name=sda2 +++ name=sda2 +++ [[ -n sda2 ]] +++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ local device dev_number mapper_number +++ [[ -d /sys/block/sda2 ]] +++ [[ sda2 =~ ^mapper/ ]] ++++ readlink /dev/sda2 +++ my_dm= +++ name=sda2 +++ echo /dev/sda2 +++ return 1 ++ echo 'part /dev/sda 107265876480 106928640 primary lvm /dev/sda2' ++ read partition_nr size start type flags junk ++ for disk in '/sys/block/*' ++ blockd=sdb ++ [[ sdb = hd* ]] ++ [[ sdb = sd* ]] +++ get_device_name /sys/block/sdb +++ local name=/sys/block/sdb +++ name=sdb +++ [[ -n sdb ]] +++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ local device dev_number mapper_number +++ [[ -d /sys/block/sdb ]] +++ [[ -r /sys/block/sdb/dm/name ]] +++ dev_number=8:16 +++ for device in '/dev/mapper/*' ++++ dmsetup info -c --noheadings -o major,minor VolGroup00-LogVol00 +++ mapper_number=253:0 +++ '[' 8:16 = 253:0 ']' +++ for device in '/dev/mapper/*' ++++ dmsetup info -c --noheadings -o major,minor VolGroup00-LogVol01 +++ mapper_number=253:1 +++ '[' 8:16 = 253:1 ']' +++ for device in '/dev/mapper/*' ++++ dmsetup info -c --noheadings -o major,minor control +++ mapper_number= +++ '[' 8:16 = '' ']' +++ [[ sdb =~ ^mapper/ ]] ++++ readlink /dev/sdb +++ my_dm= +++ name=sdb +++ echo /dev/sdb +++ return 1 ++ devname=/dev/sdb +++ get_disk_size sdb +++ local disk_name=sdb ++++ get_block_size sdb ++++ '[' -r /sys/block/sdb/queue/logical_block_size ']' ++++ echo 512 +++ local block_size=512 +++ '[' -r /sys/block/sdb/size ']' +++ BugIfError 'Could not determine size of disk sdb, please file a bug.' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ local nr_blocks=31457280 +++ local disk_size=16106127360 +++ echo 16106127360 ++ devsize=16106127360 ++ is_multipath_path sdb ++ '[' sdb ']' ++ type multipath ++ multipath -c /dev/sdb +++ parted -s /dev/sdb print +++ grep -E 'Partition Table|Disk label' +++ cut -d : -f 2 +++ tr -d ' ' ++ disktype=msdos ++ echo '# Disk /dev/sdb' ++ echo '# Format: disk ' ++ echo 'disk /dev/sdb 16106127360 msdos' ++ echo '# Partitions on /dev/sdb' ++ echo '# Format: part /dev/' ++ extract_partitions /dev/sdb ++ declare device=/dev/sdb +++ get_sysfs_name /dev/sdb +++ local name=sdb +++ name=sdb +++ [[ -e /sys/block/sdb ]] +++ echo sdb +++ return 0 ++ declare sysfs_name=sdb ++ sysfs_paths=(/sys/block/$sysfs_name/$sysfs_name*) ++ declare -a sysfs_paths ++ declare path sysfs_path ++ [[ 1 -eq 0 ]] ++ : ++ declare partition_name partition_prefix start_block ++ declare partition_nr size start ++ for path in '"${sysfs_paths[@]}"' +++ get_device_name sdb1 +++ local name=sdb1 +++ name=sdb1 +++ [[ -n sdb1 ]] +++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ local device dev_number mapper_number +++ [[ -d /sys/block/sdb1 ]] +++ [[ sdb1 =~ ^mapper/ ]] ++++ readlink /dev/sdb1 +++ my_dm= +++ name=sdb1 +++ echo /dev/sdb1 +++ return 1 ++ partition_name=/dev/sdb1 ++ partition_name=sdb1 ++ partition_name=sdb1 +++ get_partition_number sdb1 +++ local partition=sdb1 ++++ echo sdb1 ++++ grep -o -E '[0-9]+$' +++ local number=1 +++ '[' 1 -gt 0 ']' +++ StopIfError 'Partition number '\''1'\'' of partition sdb1 is not a valid number.' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ (( 1 <= 128 )) +++ StopIfError 'Partition sdb1 is numbered '\''1'\''. More than 128 partitions is not supported.' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ echo 1 ++ partition_nr=1 ++ partition_prefix=sdb +++ get_disk_size sdb/sdb1 +++ local disk_name=sdb/sdb1 ++++ get_block_size sdb ++++ '[' -r /sys/block/sdb/queue/logical_block_size ']' ++++ echo 512 +++ local block_size=512 +++ '[' -r /sys/block/sdb/sdb1/size ']' +++ BugIfError 'Could not determine size of disk sdb/sdb1, please file a bug.' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ local nr_blocks=31455207 +++ local disk_size=16105065984 +++ echo 16105065984 ++ size=16105065984 +++ get_partition_start sdb/sdb1 +++ local disk_name=sdb/sdb1 +++ local start_block start ++++ get_block_size sdb ++++ '[' -r /sys/block/sdb/queue/logical_block_size ']' ++++ echo 512 +++ local block_size=512 +++ [[ -r /sys/block/sdb/sdb1/start ]] +++ start_block=63 +++ [[ -z 63 ]] +++ start=32256 +++ echo 32256 ++ start=32256 ++ echo '1 16105065984 32256' ++ sort -n /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/partitions_unsorted ++ [[ ! -s /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/partitions ]] ++ declare disk_label ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ parted -s /dev/sdb print +++ grep -E 'Partition Table|Disk label' /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/parted +++ cut -d : -f 2 +++ tr -d ' ' ++ disk_label=msdos ++ cp /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/partitions /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/partitions-data ++ declare type ++ [[ msdos = \m\s\d\o\s ]] ++ declare -i has_logical ++ read partition_nr size start junk ++ (( 1 > 4 )) ++ declare type=primary ++ sed -i '/^1 /s/$/ primary/' /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/partitions ++ read partition_nr size start junk ++ [[ msdos = \g\p\t ]] ++ [[ msdos == \g\p\t\_\s\y\n\c\_\m\b\r ]] ++ declare flags flaglist ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ declare line line_length number numberfield +++ grep Flags /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/parted ++ init_columns 'Number Start End Size Type File system Flags' ++ local 'line=Number Start End Size Type File system Flags' ++ columns= ++ local word= ++ local wasspace= ++ local len=59 ++ local i=0 ++ (( 0 < 59 )) ++ local char=N ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=N ++ [[ N = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 1 < 59 )) ++ local char=u ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Nu ++ [[ u = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 2 < 59 )) ++ local char=m ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Num ++ [[ m = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 3 < 59 )) ++ local char=b ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Numb ++ [[ b = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 4 < 59 )) ++ local char=e ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Numbe ++ [[ e = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 5 < 59 )) ++ local char=r ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Number ++ [[ r = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 6 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='Number ' ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 7 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n Number ]] ++ let start=7-7 +++ echo 'Number ' +++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ++ word='number ' ++ columns='number=0;' ++ word= ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 8 < 59 )) ++ local char=S ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ S = \ ]] ++ word=S ++ [[ S = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 9 < 59 )) ++ local char=t ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=St ++ [[ t = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 10 < 59 )) ++ local char=a ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Sta ++ [[ a = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 11 < 59 )) ++ local char=r ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Star ++ [[ r = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 12 < 59 )) ++ local char=t ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Start ++ [[ t = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 13 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='Start ' ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 14 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n Start ]] ++ let start=14-6 +++ echo 'Start ' +++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ++ word='start ' ++ columns='number=0;start=8;' ++ word= ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 15 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 16 < 59 )) ++ local char=E ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ E = \ ]] ++ word=E ++ [[ E = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 17 < 59 )) ++ local char=n ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=En ++ [[ n = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 18 < 59 )) ++ local char=d ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=End ++ [[ d = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 19 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='End ' ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 20 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n End ]] ++ let start=20-4 +++ echo 'End ' +++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ++ word='end ' ++ columns='number=0;start=8;end=16;' ++ word= ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 21 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 22 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 23 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 24 < 59 )) ++ local char=S ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ S = \ ]] ++ word=S ++ [[ S = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 25 < 59 )) ++ local char=i ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Si ++ [[ i = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 26 < 59 )) ++ local char=z ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Siz ++ [[ z = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 27 < 59 )) ++ local char=e ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Size ++ [[ e = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 28 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='Size ' ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 29 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n Size ]] ++ let start=29-5 +++ echo 'Size ' +++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ++ word='size ' ++ columns='number=0;start=8;end=16;size=24;' ++ word= ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 30 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 31 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 32 < 59 )) ++ local char=T ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ T = \ ]] ++ word=T ++ [[ T = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 33 < 59 )) ++ local char=y ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Ty ++ [[ y = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 34 < 59 )) ++ local char=p ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Typ ++ [[ p = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 35 < 59 )) ++ local char=e ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Type ++ [[ e = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 36 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='Type ' ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 37 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n Type ]] ++ let start=37-5 +++ echo 'Type ' +++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ++ word='type ' ++ columns='number=0;start=8;end=16;size=24;type=32;' ++ word= ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 38 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 39 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 40 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 41 < 59 )) ++ local char=F ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ F = \ ]] ++ word=F ++ [[ F = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 42 < 59 )) ++ local char=i ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Fi ++ [[ i = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 43 < 59 )) ++ local char=l ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Fil ++ [[ l = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 44 < 59 )) ++ local char=e ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=File ++ [[ e = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 45 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='File ' ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 46 < 59 )) ++ local char=s ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ s = \ ]] ++ word='File s' ++ [[ s = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 47 < 59 )) ++ local char=y ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='File sy' ++ [[ y = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 48 < 59 )) ++ local char=s ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='File sys' ++ [[ s = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 49 < 59 )) ++ local char=t ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='File syst' ++ [[ t = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 50 < 59 )) ++ local char=e ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='File syste' ++ [[ e = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 51 < 59 )) ++ local char=m ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='File system' ++ [[ m = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 52 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word='File system ' ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 53 < 59 )) ++ local 'char= ' ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ [[ -n File system ]] ++ let start=53-12 +++ echo 'File system ' +++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ++ word='file system ' ++ columns='number=0;start=8;end=16;size=24;type=32;file system=41;' ++ word= ++ [[ = \ ]] ++ wasspace=yes ++ let i++ ++ (( 54 < 59 )) ++ local char=F ++ [[ -n yes ]] ++ [[ F = \ ]] ++ word=F ++ [[ F = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 55 < 59 )) ++ local char=l ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Fl ++ [[ l = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 56 < 59 )) ++ local char=a ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Fla ++ [[ a = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 57 < 59 )) ++ local char=g ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Flag ++ [[ g = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 58 < 59 )) ++ local char=s ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ word=Flags ++ [[ s = \ ]] ++ wasspace= ++ let i++ ++ (( 59 < 59 )) ++ let start=59-5 +++ echo Flags +++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ++ word=flags ++ columns='number=0;start=8;end=16;size=24;type=32;file system=41;flags=54;' +++ grep -E '^[ ]*[0-9]' /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/parted ++ read line ++ line_length=1 ++ (( 1 < 10 )) ++ line=' 1 32.3kB 16.1GB 16.1GB primary ext3 boot' ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ numberfield=number +++ get_columns ' 1 32.3kB 16.1GB 16.1GB primary ext3 boot' number +++ local 'line= 1 32.3kB 16.1GB 16.1GB primary ext3 boot' +++ shift +++ local headers=number +++ local value= +++ for header in '$headers' ++++ get_column_start number ++++ local pair ++++ set_separator ';' ++++ OIFS=' ' ++++ IFS=';' ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=number ++++ local hstart=0 ++++ [[ number = \n\u\m\b\e\r ]] ++++ echo 0 ++++ restore_separator ++++ IFS=' ' ++++ return 0 +++ tr -d ' ' +++ local start=0 +++ tr -d ';' ++++ get_column_size number +++++ get_column_start number +++++ local pair +++++ set_separator ';' +++++ OIFS=' ' +++++ IFS=';' +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=number +++++ local hstart=0 +++++ [[ number = \n\u\m\b\e\r ]] +++++ echo 0 +++++ restore_separator +++++ IFS=' ' +++++ return 0 ++++ local start=0 +++++ get_next_header number +++++ local pair +++++ local previous +++++ set_separator ';' +++++ OIFS=' ' +++++ IFS=';' +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=number +++++ local hstart=0 +++++ [[ '' = \n\u\m\b\e\r ]] +++++ previous=number +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=start +++++ local hstart=8 +++++ [[ number = \n\u\m\b\e\r ]] +++++ echo start +++++ restore_separator +++++ IFS=' ' +++++ return 0 ++++ local nextheader=start ++++ [[ -z start ]] +++++ get_column_start start +++++ local pair +++++ set_separator ';' +++++ OIFS=' ' +++++ IFS=';' +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=number +++++ local hstart=0 +++++ [[ number = \s\t\a\r\t ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=start +++++ local hstart=8 +++++ [[ start = \s\t\a\r\t ]] +++++ echo 8 +++++ restore_separator +++++ IFS=' ' +++++ return 0 ++++ local end=8 ++++ let local size=8-0 ++++ echo 8 +++ local size=8 +++ value=' 1 ;' +++ echo ' 1 ;' ++ number=1 +++ get_columns ' 1 32.3kB 16.1GB 16.1GB primary ext3 boot' flags +++ local 'line= 1 32.3kB 16.1GB 16.1GB primary ext3 boot' +++ shift +++ local headers=flags +++ local value= +++ for header in '$headers' ++++ get_column_start flags ++++ local pair ++++ set_separator ';' ++++ OIFS=' ' ++++ IFS=';' ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=number ++++ local hstart=0 ++++ [[ number = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=start ++++ local hstart=8 ++++ [[ start = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=end ++++ local hstart=16 ++++ [[ end = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=size ++++ local hstart=24 ++++ [[ size = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=type ++++ local hstart=32 ++++ [[ type = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local 'header=file system' ++++ local hstart=41 ++++ [[ file system = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ for pair in '$columns' ++++ local header=flags ++++ local hstart=54 ++++ [[ flags = \f\l\a\g\s ]] ++++ echo 54 ++++ restore_separator ++++ IFS=' ' ++++ return 0 +++ local start=54 ++++ get_column_size flags +++ tr -d , +++++ get_column_start flags +++++ local pair +++++ set_separator ';' +++++ OIFS=' ' +++++ IFS=';' +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=number +++++ local hstart=0 +++++ [[ number = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=start +++++ local hstart=8 +++++ [[ start = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++ tr -d ';' +++++ local hstart=16 +++++ [[ end = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=size +++++ local hstart=24 +++++ [[ size = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=type +++++ local hstart=32 +++++ [[ type = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local 'header=file system' +++++ local hstart=41 +++++ [[ file system = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=flags +++++ local hstart=54 +++++ [[ flags = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ echo 54 +++++ restore_separator +++++ IFS=' ' +++++ return 0 ++++ local start=54 +++++ get_next_header flags +++++ local pair +++++ local previous +++++ set_separator ';' +++++ OIFS=' ' +++++ IFS=';' +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=number +++++ local hstart=0 +++++ [[ '' = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous=number +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=start +++++ local hstart=8 +++++ [[ number = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous=start +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=end +++++ local hstart=16 +++++ [[ start = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous=end +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=size +++++ local hstart=24 +++++ [[ end = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous=size +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=type +++++ local hstart=32 +++++ [[ size = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous=type +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local 'header=file system' +++++ local hstart=41 +++++ [[ type = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous='file system' +++++ for pair in '$columns' +++++ local header=flags +++++ local hstart=54 +++++ [[ file system = \f\l\a\g\s ]] +++++ previous=flags +++++ restore_separator +++++ IFS=' ' +++++ return 1 ++++ local nextheader= ++++ [[ -z '' ]] ++++ echo 255 ++++ return 0 +++ local size=255 +++ value='boot;' +++ echo 'boot;' ++ flaglist=boot ++ flags= ++ for flag in '$flaglist' ++ [[ boot = boot ]] ++ flags=boot, ++ [[ -z boot, ]] ++ sed -i '/^1 /s/$/ boot/' /tmp/rear.YTLUFaIiVrU3342/tmp/partitions ++ read line ++ [[ msdos = \m\s\d\o\s ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ read partition_nr size start type flags junk ++ partition_name=/dev/sdb1 +++ get_device_name /dev/sdb1 +++ local name=sdb1 +++ name=sdb1 +++ [[ -n sdb1 ]] +++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ local device dev_number mapper_number +++ [[ -d /sys/block/sdb1 ]] +++ [[ sdb1 =~ ^mapper/ ]] ++++ readlink /dev/sdb1 +++ my_dm= +++ name=sdb1 +++ echo /dev/sdb1 +++ return 1 ++ echo 'part /dev/sdb 16105065984 32256 primary boot /dev/sdb1' ++ read partition_nr size start type flags junk + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:59.235169837 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:59.235169837 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:59.249042764 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/210_raid_layout.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:59.262482618 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/210_raid_layout.sh ++ '[' -e /proc/mdstat ']' ++ grep -q blocks /proc/mdstat + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:24:59.316042717 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:24:59.316042717 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:24:59.329410179 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/220_lvm_layout.sh 2017-06-06 11:24:59.341861697 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/220_lvm_layout.sh ++ has_binary lvm ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type lvm ++ return 0 ++ Log 'Saving LVM layout.' ++ test 1 -gt 0 +++ Stamp +++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' ++ echo '2017-06-06 11:24:59.388231792 Saving LVM layout.' 2017-06-06 11:24:59.388231792 Saving LVM layout. ++ lvm pvdisplay -c ++ read line +++ echo /dev/sda2:VolGroup00:209503665:-1:8:8:-1:32768:3196:0:3196:QjYVuF-J7f2-b0ar-8bwZ-ggPf-8iik-mkwGuI +++ cut -d : -f 1 ++ pdev=/dev/sda2 ++ '[' dev/sda2 = /dev/sda2 ']' +++ cut -d : -f 2 +++ echo /dev/sda2:VolGroup00:209503665:-1:8:8:-1:32768:3196:0:3196:QjYVuF-J7f2-b0ar-8bwZ-ggPf-8iik-mkwGuI ++ vgrp=VolGroup00 +++ echo /dev/sda2:VolGroup00:209503665:-1:8:8:-1:32768:3196:0:3196:QjYVuF-J7f2-b0ar-8bwZ-ggPf-8iik-mkwGuI +++ cut -d : -f 3 ++ size=209503665 +++ echo /dev/sda2:VolGroup00:209503665:-1:8:8:-1:32768:3196:0:3196:QjYVuF-J7f2-b0ar-8bwZ-ggPf-8iik-mkwGuI +++ cut -d : -f 12 ++ uuid=QjYVuF-J7f2-b0ar-8bwZ-ggPf-8iik-mkwGuI +++ get_device_mapping /dev/sda2 +++ [[ ! -s /var/lib/rear/recovery/diskbyid_mappings ]] +++ local name=sda2 ++++ grep -w '^sda2' /var/lib/rear/recovery/diskbyid_mappings ++++ awk '{print $2}' +++ local disk_name= +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ echo /dev/sda2 ++ pdev=/dev/sda2 +++ get_device_name /dev/sda2 +++ local name=sda2 +++ name=sda2 +++ [[ -n sda2 ]] +++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name' +++ (( 0 != 0 )) +++ local device dev_number mapper_number +++ [[ -d /sys/block/sda2 ]] +++ [[ sda2 =~ ^mapper/ ]] ++++ readlink /dev/sda2 +++ my_dm= +++ name=sda2 +++ echo /dev/sda2 +++ return 1 ++ echo 'lvmdev /dev/VolGroup00 /dev/sda2 QjYVuF-J7f2-b0ar-8bwZ-ggPf-8iik-mkwGuI 209503665' ++ read line ++ lvm vgdisplay -c ++ read line +++ echo VolGroup00:r/w:772:-1:0:2:2:-1:0:1:1:104726528:32768:3196:3196:0:aVVJrQ-wSuB-yvEK-V63g-6AE3-0dYj-cT1YVo +++ cut -d : -f 1 ++ vgrp=VolGroup00 +++ echo VolGroup00:r/w:772:-1:0:2:2:-1:0:1:1:104726528:32768:3196:3196:0:aVVJrQ-wSuB-yvEK-V63g-6AE3-0dYj-cT1YVo +++ cut -d : -f 12 ++ size=104726528 +++ cut -d : -f 13 +++ echo VolGroup00:r/w:772:-1:0:2:2:-1:0:1:1:104726528:32768:3196:3196:0:aVVJrQ-wSuB-yvEK-V63g-6AE3-0dYj-cT1YVo ++ extentsize=32768 +++ echo VolGroup00:r/w:772:-1:0:2:2:-1:0:1:1:104726528:32768:3196:3196:0:aVVJrQ-wSuB-yvEK-V63g-6AE3-0dYj-cT1YVo +++ cut -d : -f 14 ++ nrextents=3196 ++ echo 'lvmgrp /dev/VolGroup00 32768 3196 104726528' ++ read line ++ lvm lvdisplay -c ++ read line +++ echo /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00:VolGroup00:3:1:-1:1:205389824:3134:-1:0:-1:253:0 +++ cut -d : -f 1 +++ cut -d / -f 4 ++ lvol=LogVol00 +++ echo /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00:VolGroup00:3:1:-1:1:205389824:3134:-1:0:-1:253:0 +++ cut -d : -f 2 ++ vgrp=VolGroup00 +++ echo /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00:VolGroup00:3:1:-1:1:205389824:3134:-1:0:-1:253:0 +++ cut -d : -f 7 ++ size=205389824 +++ echo /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00:VolGroup00:3:1:-1:1:205389824:3134:-1:0:-1:253:0 +++ cut -d : -f 8 ++ extents=3134 ++ echo 'lvmvol /dev/VolGroup00 LogVol00 3134 205389824 ' ++ read line +++ echo /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01:VolGroup00:3:1:-1:1:4063232:62:-1:0:-1:253:1 +++ cut -d : -f 1 +++ cut -d / -f 4 ++ lvol=LogVol01 +++ echo /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01:VolGroup00:3:1:-1:1:4063232:62:-1:0:-1:253:1 +++ cut -d : -f 2 ++ vgrp=VolGroup00 +++ echo /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01:VolGroup00:3:1:-1:1:4063232:62:-1:0:-1:253:1 +++ cut -d : -f 7 ++ size=4063232 +++ cut -d : -f 8 +++ echo /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01:VolGroup00:3:1:-1:1:4063232:62:-1:0:-1:253:1 ++ extents=62 ++ echo 'lvmvol /dev/VolGroup00 LogVol01 62 4063232 ' ++ read line + test 1 + Debug 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 + Log 'Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' + test 1 -gt 0 ++ Stamp ++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' + echo '2017-06-06 11:25:00.164050904 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings).' 2017-06-06 11:25:00.164050904 Leaving debugscripts mode (back to previous bash flags and options settings). + apply_bash_flags_and_options_commands 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' + eval 'set +o xtrace;set +o vi;set +o verbose;set +o privileged;set +o posix;set +o pipefail;set +o physical;set +o onecmd;set +o nounset;set +o notify;set +o nolog;set +o noglob;set +o noexec;set +o noclobber;set +o monitor;set +o keyword;set -o interactive-comments;set +o ignoreeof;set +o history;set +o histexpand;set -o hashall;set +o functrace;set +o errtrace;set +o errexit;set +o emacs;set -o braceexpand;set +o allexport;shopt -u cdable_vars;shopt -u cdspell;shopt -u checkhash;shopt -u checkwinsize;shopt -s cmdhist;shopt -u dotglob;shopt -u execfail;shopt -u expand_aliases;shopt -u extdebug;shopt -s extglob;shopt -s extquote;shopt -u failglob;shopt -s force_fignore;shopt -u gnu_errfmt;shopt -u histappend;shopt -u histreedit;shopt -u histverify;shopt -s hostcomplete;shopt -u huponexit;shopt -s interactive_comments;shopt -u lithist;shopt -u login_shell;shopt -u mailwarn;shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion;shopt -u nocaseglob;shopt -u nocasematch;shopt -s nullglob;shopt -s progcomp;shopt -s promptvars;shopt -u restricted_shell;shopt -u shift_verbose;shopt -s sourcepath;shopt -u xpg_echo;' ++ set +o xtrace 2017-06-06 11:25:00.177541664 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/230_filesystem_layout.sh 2017-06-06 11:25:00.189680158 Entering debugscripts mode via 'set -x'. + source /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/230_filesystem_layout.sh ++ Log 'Begin saving filesystem layout' ++ test 1 -gt 0 +++ Stamp +++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' ++ echo '2017-06-06 11:25:00.263738190 Begin saving filesystem layout' 2017-06-06 11:25:00.263738190 Begin saving filesystem layout ++ has_binary wipefs ++ for bin in '$@' ++ type wipefs ++ return 1 ++ true ++ supported_filesystems=ext2,ext3,ext4,vfat,xfs,reiserfs,btrfs ++ read_filesystems_command='mount -t ext2,ext3,ext4,vfat,xfs,reiserfs,btrfs | cut -d '\'' '\'' -f 1,3,5,6' +++ type -P findmnt ++ findmnt_command= ++ test -x '' ++ Log 'Saving filesystem layout (using the traditional mount command).' ++ test 1 -gt 0 +++ Stamp +++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ' ++ echo '2017-06-06 11:25:00.284178595 Saving filesystem layout (using the traditional mount command).' 2017-06-06 11:25:00.284178595 Saving filesystem layout (using the traditional mount command). ++ read_filesystems_command='mount -t ext2,ext3,ext4,vfat,xfs,reiserfs,btrfs | cut -d '\'' '\'' -f 1,3,5,6 | sort -t '\'' '\'' -k 1,1 -u' ++ echo '# Filesystems (only ext2,ext3,ext4,vfat,xfs,reiserfs,btrfs are supported).' ++ echo '# Format: fs [uuid=] [label=