When do you work best? What time of day do you get the most stuff done? When is your, personal, biological prime time?
Productivity Tracker will help you figure that out! Simply enter in how productive you feel for less than a week and Productivity Tracker will tell you the best times for you to get stuff done. With it's simplistic user interface, and quick load times, Productivity Tracker will let you track your information and get back to your day in record time. Perfect for anyone who is curious when their biological prime time is!
Inspired by this video from College Info Geek's Thomas Frank: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW2F4dOCC3U
iOS - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/productivity-tracker-when-do-you-work-best/id1131092891?ls=1&mt=8
Blog Articles - http://blog.rebeccaansems.com/post/147215289708/productivity-tracker-when-do-you-work-best