Rich-Text is text that supports formatting. Different graphic styles can be applied to text or to segments of text.
The Rich-Text API has three different levels, from simplest to most optimized:
Using RTD (from VID, or when manually constructing the face).
A low-level rich styling dialect for one text string (for fast performance).
Multiple rich text paragraphs in a single face (for complex layouts).
nested: [ahead block! into rtd]
color: [
s: tuple! (v: s/1) ;-- color as R.G.B tuple
| issue! (v: hex-to-rgb s/1) ;-- color as #rgb or #rrggbb hex value
| word! if (tuple? attempt [v: get s/1])
f-args: [
ahead block! into [integer! string! | string! integer!]
| integer!
| string!
style!: make typeset! [word! tag! tuple! path!]
style: [ahead style! [
['b | 'bold | <b>] (push 'b) [nested | rtd [/b | /bold | </b>]] (pop 'b)
| ['i | 'italic | <i>] (push 'i) [nested | rtd [/i | /italic | </i>]] (pop 'i)
| ['u | 'underline | <u>] (push 'u) [nested | rtd [/u | /underline | </u>]] (pop 'u)
| ['s | 'strike | <s>] (push 's) [nested | rtd [/s | /strike | </s>]] (pop 's)
| ['f | 'font | <font>]
s: f-args (push either block? s/1 [head insert copy s/1 'f][reduce ['f s/1]])
[nested | rtd [/f | /font | </font>]]
(pop 'f)
| ['bg | <bg>] color (push reduce ['bg v]) [nested | rtd [/bg | </bg>]] (pop 'bg)
| color (push-color v) opt [nested (pop-color)]
| ahead path!
into [
(col: 0 insert/only mark tail stack) some [ ;@@ implement any-single
(v: none)
s: ['b | 'i | 'u | 's | word! if (tuple? attempt [v: get s/1])]
(either v [col: col + 1 push-color v][push s/1])
](insert cols col)
nested (pop-all take mark)
rtd: [some [pos: style | s: [string! | char!] (append text s/1 s-idx: tail-idx?)]]
The path syntax allows to combine several styles together to be applied on the block following the path. Mixed usage of delimiters and blocks for different styles is allowed. |
RTD input is processed by a specific rtd-layout
function that will return a single-box rich-text face, where the RTD code will be compiled to a single text string (stored in /text facet) and a low-level styling description (stored in /data facet).
The full specification of the function is:
rtd-layout func [
"Returns a rich-text face from a RTD source code"
spec [block!] "RTD source code"
/only "Returns only [text data] facets"
/with "Populate an existing face object"
face [object!] "Face object to populate"
return: [object! block!]
rt: rtd-layout [<i> <b> "Hello" </b> <font> 24 red " Red " </font> blue "World!" </i>]
view [rich-text with [text: rt/text data: rt/data]]
RTD may be directly provided in VID for the rich-text data
view compose [rich-text 200x100 data [i b "Hello" /b font 24 red " Red " /font blue "World!" /i]]
view compose [rich-text 200x100 data [i [b ["Hello"] red font 24 [" Red "] blue "World!"]]]
view compose [rich-text 200x100 data [i/b/u/red ["Hello" font 32 " Red " /font blue "World!"]]]
view compose [rich-text 200x100 data [i/blue ["Hello " b/u/red [font [32 "Arial"] "Red " /font] "World!"]]]
This dialect describes a list of styles to be applied on the string referred by /text facet in a rich-text face. The purpose of this dialect is to provide a solution for dynamic changes and info querying that performs as fast as possible. This also maps well with the underlying hardware-accelerated APIs (it relies on Direct2D on Windows).
The dialect grammar is a simple list of text segments (defined using a starting position and a length combined in a pair! value) followed by a list of styles. So, the typical structure is:
<range1> style1 style2 ... ;-- range1: start1 x length1
<range2> style1 style2 ... ;-- range2: start2 x length2
Styles can overlap, and later styles have higher priority (cascading styles).
The following styles are supported:
tuple! ;-- text color
| backdrop tuple! ;-- background color
| bold ;-- bold font
| italic
| underline tuple! (color) lit-word! ('dash, 'double, 'triple) ;@@ color and type are not supported yet
| strike tuple! (color) lit-word! ('wave, 'double) ;@@ color and type are not supported yet
| border tuple! (color) lit-word! ('dash, 'wave) ;@@ not implemented
| integer! ;-- new font size
| string! ;-- new font name
Text’s color should not follow immediately after |
A new native rich-text face type supports rich text features with underlying hardware-acceleration. The face has two modes for displaying rich text.
The whole face area is used for displaying the rich text, starting at upper left corner, using the following specific facets:
/data (block!): a block of low-level styling dialect instructions to be applied on text facet.
/text (string!): a text string to be displayed using the /data facet styles description.
Draw facet can still be used and it will be rendered on top of the rich text display.
view [
rich-text with [
text: "Hello Red World!"
data: [1x17 0.0.255 italic 7x3 255.0.0 bold 24 underline]
view [
rich-text "Hello Red World!"
with [data: [1x17 0.0.255 italic 7x3 255.0.0 bold 24 underline]]
In this mode, an arbitrary number of rich text areas can be displayed inside the same rich-text face. In order to achieve that, each rich text area is specified using the text keyword in Draw dialect.
Specific facets:
/draw (block!): a block of text instructions, eventually mixed with regular Draw instructions.
/text (none!): this facet must be set to none in order to enable this mode.
Draw extension
text <pos> <text>
<pos> : a pair! value indicating the upper left corner of the text-box.
<text> : a string, or a rich-text face object with a rich-text description in single-box
view compose/deep [
rich-text 200x200 draw [
text 10x10 (rt1: rtd-layout ["Some^/" b "text^/" /b "here"] rt1/size: 50x80 rt1)
text 100x90 (rt2: rtd-layout [red "Other^/" b "text^/" /b "there"] rt1/size: 50x80 rt2)
pen gold box 90x80 160x180
The following functions are provided to query information about the content of a rich-text face. These functions can be used to easily implement:
cursor navigation
hit testing
From the default context system/words
caret-to-offset: function [
"Given a text position, returns the corresponding coordinate relative to the top-left of the layout box"
face [object!]
pos [integer!]
return: [pair!]
offset-to-caret: function [
"Given a coordinate, returns the corresponding text position"
face [object!]
pt [pair!]
return: [integer!]
size-text: function [
"Returns the area size of the text in a face"
face [object!]
/with ;-- unused for rich-text
text [string!]
return: [pair! none!]
From the rich-text context:
rich-text/line-height?: function [
"Given a text position, returns the corresponding line's height"
face [object!]
pos [integer!]
return: [integer!]
rich-text/line-count?: function [
"number of lines (> 1 if line wrapped)"
face [object!]
return: [integer!]
view [
rich-text data [font 16 "Select some text with your mouse" /font]
on-down [
bkg: reduce [ ; Background for selected text
as-pair caret: offset-to-caret face event/offset 0
'backdrop sky
either 2 = length? face/data [ ; On first selection
pos: tail face/data
append face/data bkg
][ ; Changing starting pos on subsequent selections
change pos bkg/1
] all-over
on-over [
if event/down? [ ; On dragging change only length
pos/1/2: (offset-to-caret face event/offset) - caret
view compose/deep [
rich-text draw [
text 10x10 (rt: rtd-layout [i/blue ["Hello " red/b [font 24 "Red " /font] "World!"]])
line-width 5 pen gold
line ; Let's draw line under words using a pair of above helper functions
(as-pair 10 h: 10 + rich-text/line-height? rt 1) ; Starting-point y -> 10 + line-height
(as-pair 10 + pick size-text rt 1 h) ; End-point x -> 10 + length-of-text-size