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Create tuple.reds
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New file. Direct copy of pair.reds
Added myself as author and changed all occurrences of the word pair to tuple.
Needs some work on red-tuple! type.
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iArnold committed Jan 20, 2014
1 parent ce40938 commit b2e777a
Showing 1 changed file with 315 additions and 0 deletions.
315 changes: 315 additions & 0 deletions runtime/datatypes/tuple.reds
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
Red/System [
Title: "Tuple! datatype runtime functions"
Author: "Nenad Rakocevic, Arnold van Hofwegen"
File: %tuple.reds
Tabs: 4
Rights: "Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Nenad Rakocevic. All rights reserved."
License: {
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.

; COPY of pair.reds all 'pair' replaced by 'tuple'
; type [red-tuple!] is probably not known at this time

tuple: context [
verbose: 0

do-math: func [
type [integer!]
return: [red-tuple!]
left [red-tuple!]
right [red-tuple!]
int [red-integer!]
x [integer!]
y [integer!]
z [integer!]
left: as red-tuple! stack/arguments
right: left + 1

assert TYPE_OF(left) = TYPE_TUPLE
assert any [

switch TYPE_OF(right) [
x: right/x
y: right/y
int: as red-integer! right
x: int/value
y: x
default [
print-line "*** Math Error: unsupported right operand for tuple operation"

switch type [
OP_ADD [left/x: left/x + x left/y: left/y + y]
OP_SUB [left/x: left/x - x left/y: left/y - y]
OP_MUL [left/x: left/x * x left/y: left/y * y]
OP_DIV [left/x: left/x / x left/y: left/y / y]

load-in: func [
blk [red-block!]
x [integer!]
y [integer!]
tuple [red-tuple!]
#if debug? = yes [if verbose > 0 [print-line "tuple/load-in"]]

tuple: as red-tuple! ALLOC_TAIL(blk)
tuple/header: TYPE_TUPLE
tuple/x: x
tuple/y: y

push: func [
value [integer!]
value2 [integer!]
return: [red-tuple!]
tuple [red-tuple!]
#if debug? = yes [if verbose > 0 [print-line "tuple/push"]]

tuple: as red-tuple! stack/push*
tuple/header: TYPE_TUPLE
tuple/x: value
tuple/y: value2

;-- Actions --

make: func [
proto [red-value!]
spec [red-value!]
return: [red-integer!]
#if debug? = yes [if verbose > 0 [print-line "tuple/make"]]

switch TYPE_OF(spec) [
as red-integer! spec
default [
as red-integer! spec ;@@ just for making it compilable

form: func [
tuple [red-tuple!]
buffer [red-string!]
arg [red-value!]
part [integer!]
return: [integer!]
formed [c-string!]
#if debug? = yes [if verbose > 0 [print-line "tuple/form"]]

formed: integer/form-signed tuple/x
string/concatenate-literal buffer formed
part: part - length? formed ;@@ optimize by removing length?

string/append-char GET_BUFFER(buffer) as-integer #"x"

formed: integer/form-signed tuple/y
string/concatenate-literal buffer formed
part - 1 - length? formed ;@@ optimize by removing length?

mold: func [
tuple [red-tuple!]
buffer [red-string!]
only? [logic!]
all? [logic!]
flat? [logic!]
arg [red-value!]
part [integer!]
indent [integer!]
return: [integer!]
#if debug? = yes [if verbose > 0 [print-line "tuple/mold"]]

form tuple buffer arg part

eval-path: func [
parent [red-tuple!] ;-- implicit type casting
element [red-value!]
set? [logic!]
return: [red-value!]
int [red-integer!]
w [red-word!]
value [integer!]
switch TYPE_OF(element) [
int: as red-integer! element
value: int/value
if all [value <> 1 value <> 2][
print-line ["*** Path Error: tuple! does not support accessor:" value]
w: as red-word! element
value: symbol/resolve w/symbol
if all [value <> words/x value <> words/y][
print-line "*** Path Error: tuple! does not support accessor:"
value: either value = words/x [1][2]
default [
print-line "*** Path Error: unsupported tuple! access path"
either set? [
int: as red-integer! stack/push*
either value = 1 [parent/x: int/value][parent/y: int/value]
as red-value! int
integer/push either value = 1 [parent/x][parent/y]

compare: func [
left [red-tuple!] ;-- first operand
right [red-tuple!] ;-- second operand
op [integer!] ;-- type of comparison
return: [logic!]
res [logic!]
#if debug? = yes [if verbose > 0 [print-line "tuple/compare"]]

switch op [
COMP_EQUAL [res: all [left/x = right/x left/y = right/y]]
COMP_NOT_EQUAL [res: any [left/x <> right/x left/y <> right/y]]
COMP_STRICT_EQUAL [res: all [left/x = right/x left/y = right/y]]
COMP_LESSER [res: all [left/x < right/x left/y < right/y]]
COMP_LESSER_EQUAL [res: all [left/x <= right/x left/y <= right/y]]
COMP_GREATER [res: all [left/x > right/x left/y > right/y]]
COMP_GREATER_EQUAL [res: all [left/x >= right/x left/y >= right/y]]

add: func [return: [red-value!]][
#if debug? = yes [if verbose > 0 [print-line "tuple/add"]]
as red-value! do-math OP_ADD

divide: func [return: [red-value!]][
#if debug? = yes [if verbose > 0 [print-line "tuple/divide"]]
as red-value! do-math OP_DIV

multiply: func [return: [red-value!]][
#if debug? = yes [if verbose > 0 [print-line "tuple/multiply"]]
as red-value! do-math OP_MUL

subtract: func [return: [red-value!]][
#if debug? = yes [if verbose > 0 [print-line "tuple/subtract"]]
as red-value! do-math OP_SUB

negate: func [
return: [red-integer!]
int [red-integer!]
int: as red-integer! stack/arguments
int/value: 0 - int/value
int ;-- re-use argument slot for return value

init: does [
datatype/register [
;-- General actions --
null ;random
null ;reflect
null ;to
null ;set-path
;-- Scalar actions --
null ;absolute
null ;power
null ;remainder
null ;round
null ;even?
null ;odd?
;-- Bitwise actions --
null ;and~
null ;complement
null ;or~
null ;xor~
;-- Series actions --
null ;append
null ;at
null ;back
null ;change
null ;clear
null ;copy
null ;find
null ;head
null ;head?
null ;index?
null ;insert
null ;length?
null ;next
null ;pick
null ;poke
null ;remove
null ;reverse
null ;select
null ;sort
null ;skip
null ;swap
null ;tail
null ;tail?
null ;take
null ;trim
;-- I/O actions --
null ;create
null ;close
null ;delete
null ;modify
null ;open
null ;open?
null ;query
null ;read
null ;rename
null ;update
null ;write

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